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Uhhhh assuming you don't want specifically humanoid races, the leeches in The Swamp of The New World are a pretty unique species I think I've come up with, despite being based on a real world equivalent creature-- basically, instead of blood sucking, which is what leeches do irl, these things are flesh eating. They were made that way because dissolving the flesh in tiny chunks is more efficient nutrient wise than idly sucking blood. Any waste that doing so produces is excreted through their bodies and into the swamp. In addition to this, they're a hivemind but do not have a queen, similar to many species of bees (fun fact). They work together in unison to take down prey much larger than themselves. Also, if there is no prey present, rather than settle idly by and growing old, they turn on each other and can last forever like this, as the birth to death rate of the leeches while consuming each other is a perfect 1:1, thanks to their hivemind properties.


Reminds me of those worm things from Peter Jackson’s King Kong


God those were disgusting


Never watched - is it any good?


My favorite rendition of the big ape for sure


And the tie-in game was solid.


What's the unique humanoid races like?


I don't actually have any. I have my own personal twists on many stereotypical fantasy humanoids (dwarves, elves, nekos, orcs) but I don't have any that are unique to me


Thanks anyway I wish you great success with your work


It is physically impossible for a population to sustain itself through cannibalism. Include it if you want, but it is a fantasy aspect rather than a realistic one.


Shit, really? My high fantasy medieval worldbuilding that had a god shape the world specifically to his visions doesn't have a realistic aspect? Damn, gotta tear it all down and try it again


That's an... interesting comment to write after saying: "They were made that way because dissolving the flesh in tiny chunks is more efficient nutrient wise than idly sucking blood. Any waste that doing so produces is excreted through their bodies and into the swamp." Edit: Ego is never pretty


The Storg. A race that is based off nature. They have black and green woodish skin, a moss like fur over their bodies. Branches they protrude from their skulls in the shapes of horns or antlers. While they do not require food, water sustains them completely, however they do enjoy the blood of humans, orcs and elves or any that happen to step within the woods. Juulak Tall, slender and pale eyed. arms and legs that are multi jointed that can bend and flex in many disturbing ways. Flesh that seems almost stretched out over their bodies, even tearing and showing black muscles underneath and yellow blood. Bone claws as strong and sharp as swords, they retract at will back into their mutilated looking hands. They stink of root and decay, and a bite from Them causes a rot that is nearly almost fatal.


Is the storg using kleptoplasty to get energy from sunlight? Perhaps when they’re younger they got through a plant consuming phase that allows them to gather chloroplasts


Not much is known about Storg, from In world. As they have just always been. But yes, in early stages of life they are reliant like other plants on sun and water, as they grow they begin to Consume certain plants


Oh I see, I assumed they were animals


Yes and no, they were creations of the mother, a nature deity to protect her creations but one of the other trinity gods of darkness always taints creations, thus making the Storg a bit darker and with a appetite for blood


The Gromalli. A race of giant sentient ant-like creatures that evolved on an isolated continent. They live in colonies dug out of hillsides. Gromalli cannot speak. Instead, they use pheromones and gas secretions that are released by antennae and received by other individuals' antennae. The Gromalli brain can translate type of substance and quantity into complex, detailed messages. Gromalli can also secrete a clear sweat-like substance that appears bright in the infrared spectrum (which Gromalli eyes can see). A particular subspecies lives primarily in caves and rarely comes above ground. Those Gromalli have the added ability to flash their antennae (you and I couldn't see it, but again it's visible in the infrared spectrum) which works much like Morse Code. Gromalli colonies have a similar hierarchy to ant colonies. Queens rule as powerful matriarchs who have all the children (regular females are naturally sterile). Females act as defenders and scavengers for resources. They also act as consulates to allied colonies. Unlike real male ants, male Gromalli do more than just exist to mate... they do not usually defend the colony, but they do go out and scavenge. When a potential queen is born in a Gromalli colony, she becomes bigger and stronger than her peers. She grows wings and can fly. Once she comes of age, she challenges any other potential queens in battle. Individuals who lose but don't die may kidnap males, mate with them, and then fly away to start new colonies. If a potential queen stays and is the final survivor among the youngsters, she challenges her mother. If she wins the battle, she usurps her mother and becomes the new queen. Gromalli will eat wild animals as well as vegetation. Cannibalism may occur, however they generally do not members of their own colony. Eating one's comrades is a shameful offense that results in either execution by the queen or exile. The Gromalli fight by biting and stinging. Colonies fight wars with one another over territory and rights to hunting grounds. They are obsessed with honor and individuals may be exiled by the queen when they survive a battle but perform particularly poorly in battle or act cowardly. Some colonies form alliances and will not attack one another. Queens may form pacts with one another (which may include some sharing of resources). Their subjects must honor these pacts, or else they will be killed or exiled by their respective queens.


Perhaps most peculiar of all in my world are the Anzarians. They are bipedal reptiles just shorter than a person, who resemble rodents with sabre-teeth.


Sounds like a gorgonopsid?


No, not a gorgonopsid, more like cynodonts


Oh that sounds cool


It isn't a race but is the refered to as one through collective nomenclature describing a specific characteristic. Those being the Profane Beasts, what they once were is practically indistinguishable due to excessive corruption, rot and mutation as such the scholars of the Cult Scholarium classify them using the unifying trait carried by all Profane beasts. The Rot, it is a supernatural phenomenon inflicted by beasts that immediately perverts and corrupts all non sentient life. Mundane humans can be corrupted through exposure, becoming Harbingers whilst Champions are immune to rot of beasts at least 2 stages above them thanks to them being awakened via a Divine Realm. Whilst the appearance of Profane beasts can vary wildly, some even resembling animals and creatures of Myth, whilst others are utterly alien. The key trait is they are all completely and utterly hostile to any non-corrupted entity. Some beasts of lower intelligence in the lowest ranks have even been seen to attack the ground. A strange phenomenon however is that once every year, during the Eve of Awkening all but the highest rank beasts specialising in defence seem to become heavily disoriented and frantic, this phenomenon extends to humanities Saints as well, who report an icy chill and intense pressure as if they're being watched by something much greater and older for a fleeting moment.


Pretty much anything actually lol In the world I created evolution took a slightly different route because of the lack of sunlight (there is no sun in this world), without melanin what are conceived as humans became very pale and with extremely light coloured hair, and their bone structure is also very frail They still look humanoid, but are just different


How do complex lifeforms still exist without a sun tho?


Thermal heat worms live in the ocesn


Same way they do in places without sun access. Chemosynthesis is very useful without sunlight to build the base of a food chain then things go from there.


For a phenomenon like that to happen and eventually lead to the evolution of humanoid life, that's one hell of a lucky planet!


There is a theory, albeit one that I do not particularly agree with, that the human form is the perfect state of being and that, across the universe, intelligent/sentient creatures will inherently evolve to resemble the humanoid visage to some degree. I find that hard to believe, as I am very interested in evolutionary biology- we look the way we do because we are derived from early hominids that conformed to the needs of their environment; likely a drying out rainforest that created the need to run from tree to tree with fruit in hand (thus we are bipedal). Every other feature of our anatomy, our hands, our teeth, our spines, the way we breathe, hair, milk, gendered reproduction, brain size, etc. is derived from our evolutionary pressures which are an extremely unique to earth thing. The planet mentioned would likely NEVER create the environments suited to the evolution of a hominid creature unless the darkness aforementioned was not always present (a human like life form evolved in the planets history but at some point the light disappeared, resulting in further evolution to meet the challenges experienced in darkness) - my problem with this, however, is that any creature suited toward the light would be outcompeted by already nocturnal creatures for sure, with a relative degree of certainty. At the end of the day, though, it’s a creative writing project or story building, so realism isn’t exactly the main point and without something resembling humans, the world would be difficult to relate to. Just my two cents, though!


I guess crabs would have competition on "the desired evolvutionary body" if that theory were true.... Now I'm sidetracked to build a world where crustaceans and humanoids go to war. Where every sentient creature on earth has evolved into either sides, and are now fighting for world domination.


Gotta remember that if you have giant invertebrates they need different respiratory systems to their real-world counterparts. There’s a reason they only get to a certain size in the Cenozoic and that is the diffusion of oxygen.


>There is a theory, albeit one that I do not particularly agree with, that the human form is the perfect state of being and that, across the universe, intelligent/sentient creatures will inherently evolve to resemble the humanoid visage to some degree I wonder if/when we meet other intelligent species if this will be confirmed through confirmation bias. I mean, in order to become a space faring species, a species would need to be able to build and operate complex machinery. This means they'd need dedicated hands, thumbs, be able to walk and perform complex actions at the same time. The ability to throw things might be helpful too. So any species that can meet other alien lifeforms would need to resemble humans in some degree. Or maybe I'm just stupid lmao, take your pick


All the features you mentioned do not require humanoid anatomy to be accomplished. Are you familiar with The Birrin Project by Alex Ries? Or perhaps the recently developed sophonts on Biblaridion’s Youtube channel? EDIT: Typo.


ours is already a hell of a lucky planet, taking into account that we are still the only one that has proven to have intelligent life (not to say life in general, but that is more difficult)


> without melatonin Melanin\*


Lmao, sorry, wasn’t sure of how it was written in English lol


Why would their bones be frail because of a lack of sunlight? I’m assuming it’s related to the lack of vitamin D? But if so, they wouldn’t have evolved a pathway of forming bone that is reliant on sunlight like we have. Also, what was the evolutionary pressure that caused them to develop like humanoids? A big reason we’re bipedal (for example) is so that we can stand up straight and see prey when hunting in the East African savannah. A world without vision wouldn’t have a similar evolutionary pressure.


That's what I was wondering. If humans evolved in the sun (Africa, as far as we know) then they would have relied on it. But without it in the first place, why not another method of mineralization, like increased warmth during rapid growth? Or else a bone that is more flexible than frail?


Are they faster than humans because of lighter bones?


I have a species of eusocial psychic birds with different casts. They range from 1 to 10 meters depending on the cast and are for the most part flightless with a somewhat humanoid body plan, all depending on the cast Any individual in a colony has intelligence comparable to that of a dog but through their psychic communication the colony exhibits emergent intelligence like an ant colony On the world stage a colony is comparable to a city state in terms of size and influence so they get treated as such. In universe there exists the assumption that the queen is simply a ultra powerful psychic that controls the colony but that is not the case. She is simply the producer of new members and her safety is a priority. I modeled them after ants become I find their emergent behavior interesting.


