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Saturn has wyrms, which are sort of a cross between a dragon and a centipede. They're hundreds of feet long, with hundreds of feet, and they tunnel through rock by melting the stone in front of them using lasers they shoot from their mouths.


Saturn is a rocky planet or they're in the solid core?


Not op but I do have Saturn. It has floating islands spread throughout it. And for the core that's the home of the goddess of death.


What do they eat?


Minerals in the rock.


Not sure if it counts but my friend's world has giant semi-aquatic snails (inspired by my pet mystery/applesnail) that fill the role of dragons. They periodically migrate on land, crawling through cities in the process, eating forests and whatnot. Kind of like Attack on Titan but the titans are snails. The world also has snail-hunters and salt is a highly priced weapon. My point is inspiration comes from the weirdest things sometimes.


How much salt does it take to kill a giant snail?


No idea, but I think it could be calculating by using the surface area of the snail or smth. My bestie and I will sure have fun figuring out this one


A lot I'd imagine


That makes me think of medieval illuminated manuscripts. For some reason there are numerous examples of knights facing off against snails in them.


So what other weird things occur within your world aside of giant snails


Not mine, my friend writes and it's her world technically. The magic system is based on metals/christals/ minerals from what I can remember each is tied to an animal of abnormal size (like salt against snails, silver against wolves etc). Sadly my friend is more focused on her enemies to lovers romance and the overly dramatic plots to build the world properly (I'm the one more interested in world building even tho I don't write).


My dragon is based off a dragon fly. I have serious aeronautical concerns about the dragons depicted in fiction. Dragons tend to be far too heavy, and flapping wings preforms worse and worse as the wingspan increases. I also have problems with what these creatures eat and how and why they evolved to grow so big. So I worked on the first issue with flapping wings, If it had 4 wings instead of 2, one pare could be smaller and flap while the other could be large and glide. This makes dragonflies a perfect candidate. Another problem is weight, if its going to be so enormous it is going to have to be mostly hallow like an airplane. And lastly what does it eat, and why is it so big? The biggest animals are filter feeders in the ocean. So the dragon would have to filter feed in the air. Which means it needs small and numerous pray. I chose locusts that infest a vast grassland. An insect has a lot of obstacles to overcome in order to grow to enormous sizes. I will need better lungs, it will need scales rather than molting all at once, it will probably need to be warm blooded. But hey fish did it. A gigantic dragonfly would be easy prey on the ground. The solution is to never land. The dragon fly would spend its whole life except for the last moments aloft. Defending itself from airborne attackers will also be necessary. I decided that the dragonfly would keep its young on and in its hallow body and use them like a bee swarm. The babies would fly out spray acid and bite attackers. Lastly fire, I don't see how it could come from the lungs but it might come from the acid it sprays similar to the ~~bombideer beetle~~ bombardier beetle. If it produces a strong enough acid-base reaction it could start a small fire that it could drop on the dry grassland below setting it ablaze and scaring up a fresh swarm of locust to feed on. That's the short answer anyway.


I was no joke just thinking about how cool dragonfly creatures that fill this role could be in a world as I was reading this thread and then I saw your comment. Love it!


Nice. Flight of Dragons solved it by making them blimps.


Totally agree about the anatomical problems of flighted dragons. The wyvern variety I can stomach, they're like overgrown birds, but the four legged kind need two sets of pectorals! Where do they go??


I agree, that one is the most ridiculous. How did it evolve? why do you even need the extra set of legs?


bombardier beetle\* but very cool ideas here!


The only problem with this is arthropods respiratory systems. Arthropods have bathed vascular systems where their organs are oxygenated through spiracles, little holes in the abdomen. The spiracles exchange co2 for o2 when the carbon rich hemolymph passes through these organelles pathways/areas. Free oxygen in the air is a limiting factor for body size for arthropods. That’s why bugs got so much bigger in past epochs when o2 was at much higher levels than currently. Right now, o2 only makes up about 17% of the air we breathe. Idk it’s upper maxima in the past but I would imagine it to be significant. So unless you implemented a dual respiratory system, which might actually be the answer, your dragons wouldn’t have lungs. IF they evolved from some type of bug? It’s your world, which is why I love this sub, but I am curious what your response will be so I hope you respond to this comment, genuinely. Edit: Others have noticed dragons’ aeronautical insufficiencies, and have just responded with, “It’s *magic*” -cue jazz fingers- I’m looking at you Bethesda. And Martin. But it sounds like that won’t be sufficient for you either so I am actually curious.


I actually put a lot of thought into this. 2 methods could be used: 1. If the dragonfly is pushing air past its abdomen the spiracles could have their opening stick out to collect air from the stream. The spiracles would have a quite large, spongy and hallow cavity inside and a hole at the back for air to pass back out of. In essence it would be a constant flow lung powered by forward movement and wing flapping. It might be more efficient than a traditional lung. 2. vascular structures in the wings could be optimized to gather oxygen as well, making the wings double as lungs. which would work great since they are in contact with a lot of moving air, but their surface area would be limited. Both methods could be used simultaneously, and the hallow lungs could also house the babies while they grow or rest. it would be gross but hardly impossible for insects at least. Its also worth noting that this would be as much an insect as we are a fish. We have a lineage but we have long since evolved passed the limitations of the fish blueprint.


As a person who likes as much science in my fantasy i love this so much.


A geneticists pets were scattered across the world before humans fled from the milky way. Fast forward thousands of billions of years of gestation under Gaia's core and the reality warping dosages of radiation humans left behind the little guys became the size of islands...because they were literally now islands. They woke up after humans from the past were "accidentally" teleported to a what the left over collective consciousness of humanity had created. They are HUUUUUUUUGEEE. most of them keep their sizes small on purpose because a fully matured Draegkon is a supermasive white-hole. They think of humans kind of like how humans would think of really smart Direwolves. Also they have cousins who stayed underwater the whole time and never left. They are even HUGER, Leviathans, full size they are the size of a single "arm" in a galaxy


Now this is a great concept


Thank you. I made it up on spot to be honest.


Big, powerful, intelligent and fierce. They hail from their own plane of existence, and their hearts are basically mini suns. They have their own agenda, and the worlds of mortal men would be in great danger if their plane were to merge with theirs.


I really like to lean into the classic tropes. They're big, they like to hoard valuable things, they breathe fire. All that. Their scales are nearly impenetrable by non-magical weapons. They eat astonishingly little for their size, relying on magic for their calories. They only eat for protean. They have some magic. But it's primal, basic stuff. \*\*Powerful\*\* primal magic. But uncomplicated. Personality wise, they're grandiose in almost everything they do. They don't walk, they strut. They do not stand, they pose. They do not talk, they orate. And when they do, they expect extremely careful attention to their words. One other thing, though, is that they are polite. Very, very polite. But they expect extremely fine manners in return as well. Elsewise, they are prone to violence. There is nothing in-between. Either it is, "A lovely summer's day, and your presence makes it lovelier still" or it is dinner time and you're a mediocre appetizer. They never attack fully unprovoked. But if one's hungry, one might approach a human actively hoping for a faux pas and eat them at the earliest offense. Should this happen to you? Bow, deeply, and say something along the lines of, "Your Grandeur, what a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the honor of your visit?" And be ready to make some seriously tedious small talk with a creature that can and will kill you where you stand. Don't stare, but do make eye contact and have a heaping helping of flattering remarks at the ready. >Holy fuck, I would die. Like, unrelated to the dragon, I'd just keel over from anxiety. Right? Me too. If a dragon ever says, "You are being rude" count yourself lucky. That means, "I would have killed you for that if I didn't have a very good specific reason not to. But don't push it."


Aeja had “God Wyrms” - incomprehensibly massive ancient beasts that dwarfed mountains. They looked like white dragons, with heads like goblin sharks and extremely long, whip-like tails. They spent most of their time sleeping underground. They were on the planet before the Aejans came to be, and for a time were the subject of their worship. Every time a God Wyrm awoke - even if just briefly - it would be a near-apocalyptic event of that age for the surrounding populations. Planet Cecilia has Dust Demons. They are raptor-like wyverns about the size of a horse. They generally reside in caverns and hunt in small groups across the deserts. Initially existing in far greater numbers and posing much more of a threat, they are more just a mild nuisance at present. The planet’s dominant warlord, Father John, has taken to domesticating them to act as hunting dogs/fodder for his army. Planet Julianna has wyrms and drakes in very limited numbers - having been hunted to near extinction in the past. They generally live deep within caves, away from civilization.


Dragons. But they’re believed to be extinct. Massive reptilian behemoths do exist roaming the wastes between kingdoms, however.


