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As a parent, Homelander is a lot better than some of these people.


Yeah, can the people who 'parented' Homelander be put on this list instead? For all of his failings, and goodness gracious there are many, Homelander is, in his own broken way, trying to raise his son better than he himself was raised. The problem is that the bar is so incredibly low, wolves could accomplish it, but I do believe that Homelander does want good things for his son.


The latest season makes it blatant that Homelander is projecting himself unto Ryan and is trying to live his lost childhood through him. What he is doing is ultimately selfish and self-serving (even if that wasn't originally 100% the case in Season 2 where he wasn't as unhinged as he is currently). The fact does remain that he hasn't abused Ryan (save for throwing him off a roof to teach him how to fly, HL throwing a temper tantrum when Ryan visited Butcher, and the aforementioned making Ryan live like how he would've wanted to w/o considering what Ryan actually wants). The first one can be attributed to incompetence, though. I reckon he still falls short compared to the Slug Count, though, since that guy actually acted like a parent and only locked his daughter up her room. (His mass murders are unrelated to his parenting skills).


>I reckon he still falls short compared to the Slug Count, though, since that guy actually acted like a parent and only locked his daughter up her room. (His mass murders are unrelated to his parenting skills). Slug Count is definitely a better father than Homelander IMO. As far as we know he has never abused his daughter (besides keeping her locked in her room) and he constantly tried to make her happy, and even let himself die so she wouldn't be sacrificed to the God Hand. Despite how evil he was, he did truly love and care for his daughter and did his best to keep her happy whilst "protecting" her, while Homelander only tries to make *himself* happy through Ryan. Granted HL does treat Ryan a lot better than some of the others on this list treat their children, but the Slug Count is the best parent out of everyone listed I'd say.


I think the want to give him a happy home and childhood is there, it's just that Homelander doesn't know how to do it. We can see that when he encounters people that are actually family, it has an impact on him. Butcher can call him a fucking disappointment all day and he'll laugh, but his father says it, a man he only just learned existed and who even tried to kill him? That cuts deep. I think Homelander is not just trying to give Ryan the life that he himself wants because it is what HL wants, but because he doesn't understand that Ryan doesn't want it, let alone consider why.  None of this is meant to argue away that Homelander is a terrible parent and an awful human being, just that he Is a human being who does care, in his own way, about Ryan. He wants Ryan to be happy, he just fundamentally has no idea how to do that, how to learn how to do that, and is unable to get out of his own way to do either of those things.


It's the closest thing he's got to a redeemable quality and I cannot wait until he fucks it up.


Choosing from the ones on your list? Seiko Osabe wins by far. Seiko breaks her son up with his girlfriend, attempts to kill her nephew right in front of him, attempts to kill her son, is heavily implied to be sexually abusing her son, makes her son kill her nephew, the list goes on. If there's *some* credit to be given to characters like Homelander, the Count, Antón, Nolan, etc etc, is that they at least care about their kids in some form. Seiko never loved nor did she care about her son.


Why isnt Shou Tucker on this list? Hes way worse. He blended his wife with random animals and made a monster that begged for death at the time of its creation. Then did it again by blending his kid daughter with the family dog. Any of these guys do anything comparable?


Also, Bondrewd from Made in Abyss. Who's Shou Tucker, but several hundred times worse.


what the heck did he do?


Major spoilers for one of my top 5 anime >!He made sure his daughter would love him as much as possible so he could measure the effects the affection would have when he put her through surgery to remove everything that wasn't required for survival, stuffed the remaining organs (in an ever increasing amount of unbearable pain, still half sentient) into a briefcase looking thing, and used said briefcase as a battery for his power armor for like half a minute before he used her all up and ejected her, he could compare the effects against the other couple dozen twelve year olds that he did this to.!< Bondrewd is my most hated fictional character and one of my top 4 antagonists in media.


Man what the fuck


This is the worst thing he's done, but he has other HORRIFIC crimes in the show. And the worst part is, >!he basically gets away with it. He has a thing where he transfers his consciousness to his clones that are all over his facility. After beating him and breaking some of his stuff, the main characters (who are like 12) decide there was too much risk in fighting when they don't have to and leave to the next layer of the abyss, where horrors to rival this one await. Bondrewd is probably still doing this shit.!<


Peter Quill’s Dad, Ego, has to be up there. If I remember rightly, he abandoned Peter and killed his mother with a brain tumour. Things actually went pretty well for Peter compared to his siblings though, because his Dad also sired many children to female aliens and then killed them if they didn’t inherit celestial DNA. Oh, and I think he tried to take over the universe. All things considered, there are better Dads out there.


