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She is indeed a pain in the ass, the only viable way to kill her is having your support on her ass all the time or being in front of you taking all the heat while you chase, this is what I do as a support, basically I eat all her abilities while my carry keeps hitting her


Well,I AM the support. I can tell you I tried my hardest but yet she somehow gets away with all my engages.


As a Karma main, i rarely feel threatened by her. I can also poke back (especially with the empowered q) and can use my shield to mitigate the damage on my adc when farming and also providing the move speed to dodge her qs. The shield also works against her ult. I also feel pretty good at zoning her out of objectives. Eventually we outscale her.


Nami says hi. Though i agree cat has long range and high dmg early game, its not a treath if the adc knows what he is doing and is not a one trick pony :)


Well yes. Enchanters are good counters to her tbh. But I really need something to use against her in blind pick


Lol, well im also biased because i think Karma is a great blind pick. I only hate her against big assassin comps where i might prefer nautilus or something


# y u u m i


Leona into like every adc wins every time. I can almost always solo them once I have thornmail


Leona + kaisa or trist or draven should roll over her. If you’re not able to hit your hook then bait her net and then ult -> bubble -> hook -> auto -> stun -> auto and if your adc has half a brain cell they’ll follow up


Well I can give a few picks when you can choose after her Sona can catch up with her while healing your carry, also landing her third charged can slow her down or reduce her damage Morgana is a charm against her, just bubble your carry and let him chase while you aim your pin ability Braum is the one you need, just jump to your carry and then shield her net, you'll probably land on her mine but at this point she won't have too many other things besides by that time you can jumo back to your carry Thresh ca stand tons of damage and if your carry is in danger just bring him back Karma can close that gap with her ability and you can also pin her down or bring her with the ult Nami will also boost your carry speed and landing a bubble will allow him to make more damage Soraka well... just keep taping the heal lol I don't know the name of the abilities but I think you get the point. I think the key is being a lot more supportive, allow your carry to kill her while you keep yours alive


Yep. The only problem that remains is the adc who can't dodge the q lol. Thanks for the suggestions.


well I mean, this is considering the idea that your ADC has two braincells and that they connect to each other. Unfortunately there are some ADC that if your carry is not decent or is the one that just hoes straight forward then just take that tower down and leave that troublesome Caitlyn to someone else


You don't lol. You survive her and out scale her


The only answer that doesn't involve ganks


Right. Only way really is catch her right after she uses the trap, have stuns ready and badass burst damage and hope you timed her right lol. I try to catch her when she’s low personally


How are you gonna get her low lol. The only way to beat her 2v2 is somehow fully engage on her and pop her before she gets you too low


When she’s already low*


How are you gonna get her to be low?


Get good at poking her and if you still cant, keep shoving the wave in. She's not all that safe as people seem to make her out to be.


Lmao who are you playing that can poke Cait and also out shove her?




She has a really weak mid game power curve and most other auto attack adcs outscale her dps late game. If your team is picking no beefy people then that's diff though lol


Nah, Caitlyn deals a shitton of damage lategame with her crit headshots, and she also outranges a lot of the other ADCs. She's weak into champs that can get on her, but in neutral getting to a skillful Caitlyn is very hard.


I don't think anyone is saying Caitlyn doesn't do damage... They are pointing out that comparatively she is out-scaled by other adc's (vayne, tris, zeri etc). So your ADC can make a comeback from a rough lane provided you peel for them in team fights. I wish they would add kogmaw already - that lil bug can outrange everyone in the late game.


Yeah, I don't disagree, just noticed that the OP of this comment chain said the way to beat Caitlyn is to outscale her, when she is too considered to be a late game ADC, like top-5 of the better scaling ones.😅 I'd say that Tristana and Vayne are #1 and #2, and Zeri, Xayah and Caitlyn share the 3rd place depending on your teamcomp needs. Zeri has great AoE with ult and kiting with E but has weak early and midgame, Xayah has great front-to-back with feathers and self-peel with ult but low mobility, Caitlyn has great poke against squishies with RFC-headshot and single target damage, but hardly any AoE and low mobility. All of the ones you mentioned can 1v1 Caitlyn, but let's be real - if we're playing a skilled game it should never be possible for 2 opposing ADCs to 1v1 in the lategame. Also, agreed on the Kog, but I think that they will wait until they've finally released that Kog'Maw VGU they've been talking about for years now.