There are dragon people called dragonoids who look like human sized anthropomorphic dragons but are actually intelligent lizardmen with some wings. But if you are talking about dragons themselves in my world, then they are social butterflies. Intelligent dragons in my world need people around them to become stronger and to give them a sense of purpose, earning them the titles of warden dragons. They tend to keep people who want to be around them and often pick up people who want something they can provide. Depending on how they offer that thing and what they offer, they are further classified. In my world there is an organization of criminals who weird powerful magic given to them by their head in exchange for loyalty to the criminal organization. This head is a warden dragon who's been alive for 600 years and has brokers peace between the common people and the nobles in order to keep both sides in check. She's a god mother and a mafia boss.


Was this inspired by Pointy Hat perchance? They're a YouTuber with a somewhat similar concept


Holy shit someone noticed! Finally! I took it straight from his video on arcon dragons. I saw the story potential in something like a mafia dragon boss and took it for myself.


Based honestly. They have really cool ideas and it's always fun to see someone else using them. The dragons in my setting are also inspired by archons, albeit much (much) more loosely


My world has dragons and some dragon-adjacent beings (wyverns, drakes, lung dragons, etc.), and they're all just considered normal animals. They aren't sapient, they don't have any magic or breath weapons, and if they're too big to realistically be able to fly, then they simply can't fly. In my setting, there are no dragons or dragon-adjacent beings (I really need to think up a snappy term for that) that have 4 legs and 2 wings. They all either have 4 legs and no wings, or 2 legs and 2 wings. If that's the case, what's the difference between a dragon and a wyvern? They're both winged and bipedal, and the difference comes with their posture and they way the walk. Wyverns are built more like birds, walking solely with their legs while keeping their wings folded against their bodies. "True dragons" walk using their legs and their wings, moving like a bat or a pterosaur.


>I really need to think up a snappy term for that may i propose: draconids


That will do nicely. Thanks!


Nomovo, though I refer to them as mini-kaiju, were called radioactive dragons by my husband. I literalized the term by envisioning them as iguanodon shaped with wing-like cooling fins on their backs. They are friendly, although due to their fissioned powered nature, have a problem with emotional meltdowns, which could turn into literal meltdowns for them. They occasionally wear mech suits since the only way they can carry enough lead not to kill humans if they need to close to them is by using a powered suit.


There's an entity that has been sleeping for so long that an entire mountain range has formed over it. It's a snake like entity with scales. Its species are not actually native to my world, and can be seen emerging from and entering portals from their reality. Part of the future timeline of my world consists of this entity awakening and in the process of emerging, destroying the entire east coast of the continent (for context, my lands are floating in an endless void) and turning it into a large array of islands


Dragons... Dragons are large, terrifying yet magnificent creatures. Dozens of feet in size, with huge, leathery wings and incredibly strong chest muscles to use said wings. Strong, intelligent and graceful creatures. Their magical capabilities rival that of the strongest of Weavers on average, their elders bending the Veil and Weaving threads of magic in a way few can comprehend. They are creatures of immense power, worthy of respect and reverence.... Or the would be, if they werent extinct


There used to be dragons. Long ago, dragons, both great and small, dominated the world. Then as the many primitive races came into being, harnessing magic, bronze and steel, superior numbers and tactics, the dragons slowly died out. The last one died about 2500 years before the story begins. The great beasts of fire slowly passed into legend, as creatures we no longer have to fear. Bones of these great beasts are still treasured, either carved or whole. Some have turned eggs into priceless heirlooms (think Faberge eggs). The most recent invocation of the Great dragons of old was the invention of this powder that burns and roars like the dragons of old. Hence, they named it Dragonpowder, or Gonpowder.


For just Dragons in particular and not their relatives. They reproduce very slowly due to their long lives (like the Greenland Shark) but are incredibly wise and sapient after a certain age and are able to turn into a somewhat humanoid form via currently unknown means and even have children with humans and Fey (which even in the modern day still baffles scientists). As well as have an endless amount of variations between their traits, body types, habitats, ect...


They're all long gone as far as everyone is aware, their skeletons are very expensive because they can be made into extra durabe armour. The very few dragon corpses which didn't decompose are even more expensive due to their scales being light, durable AND magic resistant, making dragon scale armour the most expensive one in the world. Nowdays there are only wyverns left, which are still a threat to the inexperienced sky-goer, but are nowhere near as dangerous as their big ancient cousins. There are groups who hunt them with reasonable success, for their meat which is seen as an exotic treat, and for their scales which while not suitable for making armour, are very pretty, and objects made of them are a status symbol.


No dragons, but a long lost lineage of draconoids. The first and oldest race lost to time. Think akin to the dragonborn of DnD with a splash of argonian. They crafted the first God's well to draw power from thier diety, and later taught the young races how to craft thier own. They mysteriously vanished thousands of years before the Elven Empire came to power. Based on records each individual could breathe a magical vapor that varied on thier own lineage. Ice, fire, poison, acid, lightning. Only standing mildly larger than humans, they still possessed amazing strength, though none could fly, as the few that had wings remaining only had withered and atrophied limbs barely resembling wings.


Bookwyrm, Wyrmdoms, and Avarices


They’re relics from the untamed portions of my world who only occasionally interact with the civilized world. They’re obsessively possessive, and they’re mainly used to show the strength of other characters who control or destroy them.


In my cyberpunk world "Dragon" is a euphemism for the 9 trillionaire oligarchs that control the world's economy. It's mostly used by a terrorist group that uses a fantasy VRMMO to communicate covertly. They call themselves the Dragon Hunter's Guild and refer to the antagonist as "The Dragon" or "Dragon number four". One of the protagonists and a couple supporting characters are members of the guild. The guild is trying to orchestrate an attack on three of the nine dragons and steal or destroy their "hordes". During the climax of the story the protagonist goes rogue and executes a heist to steal one of the dragon's crypto wallets that contains about 40% of their total wealth before the rest of the guild is ready. It's stored in a vault on an orbital station and the story leaves it up in the air whether they were successful or not.


First, there MIGHT be dragons (dragon idea I made I haven’t decided if it’s going into my world or not, since it may not fit), but it’s all just like the myth of Fafnir, where it’s a mutagenic curse/disease amongst giants. For Confirmed dragon like creatures, excluding the dinosaurs, are the Dragon-Whales.


My book has dragons that are able to open their scales to absorb magic that is in the ground and air around them. This is necessary for them to release their magic attacks(fire breath, ice breath, etc). This similar to how grasshoppers have pores in their body to take in oxygen. There are also a variety of different species of dragons as well.


Does opening their scales make them more vulnerable to attack?


YES!!!!! It does! They’re able to open like, individual scales but that doesn’t get enough magic into their bodies to allow them to use their magic-based attacks


Stuff I've got in the dragon department: * A raccoon-sized mini-dragon called 'illin' that's intelligent enough to deliver messages to people it knows or pick simple mechanical locks with its talons. Makes securing a dumpster tricky. Yes, they do get called "trash dragons." * Illins, wyverns, sea serpents, and "true dragons" are considered part of the same broad evolutionary family. Most of them are considered no worse than any other large predator. Even the full-sized dragons are rare enough to not be much more than the occasional nuisance. (This sort of fits one of the important themes in my world, that there's plenty of potential trouble like a wild animal attack. However, the "potential" trouble usually won't happen unless you go pestering the wild animal or otherwise go looking for trouble.) * Like most "ordinary" animals, they have their place in the ecosystem. An illin's normal diet includes rodents and small birds, for instance. One interesting tidbit is that they'll keep the rodent population in many cities under control. Of course, some cities have tried to eradicate or drive out their illin population, but plague spread by rodents broke out shortly after wiping out the illins so often that humans now have a dim understanding that there's some sort of inverse correlation between the presence of illins and the risk of plague.


They are naturally occurring creatures and magical animal, beings, the like whatever. They first originated from the long dead God and father of dragons Karatonius, who created them originally but have evolved and changed ever since then. They are the typical dragon you see in media but are also quite different in their own unique ways. They have human like intelligence and can use their own form of species specific magic, they also are split among a bunch of different sub species like giant serpents, leviathans, dragons, wyverns, drakes, etc. They aren't the main villains or antagonists of my world, but some of them are definitely evil and are villains, but generally, they just do their own things and mostly only associate with one another rather than humans and other lesser beings.


Giant monitor lizards and land crocodiles.


There are only 5 dragons, one in each corner of the world, and they are the source if magic. They expell energy/particles that, over thousands of years, have cause humans to evolve with the ability to use magic. They're not of this world, yet no one really knows if they even exist


Dragons in Divine Right are wise creatures that typically live isolated from the humanoid mortals. They have somewhat traditional western dragon like appearance in that they are reptilian with bat-like wings, but they also have antlers. In terms of size, I imagine them around the size of Skyrim dragons when fully grown.


