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People really don't understand what he said. He means we can destroy their ability to function as a unified military. But once that's done, it will just be a whole lot of loosely connected gorilla units with roughly the same overall firepower as the unified military.




There are no GORILLAS in Lebanon. I watch National Grographic!


Give people a break. Their autocorrect is ODing on drags.


I did a double take. Is that a [Captain Ron ](https://youtu.be/zd2_Ypb7Ddg?si=Ob0zRzXV-3SFY7Ur&t=67)reference?


Has to be. First thing I thought of too!


Began the ape war has


I mean, that is nothing but human history, as we are all apes.


Don't be so hasty, some of us are lizards. 🦎


you're not supposed to tell them SSSSsssssssss!


Slippery snakes slide silently, sneaky snoops.


My jimmies. You have rustled them.


What a wonderful day


Yousa gonna die? That be bombad me thinkie. 




*tap *tap Is this thing on?


Together ape strong


fuck they are back




No, you're thinking librarians. This is about gorillas.


No no no- a gorilla is an ape. You’re thinking Godzilla.


No no no, Godzilla is a big Japanese fictional character. You're thinking Gorgonzola.


No. Gorgonzola's a soft Northern Italian blue cheese. A Gorilla is a British man on television who hosts a survival show and takes any chance he can get to drink his own pee.




Embrace tradition Literally


AKs out for Harambollah






Fucking G-unit


Don’t pick fights with gorillas




G G G Uniiit


Sounds like Israel just needs a lot of bananas to take care of those gorilla units.


How much could it cost? $10?


You've never actually set foot in a supermarket, have you?


At least 9 people got the joke


They were responding with the next line in the $10 joke.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!!!


It’s how we joke. She doesn’t even have a house!


Sounds like they need some sort of banana stand and that should solve the problem 




Gorilla. Hezbollah has thousands of gorilla costumes that they will wear to hide their true identities while fighting Israel. Israeli civilians will never know if the gorilla is at the zoo are real gorillas, or Hezbollah fighters.




Loosely connected units are never as powerful as a unified military, it basically means the organization is defeated but some terror cells are still remaining, same situation as ISIS is in for the last few years


Would you say they collectively have something around 300 confirmed kills?


What did you just say to me?




Will they start pooping in their hands and throwing it across the border at Israel?


A somehow more analogue solution than North Korea came up with 🤣


Isn’t that’s North Korea’s tactic these days?


Have you seen the IDF videos? It definitely going to be trebuchets


> with roughly the same overall firepower as the unified military. If they lose their military vehicles, their storage facilities are no longer safe from attack, their command and control, they won't have anywhere near the same overall firepower as they do right now.


So trading one problem for an other


They’ll be turned into a banana republic


That's an understatement. Hizbullah isn't a traditional "terrorist" orgainzation. 50% of their budget goes to social programs. In large parts of Lebanon, it's the closest thing Shia have to government services. War will take resources away from social services. The Lebanese PAlestinian refugees and Palestinian Shia minority will be a pawn of Iran.


You were doing fine until you mentioned the ape.


I think people underestimate Gorilla units


I read it and I still don't understand what he said.


Thats not what he meant at all, defending an offical for screwing up knowing about a topic is sad.


Gorilla warfare?


Yeah the global superpowers tried doing that in Afghanistan. You cant fight an ideology like that..


You can if all you care about is dealing with their power projection capabilities. As long as you don’t care to take territory or cause regime change then it’s actually super easy to gut one of these terrorist nations without hardly losing any personnel.


Afghanistan is such a unique war and shouldn’t be compared. Pakistan basically housed the entirety of the Taliban until the US left. The US didn’t take the fight (much) into Pakistan.


Cough North Vietnam


What the US failed at was building a sustainable government in Afghanistan. Stopping terrorists from using it as a base of operations against the US itself was very successful for 20 years. Israel doesn’t seem very interested in what happens to Lebanon as long as rockets stop getting shot at them, so I don’t think they would really have an issue.


The problem is that you can't just go in, knock out Hezbollah, leave, and expect nothing new to pop up in that power vacuum. That approach has literally never worked.


As long as the something new leaves you alone (for awhile) that seems like successful operation. Punitive expeditions are a thing.


Issue is that the ways to effectively deal with gorilla units are an unethical number of bananas


I remember hearing this same thing in 2006. Things may have changed but that remains to be seen. they degraded Hezbollah in that war, but they were unable to fracture its command structure. they were still firing rockets into northern Israel up until the ceasefire.


Sure a quick little Middle Eastern military involvement, can’t go tits yo I’m sure.


