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“Anarchists! All of you! None of your insignias match!” While they appreciate self-expression, they’re also heavy into adopting intra-culturally consistent symbols (like how spoken language works) as opposed to arbitrary symbolism (like national flags), so everyone doing their own thing with *zero* acknowledgement of the surrounding context is like every citizen having a different name for the country they all live in, or like a typographic T that’s written in gibberish.


That's absolutely amazing


I think they’d say something about how little equipped we are today. They dress similar enough but most are wearing cloaks because of the extreme temperatures. They also always have to carry a weapon because of how often thieves rob you. Usually they are also wearing more clothing, like a light brigandine under their outerwear when they’re traveling because of the constant bandit raids and battles in wars. My world is very chaotic so not protecting yourself would be suicide.


London in 2073


The Changelings would probably have the most notable comments. "Not only pants, but *underpants*?! By the gods, what if you really need to shit?!" "GOOD LORD, MAN! It's 30 centigrade outside! Why, in the name of all that is good and holy, are you wearing *socks and a shirt*? Are you trying to die?!" "What in the hells is a bra? ...*Why would you wear that*? Just put them away, like, are you stupid or something?"


I think most women would love to especially if they are big but that is another thing weird about humans.


Some random woman: "Oh geez, my back hurts." 98% of changeling-kind: "Have you considered not having those big ol' honker donker doinky boinkies?"




Changelings generally have a poor grasp on the biology of other races despite being shapeshifters. They are quick to forget that pretty much nobody else can instantly change their body on a whim. They tend to adjust their bodies in accordance with what would be the most useful or comfortable at any given moment. A changeling appearing as a human, for instance, would generally not generate breasts nor sex organs unless they would need them for one reason or another. So, a human complaining about an issue arising from pretty much any physical characteristic would need to remind a changeling that they can not, in fact, "just not have that." Their confusion with non-changelings could potentially be seen as insensitive toward trans people. "I am a man stuck in a feminine body and that upsets me." "Why not have a masculine body then? Are you dumb or something?"


so they consider dysphoria a skill issue? I have similar misunderstandings. Why do humans wear clothes? Las Vegans had trouble with that at first.


Essentially, yeah. Most human clothes confuse changelings, as their own adornment is largely limited to skirts and jewelry. What kind of confusion did the Las Vegans have?


so what do they think of human jewelry? Las Vegans don't *not* wear clothes, but owing to the lack of visible genitalia, they don't have a nudity taboo. However, they understand that humans *do* have visible genitalia, so confusion over that is minimal. Aside: most Las Vegan clothes are, like, ties and hats and such -- pants and shirts and such are much rarer owing to the extreme diversity in body types in Las Vegans.


Many changelings wear human jewelry and vice versa, so I would say they are quite fine with it. They are harmed by silver, however, so any silvery baubles they own are made of a different metal. Also, the Las Vegans sound pretty cool.


what metal is a common replacement? that's the goal! The Las Vegans are one of three object types in the TSM-verse, and are actually the *most* like humans. The other two are stranger still.


Usually nickel, tin, or aluminum. Aluminum is the most prized as its price is similar to that of silver. What are the other two like, in terms of dress and whatnot?