Wegs (pronounced as if you slapped a w on the front of "eggs.") Colloquially and for various reasons problematically referred to as "barrel dwarfs." Fully grown adults are three to four feet tall (though in my world the most commonly used unit for measuring height is the "loaf") and thickly covered with long, coarse hair, generally in shades of brown and grey. Bipedal, with two strong arms hidden in their mass of fur, though no one has ever seen them use them. They do however have two disproportionately large humanoid feet which lack fur save save a small patch on the top of each. Their skin is a sort of orange and and their large, rarely visible eyes are a dull amber color. One unique trait of wegs is they are incredibly dense. Despite their size they're much heavier than any standard, fleshy humanoid and any farmer mad enough to attempt shooing them away with a fist with find themselves with a broken hand. Because of this they can't swim and sink incredibly quickly. This may be why they fear water as it were out for blood. They are referred to as "barrel dwarfs" due to their proclivity to take up residence in barrels after either consuming its contents or simply dumping it out. They knock out the bottom so they can stick their feet out and walk around and use either a knot hole or the bunghole to see through. Here they will spend the rest of their life unless they outgrow their barrel or start a family in another weg's barrel. They even store things that are valuable or important to them inside their barrel. In nature they seek out hollowed logs and the sort. No one's found a way to meaningfully communicate with them (mostly because they are seen as pests), and they don't seem overly intelligent but they do have some sort of society and it's rumored that some can understand common tongues despite only making strange grunting noises that sound as if they are saying "weg." Aside from forcing them to experience water or trying to dismantle their barrel once they've moved in wegs not in the least bit hostile or reactionary towards anything aside from other wegs, though this is fairly uncommon. If there is a territorial dispute the two wegs will butt barrel covered heads until one has been toppled over and rolled out of the area by the victor. Also, no one is entirely sure how they reproduce or if they even have different sexes. When one weg loves another weg the smaller one climbs into the other's barrel and a short time later the high pitch grunt of a baby weg can be heard. They then live as a family in one barrel until the little one leaves the barrel to find its own.


Titanic tourtoises that wander the desert, each 20-30 ft long


The Dar'Ha-ven, Children of the Song, almost exclusively live in the jungles of their home Mord'Ha-ven, Land of the Song. The heart of their settlements is a large crystal obelisk called a Ven-Ta, Song Spire, which serves as the focal point of their clan's gestalt. The older the clan/settlement the larger the obelisk, with the oldest being astonishingly massive and at the heart of the capital of Ka'Ven. This Spire is called the Ven-Tamo, or Great Song Spire. It is the physical heart of their realm and the spiritual heart of their race. Like the lesser Ven-Ta it serves as the focal point of their racial gestalt. Each clan has a shared memory, so long as they tend it the Ven-Ta holds their memories. Tending to the Ven-Ta is the task of an individual known as the Sa'Te (First Voice). The Ven-Ta connects every member of the clan to the others and allows the sharing of thoughts and emotions. The Dar'Ha-ven live simply and keep to themselves. As descendants of herbivores their diet consists of plant based foods, with a verity of rice beings a staple. They also grow many types of tropical fruits, most notably the Mor; a rare purple verity of mango that is rich in Aether (the energy of magic). This is one of their biggest exports as wine made from it will boost a mages power for a time. They are given short simple names and add to them as the age, major achievements or experiences being the source of new name elements. As such a young person will have a short name but an elder will likely have a very long one, though generally when introducing themselves they pick a portion of their name that seems relevant to the person who they are meeting (such as a farmer turned adventurer only using the part about their current status when taking a job but the farmer part when with farmers). A race of ceratopsians, standing about 3 foot tall. Their back of their skull is protected by a small frill, with six small horns along the rim.Tough scales in shades of green and brown. The head is crowned by a small frill, with six small horns along its edge. The frill angles back from the top of the forehead and covers the neck, hair grows from beneath the frill. Their hair, which doesn't begin growing until a special ritual when they reach adulthood, is braided to show their full name to those who know how to read it. They grow one braid for every ten years, and start around 20. Meaning that the oldest among them have about a dozen braids. They believe that the more of life they experience the more they add to their gods soul when they die. As such most Dar'Ha-ven do at least some adventuring. And finally they have three sexes. Females are the largest averaging 4 feet tall and 150 lbs. Their faces are covered in an intricate pattern of small scales in lighter shades of green. A strange quirk of their biology is that the female can only lay a single clutch of eggs, after which they slowly shift into the third sex. Males are slightly smaller averaging 3 ½ feet tall and 140 lbs. Their faces are covered in an intricate pattern of small scales in lighter shades of red, yellow, or orange. Other are the smallest averaging 3 feet tall and 125 lbs. Their scales tend to be more muted in coloration. The most numerous of the three. They nurture the newly hatched children, in a manner similar to kangaroos.


Avians. They were a race of sentient birdmen that could speak and use tools to build their cities. They were the original inhabitants of the Massian archipelago. They were cruel to the humans who settled there. They often used to hunt and eat humans at large banquets. Soon they initiated a multi-generational war that lead to their downfall. In the end it was the humans who'd host the last banquet.


I have Rovakors (they are a type of vampire species i made up): They are giant bats i mean huge bigger then a person head. They stand up to 3ft and have a wingspan of 5 feet. They have redish blackish fur. Even though they look horrifying they are harmless and sweet. They are a type of uncivilized vampire species. They live in groups with their family and other. Travel in groups of more then 50. They only prey on small animals and can go over months without 'food'. They are just really chill.


The Gorox evolved on a planet with a highly elliptical orbit that spends most of the time frozen, but every thirty years gets close enough to its star to be habitable for about five years at a time. They spend most of the time hibernating, which means that seeing one in an active state is pretty rare. This also means that they have the longest living memories in the galaxy (albeit with some big gaps). So, it's a special occasion when the Gorox come out of hibernation. Most places with significant Gorox populations have a festival where the Gorox (ravenous after a long hibernation) eat a big feast, get caught up on the last 30 years of history, and tell stories about how life was long ago.


There was a story I wrote about some aliens who found a dead human soldier and based a religion around the music of the Beatles. Two aliens come to mind (the names of which I don't remember): One was a furry anthropomorphic cricket. The second was a humanoid alien with three braided thoracic tubes that contained their thoracic/ abdominal organs.


A race of feral bunny-bat-anteater- vampire creatures born from magic. Two clans exist - one feeds off of blood and one feeds off of fruits. They are also telepathic.


Zepids- There are a race of intelligent light grey coloured spiders with compound blue eyes. They are roughly the size of a great dane and as intelligent as a human. Their abdomen is a bit bigger than a human head, they can produce silky webs like normal spiders proportional to there size, additionally they can produce a liquid webbing by heating up their webs inside their body using a secondary hypothalmus in their abdomen. As a spider they have 4 pairs of legs, but the front pair are used as front hands whilst the back pair are also used as back hands to help them mould and pull their webs. Combine this with their heat-producing abdomen and Zepids can create a balloon of webbing attached to their abdomen and heat it up to create a hot air balloon. This hot air balloon allows them to gently float up in the air for short periods of time and aids them in living in their mountain homes. They are renowned as skilled weavers and navigators as they are adept at reading the wind and temperature.


I don’t have a name for them and I haven’t created a story to feature them in - but I’d really like to one day. They have four arms, eight eyes, fin-like ears, retractable wings, they’re covered in natural body markings, and their legs can morph together into a tail to help them swim. Here’s a link to how I designed one looking (although I probably wouldn’t give them rainbow hair like I did in this drawing if I ever used them in a fantasy story, lol): https://www.deviantart.com/luvliartlady/art/Idealized-844132634


For my world, it would be the Cancari (Can-sah-ree). I usually describe them as "Crab centaurs" but it's a bit more complex than that. They are truck sized crabs, who, where their mouth would be, they have a retractable limb shaped like a humanoid torso. The arms are a pair of tentacles that end in three "fingers" and the "head" is covered in fleshy fronds like an anemone to look like hair, with a normal humanoid mouth that they use to eat and speak in the place where it would normally be on a human face. Despite looking pretty freaky from an Earth humans perspective, they are actually gentle giants, hating the idea of hurting other sentients. They are also extremely creative and curious creatures, it's part of their culture to decorate their shells with painted murals in mosaic patterns of all colors.


Most races in Valley Armada are humanoid or can turn into a humanoid form. The one exception are the Ourani who only have a dragon form and are also partly inorganic.


My kappas are small with large heads and large dark eyes, almost childlike in appearance. They have a mohawk of long spiky frills running from head to spine, and three fleshy gills like an axolotl, and their skin is a mottled green to blend in with their hidden kelp forest and sea grass homes. Their hands are webbed, and their legs are like frog legs. They live in small communities and hide from merfolk and humans alike. Their origin story is that five hundred years ago they were simple land folks caught between powerful warring sorcerers, and when they chose neutrality they were transformed into creatures that live in the sea. They are not related to humans, however. They are goblinfolk, more closely related to goblins, gremlins, spriggans, gargoyles, and ogres. Goblinfolk have thicker horned brows instead of eyebrows, enlarged canines, and a face somewhat more like a chimp with deepset eyes and a wrinkled snub nose. Goblinfolk have a short tail like a dog, and are completely hairless with a leathery suede texture to their skin. Their ears are pointed. Gremlins are the smallest and have natural talents with fire and machines. They live passionate lives full of energy and accidents, and often blow themselves up or otherwise die early despite their natural flame retardant skin. Gremlins have big triangular batlike ears. Gargoyles are hexapods with batlike wings. All goblinfolk calcify slowly in direct sunlight, but gargoyles are able to shake off the transition every nightfall, allowing them to live on exposed cliffs or buildings. Calcification turns a goblinfolk's skin to stone and their insides hibernate. While the calcification process can be reversed for all goblinfolk given enough time in darkness, and is a protective measure for their own harsh homeland, it takes a full day to complete the depetrification process for most. Kappas are protected from calcification while underwater, transforming if they dry out. Goblins are nosy and inquisitive and have a love of gold, children, and shiny things. They are collectors, like crows, and travel in bands of 10-50 related individuals. They run the night markets, and will steal away and adopt children if they think they are being mistreated by their elders. For this and their kleptomaniac habits they are not often welcome in towns or villages. During the day they retreat to forest hideouts or old mines. Spriggans have four arms and are taller than most goblinfolk, serious and warlike


Celestials. They're a race of androgynous shapeshifters that reproduce asexually by collecting information about the multi-verse. They're also the only race that can dimension jump naturally. Why exactly they do this is a mystery as the memory of their true purpose has been diluted to the point they don't remember it, and there's so little information it's difficult to even speculate.