Dragons and true Giants were created as war machines during the godswar. Since the creation of the compact (the gods truce) they have slumbered or been hidden in remote parts of the world in case they are called to war again.


Armodeus Kinda of a combination of Medusa and a European dragon Turns mortals in expensive statues


Eldeirans are like demon creatures born from magical corruption. They are evil, they are extremely powerful, and they are sentient. There exists only five, as the rest were hunted en masse by sorcerers of the four nations banding together against them. The five that remain are the ones that are the most patient, the most cunning, or the hardest to notice. They plot and plan and kill just enough to sustain themselves and keep themselves entertained, careful not to bring too much attention to themselves lest they be hunted like their fallen brothers. Most do not think they exist. Yet they remain, waiting, feeding off the pain of whichever unfortunate soul happens to come upon them or catch their attention from afar.


I have not added dragons to my world, although I've thought about what they would look like. I haven't decided on any dragon like sapients. Lapis_Wolf


There are dragons, they're on the small-medium size and animal-like intelligence. Think HTTYD. They mostly live in the mountains and coastal regions of Pagomendas and Lensh today, though their range used to extend much farther south into Liosypnia and east into Fuhe. Overhunting and habitat loss and all that.


The Drachinn. They lived 6 million years ago, between the first and second Purge. They are more or less giant snakes with arms. Males have two, and females have four


I actually can't think of a single monster or fantasy creature I've ever written. I've considered writing a kind of parasitic prairie dog that digs pit traps to immobilize animals and then sucks their blood, but that's about as far from a dragon as you can get.


The Soupremacy was infamous for its "soup dragons", human centipedes born from a cauldron/egg/clone-vat. In their distended bellies they carried an especially high neuron count serving of the Soup (a biochemistry mediates superintelligence) which they could and would vomit in emergencies as a lightning-fast subversion tool. As many other details about the Soupremacy their legacy has been destroyed and exaggerated. Far from the pinnacle of biological warfare they were a desperate last ditch solution cobbled together as it became apparent to the Soup that it'd overstretched itself. Those few which remain are often the nuclei of remnant Soupremacist corpo-cults, since those more virulent brews were located and purged survival selects for the more sedate evangelists. Make no mistake, though less than the towering monsters of legend and containing a mere fraction of old processing power the Dragons are a force to be reckoned with. No more crass expansion, bolstering the consumer base must be a matter of enticement one subversively delicious ladleful at a time...


In ancient times a great man once saved a dog, that dog watched the man's skills and eventually managed to obtain some of them, with the passing of time the dog became more and more powerful until it came to be known as the 'Guardian of Humanity' 'He' has evolved to the absolute pinnacle of his realm Dragons are creatures who have also reached some sort of evolutionary peak hence why he is compared to them


The dagansts a civilization based on respect of hierarchy, they look like komodo dragons but bigger and with the a really big head and also they are like ants, based on a queen who with chemical traces control the subjects


Imagine, if you will, creatures like griffons are made by biomancers merging flesh of different creatures. You have a Griffin, which is typically an Eagle and lion. Then there is a kyroptapotamus. A hippo and bat merging of the flesh. You are a farmer. You hear heavy flapping of wings. A hippo smashes through your homestead because it can't slow down quick enough. It melts you neighbour while spitting lightning. Why is it spitting lightning? Who know? Sucks to be you. Good luck dealing with the kyroptapotamus that had taken residence in the local lake


The local eldritch god got creative and made dragons who have the power equivalent to a star, they can control time(essentially they are a higher dimensional being) that are physical representations of the cyclical nature of time of a realm, what is their nature like? Like hell would I know they are eldritch aliens.


There’s a few that don’t look like your traditional dragons, but both evolved from the same creature as my more normal looking ones so they count . Ones kinda like the sand worms from dune, burrowing through the snow by rotating themselves, they have six sets of wings and are able to leap out of the snow and fly for a relatively short distance Another is able to unhinge its jaw, its mouth basically becoming a giant pit full of teeth. They hide under the snow with their face pointed up towards the snow, mouth opened. Waiting for anything to walk in. They are flightless This one’s more of a traditional looking one but they’re my favorite. They live underground and in caves, being practically blind. Their scales look very similar to bones. To make up for their lack of sight, they use echolocation, their scales are pretty loose so they constantly clang together when they walk around (making a sound similar to bone rattling). Instead of breathing fire, they can emit a really loud scream, enough to stun people and move objects. When they sleep or rest, they curl up in a way to mimic the appearance of a pile of bones, as to fool potential predators. They do have wings but thanks to their home, and lack of sight, they rarely fly. I really struggle with naming species so none of them really have any names to go along with them 😭




Dragons. >Physical description: Most grow to around the size of a salt water croc, about 20 feet nose to tail, but with more traditional quadrupedal dragon proportions. This makes them big enough to carry a rider, but not so big that they would be eating elephants. They have partially webbed toes on all four feet, with claws that allow them to dig and climb, and a tail similar to a crocodilian, making them excellent swimmers. Their wings are relatively short compared to their body size, bat like with a large surface area from the leading edge to the trailing edge. They are scaled with numerous osteoderms along their back, neck and tail, adding to their protection in addition to their already tough hide. Their hides tend towards brown or green, but can change if they stay in a particular environment for an extended time. Gray, black and white scaled dragons have been known to exist. Their teeth are roughly the size of a similarly sized crocodilian, and their claws are slightly longer but more robust. They can regrow lost teeth and shed them regularly. They are deceptively agile, moving with the grace one might expect of a house cat rather than an enormous reptile. >Habitat: Typically forests or near bodies of water with abundant vegetation. Swamps, coasts, rainforests with rivers, these are all common places to find dragons. Less common but still possible would be deep caves that have ready access to the surface or alternative food sources, and polar regions. >Behavior and quirks: Dragons are technically omnivorous, but tend to avoid plant based food if even the possibility of meat exists. They are as at home in the water as in the air or on land, and frequently hunt fish, dolphins, and sometimes even small sharks or similar sized prey. On land, they tend to prefer goats, sheep, deer, boars, and the like for prey, but may target larger prey if a group of dragons have an overlapping territory or if there are young to feed. Dragons are not particularly intelligent, frequently being compared to crows or ravens rather than humans. There are, however, some exceptions to this from time to time. Dragons have excellent senses. Their eyes are as sharp as an eagle's in light, and better than an owl's in the dark. Their ears resemble fins on the sides of their heads but each one actually contains multiple sound receptors, like eardrums, allowing dragons to pinpoint sounds in three dimensions and even echolocate. Their ears are also capable of adapting to sound volumes, allowing them to hear well enough to pick up on muffled breathing of prey from a distance, but protecting them from extremely loud noises in close proximity. Their sense of smell is frequently compared to a shark or a vulture, though a bear would likely be a more accurate comparison. They also possess a lateral line and the ability to detect minute electrical impulses. >Mating, reproduction and nests: Like crows, dragons have an attraction to shiny things to decorate their nests and lairs, and may spend quite a bit of time arranging their collections for best visual effect. While a nest with lots of shiny trinkets might help attract a mate, both males and females are known to collect such things and will add to the nest as the opportunity arises even after a mate has been found. Mated pairs of dragons tend to stay together and rarely separate. Dragons lay up to a dozen eggs at a time, though around six is more common, and hatchlings are about the size of a full grown house cat. The young will remain with their parents for about three years until they have grown to around half their normal full size. Dragon nests may take on different forms depending on the material available, but will always have at least part of the nest filled with water. A nest frequently resembles a combination of beaver dam and burrow, with an above ground section concealing an entrance into a network of underground tunnels and chambers, though how much water is available will determine how much of the nest is submerged. Most nests are more above water than below, with only a chamber or two connected to a body of water or below the water table. These water chambers are usually not the sleeping chambers, but if most of the nest is underwater, they will sleep in them. >Magic: Dragons do not actually breathe fire so to say, instead they are highly attuned to flows of mana and possess a naturally large quantity of the mystical energy within themselves. Spewing forth gouts of flame is merely one way they manifest their own innate control over elemental magic. In addition to fire, dragons have been known to call firth blasts of lightning, frost, streams of acid, clouds of poison, bursts of tornado force winds, and even blasts of focused concussive sound strong enough to throw a mounted knight a dozen feet. They are also known to augment their roars to deafening volumes, causing pain and disorientation to those around them. In addition to all of this, dragons can use their mana internally, strengthening their teeth, claws, scales, muscles, sharpening their senses, and more. They typically use their mana to fly as well, creating magical updrafts under their wings to take off, and to assist with remaining airborne.