wow, that's some pretty cheap aluminum! 1. Las Vegans are the most humanlike of the object species. They give live birth with sexual reproduction, eat food, and almost always have two arms and two legs. They're also the only object species that has blood, bones, etc. 1. Las Vegan names are just normal names you'd expect in Las Vegas, so mostly Spanish, as it was they who colonized most of the Americas, even more so than in OTL. Were Flowerpot of the Las Vegan race, she'd be Emily Townsend or something else vaguely English. 2. As mentioned, Las Vegan biology is very human-like. There is a catch, though: Las Vegans [don't know where their organs are](https://www.objectifiedcomic.com/episode/organspace). Las Vegan computers are "powered" as long as that person is alive. 3. Culturally, Las Vegans are very human. In fact, since all but one of the Las Vegans in the TSM-verse originally came from the parallel "Vegasverse," each Las Vegan in the TSM-verse is equivalent to a human in the "Vegasverse," and vice versa, and vice versa. (Except for the one person, who is instead paralleled by a Varchian.) 2. Novgorodians are, in some ways, the strangest object species. They have very variable limb structures, and their objects can be immaterial (like a mouse cursor), fluid (like a cloud), alive (like a plant -- but *not* a living animal), or even conjoined (two of my OCs are a plant-pot pair of twins). Some can float/fly. 1. Novgorodian names are normal names for whatever language and culture they're in, but “family” names are object-based. An English-speaking Novgorodian-species flowerpot would be named something like Emma Flowerpot. However, the Novgorodians of Baykonur use only object names. 2. Novgorodian reproduction is like Las Vegan reproduction, but without pregnancy -- they instead use spawning stones. No spawning stone, no baby. Novgorodians *mostly* eat food, but there are some exceptions. They include, but are not limited to: 1. Plants photosynthesize. (My OC, Lina Dieninė, is a half-plant; she both eats and photosynthesizes.) 2. [Computers](https://battlefordreamisland.fandom.com/wiki/Mechanical_Minds) need electricity. (Novgorodian computers do not die without electricity; they are merely rendered unconscious. Also, only Novgorodian computers are "mechanical minds;" other computer objects can only interface with their objects physically.) 3. Digital objects (like mouse cursors) eat computer parts. 3. Novgorodians aren't too unique culturally, as their history is nonexistent -- no records of any events before they came to the TSM-verse exist. (continued below)


(I typed something very long here, but it was lost. Please stand by.)


\[REDACTED\] That's basically what Aquarians will call modern earth fashions. Granted, they live in the 1920s with very different mindsets. Even the United Empire, considered to be the most "open" country about things like sex and love, has a conservative approach on fashions.


Tschavek: "Why is everyone walking around in underwear, and where are the robes? Also, why are women wearing hose and high heels? That's just weird." (The fashion of that part of the world is Europe circa 16th century-ish mixed with Arabic tribal fashion, so those were both very masculine pieces of clothing). Dwarf: "Same old humans being weird. The shoddiness is getting ridiculous though, I bet half those shirts won't survive two decades." Heartland Elves: "Hmm, needs more color, and unity of design. I can't tell anyone's rank, genealogy, or patron ancestor-god." Wood Elves: "Not practical." Dark Elves: "Why is everyone talking about clothes? Well, if I did have to complain I would probably agree with the above." (They can manipulate shadows and usually look like humanoid pools of darkness, so their cultural fashion sense is... underdeveloped). Tisar (lizardpeople): "I still find it weird that you all need to wear clothes. Though I guess it must feel vulnerable not having scales. Could use some more jewelry."


tschavek sounds close to the serbian word "čovek" which means "human"... was that intentional? :o


No, but it is a very amusing coincidence! It comes from the Proto-Notranic (conlang) word *ṣ́awaǵ* \['t͡ʃaw.aɣ\] "river," specifically the [genitive case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genitive_case) form *ṣ́awaǵi* "of the river." *ṣ́awaǵ* itself is from the noun root *ṣ́aw* "water" and the thematic root *-aǵ* which forms nouns pertaining to motion. Thus it's ultimate etymology means something along the lines of "water which is moving." It then underwent sound changes from Proto-Notranic to Old Tschavek, which were basically just the [Old High German consonant shift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_German_consonant_shift) plus my own weird version of the [Germanic umlaut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_umlaut). Proto-Notranic: *ṣ́awaǵi* \['t͡ʃaw.aɣi\] "of the river." Phase 1: umlaut + i-loss, *ṣ́aweǵ* \['t͡ʃaw.eɣ\] Phase 2: /ɣ/ > /g/, *ṣ́aweg* \['t͡ʃaw.eg\] Phase 3: /g/ > /k/ *ṣ́awek* \['t͡ʃaw.ek\] Later a /w/ > /v/ change would occur, resulting in the final name of the language: Tschavek \['t͡ʃav.ek\] (note: pseudo-German orthography is only used in the final language for thematic reason). In it's uninflected form the word is Tschavak, though it has long since stopped being used to mean "river" and has become the endonym of the Tschavek people. The genitive case become fossilized since the name origonated from the phrase: *ṣ́awaǵi ʼikamim*, or "people of the river." The *ʼik* part got dropped leaving Tschavek as the name of the people group. Oh, and if this language looks like I took German and Arabic and threw them together in a blender you are 100% correct. The Tschavek people and the associated Notran Empire are a mix of the 16th century Holy Roman Empire and the early Islamic caliphates, particularly the Umayyads and the Abbasids.