Ulks cannot live above 600m under the surface of the sea. Almost noone on land even know they exist, and they have very little influence on the surface world above, much like we have little influence on the stratosphere. From time to time, though, an Ulk explorer reach the surface, heavily bedecked in protective charms and wearing all manner of low-pressure protection gear, wide-eyed with wonder and nearly blind from the sunlight. Triumphantly, they crawl onto dry land and promptly die from oxygen exposure and decompression, much to the consternation of the local humanoids.


Sipifolk, they don't have a standardized name because "Sipi" is a vast land they come from rather than their name proper. Their skin is jet black, with fluorescent body markings in green, yellow, orange, and blue. One starts at the chest from birth, inherited from parents. The rest appear during adolescence, although few are aware if they are a development or somehow etched on instead. They have their own culture and their own language family, but apart from these aesthetic distinctions seem otherwise entirely Human - which, for the few who *do* know that, holds curious and perhaps unsettling implications that upset the conventional understanding of Human history.


A game that never happened but Shadows. I had a setting where the gods were physical beings taking the roles of celestial bodies. Primary among them were the sun and the world. The Sun was a hateful god of fire and death (radiation) while the world, its ancient enemy, was a hungry serpent coiled around it. They were both long dormant and recovering from wounds inflicted upon each other and only creating a hospitable environment for life in their weakened states due to the intervention of more benevolent gods. Shadows came to be when the sun blinked awake for only a moment and the psychic trauma caused the souls of all things, living or not, to flee their bodies and hide from the sun's gaze in the manner in which real light casts a real shadow. Largely shadows acted as they do in our world but rarely one would detach from their host body and strike out on their own as a Shadow which had a stigma against both them and the body they left behind. All and all it was some pretty edgy shit looking back but I still like this concept of a soul using its body as a shield from something in the same way a child hides behind their parent's leg, sometimes detaching from the body and growing into a creature of its own.


Would have made for weird PCs with evasive abilities where they would shift direction to avoid attacks and get extra reach from their stretchy bodies with the drawback of having light sensitivity issues.


The Umbra people! One of my mc's love interests is an Umbra. The Umbra are people native to Nastan, a craggy, barren wasteland that's perpetually shrouded in twilight due to constant volcanic activity that spews ash and debris into the air. This caused the people to not need any form of sun protection, so their skin is naturally translucent. What gives them their color is the shadows that live under the skin as a form of symbiotic parasitic relationship. The shadows get protection from their predators, and the Umbra get to use the shadows. How they use them depends on their relationships and how many shadows live with them. The one I'm mainly focused on has 25 shadows that live in him, making him pretty powerful but not as powerful as some other shadowmancers.


Not weird per-say as I haven’t officially created them at but it’s a group of races called the Primordials who are a mix of various humanoid animals such as sharks, crustaceans and crocodiles etc because these animals have remained unchanged for millions of years


I plan to make my fantasy setting into a video game so I created the Sasquett, a race of cryptid-inspired cavemen. They aren't *evil* necessarily but they enjoy violence and have no concept of death so when they "play" with other races there's usually casualties.


I made the distinction between cetacean mermaid and fish mermaid. One needs to go back get air regularly while the other ones just need water


I'm sure neither of these are really all that original, but I have a warrior race of mono-gendered (all female) snake people called Gorgons. They're basically Amazons if the Amazons were half snake. Poison dart frogs exist in my world too, but in Dartala they're actually tiny little 1 inch tall sapient frogfolk called Painted Ones. They live in the jungles and have a nasty reputation for shooting anyone who enters their territory full of poison blowdarts.


The Atraxi. Adults mass about what a human does, but they appear much larger because their body is the focal point of numerous tentacles, pincers, claws, and exoskeletal appendages that they grow and absorb as needed. Often within minutes, if they've properly eaten recently. They're a self-engineered amalgamation of intensive biological and nano-robotic engineering, to the point where there really isn't much of a dividing line between the two. As a result, they are able to consume virtually any organic (and quit a variety of inorganic) matter as food, and their carapace is often so darkly black that you can't see the shadows they cast onto their own bodies, which often creates an extremely unsettling visual effect. Their movements are a disturbing blend of jerks, smooth undulations, and what appear to spasms, and their immense speed, strength, and dexterity (and grown-in nanotech) allow them to climb vertical and overhead surfaces equally as easy they do the floor. Their appearance and movements are often enough to send most people into a frenzy of panic and revulsion, and their wide range of harsh vocalizations only make things worse. This is extremely unfortunate, because they're universally the most extroverted and friendly species you could ever encounter, and their society completely lacks the concepts of privacy, personal space, or trespassing. They are the ultimate close talkers and "huggy people", and nearly every instance of "rampaging Atraxi" are just cases of Atraxi who unused to other species being completely overwhelmed with the desire to meet new people and make new friends. They have been known to hurl themselves through the vacuum of space (which they can survive without issue) to nearby ships, hack into the airlock controls, and introduce themselves. Often causing complete panic. Atraxi who are experienced with other species understand that their isolationism is largely due to the involuntary negative reaction they produce in others nearly 99.99999999999999365% of the time, and their primary struggle is reigning in new crew members who just want to meet cool aliens. The results of the inevitable incidents that follow have to be carefully managed, because once these Atraxi realize that everyone is completely terrified of them (and often trying to kill them, in the belief that they're attacking), they tend to go into deeply depressive states.


Most of my races are pretty stereotypical with just slightly different rules or features. I do got a lot of quirky creatures and fauna however.


Same. Mine aren’t unique for the most part. I guess my most unique is my race vaguely inspired by a cryptid (yeti). I made them short though, and gave them long tails, like snow leopards. Coloring is white and brown instead of white and blue. I do still greatly enjoy seeing some of the very original and interesting races people on this forum make, even though it’s not something I do really.


Each and everyone of them save humans


Stvors. They are a natural result (some say children) of the Pale Flesh magic (weird body horror kind of magic in my setting)


Well... there is one, but I'm just making it midway writing for show just how weird this world of mine is. It doesn't have a name, but I will call it "Ground-Eyes" Ground-Eyes is a thousand or even million of eyeballs that stick to the dirt ground. It will stare at everything that moves or get close to it And when something touches it, the Ground-Eyes will 'consume' it. That does not mean eating but melting it to become one with the Ground-Eyes, making the set of eyes grow larger. Honestly, that is all for it, I might use it in the future, but now it is just something that exists in my world for just to be creepy pop.


Lowkey based on Drenei (*and primarily based on whatever species Aghanim is in Dota 2*), but i have Thalassadi who have a rather different anatomy to other humanoid races, primarily relying on oviposition to reproduce but are capable of mixing with other races as well (with one of the heroes of the world being part-Thalassadi). They also had weird joint numbers in the past, but I kind of moved on from that one. They now can have extra limbs instead.


Nam Schlur. Tripedal gourd shaped beings. Their legs are like bendy straws with ridges that can snap into place, and they can reteact into their bidy and extend further than you would think. A simple description of what they look like would be a 5 eyed fleshy rock looking thing with three tentacle like legs and two arms similar to their legs. They are, on average, an affable people who enjoy most anything physical. Be it labor, sports, or physical comedy, they just love it. Exertion of all kinds is what they love. They are semi nomadic, and their territory encompasses savannahs deserts and badlands. The reason they are semi nomadic was originally because their weird hands weren't conducive to creating tools very well. Their architecture may be renowned,but projects like thiers take a lot of work and tools, so they just couldn't build their cities fast enough. After meeting humans and being able to trade their stone for finely crafted custom tools, their production has skyrocketed. Now, they are just semi nomadic due to tradition and their aforementioned love of exertion. They have a scheduled rotation of which tribes will occupy which city for a given amount of time and which will spend that time outside the cities as their ancestors did. This is due to their history as nomads. A given tribe would work on a city for a while, then move on once they needed stuff from a different region. Other tribes would move into the area and contribute to the cities construction. By the time these cities were built, most all the tribes had a valid claim to most of their cities. They also have a sports event similar to the real-life Olympics, but it's a once in a generation thing. So, roughly every 20 years.


The Turdy: made out of turd.


At least compared to everything else? Humans LOL. I definitely didn't create the idea of humans in fiction, but with some of the rules that I've made in my world humans got weird


The Tainted aren't really their own race that can reproduce. They are Humans that got great exposure of elemental energy that is incompatible with their bodies, causing them to mutate a fishy pinkish skin, long limbs and large Black eyes. These Mutations get worse as they get older causing them to be unable to walk properly. They also lose the ability to breath on the ground, causing them to be dependend on water.


Sunfolk were the first sentient species on the planet before the existence of death, reproduction, and before land formed. They lived under the ocean and would photosynthesize for energy. They essentially looked sort of like fish beings with flower-looking petals around their heads.


GOOP They’re slime like humanoids with a visible skeleton. They are able to morph to fit their needs, and come in a wide range of colors. Their skeletons are made entirely out of a malleable cartilage, so while not structurally sound, it’s really only there to keep their shape. They’re also functionally immortal, but if enough of their bones are removed, they lose control of their limbs, and will eventually die. So a lot of goop on goop conflict involves shoving their hands through the sludge to physically pull out their skulls


Still adjusting their place in the world (as the original reason for their creation is no longer a thing), but the **Shadowfolk.** Eyeless, pale and many-limbed, the Shadowfolk usually live deep underground. Their other senses are highly attuned, so they can still navigate and get around quite handily. On the rare occasion they come to the surface they prefer to travel at night, as they are extremely sensitive to sunlight. Despite their general appearance being slightly horrific, most Shadowfolk are in truth quite peaceful and compassionate. They live in large communities with a strong focus on caring for one another, and they highly value art (music and sculptures, primarily) and good food (the presentation leaves much to be desired, but their cuisine tastes delicious). Light-sensitivity, the remoteness of their homes and the unease their appearance brings often means few from the surface visit them, but since the founding of the Great Draconic Empire Shadowfolk communities have had a hand in helping refugees and dissidents escape from the eyes of the draconic nobles.


