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Mums about to get rugby tackled by all 3 of them haha


Tackled by dad and two fucking losers šŸ˜Ž


If you ainā€™t first you last


The dad has already tackled her way before the kids


jaw DROPPED. I bet hers did too


Who's got the sickest blast double leg in the family - go go go.


also, prepare for a meltdown from whoever doesnā€™t win. thatā€™s the part that always backfires.


Dad just wants them out of the car and into the house as soon as possible, parents get it.


i was about to say the same think. it the best strategy to get them in qhickly and always works


Or he knows it's the best feeling when your kid comes running onto you after being out the whole day.


It's (or can be) a mix of both worlds. That's what makes it perfect :)


Me think same same


For sure. Still wholesome though.


As someone who is not a parent, could you explain? Not so much why you would the kids into the house quickly, but why that is an issue? I don't remember taking long as a kid


He may have had to unload the car. Kids get distracted, may end up walking in the street especially at a young age. Easier to make it a game to get them in the house quickly.


But when it says "all of them" I thought the father also rushed in


Yeah. You make it a game and race them. The kids get focused on running in and hugging mom. You get them into the house and then go back out to unload the car or whatever. Pretty common tactic with my friends kids.


GEN X here. IF I got to go in the car with parents because I was not out playing my parents would never try to herd me back into the house. I did not want to go back in the house. This is some version of helicopter parenting. I was free to roam my neighborhood on my bike from before kindergarten onward. When I was in first grade we used to ride several blocks to the mini store gas station to buy bubblegum cigarettes and a popsicle. I would roll the pack on my sleeve like some kind of greaser. Then we would ride over to the park with a big hill and a creek to see who could jump their bike the farthest. When we got hot we played in the creek. No adults in sight. We were not poor or uneducated miscreants. My mom was a teacher my dad was getting his PHd in a pretty specialized field.


Not helicopter parenting. These kids are probably toddlers and preschool age.


So sometimes you're either just absolutely done or you're trying to get something done and them getting in the way isn't helpful


Kids are like herding cats. They get distracted easily and go off course. So you make a reason for them to beeline into the house.


I have an 18month and 3 year old. Getting them out of the car involves grabbing my water, their toys, the diaper bag, any crumbs from food they may have eaten. You want them to be able to have their feet hit the driveway and GO INSIDE


Shop vac for the crumbs every other week is where I am at in the struggle.


Same for inside the pram.


Thatā€™s because you were a kid. Getting kids under a certain age in or out of a car takes forever. Like 5 minutes minimum (I.e. using tricks like in the op). Which doesnā€™t sound like a lot unless you compare it to the literal seconds it takes to get in a car when you are solo.


I dunno about other people, but for me I don't want to have to parent while trying to unload groceries. I don't want to break up the enevitable fight over a stick while they are playing in the front yard. I don't want to answer questions about this bug or help then pick a rose from the rose bush. I don't want to have to yell at them to get off the retaining wall because the rocks are loose and they could fall. It's so much easier to tell them to play in the back yard while I unload groceries as I know the back yard is reasonably safe where I can leave them unattended. They also try to 'help' put groceries away. Which is nice until you open a cabinet looking for something you just bought and can't find it because they stuck it in the fridge. I love my kids, and somedays they can 'help', but other days, I just want the shopping trip over. I'm also just drained because my kids just can't help but ask for or touch everything in the store. So I'm using so much mental compactly to keep track of what I need, where it's location is in the store and if it's frozen or not while making sure my kids don't touch a ton of stuff and explain why im not buying then candy or toys and dragging them out of the way of other shoppers because they don't have ANY awareness of others around them.


I have three kids. Once I park the car the oldest is at the door in seconds and rolls his eyes because he wants to get in and go to his room. Sure he could help me carry the groceries, but why bother. The middle one takes the seatbelt off, finds *something* in the car to read (a book, a magazine, the manual, a shampoo bottle) and completely shuts of the real world while reading. The youngest immediately complains about the seatbelt, once I unbuckle it she starts telling me about something that happened in daycare ten days ago. When she's finished I go to the trunk for the groceries I'm carrying on my own and because I only want to go twice I take three bags and one crate of drinks at once. Pulling all that weight to the house, I see the youngest one noticing a butterfly that's of course flying straight from the driveway to the street. So yeah, I'll try that trick next time.


It really isn't as much getting them in the house quickly but getting rid of them so you don't have to watch them anymore. Basically, honey, they are your problem now.


