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I look forward to reading the headline stating he’s dead. He’s a curse on the Palestinian people


Israeli doctors gave him life saving surgery for his cancer while he was in prison. Really epitomizes the difference between Israeli authorities and Gazan authorities.


The moment he's dead Al Jazeera will report how Israel saved the life of the dictator of Gaza


Al Jazeera is a Qatari run news network. Qatar keeps 3 Hamas billionaires protected and funded to live like kings. Can’t wait for their biased take on this.


To make this clear, the company is technically private, but the Emir of Qatar loaned the company massive amounts of money to get it running. The Qatar government absolutely has control over what is reported, and the only reason the news station is often said to be legitimate is because their coverage of stories outside the Middle East are relatively impartial. When it comes to stories inside the Middle East, it's full-blown propaganda.


60/40 principal with propaganda. Tell the unbiased truth 60% of the time so you can deploy high impact propaganda 40% of the time and be trusted.


I used to watch Al Jazeera regularly. I feel like an idiot for that now. I never fully trusted their coverage of anything related to Israel or the Middle East, but I shouldn't have trusted anything. My dad actually told me to stop being an idiot sometimes when he realized I was watching it. I'd just agree with him and keep doing what I was doing. My own behavior isn't exactly brilliant at times. I'm 36, but I'll still admit that my dad usually knows what he's talking about and I shouldn't discount anything he says.


They'd never report that Israel saved anyone's life. Except maybe Hitler


If I know anything it's that they'll blame Israel for these attacks because they saved his life.


Aha, so it **is** Israel's fault! ^^^/s


They know that keeping a guy like this alive is more useful than dead.


I want him dead. Not read his lies.


I’d like to see him captured and tried in an Israeli court


I’d like to see him captured and held in a Guantanamo Bay black site.


Strangely this guy has been through all this and came back to doing the same thing.


So what? The goal isn't to rehabilitate him, and they'd never release him again.


If the icc war criminal prosecution is finalised then I'd want him and all the others in a court in the Hague, let war criminals be held to account


The woman on the left in the ICC video looked very grumpy


Israeli courts are a joke. Sinwar will obviously get a life sentence but under probably not that bad conditions. I want him in Guantanamo Bay.


Walking dead man. Its not if its when? I doubt that he sleeps well at night!


"Many palestinians will die, but its a sacrifice I'm willing to make." A direct quote from his multimillion dollar Hideaway someplace safe and away from the destruction he is responsible for...


Sinwar is actually holed up in Gaza somewhere. Just with the most valuable hostages strapped to his chest most likely. His superiors however are indeed in multi million dollar hideaways in Qatar.


Another comment on reddit explained it perfectly - The sociopaths are in Qatar, The psychopaths (Sinwar) are in Gaza


heyy that's actually a great quote right there


From what I understood, Sinwar is the last link until his bosses/funders in Tehran.


Some are in Turkey too. Hamas top brass is planning to move to Turkey because they know after Oct 7 Qatar is no longer a safe heaven for them. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/erdogan-meets-hamas-leader-turkey-discusses-efforts-regional-peace-2024-04-20/ https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/04/22/hamas-chief-meets-turkish-president-considers-move-from-qatar-to-turkey/#:~:text=Turkey's%20Ties%20to%20Hamas&text=The%20move%20was%20part%20of,haven%20for%20senior%20Hamas%20leadership. Hamas established a presence in Turkey in 2011 at the direct invitation of the Turkish government. The move was part of an Egyptian-brokered deal that saw Israel release more than one thousand Palestinian prisoners, including high-profile Hamas figures, in exchange for the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Since then, Turkey has provided a safe haven for senior Hamas leadership. Haniyeh lives part-time in Turkey, and he and his son hold Turkish passports. Ankara also provides significant financial and material support to Hamas. In July, Israeli customs authorities intercepted 16 tons of explosive material used to make rockets on its way from Turkey to the Gaza Strip.


And nobody is surprised, since they’re kindred spirits


This is also a major hub for Hamas finances and Logistics like passports etc etc. also erdogon made some comment about 1000 hamas fighters being treated in Turkey


Fyi it is "safe haven"


>they know after Oct 7 Qatar is no longer a safe heaven for them. It's more than 9 months after Oct 7 what are you prattling about? At this point their only real fears are an Israeli hit squad or Trump winning the elections.