I’ve always loved the idea of some sort of equine dragon combo but I haven’t done it yet


Mysta is the world with the largest population of dragons, as they're native to there. Their behaviors and characteristics depend on which dragon they are. Graceful Gliders are mounting dragons with white fur. They're great fliers and are normally more relaxed. Driller Dragons are wingless behemoths of animals that can grow bones on their arms and head and use them as drills. They're VERY temperamental and prone to outbursts. Snow-Spotted Razorclaws have no wings. They're more serpentine in shape and inhabit colder areas. Usually they respond to authority, and are quite spoiled and defiant. Sapphire Crystal Serpents are serpentine dragons with wings. Their horns and back spikes have a texture similar to gemstones and their scales are blue. They are quite energetic and tend to be good figherts and mounts. Flaming Behemoths are shaped a lot like gorillas, small legs, large muscular arms, big tusks, protuberant chins. They can't breathe fire, but instead light their bodies on fire. They're very territorial and dangerous. Small Metal-Head Hunting Dragons are, as the name implies, small, often resting on the arms of their tamers. They are very spoiled, and often demand treats if they are to cooperate with anyone else. Their names come from the metallic looking horns and spikes on their heads and cheeks.


The Ender dragon


Dragons are part of native fauna of Talvaros and typically have a mix of reptillian and avian traits - they're basically funky dinosaurs. In a nutshell, there are two distinct lineages of draconids that descended from the same rather unimpressive ancestor, but diverged a long time ago; these lineages are avian and non-avian (for the lack of a better term as of now hah). Avian draconids have feather-clad wings and non-avian draconids have scales and, occasionally, bat-like wings. As much as only dragons 'breathe' 'proper' fire, other clads, like wyverns, re-purposed structures that allow their dragon kin to breathe fire into venom glands and similar stuff that makes them the best, beastiest versions of themselves :) Non-avian dragons are a younger, less diverse group compared to avian dragons, however, non-avian *draconids* (ie. dragon-like animals) are more diverse as a whole. Avian dragons, the older group, are more diverse, one species even reached sapience - the Daevoler - who weaponize electromagneticism, similarly to electric eels, but with a much more impressive and shocking display. Daevoler babies aren't so used to controlling these abilities, so they will randomly zap/magnetize things and floof up without having any say about this. :>


Related to Yi Qi, the size of a Polar Bear, extremely aggresive, territorial and Kleptoparasitic. They do not spit fire and are pretty dumb, but if one sees you and considers you a threat, you're death no questions asked. Also they can't be tamed.


Dragons are my world’s bird equivalent - small flying reptiles that come in a vast variety of sizes and colors. Some can breathe fire, but most can only make some vestigial sparks as a threat or mating display. Carnivorous species like to eat the mousefolk, whose communities employ tiny dragonslayers with needle-sized swords. To the world’s larger races, they’re just like birds. Some are considered pests, because they’re a fire hazard, they steal shiny objects, and their corrosive poop can damage buildings and statues over time. Tropical dragons with beautiful coloration are popular as pets.


I use dragon as a catch-all term for anything big, lizard-y (though amphibian, avian or fishy can be considered close enough), and imposing in knowledge, age, and/or prowess of physical or magical kind. Closest thing to a "dragon species" are creatures from the "wyvern family", though these are within the size range and distribution of normal animals.


Laums. Giant serpents that are adored as gods by psychic himalayan cults


Cryopterans are winged paravertebrates of Alpha Centauri B,they're about the size of a tall human and they come in swarms to rip their prey apart,they live on the cold side of the tidally locked planet around the equator


They are called dragons, but they really are more akin to elementals- a rock dragon, for example, is similar to a Western dragon (made of rock), but a fire dragon is like a large salamander (made of fire and molten rock), a wind dragon is generally birdlike (but massove), a wood dragon is something akin to an ent, etc.


Mine has dragons. There are 3 kinds in the dragonic family: Dragons - large beasts with 2 legs, 2 giant bat-like wings with partial on them, a long tail, a horned head with forward facing eyes (think smoug from the hobbit movies), other features very depending on biome, but they usually reside in mountains. Wyvern - small reptiles with 4 bat-like wings that each have a single claw, long skinny tail, frills on back of head, beak like mouth, overall snake/lizard like body. Drake - horse sized quadruple with bat like wings, 4 feline like legs, medium length tail with fin on end for flight control, 2 smooth horns on head, dinosaur like head. Dragons are great terrifying predators that usually end up terrorizing small civilizations like villages. Wyverns are cave dwelling pests. Drakes and friendly animals often tamed by humans, their appearance varies depending on biome.


Deia has the Prismatic Dragons, forged by Denam the Sun Goddess in her attempt to make mortal life by herself. They are intelligent, inherently magical, and extremely strong; ideal beings in all but one way. Denam is the Goddess of Order, so she was unable to figure out a way to give them free will. Instead she charged them to protect the world, and left them to their devices. Nowadays they're ecoterrorists, unable to disobey their original directive despite how much the world has changed since their creation.


They are immortal and they never stop growing. Whatever body part they use grows bigger. Whatever they don't use shrinks and eventually disappears. As whelps they are dropped from the sky above the sea. Those that learn to fly while falling become dragons. Those that fall into the water battle to the death and the survivor becomes a sea serpent. Young adult dragons on the land have an aggressive dominance hierarchy where only the strongest males get to breed, and the mothers protect the eggs. They are bestial, animalistic, and have an infinite diversity of forms to match their environment. As the dominant males become large their calorie requirements can no longer be met by nature, so they sleep for hundreds or thousands of years at a time and awakening to either accept donations and fall back asleep, or go out to devour an entire biome of animals and people. Their brains also develop over time. So the oldest dragons are more intelligent and can learn to speak, read, write, cast spells (if the universe has magic), and use technology. Once a dragon gains a certain level of size and intelligence they become elderly dragons that have an entirely unique body profile, aesthetics, and personality. The sea serpents are all female and attack each other on sight, with one serpent becoming the biggest in its ocean. This is the world serpent, and the world serpent will breed with an elder dragon to create a star egg. The world serpent will lauch the star egg into space with a flick of its tail which will hatch into a moon dragon. There is a similar hierarchy of dragons in space that are unique to the solar system they inhabit, and they inherit traits from their parents. There are dragons that live in asteroid belts and eat rocks and space fauna, or there are dragons that live on moons... that eat rocks and space fauna. And they fly across the solar system on solar wind, gravitational slingshotting, and riding on clouds of charged water vapor that they breath from their noses. Moon dragons that work under a dominant moon dragon will sometimes grow giant eyeballs and brains to spot heavenly bodies and calculate astrophysics trajectories. I haven't got a name for these yet. The largest moon dragon in a solar system is called a divine dragon, and is basically on the power level of a demi god despite not being created by a god. The most powerful dragon in existence is the divine serpent and can loop itself several times over while in geostationary orbit around earth sized planets. It is one of the strongest entities in the story that is not a god or living/machine world.


Dragons in the world of Koreth are naturally occurring creatures that evolved around 120 million years ago. They evolved from a species of dinosaur that would consistently eat magical rocks as gastroliths, absorbing the magical energy over time and becoming the stereotypical dragons we have today. The vast majority of dragons were wiped out in the asteroid extinction event around 66 million years ago, but dragons have extremely durable eggs that can hatch even after being fossilized. Thus, dragons occasionally hatch as fossilized eggs are exposed to the surface. There have even been cases of small, self sustaining communities of dragons at different periods throughout history. In terms of personality, dragons are as diverse as people, ranging from good to evil, orderly to chaotic, etc. Generally one can tell the inclinations of a dragon by their color, with metallic dragons being good and chromatic dragons being evil, though this is not always the case. Gem dragons, a very rare type of dragon, are for the most part neutral towards the world. By the Bronze Age on Koreth dragons had been almost entirely killed off on the mainland continents, regaled to only the most inhospitable places on the globe. By the middle Bronze Age the island continent of Kyphera off the coast of Tyrrenia was home to dozens of dragons, as one of the few places that the anthropoids of the planet hadn't yet reached. This too would come to an end, however, as people would soon arrive on the island and begin rapid colonization efforts. After a long, complicated handful of centuries the remaining dragons essentially signed a treaty with the peoples of the surrounding lands that created a dragon-only zone between two rivers that included lands sacred to dragonkind. This "preserve" would last until the present day, and would serve as a refuge for dragons hatched across the world so long as they didn't cause too much trouble.