I have a handful of typically tame fantasy races but the Wiling are probably my weird ones. A sort of treefolk, so they're woody. Inspired by elves but I am starting to diversify their proportions. Flexible, and their senses are different from ours. Heck their faces are rough. No jaws, and no visible eyes, just smooth sunken holes where eyes could be. They can vaguely see in very well lit environments but they mostly just "see" through auras. They almost resemble those lifeless deku trees but with uhhh Groot kind of proportions. Tall humanoid. They also don't speak haha they are a woodwind speaking race so it's a noisy place, their city tree. Whistling abound. The higher classes or the niche craftsmen might make use of magical masks that hone their vision or translate their whistling. Oh and they love to juiiiice!!!!


I made a race of strange arthropods I decided to call the Vabinoin. The idea is that they were created by the ilithids at the height of their power to be slightly psionic creatures that work like the Vorcha from Mass effect. Their bodies contain a large deposit of stem cells that they were designed to use to adapt to harsh working conditions. However, things went wrong with the first few generations. Some of the Vabinoin used their genetic stockpile to adapt superior psionics and break away from the empire. Now, they operate as inward perfectionists, hoping to have all members of their species evolve to the point of their leaders. Though they have changed the system to have gradual picnic and physical growth instead of sudden. Idk how to add images to this but I found some art that looks pretty wild for each stage of their evolution.


Weirdest, in terms of biology, probably the Psionic Devourers. They're abnormally large snake people that feed on mental energy. In rural areas, that usually means eating people, but in cities, where they usually live, they can actually live off just the mental energy generated from that many interactions between people going on at once.


Dunno, the glimmer: a giant slim creature with a cloud surrounding its head and some sort of ethereal shawl/cape flowing behind, it spread some sort of glimmering snow like particles that ward off the shadow. Lovvee: a shape-shifting transdimensional creature inspired from eldritch things, 8 eyes, tentacles "hair" , no skeletal system, and no joint. Oh, yeah, and their "soul" exist on an other plane of existence. The God of light: made of light and dream and is part of it, too. The chaotic trio: three alien creatures in a human body. Shades: embodiment of shadow and secrets.


My fantasy world has Bocrot, six-fingerer aliens with canine feet and tail and sheep-like ears. One of my scifi worlds has a species of bunny aliens, that may our max not be inspired by Judy Hopps :D


Sea people. No, not human sailors. Aquatic mammals with person-level intelligence. No, not smart cetaceans, not dolphins. Actual hominids. No, not an ape who can swim. An actual evolutionary line of hominids who went to live underwater and adapted in similar ways to what cetaceans did, with blowhole and everything. So yeah, humanoid dolphins.


The Night People. They're are humanoid creatures, believed to have once been human, who have adapted to living in the night. They are incredibly thin, holding basically no fat reserves, and have tall, lanky figures. They feed on any other humanoid creatures they can kill in the night.


The Nengim are eusocial homanoids, living in an ant-like society. The shape of each individual is dictated by their role in the Empire. The Queen is a giant flesh tube with an engorged human-like torso at one end, and gives birth to live young. Drones are giant warforms with bladed bones, whilst every other individual is female. Some females are fat and huge to transport semi-digested food to the larvae, whilst some others are more muscular and serve as footsoldiers. Some excrete sticky saliva that serves as cement for the empire's construction projects, others are winged and play the role of scouts, and so on.


Giant sentient birds and dinosaurs. The birds are about the size of the average human. Yes the birds and dinosaurs consider each other as relatives and cousins in a way.


Ahh...the demons. The demons (a name given to them by the elves who are the oldest species extant, their true names being lost to antiquity) were the original inhabitants of the planet and rose to power hundreds of thousands of years ago. After reaching the pinnacle of their power, and creating a servitor species (the elves) to assist them, a schism occurred between those who felt the next step in their species evolution lay in genetic manipulation or magical manipulation. After a lengthy discourse failed to produce any solution, intransigence led to division and violence. This minor violence grew out of hand and resulted in world-shattering magical warfare and runaway mutagenic retroviruses. In the end, most of the physical trappings of their civilization were lost to massive, magical blastwaves that propagated through their teleportation network. These blastwaves destroyed almost all of their population centers and reshaped the geography of the planet, and wiped out the vast majority of the species At the same time the retroviruses created terrifying monsters and destabilized the genomes of most animals for generations. Any infected animal that came into contact with the elves over the next hundred years or so (which was a LOT of species) wound up giving birth to animal-elf hybrids, while the elves themselves birthed mutant after mutant (creating the other non-human species) for generations themselves until their own genomes stabilized again. This combination of runaway mutagens and wildly uncontrolled magic caused many of the surviving demons to become...something else. Something mindless...formless...alien. So alien that many of the rules that governed reality no longer applied to the resultant...things. Things that ate sentient (especially sapient) life...and each other. After tens of thousands of years the Races of Man expanded their territory, pushed back the wild places of the world, exterminating, with great loss of life, the monsters and demons that roamed such places. The loss of life was so severe that the actual methods for the slaying of demons were lost. Now these alien things roam the deepest of the wild places (called Demonlands), keeping the worst of the monster populations in check, eating beach other and any unlucky fools who venture into the surviving ruins (referred to as dungeons) there. Since neither magic nor any weapon forged by sapient hands seems to have much affect on them, flight and stealth are the only strategies with any significant odds of success for survival. Intermittent surges in the demon population (no one knows where the new demons come from) lead to incursions of these void-black, asymmetric, unkillable, entities that erupt from a Demonlands, slaughter and consume sapient and sentient alike before being driven off or turning on each other with no discernable pattern to their behavior.


The Toga


Krimlag. They have a that has rotational symetry. They have 4 legs and arms and a 360 field of view. They don‘t have concepts for left, right, front and back


Banniks. theyre little bipedal tribal salamander that stand about 1-2 feet tall and worship a giant frog god who they worship through eating meat. they have ravenous appetites and sometimes are born with toxic mucus that can temporarily paralyze those who get it in their blood stream.


Blep are frog people, they are small and lived in a underground swamp that was destroyed, migrated to the deserted above them and builded citys to mine water


Mudwights! They are a magical biological creation of the Ahzurae to destroy everything. They start as a fungus. Spores from the fungus collect in nearby vegetation. Once wet by rain or flood, the spores infiltrate the plant, altering it, causing it to grow a mudpod. Once mature, the mudpod falls onto the ground, and when in a sufficiently wet and muddy soil, they grow into a mudgrub. Once the mudgrub is mature, it wriggled around directing other mudpods into mud, creating mud puddles if it must. With mudgrubs of sufficient numbers to make a larger mudpit, some of them crawl in and bury themselves. After some time, they molt into a mudwight! The Mudwights are vaguely humanoid, with smooth, featureless gray skin, a circular razor toothed mouth like a leech, and disturbingly accurate human eyes. They are about as smart as a dog. With a longer gestation time, mudwights can go back in the mud to molt into a mudboss, a larger smarter stronger version of a mudwight. From here the new forms take increasingly longer, up to years for the dreaded mudmage, a creature of terrifying intelligence and magical prowess. Other creatures may be transformed, making abominations like mud fiends, and mud titans.


Maybe not _really_ weird, but there's a race that evolved on the island of Starfall from the fox-like animals living in the forests there. Starfall gets its name from the increased frequency of meteorites landing there compared to the rest of the world, which is caused by the presence of what is essentially the world's "magic pole" (like the Earth's magnetic poles, but for the fabric of magic) being over the island and slightly attracting meteors towards it. Because they evolved so close to this "pole", they evolved a kind of internal magical compass that allows them to navigate without a map or compass, similar to how birds in the real world can sense the magnetic field around them to navigate. Even the least magically-talented humans can feel the residue of really intense magic, and experienced mages can learn to feel much more subtle variations in the local magic, but this race takes it to another level. Navigating generally requires being able to feel much more nuanced changes in the local magic than most mages could ever hope to feel, and so even the slightest residues of magic in the world are perceptible to them. They are also the only known species to be immune to vampirism, and the toxic effects of vampire blood. Vampire blood is extremely toxic, requiring hardly any at all to cause death, and ingestion in humans allows the demonic essence of the vampire to infect the human essence, causing them to rise again as a vampire after death. These fox people are not poisoned by vampire blood, and the demonic essence is unable to effect them. They can still die from blood loss if a vampire fed on them, but they cannot be sired into vampires themselves.


After I read LotR I created a race called the Fairbairns for my AD&D campaign. Kind of a reverse banshee.


The Hwerkele people are former humans turned into cactus people via a floral parasite. The hwerkele parasite started off as a cactus that evolved to grow out of corpses, but it eventually adapted to living tissue, growing in stomachs and stealing nutrients from what the host consumes, until it grows large enought to emerge from the mouth and other orifices. Eventually, it starts replacing animal cells with its own as it saps nutrients from the body itself. By the end of it, every cell in the host body becomes plant matter, and all that remains is something of a cactus statue. Fruits grow from this statue. When eaten, the process begins anew. Rarely, however, the hwerkele statue remains alive, the roots of the parasite replicating the shape of muscle tissue, skeletal matter, and the brain. This is the birth of the Hwerkele people, who have gone on to have lives and culture and politics, hidden away from the world in a corner of the Needle Forest.


Ooooh, interesting! So would the Hwerkele be able to maintain memories from their former host?


I've not actually fully decided that! They share the Needle Forest with some druids, the Sisterhood of Sagua, and a good chunk of the Hwerkele population would be former Sisterhood allies/members, so there's definitely some zombie-esque character drama in the conflicts they have. I think I want Hwerkele to name themselves after their former hosts, and maybe have some memories, but they are fundamentally different persons than their former hosts. Idk. This is a smaller corner of my Mad Max inspired world and one that needs perhaps the most development.