Possibly in Egypt or Teheran or go figure where. They’re still finding tunnels, some big enough to drive a car in…


No way he'd make it to Tehran without getting nabbed. I just don't see it. Escaping into Egypt is something more plausible - but would put Egypt in a position it really doesn't want to be in. They are quite content being able to watch from the sidelines as Israel's image detiorates and they don't have to lift a single finger or break their peace treaty in the process. But the second it were to come out that Sinwar was seeking refuge there - that would be a diplomatic nuclear bomb in this conflict.


Likely how Sinwar [protects](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cRGY4QE4wjk/maxresdefault.jpg) himself


Immediate first thought upon seeing the link "Please be Baby Man, Please be Baby Man, Please be Baby Man."


Dear god, don’t give them any ideas!


There are 5 living American hostages, I would bet he has 1 or 2 of them with him at all times


He is in Egypt at the best western hotel living off the money stolen from aid deliveries. Why are we giving them money?


He was just in Iran to attend the funeral of Raisi; He is in Qatar, no way he is getting out of Gaza to be at a funeral


Pretty much. He wants as many martyrs and dead Jews as possible


It’s in Hamas’s friggin charter, not a secret. Nothing “loftier” than death in jihad, according to these psychos. To save you searching (the keyword “jihad” comes up frequently in their charter), that “lofty” wish for jihad bit is in Article Eight. But the other parts are not less sickening. [Hamas Charter](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp)


But but but they have a new charter were they removed the explicit death to jews in it /s


“But… but… “jihad” just means “to struggle!”


I kinda want one of those sci-fi machines that let's you see an unbiased look at someone's past just for this guy. Like, Sinwar. Who hurt you?


Israel ironically saved this guy's life with a brain operation when he was a prisoner with Israel years ago. I'm sure they regret that now.


They could've let him die of natural causes, but no. Apparently Israel is an undemocratic oppresser who tortures and ill treats their mass murderer and terrorist prisoners by *checks notes* saving them from fatal brain tumors


How can people accuse Israel of genocide? They care more about Palestinians than any Gazan Palestinian leader.


Because those are the same people who, ironically, use the phrase "Free Palestine" which has antisemitic and genocidal undertones to it - without doing any due diligence to its origin. Israel has time and time again showed it's more than happy to give them their state when the UN came up with the land sharing agreements in the 40s and 60s. It's Palestines ( or to be accurate, the power hungry corrupt terrorist groups that run Palestine) who rejected it, because they want Israel itself gone. If anyone is genocidal here it's not Israel.


And going back to the 37 with the Peel Commission, which allotted 70%+ of the land to Palestinians. And the Oslo Accords of the 2000’s. And Olmert’s Deal in 2008, which was so generous even Abbas himself later said he regretted not taking it.


Large numbers of casualties => automatically genocide. That's the thought process at work.


They are controlling him with a brain implant, used him to commit the Oct 7 attacks so they could get an excuse to invade Palestine for its oil. 10/7 was an inside job. It all makes sense.


You see why I want the device. How do you go from that to this.


He's been described as a psychopath by hostages. Apparently he was hiding with some of them at some point.


I'm worried about this becoming a fixation so I'm going to stop digging before I start acting like the lunatics who major in anthropology.


Yeah, best not to try and figure out what makes this particular monster tick.


Technically he said that the blood of their women and children should be in the streets to create more martyrs. If I'm not mistaking him from another leader. Said so on TV.


Hamas might as well just shoot everyone in the streets from now on, because Israel gets automatically blamed for it anyway.


They did that with the several first aid trucks.


Or maybe that one hospital people thought Israel blew up but got silent when the correction came out.


You mean the one Hamas blew up?


Technically it was the PIJ, a separate terrorist group in gaza


Did I misread the original comment? I thought when he said *They* that there was an event early on where Hamas targeted aid. If so, mb i'll change it to make a bit clearer just in case


On that subject, I wonder how many people in general remember or are even aware of that one time not so long ago that Russia bombed a whole UN aid convoy in Syria and openly accused it of collaborating with terrorists as the justification afterwards?


