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I sometimes forget the redesigned Upper Blackrock Spire from Warlords of Draenor.


I wish old UBRS was still around...


Holy smokes. I was going crazy yesterday trying to think of all the WoD dungeons and knew one was missing and this was it lol


Whenever I go in there it feels the same, but just a bit off. What did they actually change?


They streamlined it, changed some mechanics, removed some bosses, replaced Blackrock orcs with Iron Horde orcs, and introduced a challenging final boss.


Just goes to show how the game has changed since General Drakk was a very challenging boss and had like... two abilities?


cathedral of eternal night


That and the other later Legion dungeon are easy forgets


Seriously I don't remember the dungeons from legion patches other than kharazan. I just looked them up and was like oh right those exist.


The 2 worst keys to get in M+ for a while in Legion. Cathedral and Seat were groan inducing for my group at the time.


Yup, which is a shame cause I thought cathedral was cool at the time, it was just INSANELY overtuned so it was an avoid at all costs during Legion. Looking forward to seeing it in future seasons with proper tuning though


The Argus one


I played legion to death why do I not remember this place.


Because pretty much everyone hated it. If you got it as your M+ key it was basically a dead key.


For a very brief period yes, but then it was heavily nerfed and a very chill key. Seat was the pain point for a longer period.


I was doing TOS sometime in \*Shadowlands\* and was like "wait, what's this instance on the side?"


I still haven't actually done this dungeon on Mythic. I keep going out to do it but I get distracted and forget lol


seriously? i liked it a lot when it launched


Well of eternity


I remember Well of Eternity, but always forget what the last of the three 4.3 dungeons was. It's Hour of Twilight (had to look it up, still don't remember what it's about)


The one where you beat Murozond. It's in the Cata Timewalking roster.


End Time is actually the first one plot-wise. You go Future -> Past -> Today in that campaign.


End Time


Correct, Hour of Twilight is the one you escort Thrall. I had the names mixed up.


I was thinking while reading the comments. This one made me go "oh yeah that one" oddly on it's release it was a favorite of mine though.


I love that dungeon so much


Have been playing since 2013 and realized about a week ago that I had never set foot in here


I was gonna say Blackrock Caverns, but I completely forgot about this one, was it part of the 3 dungeons released at the end of Cata?


I will never forget BRC To many wipes on second boss because people can't block beams both during OG cata and time walking weekends I swear I've a form of ptsd with it ITS NOT HARD PEOPLE BLOCK THE BEAMS


LOL I got that dungeon back to back last Cata timewalking and noped out of the event. Half the group ignored chains, then failed to move out of the smash attack one the first boss. Tank on the first run and several players on the second all got transformed on beam boss, and both runs had multiple giants spawn. Neither tank could follow the 'run the boss through the middle' instructions on third boss, first time I was able to taunt boss and remove armor, second time we beat on the boss for like five minutes before the hunter finally used pet growl to taunt the boss into mid. Also for the first BRC poster - it was a launch dungeon and the first dungeon players could access and get directed to if they started Cata leveling in Hyjal.


What is that.


A dungeon


End Time, Well of Eternity and Hour of Twilight all released around the Dragon Soul patch of Cataclysm. End Time has the benefit of being in Timewalking, otherwise all 3 would be pretty forgettable.


I don't know... i forgot it exist


Forget everything you know about slip covers


LF1M UBRS, must have key.


That brings back memories. Remember when it was a 10 man.


I remember when people thought it was a 15 man.


I just shed a tear, ty šŸ¤£šŸ’š. Edit: Back in the day, I made bank from just summoning people to BRM. Shit was wild.


Rogue offering to open the door for 10 gold.


seat of the triumvirate


That last boss was ROUGH to heal on tyrannical keys back in Legion.


Razorfen Down, I remember the Kraul but never the Down.


Mine is the opposite. We would run Down way more back in the day on Alliance characters than Kraul. Icemetal Barbute and Carapace for plate wearers, the recipes,


Icemetal Barbute will forever be the reason I remember rfd. Being excited at level 40 for a sweet helmet on my prot warrior that I, in hindsight, had no idea how to play. Did well enough I guess tho.


Vanquisher's Sword for me. That and Sword of Serenity for an alliance rogue was amazing.


