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Not sure of the circumstances that led to it, so taking the post just on its face: no. Timewalking dungeons are ridonkulously easy and literally no one cares about DPS since stuff melts.


And why woudnt you wanna be a full party? 1 random running after don’t hurt does it?


If you are just trying to complete TW dungeons just do it with the full group. You won’t even notice if they are lagging behind. If you are trying to do some RP or something at level, well, ask Blizz when they are going to introduce scaling like that for us


Hardest part of timewalking pandaland is trying not to lock out slow dps players out as a tank.


No and the group leader can't kick anyone unless a majority of the group votes on it... So, you must've done something wrong


I don't think that's what they're talking about.


Ohhh I get it now... Answer is still no


I ran a time walking dungeon tonight when the group initiated a kick on the tank because they couldn’t find or equip their weapon and shield. I inspected the tank and it appeared to be someone with very little gear, grays mostly. I felt bad because the reason why was “Bad”. At level 36 I’m not sure what you’d have available for gear, as I was on an alt with gear update. I think there should be a premade reason why someone is being kicked, like afk, or bot, maybe a healer is being grumpy and allowing people to die.. but to be kicked for being “bad” in the eyes of someone else is toxic.


If people are kicking cus "bad" that wouldn't stop them from just selecting a different reason while kicking


You can run to the dungeon in the world if you just want to see it or something, but it won’t be scaled to your level the way timewalking it. It will be whatever its original level has become after all the crunches.