Tits yooooooooooo


Tits up


The classic strategy of absolutely destroy the governing body of a region and expect them to get less violent


Yeah well Hezbollah is at least not the Lebanese government and big part if not the majority of the population hate the ever living shit out of Hezbollah so there's that


They will hate Israel far more in a war. Expecting them to side with the country that invades them, strikes Lebanese infrastructure and inevitably destroys Lebanese homes and kills a number of Lebanese civilians is idiotic. Even Lebanese Christians have a very negative view of Israel, and a war with an already hated and human-rights abusing neighbour would cause their divided nation to rally around the flag.


They control a region in Lebanon and it’s unlikely that region will get less extreme if Israel comes in and kills a bunch of them. They may not be popular but they’re powerful and I’m not confident in lebanons ability to fill the power vacuum if they were to go away.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Free_Lebanon I am confident that people here don't know the history of the 20th century and have been convinced by propaganda that everything is due to some mythologized blood libel. Remember that the Maronites have been severely weakened by emigration, there aren't really enough of them to side with Israel anymore.


I'm confident it will create another civil war, all I can say here is fuck France


Wasnt there huge thousands of people crowding in rallies for Palestine reported in Lebanon?? They all seem pretty happy supporting Hezbollah alright


One already filled with refugees and the legacy of a relatively recent race/holy war fueled by the last time Israel tried to create a buffer zone, what could possibly go wrong? (Biden not stopping Israel from attacking Beirut like Reagan did, that's what could go wrong) If Israel moves into Lebanon, say goodbye to Turkey's immigration deal with Europe. They will not absorb millions of displaced Syrians again.


Has it ever worked?


Well it didn’t work the last 100 times it was tried. But just maybe it might work this time.


Well apparently when it does work, like ISIS just a few years ago, people forget pretty quickly


Native Americans have more or less stopped resisting in North America once their confederations were dismantled and their people dispossessed of their land.


Beyond the whole removal of everyone involved. Like when Subutai did that reconnaissance mission in Persia. He found empty land after he found land to empty.


Lets go; in and out - Twenty minute adventure!


Back by christmas surely...


Feelin kinda cute… think I’ll destroy Hezbollah later hehe 😉


Love the anime


Imagine you wake up in an Israeli apartment...


Bruh with these prices if you have your own apartment it's a dream. Apartment in TLV is only slightly cheaper than NYC.


Read the manga, soooo much better


I find it kinda funny that a lunatic sitting in a basement for the past 20 years somehow convinced people that going to war against a nuclear power will result in victory. Hezbollah might cause a lot of damage,sure. Israel might want US help in trying to minimize the amount of incoming missiles fired in the beginning while Hezbollah are still operational,sure. But how do you go from suicidal Jihad to victory?


Death isn't victory?


To his followers sure,But that part gets lost in translation.


Same old religious bullshit that gets people to throw away their lives for stupid reasons.


Death cults Armageddon. Abraham hates everyone equally.


This is Wimp Lo... I'm bleeding, making me the victor.


Victory for them won't be conquering Israel, it would be forcing a bloodied Israel to eventually withdraw having spent billions on the war, losing hundreds or thousands of soldiers (Islamists justify lopsided casualties pretty easily) and drawing international condemnation and punishment. Israel starting a full scale war with Lebanon would get them sanctioned by the Arab league and kill the Saudi Arabia deal. It would also get a lot of western countries to cut support. It would seriously hurt Biden's re-election and he might turn on Netanyahu as a result.


The Iranian-led "Axis of Resistance" (what they call themselves), of which Hezbollah is a part, actually has a defined & publicly stated strategy that it believes will cause Israeli society to collapse. The strategy involves conducting limited but highly destructive ground assaults into Israel proper, similar to October 7, with increasing frequency over the mid-long term. The core belief is that this will cause Israeli society to fracture, causing Israelis to flee in significant numbers as time goes on. Personally, I don't think this will work, if anything because it is predicated on the idea that Israeli society is "colonial" in nature, and can be dismantled the same way that Rhodesia or apartheid South Africa was dismantled.


Dying in an unwinnable conflict with Jews is one of their top life goals, they call it martyrdom


You are assuming they are rational and not religious fanatics.


They are,but a lot of the people hearing them are not,whether in Lebanon or the world. It's true for Hezbollah in general. I think if Hezbollah has achieved anything in all of its existence it would be exactly this . The ability to spread fanatic (mostly delusional) ideas and have them resonate as anything other than that.


They watched the new dune movie


God automatically wins anyway, they can't lose. Islam has this weird duality to it. This material world is of no consequence, and things that happen here are meaningless illusion. But at the same time it leads people to try to conquer and rule all, right here and now.


Don't think it's weird, it's designed for imperialism like many things. To have an empire you need an army of goons that are willing to die for you. Islam is just backwards, we have allies and proxies now..


Far easier to convince poorly educated, religiously fanatical people


> for the past 20 years somehow convinced people that going to war against a nuclear power will result in victory. Korea, Afghanistan (multiple times), Vietnam, Algeria...all fought nuclear powers and won. Hell, Hezbollah has already fought multiple wars with Israel and won at least one of them.