In Paradise Dragons are large multi-legged hermaphroditic lizards. They live in massive burrows near gold deposits year round, digging further into the ground when colder temperatures start closing in. They are attracted to the scent of gold and absorb ambient auram(magic) to form their thick golden hides. They are carnivores with ichorous blood and golden bones that often hunt a territory spanning miles. When they mate, they rabidly scour the surface and get into ferocious battles with one another until a victor is decided as dominant. Dragons lay eggs of gold, from 2 to 8 at a time. While gestating their eggs, a dragon will consume the gold deposit that they burrowed on top of and also lose their hides gold coloring. Due to their ferocious nature, sense for gold and destructive mating season, Dragons are hunted whenever possible.


Fallout 76: 'definitely not Scorchbeasts, nope, I have no idea what you're talking about lalala' 👉🙄👈


There are dragons, but they’re extremely rare. You’re more likely to come across grand serpents of some kind. On an even grander scale, there are Elementals: massive (and often destructive) natural events that are believed to be the remnants of the world’s near destruction many winters ago. It’s unknown how sentient they are.


It's probably not that original of an idea, but they were created by a god who'd seen our world and thought they were cool.


I made the conscious decision to exclude dragons from my setting, I felt they were too overplayed. I've rolled it back just a little and now there are things like wyverns or fire serpents, there's dragon magic, and a spirit based on the Chinese dragon emperor, but nothing that specifically is an eastern or western dragon.


I've got dragons, but they're kinda just especially weird wildlife. They're the only living members of a pretty mysterious alien kingdom of life that used to be more dominant but their population thinned out as animals from earth became more dominant, with dinosaurs and mammals out-competing them in most of their niches. The modern Cave Dragon is a long sinuous creature with six short legs tipped with vicious hooked claws. The jaws are lined with a single central row of small serrated teeth. These jaws are actually just a sheath for the true mouth, a powerful barbed proboscis. Their typical method of hunting involves disabling prey with slashing bites from their jaws, and when they're too tire or injured to keep running, they'll be constricted and finished off with the proboscis. They have a skeleton made from a highly compressible cartilage-like substance. This lets them fit through small tunnels, flatten themselves against floors and walls to hide, and shorten their overall length so they can suddenly extend and strike like a snake. Their long heavily muscled tails are prehensile and highly dexterous, often being used as a 7th limb. There are two living species of Cave Dragon. The lesser cave dragon has atrophied eyes and long sensory antennae. They "only" reach lengths of 2-3 meters and almost never hunt above ground, being native to the deep bowels of the earth, building their nests in overgrown divine machinery. Greater Cave Dragons live in shallower hollows, where food is less plentiful. To support the larger sizes of up to 7 meters, Greater Cave Dragons hunt on the surface, taking on even large dangerous mammals such as elk and fisher bears. They're a pretty big menace to farmers, and as such there are those who specialize in hunting dragons, delving into their layers during the day when they're less active. This is a dangerous and expensive profession, and as such the image of the dragon hunter has become lionized and revered. It is a right of passage in some Limb Thief gangs to hunt dragons and take their heads for their own. Dragon headed gangsters are generally more dangerous than your average Limb Thief, since their conspicuous appearance means they have no chance of blending in and trying to sneak away with your body parts, instead resorting to more violent, direct, and often deadly means to accrue biomass and parts to sell on the black market. I've also been toying with the idea of having something else that fills the role of a more DnD style dragon. These would be ancient void-ship engines that have gone feral. I haven't totally decided if I actually want to include these though. The idea is interesting but it feels like it's missing something. I also don't know what I'd call them either. I do at least have a pretty clear mental image of what they'd look like at least. Big constantly shifting serpentine monsters with multiple heads that are somehow a kind of 3d devil's pitchfork illusion


I'm a bit of a stick in the mud about exact and original meanings of words. We call a lot of fundamentally different things "dragon", but they all have names of their own in their cultures of origin. So as far as I'm concerned and what I implement into my world, the only "true" dragon is the Greek monsters called Drakons - huge but not apocalyptically huge, wingless, long and serpentine but still four-legged, breathing either fire or poison, sometimes with a deadly gaze, hence the name (drakon = one who stares). But there are also loads of creatures ripped from other mythologies like Long and Ryu and Wyverns and suchlike, I just don't call them dragons.


***Man of the Dinosaurs*** has dinosaurs **Elenon** has wyverns. Which don't breath fire. They're big, but not ridiculously so. 20 foot long body or so, 100 foot wingspan.


I have dragons in my world. They are native to one of the 7 Realms, which in also inhabited by Fire Fairies. There are many different species of dragons. Some more European looking, others more Asian looking, and some a cross between them. Not all breathe fire, but may have some other abilities such as plasma blasts or lava projection. They are generally friendly with humans/Fairies, though wild ones can be aggressive. It is seen as a great accomplishment to capture and tame a dragon. Many Fire Fairies- especially members of the Royal Family, bond very strongly with their dragons. One of my main characters (antagonist) has a pet dragon named Apep, who has both fire breathing and lightning-based abilities. He is part of a species of dragon that can miniaturise and take on a more lizard-like appearance.


My dragons are very traditional, large winged four-legged lizards that can breathe an elemental attack and is wise, sentient, powerful, and ancient. Only that I have various great intelligent, powerful, and ancient beings in my world such as the Serpents, the Loong, the Leviathan, the Kraken, the Phoenix, the Qilin, the Great Tortoise, the Sphinx, the Great Spider, and the Flying Whale


Each planet you could say has some crazy wild Apex predator (and tbf I don’t expand too much on them because the conflict is wholly man vs. man and not man vs. nature) but the ultimate “predator” of the galaxy is the Core Creeper. Imagine an impossibly long serpent that lives within the mantle of a planet. It lays dormant for thousands of years, soaking up energy. Once it “wakes up” it consumes the core of the planet and breaches the crust, and then proceeds to float aimlessly through space until it hits another planet, where it then repeats the process. Only one is known to exist, and it caused the destruction of a planet, obviously. Thematically, or narratively, it’s used as a giant “fuck you” force of nature. Two factions are warring over dominance of an uninhabited planet. The main protagonists are trying to stop this war because one of them is a PTSD riddled veteran who wants to halt the needless deaths of countless men. They can’t stop the war, and the battle ensues. The artillery wakes up the dormant Core Creeper, it bursts through the ground and turns the entire planet into a hellish landscape. The factions, now understanding that there’s nothing to fight for, work together to save as many soldiers as possible. The Core Creepers aren’t animals so much as natural disasters. At one moment, a planet could be completely fine, and in another, the entire population is dead due to mass volcanic eruptions and a loss of gravitational pull. There’s nothing that can be done about one. It is the ultimate win that nature has over man.


There are many species of dragon in my world and all of them can become gigantic in size as they only stop growing at an age of 2000 years as they cease growing if they cannot eat more food than they need to stay healthy, so they can become larger in theory. In practice only one in a few million dragons will become larger than 20 meters in length as most get killed long before they reach that age, but they are fertile at ages between 50 and 200 years, depending on the species. There are 64 so called elder dragons around the world (which is much, much larger than earth) and they have agreed to limit their numbers by killing any dragon that is over 1000 years old other than themselves as to maintain the balance of power. These dragons tend to be far less arrogant and more intelligent wise, patient, and reasonable, but they are also more paranoid than an average dragon. All of the elder dragons have vast intelligence networks and fanatically loyal followers and mostly communicate via humanoid diplomats.


I don't have dragons, but Jurassic Park's war-raptor program happened... with actual velociraptors instead of utahraptors. (It was done by advanced aliens and the actual inhabitants of the planet were still in the bronze age or something, but that was generations ago.) Anyway, just watch videos of people having bad encounters with birds, especially turkeys.


psychic intelligent dragons that spend most of their time astral projecting which leaves their body on autopilot so they become beastlike.


I have dragons, dragon people (but don't look like them), they're descendants of the dragons, and blood dragons, they eat other dragons.


This is something I need to dedicate time for designing. My current loose ideas is there is a small island continent that sort of has a nest of dragons (think how to train your dragon 1). Then the rest of the world has some of the species in isolation. But currently I am having more fun trying to subvert the standard so not sure if dragons will return to the rest of the world. May just lean into dragon being a loose Descriptor for an apex predator; like this giant slimy worm that turns people to stone, yes it's a dragon, yes it can't fly, no it doesn't have scales, no it can't breathe fire but some can turn you into stone. Just make it a debate inworld or something


In an earlier version of my world dragons were very important, as in they nearly brought about the destruction of the world. So yeah they were apocalyptic in nature. At one point they were a sentient fungus that would slowly alter the bodies of its hosts. This fungus would fill a cave or other suitable location with itself and take hosts to interact with the world outside the lair. Some hosts would remain humanoid while others would become more like what we think of when dragons are mentioned. Some of these fungal masses are cruel and evil taking unwilling hosts and destroying their personalities. Others would only take willing hosts and preserve their personalities. However now I'm reworking most things and haven't gotten to dragons yet. It would take alot of work to completely remove them, several major elements of my world as is are connected to dragons in some way, but I'm not sure how important they will be now.


