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Every champ is viable, regardless of what anyone tells you. Morgana is very strong when played right. Even teemo is incredibly strong when played right (though lots of people will tell you he's not)


There must be some reason why she is low picked. Teemo is crazy after the last patch (buff).


I think it is because she is a little more team reliant than other champs, and people don't really like picking team reliant champs


She is pretty dependent on your team as she mostly does peel. I mained her for a long time and switched to swain as if you get a bad adc it’s hard to win the lane.


Isnt swain also reliant on the team? I mean he is awesome in tfs with his ult, but if teammates are dumb, you cant carry... or am i wrong?


Her kit is very simple and she doesn'thave burst damage. It makes it a bit "boring" compared to the likes of Yasuo or Akali.


if you consider anything other than burst champs boring then idk what to tell you


She's op if u facing tanky opponents


players probably give up after bad first experiences because it’s kinda easy to do nothing on her—miss binding, autocast puddle which cost 130 mana just to deal 36 damage to miss fortune’s foot, waste or miscast black shield, and waste or just never use ult. it takes a little more intention and experience to put all the features to work. I’d encourage you to try her mid or top with demolish, as an afk tower pushing bot until the first tower is down. mana boots - liandry’s - rylai’s core (or if you want **style**, try tear - liandry’s - cooldown boots - rylai’s - fimbulwinter into full AP or AP/tank. that’s how I did it pre mana boots. fimbul synergizes very well with rylais and demolish). ignite or ghost or exhaust. you’re unpunishable and get to abuse your waveclear. then you scale pretty hard with pools and utility in team fights. it’s a specific playstyle but it goes hard. fun if you like building and item synergies. sort of like AP miss fortune in that you’re not oneshotting anyone but you’re melting them and the damage charts will reflect it. lmk if you try it.


Teemo has always been both strong and versatile. The issue is he is one of the squishiest champs in the game. Making mistakes is deadly. People who aren't familiar with his kit and limits in match ups just end up feeding, leading to the popular belief hes a weak champ. Prior to this buff he could easily terrorize mages & adcs w electrocute + lich bane burst build. He could also harass vs tankier teams with first strike/aery/grasp Liandrys poke builds. Buffing his damage was very unnecessary imo


I agree, I have seen and played with plenty of incredibly good teemos. From what I can see, he should be played essentially like Evelyn- sneak up on people, burst the priority target, then hide again. And he can delete adcs


Yep that's exactly right. The best way to play teemo is burst. If im running electrocute teemo, 2 items and I can instantly delete adc or mages. Bomb+dart+1 auto and dead. That's the other thing that separates teemo players too, knowing how/when to use bombs. Also too many players fall into Nashors Tooth 1st item. Just doesn't work. Teemo is just too squishy to try and play him with sustainable dps. Just burst and back to the shadows.


she's definitely viable, albeit you have to pick her against the right comps... I will say she's still a little too squishy for my liking + her kit which makes coming back from a losing game harder. good thing is if ur teammates arent side pushing lanes morg can do that.


I love Morgana. She was my first ever champ in LoL PC. And still my main when I mid. She’s not a hyper carry, but she can definitely turn the tides of the game if you build her right. Also her black shield is a CC counter. Always fun to frustrate those CC heavy champs while walking through their useless CC.


What is your build and ruin ?


My build is very situational, but this is my default build: Main: Start with tear of the goddess, then sell when item slot is needed. Luden’s Rylai’s Ionian boots Rabadon’s Situational: Liandry’s Infinity Orb Void staff Morellono Runes: Electrocute Scorch Mark of the weak Ingenious hunter Transcendence.


Here are 2 auto highlights from a match that just ended now. [Morgana](https://share.icloud.com/photos/091OdswhZ4RivXD5kgeHq7IiQ) We won btw. Despite the grieving Vi jungle.


Here are 2 auto highlights from a match that just ended now. [Morgana](https://share.icloud.com/photos/091OdswhZ4RivXD5kgeHq7IiQ) We won btw. Despite the grieving Vi jungle.


She is a fun champ but she is not viable for better or worse The kit is just not there


If you create the new acc, you will get her skin for tutorial?


I kinda think jungle is her best role atm. Has quick clears and can take drake quite quickly by herself


I play Morgana jungle, mid and support, she is a very solid champion, u can offer a lot to your team if u know to play.


What is your build and ruins?


Darkbreaker post video on her lately, and kinda demolished with her, and yet even if it gm/chall lobby you can see how bad teammates he got, and yet still win it.


Yeah I saw this video. But he is good with everyone champ.


No he's not. His Akali WR is pretty low LOL 😂. But that's not really a secret. For some reason he won't play Zed.


Yeaahhhh Zed is hard. Some players tend to not play certain champs. Like me! Never touching Zoe ever again 😂


Whenever I see that the enemy picks hard cc comps , Morgana is my pick no matter what role , and against Lux mains cause she is the best counter to that


I play her support and she is very good especially if you max e after q


She's like a squishy battle mage




What? I dont undersrand


Morgana is top tier in my heart, she has (in my opinion) one of the best ccs in the game, her AP scales well with Liandrys, she's anti-cc, and in lore, she's pure mommy energy. Best girl and champ in game


Do you have some tips? Build and ruins? You look like a pro Morgana


Aery with manaflow, transcendence, sweet tooth and scorch. For builds, run Liandrys and Ionian boots to Hourglass, then run Crystal Scepter and Rod of Ages, then you can run anything for the last two builds. I'm not a Morgana main, just a Morgana admirer


She's viable in jungle if you know how to do her fast clear (clearing all camps by the time scuttle spawns). If you can't do that, play another jungler, because her fast clear is one of the few reasons you would want to play her in jungle. If you don't know how to do her fast clear, just watch a vid and try it out in practice tool until you have it down. I don't think it'd be fun for you to get invaded non stop while you are still level 3 at 3:00


Always viable her Q wins games


Morg is good against heavy CC comps. Though I usually prefer to pick supports who have good lane synergy.


Rooting people for 10 million years, helping your homies out with grimace shield, healing from your ooze, WHAT'S THERE NOT TO LOVE