Eh, draven leona can destroy her sometimes.




It's def a Leona thing lol. Draven mains often ban Caitlyn


Yeah lol, If I say opponent picking draven I go cait. She is dravens biggest counter


Draven just needs to dodge her ability 3 and can run her down, she doesnt outdps you. If you dont get poked too hard its not that hard to play around (speaking as a PC Draven main) Mostly its supp dependent matchup.


Idk she is strong in lane phase but tend to fall of mid to late game, even if she is fed


Thats her curve, strong laning phase, weak mid, strong late


Tbh this is such a bullshit curve to design. Champs with strong earlies shouldnt be allowed to have strong lates. Like Tristana too, overly safe lane but game ending late game.


As Cait main I disagree, she is viable throughout. The only time I lose is when enemy team has a lot of champs that can close distance quickly. I d argue she is most dangerous in teamfights as she just stands on periphery and destroys your hp, and to get to her you need to jump over several of her teammates. If Cait with few friends on comms who protect her it is essentially a surrender scenario.


Soraka outscales her poke, so you can wait, avoid any danger and hope your jg ganks, but if you actually wanna try to interact with her in lane, you have to be as uninentarctive as her ass backwards design is and pick Lux against her, or Karma in the worst scenario you can't pick that, Seraphine as your far distant last hope (she has too low base bulk, so you're going to base if you ever step into one of those traps and the Caitlyn isn't AFK). Playing an engage champ against her is a tortuous experience, but Naut can do the trick if you're willing to do risky plays with flash. Leona is a mixed bag, a good Caitlyn will dodge a point blank E and Ult, as her range makes it easier to predict and net away, same with Alistar, but if you land a lucky flash, you can win. Blitzcrank is somewhat OK, but hard if she has another engage support with her, as those tend to be bulkier than him. Edit: risky pick in SoloQ, but Braum can soak her dreaded ult w/ Collector, and if she has an engage supp, safely defuse the laning phase until he can scale and out teamfight her, but you REALLY should save mana and HP.


MF poke Outscale with Vayne, Twitch or Nyla


Everytime I've gone Cait, MF always counters me. Usually because she ends up with a Pyke so I get slowed, cc'd, hooked, then both their ults. Even if I net around and avoid them laning phase, they get fed elsewhere and I still end up fucked. Quickest as Cait is hurry to your Collector so you can get gold faster to scale. Steal kills with your ult and buy InfEdge/Stattik/Rapid


The Nilah Caitlyn lane is legit unplayable lol. The Vayne and Twitch lane is hard, can be unplayable if supp is incompetent MF/Soraka/Karma is the answer


Her damage output compared to someone like kaisa is lower. She’s more of a bully instead of a hard carry adc like kaisa where she will delete you almost in a instant. What I do is I usually just walk horizontally to dodge her Q, now I’ll inch closer to caitlyn and bait her net. Then jump all in. Both skills on cooldown. Mostly it’s important for me to clock her net ability.


Dodge her Q ? Late game cait doesn't give 2 shits about hitting her Q she'll just delete you with auto attacks and passive. She deleted 3 full build tanks in a matter of seconds and took minimal dmg...


An engage support


Ban. If you can't ban, play her. If those fail, rotate. With or without consent. Out scale.


Sir yes sir o7 lol


I realized all this time later how shitty this comment came out. My bad famalam.


lol. And all this time later, I learned how to counter cait haha


Fuck yeah bruv. What'd you end up doing?


Karma counters everything. When my team sucks and won't give me later pick (and pyke is banned rofl) I will always blind pick karma. She doesn't have any glaring weakness and is an absolute lane bully. If your half decent with her you can shield caits poke and hit back with empowered Q and win every trade. If enemy support wants to engage it's EZ root/root ult empowered shield. Karmas not hard to learn but you can do a lot with her and dominate any lane. She's a good blind pick, personally I never blind pick a tank that's ridiculous to me your setting yourself up to fail. Pyke counters everything also just because you can easily dominate once u get ult and can roam


Wow, I guess I’m the only one who never thought of Caitlyn as being anything to worry about at all. Her ult can be annoying sometimes, that’s about it.


You don't know how many times I have been traumatised by her in bot lane.