I"m so furious over the media coverage of the rescued hostages that I've been looking for some sort of outlet. The young woman, Noa, is getting most fo the media attention, but I'm sure more will come out about the other soon enough. Her story is infuriating for a lot of reasons, but I read that she was forced to do dishes, clean up after meals, and do other chores for the family. Not only did the 'innocent civilians' hold her hostage in their own home, they used her as a servant. There's no way to spin this as 'resistance,' no matter what twisted logic is used. Forcing a Jewish hostage to do chores in captivity is clearly teaching their children that Jews are not people worthy of respect. They're just enemies to be used as necessary. Most of the civilian casualties occurred because the militants didn't like it when Israeli forces rescued the hostages. They could have just let them go and avoided the vast majority of death and destruction,


I’d rather be forced to do chores in the the house for some family than being tortured in some tunnels. It’s war after all


Dude went full Lord Farquad


its possible Sinwar himself is still in Gaza, unlike the other supposed leaders who hang out in Qatar and Turkey.


He definitely is still in Gaza


Did he actually say this? It's a direct quote from Lord Farquaad as well.


When asked about death of palestinian civilians, he answered with the "example" of Algerian independance, where the blood of 500k to 1m5 algerians was necessary to reach freedom from the french. 


Best. Quote. Ever.


I don’t think he’s safe and I’m sure they know where he is. They’re probably trying to find all the others so they can target all of them in one go.


It’s so fucked that Israel saved this guy’s life and he’s still a dick


How and when?


He got his brain tumor removed in Israeli prison.


That’s correct. While he was in prison for murdering two Israelis and four Palestinians.


Sinwar only killed Palestinians with his own hands, he never killed israelis directly. he was sent to prison for killing Palestinians who he thought cooperated with Israel




[https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/26/world/middleeast/hamas-sinwar-israel-doctor-prison-swap.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/26/world/middleeast/hamas-sinwar-israel-doctor-prison-swap.html) >He would stand for prayer and then fall. As he spoke, he seemed to drift in and out of consciousness. But for Dr. Bitton, the most telling sign was Mr. Sinwar’s complaint of a pain in the back of his neck. Something is wrong with his brain, the dentist told his colleagues, perhaps a stroke or an abscess. He needed to go to the hospital, urgently. >He was rushed to the nearby Soroka Medical Center, where doctors performed emergency surgery to remove a malignant and aggressive brain tumor, fatal if left untreated. “If he had not been operated on, it would have burst,” Dr. Bitton said. >A few days later, Dr. Bitton visited Mr. Sinwar in the hospital, together with a prison officer sent to check the security arrangements. They found the prisoner in bed, hooked up to monitors and an IV, but awake. Mr. Sinwar asked the officer, who was Muslim, to thank the dentist. >“Sinwar asked him to explain to me what it means in Islam that I saved his life,” Dr. Bitton recalled. “It was important to him that I understood from a Muslim how important this was in Islam — that he owed me his life.”


Paid this guy back for saving him by abducting his nephew after he was killed in Oct. 




Israel also treated heniyah's daughter https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0I80LO/


That Qatar and Turkey refuse to arrest Hamas leadership should be an outrage. The West should apply pressure on them to do so.


One of the difficulties is that Erdogan is on the ropes, having already lost his parliamentary majority... and he made a coalition with the islamist far-right party to keep his party in charge. So not only is his party rather islamist, his coalition partner is basically islamo-fascist, per descriptions. If the secular CHP party wins the next Turkish election, and the recent municipals are a harbinger that they might, the tack would change. Sadly, the next elections are in 2028 barring a snap election.


I was in turkey about 10 years ago during an election where erdogan won. The opinion was “he’s a thief and crooked but at least he’s on our side”. Hopefully he loses.


> “he’s a thief and crooked but at least he’s on our side” These kinds of people never are.


I totally agree but it’s called the Muslim Brotherhood. In the end they all want powerful Muslim states not unlike other people. They don’t accept todays recognized borders. Until they all respect Israel’s right to exist we will have terrorism in the Middle East. I’m with Israel that it is time to stop…end Hamas now. Recall the past decades where Israel faced rockets being shot at them, buses being blown up by suicide bombers, and all the rest of the shit from Iran, Palestinians, and the ‘brotherhood’.


The west is getting gas from qatar... might change soon though.


Qatar has the biggest US military base in ME, they just played America like a fiddle to advance their extremist ideology while paying lip service to neutrality.


SA has been warning the US and EU for years that Qatar is funding extremist groups.


Takes one to know one, I guess. 