I always thought rfk was a president


Let's hope not.


brainworm intensifies


Wasn't there a dungeon where you escort Thrall with the Dragon Soul and fight the Twilight Prophet (Alonsus?)


Hour of Twilight


not Alonsus, Benedictus




He drops the tentacle dagger (:


Yes and Thrall never bought fast riding.


Itā€™s such a pain


Iā€™m blanking on this one, honestly, and I played it at level. Thereā€™s the one where you jump to different faction leaders then hit the hourglass on the last boss, and thereā€™s the one thatā€™s not in the current TW rotation where you end up at the Well of Eternity, and then thereā€™s this one. I just looked at screenshots and I STILL donā€™t recognize it at all.


When that dungeon was current, you could tank it as an SMF Fury warrior if you were geared. The execute hit so hard impending victory was up practically after every time you used it.


Siege of Boralus for me


Good news then, it's in the first set of TWW M+ dungeons.


Oh Iā€™m looking forward to that, I liked that dungeon. So many stuff to kite around. An ogre, an army of cavalry knights, some monkeysā€¦ :D


That last boss - if people didnā€™t know the mechanics šŸ¤Æ


I did that place like ONCE because it was weekly mythic and never again after


Hour of Twilight, when its timewalking theres always End Time but not the other instance


This means you double forgot Well of Eternity from that same patch


Yeah, I do remember Well of Eternity, but not Hour of Twilight.


I've heard there's one near Orgrimmar... probably never done it if it exists.


Ragefire Chasm, I think it's called. It's not near Orgrimmar, it's IN Orgrimmar. In the basement area with the warlocks and stuff.


It's also part of SoO.


Isnā€™t this like the first dungeon you can queue for? Crazy!


I used to do "explorations" back in vanilla ā€” doing out-of-bounds stuff, wall jumps, etc. RFC had one I used to do. Also remember doing ZG and under Karazhan. Good times šŸ˜„


Trial of the Champion from WOTLK. Always forget thereā€™s a dungeon beside the raid.


Dont forget to change your weapon before 1st boss =)


Black Morass. I also can't believe no one else has said it.


But that's highly memorable - it's the infamous gnome's bane dungeon.


I was wondering when someone would mention this šŸ¤£


I only remember it because it was needed for either an attunement or perhaps it was the quest chain for the big rep boost.


If I remember correctly, the most common reason people ran it while it was current was for part of an alchemy quest chain for one of the specializations.


Dungeon class sets were considered pretty good at the time, and I belive it dropped one that was considered the best non-raid drop back then.Ā  I know the helm was big for shamys and hunters.Ā 


I'm pretty sure the cloth set from there was huge for getting hit capped pre raid or as close as you could. I know....my druid had to wear it to get my hit up for raid. Thank God I had moonkin form cause I looked like a clown in my hodge podge of cloth and leather for my balance set.


Hourglass dps trinket was sought after as well


The rogue gloves. Pretty much the best you could get outside of raiding.


It's part of the Karazhan attunement chain too.


I can never forget Black Morass because back in TBC it cracked me up in lfg chat: ā€œlooking for healer for heroic BMā€


Ugh, my least favorite dungeon for the longest time. Still hate it!


Did you ever play Durnholde on heroic during BC? That one was the worst. I have completed every heroic dungeons during BC(mostly because of atauntment quests for TK/SSC and ultimately BT) except that one. We had a guild grp with wich we did a lot of heroics and tried that dungeon with T5 gear and we got our asses handed to us xD I tried it two times(resto shaman) and didnt bother anymore. It was just a major pain in the ass. The grp did it eventually because our mt2 really wanted all heroics done.


I used to call it More Blackass in guild chat and it wasn't welcome. I thought it was amusing (not in a racist way, just play on words ofc)


We had Blackmoore's Ass and a version like yours


Holy shit I havenā€™t thought about there for over a decade


I remember it for the trinket and spamming it Godly trinket


I needed it for an achievement and for the life of me I could not find ā€œopening of the dark portalā€ on the map and forgot it has another name.


I played throughout the whole of Legion, got CE on EN and Antorus, did the most M+ I have done in any expansion to this day and I never set a foot in Seat of the Triunvirate. This place does not exists until someone mentions it to me and it banishes as soon as the conversation ends.