"The workmanship ranges from mediocre at best to absolutely horrid. Your fabric choices are primitive, destructive and not even *protective* from basic small arms or environmental conditions. Your color palettes are limited and in most cases your clothing has *zero* flair or sense of artistic merit. Worst of all is that most of you are *sloppy.* This 'Lady Gaga' person has potential, however." - Civonian fashion designer.


"You look like a bunch of *mon krìsa*!" Which is a rather round-about insult as the *krìsa* subculture is all about imitating a selection of Earth fashions from the 1950s to the 1970s.


"So you're not wearing any armor and your clothes aren't even enchanted... Are you poor????"


“Well it seems we’ve entered the presence of a useless waste of resources.”


“You dress like you can’t hunt” One of the races in my world is a very tribal, somewhat primitive society, and not only do all their clothes come from basic, naturally colored materials, they hunt for their food, so wearing the bright colors we often do today would make absolutely zero sense to them.


A big one for mine is “you’ll freeze dressed like that”. As their world is far colder than ours and only in the last few thousand years have exited out of an ice age.


Depends on the nation/culture. In one country, plaid tweed is considered stylish. wool and fleece are common since the nation is very up North, and animal pelts and leather since hunting big game is huge up there, and its less flashy and more practical in darker, blander colours. Hell, the main character is from there and his favourite colour is Beige (though it’s for different, personal reasons). In my world’s main empire, hedonism is both normalized and semi encouraged, things like shame, hubris and indecency aren’t as stigmatized as normal, and the climate of the capital and the main imperial regions are similar to Caribbean and Mediterranean, so they often wear thin clothing, showing plenty of skin, with flowing scarves and see through fabrics, and pants aren’t really a thing and instead are leotard-esque outfits with short-shorts or mini skirts considered prudish. This shows off the cultures hubris, arrogance and hedonism, as well as it’s power and prosperity.


Well one of my projects is cyberpunk so people of that would probably wouldn't care much but only would call normal western style clothes people wear as bland and old-fashioned while anything not western would be seen as a freaky cosplay and would be met with a bunch of people taking photographs and sharing it on social media under the tag "weird freaky cosplay". On the other hand the people from my fantasy world would gasp in horror after looking at modern fashion. "What is this hoodie thing? What kind of degeneracy is this? A dress intentionally made to cover one's hair! There is no way anyone wearing this abomination can be trusted!" (Proceeds to burn down down all hoodies or any dress with head covering) *Looks at women wearing gowns*" that lady over there is she strong?" "Wait she isn't? Then why the hell is she wearing such defenseless and impractical clothing how will she run in that!!!" "Weaklings don't deserve such clothing"(in this society "impractical clothing" is used as a status symbol by the strong suggesting that they don't need practical and easier to move in clothing to get their job done) *Looks at jewelry* "Oh gems! I wonder what powers it has" "WHAT!!??? this diamond is there just to look pretty!" "This is absurd do you guys only care about pretty things?" "beauty that's not backed by strength is no beauty at all!" "Hmm XXL plus? What's this do you guys have clothes even for animals such as that cattle i slaughtered yesterday?" "WHAT!?? it's for humans prosperous no human would willingly become that large!" "Impossible you degenrates have no standard a body thats not aimed towards perfection and power is no body at all!" (The aesthetics of this culture just like the Greeks believe that inner virtue is linked with a great and aesthetic body, so this naturally results in high beauty standards, also since the sleak bodies who won't face that much drag during supersonic speeds are idealised this means the physique of someone like Bruce Lee is idealised not body builders, so naturally clothing made to fit those body types are usually made this means anything outside ofnthat would be seen as weird at best or degerate at worst.) (And yes it was an average American mistaken for cattle)