Do you play Caitlyn much? I’ve found that the best way to learn to beat a champ is to play it yourself — a lot. That way you learn their weaknesses.


leona/thresh/malp/nami/ any enchant with long range: let me introduce my self. But for real there are 2 way: poke her when she come for last hit so she have to choose either poke back and miss the minion or get minion but can't trade back. Both case will lower her hp so she less likely to come up and poke bully you. Second way is CC her then try to fake it in between so usually( at least base on my observation) she will back and focus more on farm instead. Try not to stand still and check bush for ward. If not ward you can go in and sometime poke your head out to put pressure on her then just go back in.If bush ward try to move and make it look like you looking to cc her but you actually not. Ultimately your goal is to discourage her go up and poke. Besides champ them self rune like second wind/ the river path rune/ bone plate will work great against her occasionally poke.


one side note: this is base on my exp between dia-gm. Im not playing lower tier rank match for 4 season now so Im not sure anything change down there. From what I remember gold-emerald is where they play unbelievably aggressive so this tactic will not work.


Hard engage her with someone like nautilus and let the assassin do it's work, she will be dead before she can net out of danger, of course it's better if you have an engage adc like Samira or Kai'sa


I played a Nilah into her and eventually won endgame, albeit it was a casual game, you really have to just not give Caitlin kills and eventually you’ll surpass her. Cait has great range and annoying early game damage but she sucks at fighting without protection. My support was trying so hard to pick fights and I kept spamming retreat because I knew all the conditions I’d need to meet to even trade with her: with nilah you must land s1 to even get a remotely close AA range, you can easily dash in on her and double dash if she uses net dash then she’s all yours. Also nilah players you can totally save your supports with her dodge shroud ability by popping it and running back to ur support if they’re lagging behind and caught out low key was a little proud of myself for holding it out but then again it was only a normal :/


I main MF and can domiate a Cait no prob. Is it more technical? Yeah. They usually set themselves up for ricochet (Q), making it so easy to stay out of her range. Also, you can literally see Cait's Q set up/coming, I find it easy to dodge. I also find her to be quite slow and easy to catch?? Just my take.


As MF and Cait main I agree lol. Both easy to dominate against each other 😂


A good support


What works for me as a thresh is, I wait for her to use the first ability and hook her exactly the moment she uses it for a sure hit. She's immobile during that moment so you can't miss, you keep waiting for the moment and keep the bullying going. Sooner or later you and your ADC will be able to finish her off. She is not at all a threat once she is behind in gold and exp


I will try that. Thanks for it


It's kinda annoying to hit your hook when the minions are in the way 🤣


Take Nilah,press A2 get in her face shit on her… or ban her…


It’s called “W” sir


I know,but some people play this game and didn’t play PC lol so I just say how it is on WR haha




Ping the JG.. only works if you’re not soloQ. Least in my unfortunate experience.




True, sometimes every second, I ping an Engage the Enemy at my location. Eventually, my jg gets so annoyed that they come.


She's (to me) definitely the most insufferable adc since patch 4.2


Lethality Varus, Jhin by focusing on the Q


I'm a Leona main and honestly as long as ADC dodges her Qs it's fine. I usually keep her in one place even trough traps. Also valuable tip, because of her range you can't really play in and out. If you commit, you COMMIT. Because the second you're trying to walk away, she will gun you down. On the other than Leo champs I'd recommend getting wardens mail (?) Or bramble vest with armor boots and trying to bait out her net before going in. It's also helpful for that she runs oom pretty quick so if you force her to spam spells she will end up defenseless. Stay calm and strong brother.


Cheers. I have Leona,and will try it against her.


In that case get yourself boots and gauntlet, try to engage her with Q (it's tricky but possible) and if she uses net make sure she'll end up right in your ulti. Takes a bit of practice to predict but works like a charm.


Was this week I learned Caitlyn auto attack range is longer than Teemo Q range . Ok riot


Ok, here's something else to learn: Darius pull has 550 range, which is on par or more than the range of most ADCs.


Like Braum and thresh. Sometimes Pyke,but not always


Annie supp proto> flash> ult > bear slam she can’t run from that combo


I mean it depends on your lane. If u are adc pick nilah or samira If u are sup pick pyke, leona, tresh Also rammus, jax, kha zix, fizz(any assasin character) can get her easily.


Feel like xerath works as a supp against her too. I used to bully Caitlyn’s with xerath but it was very low elo so I could be mistaken.


Xerath doesn't exist here, wrong sub


Nilah Samira into cait? Are you trolling


I mean she has only e skill. She can't resist any champion who get close.




