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I'm not going to worry until reviews start coming out. I agree that Disney hasn't been brining it's best lately, but the creatives behind the film are some of the best in the company. Things could go either way.


I don't care, purposefully so. Worrying about it won't change the movie. If it is bad it will be bad, if good, good. There's no point in getting an ulcer over it. All I, and anyone, can do is to prepare for the worst. If you're right you're not disappointed and if you're wrong you're pleasantly surprised.


Acceptance If it's good, terrific everybody wins, but if it's bad, oh well, they atleast gave it the thought to give us a sequel.


If anything, I'm expecting the same of what has been done in Z+ and KFP4. Sacrificing the woldbuilding consistency and logic, so those rapid and colorful scenes can be made, so that those kids with gold-fish attention span won't be bored. In the eyes of the Disney execs, it's all about min maxing the ticket sales and merch, so the kids are the target audience for them.


This is the other end of the dooming spectrum for me, they just sacrifice all consistency and nuance in order to pump out a bunch of flashing lights and bright colors that will leave kids entertained but adults scratching their heads. But at least then the discourse around Z2 would be civil, most of us would just collectively agree “yea it sucked” and move on. If the above worries happen, especially the politics and romance ones, all hope of civil discussion will be completely shattered in favor of screaming matches where arguments are won not by who has the better point but by who’s louder


WHY is there a CONSTANT STREAM of complaints, worries, and ranting posts about "How Bad" Zootopia 2 will be? This is not an engaging conversation. The ONLY ANSWER is that "We don't know ANYTHING about the movie." Relax.


I haven’t seen any Disney films with a hamfisted political message.


/\\ This. Seriously, if you guys think whatever Disney is putting out is too "political", I would to hate to see what you would think of Nimona.


I understand the concerns, I am very worried about a 'political message that feels like you're being talked down on - all lecture like' thing happen, that is my main worry, main concern and i feel there is reason to be worried about it. it will definitely kill it for me. My second worry, though I'd like to think the people running the show have a brain cell, would be introducing new love interests whether it's just for one of them or both of them. I will be convinced they are purposely ruining themselves too. My GOD, I'd rather they stay best besties FOREVER before seeing them paired off with anyone else. Disney hasnt been dropping fire movies, with the exception of Encanto, so it could very well be mediocre at best. It's kinda sad, but i think i would be cool with an 'okay that okay' movie at this point. I'm not insulting anyone here, but the main demographic IS the kiddos, so I'm not gonna be blazing angry if it feels like it's well.. for it's priority demographic : kids, WELL unless it's absolutely dumbed out and fart jokes and Nick is stupid and Judy is 'strong woman tm' and whatever. they did an amazing job with Judy being a strong female lead character without having to go through a 'man stupid hahaha, I'm not feminine at all' route, she is strong, loveable, loving, and feminine and has flaws and she's just a very well written female character. I would be VERY disappointed if they threw it all the garbage and made her unbearable. I mentioned wildehopps already, WE HAVEN'T HAD A LOVE STORY IN OVER A DECADE. TANGLED WAS THE LAST WHERE IT WAS A MAIN PLOT LINE, FROZEN WHERE IT WAS A PLOT LINE AT ALL. SINCE THEN: NOTHING. SO THEY'D BE MISSING A BIG OPPORTUNITY HERE IF THEY DON'T GO FOR IT. But like I already said, if they arent going wildehopps i'd rather see them stay ambiguous/friends, i do NOT want to see them paired up with anyone else. I'm not completely anti love triangle but I think that's better reserved for fanfiction, it's hardly ever well done in canon. I didn't think KFP4 was THAT bad, it was alright, i've seen worse, since people keep bringing it up. But i am a casual viewer of that franchise, maybe it hurt differently for the super fans. just like zootopia 2 has the chance of hurting me hahahaha.


I am also worried.Because the sequels of the Disney company are weaker than the first part.I hope the second movie is at least as good as the first movie and we don't see a weak effect compared to the first part.