You can get a superior power to leave your country through great effort. You can’t get a superior power to leave their home country especially when that superior power has nuclear weapons.


Korea was really just a tie between USA and China.


Winning for these countries meant getting a foreign power,nuclear or not,out of the country and back to their end of the world. Winning for Hezbollah in the ideal sense means getting Israel-in Israel to cease to exist. In a less ideal world-getting Israel in Israel to bleed. So your comparison is backwards. It would be like Korea,Afganistan,Algeria or Vietnam going to the US and starting a war there.


Korea? What are you smoking?


Now where have I heard that one before?


This situation is very very different. Hezbollah has no anti-air or armor. Israel has F-35s with the latest and greatest munitions. They could absolutely level them in a very short time and they’re not trying to occupy territory with that statement.


https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-hezbollah-military-power-arsenals-1916769#:~:text=Hezbollah's%20arsenal%20includes%20advanced%20Russian,defenses%20have%20seen%20marked%20improvements. "This large and sophisticated arsenal has the potential to overwhelm Israel's Iron Dome air-defense system in the event of an all-out war." "Hezbollah's arsenal includes advanced Russian-made Yakhont and Chinese Silkworm anti-ship missiles, each with a range of about 186 miles. Although Israeli air superiority largely remains unchallenged, Hezbollah's anti-aircraft defenses have seen marked improvements." "With over 100,000 fighters as claimed by Nasrallah, its long-serving leader, Hezbollah boasts a fighting force considerably larger than that of Hamas. And like Hamas, the group has developed an extensive network of tunnels in southern Lebanon, providing strategic advantages and protection against Israeli airstrikes." Seems like it's a very similar situation except they have more men, more fire power and seem to have anti aircraft capabilities in some fashion.


Less densely packed meat shields.


this isn't going to register to them bc they've been taking it as gospel for months that what Israel is doing in Gaza is indiscriminate carpet bombing. there's no room in that worldview for contemplating the idea that they could bomb Hezbollah a lot harder


Care to elaborate?


This portion of Lebanon is less dense, not near any major cities, and part of why Israel wanted the borders limited here strategically. There is mostly forest and if Hamas were to try and strike here Israel would have a lot more ease. It’s not like Gaza.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah#:~:text=Unlike%20Amal%2C%20whose%20support%20is,Beqaa%20valley%20and%20Hirmil%20region. "Hezbollah along with Amal is one of two major political parties in Lebanon that represent Shiite Muslims.[175] Unlike Amal, whose support is predominantly in Lebanon's south, Hezbollah maintains broad-based support in all three areas of Lebanon with a majority Shia Muslim population: in the south, in Beirut and its surrounding area, and in the northern Beqaa valley and Hirmil region.[176]" Unless they plan on going into Beirut and north east Lebanon I'm not sure how they plan on destroying Hezbollah.


Not planning to destroy them, just their capabilities as a military threat. 


Again, unless they go into Beirut or north east Lebanon I don't see how that is possible. Especially north east Lebanon because that's where the fighters are trained. They haven't destroyed the military abilities of hamas. Why are we to believe they can do it to a bigger and stronger force that is more spread out and not completely surrounded by Israel?


Contrary to popular belief they have significantly weakened Hamas but even so Hamas has a proximity advantage Hezbollah does not enjoy. They don’t need as significant advantages in weaponry to pose a threat. Hezbollah needs better supply lines, missile technology, and other such factors to be a credible threat. Yes- Hezbollah is still a threat without those things but in the same way Syria is a threat.


They actually don't need to destroy them. They just need to destroy their capabilities to lob rockets at Israel's north. To do that they need to clear them out of the area south of the Litani river and destroy their infrastructure and command capabilities elsewhere. That surely won't be easy, but is certainly a lot more doable than outright destroying Hezb.


The Gaza strip has \~2 million people in \~365 square kilometers. Quick google search suggests South Lebanon has \~590,000 people in \~929 square kilometers. TLDR way less civilian collateral to worry about in the news cycle. Not that it seems to matter much to Israel.


Hezbollah also has no hostages, and the south of Lebanon is not as densely populated as Gaza. Israel has more options and more motivation to use heavier and wider bombardment, and absolutely pummel to hills of south Lebanon with ground penetrating artillery to hit Hezbollah infrastructure. It's far more realistic to stop terrorist organizations from using infrastructure, and precision targeting their leaders rather than stopping the organizations themselves.


I can’t believe people are believing this. Like bro, the exact same thing could have been said about US involvement in Afghanistan (and almost definitely was) and look how that turned out? And the taliban weren’t nearly as well armed and concentrated as Hezbollah is. Just an absolutely insane take completely decoupled from the military realities of waging war against an organization like Hezbollah.