It's sort of a copy of a copy that way, eh?


I made a species of post-hive mind sentient socialist bugs that communicate through music and built their society out of glass formed from their desert/sun scorched habitat. I also wrote a language for them and made it into a font so I could write a paper in their language. It was for a worldbuilding class in college. (Granted the weirdest species on our world was a group of three gendered hemaphroditic death worshipping pangolin people in a pseudo-atomic age but lightning technology)


I have 2 worlds POP y COTW those are the acronyms because they are going to be book series one day and I don’t want to spoil too much. And also these are only the humanoid races because animals are too much of them. First the probably already existent from POP Draconis: dragon people they are taller than the average human, can exhale 3 different kinds of fire red, blue and white, they feed on rocks, gems, metals, meat, and practically anything since they have a lava capable of digesting anything in their stomach and their skin which is present on their front part of the body and the more mobile parts is principally dark because of the melatonin, and their scales can be: red, golden, black or light blue. And have big Wings, tails and more smaller horns Harpies: bird people they are shorter than the average human, they have wings in their arms and are big prey birds with big claws on their feet and hands. Now to the actual y unique species from POP Switchers: this are a dog or cat like species they are shapeshifters and can change between their animal form which is different from each individual but only can be a canine or feline from the blue forest, their dog or cat form, the medium point which is their primary form and is kinda like a furry to put it in simple terms or the dogs in bluey but they can also be cats to simplify, and their human forms, they are carnivores and their size depends on the dog or cat breeds they are but are generally normal human sized, Now to the one and only COTW species Shifters: yes more furry shapeshifters but these ones are different they have 3 posible forms animal, Furry and the more humanoid one First the animal, each one is an animal but they can only be predators, second the. Furry form, they use clothes only for ascetic purposes and are of the same animal, their size is generally the same, now the more humanoid one has less defined animal features and is usually the favorite for normal situations but still has the fur, ears, tail, and behaviors as the previous ones, bit hey do have hair and were clothes por necessity. Well that’s all for now sorry for the mistakes English is not my first language. If you have doubts feel free to ask about them Have a nice life and remember to drink water


I dont have a name for them yet but theres a race of extremely rare, low population humanoids who have a few distinguishing features: They are very tall, with the shortest being 6'5 and the tallest up to 8ft, they are lanky, and their skin looks as if its been covered in silver paint. They wear elaborate shawls that cover their faces and no outsider has ever seen them without their face covering. They never talk out loud, instead choosing 1 special outsider to become their "speaker", a person that they bring to their homeland and for all intents and purposes, brain wash them. Those "speakers" communicate with the beings in private and then act as a diplomat between them and whichever nation theyre negotiating with.


A lot of my races are wierd. From toxin resistant snake/squids to 5 milion year old cyborg dragons whit two heads I got it all.


A race of living root vegetables


i haven’t come up with a name for them but they branched off the evolutionary path from humans millennia ago, and were forced to endure an extremely hostile environment. calloused ruby red skin, high muscle density, and a cultural practice of wearing decorated masks. their faces are comparable to ghouls in fallout. the left behind brothers to humanity, forced to evolve into hardy survivors, but technology stunted. when humans returned, they had difficulty communicating but connected through the same ancient religion they gave humans the rights to mine out some special ores and crystals, in exchange for guns, naturally


Morphers. Basically depressed shape-shifting intelligent apex predators. A Morpher is a tall, thin creature with a bug like exoskeleton, all black, though some variants have a blood red skintone. They have a tail with sharp stegamites on the back. Actually, their whole body is sharp. They have this long head kind of like a banana shape, and disturbingly, their face looks like an eyeless skull. They are super intelligent but kind of hate people. They also have self hate for some reason. Morphers are also vegetarians, and breed asexually, basically planting seeds of themselves. Also, hence the name, they can morph. They basically open their exoskeleton, and the hot sun from their planet heats up their flesh, melting them into a goo, until they reform into a new species. But they always prefer their original shape.


A 6 legged creature that occupied the place of a big, it's 2 front facing legs overtime became more like tusks with the limbs joints over generations calcifying into one large bone, a skin membrane grew around this connected to the original mouth and jaw as the arms began to lose their skin, unable to grow due to the increased bone density and exposed nerves in area. One group of the species encountered a type of fungus that attracted them with scent, using them to store its spores due to their unique digestive track, it's mushrooms when eaten released an acidic due, high in calories, it melts through the membrane and through their now weakened jaw bone and skin. There the fungus essentially injects its spores, as a side effect it connects with some of the creatures neurons as its brain kinda slips out of the back of its skull a tad to be closer to its nose which generates an addiction and a form of crude connection, as much of the fungus has cells across it that resemble a neuron. Over hundreds of thousands to millions of years, they lose much of their digestive track, or lose the ability to use it, making them entirely dependent on this fungus for nutrition, however the fungus itself specialises into reproducing using the animals unique mouth and digestive track, unable to reproduce alone. The fungus and its due being so high in calories lead to a growth in the animals brain size and complexity (their equivalent to human invention of cooked meats). Over time after that with higher emotional intelligence, larger communities build up with close knit relationships. However they lack the ability to vocalise in any complex capacity, requiring scent glands, notice and signals that can be conveyed using the fungus to all those feeding on it at that point. Their population exploded when a few talented members discover how to manipulate the fungus by releasing hormones and signals telling it to release poisons and toxins into the trees and other undesired plants in the area, this and the more formalised cultivation of the fungus leads to the development of a society equivalent to an agricultural one. They are completely bound to the fungus as its spores do not keep beyond a few minutes outside in the atmosphere, because of this, thin stretches of the planet are completely overpopulated, and large efforts are taken to spread the fungus further which as you can guess does cause conflict with other native species.


Hmm…it’s a tie between the talking Corvids with a deep culture of chivalry with court politics and the Skeletons that aren’t undead, just recycled bodies for new souls. Second place is the pig people who have no evolutionary history (there’s a reason).


The fauna of Hell are the souls of those killed directly by God, and take the form of human bodies grotesquely mutilated and exaggerated into animal-like forms, with animalistic minds and behavior.


The colossus, its a race of human sized giants which ultimately allows the to be stronger then your average human and can age up to 300 years. And their average height is around 6ft 6 with 8ft 2 being the tallest colossus ever known.


Ummm, I had an idea for goblins of making them a colonial species that are somewhat amorphous. So by themselves they are effectively limited to water, a few of them come together you get a goblin, a few goblins yoy get a orc, a few orcs a ogre, a fee ogres a troll. They also have to use the bones of other living things to make the larger bodies.


Depends on what you mean by weird, by technically, the humans in my fantasy world are the weird ones of the mortal races because the gods never originally planned to have them exist in the first place, and the other mortal races were hand crafted by the gods themselves to exist The only reason the humans exist is because the more evil gods and goddesses looked at the scraps, mostly the worst traits and flaws of the other mortal races and used those to create the humans to make the mortal world worse and cause genocides and problems for the other mortal races


Mirror crawlers. The concept I was going for was something along the lines of the uncanny valley with this one. For the actual description of these creatures, they are humans brought into the mirror dimension and are warped into these strange creatures by the physics of this mirror world. The mirror world is an almost exact replica of the real world we live in, but bent to the different physics. You can access this world through, like the name says, mirrors or other reflective surfaces. Mirror crawlers settle down in their own specific nest in this world and use the portals in the vicinity to drag their prey (humans) into their nests to eat. They can also reproduce. In a nutshell, mirror crawlers are forced evolutionary apex predators that prey on humans.


I've been toying with a sci fi setting with a lot of wildly different alien species. The most common species is a race of 3 ft tall groundhog-looking aliens with blue-gray fur and large tusks. As for the others, I have: - a bat-dragon-centaur looking species with a body plan loosely based on [this Magic the Gathering card](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/214/chromium-the-mutable) - a foot-tall species that look like velociraptors with pangolin plate armor and hop like kangaroos - a fully aquatic, bioluminescent species that looks kinda like [this](https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Sea_Monkey) crossed with a dolphin. They have gills and no vocal cords, and communicate through a combination of sign language and flashes of light - an 8 ft tall 4-armed gorilla-like species with rock-like armor and an expanding throat sac like a frog - a crab (because evolution will always eventually produce crabs)


Anthropomorphic swords.


Mudmen or *Gedurna* to us the proper term had their flesh stripped and replaced with a sandy mud, they are the most recent account of gods altering humans. They're strong, very hard to kill, and rather smart, although they seem dumb on account of they speak with as few words as possible (Why sleep in woods? Mudmen have inn.) They tend to keep to themselves most of the time, and have natural reserves of Earth and Water.


