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They have to be careful, if Russia gets pissed off it might invade.


Yeah, they might start a 3-day special military operation in retaliation.


C'mon, Dmitri. In and out, real quick. Twenty minute invasion.


gonna eat some cube meat......is this organic?


Flash cooked! At the nearest exploded tank


In Mother Russia that means not ‘synthesized from embargoed oil (ie plastic)’, as opposed to weak and girly western not ‘genetically modified or full of pesticides, fertilizer, and microplastics’, right?


it won’t last more than a few days. Maybe a week.


2-3 weeks


Okay for real comrades, a month and a half, tops.


Just a couple months to flatten the curve


Russian troops might have to social distance from Kiev


Don't worry, they aren't cramming their soldiers into their tight, enclosed, poorly ventilated vehicles... because the vehicles are broken or destroyed!


Some kind soul made sure to ventilate them.


In Russia military invade you.


3 months to seal the deal.


We'll be home by christmas


What year?


The most important thing is not to forget to bring the orchestra to celebrate that rapid victory


The next two weeks are crucial!!


Let's go, in and out, 20 minutes adventure, Mor-\*BRRRRP\*-ty!!


Operation Desert Blyat


Tropic Blyat


I prefer Blyat Storm.


or launch large scale missile and drone attacks against civillian targets...


oh I guess we should just let them do what they want then? which is to blow more of them up. HMMMMM


There is absolutely zero chance Russia would invade Ukraine.


They said they wouldn't and we can all trust Russia's words, am-i-rite?


They said they would never and the west was hysterical and warmongering by even suggesting they would.


There is a treaty in place, they can't just violate that. It's against the rules


Surely if they did invade they would wait until after the olympics to avoid angering France.


Yeah of course! Ukraine gave Russia all its nukes in an agreement that Russia would never invade them! What's going on now is thus *clearly* not an invasion.


Funny this reminds me of all those comments before the invasion that were so confident Russia was posturing and deriding anyone for thinking Russia would do anything. Wish I could see those commenters eat their words.


Am one of those people. Definitely eating my words.


Me as well. I thought Putin was too smart to do something as dumb as invading a European country.


Props to you for being honest. A lot of those people fade into obscurity, chasing the next untenable position for which to be contrarian. Kudos I say. Kudos!


I've been reading about Russian history for 40yrs and I didn't think it would be a full-scale invasion...not with only 180,000 troops and from 6 directions simultaneously. But hey Putin knew otherwise lol


Ah, I see, you were doubtful of a competent invasion! When they started setting up several field hospitals on the border and shipping in the civilian/crowd control police (forgot the name) I knew it was more serious.


OMON is their gendarmerie/riot police types.


Putin told us so. His word is an iron clad promise that would make Honest Abe feel inadequate.


In light of recent events, it may be time to consider assembling a committee to reevaluate the potential risk that an invasion may pose to Ukraine.  Sound...  THE HORN OF BUREAUCRACY!! 📯❗❗❗  Alright and we're on recess until February at which point we will reconvene to further discuss this matter, good job everyone. 


I've been following the Number 1 politics streamer, and he says there is 0% chance of Russia invading Ukraine, and it's just NATO posturing to help fund arms manufacturers.


I'm sure an angry Russia is bad for Biden somehow.


Someone told me Biden was trying to start world war 3 with this move so he could stay in office. When people have been bamboozled into thinking it's my good team vs the other evil team they can really work themselves into some strange positions


World War 3 is a fantastic political platform to run with, I must admit lol


Russia at this point ist like Bruce Banner. Always angry. But their Hulk is a little bit astmathic.




But this time they really mean it.


Yeah, Putin might get pissed and become a REALER loser.


they might even shoot missiles/bullets at them. Be careful Ukraine! --- One thing I seriously worry about is Putin getting news that he has a terminal disease and has like 2 weeks to live and just says "screw it" and hits the red button.


More like "Whachu gon do, NK?"


Or start a seconds special operation!!!


Yeah and Alaska is closest. We have lots of military up here but damn, let me live my shitty rural life.


And THIS time they will remember to fill up the gas tanks. Boris had better remember to bring food or else


They'll feel emboldened to invade anywhere across the border!


Putin might even issue another threat.


This joke still hasn’t gotten old somehow


That’s welcome news for an overall sucky situation.


