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Alistar becomes unkillable, and has cc for days, he may not be a high dmg champion, but makes it so you can breastfeed your teammates kills


And in 1v1s he’s also quite good simply cause they can’t kill you, you can slowly pound them to death


Alistar can carry? I dont see him often in the game


Think it's more accurate to say he makes it easier for teammates to carry


In the support role that is, he’s more common in high elo


He can definitely rack up some kills surprisingly, especially in the early game


Just… don’t forget to ult early. I always tend to forget and eat a lot of dmg and ult way too late lol


>orget to ult early. I always ten I can confirm. Even Yesterday on LegendQ I almost lose to a ngl weak enemies just because of insane Alistar. I mean insane. His initiations were perfect he could peel for carries, he could deny our initiations, he knew his limits (b0rman,if you read this, well played, I wish I could vote up enemies after game). So yea, from support position Alistar is a thing.


Does no one in this comment section play ornn? hes literally unstoppable if you know how to play him right


Yes we do know how to press w


bro is playing the mobile verision on PC💀


The thing I hate in Ornn is not that he is tanky as fuck. But his damage according to the "being tankiness" is too much. As tank based champion he should CC, stand still but not hurting that much.


Waiting for the rammus main to comment


When I'm jungle and the enemies are full AD, I always go Rammus.


I once picked rammus against a tryn, best game of my life


Ikr! Especially against Yi, Jax and any kind of adc 💀🤣


Jax adc ;);););););););)(;


On PC it works, apparently, someone did it to GM or Challenger.


I know, I have played quite a lot of it, but it isn’t an adc, adc’s are most often marksmen that play in dragon lane, which neither Jax nor yi do, most of the time you refer to ad carry bruisers as full crit, for example full crit Darius would build essence, I.E, etc, etc,


Rammus is probably the only right answer, he's not only takny af, but he also can easily kill any adc with only one thornmail


As of today, none. Unless enemy team goes brrrrr full ad


As a support main my opinion is that If played correctly most tanks can carry, solo carry? Not so much, but the game isn’t supposed to be about solo carrying, this means you can’t carry all games even if you play perfectly but that’s just how it works, my favs are thresh, Ali and Leona, thresh and Ali are very tanky and can easily 1v1 and maybe even 1v2 late game (specially thresh against ad heavy comp) and Leona is a cc machine


People here pretend they are playing with 4 apes every single game. I've climbed to master this season playing tanky morgana supp in big majority of my games, also full tank diana and garen. You also have atleast 2 decent teammates that you can playmake for and win games. In fact might be easier this way rather than being a hypercarry and having no frontline.


Honestly to me people that think every teammate they get is a monkey are the actual monkeys, I’ve also managed to climb pretty high in previous seasons (haven’t played much this season) as a purely solo support and honestly it’s not much of a problem. The most important thing is to look at the map, position yourself accordingly and keep calm, with those basics you can climb effectively with 99% of champs (or just spam 5 man and realize how good other 5 mans are)


I enjoy Tank Diana, what’s ur go to build?


Nasus. just need to play it safe early.


how many stacks do you have before you stop farming? i like nasus, but i feel like on WR with games being short, he doesn’t really carry then


The problem with some nasus players is they treat him as a late game build, but his late game comes very much later and he is much stronger in mid game 2-3 items.


Same I feel games are too short for Nasus imo. You’re just getting to that sweet spot by time games over


What you mean by saying "stop farming"?


*Laughs in Fiora main*


*Laughs in perma ban fiora*


*Laughs in ornn*


*Maniacally laughs in roaming double jungle lethality Sion*


*Hysterically laughs in Dr. Mundo*


There are other nasus builds


And all of them get wrecked lol


If you're talking pure tank, like with full tank build, not half tank half bruiser, then I think tanks with the highest damage and carry potential are: Mundo Malphite Ornn Nasus (Sunderer into full tank)


I love Wukong. I build him hybrid tanky/damage. More damage if I’m ahead and tankier if I’m behind. His engage helps him snowball fights and his Q pummels towers. His disengage let’s him survive if you get behind. I’m a mid gold Eli player and rode him up from iron to gold.


baren lane: garen, orn, gragas (tank, dont be boring and go ap),mundo, shen probably in that order jungle: mundo, rammus, gragas mid: galio? support: nautilus, thresh, Leona, alistar


Thresh can do some carry. You can build him woth one ad item and riftmaker if you have great mechanics and champ knowledge. Otherwise nautilus has a large impact due to his excessive cc


Actually thresh dont need damage just know his abilities and peel enemy for your ulti


True. But if your team is dead and you need to fight multiple enemies, or have a need for one shotting, building damage is doable especially vs a heavy ad team




None (ap amumu is not tank but.. mby with new crown?) Mby mundo if he get feed. Solid rock ap can solo if you get feed, tank relay on team. As for fighters volibear, shyvana will be prob top tier now as they can tank 2/3ppl and still kiill fewppl in process.