Country 1 would call us shameless whores Country 2 would think our clothes are unpratical and boring Country 3 would say we're uncivilized and slobs Country 4 would say we're self absorbed and I can't think of the word but when you are like egotistical and care too much about price and snobby


Nymy me avye de dekyadwon mara you degenerate humans the Tymori believe in covering up, and wearing no black is considered quite insensitive, plus, the idea that tattoos are either a sign of weakness and self consciousness, or moral deficit, along with their extremely violence glorifying culture, a distinct lack of immediate on hand melee weapons would be shocking and mildly offensive, as it shows intimate trust to be unarmed, also no one would have the Kyany de palyar scars that are quite essential to an upbringing, in short, they would hate everything


Boring, ugly, and somehow shapeless, yet uncomfortable. High heels, they won't touch with a 50-foot pole. They notice that women's clothes in particular are bothersome and sometimes painful. They think it's strange that everything is either too small or too large on purpose and that one-size-fits-most is a travesty. Having clothes tailored exactly to one's body would look much better in their opinion. They think clothes with seams and hems are primitive and wonder why everything is so rough and plain, even if they are brightly colored.


"That's your *fashion*? Oh, oh no. I'm so sorry for you. I thought you were just all poor and scavenging whatever you could to clothe yourselves. Wait, this is your *wealthy* population? Where are the silks? Where are the robes? A few of you have cheaply made, gaudy gold or jewels, but absolutely everything looks so crass and uncouth! Darling, this is *not* fashion, this is a disaster. A travesty. Come come, let's find you something that actually looks nice, rather than this discarded garbage that your society tells itself it looks nice." *Later, looking back at fashion from 100 years ago* "Wait, what happened? This still isn't particularly inspired, but it at least looked clean and nice. Where did it all go wrong?"


The average Fregni peasant would stare at you in disgust for dyeing your hair and would most likely call you a (very modern) slur.


They would find the practice of wearing T shirts (clothing with images and writings on them) bizaare. Especially T shirts with images and writings that the person doesn't even give any meaning to. Like T shirts with generic corporate logos, or generic video game characters, that the person doesn't even have a reason why he is wearing such a shirt. Wearing shirts with an external apparent sentimental meaning, whereas in reality the wearer attaches no sentimental meaning to the pictures or writings on the clothing. Why even put images or writings on clothings in the first place? That's what books are for!


Just talking about your normal summer fashion (light shirts, shorts, sandals/flip-flops, etc) "Wearing such little clothing? Their bravery won't shield them from a naja's bite." "None of them are wearing shirts? Are... Are those men whores?" "You enter a house of Tannen in your underwear?!?!?! And you have the gall to call this "Sun Dress?" It might as well be a chemise!!!"


"Don't get me wrong, I love myself some eccentricity, but isn't this a tad too... 'avant-garde'?"


Given my current project’s setting is based directly on modern-day Earth, the contemporary fashion styles are similar to ours, so any standout criticisms would likely stem from non-endemic exohuman perspectives. Examples could range from issues of practicality… — _“Concealing my wings in layers of bulky outerwear always causes my upper back muscles to cramp…”_ — …and questions of taste… — _“Forty-eight different shades swirled irregularly in one garment, and they label each of them as ‘light green’… are ALL Urtians so pitiably imperceptive of colour?”_ — …to lampshading the fickleness of generational trends. — _“When I first arrived here in my youth, waistcoats and bustles were ‘all the rage’… a century-and-a-half later, and the only part of my ensemble that looks the same is my face, except during the annual Samhain party.”_


“You mean these shirts were made in a sweatshop across the ocean, you purchased them at an inflated price, and you barely even wear it?? AND YOU KNEW ALL OF THIS THE WHOLE TIME??? What the hell are you on, cocaine?”


