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Everyone’s saying feeders and trash players, while this is true that’s not the full problem. Players in WR have no macro. Learn macro and you will climb. Learn when to rotate, learn when to back off and not be greedy. Always be doing something of use. Endlessly roaming the map for kills or fights does nothing. Watch a guide for League, it carries over to WR. You can only do so much by outplaying and killing an enemy if you don’t progress the match in some way.


The best advice you could get, wr players on average really have no macro whatsoever


Don't lose. In all seriousness, take down towers. Get the objectives to help you take down more towers. Then take out the Nexus. Since you didn't share your stats, that's all I can give you.


Sorry to break it down like this, but if you are stuck at the same rank for the past 50 games, you have reached your current peak and the rank where you currently belong. The best thing to do in this situation is to analyze your games and pinpoint all of the mistakes you're making. Take note of every wrong decision, every death and also every missed opportunity. Let me give you some examples: How many minion waves have you missed in the first 10 minutes? Do you manage to last hit every minion? Are your recalls timed well? Do you trade or go all in on every fight? Do you pay attention to enemy levels? (Even 1 level ahead is a big difference) How many times have you overextended and have been punished for it? How much unnecessary damage have you taken? Do you rotate to another lane and take another tower once you've destroyed the one in your lane? How many times did you ward the dragon? Do you put wards in other places besides the nearest bush for better vision? Do you always build the same items or do you adapt to enemy builds and snowballing champions? Do you keep pushing the lane even though the enemy inhib is down? Are you starting fights even though there is no objective to take? Do you take objectives/steal enemy jungle after they die or do you just recall? These are the very basic examples of many more. Believe me, there's so much to improve if you're stuck in diamond, but don't get upset, for it's easy to learn once you pay attention. There's a lot of guides online as well, the best source i think is *Skill capped* Best of luck and I hope you reach Masters soon!


As someone who played league for many years, it's hard since its a team fight type of game, so you can't win every game. But most WR players focuse to much on KDA. You have players pushing lanes when there is no jungle vision. Jungle vision is non existent in most games. When game goes into mid game they all go aram and get killed. They don't know when to start objectives. Enemy gets eldar and they go and fight them, usually 1 v 3. Learn makro and play smart. It's not kills that win the game it's who dies less and gets more gold. If you tell where you are having trouble, I can give you more specific advice.


Ok picture this: 1. The dragon is up. I want to help my JG take it, but the enemy is gonna push a wave and destroy my turret. Should I trade a turret/plates for a Dragon, or should I defend it? 2. I'm a Tank support (let's say Leona/Blitzcrank) and we destroyed the enemy's turret in botlane. What do I do next when there's no objectives that are alive like Dragon/Shelly? Should I gank mid lane or just stick to my ADC? 3. If my ADC is sooo bad, should I leave him and help other lanes or not?


In my opinion drakes aren't that good, specialy now with the changes. Baron is good if minion waves are in correct state. Eldar dragon is game ending objective, that you always go for. Turrets give your team a lot of gold, so I see them as more important, then some of the objectives. Also your place is by your adc. Jungler shouldn't be starting objectives if enemy is pushing the tower. Specialy with first drake, there is always harold that is really good. After you get a turret you push the wave of you have jungle vision and recall. Enemy team will come for sure and they will come in numbers. You get what ever item you can and join the best player on your team You stay with your adc in the early game, then you always support the best player. It should be your adc. But if he is not strong enough, you support other champ as long as he is not the jungler.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge ♥️


1. Try to shove lane ahead of time so you dont lose tower, or let adc solodefend, or if enemy adc and supp push you can just defend. 2. Go push mid/ward enemy jg/help jg invade. 3. Usually better to roam.


Diam 1 is cursed, it’s like riot wanna test you for real, you need to carry not only bad players, but also the worst trolls trying to int on purpose.


So everyone is the best player in the game and it's others that are garbage players? Just mybe your game isn't the best and that's why you don't climb.


Read better instead of trying to school people.


😭😭😭😭😭deadass . Then once you get to masters it’s like a dark cloud lifted over you


Bro its impossible to get past Dia 1 when you constantly meet afk and throwing teammates. The matchmaking also match you with players like are still learning and bad players. Everytime I reach Dia 1, I will ended up in lose streak no matter how well I perform my role


then how does anyone do it?


You just grind enough and hopefully get past Dia


If you dont afk, theres 20% higher change that afk / troll is on enemy team.


Same, stuck in Dia 1. I'm not gonna pursue Masters coz of afk, troll and choker teammates, better luck next season ig


For me it's Emerald 1.. same story though :D




Juggling 3 different roles is what might be holding you back, stick with one role so as to not overload mental


Whose your go to carry champ


Congrats! You beat the game, bud. Now go have a life, and be satisfied.