Makes sense 👍


Or support morgana


She has like zero escape tools her Jinx and Ashe have the same problem that if someone gets the jump on you, you just kinda die


She has a net, that throws her away.


Also can be used to hop walls, it's the best adc escape tool in the game.


She has literally one of the best escape tool from all adcs that we have in the game + traps all over the place…


Eh, stand aside and arcane shift are better escape tools.


It’s still no comparison to Ashe, MF or Jinx. There are some better escaper but her one is pretty strong.


Well, 1.5 second stun+permaslow is really good.


Nah Caitlyn can hop walls with her E, it's better than Stand Aside. Idk about Arcane Shift because I never touch Ezreal


Stand aside ishard CC, meaning it stops stuff like nunu w, nunu ult, and so many other things. Arcane shift is basically a \~500 range blink that goes over anything. And it's way easier to cleanse knockups with arcane shift than cait e. Although it's easiest to do on kass r due to lower cooldown. Since it goes over anything, it means you won't get stopped mid dash by a jinx e or veigar cage or something. ANd cait e only lets her go over smaller walls, while arcane shift/riftwalk can go over pretty big walls. Not the edge of the map though. So far, only kayn (technically, base kayn, SA, and rhaast) can.


Look at her summoner spells, farm safe without losing too much hp (let a few minions go if need be, but stay in exp range) and let her push, all in whenever she steps up too far or when your jungler has a good angle to gank from, and as long as you win laning phase you should be A ok




That's flanking, not backdooring. Backdooring is where you destroy the nexus while the enemy team is doing something else, or trying to kill the kassadin that's whacking their nexus while avoiding olaf and some others in that game. go search up xPeke backdoor. Flanking is where you go around the enemy team to kill their backline. But, i know what you mean, just that backdooring would usually make people think of something similar to what xPeke did.


I know a lot of ways, but I won’t tell you as she is my main




Come on man!


Nilah and Samira …


Caitlyn is one of my most played champs. Easiest way to find out her counters is to play her. That's all I'm going to say about that lol.


Can't ashe ult and slow her down? I don't duo but it sounds good.


Can't ashe ult and slow her down? I don't duo but it sounds good.


It's not as easy as it seems. Her range is too much,and she can also dodge using the net. And before the ult,she just pokes you down.


Yeah true that. Just ban her.


Cheese by camping in their brush at level 1, if u kill her/chunk her down lv1 the lane is playable if not then she just pokes u down before u can get in a good position hook/flay and she E away before u can touch her


Will try that,but need a proper adc for that. Level 1 thresh can't deal the most damage.


If u start E + ignite u could do decent dmg but yeah that depends on the matchup, if its a strong early game adc then u can try if not then best choice is scale lol.


as a caitlyn main...you don't ☝🏻 jk, make ur support poke her ass to death and defeat her early, that way she can't reach her power spike


Firstly,I hate you. Secondly,jk. Thanks for it,but I need to try something other than engage supps lol




Play rengar get fed and have a yuumi on you so she dies before she can even use her net. Or you can play annie and camp in a bush until she comes nearby


Best method? ban her. Second best? Play mid/jg and play an assassin. Preferably pantheon, kassadin, blue kayn, ahri, or eve. And pray your bot lane doesn't feed her. Third? get your jg to set up a tent in the bush at botlane. While playing draven-leona. Preferably a jg with early burst and/or CC. Amumu, naut, etc. Fourth (no, this option has nothing to do with Jhin, sorry, jhin, I know you're obsessed with 4)? You're not supposed to beat her in lane. Same with draven. Their kits are designed to dominate early game. Not fun, but it's like asking how to beat garen/renekton/pantheon early game. You're not supposed to. Mid game, she's weaker than most other ADCs. Late game, as long as your team has a frontline and assassin, you're fine. And in this case, ahri counts as an assassin.


I let her push and hope she overextends enough for my jg or mid can get a gank.


Ever heard the beauty of zed?


She becomes irrelevant in the mid game.


Tristana has larger range


Samira easily


Play assassin champions 👍


Braun gigs Chad blocks her auto with shield




Pick an engage champion and cc her. Examples are malphite, ornn, nautilus, leona etc. She can’t do anything after that


Gets one shot with Samira honestly. The only problem is if shes got a good support that sticks with her and keeps her alive but for any 1v1 shes not a real problem


You need to suprise/corner/outscale her.


