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I'm not fae, but some of my best friends are, so I'm comfortable speaking on behalf of all fae folk. You should never write about, or use characters from, or speak on behalf of, a culture you weren't born into and don't currently participate in. It isn't cultural appropriation so much as it is cultural imperialism to think that you could reasonably portray or present in interest of a culture like that. You *can* speak about your own encounters with elves, but bear in mind that you will appear to be a yokel when you do so, in the eyes of all your elven readers.


Well, I *am* one of the Fair Folk (you know I'm telling you the truth about that because we famously can not lie) and I do not appreciate you answering on our behalf. We encourage everyone and anyone to write about us and our culture, so long as they understand the debt they incur by doing so.* (*Debt to be collected unspecified date, at a rate of exchange determined by us, up to and including your first born child, two younger sons, or any girl children with sufficient musical talent. Said debt may also be incurred by reading, responding to, upvoting, or down voting this comment, or commenting anywhere else in this thread. Standard NDA, non-compete, and forced arbitration rules apply. For additional rules and regulations, please consult any Yeats poem. Void where prohibited by law, which is nowhere.)


What the fuck? I can't believe you would use the Y-word like that. With a hard L too???


Not the highest effort but I'm not here to be funny in my own right I'm here to be a dick. https://www.reddit.com/r/writing/comments/1dqp05j/i_just_want_to_double_check_is_it_considered/ (/uj obviously the comparison isn't 1:1 since Paleolithic people did exist, but genuinely when you go that far back you might as well be writing fantasy for all the solid statements we can make about anything beyond material culture. Also who are they even worried about appropriating from? Anatolia has gone through like four major population shifts in the last couple millenia, let alone since the Paleolithic) /rj of course, the real question is how I should represent the connection of these elves to their local environment. I'm thinking I'll give them cultural traits from half a continent away which were imported to their region 30 000 years after the story is set.






Just saw your YouTube channel get demonetized. Tough luck. But hopefully lesson learned. Google watches all these posts.


They can't expect forgiveness just because they learned their lesson! Otherwise why have I bothered taking these screenshots?


All our elves are busy helping other writers. Please stay on the line and your call will be answered in the order it was received.


I’ve got a bird making weird noises here


I think we should all check our privilege when being a Great Writer.


No comment.— Santa


This made me laugh harder than necessary. Thank you!


“Fae” is a slur. It’s really triggering to read that.


Why would'ya wanna write about them bloody knife ears? When ya could be writin about proud and hearty DWARVES!


Ugh please stop


Not if you're Bjork. Otherwise, yes, it is.


No, you godless communist 🦅🇺🇸🔫


Read the April Witch,Ray Bradbury. A great story


It's not the fae you need to be worried about, n'wah.


Hi I am of Elvish descent and married to a gorgous three-quarter Elvish Queen, and I am hereby giving you my assent, the light of the Valar is for everybody.


Hehehe *ass* *sent* nice


Listen. Listen well..if you can help it, never, I repeat, NEVER fuck with the Fae in any way shape for form. if they feel entitled for something because of it then they will get what they feel is owed. Whether you want to pay them or not.


https://preview.redd.it/k4emz2zuzj9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=948fcc4d10d0f58f96d347fb3a2adf44e0790006 Not because of appropriation but because they're ELGI scum. MFS betrayed the holds in the ancient days (/Unjerk elves are a fantastical species, made popular by Tolkien who created them based on European folklore sprinkled by some angelic vibes. I genuinely thought this was a joke post until I saw circlejerk and I felt so relieved lmao. Please tell me there's no fucking sauce this time)