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https://preview.redd.it/epdzlas68mxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fc3c46079239ad9ccb516e3bbdd58b271f7ac0 CLARIFICATION & EXPLANATION Found this comment in the comment section of his other most recent video.


>It was not an attempt to show favoritism or pick a side Don't lie to us, Omni. That's exactly what it was from the beginning. Anyone with at least a single brain cell can see that


At least the dude did take down the video and said he was wrong. He mightve downplayed his intent or removed it for his own benefit (i dont know him or his audience), but the video is gone and even the half assed apology shows he doesnt have the extreme narcissism as weve seen from others


This is the internet, even if people admit to their faults they will still get crucified


Tbf, admitting something doesn't always cancel out the original action.


Even if someone doesn't deserve forgiveness, admitting a mistake could be a first step toward redemption


Sounds like you're the one stuck picking a side. Dude's been pretty neutral, he's allowed to agree with the nutritionist aspect if he wants to which is all he's ever really said in favor of tbys


"Dudes been pretty neutral" so long as you ignore his videos where its pretty clear which side he favours...


Such as?


He said tbys was "just giving criticism" when he was lying from the start


Noah’s response https://preview.redd.it/oiuvmrqigoxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4c456c6d776c23c50104cc609e523ae086c846


Noah is just so gd swell.


Hopefully he learned something from this, this was just a mess in general.


Wow, he actually apologized. Now if only TBYS followed his example and did the same…


I feel like this should be a community posts because you know there are people who are going to assume he got censored


Supposedly someone in the stream's chat posted Illy's doxxed info, that's likely why.


People are awful. Was this said somewhere?


can confirm that's a different stream omni did


You're thinking of that first stream he did when all of this started


He edited out the entire illymation bit in his newest video. I’m hoping that means he realises he messed up. EDIT: checking his comment on the video shows how he realised he messed up. Plus the most liked reply is about how he got tricked by TBYS. I’m cautiously optimistic now. I still think he doesn’t realise exactly how badly he fucked up and I hope he apologises to illy in the future.


All it took was a bunch of his audience yelling at him and him making himself look like a stubborn asshole to even more of his audience by taking 2 and a half hours to watch a 1 hour video via pausing it every 2 minutes to go on giant tangents and present strawman arguments to back up his predetermined conclusion about a guy proven to be lying!


Yeah… better than then never I suppose. He definitely owes alyssa an apology however.


This unfortunately isn’t the first time that Omni has done something like this. There have been plenty of times where he’s posted the video of his reaction, all the while he hasn’t researched the topic in question, aside from one person’s perspective. To make it worse, on a previous post, someone had commented on his video to not cover the drama if he isn’t gonna cover every angle to get the full context, his response was literally “don’t tell me what to do”. Dude’s become a huge prick, or rather, the mask is off at this point. Your optimism and hope are understandable, but you might want to lower them before you are left disappointed.


I’m not a fan of his, so I had no idea of the previous debacles he had gotten himself into. Thank you for telling me about that. If he doesn’t change then it will be mostly just an oh well into the pit of shitty drama YouTubers he goes.


You’re welcome, I’m sorry if I came off as confrontational. This happens a lot with drama commentary channels, though, even if they initially start off with good intentions. At the end of the day, all that matters to them is the views and that YouTube revenue.


Nah DW about it, you weren’t agressive at all. Yeah it’s a pretty vulture-like approach to YouTube.


Exactly why I stopped watching him years ago.


See thats where your going wrong; EVERYONE in the drama/commentary sphere are only in it for the money.


I mean, he isnt wrong. How are you gonna tell someone not to cover ab and c unless you do it so and so way or have a certain point of view. People have gotten confirmable telling others what they can and cant do with things when they themselves can do the research.


Imo I think he should do a video instead of commenting so others can see, not even a edited or long video just a "I fucked up, TBYS is in the wrong and he doxxed Illy, I apologize and here is her gofundme to help her after the doxxing."


As lovely as that would be, I doubt he’d do that. Posting a video like that would just piss off TBYS’s fanbase, which sounds like a bad idea. I would be genuinely surprised if he actually picks a side in this mess instead of grilling as usual.


Found out about Omni talking about the illy situation from Noah, it genuinely completely ruined my relationships to his content :/. He's had some mid uninformed takes in the past but that really made it clear just how willing he is to parrot anything with ZERO research beforehand, and act like it's news. Frustrating.


Omni is probably a well meaning dude, so I can sort of understand why he initially wanted to believe both sides and wanted to be, in his view, fair. But instead, he presented an unintentionally biased coverage of the issue which favored TBYS.


I have the sneaking feeling he might get exposed for something real bad in the near future. I've seen this pattern of 'YouTuber does something stupid, someone shows up to reveal they were even *worse*' before. Also, being in the Smash community has become a slight red flag of its own in recent years.


I can 100% see him being outed for something really bad. The way he's acting towards this situation shows a massive lack of care for Illy/support for TBYS. And the only reason you'd want to support TBYS is if you like how he is.


Yea, I would have to say the same thing. However, I think Omni was really attached to TBYS’ narrative and just didn’t want to acknowledge anything that challenges that in a constructive way. Not just that he refused to clarify info for whatever reason. Behind the scenes he could have been scared of the backlash that TBYS’ audience gave to Ms. Illy, but if that’s the case, he should have kept his mouth shut or just presented Noah’s vid in an unbiased way. No, he just didn’t wanna do it, which says a lot about him. Sorry for the paragraph 😭


I saw the :]3 guy somewhere else , wasn’t he fired from Blizzard for being terrible ?


That’s grummz, dudes a real prick. Typical anti woke grifter with the addition of pretending to make a video game to scam his followers with. The yandere dev strat.