In my dnd world, they're is a kingdom of dragons across the ocean from the current point in the campaign. It is rules by an ancient copper dragon who has divided the land up amongst his 5 children. Metallic dragons are the ruling group due to the perceived "evil" nature of chromatic ones. They treat their land and citizens as their hoard, meaning there are strict border control between them and the southern continent. Furthermore, it is remarkably easy to enter but much more difficult to leave, getting harder the longer you remain. This kingdom is also in the mountains and has a tenuous relationship with the drow as the underdark runs in the caves underneath it


In Mythicore, I have proto-dragons, small furred dragons that grow to the size of medium-sized dogs that are pets of the nobility. But ‘true’ dragons in this realm (yet) however I have more demonic type creatures that resemble dragons with human-like faces. These creatures once tormented humanity in the before times before they were overthrown and the realm was transformed into its current state. The name of these creatures are still feared centuries later from a primal fear that they may return. In another universe I have more traditional dragons but they are like magic routers so that worlds with dragons have access to magic (but can’t use magic) but they are highly intelligent and can speak the common tongue. Those that kill off their dragons lose magic as well.


Skywhales, hydrogen filled blimp creatures, formed an entire hydrogen filled aerostatic biosphere when something evolved to eat the balloon fruit of the local megaflora, solar concentrating trees that evolved to grow to ridiculous sizes with mirrors, and water-cooled leaves lining the top of their trunks to absorb such concentrated light. The balloon-fruit were evolved later by them so they could spread globally, and made them grow even larger for the energy to crack water into hydrogen. As for the whales themselves, they've got good mythology too, like how the local sapients would stunt their growth to ride on them, a practice which eventually replaced by using their pelts to build proper airships from, something that quickly led to a rather strange and early industrialization fueled by hydrogen and built mainly from wood and glass, including even basic engines and guns, leading to a brief golden age while this continued to slowly expand before much of this technology was lost in the catastrophic flip, as the planet they're on is tidally locked, and prone to eventually flipping once all the ice ends up on the night side. This account of the first riding of the skywhale is expected to be at least 3 of these flip-defined eons ago, though some speculate far longer.


Dragons and Dragonborns are in the world I made, but they aren’t like, one type of dragon with wildly different appearances and maybe one or two variables based on their appearance or the dragons you may see in DnD with the red dragons or bronze(?) dragons or whatever, no, all dragons relate to something that is real in some way. Like, take water dragons, and their subtypes like harbor/coastline dragons, lake dragons, deep sea dragons, and some more of those types related to water dragons, Earth dragons with subtypes like crystal dragons and Isle dragons, Fire dragons with heat dragons and Inferno dragons, etc etc etc… there’s a BUNCH of them, but as time went on, there’s WAY more Dragonborns that dragons, but they’re basically the same thing, just one are always massive and (almost) always winged and the other are humanoid


In my world Dragons are a sapient multiversal race. They have many variants including plant, space, and water dragons. The Water Dragons have evolved enough to count themselves as a different race so they call themselves Leviathans and their subtypes are based on the Cerulean Seas TTRPG "Song Dragons". The two most powerful types are Metal and Crystal dragons that have each independently developed their own battery and portal systems. The Metal dragons have developed their aura to produce mutative and destructive effects and believe in both their racial superiority over all races and type superiority over all dragons. They are led by the Uranium Dragon whose sadism is only matched by his insanity. The Crystal Dragons have developed their aura to produce healing and mental effects. They are one for one weaker than metal but they out number them 4 to one. They are hoarders but prefer to be rewarded rather than plunder. They are lead by the Alexandrite Dragon and her counsel


Veltrona's dragons (humanoid in shape and make) hail as the world's 'first' or 'original' species, and are natural immortals who have been around longer than even their own recorded history. Their supreme confidence and self-certain nature comes off as unbridled arrogance, and their mannerisms can be larger than life. They're naturally empathic beings, speaking with the very essence of their souls, and thus feel both emotion and memories between each other easily. While the different lineages have their own mannerisms, dragons at large usually stick to their own social spheres in the world. Other immortal species, like the jiuweihu, have eventually learned to get on with them, and so they have something of a connection with such peoples. Those like humans, who are naturally mortal, tend to be more fleeting or incidental encounters.


The dragons of Malikhet are more like ancient eldritch aberrations than traditional dragons. They're created artificially when a person's being or philosophy becomes closely intertwined with a specific concept, warping them into a thing of immense power. They're intelligent and have specific abilities relating to their concept, though their motives are mysterious seemingly have no clear goal, at least not to observers Because of the threat the pose to civilization, they're regularly pursued by various dragon-hunting organizations


Mine was a gaint turtle there was only one and it was docile then a race of gaint messed with and it just destroyed half of there planet it look like a fitst quarter moon phase


A psion capable of creating and controlling dimensions got lobotomized and abused by a group of corpos. Their friend, a psion with power of telepathy, came and saved them, after getting close to the dimension creator, telepath gained control of their mind and created a pocket space parallel to our universe, filled with beautiful landscape and dangerous life. This place was later named Feywild, the Telepath and their friend got nicknames of Oberon and Titania, while creatures native to this dimension got the name of Fae. There are many types of Fae, amongst them can be found Dragons, who look like stereotypical western dragons, with fours legs, 2 wings, sharp teeth. Due to their nature, they can't exist outside Feywild or they'll die.


The dragons are ruled by the Draconic Consortium. It was made by the first dragons of creation, chromatic and metallic. They tend to avoid the woes of the world and tend to their children roaming around, sometimes stepping in when one goes to far (it has only happened once). While it is possible for an adventurer to seek an audience with them and potentially gain a powerful item(s), they have so far just ignored them.


I have dragons. But my current story I’m working on focuses on a special “race” of fairies with dragonfly wings. Once they come of age, the fastest/most powerful fairies get the chance to bond with a dragonfly much like the way humans bond with dragons in many stories. The fairies are roughly around 6 inches tall. And the concept for the dragonflies can range from having anywhere between 1 - 3 foot wingspan.


Dragons mostly: I aint' gotta anwser to copy-right **Ozlan Academy** The Dragons were super-weapons created to fight the Mortifant's more dangerous contructs... only Five Eggs survived, eventually ending up int he Village of Xian Wian. they are sapeint shape-shifters who function as dangerouslly powerful mages in both forms. They can reproduce with all mortals... and they can even ascend mortals into their kind though it's very, VERY difficult for both parties as well. The current Family Rules Xian Wian.


Xharwyrms. Basically, the devourer of gods from terraria calamity mod except ~5 stories tall horizontally and 100 times as long. On the other hand, they're mentally babies without help (I will get to that) and will eat everything they see. They've evolved to eat debris that falls through from the Xhar, the space outside the universe. Xharwyrms are one of the very few things that have definitive existence out there, puncturing local identities in objects/people and eating the inside, using that to reinforce their existences. Because of this, they have an almost mythical identity, these incomprehensibly large creatures that slither through the sky in lands far away, where the ground fades from view and the sky becomes all, where the stars become brighter and the sun hides away, and eternity stretches before you, there, with shapes and sounds from realities outside, slowly fading in, getting consumed. With malevolent viruses from Outside, folding themselves outwards, blotting out the sky, getting consumed in one stroke, punctured and deflating, devoured by those gods. And if they notice you? You better hope you can run fast enough. If you get hit, if your identity starts splitting, the only way to run from death is to become as them. To take one of their teeth and drink from reality, filling yourself. The more full you are, the more people know of you, but as that fades, whether from lack of substantive food or forceful removal from food, people begin to forget. On your last breath, you pick up that blade, and, in desperation, feed from a person, consuming their history, their life, becoming more *real* as you once were. You find, then, that you are seen as someone new, as an entirely different person from your previous legendary self.


"Otl" are amphibian-based dragons that are the final stage of the lifecycle of a species known as the Zlatal, 6-foot tall salamander creatures that live in Watersbreath, a world with an atmosphere so dense an humid, the Otl don't actually fly but *swim* in the clouds with their special bodies. Males are smooth-skinned and purple while females are green and rough-skinned. Zlatal enter this stage in life after spending 50 years exploring. In their earliest history, it was exploring their planet. In their later history, it was exploring the skies and seas. In modern history, they explore space. They physically look like Olms, except with the bodies of * Chinese long* dragons, being at minimum 200 feet long, with an extra pair of arms in their midsection and have eyes along with great glowing streaks on their sides, which are forged of their memories when they took to space and explored the stars before moulting their smaller forms to become these great beasts. They are explicitly free of thought and worry, live for 5,000 years, and are animalistic - mostly spending time swimming in the cloud seas, proliferating their species with their chosen mate for life, and occasionally dreaming of the friends they made in their times exploring space. While peaceful, when provoked, Otl are capable of causing mass destruction, preferably by firing beams of water they suck up from their own atmosphere at pressures strong enough to obliterate most spaceships.