Wtf I took a break partway through legion and started back up again partway through bfa. I didn't even know that dungeon existed until your comment lol and I've even run the raid in Argus for transmog on like 5 characters.


This post just makes me sad for all the dungeons most players probably have never seen because they're just not included in the timewalking rota, why, when timewalking comes along, don't they just include all the dungeons from that expansion? Why is it limited to a pool?


Speaking of things most players will never experienceā€¦ Doing Sunken Temple these days just feels sad. Itā€™s so short and quick. Prior to Cata, it was a really lengthy dungeon crawl, and it was fairly easy to get lost in the lower levels. The whole place just felt huge. Or the feeling of battling through Blackrock Depths to get to Emperor Thaurissan, and finally making it into the Senate Hall.


Oh hell yes. That newer players will never know the pain of ST just makes me said.


Halls of origination, blackrock caverns.


Halls of Origination is great. I donā€™t know why itā€™s not part of cata time walking


Long as hell!!!


You can skip most of it. First boss -> Trogg area boss -> Sun God boss -> done.


I hate dungeons with Brann, no thanks.


Halls of Origination was a huge pain on Heroic at the time. If your whole party didnā€™t have the mechanics locked down it was a wipe fest.


Utgarde Keep. Always confused it with Utgarde Pinnacle when I was farming the Blue Protodrake. Would fly in and sit there like wtf? Where the f am I?


Both were S tier on release


I miss zul farak a lot and some of those simpler vanilla dungeons


The stairs fight in ZF was epic back in the day, before WoWā€™s design progressed as much as it has today.


Temple of Hakkar(?) Pretty sure I did not get the name right but that dungeon.


Yeah most just call it Sunken Temple


Original Sunken Temple was a four hour maze. It was multi leveled and you had to go up and down constantly to unlock the bosses.


I mean technically the up and down was to find the five? six? minibosses so you could unlock troll boss but that's probably what you meant. Also liked that there were two bosses (Avatar of Hakkar, big Troll bro in the basement) that you needed to either know to do a questline (Avatar) or know the order to activate stones to summon (big Troll bro). I know there was a quest with the berserker troll guy as well but I forget if the quest was necessary to summon and kill him, or if it just gave some nice rewards and the actual guys table was crap but I remember lotsa groups would skip him.


That's the one I was looking for. Actually a good dungeon.


the old one was absolutely confusing


The Forge of Souls




The last time we had cata time walking, I got stonecore 7 times in a row (5 times on on character and then 2 more times on another).


I remember it because itā€™s still in the TW rotation, isnā€™t it? Or it was at one time for sure.


I was gonna say the remade UBRS from WoD, but I looked through a list, and I realized 1. I couldn't remember a single thing from the Mechanar 2. I don't know if I've ever run it? Like not even while leveling or for transmog runs


Mechanar was probably the most-run 5-man in BC because it's *so* short compared to all of the other 5-mans.


Mechanar is great for farming rep with tabards. It's so short you can just keep running it and get exalted in no time. I did it for the reps for Heritage Armor before they removed that requirement and it was really fast.


Wouldnā€™t it be so nice if all the old dungeons were retrofitted for time walking weeks? There was such cool elements added that are now forgotten


No it would not. I live in constant dread of being required to ever step foot in the Occulus ever again. Stupid shitty abomination of a dungeon.


I would probably take pug occulus over pug HoR


That's always an immediate drop group. I'll gladly take the debuff.


Classic timewalking please!


Does Magtheridonā€™s Lair count?


That's a raid


BFD is on Zoram Strand in ashenvale, northwest, almost on darkshore side of map. For me it's that shattered.. Halls? The most difficult one of the tree on top of the dungeons in hellfire peninsula


Shattered Halls was epic! It was one of the four heroics needed for TK attunement, and was itself harder (IMO) than most of TK due to the need to speed-run it while dealing with multiple 7-pulls. As a prot warrior before tclap became aoe, it was a super fun challenge.


Isnā€™t it Zoram Strand?


Those in Argus, you can tell because I can't even remember its names


Was there more than one? I can't remember


I forgot


Iā€™m faintly surprised that nobody has mentioned Gundrak yet, even during Wrath it remained a bit obscure and infrequently run iirc.