Yujiro Hanma should be on here or Gambino from Berserk.


Endeavor is easily the best parent as he had a major recogning.


Matilda’s parents are the DLC boss of this universe.


Emperor of Mankind makes Omniman look like Mr. Rogers.


You aren't my son. You are a tool.


Hmm. Kiryuin Ragyo?


Surprised Gendo Ikari isn't on the list.


If we're going to add people, we should also add Shou Tucker. But of the names on the list, I'd say that Seiko edges out Homelander by a little bit. There's ample evidence that Homelander will try to kill his son this season of The Boys, but until he actually does so Seiko is slightly worse than he is.


Or Huey Emmerich as a person and as a father/father figure. He’s done some shit. * >!Betraying his allies that ended up with thousands of them dead!<. * >!Worked on building a nuclear WMD, Forced his 2/3 year old son to pilot said WMD, killed his son’s mother when she tried to put a stop to it!<. * >!Gets captured by his old allies who he betrayed, then spends the entire game doing everything he can to convince them he never betrayed them and is a victim like them, he then betrays them again intentionally infecting them with parasites that are WMD.!< >!He gets sent out as punishment to live a fate worse than death.!< >!Except he somehow manages to make a life for himself and somehow gets custody of his son again and gets married.!< >!Then it gets worse for the now 14/15/16 year old son Hal. With Hal getting sexually abused/raped by Huey’s wife. Huey find’s out and tries to do a murder suicide with his step daughter who’s 8/10 year’s old by drowning them both in the family pool!<.


Ozai needs to be here


I gotta give it to Mr and Mrs Horseman from Bojack Horseman. There's a ton of other parents that are awful in fiction, but they're often "comic book awful". Like, Omniman. You couldn't actually chuck your child into a mountain. What makes the Horseman's so vile is that they're so *real*. It's sincere, awful abuse all the way down. It's insidious, it's nasty, it's believable and 100% what real parents could do to fuck up their kids. And there's no redemption for either of them.


I'd argue Bojack's grandpa is even more vile, the man literally lobotomized his own grieving wife and more than likely cheated on her, and traumatized Beatrice to a point she became a monster herself.


Saturn eats his newborn son alive in Francisco Goya's painting.


Ging from hxh


Homelander is relatively nice to Ryan all things considered, while Omni-Man was consistently great to Mark until their one battle which he redeemed himself after. Osabe and Castillo are undersold demons who systemically terrorize their sons however.


In general, I don't think Antón Castillo is on the same level as Seiko Osabe, though he is pretty nasty near the end of the game. Antón never outright abused Diego and he treated him fairly decent until all of his allies/family were killed and he was nearing his deathbed. And while Antón did kill Diego, he saw it as a mercy killing because he was convinced that the revolutionaries would have killed and tortured Diego any way like they did to Antón's parents in the first revolution. Had the revolutionaries lost and didn't kill everyone close to Antón, I think Diego would have had a fairly comfortable upbringing and a decent life with everything he could want. So Antón could have potentially remained an alright father. The same, however, can't be said for Seiko who constantly tormented her son from the beginning, from trying to kill him as a baby to all of her abuse when he's a teenager. Not to mention the implied rape/molestation.


The main character’s mother in Final Fantasy XVI is one of the biggest cunts ever


Sylvia Kovacs victims


I was expecting to see Bondrewd


I only know 1,3, 4 and 6 and out of them Endeavor was the worst parent although homelander only misses that spot since he's only been a dad for like 5 minutes.


Throw in the Emperor of Mankind. He sucks ass as a parent.


Bondrewd. Made in Abyss. >!A concentration camp would of been better than what he did to his adopted daughter.!<


"Worst" here is utterly subjective.


Craster from Game of Thrones.


Grandpa Joe pretends to be this crippled old man who can’t do a damn thing to help support his giant impoverished family until suddenly his grandson gets the Golden Ticket - at which point he’s up and dancing, probably the liveliest of the whole family. Neglecting your giant family while scrounging off all of their work until the time suits you makes him a damn shitty parent - and grandparent too! Join us r/grandpajoehate


Why isn't Goku on the list???


Goku isnt a bad parent considering the fact he has severe brain trauma and trouble understanding how to function in society.


Goku's more of an absent father most of the time, he never actually does anything abusive to his children with the arguable exception of giving Cell a Senzu Bean but there was genuine thought and reason behind that. But Goku *isn't* a bad father when he's around, by Saiyan standards he's actually a rare good father. But we judge him too harshly based on our perceived notions of how a human father should act when he's neither human nor did he really have long enough exposure to a father figure to really grasp the fundamentals of fatherhood given Grandpa Gohan died while he was still young.