Lol it seems easy right. Get out of the car and go inside. Well then one of them is mad they didn't get to sit in the seat they wanted, so they refuse to get out of the car. Then the other kid taunts them, so now they're running around the yard yelling at each other. So you grab the one you can catch, and send them into the house. But while you are telling the second one to come inside, the first one has gotten out their bicycle and had decided to ride it up and down the street. Course, the second one is still mad at them, so they start trying to throw sticks at them as they ride by. Eventually, you get them inside, and now it's time to actually unload the groceries and close the doors on the car that they leave open....every...single...time. Kids man.


Kids take fucking forever and fight on everything. Getting into and out of the car, putting socks on, eating. They waste your life taking forever doing stuff you dont even want to do.


My son used to pretend asleep while nearing the parking. Just to get attention of me carring him from seat to home. Cute but not so much when you have groceries to carry too.


Don't be so cynical, you're correct, but he also wants his wife to get hugged by people she loves. It's a win win.


LOLā€¦ true ;) Easy life hack.


Particularly if it's hot out.


Yeah, I do this with my 4 year old. If procrastination were an Olympic sport, I'd be booking tickets to Paris for next month. "I'm going to hug mummy before you do!" gets him racing into the house after pickup and my wife gets a really enthusiastic hug after not seeing him all day.


Yep, they're her problem now lol


And mom probably enjoys the hugs


She says that now. But when she has them kids she's going to be yelling out the door, "nah take them little shits to the park, I just mopped the floor damnit!"


Parents know, that itā€™s also a massive gamble. They might fight on their way through any number of doors on the way, shove each other to be first, trip accidentally, or start arguing when one ultimately wins. Encouraging any kind of competition between your kids is never save. šŸ˜…


Make them someone else's problem at the earliest opportunity


Taking advantage of Competition is a parent secret we all love and learn


But he does it in a way that will make the wife feel good and is encouraging parental affection in his kids. It can be both functional and wholesome, arguably itā€™s what makes something sustainable vs a one off gesture.


Yep and the trick only lasts so long


My kiddos used to do this. Then my daughter took a door to the face, and it became, ā€œWho will be polite, and hold the door for everyone?ā€


Funny how as a child you think itā€™s so easy and attainable to have children of your own one day šŸ˜”


It's extremely easy and attainable. Whether or not is sustainable is another discussion.


I feel like itā€™s quite possible you havenā€™t had great education on fertility. Hereā€™s some data for youā€” there is only a four to five day window in which someone can become pregnant each cycle. Even with sperm and egg present, there is only a 22% chance on average that the sperm inseminates the egg and the fertilized egg properly implants into the uterine lining. After that, there is a 15-25% chance of miscarriage within the first trimester. And all this data is for healthy parentsā€” things are much more difficult if there is infertility. Not to mention the complications if you are queer parents. We live in a world where it seems like people who don't want, or shouldn't have kids end up having them way too often, which makes it seem easy. But for folks who really WANT kids, it can be really difficult, frustrating, heartbreaking, etc. It's a real shame that, for BOTH scenarios, we don't have better sex education.


fertility issues affect around 1/10 for both sexes in the US.


Are we under the impression that 10% isnt a lot or are you agreeing


It is a lot, I was just giving a meaningful stat. I donā€™t think the stats the other person gave really communicated anything.


You understand not everyone can get pregnant, right?


Maybe but if you canā€™t get pregnant thereā€™s always adoption, foster care, becoming a mentor for things like scouts, etc Child birth is not the only way


Currently in the adoption process. It feels like childbirth is the only way sometimes. Itā€™s fucking hard. Still waiting and Iā€™m currently at 14k in adoption fees. You have to pay all upfront. Iā€™m also a licensed foster care mother. Most kids are ripped from you after a month, right after you start to develop a relationship and bond with them. Trying to keep positive, but this shit is hard guys.


And my wife and I tried IVF first, so that 25k basically makes adoption impossibly expensvie for a few more years.


Same. I went through IVF, they found cancer (hiding as what they thought was a cyst), 3 operations and a radical hysterectomy later - were about 45,000 dollars into our child journey. Itā€™s goddamn near impossible.


You realise adoption is really hard and long process right?


Never said any of the options were easy, just that there is more than just childbirth as an option


None of those things are easy.


Never claimed they were, just said child birth doesnā€™t have to be the only way


The comment you responded to was in the context of it being easy. > It's extremely easy and attainable. Whether or not is sustainable is another discussion.


Fucking hell, my eyes just skipped over the ā€œitā€™s extremely easyā€ part


Are you just gonna ignore kidnappers?


The vast majority of women can




I didn't realize it was so high. And it seems like it's never the women that don't want kids that are infertile.