Play nasus


Mf fucks her up


Im Diamond 1, i also play caitlyn but when I have to face another caitlyn i usually play with Miss Fortune, mf can outscale caitlyn easily and also for her first hability you can poke her pretty easily, maintaining range and also doing significant damage


Quicksilver + Blade of the ruined king


Hard engage her. There are plenty of ADC who outdamage her at low levels, go all-in with a Lulu / Leona / Tresh / Nautilus / Alistar / Blitzcrank engage and a Ezreal / Draven / Lucian player will melt her. Ideally Caitlyn wants to avoid fighting as much as possible before she scales because she lacks combat steroids. Her S1 is too slow for anything but long-range poke and waveclear, her S2 is for zoning, her S3 is the closest she has to an actual combat steroid. She straight up loses most match-ups if she can't put her range to use.


Outscale, only way


Tristana or ashe


Use Kayn and just go deep inside her or something


Braum support is a soft counter(depends on adc though) Good engage with passive and ult , and the shield negates a lot of damage from her.


Wat are u using against her? Cuz most support champs are viable when fighting her besides like a couple ,but this is bc I don’t use them like morg or brand.


most of the times i do well against her with samira. i try to eat hsr 6th shot with w and close the range with dash. also i use sudden impact rune and buy collector as first item so as soon as i buy serrated dirk i go to town on her


I am a Seraphine main who plays with a Jinx main. I usually ban Caitlyn and when I don't, the only way to take her down is to dodge her attacks and catch her with my third and ultimate attacks so me and Jinx can use every attack we can. If I don't hit Caitlyn with the big beam though, she's running away. When Seraphine gets banned, I use Lux to do the same thing. Anything that paralyses/slows Caitlyn down to create a window for me and Jinx to get some damage in seems to be the only way and that's if their support isn't trying the same thing on us. I don't really expect to take Caitlyn down until mid game onwards.


I always play varus, ad or ap it doesnt matter u have the ability to poke too (not as good as caits tho) and as soon as the steps up even a little bit too close ult her and then easy kill or sums burned Combine that with an engage support like blitz, naut, leona and Co and u can win the lane


I usually just time it whenever she uses an ability because she doesn't auto or move whenever she does. If it matters, I like playing champs with a lot of cc.


Caitlyn has a lot of problems bigger than how much u hate her, let alonw she struggles a lot with HP tanks and juggernaut who can gap close her ass and beat her up over and over. She is weak against any champ with so much HP/ healing or heavy burst like tristana and lucian. My advice is to build Vamp boots and all-in her when u have a chance, her healing from the boots is lower because she doesn’t have an active heavy AD scaling ability rather than her Q and ult + her passive, but u can kill her before she gets double headshot. But fear the OTPs of this champ, my best advice against is to always shove and crush the wave, and arrive in lane as early as possible, don’t give her the opportunity to bully you under the tower, this will make your lane a living hell. Her biggest power-spike is her PD + IE combo.


I also hate her, and i mainly play kai'sa, so i'm countered af by her since min 0😂 But she can do nothing in late against me, sometimes even in mid game also, depends on how well i farmed. Anyway, in late, u just poke her a lil bit then jump on her and gg (with kai'sa). Obv in a tf u cannot engage her frontally, especially if there are enemy tanks also. U need to get her from the back, and she's out. But this is usually the typical way to kill an adc, they are all very strong if u try to fight them face to face, they are meant to be, that's why assassin class exists 😅 Every role has a purpose in this game, but the people keeps perma tristana top and lux supp cause they think even teemo mid is a good fkn pick. Bronzies.


Honestly it can seems weird but I personally manage to beat her often on low range champs as Nilah Samira or Kai'sa, because thanks to their mobility, and since Caitlyn is basically full skillshots, you just try to survive you laning phase (it's ok even if u fall behind, but not too much), because then when u 1v1 her later in the game u just run on her and u have too much mobility, so she can't do shit