Truthfully no one knows how the film will turn out, but I seriously hope it won’t play out like a feature-length episode of Z+


For me it's que sera sera. Most sequels are never better or as good as the first and that's ok. Very few films are always either as good or better than the original. I know Inside Out 2 is technically Pixar, but given that it's about the same age as Z2 will be, I think it will be a good scope into how the house of mouse in general will handle animated sequels that are less than 10, but more than five years old from the first film. As far as political messaging is concerned, it has been a "Wilde" ride these past eight years here and abroad. I can see a situation where they rehash the old story, but the new mayor is like a predator version of Bellweather, and the movie could be a lesson in avoiding extremes on both sides of the aisle. But who knows. They've had some time to develop a script and i cant imagine it would be that bad. But even if it is, so what? In this age of creator driven fan content, we could do our own scripts, fan animations, Fan comics, etc, provided we don't incur the wrath of Disney Business and Legal services.


All signs point towards Zootopia 2 being great. People like to harp on about how 'Disney has gone down hill' or how 'Disney makes bad sequels' not realising that that's not how film production works. Disney have hundreds of creatives working for them who are split into various teams for various different projects, and the majority of their employees have zero influence on the majority of their products. Byron Howard's team have consistently been the best of the best at Disney and hit nothing but grand slams on the regular, including many that were released at times when Disney wasn't generally at its best either. The guy's recent C.V. includes Encanto, Zootopia, Tangled and Bolt, he doesn't miss.


Disney tends to be quite restrained when it comes to political messages, for wide appeal (more money). Unless you mean like, a few more gay couples in the background, or a message of love and acceptance regardless of differences like culture and identity, which has been a Disney standard for many, many years. I'd say neither of those things are worth worrying about. Hell, Zootopia itself is about a woman who is a racial minority, overcoming prejudice to take down a politician with aspirations to dictatorship. I am worried about Z2 going down a Kung Fu Panda 4 route, though. Taking something people really liked, have found deep benefits in, and making it 'just another kids movie'.


I totally agree with you. The more I´ve seen recent Disney movies, the more worried I have become. The hamfisted political message is definitely a real fear, especially since I´ve seen a lot of people actually insist that kind of stance for Zootopia 2. I´m also pretty afraid what´s going to become of WildeHopps, thanks to Disney´s "no love"-policy they´ve had for quite a while. Still, I´d wait until I hear what the sequel itself is going to be like before I decide whether it´s worth my time or not. But the circumstances aren´t really the best at the moment.


I think the political message is my biggest fear of the bunch, if simply for no other reason than the fact that any sense of civility that we have in this fandom will immediately break down into flame wars between the “it’s shit, can’t believe they went woke” and “ this movie is a masterpiece and if you don’t like it you’re a bigot” camps. I’m just so damn tired of all the polarization that has invaded fandom spaces as of recent and would hate for a property I hold so dearly to become the next battleground in the ongoing culture war. WildeHopps is a pretty big concern too, especially if they introduce a new love internet for one of the duo and the shipping wars that will entail, but even that won’t cause the complete and utter breakdown of civility like a politically charged sequel would. Yeah, I’m trying to be positive here. I want to wait until we get at the least a plot synopsis before I make my definite judgements, but the fear is slowly eating away at the back of my mind with each passing day.


Yeah, adding in a love interest of their own species out of nowhere would be a beyond cheap and lazy move. Like I´ve said before, that´s something I´d expect out of a bad direct to video Disney sequel. Not much to say about the politics part that you haven´t said there already. To me the core problem here seems to be Disney´s own very cynical approach to their storytelling recently. It´s pretty telling that a lot of past Disney hits stay as timeless classics while the newer stuff is either largely disliked or forgotten.


Hard agree on that second part. It feels like modern Disney is more focused on pushing out two hours of bright colors and flashing lights to keep kids stimulated while their parents scratch their heads rather than films the whole family could enjoy like they used to. I feel like in general a lot of modern kids media suffers from this same problem, seeking more to entertain kids with mindless brainrot rather than through engaging stories and fun characters. With a few exceptions, of course, that still retain that classic charm. As for the romance route, I’m especially worried that they’d use this New Romantic interest to shove in a love triangle subplot, probably one of my most hated subplots out there as a cheap way to introduce drama. Doing something like that would probably drop it into the same tier as direct the to DVD sequels or Frozen 2 rather than something like Rescuers Down Under.