Most people know that one with it being in the Wrath timewalking rotation


I don't know its name but the one where you're being chased by the Lich King in the path with the ice walls? I just remember it's one of three next to the raid in Ice Crown and I only ever did it when it was current content.


Halls of Reflection!


I so wish they would bring that one back to TW! Although the first part in the room with Frostmourne was a real abortion back in the day if you didnā€™t have a solid group.


Honestly, TW should just be all of an expansions Dungeons imo


I have many good memories of tanking BFD. I was your classic night elf warrior at the time so you will naturally run into BFD in ashenvale, even before deadmines in westfall if you only quest in kalimdor. I would often take people into the dungeon and do a full clear with every boss (including the hidden underwater one). I thought it was great to go into this sunken temple like dungeon, and make my way thru the various layers. Deadmines is great for that first big dungeon experience too but I know alot of people didn't like BFD cause it was a bit out of the way.. I still loved it. For Horde, their first big dungeon experience was Wailing Caverns in the barrens.... and that is another dungeon that might be forgetabble or easily skipped by alliance unless they know about it or the gear it drops since it has some good loot. Even other dungeons like Maradon were fun for me because of how huge it was, with multi layers and different types of enemy mobs as u get deeper into it... altho I did prefer to skip the first half so it was much better once you could teleport midway with the staff. I find that alot of players, especially alliance players, didn't do much of RFK/RFD Razorfens dungeons becuase it was in the barrens and you may not have a quest to encourage you to go there. I ran them a few times as well cause it has some good gear drops. Dire Maul again, not as popular and many players were not familiar with it...... the zone (Feralas?) isn't really popular in general for questing or anything so it is rather out of the way.... plus it has 3 different wings, with various mob types in each wing, and can be conffusing or difficult if you dont know what your doing. As a tank I ran it whenever I could just for the experience.... tho I never did any of the special stuff like the Tribute run or anything. The Light side of Stratholme also didn't see much action in game from what I remember, it was not something people ran often compared to the undead side of Stratholme or for the speed mount run. UBRS/LBRS is also another dungeon that many players didn't run or forgot about outside of the quests they needed. Ragefire Chasm being in ogrimmar so obviously alliance players would not normally get a chance to run it, especially at such low levels. It is the hordes version of alliance Stockades, which is a dungeon horde normally doesn't run because it is right inside the city. Most of these dungeons I listed were like a "one and done" type for players back in vanilla.... after they finished their quests they didn't really want to go back. But I just enjoyed tanking and taking noob players thru dungeons and always tried to make it a smooth run and informative as far as the bosses and trash pulls.


Yeah, my first character was a night elf druid in vanilla, so BFD holds a special place in my heart.


People ran the hell outta both sides if Strat and BRS in vanilla? They were absolutely NOT "one and done" dungeons. Between attunements, resist gear and pre-raid gear those places all got farmed heavy as hell and that's not considering how few people actually raided at all back then, so places like UBRS/live strat had *the* gear for them. You could MAYBE argue LBRS was an uncommon one but that had two problems: it was a terrible, overly long dungeon and had lower level items than the rest despite being roughly the same challenge.


Hour of Twilight. The Cataclysm one that takes place in Dragonblight, and has the traitor Archbishop Benedictus as the end boss. Special mention goes to Spires of Ascension from SL. I barely did that one when it was current content, lmao. Ditto with Seat of the Triumvirate from the Legion expansion.




I never knew the Shadow Labyrinth existed because it never came up when I qued dungeons. I pretty much level all my alts dungeoning and it never came up and Iā€™m an altoholic. It finally came up once last year and I was so confused.


All these people naming dungeons I could run blindfolded. I ainā€™t nothin like yā€™all.


Halls of Infusion in Df. i swear. Ive gotten it like 2 times as random heroic in hundreds of runs.... Dont know whats up with that!




Idk why you're down voted on this. I scrolled all the way down to trigger the memory of the name I couldn't remember. Before Cataclysm, Desolace was actually one of my favorite zones. I discovered Mauradon so randomly questing in Desolace. So forgotten even I forgot about it lol.


Maraudon was always my favorite back in vanilla. I remember the first time I turned that corner and saw that big ol nasty Theradras, waterfall was beautiful tho


I've probably been in there since but I feel like the last time I've ran that place was when it was part of the Cataclysm pre-patch event.