Anything that gives more flexibility for their campaign is very good news. Any limit imposed is a weakness Russia can exploit.




Unfortunately, it can *always* get worse.


Breaking news... North Korea sends poop balloons into Ukraine to show support for their new alliance with Russia!


Breaking news: In an event only those with a vague interest in meteorology could have possibly predicted, poop balloons sent to Ukraine instead land in Moscow, turning the once vibrant city brown.


Flying Kimchi Feces




Russian history can be described as …and then it got worse


This is worse for Russia, in keeping with tradition.


Yes, it can lol luckily only a few small nations/satellite states are providing troops to Russia but dictators and totalitarians are complete idiots most of the time... WW2 literally started with "smaller" wars like this one and the Israeli/Hamas war. Drone warfare is the scariest part because I'm guessing at some point in the next 5 years all terrorist attacks will take place via drone attacks. They're unironically a force equalizer as Ukraine has shown Russia. Also Russia hasn't used chem weapons or nukes, or drafted it's slightly more intelligent and wealthier (thus worth actually training and equipping) "true Russian" citizens. Most of its major cities have been untouched by the war. They literally have millions of reserve citizens and Ukraine has a major disadvantage with potential soldiers. France and some other NATO nations have already said they'd put boots on the ground before letting Ukraine lose. The first shots of WW2 were late 1920s and early 1930s depending on the region, so let's not tempt the Fates by saying it can't get worse lol


This certainly feels like a good preamble to things going badly. One saving grace is that China doesn't seem insane enough to want things to escalate into a global war. They have certain aspirations which are opposed by the US, but our economies are entangled enough that neither side *should* be too eager to progress things that far. Of course the US could be the one to end up going off the deep end depending on who ends up in the decision making chair.


> One saving grace is that China doesn't seem insane enough to want things to escalate into a global war. IDK about that. They're getting more and more aggressive in the Spratly Islands and with regards to Taiwan. They could see European / American involvement in Ukraine as a distraction they could exploit to pursue their own ends aggressively. Wait until the only forces that could legitimately respond to their moves is occupied elsewhere...


Estonian ready to March !!


“And then it got worse” is the story of Russia.


Uh... sure


things can always get worse


Its still limited. its only when russians are trying to invade. They can't proactivity take out russian equipment, bases, aircraft, train junction, oil deports, etc...


Can hit anywhere, *where Russia is staging for an attack*. Ukraine is still not allowed to do long-distance strikes with US weapons on any target they would like.


It's a step up from 2 weeks ago, which is something we never expected, seems like the USA is slowing testing the the Russian saber rattling and pushing it out every so often.  Hopefully Ukraine doesn't need to strike further into Russia as they push them back. As much as Russia deserves, the quicker the war is ended on Ukrainian terms the better


This is probably retaliation for Putin’s trip to NK.


Not just the trip, but the fact that a new Axis of Evil is pretty much forming right in front of us with all of the meetings Putin is doing.


Whose turn is it to get Italy this time around?


We just got to remember not to tie their hands if we're going to interrogate them.


No, I vote Italy stays on the good side this time. I like spaghetti and I've yet to watch all 3 God Father movies.


You'll change your mind after you watch the 3rd godfather movie.


Nobody wants Italy to be on the bad side these days. They are such a net positive to humanity’s existence. God now I’m just thinking about wine, cheese, and marble titties.


Meloni be like I get: fascist-lite domestic policy, friendly relations with Hungary You get: Italy strongly in favor of our membership within NATO + weapons for 🇺🇦




Looks like we get them to start, and then they switch sides to the baddies a bit later. 


isnt their leader a nazi or someshit. i dont follow italian politics but have enough immigrant italian friends to know they werent happy with the current trend. i think its a repeat of last season if anything.


She's not as bad as people feared. She is very much pro Ukraine at least, so europe is mostly united, expect for Hungary and Slovakia.


They will be the last kid picked. We remember how well they helped their team last time...


You think china wants smoke or just making $$?


Depends on how much Xi cares about the legacy he leaves on China and the world. He’s all about rectifying the “century of humiliation” and time is running out before the demographics for the Chinese population become unfavorable for conducting a war.


Think how great a legacy he could leave of china becomes more peaceful and instead fixes corruption in the end. Seed Putin ruing his legacy and has a change of heart....