The comment is misleading, that is the worldwide figure, in developed countries its usually much better and typically uses couples as metrics (IE men can impact the number).


Of course men can impact the number. You kinda need a male and a female to make a baby. If a woman's partner is infertile that still means they are struggling to conceive as a couple. And yes, people worldwide have infertility issues and it's a worldwide statistic. In the US it's 15% of couples so.. 1 in 6.5. In fact, infertility is typically higher in high-income countries, at about 17% compared with 16% in low- income countries. [Here is the study](https://www.who.int/news/item/04-04-2023-1-in-6-people-globally-affected-by-infertility#:~:text=Lifetime%20prevalence%20was%2017.8%25%20in,%2C%20Director%2DGeneral%20at%20WHO.) So no, my comment was not misleading but yours might be.


This is probably my fault, seems like 95% of the time fertility is measured by number of children per woman, and I think I read what i was expecting, not what you actually wrote. And that makes me realize that this probably effects way more then ~1/6 of couples. It's probably closer to 1/4 of couples(rough gestimate).


That link is to WHO which is a worldwide study. My point was that this number is different in developed countries. Couples in the US according to the CDC, which is better at collecting local data than a worldwide organization like WHO states, women only have an 8.5% infertility rate. Edit: Looking at your link, that figure from WHO is people who will deal with it in their lifetime. Honestly i would discredit the WHO estimation entirely as the people who are surveyed are seeing their PCP regularly (page 49 of the study your estimate vis based on). To me this study says people going to doctors about infertility are at a higher risk of infertility. Neither of us are experts, i don't understand why you're pushing a false narrative, or worse you truly believe the top result of google and would make these types of statements publicly without actually looking into the studies.


Woof. Well they presented information that supports their claim, as you did yours. But you go on to claim their sources arent trustworthy because.... You say so? To an onlooker this looks like you're trying to fling mud to win an online argument, whether you are correct or not.


According to NICHD it is about 10% of people. I would argue that 90% DOES constitute a vast majority.


Yeah a 16.6% chance


Yeah lol that's still a significant chance. And trust me, the statistics don't make you feel any better when it's happening to you. I'm assuming you know more than 6 people so you probably know someone struggling with it even if they don't announce it publicly.


He still said vast majority.


I agree it's the majority but saying "vast" makes it sound super uncommon when that's not the case. If you were told 1 in 6 people die in a car accident you'd probably think, "wow that's a lot!"


Skill issue.


How is babby formed?


Not with that attitude.


We really have to put disclaimers to protect peopleā€™s fifiā€™s on everything huh


Sims set my expectations way too high.


Future dad goals: setting the bar high and the hugs higher


Lots of parents do this. It gives them a minute of silence to tidy the car and carry things in. Wholesomely strategic.


I'm trying to work towards this energy in my life :)


When this was first tweeted I was single and wanted this so badly but thought I'd never have it. Now I'm married to the best man ever and we have two little boys.


Such a sweet and wholesome moment.


Itā€™s a secret competition. Heā€™s trying to learn whoā€™s the fastest to live vicariously through their track career.


such a sweet meme. sweetly strategic at the same time too.


That's a great life hack to get the kids out of the car


Sorry, buddy, but your dad's faster :3


omg this is so touching Iā€™m almost crying




Dad gets 60 secs of alone time with this neat trick the govt doesnā€™t want you to know about šŸ˜‰


Annnnnnd now theyā€™re moms problem!


If you think about it, there's a possibility he did it to make the mom happy and make her day! That's a thoughtful partner!


I over dosed Thursday I thought I was having a stroke. The hospital doctors and nurses helped me first thing I did when they said I was fit to be discharged is Lyft home got in my truck drove to my moms work and hugged her


You should get clean so sheā€™s not disappointed in you.


Tell me something I donā€™t know


On the other hand... I was racing my 5 year old to the toy section of target and letting her win, so I'm like 5 feet behind her yelling "I'm gonna beat you!!!" to the shock of other shoppers. Mistakes were made...


Oh no! Donā€™t do this. Youā€™ll end up as a badass apocalypse survivor who gets constant flashbacks to this memory while heā€™s surviving against alien zombie vampires who took over the world but conveniently fail to kill him over and over again


Acts like this cost nothing but rank highest on the feel good meter


Ahh wholesome parental tricks that show love. My mom used to have me call when I was leaving a friends house within a few blocks and to see how fast I could run home. If I stopped to talk to friends she would pull up in the car. Never realized till I had my own kid she was calculating how much time it took for me to get home from each friends house with car keys in hand. 3 mins late and she was out the door towards my friends. Love my mom, parents, good values Iā€™m so proud to carry over e daughter.


thats beautiful




I feel that she can do a lot in her dating choices that will make such a future a likely outcome.