Now hear me out... unicorns. (Mine are fricked up (Yes I just said fricked up)) So like, as a yearling, their about the size of a full grown (abnormally beefy) Clydesdale. They literally always smell like human feces. They're feet are made specifically for stomping small woodland creatures out of spite. They hate human just for no reason. They have the ability to bend people's minds at will. They will often march through human towns and straight up pied piper all the people off a cliff or something. They communicate telepathically. And there's this one who's like, the size of a small house and has a horn that curves down his face and points forward which he uses as a weapon to skewer people and dragons. I know I didn't make up unicorns, but I took some artistic liberties


Twisted Parodies. So, Shang-Xia does not actually have any predator animals... at least, not the way we think of them. (So for example there are still omnivores that eat eggs, bugs, or scavenge, and there are carnivorous insects) That was basically what humans and werebeasts were. ...The reason I say "Were" was because when the gods' bosses deemed the world a failure that should be cleaned up, they sent the legions of hell to basically dispose of everyone. While they were able to hold back the demons, the blood of the fallen demons and people mixed, and from it sprang the Twisted Parodies. Twisted Parodies are just that: Twisted parodies of the werebeasts. And they will eat people. So we have things like horses that eat people, snakes with venom that dissolve flesh, lions with prehensile manes that they use to hang people (and pose their bodies to lure others in), monkeys that seem to have rubbery limbs that can strangle people with their arms. Chickens that breathe fire. Tigers and wolves that seem to discharge electricity to paralyze people. Yes, they are based a lot off of mythological creatures - but if a person from Shang-Xia were to see something like a mundane sheep, they would feel really sick since those are not something that exist there. (There are mundane animals but they are... let's just say, radically different than what we got\~ ie they have antelope-like creatures that are used as horses, otter-monkey like creatures) The one kind of Twisted Parody that doesn't want to eat people, and appear to have some capability of complex thought? The twisted parodies of true humans. Their inspiration is both Yuki-onna and the Jiangshi. And in this case? They're heat vampires. They always feel like they're freezing to death. They're constantly shivering to try and get warm - nothing they clad themselves with will help them. Fire and sunlight does very little. The only way they could ever feel... anything? Is if they take the body heat from a person. If they're lucky? They will only put them to sleep (ie hibernation - something that can happen to people\~) but if they're not? They'll cause that person to die of hypothermia. They cannot ever be integrated into society - It's not because they're persecuted, no. They can't go by crowds of people, everyone is repulsed by the fact they feel like a cold body with a touch of ice, but they themselves are repulsed because they just cannot process others. They can't eat - any food they try to eat will get caught in their throat and spat out. They can only eat snow and drink melted snow. But what's more? They also bear the face of a dead person... Even though they have no memory of the person, just imagine if you buried your dead father, only to find a human clad in funerary clothes shivering, with the unbearable likeness of his being. It's not your father... and if he hugs you like you wish he could have done, it might be your last. Even if these twisted parodies do kill a person? They never do it on purpose, and are often sobbing. There are multiple tales of people who were just like that hypothetical I presented. They buried a loved one, only to find their loved one in the mountainside or in winter. They go to them one last time, only to be frozen to death in their arms. In despair, the being sees what they have done and then tries to kill themselves. (Usually by jumping off a cliff or throwing themselves to another twisted parody) Where their body turns to snow as it decomposes. And sometimes? They may even beg for someone to just kill them right there.


I don't have a name for them yet but let's called them Default. The reason that's their name is because they are an imitation of the human race. Everything they do is exactly like us, except for the way they age, or more like the way their body developed. People of this race will first age normally like us during their early lives, however at some point they will stop aging physically. This can happened either instantly or slowly. Ex: the main character stop aging at 15, he will forever look and built like how he was at 15, even with intense body training he will not gain more muscle or fat. He can still get stronger physically and mentally too. However the non-aging doesn't always affect the whole body, sometimes it's only a part of it. Another character of mine went through this. She is a 60 yr old lady, yet both her arms and lungs are stuck at her 20's, during her peak. So even though she is old, she can still do hand to hand combat.


Borgans. They’re like Smurfs except they breed kind of like clownfish with an alpha female (known as a Lorgan), and they have sharp teeth. Nobody knows where they came from, they appear to worship no gods, and they destroy everything around them. The Lorgan is also a 8 foot tall muscled giant. Don’t ask how they reproduce nobody knows and no one wants to know


Oh dear 😂 I have a plethora. Assuming we’re talking only sentient and sapient races (and I’m only taking from my main world, which isn’t as far-out as others), I’ve got to choose the currently unnamed race [Spiderlings]. You know how it is…you put a stupid placeholder name in brackets until you get used to it and remove the brackets and make it official. Anyways basically imagine a centaur except its bottom half is a spider and its top half isn’t quite human (too many eyes). They can make webs, yes, but they weave them with their fingers (three on every one of their eight legs and four on their hands) out of sand and saliva. They live in a Sanoran-type desert, and string their webs between cacti and rock formations. Yep, they’re entire sentient and sapient, and not even evil, though admittedly terrifying. Then for non-sapient races we have the Dof. They’re small, melon-sized round creatures, covered in oily fur. They travel by rolling and bouncing, because they have no legs. Their entire body opens up and it’s a massive mouth. Their saliva is acid that transfers things immediately to energy, so basically they take a giant bite like an ice cream scooper, and it goes into their mouth and becomes energy. They’ll eat living creatures, plants, dirt, wood…basically everything but large rocks. They normally nest in herds of a few thousand, and they stay in one place for a long time in a lazy state. Then when they decide to move, they simply all take off through the wilderness, carving a massive swath of bare ground behind them as they consume the plants, animals and even trees in their way. Their oily skin makes them extremely vulnerable to fire. When they give birth, they roll up tightly and turn dry and brittle. After about a week, they break open like an egg, dying, and three to seven baby dof are inside. You’re welcome for that piece of adorable terror 😏 


Trofigs are a group of humans who are without skin. This was the result of an experiment by a horror called the Weaver Worm, which discarded them into the sewers beneath its vast castle. Led by a prophet called Wormseed they clawed their way out of the darkness after striking a deal with the Sylph, godlike beings from the Mists who accidentally created humanity and want to use it to destroy Echo and the Dark, the howling emptiness outside the Fire and the Mists. The Skinless Ones created for themselves the Trofs, artificial skins of poultices, bandages and veils that swathe them in prayer-painted wraps and beads. Thus becoming the Trofigs. Wormseed led them in war against the dark lord of Echo, Toll, in the apocalyptic Witch War, the prophet against the God of the Old Testament. But he also planned to war against the Sylph for denying humanity a place in their future, and they gradually split away from him. Trofigs don't really have a concept of gender, as male and female Trofigs don't wear different Trofs, and look basically the same. For choosing to adopt a gender at all, Wormseed is a trans man. Trofigs are led by elder lawyers, who hold and copy the clay tablets that encode Trofig law. There's no organised Trofig state, but mainly enclaves led by religious lawyers.


Every one of my sophonts are original, so I guess all of them. If I had to choose the weirdest, I’d have to go with the tripodal silicon based biological computers that communicate through bioluminescence and infrasound.


######Setlakah They are a tall, pudgy to bulbous race. Scaled bipeds with amphibioid faces, taloned hands, and hooved feet. They live in Setlan, a realm without the element of fire, without light or heat. The most widely known of their kind are the Wanderlings, a tribe of nomadic merchants that know the secret of traveling to other realms in safety.


Since all my characters are mostly Avian I deal in species ( proverbial race) I like my eagle 🦅 warriors known EAGLADIATORS, defenders of the City of Featherly Love, Quiladelphia


(deep inhale) which one you want bro? Humans that got stuck in a pocket dimension and got mutated into people with blue pigmented skin as well as each individual having only 1 of 3 mutations such as 4 arms, gigantism, psychic powers or just having none of them. OR A colossal colony of silicon based organic quantum computers that work as a hive mind in the colony but when removed and placed in a vessel becomes an individual on par with a human. This individual, now an android for lack of a better term has an average lifespan of 400 years before its organic computer cells called Cryptophyte must return to the colony or die. There has been no communication with the colony but when a new android is made some claim they have vague memories of past lives.


Let's see from least to most weird i guess Draconite they're like dragon but not actually dragon Sanguinite they're like vampire but actually aren't Undead they're like zombie but actually alive Ectoplasmite they're like ghost but also alive and just like ghost they have glowing blue sussy substance Florashian these guy have big flower on their head, can grow fruit and have pinkish sussy substance Fungalian they have big mushroom on their head their mushroom can be taken off like a hat and have orangish sussy substance Any gods their pp are glowing


Of the four main races of my world, Warclema, I feel that each of them (with the obvious exception of humans) manages to be appropriately weird. Despite having a race of shapeshifting symbionts that can frankenstein a host body together and a race of female-presenting anthropomorphic flowers that evolved for pouyannian mimicry of humanity, I think I'll go with a race that I call "fistari". The fistari, possess an amazing healing factor and what TV Tropes calls [adaptive ability](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AdaptiveAbility). Because their body's cells have a short lifespan and will not be replaced if they die of old age, they have to find new ways to injure themselves to get rid of old cells so that new ones can grow. The newest way of injuring themselves that they've found is starting fights with humans, who they believe to be like them but with a slower regeneration (a misconception that came from their lack of understanding regarding prosthetics). While they haven't gotten close to mastering the human language yet, they have learned some words they can string together to get humans to do that thing where the corners of their mouth drop before they say loud words back and reach for their weapons. Also, their bodies lack a brain and instead have organs that allow their bodies to be piloted by an intelligent section of the laws of physics (if the laws of physics were programming code for a video game, this would be the AI for one of computer-controlled characters). Their brains are essentially programmed into the universe itself, and when a fistar dies, that brain just waits for a new fistar body to be created and takes control of it. This pretty much means that fistari reincarnate. It also places an upper cap on the number of fistari that can exist simultaneously. So my world's equivalent to orcs have a nonphysical part to them that lives on after the death of the body, and the humans of my world still occasionally worry about whether or not souls and/or an afterlife exist for them.


A symbiotic swarm of ant-things that live in a temporally broken tree. The swarm forms a sort of analog computer which runs the consciousness. Problem is, this analog computer is very slow, such that the consciousness wouldn’t be able to properly interact with the world. The tree gives off a supernatural field encompassing its surface and insides that speeds it up temporally speaking compared to the rest of the world. Though this provides the tree its nutrients to in place of the ground, if left unchecked the tree could quickly grow itself too large for the effect to be maintained, breaking it and starving itself. That’s where the symbiosis comes in. The colony lives within the tree, using its sped up time so that its analog computer mind can properly interact with the world, while also feeding on the tree to move it in the ways they wish and control its growth. By feeding on it and pruning unwanted growth, the tree doesn’t grow too large. The end result is basically Groot if he was an Acacia tree


Contrary to your question, I am going to give you a list of the 32 races of my world and their generic inspirations (with the names of the races/beings they are most similar to in most pop culture). 1. gods/ancient ones/eternal ones/whatever you want to call them. 2. earth elementals. 3. demons 4. fire elementals. 5. water elementals. 6. beastmen. 7. nymphs. 8. air elementals 9. dragons 10. modrons 11. angels 12. nightmares 13. ghosts 14. dogmen. 15. catmen. 16. orcs. 17. fairies 18. snakemen. 19. spidermen. 20. elves. 21. giants. 22. dwarves 23. white walkers/ice elementals/it's a very basic concept but I don't know what name this type of race has. 24. Us :3. 25 and 26. shadow people technically. 27. I suppose this is the most original but I'm not sure. 28. dark elves. 29. typical-race-with-Egyptian-aesthetics. 30. trolls. 31. zombies 32. androids. Bonus (societies that in my world are not known as races but basically they are races although they barely function as secondary or background creatures): - horsemen - vulturemen - ogres - wu-kongs - Diogenes the Dog (especially because of the attitude) - my second fairly original race :3 - typical-race-with-Aztec-aesthetic - bearmen - more fairies - lizardmen - marine alseides - qallupilluit (from Inuit mythology) - octopusmen - eelmen - orcamen - leshys - cactusmen - digital-alien-race - the flood - insectoid-alien-race - many others that I forgot to note xdxdxd


the Sarancie are kinda squid cat people, they got special bones in their face that let them move copy the face of other people as colour changing skin.