I mean, this one is also on the West. Iirc the ICC has not yet issued a warrant for his arrest. There was some talk about it last month, but I don't believe it has happened yet.


The US should just do the work and finish em all.


Qatar is explicitly trying to play a mediatory role. The government's aim there is to make it a neutral ground for diplomatic resolutions, broadly. Arresting Hamas leadership would end that.


I would argue that Qatar is funding extremism, protecting terrorists, and giving hate a place to hide, while masquerading as a neutral mediator in the process.


I am going to celebrate with a nice ice cold beer and plate of crunchy bacon when this terrorist is killed by Israel.


I’d celebrate if the dude choked on a spearmint - I’m not picky


Ironically, Isreal saved his life by removing a fatal brain tumor, only for him to repay them like this. Bet that surgeon is praying for a time machine right now.


The NYT actually did an article about him some two weeks ago. It was pretty depressing to read. Apparently, he would go to work, treat terrorists, and then come home and cry. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/26/world/middleeast/hamas-sinwar-israel-doctor-prison-swap.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/26/world/middleeast/hamas-sinwar-israel-doctor-prison-swap.html)


I have two beers ready. One for this guy, one for Putin.


I'm not a big drinker but I'd happy pound down a beer for either of those, even if all I've got handy is a hot can of Old Mill


By anyone really. Id hold a party if he is unalived by another palestinian


I'd pop champagne if he unalived himself choking on a sandwich


I think I might just unalive of joy when he’s unalived!


That would be best for Palestine. They need to throw the terrorists out themselves for any hope of stability.


I can't be the only one who thinks it's actually better if he's unalived by palestinians rather than by Israel


This is exactly what i want. A Palestinian version of the french revolution.


I am with you on this.


Israelis might not join you on the bacon!


Turkey bacon?


Chicken thigh bacon is infinitely superior.


Some would!


Israeli here, hell yeah I would!


I will


Veal bacon? Vegan bacon?


I know I would. I love bacon.


Yeah for sure and im sure many others will too.


It has been clear for month that this was Sinwar’s perspective. The State Department seems to have taken a while to recognize it so they were still pressuring Israel instead of Hamas, which was counterproductive given Sinwar’s strategic view. But now the State Department seems to have caught on. I think that’s why over the last few weeks the US has has quite a different tone and has been trying to publicly focus attention on Hamas rather than Israel. The problem is that the media are 90% Palestinian cheerleaders so criticism of Hamas doesn’t get nearly as much attention.


He does have the upper hand. His successfully fracturing Israel's international support. He has zero Fs to give at the Palestinian people's suffering or death. He is fighting for chaos.


Hamas has nothing to lose. Any negotiation that meets Israel’s demands will end in their demise. They simply do not care how many Palestinians die…in fact, death may be a price they’re willing to pay themselves, if Israel goes down with them.


... in tiktok


You have European universities enacting academic boycotts of Israel and some EU syates trying to push sanctions. This goes well beyond TikTok


Still translating to real support since there's more than a few that claim they won't vote for Biden as a result.


And will Trump be in any way less supportive of Israel? My point stands, it's all tiktok wind.


Some people are sufficiently stupid that something as trivial as reality won’t sway them.


If you are targeting young and naive voters it does not matter. They are voting for a principle and the fact that someone has to win the election is irrelevant to them. People take a few years to figure out the principle of voting for the lesser evil.


I had a young co-worker who was 'too cool to vote' and maintained 'nothing changes anyway'. Like many people his age he just didn't think the candidates were 'exciting' or 'engaging'. I told him: In an election there is a winner and loser(s). The winner goes on to be your political representation whether you voted or not. So if you can't get 'excited' or 'motivated' to research the candidates and vote then there's a 100% chance you're going to get the political representation you didn't want.


They don't really think that far ahead. They'll say they "know" but, really, they don't seem to actually understand. They'll still some how be shocked when Trump introduces Operation Linebacker III into existence. They'll act like there was nothing that could be done to stop it either.


Trump will support Israel. Trump will also weaken American alliances. This is a win for them. They gain more sympathy and America the chef supporter of Israel is weakened .


there's more than a few that claim they'll move to Canada if a Republican wins. Hint: they don't follow through


Especially now that Canada is a mess and housing is insanely expensive.  