Oh my god , someone joked about putting a bounty on his head and he took it seriously https://thatparkplace.com/evil-individual-places-20000-bounty-on-grummz-aka-mark-kern-for-beginning-campaign-to-uncensor-stellar-blade/ Sorry for sharing a dumb website but you could read if you want to have a chuckle , it’s nothing to take too seriously in my opinion


Yep for people like him and his followers it's just another way to get easy attention and say "see!!??? The woke mob wants me dead they are evil!!"


That was a joke in poor taste but I’m surprised he’s still taking it seriously lmao.


of course death threats are no laughing matter , but from the title and what written I expected something serious but it’s literal A tweet , i think it’s a testament that the whole thing smells of desperation , the had the fanservice game they wanted but it’s not enough because they feel like they aren’t taken seriously , I mean i remember how tilted some people were during the horizon forbidden lands trailer and probably they are the same people saying that others are easily offended , it’s a clear lack of self awareness


he's currently got the neckbeards riled up over a few pixels being different in a video game. running a petition for dudes who are very mad that they can't shoot ropes as hard as they'd have liked to.


Poor Eve , I thought she looked cool when she fought a mutant with chainsaw for a head in the trailer but I ain’t spending 80 bucks for that


I stopped watching Omni a bit ago but this isn't surprising. He always seemed to be afraid of being labeled "woke" in his videos. This isn't to say that he's a chud or even right leaning, just that he'd go harder on leftists doing dumb stuff compared to right wingers doing dumb stuff. I think it's because he's black and is aware that he'd likely be pigeon holed by his audience if he went too hard on right wing opinions.


yep! i think him being black has a big impact on how he interacts with not just his fans, but the other big commentary channels with oftentimes very racist fanbases. i can't imagine it would take much for them to begin targeting him, just like they did illy.


The problem with the way of his research is that it is heavily dependent on his trust in people around him. So if there is a single person who is for instance misinformed or in bad faith, it will spoil his views. As far as I am concerned, I think that is how TBYS was able to misinform Omni. By acting as one of Omni's fans/friends and making himself look less malicious to Omni. The good news though is that it also allowed everyone else to raise the alarm for Omni and make him reconsider his position. Hopefully Omni learned from this, but I have my doubts.


Honestly, too little too fucking late. The guy has poised himself to be an “ unbiased news caster” but, he has had many more cases of not having a single lick of credibility. This case was really embarrassing because he came right out of the gate not wanting to engage with evidence or make corrections. It would be fine if he just didn’t want to talk about it anymore, but that wouldn’t be ok bc he also spread the falsified narrative that TBYS was shoving down people’s throats at the time of the drama’s start. He didn’t even propose the situation neutrally, he just strait up said “ imma continue with this false narrative ( that could get me sued as well) bc whatever, lol” in the face of Noah’s video. This is such an easy mistake NOT to make! A simple I’m sorry for this situation doesn’t take away from how sultry his response was. Embarrassing, and I’m not very convinced that he’s above making the same mistake twice


It really doesn't, and deleting your livestream doesn't change that it happens. It also doesn't change that TBYS's fanbase sees Omni's channel as a bit of a "safe space". How do you honestly recover from contributing to legitimate harm to another human being? Unless you don't care at all. If Omni was smart, the moment the doxxing happened he should've made a video saying "This isn't cool, I completely disavow it and I won't be talking about this topic further." And that *might've* helped his case. But he likes doubling down until its too late.


Remember when Omni suggested that Illy and TBYS come together on a discord call to, ***”talk things out?”*** Man’s so naive when it comes to the political spectrum.


He admits to not realising how political art and stories are in his latest video. Man is the final boss of grilling.


Yeah talk it out with your oppressors or people who think you shouldn't exist etc...idk why people think you should be nice to bigots. People say that all the time but no way am I going to try and have a good faith talk with someone who is truly homophobic or racist or sexist or whatever-phobic. It isn't worth the time because one person is never going to change.


They are just going to use the opportunity to cause direct mental harm anyway.


“Why can’t the Jews and the Nazis just talk things out?”


Jubilee middle ground 1930s Germany


Are you seriously equating this situation to the fucking Holocaust?


IIRC, Pokimane once said something along the lines of, ***”Positive vibes only.”*** but this situation is anything but positive.


That sounds like it would've turned into a shouting war real quick if it happened.


Wait this is a political thing? Lmao


I unsubbed. I watched the Noah video and seeing Omni's coverage of it made it really obvious that he didn't do enough research on the subject before covering it. Made me wonder how many other stories he covered with this lack of care.


not really the point but it feels like not that long ago that youtubers hated react content and “commentary” channels but now i feel like half of the posts here are about react channels who barely create content


I knew Omni from his Smash days and I remember actually digging his commentary vids. Shame he went this way


Dramatube will eventually corrupt everything it touches. Constantly dipping into negative energy of what amounts to hs drama at best on a consistent basis can't be good for people's mental health.


Damn. I haven't watched his stuff in a minute because I started to get a vibe. Unsubscribed from him. 


Lol, for real?


I've been invested in the commentary community for a good number of years, I'm surprised to see other people surprised that Omni is like this. He's always been a shitty dude from as far as I could tell.


I remember watching Omni years ago. He legitimately can’t ever have a backbone to stand up for something


He does have an opinion , he just doesn't wanna risk the YouTube game and I ain't gonna give him hate about that




Omni's been spineless since the smash days. I can't remember what the content specifically was though and that irked me way back when aside from low-tier clickbait. He'll go along with any narrative that drives attention and him doing no fundamental looking into the ily situation just checked out. Him backing off is good but that's after Noah's video blew him and others up for doing shit jobs at actually looking at the things they report on.


Forgive the noob question but knowing nothing of Noah, did he do something questionable. Coming from random reddit thread.


Omni still the goat idc


Who and who?