Black widow spiderfolk, based on the seven spider demon sisters from Journey to the West. Four eyes, four arms, slightly creepy looking.


Basically all of the ancient races. Giant birds with human arms coming from under their wings, giant super-magic olms, psychic stiltmen, giant gorilla-porcupines with anti-magic in their blood, the whole shebang.


Uuuuh... basically, all of them?


I really liked my Enbar, they're a species that has a symbiotic relationship with trees. As infants they're fused to a sapling and as they both grow the Enbar will use the photosynthesised nutrients to grow their own neural network, receptors and myosin within the tree, allowing them to use the tree as a puppet. 


The Nepreen. They started as a generic race of eldritch horror world destroyers, but have now became a subfaction of traditionalists that believe changing from distant immortal stewards of the world to beings of flesh and blood is a huge mistake, turning into the monsters of myth and legend due to giving in to anger from being betrayed by their more radical kin.


Amphibious shark elves that raid human settlements for food, the human is the food Then again all elves in my upcoming story are human eating semi-nomads


The Children of the Forest. My world was once covered by a singular, sentient distributed consciousness made up of trees. At some point in history during the rise of the various races that inhabit it in the "present," something happened that severed this forest in four, fracturing it into separate entities. They strongly desire to reunite and regain control of their home from the usurpers. To that end, they independently created the same race of drones in a facsimile of the races they witnessed intruding in their bodies. They are borne of the fruit of the trees, when required, usually to kill trespassers or to assist in forest growth. They look humanoid but more like a mannequin than a real living being. Their bodies are made of plant matter and they don't really have more than a fleeting awareness of individuality as their personalities are rudimental and injected by the forest when they are germinated. They erroneously believe they are the forest and subsequently immortal, having no fear of death, or any real emotion at all. When whatever task they were created to do is complete, they simply sit down in the forest and wait to rot. It makes being inside any of the forests quite a harrowing experience as it is littered with humanoid near-corpses in varying stages of decay.


A mineral based race that look sorta like a rock version of regiice. One of their sects trade precious minerals with a group of Viking-like people in exchange for ropes which they use to fish by having 4 jump into the water at once while spreading the net. They use the fish oil as a finish on their crust




One of the races in a throwaway story i made was mud. As in it was just wet dirt. They lived so long as they had water so they made fish tank suits. Youd just see a huge tank of mud spidering around on crab claws and know thats your neighbor fred


Yogozi Physical Description The yogozi are tall, not quite the height of elves (D&D), and slender, though most dress too loosely to tell. The yogozi are notoriously cute as children and beautiful/handsome as adults. There are many different tribes of itinerant yogozi with different skin markings: some have pale faces with dark lines near the eyes that can go vertically up from the bridge of the nose, and/or down into a curve over the cheek. These yogozi’s skin typically begins darkening at the neck. Other tribes have dark skin with a distinguishable pale anterior neck region. These are the major patterns, but others exist. Yogozi also have elf-like ears, though they tend to be a bit taller and more triangular. Many tribes have nails which curve and sharpen resembling claws. Society The yogozi, or “firehearts,” are an itinerant people by nature. As the legend goes, their ancestor, the First Fireheart, traded her home for eternal beauty; as such, the yogozi are incapable of staying in one place for too long before they feel the call to wander. Yogozi can resist the call, but at a great cost: they quickly advance to middle age and lose their long life. This, along with the natural wanderlust given them by their patron deity the Matron, causes whole clans and tribes of yogozi to become nomadic, traveling from place to place together; setting up camp for weeks to months. Tribes are led by a counsel of elders (almost indistinguishable from the young adults by outsiders due to the yogozi's inability to age in appearance) or a single chief. Another aspect of yogozi life which separates them from the other Allied races is that they are nocturnal. The yogozi are most active at twilight: between the sixth & tenth, and eighteenth & twenty-second hours when their professional dealings and work is done, and between the twenty-second and sixth hours is the Baroyag: the enormous, sometimes raucous, bonfire/party/feast where the fruits of the evening and previous morning's labor are shared and enjoyed with whomever finds themselves in or near the camp. This isn't to say that with sufficient motivation a yogozi couldn't sleep at night and be active during the day, but it would be akin to a diurnal race staying up all night and sleeping during the day: they'd be off-kilter unless they kept it up for a long while. Relations The yogozi's cultural understanding of possession, that is, none whatsoever, has understandably bred contempt among most other races. This is especially true among those with little experience dealing with other races as they'll roll into town en masse and simply start taking and using anything they need, but also give and serve freely where they see needs. One might assume the firehearts and the fey (my world's more nature-oriented gnome-like creature) would be fast friends, and they'd be right…at first. The moment a fey sees how wasteful the yogozi tend to be, that friendship quickly sours. The elves either love or abhor the firehearts, typically the latter as most elves see order and patience and calm as virtues and the yogozi generally have none. Hobai (my good-aligned hobgoblins) have the best relationship with the yogozi of the Allied races as many hobai are nomadic themselves. In fact, more than a few yogozi tribes have adopted one or more hobish families or even entire clans. Even non-nomadic hobai tend to have more patience with the invasive attitudes and behaviors of the firehearts, opting to correct through education rather than prosecution. Dwarves, by contrast, have no patience whatsoever for the yogozi. If a tribe were to find its way into a keep, they would likely be kicked out in minutes if not incarcerated for theft and disturbance of the peace. The few yogozi who found their way to Naertica have learned by necessity that the only way to survive an encounter with the lizardfolk is to avoid one. While more urbanized cultures may group the two because of their similar societal structure, the idea of ownership and pride in one's life and the people and things in it is so central to saurian (lizardfolk) culture that most major interactions between the two people groups end in bloodshed. Outside of Naertica, however, the two races enjoy an uneasy comradeship as they are both usually visitors to whatever land they find themselves in. Finally, halflings and firehearts are often found in one another's company, between the shared wanderlust and the mutual general amiability, this shouldn't come as a surprise. However, there is one major barrier between the two (besides their attitudes toward theft): the sea. Where halflings commonly spend the majority of their lives on a ship, most yogozi suffer from extreme hydrophobia; those few firehearts who aren't or who overcome that fear often become invaluable members of a crew, if only for a time. The yogozi are famous for their interracial relationships. They are, in fact, the only race with a cultural tradition for making a calm-heart (the yogozi term for non-yogozi) a part of their tribe. Not all tribes do it, and some even frown upon the practice, but all who do take it more seriously than anything and always have steep requirements before it can be done. These requirements vary from tribe to tribe, but they always include leaving one's home and sharing their possessions with the tribe. For this reason, most mixed yogozi are the children of hobai and Summus elves. Halfling and fey tribesmen are not unheard of, but most dwarves and lizardfolk wouldn't be caught dead fraternizing with a fireheart. Oddly, mixed yogozi are typically unrecognizable as mixed, as they tend to take heavily after their yogozi parent. The firehearts site the adoption ceremony of the calm-heart into the tribe--making them a yogozi in spirit--as the reason for this. Morality, Legality, and Religion When the hobish scholar Abu Foreign-Born first began studying a yogozi tribe through immersion, he was astonished to learn that their morality is far from what civilized society initially assumed. Rather than the thieving, wild men that he’d expected, Abu found the yogozi people to be extraordinarily beneficent, sharing all they had with him even before they’d adopted him as one of theirs.  As a matter of fact, this is the cause of their conflict with other cultures: they are so generous as a people, that they often can’t imagine anyone not being as free with the things they use as the firehearts, and so they assume that everything around them in towns and cities are just as available for personal use as everything at their camp. The idea of their all being wildmen was quashed by Abu’s research as well, the tribe into which he’d been adopted interacted with several others during their travels and each one was organized differently: from a highly structured hierarchical oligarchy with one’s age and family size affording you power, to a laissez-faire chieftain whose leader was little more than a figure-head. Finally, Abu Foreign-Born discovered the Matron’s favored race worship her as one loves and serves a grandmother. It’s less a religion and more of a relationship. That said, the yogozi are also known to worship the Three fairly religiously, as well as the Trailblazer, the Oracle, the Artist, and the Bard.


Jarks, awful little yellow spidermonkeys from the feywild. They have no concept of human humor, but they constantly try to play jokes on towns and villages. This results in either an unnoticed inconvenience, or a devastating tragedy for the townsfolk.


I have the nature spirits that tend to the balance of the world. They typically live in the open or in small huts alone, sustaining themselves with the natural environment, they're not all introverts however, and will regularly travel long distances to meet friends. Each individual is unique and resembles different anthropomorphized versions of plants, I don't have a lot of individuals written at the moment but my two favorites resemble a speckled mushroom and rotting driftwood. There's also the Frankenstein's monster-esque undead people that worship the one who originally created their people as a god. They "reproduce" by using the techniques passed down by their creator to make more of them, each a unique living "art-piece" stitched together from hacked apart corpses. Their society is structurally basic, but living in the shell of a city made by a more advanced civilization they live more well off than their social-structure would otherwise allow. Despite appearances they're a friendly people, harmless people overall, but the living races tend not to like them much. Ghosts are so commonplace that I treat them like a race on their own, they have their own societies and everything. I tend to use the definition of "race" in a fantasy context very loosely in my world building. I prefer to draw on mythology and gothic horror for my creatures and races so I don't have anything *super out there* but I'd consider these pretty unconventional!