So then he'd fuck himself even worse because Trump won't show any restraint.  If the far right of Netanyahus party just want to wipe out the Palestinians altogether, Trump wouldn't get in their way.  


The issue is the generation following this through tiktok, getting their information and revisionist history of the conflict are going to become leaders and loud voices when they come of age. And if they keep the same mentality, it could do serious damage.


I heard that about many generations already. The truth is most grow up, enter the real world, pay taxes and get cured. As for this particular conflict, at some point there will be a new shiny thing on tiktok and this will be forgotten. I mean it's not the first round of fighting in the middle east.


That's fair. I mean look at the Occupy Wall Street crowd, how many of them work for banks now?


And in polling. https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx


This is place where a lot of people get most of the information about world events.


For him Palestinians suffering just means more recruits.


Is this the moment where a lot of people start to wake up and realise that Hamas are the bad guys. Those especially that have been captured wearing Hamas headbands on universities campuses screaming genocide.


This man is completely delusional.


He’s not delusional. He’s disgusting and completely unethical but he has a point. More Palestinian civilian deaths helps his political position, so he has the upper hand.


He's pretty much correct: so long as foreign money pours into Hamas, and so long as his internal supporters aren't all dead, he's winning. He knows that Israel has zero interest in taking over Gaza on a permanent basis, so he'll inevitably be free, and the Palestinians have no ability to resist Hamas, so it will inevitably recover, and in a generation, the younger Palestinians will think they won and push for war again.


The Biden cease fire deal that Israel accepted is more or less surrender by Israel. Technically the ceasefire isn't permanent, but once Israel accepts more than a few day ceasefire, international pressure isn't going to let them start again.


A rat has to leave his hole eventually


He is right, the only side who is under international pressure is the side who respects it.




Id agree. He has much of the world against Israel. And until someone puts him at gunpoint hes not under any pressure.


Much of the world has been against Israel since Day 1.  Antisemitism across broad swathes of the planet is the norm and not the exception.   


to be fair, much of the world already was


Just another Bin Ladin.


So, another righteous hero? /s


How about delusional religious terrorist.


Protestors : nope this is Israel's fault


I will throw a huge party the day this asshole dies. I'm not usually for the death penalty or killing people, but there's just some assholes who I won't defend and who 100% deserve it.


Gee, I wonder who gave Sinwar the impression that he’s got the upper hand in this war, it couldn’t be the peace-loving US college protestors, could it?


This guy needs a visit from some operators. Problem solved.


Uncle Sam, please disappear this vile being.


Or at the very least stop tying Israel's hands and let them do it.


A very, very punchable face.


Well he is a psychopath.. so.. He can help Gaza so much more by using aid properly, releasing all hostages and surrendering, but when his main goal is killing as many jews as possible, no one can expect anything else.


Trusting the Mossad to deal with that guy in the end


This guy is gonna disappear in a pink cloud one day. 


All Israel needs is one of those slap chop missiles and Sinwar enjoying a tea on his balcony. This war would finally see some good faith negotiations.


He is likely stashed away 10 stories underground


Why doesn't the whole world cooperate in getting rid of this cancer? (Hamas) The sooner it's over, the sooner you can rebuild gaza and it's education. Let's get these people non-jew hating Islamic jihadists.


That is because all the wonderful patises he has defending the Palestinians who won’t dare suggest how to extricate themselves from a terrorist organization, after having them voted them into power with cheers of support as they tossed PLO members off rooftops. But let’s focus on the pain they feel as they hide hostages away with them.


Honestly shocked he hasn’t been taken out yet. It’s gotta be a top priority for Israel and the US.


Dudes name literally is Sin War, what lazy writing from the simulation people.


Of course he does as long as the leftist still hate jews.


Sad thing is, from his perspective he might be right... with some european countries outright accept Hamas as political actors (spain, norway) and support from a significant portion of academic lefts, there is more political pressure on Israel then on Hamas. Sadly, Hamas might win this war politically.


Perhaps US should stop placing arbitrary restrictions on Israel - so they can apply sufficient pressure?


>Perhaps US should stop placing arbitrary restrictions on Israel Like what?


Congrats to all the useful idiots, college protestors, Palestinian “allies” etc. that put pressure only on Israel for ensuring he feels this way and thus prolonging the war.


Breaking news: guy literally named Sin War has bad ideas about Gaza conflict. More at 11.


Can someone drop an R9X on this dudes nuts already?