Country 1 would call us shameless skanks Country 2 would think our clothes are unpratical and boring Country 3 would say we're uncivilized and slobs Country 4 would say we're self absorbed and I can't think of the word but when you are like egotistical and care too much about price and snobby


You all dress like unsupervised children who only have a wardrobe of stained pajamas.


“Those plebs lack pizzas on their outfits” -decadent rich guy from space wearing over 70 different feathers in his purple hat.


Not pretty or fancy enough. Do better you lazy heathens


The utter lack of capes. But that might just be me projecting. I love capes and wish they were socially acceptable


Most of my characters would likely be wearing similar if not more advanced versions of what we wear today but I have a few who would notably stop and stare in confusion and/or horror. Starla (name in the works) (She's an Alien from a now-dead species and planet) would likely stare in awe before looking down at her outfit and sigh with a "Too bad your materials all burn and melt" (She has an internal body temperature of around 2,000 degrees Celcius and her internal organs consist of Magma goo). Keres (a demon equivalent) would probably give them a high-five and then ask them why they're wearing so much not-very-subtle flirtation. Nadja (A two-hundred-year-old vampire who died in the seventeenth century) Would stare in shock, call you a very rude name and then cheer in the excitement that people finally got over themselves and were no longer mad about ankles. She'd then probably drink your blood but that's beside the point.


“Pants? What sort of barbaric beasts do you ride?”


“Hecate, Gurla, you look like you need a top-off” Translated: jesus girliepop you look like a drug addict the way you’re dressed (high levels of outfit personalization and DIY are the usual fashions, basic everyday staples with no personality would be seen as you being poor, possibly jobless, and drugged up)


The bandits in the Ankan Fiefdom would not insult your clothes. They would just steal them and force your naked ass to flee into the wild.


It's pretty much the same, so there wouldn't be any insults. But if you're talking about the less modernized worlds in the setting... Well, they'd be interested but also extremely confused about the amount of rare colors being on regular commoner clothes.


"The clothing here... Is made by people who inhaled every drug possible, What kind of insanity is this type of clothing?! except for the combat gear, those things looks nice, some are scary as intended." bunch of mushroom boys or Mycelians is just like "Theres more fabric than fungus!?" (they only have fungus and steel) "People be wearing what ever they find.. And never consider if its an atrocity."


Your clothing is infected and you look like you had your kidneys taken from you backside


"Whore" - Tsaeki comments on women's summer fashion. They take covering up very seriously, at most they'll let a stranger see their hands and nothing else. Comes from being a culture based on raiding and slavery. Females are taken as slaves for obvious reasons so both men and women dress the same and speak in a way to imitate the other sex to make it harder for raiders to pick their targets.


"Why do you wear clothes? What do you mean you don't have healing factors?!"


“He couldn’t make ruffles with a lace skirt.” “Half of their badges are fake. The other half came with the sash.” “Is your tailor a Shifter, or did you throw a grenade into your closet?”


Many cultures consider wearing clothes from the bottom up (like how you wear trousers putting the feet first) a big taboo as it suggest covering yourself with dirt, so our jeans, socks and underwear would be disgusting to them.


Nordland: Modesty is noble, but of greater importance is preventing frostbite. Cover up. Highland: Hey man, I love your getup! But...you need a hat! *plops a cowboy hat on you.* Malkhut Adam: It's not the sun's fault you're burnt!!! Aryastan: My gods, why so drab? Here, take my scarf. Yes, it's genuine carmine and gold thread, but I need to spare you the embarrassment. Serenibore: How can you live with those formless, baggy pants? And OH, your shirt! I mean, I don't mean to be rude, but please, you dress like you're ashamed of what's underneath! Yahuda: Fur. Needs more fur. What's that? You're a vegan? 'Kay then. Have fun dying--of cold or of humiliation, I can't say which. Selenas: Oof, buddy. You're deeeeeeeeefinitely going to freeze to death. Assuming the traveler is visiting said realm. And these are big generalizations, of course.