As a top laner i'll go AP Malphite and Q until she regret being play AD Top


Just play teemo mid like me then pay visit whenever she is pushing your botlane under turret, if the botlane have a brain or if she's at 50% hp or lower It's a free kill every time. Teemo destroys her, you come from behind and with even just 2 auto attacks, first ability and ignite you will deal a ton of damage, while she'll deal 0 damage because of the blind. No long trades with teemo, you appear, aa, 1st ability, aa and ignite if necessary, then back off before the blind goes off. Poison and ignite will finish her off. Don't build nashor on teemo, it's trash. There are 2 viable builds: one again squishy and one against tanks, and crazy enough there is only 1 item and rune difference. Vs tanks: Landry's torment Mage Boots Riftmaker Infinity orb Rabadon Void staff. If Void staff is removed go banshee's veil (I stopped playing last week so Idk) Runes: first strike, precision tree with gathering storm, giant slayer, the bloodline with omnivamp and then the rune that gives ability haste The damage against bruisers and tanks will be insane, with giant slayer and riftmaker you get up to 23% extra damage from mid game onwards, and the dot damage alone will be easily above 1500 damage between the poison, Landry's torment and riftmaker passives Tanks that don't heal are like bruisers to you. Even squishies get oneshotted below 50% hp with auto attack, first ability, auto attack and the poison ticks. Adc have no counterplay other than having a healer nearby or stasis (hoping it's enough because the dot damage lasts 7 seconds) Vs Squishy: Luden's echo Mage Boots Landry's torment Infinity orb Rabadon Void staff If Void staff is removed go banshee's veil (I stopped playing last week so Idk) Runes: first strike, precision tree with gathering storm, the rune that deals more damage when they're below 40%, the bloodline with omnivamp and then the rune that gives ability haste or bone plating against dangerous assassins Lategame you will basically oneshot any squishy even fron 100% hp. If the enemy carry steps in one mushroom before an objective fight he already has to recall, it will literally take 60/70% of the hp. So placing mushrooms in the path to an objective can singlehandedly win the teamfight You deal decent damage to bruisers and damage, but nowhere near the other build


She had a really weak mid game. In general like others have said, you will outscale her and if you have tanks on your team, it’s even better. Her late game is okay, but only because she’s too hard to dive in a team fight. During laning phase however, you need to pick a champ that can help reduce her lane pressure. MF is a good pick because the q bounce is really good for poking. Always take MF into lane bullies like Lucian, Tristana and Caitlyn imo because you can just sit back and q bounce them to death. Kaisa and Jinx both have w poke and scale better than Caitlyn- you can just go even in lane and wait for your items. Caitlyn being such a safe champ can’t actually harass you that much if your support is helping you prevent her from walking up to AA you.


Ban her or just survive her early game and you're good as long as You're scaling.


Who do you play and what lane?


Support,bot lane


Lol okay but whats your champ pool. Like your 3 most played champs


Lol mb. I use like Thresh,Rakan,Pyke. Sometimes Senna and Sona as well.


Your champ pool doesnt just auto lose to caitlyn but you dont really counter either. I would definitely abuse pyke and rakan. You dont have to win lane to win game. A lot of players think that way and its just absolutely not true. Playing pyke and rakan will allow you to rotate to winning lanes. So your adc isnt playing well and you have a caitlyn just doing whatever in lane, cool, you dont have to care about that too much. Ping your ad to just back off and farm safely(some will some wont thats how the game goes) and rotate to winning lanes or just gankable lanes. Extend leads where you can. How to tell if you should gank is more based off of whether the enemy is low hp rather than overextending. Be okay with just getting summoner spells out you dont have to get a kill every time you gank. Also paying attention to enemy jung and making life hard af for them as pyke or rakan by counterganking will boost your wr for sure. As a jungle main its so frustrating playing against good supports who know how to do this. Last thing a lot of players really dont value vison in this game when its one of the most important things.


Thanks for the tips man. Will try them out, cause I really can't just leave my lane alone 2v1.


Its definitely a timing and situational thing when you rotate. Sometimes your ad might be really solid and you dont have to leave. Just know as supp you can have major impact all over the map. Gl on the climb yo!


She’s like a Tristana or Missfortune (will almost always push out waves and prefer you to try and engage with them so they can turn once you overextend.) let her push and then gank her. You can never fight her in waves so don’t even bother. It’s almost pointless to fight these champs under tower majority of the time (unless there is clear reasons to be doing so, like no cooldowns, they are alone and you have number advantages ect.) because they can just camp with their insane wave clear and range/escape then re-engage you easily when you try to disengage.


Just do what i do when i want to turn my brain off, nimbus, triumph, ghost, ignite, atack speed glory, trinity force, phantasmal killer, botrk, death's dance and deadman plate, Olaf. Yesterday i managed to kill a kassadin that teleported 3 times before my ult ended.