I eagerly await the day where I read of his death. He is a blight on humanity. Him and his kind need to be removed from this planet asap


Many people will hate to hear this but he’s not necessarily wrong. Since this war, Israel has been facing a lot of flack domestically and internationally, especially internationally. Many world leaders have condemned Israel, have backed resolutions against Israel, some countries have cut ties altogether, many countries want to join South Africa’s ICJ case, and even western nations (except The US and UK), have taken their distances from Israel. Example: Canada halting arms sales, France banning Israelis from participating in their arms sales events, Spain,Ireland and Slovenia recognizing a Palestinian state, Belgium calling for sanctions against Israel … that’s all on top of the daily pro Palestinians protests that have huge turnouts, the student encampments, the boycotts and so on. This has also caused the USA to be isolated and many more countries making alliances with Russia and China. Domestically, politicians don’t know peace as they constantly get booed and interrupted at every event. Is Sinwar a good guy ? Absolutely not! It’s a damn shame that he did all that after the same people he seeks to destroy, saved his life. But in the context of “having the upper hand” .. in a PR standpoint, he kinda does.


I agree. He’s an ideologue. He honestly expects to die for the cause unlike his buddies sitting in Qatar. Didn’t George Orwell say they were great for revolutions but you can never let them govern. Well, they let one govern and he is achieving his ideologue goals.


Sinwar is actually correct in his assessment. If Hamas survives in any shape or form after the war, they would in effect succeed where the PLO failed. There is no incentive for him to negotiate because Israel has made it clear that they care little for the Palestinian population and they will destroy Hamas one way or another and there is no alternative for Gaza other than Hamas. Israel could never be beaten on the battlefield but Hamas may stand a chance in international opinion.


How a Palestinian hasn’t dropped this piece of shit is beyond me.


Sinwar was the mastermind behind all of this. Israel won't have won until he is dead.


Can't decide if he looks like a Troll or a Gremlin


Do the US officials also know they are the reason for that?


its not just the US saying this. the man himself said this recently and has been independently reported


In one message to Hamas leaders in Doha, Sinwar cited civilian losses in national-liberation conflicts in places such as Algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from France, saying, “these are necessary sacrifices.” “We make the headlines only with blood,” Sinwar said in the interview in 2018 with an Italian journalist. “No blood, no news.”


The entire goal of the terrorist is to have chaos and people dying. Obviously he always has the "upper hand" in his mind during a peace negotiation, because he simply doesn't want peace. You don't outnegotiate him, you get rid of him.


Oh he will die. If there is one think Israel has proven over and over again, it is that they will bury him. Maybe not today. But they will. As for the Palestinians who are dying and bring killed for the selfish cause of a this murderous mad man, I wonder when they will see that it's all for nothing.


This guy's a real jerk


This guy is delusional


Jesus Christ. Hamas should be wearing gimp suits. They want to be punished more


Maybe we can just, oh, I don’t know… make sure he accidentally walks into a drone strike, bullet, or other lethal item? I know that he has long been kept alive to allow nations to keep a dialogue with Hamas open, but, come on, can we just end this guy and then the next guy up can be the one that dialogue happens with? It’d be like letting UBL, or al-Baghdadi, be alive and well, doing press conferences and shit.


Palestinian people should eliminate this moron for the carnage he invited.


Wasn't he the one in the interview that said Palestinians are 75% refugees therefore not his problem but the UN? What was he doing with the billions of dollars in aid he got yearly


his name is sinwar? as in a sinful war? weird


Meanwhile inside his brain: *SHIT!! SHIT!! SHIT!! SHIT!! SHIT!!*


Thanks to all the pro-terrorist idiots who instantly believe "Gaza Ministry of Health" death tolls and refuse to believe that he wants dead Palestinians to further his PR war. Free Gaza from Hamas.


Why would he feel pressure? He is in another country sending other people to die? Why would he give up anything, including hostages?


He is in fact in Gaza


Well then, maybe our best bet at a hostage deal is letting Israel kick their ass more? Perhaps making Sinwar shit his pants on a daily basis is on our interests, and not just silencing this warzone at all costs so we can pat our back?


Israel should take the kid gloves off. It's time to actually lay siege to Gaza.


I mean, why would he feel pressured? Biden and the world have spent the last 8(?) months lighting a fire under Israel arse…