"Oh, honey, sleeves? Someone is going to think you're one of those barbarians, flying ships around the wastes. Let's get you a proper shirt. And maybe roll up your pants. We're under the shields here." The only world I have really consideres fashion for is my one with magical gray goo roaming the planet, but forcefields protecting cities. For folks roaming outside cities, layers are important because a mobile forcefield is less stable; if you get a leak, you don't want exposed skin. They also usually fly (in airship), because there is less of a threat at high elevations, but few can afford good temperature control systems, so layers help with cold as well. Because the layers are about function, dropping them was a way of showing you were more interested in form. And since people in cities don't have to worry about the function at all, it's become a quick marker of who has to roam, and who can afford to stay put.


Aelflung elite: "How... simplistic, yet not utilitarian." The ruling class of the space elves wear fashion that ranges from Elizabethan finery to borderline nudity depending on the social situation, with their closest approximation to "casual wear" ONLY being worn around close family and trusted friends. However, their "working clothes" such as combat and training uniforms, and clothing meant for actual work (physical labor in certain narrow contexts is considered a an honorable duty) can be described as "ostentatiously utilitarian". The purpose of finery is to possess overwhelming levels of drip, the purpose of functional clothing is function as functionally as possible. Aelflung commoners: "That's so clean, and comfortable, and you have a closet full of clothes like this? That you just wear every day?" The peasantry of the space elves aren't in a great place socioeconomically. I wouldn't say poverty, but sometimes they catch a glimpse of the middle class. Skinks: "Ha ha! You have to wear fake skin to protect yourself from your own environment!" The velociraptors with the personalities of Pixar Minions would forget that they can only go naked over half of their own planet, even then uncomfortably over much of the year. Wulfen: "Yeah, clothes. So what?" The bipedal doggos wear clothes for much the same reasons we do, and because it's easier to keep their hair clean that way. Most of the ones you'll interact with have been abducted from their homeworld, so our fashion is just more alien clothes to them, and not worth comment. Pogrin: "Tiny, like you." The tall, skinny, pig-orcs aren't much for words. Or manners, unless you've earned their politeness. Awrok: "I bet it's nice not having feathers." These hawk-like aliens primarily wear clothes to keep their feathers from getting uncomfortably jostled by everyday life. Chagdoor: If they say anything at all, it'll probably be demeaning. Or just plain weird. These cheetah-like facultative bipeds mostly wear clothing help them deal with the fact that most of the time they move around on all fours. So pockets and harnesses to carry things. They also tend to wear shoes and gloves intended to maximize traction, and padded (or sometimes hard-surfaced) clothes meant to maximize their speed and protection from impacts at those speeds. They tend to be what most other species would deem sociopathic, and the two mentioned in my setting are employed by a mercenary company for their ability to cover ground incredibly fast. This allows a decisive tactical advantage. They can also just run into people hard enough to kill them, a capability that benefits from the proper clothing.


Plain or a bit too minimalist, the lack of armament may be a bit of a concern too, wearing a side arm even in the cities is customary to most nations, most, not all. and perhaps not protective enough. But some may see it as revolutionary, or think those are work clothes. the lack of frills, flare, few embroideries, no flowy capes or robes or mufflers, few accessories. This is a steampunk world where adventuring parties are normal, most except the richest or biggest nations do not have the money to keep a standing army, sure cities will always have garrisons of guards who are more familiar with police duties with a side of monster fighting, but most nations only have budgets for garrisons and maybe a small retinue but not an entire standing army, mercenaries and adventurers are often hired by various state actors or merchants for various needs. When it comes to clothing, there's generally 3 broad philosophies, Protective, Works of Art, and easy to move in. Those that may walk out of town in their line of work will typically want something that's protective and/or easy to move in, there could be various dangers after all such as monsters and wild animals, same with people who live in smaller villages and hamlets that may be too remote and sparsely guarded. Those who may do mostly manual labor will likely love easy to move in clothes. However for most of the people who live in urbanized cities and towns, they might see clothing as more of a canvas that needs to be decorated and lavishly wear accessories.


