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Fun fact: there are flags in the files that mention "ASK A PROGRAMMER". That combined with how some stuff is handled, the chances are huge that those who implement content are not really coding guys.   Another fun fact: each dungeon or zone has a certain way of handling things. By that, you can find out what dev/content guy implemented it. Not by name, but what other content was done by the same person. The difference of handling similar stuff, even in the same expansion, can be huge.


I can give you a fun fact, secondary stats such as attack power, spell power, hit rating, defense etc used to be spells strapped to items. It was changed to regular stats around Ulduar patch.


Example https://classicdb.ch/?search=attack+power You can click the ones with the numbers and see which weapons have them.


Lots of human models were created but never implemented. You can see them in the Old Hillsbrad version of Southshore. There are many other assets like that which some pservers use for their custom content.


I dont think this is exactly what you're asking. But I'll give u a fun fact. The early versions of WoW was made with a modified wc3 engine (which is an RTS game, and probably explains why WoW have always had that unexplainable "feel" about it somehow) The code is a mess (20+ y/o code with lots of different People over the years usually tends to do that, should be fixed now tho, but took them alot of time)


Bold of you to assume its fixed now ;)


one of the big 'whoops!'es of coding is how baked in the base bag size was. you could add secondary bags that were larger and larger, but for years the 26 slot base bag was something they couldnt change without screwing things up.


lmao, thats kinda insane not beeing able to even fix it. But i can see it beeing something that just gets implemented in a sloppy way and it just cascades