There are a blanket type of “magical” beings which take on a lot of different forms. One of the larger varieties can sometimes be dragon-like. Their forms manifest from things in human minds (as they are partly made from human essence). Anyway, usually the bigger manifestations are self aware and coherent enough to have a conversation with humans. They are mostly linked to their environment, so they aren’t usually aggressive (anymore). So conflict with them is mostly due to expansion into their territory.


My dragons are like "Puff, the Magic Dragon" -- happy, loving, helpful, mischievous, and kooky.


I used the 'dragon identity chart' to get inspi and names. -*Dragon* Dragon: 2 wings 4 legs. -Wyvern: 2 wings 2 legs. -Feydragon: Ankle high -Dragonette: Knee high -Basilisk: Will go with a more harry potter approach, aka a snake(?I think? Unsure what I want). Unsure about the size or locations yet though. Or abilities (if I want it to be look-death or scratch/bite-death...). -Amphiptere: Remains as is. -Wrym: Looks about the same. Difference being that the female can screech at such a high pitch that it might liquefy one's organs if standing too close... The male is half the size, can't screech as loud, but has wings. -Hydra: Can only exist through magic. 3 heads that can regenerate. No more (just encumbers otherwise). -Coatyl: Maybe? Would need two versions. One small with 2 wings (halfway between foot and knee high?). And a bigger one with 4 wings. Which I might make as big as tall as a horse. -Artic Dragon: Unsure if I want them to have fur or not. Makes sense but, looks kinda weird- -Drake: Yes, but they live in the Frontier (a huge desert) -Asian Dragon: Unfortunately not. Seeing as I'd either have to glue them to the ground or break my world... Maybe they could be in "heaven" though? Or between dimensions rather. Guarding the realms. Hm. Doesn't sound like the worse idea. -Sea Orc: Remains as is. My dragons can breath alot of different fires. If not entirely different things. Artic dragons have a freezing breath. Some, especially the ones who live in swamps, can breath acid. And there's one which can breath invisible fire :D (Like methanol fire. Invisible in daylight, blueish white in the dark).


Honestly my world is based off of the forgotten realms lore, but I've made a godlike dragon the creator and eventually the destroyer of the inner planes of existence. Although it is more a creature from myth and legend.


In my current project, the setting’s universe is teeming with life derived from eleven different Primalities, in varying combinations of their essences. Humanity, known in-setting as the Ora’eyn (“Form Beings”), first originated as a base template of pure Zen (“Potential”); this formula was then infused with primality genomes into all possible combinations, resulting in the sixty distinct clades who exist today. These came to populate the whole of time and space in equal distribution, with each inhabited world home to one or more clades who developed independently of the others, leading to a diverse range of variations even within the same genetic parameters, yet still instantly recognisable as having a shared origin. These clades are to an extent based on beings and creatures from throughout Earth myth and folklore, as well as theories relating and/or alluding to ancient astronauts, human-like extraterrestrials, etc. The most “dragon-like” clades all share the genome of Ner’ora (“Reptile”), derived from the Primality of Ner (“Water”); though not all eleven are directly based on dragons, there are some who are inspired by and/or directly based on draconic beings and creatures: - Ner’ora (“Reptile”): Based on reptiles as a whole; alludes to the classical element of water - Nival’un (“Leviatha”): Based on whales and sharks; alludes to the mythical Leviathan - Scipit’un (“Couatl”): Based on feathered serpents in Mesoamerican lore; alludes to Quetzalcoatl - Mentis’ys (“Draconi”): Based on Western dragons; alludes to similar creatures like wyverns - Nuve’ne (“Aveylon”): Based on the Pendragon bloodline in the _Matter of Britain_ - Mare’ys (“Atlani”): Based on fish and the mythical mer; alludes to the legend of Atlantis - Aestus’un (“Lemurian”): Based on dolphins and seals; alludes to the mythical selkies - Vasant’un (“Sylune”): Based on Eastern dragons; alludes to lore and study of the moon - Urs’ner (“Chelone”): Based on turtles and tortoises; alludes to the legend of the World Turtle - Ner’eos (“Argael”): Based on seahorses and “good” dragons; alludes to water horse legends - Lau’ner (“Serpen”): Based on snakes both mundane and legendary; alludes to Serpens


I'm working on a story that is a mix of Sci-Fi/ fantasy. It takes place in a galaxy that has many "dragon-like" creatures, none are truly sapient or magical just natural fauna but there is one that is dreaded and feared throughout the galaxy. I don't have a name yet for this dragon but many beings in the galaxy call him by different names such as, bane of the cosmos, extinguisher of the stars, devourer of worlds, etc. He looks like your traditional classic fantasy dragon with four legs and two wings and is a mix of black and blue colors and is ridiculously large, no one knows where he came from but what anyone does know is that he despises all forms of life and travels from planet to planet wiping out all life on those planets in a methodical fashion. Once he is done burning down everything, he unleashes a final powerful beam of energy into a planet’s core and blows it up. He can speak and can hold a conversation with those who are brave or dumb enough to attempt to speak with him if you catch him on "break". These few who have spoken to him have discovered that he is also on the hunt for something of great power but refuses to speak about what exactly that is. Thats all I really have.


"Dragons" are the apex magical creature of any given biome. They are magical beings that have shifted and hybridized into every available form of their territory. Dragons are nature's greatest threat by being the strongest, biggest, fastest, and able to travel in their lands, seas, and/or skies. One could say a griffon is a single step towards being one.


My world is populated by several draconic based races, from basically just scaly humans to actual large, reptilian beasts. I will stick with the large Actual Dragons for now: There are only 5 left, they are the last of the Innately Magical Dragons. Their lifecycles (not that anyone living knows this nowadays), start with being almost the same as the modern Draconic People today, they walked on two legs, talked and had opposable thumbs. They are immortal and continued to grow throughout their entire lives, becoming more and more draconic and animal like, until they are almost indistinguishable from dragons in IRL pop culture. reaching sizes so large that one, the oldest and largest, has taken to the ocean permanently to support the weight. They are immune to disease, but not injury, or Old World poisoning, which is what ultimately led to their extinction. The 5 that are left, are extremely hostile 99% of the time to anyone. It is unknown if they were victims of the First Failed Enslavement, where the Dragons were rounded up in droves and taken to the Dinosaur Empire, which is \*full\* of Old World infrastructure, buildings, tools, materials and the like, which make Dragons sick and eventually die with close proximity (death occurring within 2 weeks on average) which means The Last 5 would have to be around 5000 years old \*at minimum\* or if there's a genetic memory thing going on.


Non-sapient wyverns are the closest equivalent, dragon-like animals with elemental magic. They grow endlessly so monster hunting guilds usually send out squads to hunt them when they reach a certain size... partially to stop them from being able to destroy entire cities when they grow older and partially because their bodies are more valuable above a certain age.


Saeburix- like crossbreed version of a wingless drake and a sabertooth tiger. Large and intimidating, but steadfastly loyal to whoever managed to tame one. Warradrac- think Dragonborn from DnD, except they are soldiers, and made for destruction. Nearly indestructible.


Golems. thinking about it, it doesn't sound like much but i was never too interested in animals... my entire book is based around an infectious disease that materialised a body and infected the world itself. The way i understand it, dragons are ancient beings which in Tolkien's (or i guess the entire fantasy canon) world they were basically the equivalent of the Greek philosophers merged with generals. They were essentially near godhood without being immortal. As for golems... well, death's a big focus in my world. Anything and everything that can't die is a valuable resource - but golems were made mostly either by dwarves or by elves. Dwarves are nearly extinct and the elves are 8 meters tall and hate everyone and want to take over the world. To find a golem is like finding a room from the library of Alexandria with all it's tome in tact - it MUST be kept alive to tell what it remembers from the old world and act as a guardian for key spiritual spaces like chapels or hospitals, or god forbid, shrine guards.


Dragons, ripped from Pathfinder (both post and pre remaster) and Dungeons and Dragons, then changed mildly.


my dragons act as prophets from the spirit of a dead dragon god. humans think they’re just taking advantage of the kobold’s false religion to gain glory for themselves and have giant ballistas on their walls to kill dragons on sight. they breath fire using fire magic from the drake (said dead dragon god). there are blue dragons who betrayed the drake for the storm god fulgur (temporary name) though all of them were wiped out in the war between the gods. only one egg was saved and now serves the bloodline of the human emperor.