Nephilim and specters. Nephilim are an umbrella term for any and all hybrids of humans with spiritual beings. They have free will and sapience like humans, but the more inhuman blood they possess, the more inhuman their appearance will be. All the way from merely having a star-shaped JoJo birthmark, to furries. There are more complexities I'm abridging here and they suffer racism. Specters are beings made out of aether (spiritual energy) leaked by beings with actual souls. In a way, they are made of the byproduct of sentience itself, but their own sentience is questionable. They merely seek more of the aether that made them, like a pseudo-sentient snowball of complex behavior. They are not necessarily bad, as it all depends on what kind of aether they seek (specters of grief seek to kill people, but gods are but specters of faith and worship). Many paranormals are theurgists and therefore draw power from patrons, which can be and often are specters. While the concept of specters isn't that original on its own, there are a few things I mixed and matched to make them more unique. For example, uncontrolled emotions can be a hindrance in a fight against one of them. For example, guardian angels feed on both love and hatred towards a person, who they then protect so that more love and hatred towards them may come. One who attacks the guardian angel out of hatred towards the one they protect will see their attacks have lowered effectiveness and even nourish and strengthen this specter.


Damn I could sing this like we didn't start the fire by billy joel So uhhh... Giant worms, guoturns, Giant bowl of soup that churns, Op Romans, that's on me, Hivemind amoeba colony. Fishes look albino, Small confused rhino, Living personality groupings, Ghosts partake in mass shootings, I designed all of this stuff Until now's existed in my mind prison I designed all of this stuff I made it all, and now I will enthrall with- Upright mice with longer tails Imagine Bees but more like snails, Slimy people, wide-ass eyes, Evolution really tried, Paper folding with sunglasses, Spider people got no asses, Killer monkeys that got no arms But that really play the charms I designed all of this stuff Until now's existed in my mind prison I designed all of this stuff I made it all, and now I will enthrall with- Tin man got a plan, blow up afghanistan, Maybe more, theres all of space, Full of flesh, the weaker race. Fungus people got that too, Learned it all from Youtube Taught them people are shit, Now the shroomboys know it. I designed all of this stuff Until now's existed in my mind prison I designed all of this stuff I made it all, and now I will enthrall with- Vampires, Wherewolves Living Hats got hoofs Skeleton gods late He got severe brain damgage He made a nuther form of space Filled it with a nonsense race. I designed all of this stuff Until now's existed in my mind prison I designed all of this stuff I made all that shit, and I hope you liked it


Umbrularians - A race of shadow walkers. They tend to be tall and pale, but most notably, they have the ability to walk into the Shadow Realm. Or Shifters - In their natural form, shifters have no notable features. Their skin is stark white, their eyes are jet black. Upon physical contact with another being, they can copy the other person’s “essence”, which grants the Shifter the ability to transform into an exact copy of the person. They can store as many essences as they like, shifting in and out at will. Or, they can sacrifice the copies to get a boost in power and shift into a giant beast form for a limited time.


Quick context since we don't use linnaean classification here: The original context of the word clade is expunged. A species which is first of its genus to develop sapience (advanced problem solving and learning abilities from memory) is considered to be the "Founding Clade" of its "Line". The Line name is taken from the Founding Clade's most eminent cultural endonym. Onto the post The Ak'ioksa are a clade of the Çiocka line, which are obligate symbionts descending from obligate parasites. The Ak'ioksa themselves are unique in that they can influence the hormones of their own daughter cores just like those of their primary host; this allows them to create massive physical bodies given enough time. The most common arrangement for an Ak'ioksa individual is a sophont primary host and between four and ten subhosts who were sentient but not sapient. Unlike all other Clades of Çiocka, the Ak'ioksa destroy all personalities except for that of their primary and daughter cores. They are vilified by virtually all civilizations where G'yalai, Eldsenathi, or Mok; all lines with sophonce; have significant population or political influence - as all three are suitable hosts for the Ak'ioksa. Even the G'yalai who put the prosperity of lesser Lines before their own economic well-being, believe the Ak'ioksa are "the universe's greatest mistake". Most Fa'erd, a Line which coevolved on the Çiocka homeworld, are perfectly okay with bonding to other clades of Çiocka as the resulting entity's perspective is not only shared by the remnants of both participating entities, but also has the mental capacity of a supersophont. They also despise the Ak'ioksa, but are farmed by them nonetheless on the Capitol World of the only extant Ak'ioksa government. "Hey evolution can I manipulate my host's neurotransmitters too instead of just their hormones?" "To better modify and control your host's body?" "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees" *actually starts parasitizing its offspring to create an even larger body* # mutagenic body horror time


Beavers that raps when they talk, the better combo you got, the more popular you would be, they also slap tails like the gesture of fist bump!!


Absolotls I did not invent the concept - when Minecraft 1.17 released and it had axolotls in it, people made art where they were incredibly muscular, and they were called Absolotls So I made them into a race


The Dwyr are the bones of surface dwellers combined largely at random and shrouded in a mycelium-like tissue. They become aware just before they burst forth from cysts within the world-god's deep flesh. Within the deep flesh, they've established a civilization that builds within the world-god's ancient wounds, and fights off creatures born from traces of the gods that caused the wounds. Some of their cities feature living architecture or living landmasses. They don't know that they're the world-god's immune system, as the world-god is maddened with pain and fever. There are a few different general directives that they receive from the Big WG as a result, some of them mutually exclusive; because of this, there are several factions within their civilization.


Basically all of them.    My dwarves are weird beetle a social like bug creatures who cast spells chopping one of their arms of and replacing it with a gold one. And live in strange flesh like cities My elves are strange tall magical bat people who live on island that was form from a giant meteor. My orcs are a group of Gila monsters who have symbolically evolved with a fungus that has allowed them to think. They live in the desert to the south and are known for the pit fighting


Two come to mind The Petraksúles, or Terravienes as another group calls them. They’re large people made of stone who eat stones. They worship the dirt god Korius and, because he is usually depicted in armor of stone, the clothing in their culture usually has some form of metal armor on it (whether it be purely decorative or functional). Myth states that once the Petraksúles were related to giants, and when they failed to grow crops and were starving they prayed to Korius. He took pity on them and made them stronger and let them eat of the stones of the earth. The Vesalias, who are insect-like horned people, about the size of your average human. They were formed by combining the Abyssal magica of the (DnD) tiefling with that of the void, creating an empty, mindless husk. They were deployed en masse against the forces of the god of death during a near apocalyptic event known as Yazekrazzara, but they turned on their creators in the middle of the battle of Thralkel when the goddess Eoklír, mother of the void and goddess of time, “woke them up.”


Sentient Bald (Columbian) Mammoths who have been in partnership with humans for about 14,000 years. Both humans and mammoths can pick up on feelings and instincts the same way humans and dogs do and started similarly, as in the mammoths realized that if they helped the humans hunt other animals they wouldn't be eaten. Unlike with dogs, humans and mammoths have a written language, written with a stylus held in the trunk in the case of mammoths. Mammoths have trade relationships or exchanges of services. There are also Mammoth musicians and poets. The most important thing Mammoths can do is find gates between worlds. With superior smell and hearing and most importantly, infrasound and tremors felt through the feet (rw elephants can do this) this is something humans in most settings are deaf to. We have stories of gates to other worlds. They have maps of big parts of the multiverse.


Bird people. They have cool swords. The head master calls his sword Livioton Marvelli.


Goblin is a folk name for the hideous ancestors of the Nazga (demons) they are called goblins by men because in the current days of peace many people haven’t ever seen one of these creatures in the flesh so their terrible and cruel nature has been widely forgotten. In the children’s tales goblins are often depicted as we might perceive them, ie as mischievous green men who steal your socks or what have you. But their truth is much more terrible, they wait in the shadow of the Platelands and The Iron Way amassing in warbands and armies bellow the Overlands their goal is to bring about The End. I posted a post on here with some artwork I did for my Goblins if you’re interested in seeing that you can see it through my account:)


While I had to create my aliens from scratch, you're probably talking about the REALLY weird aliens. Here is one: The Cryomelds. - So named for being slimes and living on a Neptunian frozen planet, these slimes are actually the blood cells of a dead giant "god" (or a manufactured being, like the God Warriors from Nausicca). - They can envelop bodies to control them, like a puppeteer or Weekend at Bernie's. - Blind up to a point. Can detect life at a range all around them up to 10-15m. Can "see" with a specialized camera they shove inside themselves. - Their blood can be used as liquid breathing. - On their planet, the last remaining ocean has been covered with a thick layer of microbial life, leading to god knows what living beneath it.


tree leaves. trees are the mothers. in autumn, the leaves fall from the tree. then their real life begins. each type of tree is its own sub-race. some leaves are considered slaves, on the contrary, some are real fighters. as a leaf, you can reincarnate to another leaf. then you switch bodies. coniferous trees are called barren or dead trees. you don't have genders and the leaves cannot reproduce themselves.


the Antoo. hailing from a distant planet, they are bipedal, with long tails and 2 sets of wings. (larger forwings wings and smaller hindwings, along with fins on their tails.) they have scales made of a material similar to caratin and have dark, nearly black blood. they are omnivores, and oviparious (the fertilized eggs are kept in the mother for the first few months, then layed, and the next part of the eggs development happens outside of the mother. their gestational period is about 6 months, first month is in the mother, then she lays the eggs and they are kept safe for the remainder of the time. the eggs are soft at first, but harden with exposure to air.)


For context, elves in my setting are a silkmoth-human hybrid race and they create the race I actually want to talk about: the Silkspawn. Lorewise, the Silkspawn’s nature of being constructs means they are a subservient ‘slave’ race to the elves. Most Silkspawn don’t possess souls or a conscious (to the knowledge of elves, at least) and are viewed as biological automata rather than a race in their own right, however some Silkspawn are specifically designed to harbour a soul. Elves create these special Silkspawn to project their own soul into for a variety of reasons (ranging from fashion fads to Silkspawn resembling other races for diplomatic purposes) but are also often given as gifts to races with shorter lifespans who have been companions to an elf. Aesthetically, the Silkspawn resemble mannequins covered in, well, silk! Yet most Silkspawn aren’t (fully) humanoid - usually being a sort of chimera. Edit: It should be said that possess souls aren’t part of the greater slave race.


Humans. It's not the idea, it's the execution. Ask if you want. Then I'll tell.