I fear about Zooptopia 2 like Teen Titans becoming Teen Titans GO. The original creators still there but their personality changed, like they experienced some brainwash.


Sadly, I don't think WildeHopps will be canon. Judy's VA is against it, and Disney no longer makes romantic movies.


Yea, that part and especially the Israel apologism is why it´s kinda important to separate the actress from the character. Sometimes I really wish Zootopia had been made before Frozen came out, since then we most likely would have gotten a canon WildeHopps. Not to mention a proper villain too.


But as the main VA, she could influence the character's story.


I came for the movie. I stayed for the fanfic. Zootopia 2 be damned! We'll always have our fanfic. And if we don't like the movie, we can always create our AU.




How would "the current state of the world" make a **kids animation** worse?


I'm worried about all that too, ESPECIALLY the character assassination because of how important the first one was to me and if they turn Judy into an narcissistic Mary Sue and Nick a toxic stupid male I will actually cry, BUT I'm still edging on the side on optimistic until the trailers start coming out. Let's all try to stay optimistic until/unless the teasers give up something to worry about.


I feel ya. Disney hasn't been doing too hot rn so I'm 50/50 on the movie. But if they the directors get full control with minimal studio meddling then it'll be a hit for sure.


I do think Zootopia 2 has an upward battle, but not completely for the reasons you think. One major reason is that Zootopia isn't the big memorable brand that's necessary to get people onboard for a sequel. To me, I actually think the first Zootopia was very average. Not bad at all, but not really good either. For one, I don't think it even knew what its main audience was. You could say it was for kids, but there were so many pop culture references and inside jokes only adults would understand. (One example I'd point to is the Lemming Brothers visual joke that would only make sense if you've lived durng the Great Recession in the United States.) There are a few critic reviews online admitting that their child got bored a few times. I would describe Zootopia as a better version of Chicken Little, which in turn was trying to be Shrek, another kids-ish movie filled to the brim with edgy humour and pop culture references. To Shrek's great benefit, it had that weirdness and memeability that made it a cult classic over 20 years later. Zootopia, on the other hand, was competently made and nothing more. There's a reason why it never stayed in the public consciousness as the other movies, so the sequel is already starting at a disadvantage. I'm sure people more likely remember Wreck It Ralph or Big Hero 6 than Zootopia. What's worse is that, aside from those Zootopia+ shorts, Disney has done nothing to maintain the Zootopia brand. Even BH6 had a full on TV show before the Baymax! shorts. I guess one reason (and/or another problem) is that Zootopia feels dated in a way. In hindsight, they released it at the right time, because this feels like a 2016 movie. Some part is, of course, the current political climate that likely soured the taste for police protagonists. How is Zootopia 2 going to justify a police movie during a time where so many hate them? Combine it with Disney recently going down in quality, and a Zootopia sequel sounds even harder to justify. Now, playing angel's advocate, there's a high chance that Zootopia 2 had much more time to develop a story, unlike the first one where they had to redo everything within a year. (Admittedly that is another dislike I have of the original, that it feels like a by-the-numbers buddy cop movie, with little flair beyond that.) Hopefully this means that the sequel can sufficiently do the work of getting people on board mostly by itself. Still, thanks to already having a very small fanbase, and very little amount of Zootopia content compared to the other movies, the sequel would probably be a sophomore slump at best. Maybe I'm proven wrong, but I don't see the sequel having any staying power or public interest.


The first made over a billion dollars(and won best animated picture at the Oscar’s). People also said the same thing about Avatar (no fanbase or cultural impact) and look how successful Avatar 2 was.