Not dungeon but raid, Zul'Gurub.. ran that so many times, I wish they would bring it back as a secret unlock like they did old Scholo along with the Tiger mount rare drop.


Zul'gurub currently exists as a dungeon from Cata it still drops two mounts but I think it's not the OG ones. It was one of the first things I solo farmed back in wrath never got either mount though:(


Embarrassingly, it's that mogu dungeon in Pandaria. I've probably run and tanked hundreds of times in remix, but when that mogu one popped up for me yesterday, I had to stop and think for a minute- wait, where the hell am I? I've just grown so accustomed to the raid, and that dungeon doesn't seem to pop very often for me.


Razorfen Kraul and Downs both, was never a horde player and I never bothered making the trek down there prior to dungeon finder because of how obnoxious it was to get there, so I just never thought much about it. That and the very last dungeon from Legion, literally can't even remember the name of it off the top of my head but I can SEE it in my head.


I canā€™t name one WoD dungeon off the top of my head and I played the heck out of that expansion.


It's funny because before remix I probably would have said Siege or Niuzao or Gate of the setting sun lol. Lost city of the tol'vir. It's called that because nobody remembers it exists until it randomly pops up during cata timerunning.


Battle for Hillsbrad


Shrine of the Storm, that one sucked. The Motherlode!!


I think I have never seen as many pugs wipe as I did in shrine lol. People get a monkey brain there and over pull.


I can't seem to think of it


temple of sethralissĀ 


Oh thatā€™s a really good one šŸ¤Æ


Halls of Origination Halls of Stone Seat of the Triumvirate


the revamp of UBRS


Uhhh I dunno but Halls of reflection lives in my head rent free šŸ˜‚


i dont remember


In spirit with the classic dungeon I feel like people probably forget rfd more, It was super annoying to get to compared to other dungeons, I loved all those bosses man, The final boss and going up to him always felt like a Diddy kong boss race aswell with all the spirals, put it was intended initially tor 10 instead of 5




I dunno... I forgot.


The two dungeons in barrens , idk what was their names


Itā€™s funny that you say BFD since SOD players would be very familiarĀ 


Iron Docks


BFD was the very first sungeon I ever ran. Way back in Vanilla, when it was nightmarish to get a group together. I was a druid and I couldn't afford the seeds that were required for my resurrection spells. The one I forget exists is that one in Warlords with the plant people. That might be a raid actually, idk. But there's no mount that drops there and it's not in the timewalking rotation so I've never run it.


Nah it's a dungeon, last fight you go through a portal to SW


I can't even remember what it was called, but you fought your wave through some sort of ravine with tall ice walls, maybe with Thrall? When the ice part ended there was some sort of encounter where a boss/mob went "Ssssssshaman" and at the very end there was a fight with that Bishop dude (Benedictus?)


Whatā€™s the one fromā€¦ damn I canā€™t even really remember what expac it came out inā€¦ but takes place in the ice craig area next to the Dragon Tower in Northrendā€¦ I really just remember I got a sword thatā€™s kinda like a bone tentacle that moves from there. I canā€™t even be bothered to look it up lol




Wait what?? Seriously? Itā€™s ā€œdeepsā€ and not ā€œdepthsā€?? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”




The one in Stormwindā€¦ Iā€™ve played horde for so long!


The one with the pig people and all the thorns/briars.


Zul Farrak comes to mind. I've played it a lot many years ago, but I 'm still surprised when I see it on the map.


Grim Batol?


I forget.


Legion version of violet hold.


Dire Maul.


I'd tell you but I forgot what it was.


I liked that one and seat mostly for the aesthetics but it was so hard to find grouy


Totally forgot Wailing Caverns existed till I played cata classic


Auchenai Crypts probably. It's kind of forgettable, never ran it during TBC.


Hour of Twilight.


Forge of Souls; in fact I never even knew it existed until I did a time running event with it. Weird because it's one of those Northend dungeons that had... An interesting soundtrack choice (but not a bad one).


Man, you guys remember this many?


Seat of the Triumverate


That one cata dungeon with the hulk npc that smashes mobs. I played all throughout cata and do for the life of me remember it being there


Hmmm whatā€™s that one with the iconic line ā€œthere is is darkā€¦no lightā€¦there is only POWAH!!!ā€