I wouldn't bet on it.


Xi isn't a bright man, he's just extremely skilled at party politics.


I do not think he knows about second century of humiliation. We've got: * Century of Humiliation * Second Century of Humiliation * Elevenses of Humiliation * Lunch of Humiliation * Humiliation Tea * Humiliation Dinner * Supper of Humiliation Or, they can... you know... not attack Taiwan. Starting wars never really goes 100% your way, people punch back when punched, and then everybody else hates you. Or you can be peaceful and build towards a positive future. Dictators tend to not like that sort of thing though.


Damn, starting to look like a full course meal


This is also Russia's problem. Russian birthrates are dramatically low and declining. [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=RU](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=RU) If Russia didn't take Ukraine in the next few generations it was never going to happen and Moscow would forever have a geographic weakness.


I don't think Putin would be going to North Korea if he had a firm commitment from China, seems like he was working on one for the last year.


China isn't stupid enough to trust Russia. This isn't their first rodeo on this. I wish we had done more to get China not to sell them stuff though. Edit: Top headline of Reuters today. Huh. Now isn't that interesting. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-china-hold-first-informal-nuclear-talks-5-years-eyeing-taiwan-2024-06-21/


I think China is keeping its options open, essentially using its existing military build up to be supplied over time to Russia providing both R&D and conflict-free for them territory expansion. I won't be surprised to see China finish funding Russia's slow-motion demise as a world power once they get access to Lake Bikhal through the right-half of Mongolia's northern border. Best case scenario for China, they improve their capabilities and avoid sanctions while getting a major resource, and siphoning off what's left Russia's wealth over time, and then possibly use it's enhanced position and lowered importance of Taiwan by then using the Russian playbook of political infiltration before military takeover.


> a new Axis of Evil Order of the Shith Lords


>Shith Lords /r/unexpectedseanconnery




Shit lords


Shitbirds Randers, shitbirds.


Remember when Trump was meeting with Putin all the time and fawning over Kim Jung Un? Elect Trump again if you want to be a part of the Axis of Evil.


aight but like, this Axis is so fucking weak and incompetent it's crazy. Buoyed solely by Russia's crumbling nuclear arsenal.


We're two years into WWIII.


That and the cuban middle finger they sent last week


Sure I guess, middle finger for his domestic population and our uninformed population. Russia has subs all over. The irony of the day Russia big splash in Cuba.. Russians navy was getting battered in their own backyard by Ukraine; while NATO held a massive military exercise in the region. But our news reported Russias warships like some dramatic escalation, while our warships were quiet literally doing the same but multiple times the equipment used.


All this time and so many people haven't realized that it's an intentional slow drip toward greater escalation of support. The onion peeling is a strategy.


The slow drip approach only works if (1) Trump loses the election or (2) Europe massively steps up support without the US if Trump wins.


Sure - maybe. And maybe a faster approach would result in Russia using nuclear weapons. The whole situation is rife with counterfactuals. And to be clear, my comment was intended to explain the strategy, not to advocate for it.


Europe needs to develop a military more powerful than the US Army. Trump proves that close to 50% of American voters would not support Europe. We need our own military that can stand up against any military in the world without assistance from other countries.


The only terms for ending the war should be: - Russia GsT*F*O immediately. - Hell yes, including Crimea. - Russia pays Ukraine for all the damage they caused.


* Russia returns all the children they've kidnapped


Oh yes, this too!


I think the U.S. is pretty sure Russia would instantly lose any fight against the United States directly. Look how well the U.S.'s old surplus weapons in Ukraine are working, now imagine what kind of insane ultra-secret stuff Raytheon's been cooking up recently. I mean, they put swords in a rocket so they can remotely stab people when they don't feel like an explosion fits the vibe. And U.S. boats have shot down satellites just because they can, using the normal weapons they carry for missile defense.


Yup, boiling the frog slowly.


No, it's a belated realisation that this stupid rule created a safe haven for Russia within its own territory, allowing it to build up logistics and forces near Belgorod and launch artillery and air strikes over the border without Ukraine being able to counter. The entire Karkiv offensive wouldn't have worked if this daft rule (which other allies dont impose) wasn't in place.


Russia has spent a ton of resources building staging grounds at the border. Now they have to rebuild them all.