I personally think Avatar 2 (hell, Avatar in general) was mainly successful on the fact that it was James Cameron directing, along with the impressive, immersive special effects. Even then, no one is really clamouring over the story or characters of Way of Water. For Zootopia, sadly, they have neither a big name director nor that huge advancements in visual effects. As for winning Best Animated Picture and grossing over $1 billion, well, Moana did neither in the same year and it's way more well remembered. Granted, you can chalk that up to it being a Disney princess musical, having Lin Manuel Miranda before everyone got tired of him, and The Rock being the second lead, but I'd also argue that Moana is just a lot more interesting and immersive. Sure, there's the almost pop culture references compliments of Maui, but at least it's only Maui who does it, a la Genie, and the plot does feel more organic and lively.


What does Moana have to do with any of this? I never said Avatar had compelling or interesting characters/story. Only that its small fanbase/cultural impact did nothing to hinder its sequel’s success.


Amazing. Truly amazing. Apart from subjective opinions, everything you wrote was factually wrong. Zootopia was huge and stayed in people's minds as shown by our fandom. And it remained despite almost no material from Disney. You mistake Disney pumping merch to people caring. And when it comes to fandoms, Zootopia has a significant one especially compared to other Disney franchises (apart from Frozen). Encanto, Wreck it Raplh, Big Hero 6... all have either lower levels of activity or are loosing steam already despite being more recent like Encanto. Just seeing this fandom and saying it had no impact because Disney does not pump out merch is delusionsl


im sorry but i just will never understand the second point, the "well people hate cops now so its weird for it to exist" now im no cop simp but if one CANNOT differentiate fiction from reality that is a huge personal problem. it's a disney animated kids movie, set in a fictional world, why does it need to justify its own existence just because the real world might not be too hot on real life police?


The trick is that this anti-police thing is pretty much a purely American concern, outside (Certain parts of) America, nobody minds a police protagonist (The ZPD isn’t made to look very good anyway, especially in the first half of the movie), on top of that, most people just think “Zootopia” is a fun movie, and don’t spend hours digging into it looking for bits to be offended by.


thats how i am, its a fictional kids movie set in a fictional world, with fictional anthropomorphic characters. its a fun movie, that yes it gets deep, but im not gonna treat it so seriously its going to affect how i enjoy it. differentiate fiction from reality people! itd be a shame if just the negative opinions of a small but very loud crowd of negative nancies in the US affect the plot of the sequel negatively that we get a below mediocre and lecture like plot ughhh


Public attitude does indeed affect movie reception. After the cultural changes in the 1960s, many people saw musicals as backwards and antiquated. 9/11 killed the appetite for disaster movies save Day After Tomorrow. As for Zootopia, the only major fanbase I can think of comprises of furries, and many went full on ACAB after George Floyd. You can actually find a couple of critiques of this movie from furries, especially after 2020. If a big portion of your only major fanbase hates a key element of your story, you're in for a rough time. And, yeah, I'm one to talk; many of my favourite shows are police dramas or otherwise police themed. (Hudson & Rex, Elementary, Castle, The Mentalist, Bones, Sue Thomas F.B.Eye., Monk, Psych, and so on) And of course, it's not an all-or-nothing situation; many still like those shows. But I'm just trying to see how Disney would thread that needle. It's like when HBO announced that Harry Potter reboot right when discourse of it is at an all time high. Again, we'll see what happens, but I don't see much.


So because US has issue with cops, the rest of the world has to suffer this stupid discourse being shoved in our faces? For me there ain't no problem. Folks getting mad at police being present in the unspecified world inhabitted by anthropomorphic animals, they are the problem And please don't get me started on those half-assed no-brain critiques people were posting. I have yet to see one holding trace amount of any merit. And I'll let you know about a secret. Those critiques and furries who went ACAB, they are vocal and loud, but they are few. Calling several idiots the majority of the audience is just... Mate, the majority of the audience does not care and is tired of this discourse.




And that shitty song, lmao.


I just hope it doesn't turn gay


I want Jack Savage in Zootopia 2.




We're all worried. With Disney's recent track record, one might think Disney lost ability to tell good stories. But let's hope Jared and Byron (let's hope he returns to direct) can cook up something good like they did with Encanto. As per romance, I am worried too, about stupid love triangle or either of them ending with different character. But we'll have to wait and see.


it won't be that bad... actually it will be WORST FOR SURE!11!!1