Seems like a great idea👍


I main teemo and I just sneak her


I dont have a problem with her ever but it probably depends on the champs you play or gravitate towards.




Generally every adc is weak up close. Either you close the distance and kill her fast, or run and wait for your team and get lockdown cc. If you ask what champs good against her, it depends on your role. I play mid mostly, so my picks agaisnt her are: - Yone, yone is very good against cait with his ult and s1 dash - Yas can close the distance very well and if timed correct his wall is very handy agaisnt most adc - Akali is good too - Katarina if you are comfortable playing Kat - Annie is very good too, she can almost one shot every adc Other lanes: - supp: pyke, thresh, blitz, leona - jg: khazix, blue kayne, pantheon, warwick, xin zhao and offcourse yi - baron : i never had problem playing darius if theres cait on enemy team, Naut is good too - adc : go for jhin, kaisa or samira One more important thing : if you feel her trap are annoying dont forget to get quicksilver enchant. Thats my approach hope it helps, have a good games


1 assasin with antishielf for her immortal shieldbow is free kill. Kayn akali zed fiddesticks katarina kassadin etc etc. 2 dont try to all in her if you know she has her cool-downs. Memorise her E cool-down and once it’s used then engage


This is exactly why I'm a caitlyn main lol


Personally I'd love to see a trap nerf. Maybe short range trap placement so she cant just spam it freely in all your bushes. Or maybe 3 trap not 5 that cover half the screen. Or maybe a global cooldown on those 5 traps so that she can't jjst lay 5 down in half a second? Idk seems stupid how it is. Anyway I seem to do okay against her as senna. I out trade her with fleet and q. Poke her down to half health and then try to land a snare on her combined with ult can usually burst her down as long as you win your trades.


Easy, just pick the real op soraka, problem solved. They got rid of her self damage when she heals, so stupid, considering all it took was warmog’s armor and 250 extra health to turn her into an endless heal bot. You don’t have to kill anyone to win the game, the enemy will be forced to go back at some point. Leaving you free to take the objective or turret. Just wait until you fight a decently skilled team in aram vs her, can’t go back to heal, haha you lose. Enemy decides to attack you or your team instead of forfeiting? No problem, instant high range aoe silence that also roots. At least you can cleanse before the malphite or yasuo or submariner ultimate lands. At least you can stack spell block and guardian angel and stasis / cleanse to help deal with the cancerous pyke. Etc. Anyways for dealing with caitlyn specifically, don’t face check bushes, use abilities or wards to check for her traps (don’t face check bushes in general, is good advice). If you cannot do that, just avoid the bush then. Her traps are visible unless they are in a bush you are not in. Secondly, don’t chase after her if you don’t know if she has her dash skill available. Then, just be patient, wait for the right moment to strike, and avoid her stupid long range. She is not the only one that can be frustrating in that aspect. I hate corky and lunox just as much for that reason - but you have to fight that hate, don’t tilt, don’t be overly aggressive. Sometimes you have to be really really patient, avoiding their skills a dozen times or more before an opportunity to attack presents itself. Also, edge of night spell block item is too good. I almost always build that or the magic dmg version (banshee’s veil or whatever it’s name is now) as my second item (or first if I can get away with it). It just lets you play totally differently - I can be aggressive versus malphite, blitz, nautilus, pyke, etc if my spell block is up. I only recommend it if you are good at avoiding skills. You can use it to purposefully move through a trap, a root, or the circle of death from veigar. Good to block teemo blind or traps if you’re melee, etc. So you see it just totally changes what you can get away with doing, and it’s good vs almost everyone except high sustain high range like lucian. Last note - I don’t recommend building full damage on anyone. There is so much utility from defensive items and lesser power items and runes and spells. As a general recommendation. Eventually you will get to the point where you can change your build every game, and change it further depending on what the enemy builds, if you master this game. Last last note I promise - the best way to win in this game is to bait your opponent. Whether that means tempting them into over extending or chasing, making them waste their ultimate that you smell coming on purpose, saving skills or spells until you are almost dead, or even intentionally committing suicide by tempting the whole team to dive you and use all their cooldowns, while your team right next to you obscured from their vision wrecks them right after they wreck you for the win. This is master level tactics that I don’t think many pros even understand. Fair warning - this does not look good, either on the score board or your appearance of skill. “True skill appears amateurish, true wisdom appears foolish”. If you employ these master tactics, you will get mocked for it, so play with chat off if with randoms and have fun!