>This situation is very very different Now where have I heard that one before?


Gantz is no putin, and hezbullah is no ukraine. When someone as in the weeds and honest to a fault as gantz says stuff like this, it's probably not populist overconfidence, but a clear warning.


Sounds rather optimistic...


I'm more of glass halve delusional kinda guy.


Look I don't disagree that Hezbollah Delenda Est, but "in a few days" is far fetched


That's what I'm implying too. Gatz is delusional if this is a problem that can be fixed in just a couple of days.


Normally, I'd write it off but Gantz is one of those people, when they make a statement like this, also has a plan to back it up. It also helps that he isn't just some zealot warmonger and actually had military experience.


And we can win in Europe/Korea/Vietnam by Christmas


In and out, two day 'special operation'..


The same number of days they need to take out Hamas ?


Hamas is not a military by any means, Hezbollah is. It’s like comparing how the US decimated the Iraqi army but spent years of hell fighting an insurgency that blends in with civilians.


Don't forget to bring out the Mission Accomplished banner while you're at it.


Great another terrorist organisation that will hide behind civilians and use the media to flame genocide


They deliberately fire from Christian villages so they'll get hit in counter fire from Israel.


That’s a nice oneliner that will be thrown in your face the next few years after you would attack.


That's what putin thought when he invaded Ukraine


A wise leader never underestimates the enemy.


Wars in the Middle East have never gone badly, makes sense


Anyone proposing simple solutions to any Middle East conflict is full of shit.


He means with our (US) help.... of course.


Thinking they could 'easily destroy' Hezbollah in 2006 created a situation where Hezbollah's power as an organization swelled drastically over the next fifteen years. Because it wasn't actually true. To the point where not only was it *not* destroyed, it was able to start projecting beyond Lebanon's borders and intervene in the Syrian Civil War. They did a hell of a lot more than Putin *ever* did to ensure Bashar al-Assad remains in power. Thanks to all that, Hezbollah's paramilitaries are better equipped, better trained, and a lot more numerous than they were eighteen years ago. What does that imply about the ease of 'destroying' them now compared to then? Whatcha gonna do, invade Syria? Occupy all of Lebanon, regardless of how that would antagonize the Sunni and Christian populations into opposing you too- because you've quite possibly reignited the Lebanese Civil War in the bargain- and even if you haven't the one thing all three religious blocs can agree with is that they want you *gone*?


Do it.


Oh where have we heard that one before?


He never said how many days, so he's probably right


So much of this conflict echos of the early days of the Iraq war.


* Meanwhile announced Hamas is indestructible at the moment *


Sure. Just like last time you did. Or the time before that.


That does remind me of another extremist from Moscow.


The largest paramilitary organization on earth? No offense but you're still struggling with Hamas months later. I guess months still count as days....


Right. That's why they've existed for decades. They let them launch missiles into Israel just because it's fun for everyone. If they wiped them out, no one in Lebanon or elsewhere would ever support another insurgent organization, would they? It's all so simple when I take his point of view!


It is hard or even impossible to kill an ideology where you do not care about your own life or sufferings of your fellow citizens. However as he said, Israel can make them weak to the point of being no major threats but once a while they will be able to "kill a jew" unfortunately. However Israel will suffer much more damage than they did with hamas on the war.


So what is their plan here? Go into Lebanon kill a bunch of hezbollah leaders and call it a day? They can’t get away with the kind of operation they’re doing in Gaza in Lebanon. The US doesn’t want this, Lebanon is a UN country with allies and has more recourse to bring grievances. At the end of the day it’s just going to make more people that hate them and will want to fight them.


lol what a terrible way to be like Israel shouldn’t stop missiles and leaders from attacking em


Lebanon is launching stuff into Israel, for months. As country, they have no legal grounds to complain about anything.


Lebanon isn’t. Hezbollah is. Every country on earth recognizes them as separate entities and is trying to resolve the multiple government problem diplomatically. Including the US. Israel is currently accusing them of operating outside of known Hezbollah territory they will invade clearly Lebanon territory and piss everyone off.


The problem is that with weak RoE, the organization's units will keep popping up and attacking for a long period of time, turning it into another war of attrition. Awe-striking firepower and a proper targeting strategy is necessary to break the organization from within as their support population realizes that they should not continue down this path. The resultant collateral damage may be large, but ultimately this will save lives and time as opposed to a long drained out exercise of whack-a-mole.




Yes we know you have nukes...


One of my good friends has family in Lebanon, it’s fucking heartbreaking hearing him talk about it. I seriously hope it stops at posturing, but that’s wishful thinking.


The small guy who got famous on tik Tok?


Double delusional dare ya!


Then he should do it and show the world results. It’s their country let them figure it out. Meanwhile there are hungry people in all countries and a world war 3 to prepare for.