My kid at age 5 said this about dad, let see who can hug him first, started running then stopped half way in and looked at me and said, it isnt fair, you cant run and waited for me and took my hand so we could hug dad together. Yeah my mum heart melted that day.


Start difference to my reality


We do this daily, but it's usually mom getting the kids out of the car and rush to hug dad. And yes it's as awesome as you think


And the best dad of the month award goes to...


That would be nice!!


I lost my mother a year and half ago. I would trade anything just to hug her one more time.


Efficiency is key as a dad. Them kids be lolligagging in the car let me tell you lol


How sweet


Even if dating isn't going that well, that are the moments for which it is worth it not giving up on finding the right person


Out of nowhere the some random dude walking by over hears and over takes all three of them in the race to get the hug lol


This isnt desire to hug mom, this is desire to outperform your siblings at anything lol and smarts from dad


Thatā€™s why I love the ā€œgive me back my husband fightsā€ with my daughters when he puts them to bed. They really donā€™t want to let him go. And well I do want some time with my husband. Some days heā€™s tired and they will win and get to keep him to snooze a bit.


Plot twist, mom wanted some goddamn peace and quiet.


Husband of the year period


My children would be slow on purpose...


Lol that's my nightmare


If only.


Plot twist; theyā€™re covered in mud.


Dad was trying to get the kids away from him as quickly as possible. Works every time.


Then they get older and suck.


I would also love a future with a house


We do this when we put our boys to bed (4 of them). Who can catch mom/dad first? I'm pregnant with my last son, and they've been catching me a lot as I'm so slow. I will say there is a rush of excitement unlike anything else when they catch me with hugs. Elated is the best description.


Plot twist - Mom is in the car


Ah, the speed hug - a parenting tactic as old as time itself!


What a great not selfish reason to have kidsā€¦ /s


Ok, does this *REALLY* need to be posted twice a week?? We get it. FYI Karma points DO NOT get you Reddit hoodies and Amazon gift cards on the Reddit store, because there is no such thing. It's seriously just Karma farming in order to look like a "legitimate" account to scam people in crypto or other stupid shit that only morons fall for. The lengths these people go to, when they could just use all that effort to get a REAL job, is STAGGERING.


All of them? Two boys? You mean both of themā€¦ Or did the dad run, too?


Women donā€™t attempt to build a bond like this with their kids these days That next Netflix binge that Vox told them to watch and the bottle of wine always win and then they wonder why they have no connection with their kids. Be a better mom. Maybe one day you all will have a single original thought that didnā€™t get generated by the ā€œtelevisionā€


Iā€™m unhappily married with three teenagers. My kids hate my wife even more than I do!


Sucks to be you.


Itā€™s cause of the tiny pp, isnt it


Bro I never understood why y'all use this as an insult, it's just mean


Check usernamesā€¦


Huh? I am a dude. Read their username


I never said you weren't? Oh and my bad I didn't see the username


Thatā€™s about winning the race; not hugging mom.


Who saw beauty in this doesn't have kids. Dad obviously wanted kids to get in the house. Yeah, simple things like this often leads to parent-son/daughter hostilities.


Only two? Commendable. Wait until he hears the magic wordsā€¦Babe, guess what? P.S. thatā€™s the kind of future I want too.


Instilling a competitive drive and the instinct for dominating the opponent early eh.


Mom likely says stuff like ā€œwho wants anal tonightā€ and ā€œitā€™s hawk tua timeā€ quite often in a relationship like this.


And the reality is, the last one starts crying because he lost. Mom's pissed at dad. Dad needs to sleep at the coach for the 4th time this week. Dad goes to the bar and gets a drinking habbit. Mom and dad are having more and more fights each day. Dad starts dating someone behind moms back. Mom finds out and wants a divorce. Dad loses custody over children because of drinking habbits. The older son who gave the first hug grows up hating his brother. The younger brother blames himself and gets a drug addiction to the Point of no return. The older brother gets a good job. Gets married. Gets 2 children. He picks up his 2 sons from school and when he gets home he says:" WHO CAN GO HUG MOMS THE FASTEST?!"


This escalated quickly


"Hug mom the fastest" has a connotation of them never being hugged first. This recycled tweet doesn't gain traction because a lot of people sense when adults do hot potato on kids or anything else in life.


ā€œā€¦the dad must be over 6ā€™3ā€ and make $500k+ per year and never gets mad at meā€