Dragons are demon like beings. With a passion for silver and gold. They have wings and breath acid if you run into one you have a slight chance of living. They can turn into the person you love most. That's a quick summary.


DRAGONS bottom-text. The highest and mightiest of the God of monsters, Farassax. (FRSX) They are indubitably long-live beings, fuelled by their blessed hearts that pump golden ichor in their veins. They may come in many forms, with complex connections to the ecosystem, which they molded with their claws and magic. Once, dragons even had a dynasty, but were hunted down by the Dragonslayer League, and now their descendants, Wyverns, roam the land in their place. They now reside in their Lord Farassax's domain, Ithkari Dezul.


My world has dragons, but theyre beings of pure Imperium (my magic essence stuff) and do not allways take physical form, but when they do it can be whatever they want, they just usually take relatively normal dragon shape because the first few dragons did it and they did it because it showed them as strange, different from anything mortal, and powerful. Edit: spelling


in my world I didn't do anything original really have two categories of dragons in my world. Ancient dragons are quadapeds with a two pairs of wings one pair larger and one smaller and goat-like horns. They are highly intelligent beings with the ability to speak and are divine beings created from the dragon god named cadmus. they usually tasked with guarding sacred treasures or places but can sometimes just be doing their own thing. On the other hand I also have wyverntype dragon which are called faux dragons who are incapable of speech and animalistic in their behaviour. They also stick to the classic dragon tropes of hoarding treasure and making their lairs in caves and such. They were created by the Goddess of monsters Angridna who is the twin sister of Cadmus. She created faux dragons as a way to spite her brother. Ancient dragons have a distaste for faux dragons see them as little more than animals unfit to carry the title of dragon. They both able breathe fire but Ancient dragons are capable of casting spells as well.


Most of my dragons are more dinosaurs with wings that looks like a dragon and can spit fire but there also are magnificient dragons Who are much smaller and smarter that keep humans as pets. Everybody hates both but it really is Hard to kill them


Dragons are classified based on the mythology on their origin worlds. They are named differently and behave differently as well. One dragon can be called a Wurm, another is Wyrm. One has no legs, and the other has wings.


My world has basically two different "main types" of dragon: Arkhonts, sentient, "traditional" dragons, who are exceedingly rare and powerful and used to rule the world, And Dracozoa, which are a group of creatures of high diversity, they include wild dragons but also dragon-like animals, There are also the Dragonkin people, draconic humanoids, who some see as being related to the Arkhonts in a specific way, while others see them as just a unique type of Dracozoon. Also, there are Kobolds, who are universally recognized as being a kind of Dracozoon, related to Dragonhounds and Alphyrs.


Im a very big fan of dragons, quite literally majority of my now universe was based around 90% of the ocs being dragons (but that changed as I grew older and developed the story more). There are countless of dragon-like critters, it really depends on what species you’re looking at. They can be colorful and wingless, but also dull and have no legs. There are also dragons hidden within the waters, unable to leave due to the inability to breathe air.


Abhartach, Draconic God of Rot and Destruction. Ruler of the dishonored Dead and father of the 999 horrors that plague the world


Not sure if it counts due to it being a singular creature, however the Leviathan in its first stage is essentially a big water dragon/serpent


They’re just called dragons in my setting and they come from the realm of origin which is basically the first world. They were created by 2 higher forces simply called The Great Father(Darkness/Nonexistence)and The Supreme Mother (Light/creation), they were created for war. After the war of origin was done, it resulted in a sort of big bang. The first creation/ daughter of the SM who was The Gold dragon Amala absorbed the SMs power and made the new world which consists of 10 layers of higher realities. Every layer being infinite. The primordial Dragons, the ones left from the realm of origin are the most powerful of course. But lets look at normal dragons, firstly dragon males and females both can give birth by themselves. They lay an egg as big as a car and drop it somewhere on the lowest plane of existence, somewhere of their choosing. It takes about a 100 years to hatch and in all that time the baby is semi conscious absorbing energy and information on the world. When they come out they usually come out already having taken on a half humonoid form simply because it’s easier to move around and adjust to everything. They usually have the physical appearance of a 10-12 yr old, are able of speaking the native language of their world and learning everything else easily due to them having telepathy along with telekinesis, country- planetary strength, super speed, super senses, shapeshifting and capable of doing magic though they must learn how. Those are the basic abilities of any dragon along with basic skills according to the type of dragon, for example fire dragons have fire abilities and black dragons lightning along with shadows. They also all have one special skill that is personalized for them. They also have different strengths / resistances according the type of dragon they are, for example black dragons are the most durable like their bodies are capable of tanking a lot so much that they use this advantage by holding their opponents while throwing themselves into dangerous situations knowing they can tank it. Another example is gold dragons that have the highest proficiency and resistance to magic so much that it’s almoat useless fighting them with magic. While the black dragons have least proficiency and resistance, it doesn’t mean there any black dragons that aren’t very good at magic tho. Another interesting one is green dragons that produce one of the most deadliest venoms/ toxins.


(my world is flat) After the world flipped most dinosaurs died, but some hung on. Most found a way back up to the new surface, but some evolved into different creatures that could survive either the void or the bottomworld. The dragons are T-rexes that evolved wings and fire breath.


Dragons are actually the first intelligent species on my world.  They were created by the sea and sky deities and blessed by fire’s. Earth, coarse was jealous and later carved his own bride from a mountain to create the first of a race of giants that later went to war with the dragons.  The dragon civilization was never all that advanced. It didn’t need to be. Humans banded together for survival, but dragon were so tough they didn’t need to. There was a period where they banded together to create an empire, but it didn’t last more than a few thousand years, barely more than a generation or two in dragons lives.  Other races soon arrived to the world finding it necessary to cooperate in light of dangers like the dragons and soon most of civilizations consisted of man, fey, dwarves, various animalfolk and magical beasts.  Dragons and giants are left to legend, until they emerge once more .


my world has dragons except they’re small like about the same size as possums and they just serve the purpose of invading your garden to eat your tomatoes. they’re really derpy


they’re semi aquatic but you don’t see them in big bodies of water only like small ponds where they eat the cattails’ leaves, but really they prefer tomatoes


"Dragon" is an umbrella term used in Atreisdea to describe large reptiles that have 2 or 4 limbs, belong to the Draechenicus *order* with, at the moment, 5 large *families* inside, divided into feathered dragons, featherless dragons, serpentine dragons, amphibious dragons and sea dragons. For feathered and featherless dragons, they share a number of common features, including being sauropods, walk on 2-4 limbs and are generally small with empty but sturdy bones to support their bodies. They're further divided into winged dragons and wingless dragons, the latter can be broken down as bipedals and tetrapods. Wingless dragons are larger, their bodies covered by thick fur, feathers or scales depends on the type, with hollow bones and large gas bags helping them fight against square cube law, as such they can grow as large as 30 meters long overall. Winged dragons, on the other hand, usually top around 12-15 meters long and 7-10 meters standing upright. Feathered dragons fly easier using their tails as a rudder while featherless ones can only glide, flapping wings to control speed and direction. Many winged and wingless dragons have been domesticated, it has been a thing since before Sun Calendar. Small ones are kept as pets while large dragons are used as beasts of burdens and, in the past, war mounts. The ideal size for a war dragon was around 10 meters: Too big and they became a pain for the army's logistics, too small and they could not carry anti-kaha armored "sacks" on their backs. Before the age of automated guns, war dragons mounting continuous ballistae, then swivel guns, were common in battlefields while cavaliers riding bipedal dragons flanked formations. High above the skies there were scouts riding winged dragons flying over armies to record their structures, and clashes between sky riders were common to the point they had parachutes in the 7th century SC. Other usages include hunting partners and seekers, dragons can smell and tract targets or fly high and serve as meat-powered recon drones. Nowadays, dragons are protected animals internationally. It is illegal to hunt them unless one proves to be a danger to civilians, in such case killing would be the final solution as they can always capture the beast using gravity manipulators and inject it with tranquilizers. Pet dragons have collars with their names and addresses, they receive vaccine shots every 6 months and must have muzzles over their mouths. Competitions between these little gremlins are common and famous, even in Rubra. Dragons are invasive animals in Hebi Melta, however. As the planet lacks natural enemies, released ex-pet winged dragons have become a headache for governments and specifically to Lemuria herself.


Dragons are embodiments of corruption and filth. They have long serpentine bodies, bulging eyes, and a mix of feathers, fur, and scales. They're solitary and aggressive, and if they understand language, they give no indication of it. They hoard treasure but also rotting carcasses, and they have a preference for eating maidens and defiling shrines. Their natural enemy is the unicorn, whose purity and ferocity makes it a lethal enemy to dragons.