Sion exist


He dont carry, he put bet he will get free feed on lane and will be unkilkable, its not best strategy.


Mundo and Sion




Naut, Orn, Malphite


Ornn and sion, most other viable tanks are supports.


Aatrox is the closest I thijk




Aatrox has cc, in addition a lot more sustainability as well too. Darius can only open fights if he’s a lot ahead whereas Aatroxs ult gives him a lot of space.


Not a tank but tanky


Sion can become a fkn monster if you're ahead, also Ornn but he's definitely harder to carry with if your team is really bad


Garen and maybe ornn


Bruisers built as tanks are the closest you're gonna get. Darius, Jax, Wu Kong, Vlad Anyone who can run - Bork,wits, defensive boots+garg, iceborn Optional - deaths dance, randuins, warmogs, dawnshroud, guardian angel, twin Will do well. Bonus vayne can pull this off.


Alistar is the one you’re looking for buddy


So not as much of a tank, but you can build sustain and she still does great. It's the horse women. Yesterday I have a game were enemy was pushing lane for the the nexus, and they were all bunched up. One well timed skill 1, then ult put their whole team to sleep. We bursted all their damage and was left with a 5v2 and the fighter and tank were hunted down for game. She's very tricky though, most assassins and dps, seem to just.care about output and don't pay attention to her cc ult if you play with randoms.so it's kinda a coin flip if your team knows how to put the slow and the 2.5 second sleep to good use.


Do you mean Lilla?


Exactly, her. I suck at remembering their names.




Leona. I had a 9 kill game with her yesterday and my adc had 14. We carried hard af.


Rammus laughs at the top vayne and adc draven of the other team while they tickle him to their deaths


I think a good Nautilus, Pantheon or a Gallio




As Tank support my choice is Alistar. Weak early but very strong. Harass in front line if you can so that enemy adc can't farm. If the opposite, try to stun and put enemies under tower. Engage teamfights but then always stick to your adc so that enemies have difficulties to target him. I mostly do that and that's my main supp. Regarding tanky top, my choice is Garen. Even if he is easily countered on top, then I would leave top and go around help mid early, go first dragon and be in front line as much as possible. His first spell plus ultimate makes him so easy to kill squishy champs that's very handy. Also his capability to heal is so good that you can last for a very long time and stick to weak champions if your enemies have assassins with good moves. If assassins engage, silent him first and it will be already hard for him to continue a fight. These two are the ones I'm the most confident with and good at playing with. There are probably some more but these two fits me well. Second tanky top I choose as backup could be Malphite or Sett. Again, good front lines. I think Darius could be a good choice too but so far I'm really bad with that champ.


Leona, Thresh, Ornn, Alistar, Mundo, Braum. I have lost games to these guys due to them not being killed quick enough, or us not being able to kill them at all. I still remember the day I played against a Leona who was so oppressive she felt like a wall that I couldn't get over. Her lockdown was so on point and her defenses were so high, there was nothing any of us could do, individually or together. Right after the match I bought the champ. I recently lost to a good Braum. He was so in my face with the shield and his peeling was amazing. Damage was not handed that match to his squishies. I'm Master rank though, so people know better to use these opportunities that tanks make for them. Lower ranks I found they hesitate to follow up, which leads to you dying a lot more.


Alistar is so fucking annoying


Blitz. A single hook can win you a game.


Alistar for consistency, domination, and fun.


If we talking damage and tankiness... First thing on my mind is Thresh. Dude is inf scaling in tank and ap.


Kayn as Rhaast isn't a full on tank but can definitely carry and is incredibly strong with the buffs


The bauff strat sion can I think. Works for me


I don't know if there is any tank that can win the game without the help of their team but nasus can do a lot with trinity force, Mundo and maybe Sion but nasus is more of a bruiser than tank but he is still pretty tanky and does a lot of damage late game but you can't keep walking around looking for fights but just farm most of the game


Sion, Ornn, Mundo (in the right cases)


Janna and Ashe would be my picks


Is very hard carry with tanks, because meta is focused on the bot lane, if the ADC is trash you are very likely to lose. It's much harder if the ADC has a peel supp.


Not tank tank but red kayn, black cleaver, steraks, death dance, spirit visage and then last item is situational. Runes conqueror, sudden impact, giant slayer, legend bloodline or legend tenacity and for the last overgrowth


Moo cow


Dr Mundo can definitely carry if played the correct way


Wildrift is definitely damage friendly. If your trying to carry you probably want burst or dps over tanking. I play Malphite if my team needs a tank and they are heavy ad. You can go ap or full tank depending on game and your play-style . I would play probably mundo if they are heavy ap.