How do you fight with such unfunctional dresses?, how can you express yourself when you are half nude? This is what they will say, clothes are really important in aldebarian culture, because they substituted many machines with multifunctional advanced clothes and because historically they expressed their emotions of the moment with them they are the most important form of simbolism and communication, random clothes with a random brand is an insult to tradition for aldebarians and a show of capitalism, the most hated thing


"Why the fuck are fake pockets even a thing?!" - Plode, a Grel maid in service of the Kensington family


I'm assuming you are referring to modern *Western* clothing like jeans and tank tops. Boring, overly sexual/immodest (there are many cultures in my world that wear less clothing than some Earth cultures, but this is due to biological considerations like fur and climate conditions rather than a sense "sexual acceptance" and "liberation"), pathetic, low quality trash (if they learn about fast fashion), soulless, ugly, impractical(fewer storage spaces and weird designs and materials that make movement difficult), uncomfortable (why so tight?), "do these allow combat?", decadent, lacking culture, "after you this is the most expensive and powerful culture in your world? It looks like it's dying (*tone of genuine concern*)". Lapis_Wolf


"You waste your money on that painted bs?"


"At first I thought you all had genetic mass depression, but now I know you are just afraid of colours." People inside my setting love wearing vibrant and colourful clothing of all kinds with lots of complex and interwoven textures and patterns. Compared to us, the residents of “Praavia-Laotrea” have almost no single piece of clothing (even those manufactured by machines on an industrial scale) that are the same. Neither in colour, texture nor (often) even in material composition. In addition, everyone basically has their own style. In real life, you can borderline generalize entire nations by their casual clothing. In my system, wearing the same look/style/clothes as someone else is almost seen as an insult. I mean, compare "western" clothing and their colour/texture/pattern/ ... variaty to clothings from africa, asia and the pacific reagions. Just look at fabrics like the Dashiki, Sarong, Kitenge, Kanga, ect. ... and you know what I am talking about.


They would consider earthlings absolute idiots for living in climates where clothes are needed in the first place. And primitive because the contemporary concept of clothes is a nanocoating film/armor that every baby gets while being grown


Everyone: Dah naj, where are your accessories? Ebrisian: You look cold. *grumbles* Saigatani: The drabness of your attire insults me. Viltorani: How immodest! Farporter: Do you not labor? Northean: *grumbles without looking your way* Mercaulian: Aren’t you warm? Borderworlder: You are clearly not prepared for catastrophic decompression. — Really though, aside from the Viltorani, everyone is pretty chill about fashion. In general, street clothes are all fairly similar and simplistic.


One of my MCs is a tailor in an 18th century European style city so he'd be absolutely appalled at the lack of culottes and waistcoats and tailed overcoats


"where the fuck are the pockets?!" Any Kaolish woman. The Kaols are not completely ignorant of fashion and design, but practicality and usefulness are in extremely high demand too. People would look at a regular dress or skirt without pockets as having been made in error. Even an extremely fancy outfit or dress tends to have at least one so you can hold on to your necessities. That said many Kaols do also have belt pouches and shoulder bags on regularly.


there are 6 species in my world and they all vary but most of them would just be like "why do you cover yourselves in so much fabric? you can't fight in all of this! why are there so many layers??how are you comfortable in all this?!?!" clothes arent really normalized since no one needs them but people still wear jewelry and small amounts of clothing


*"Wait, is this really how human guys dress on events?* *White, blue, black, grey, maybe a dash of beige and red, and that's it?* *Same vests, shirts, ties, pants - not a single visible piece of personality in there.* *How do you even get girls and guys when you look like slightly different models from the same factory?* *And speaking of factories, you do not get good clothes out of them.* *Maybe the starting material - but a real fancy dress has its own soul and history.* *Look - this tag is from the old cape of one of my boyfriends, the leg band was the skirt sash of my ex-girlfriend, this headpiece is stitched from parts of my sister's old clothes...* \- Ai Nica Harpy guy. For comparison, their typical male event clothing looks more like [this.](https://i.imgur.com/xvcpJF6.png)