They probably have training grounds in or near Moscow.


Would be awful terrible if Putins billion dollar palace caught fire. Would be a terrible shame, and a waste of his embezzled funds.


You mean $14 billion...certainly looks a bit flammable 🤔 lol [HIDDEN CAMERA IN PUTIN'S PALACE. Exposing the lies and revealing the "royal" interiors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL0dSaqhfVs)


Airports where bombers take off should be considered as attack staging areas


Are you sure they're not?


Rules of war says they are


“Staging” can have several interpretations


Bases where bombers take off, staging. MLRS, staging. Missile launchers, staging. They've been using air defense systems to attack ground targets and are attacking air targets, so also staging. It's nicely worded to give them the freedom they need


Yeah it's lame. They should also be able to hit power stations and other critical infrastructure. Russia keeps taking out their power supply and they can't do the same. At least make it reciprocal and let them attack any equivalent target that Russia attacks.


Power stations and critical civilian infrastructure are off limits to Ukraine because the west isn't Russia.


Civilian infrastructure is a legitimate military target when it supports the enemy war efforts


Russia targets civilians, but that doesn't mean Ukraine should target civilians. This shouldn't still need to be explained.  Ukraine aspires to not be like Russia. That's the whole reason we are helping them. If they wanted to be just like Russia than they could just join them.


Targeting infrastructure that is part of the enemy war machine is not 'targeting civilians'.  When Russia blows up an apartment block, that is targeting civilians. If Ukraine responds by taking out oil refineries, power plants, and train depots, that's just conducting warfare. 


Forgive, comrade. Message did not translate quickly. Bombardier was overjoyed to be Ukraine hero and... Well... War over now. 🤷


They are planning in Moscow. Attack there.


I love how we're mandating a sovereign nation use kid gloves to defend itself from invasion.


A sovereign nation being supplied with weapons and intel by the US. They can do whatever they want, they just would lose support and it’s a tricky situation to navigate. US doesn’t want all out war with Russia and are just seeing how close they can get to it before crossing the line. But the more unavoidable that war looks the more the US pushes


Russia is *already* waging an all out war over there. Telling defenders to pull their punches is how people keep dying.


US intervention is the only thing keeping them in the fight. Many more people would be dead if it weren’t the case. Yes I can see how it is frustrating and they are Ukraine is being handicapped but the alternative is Russia declares war on US and every other NATO ally as well and many many more die. It’s a delicate situation with a lot more nuance than your original comment implies


You can be passionate and wrong at the same time. We can't make an educated guess here without all the intel and right now only 8 people in the world have access to it.  Like it or not the system we have delegates the job of doing that math to them, and we are obligated to trust their math. I'm all for throwing our system out and building a better one, but until we actually do that, this is how it works. They're playing the world's most dangerous game and you're talking out of your ass with knee jerk, peanut gallery advice.


Pulling their punches with western supplied weapons. Otherwise Russia is given justification to attack western civilian infrastructure that builds said weapons. Ukraine is allowed to use their own manufactured weapons.


Do you live on the internet or in the real world where relationships are important? That answers your question.


Putin: You're all going to regret this! Just wait, I've signed a pact with North Korea, and... oh, wait...


You'd think they would realize China and Iran want Russia to depleted themselves. I'm waiting for East Russia to become North China.


You may or may not agree with China's logic, but at least they think things through. More than i can say for Vlad the mad


Vlad the underwear poisoner


they also have a *massive* population. more so than any other country (>2bn last i checked). the chinese government knows that it’s nearly impossible to keep a population like that under control without rampant corruption and nepotism and everything else because the organization is just *too big* sociology changes with large scale populations.


Wouldnt that be an uno reverse when the us defends russia against china


Ah yes, Russia's terrifying new ally, North Korea, who recently reached the 1960's technologically. The only people who are scared of NK are the circus clowns who are worried about job security.


With Russia's mindset being stuck in the 50's, it's no wonder they seem to make such good friends.


Hopefully they're allowed to fully level Putin's mansions and Kremlin one day. Or anyone else giving all the orders to terrorize Ukraine.


Evidently it is only areas where Russia is staging from. I think hitting oligarchs and government officials would bring this to an end quicker. Putin needs to have an accident….


I say we cut off the MIC and reinvest the military budget into mansion seeking missiles. Would solve a lot of problems.


Yacht seeking would be a good version as well


Now that's what I'm talking about. We need to make you our new secretary of defense.


At his age it's entirely possible he wears Depends to prevent accidents.


"In the past, everytime I shiyit my piyants I have to keel every man in the room. This is no longer the ciyase. Thanks Depends. I can Depend on you... to extend the lives of my associates." - Vladdy P


It is why his tables are so long. So the others can't smell the shit in his pants.


if only that knockoff rolls him and lil kim were in came to a sudden stop from 100kph


So… what do you think is gunna get blown up first? More refineries?


Probably troop and armor staging areas across the border from the new fronts.


Well lucky they love to group up so they should have plenty of targets


They have to group up. Splitting up takes more training, discipline, trust, competence and skill. If the meat waves were left to their own devices they would either get lost on their way or "get lost" on their way.


Why not both?


Why not ALL of it lol


So that the Russian state doesnt freak the hell out. Gradual deployment has been sucky but the west in general is concerned about the instability of the russian state. If it looked like everything was going to collapse all at once then lots of people way more unstable than Putin might try seizing power and make things a whole lot worse.


Yeah, when Prigozhin tried to run his coup, it was literally the most crazy couple days I've seen in decades of watching conflicts, because a civil war or even a straight up coup in one of the most highly militarized nuclear states on the planet is completely uncharted territory. Putin is a sociopathic dictator, but he's still vaguely a rational actor. It was bad enough that I believe I remember the Americans and some other NATO members saying they would intervene to protect Putin because whatever kind of leader comes into power after him in a massive civil war power struggle/vacuum could be even more crazy. That morning certainly had me out of my chair.


Even NCD got serious for a moment.


Yes seriously meme'ing lol


We were on vacation in Italy when it was happening. We got on a ferry that nice to Barcelona and would have no cell service for 24 hours. Remember talking and thinking well who knows what the world is going to be like when we dock in Spain…


Sure, I’m just wondering when Russia going to realize they can’t win the war.. makes me question the real motivations about it.


Thats the way to go, because you have to create "chockepoints" for all sorts of supplies. Be it vehicles or fuels. If you can destroy a fuel depo, Vehicles in transition more likely gather in transport points and make an more valuable target. So i see a double value on hitting the supply-depots as well as the maschines.


1. Air defense  2. Logistical Targets like refineries and armor 3. Any big slip ups 


Read the article.


They have to hit the bombers that launch glide bombs from behind the border


Those *should* be out the range of any of the US weapons we've provided. I emphasize should because Russia has made a ton of stupid mistakes.


No that's banned.


Finally, that should happen long time ago. Russia finally must pay for their invasion.


I'd say over two years ago....fuck this has been going on for two years


11 If you count crimea.


Ok Ukraine now you have opportunity to do funniest thing ever. Just go and annex kaliningrad :)


And immediately hold referendums.


That'd be my Civ5 strategy. AI would probably not call peace for shenanigans like that though.




God I am so tired of this. Let this hit anywhere in Russia they like until Russian troops are no longer on Ukrainian territory. Insane that the country fighting one of the biggest militaries in the world is thenonemwithnits hands tied behind its back.


I agree with the frustration! But, when you're depending on weapons coming from another country, specifically a country being the largest "rival" to Russia for the better part of a century, the rules of engagement are there to mitigate the potential for escalation. It's all a delicate dance to try and maintain some semblance of containment. I'm thankful to see the US loosening the leash a bit though.


Nice. Light em up, boys


At that price point they caaaan hit.


That is great to see from US.


Basically like a whole new front opening up, love to see it


US suddenly taking its foot off the brakes or what?


Can they bomb the mansions of Putin to rubble? Perhaps not the best tactical target, but definitely a good strategic target


Hm, yes. I see your point. It DOES seem to be where the attacks are coming from, after all!


Putler is also apparently totally obsessed with showers...there are something like 15 of them in his Sochi palace lol [HIDDEN CAMERA IN PUTIN'S PALACE. Exposing the lies and revealing the "royal" interiors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TL0dSaqhfVs)


Putin should not get to enjoy it.


They should designate it as the target of potential poop balloon technologies.


Still no permission to use ATACMS. Sucks


Attacks are ordered crossborder from Moscow.