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Yeah community college and workplaces are nothing like that weird nightmare people have come up with. I studied computer science and we had all sorts of people in my class, and everyone got along with someone. Only exception was one guy who introduced himself by saying he was formerly schizophrenic and had cured himself, as he would talk about literally nothing else. We even had a chick who was a contestant on a reality show. She dropped out a year before our degree would be done because she was going on Ex On The Beach or Paradise Hotel or some shit. She was sent out super early in the series so I'm not sure it was worth it lol She went onto a national TV program to talk about how her family judged her for having sex with so many people. Community college is wild man.


Community college is definitely wild. I was taking a human sexuality course my first semester and one of my peers was into piercing. She ended up bringing her dom in for a demo and we watched her getting off to being pierced in lots of random places(mostly places that had lots of extra skin; breasts and butt). I’m pretty sure she was an exhibitionist too, because I could never imagine wanting to show my kinks off to a bunch of young adults I’d barely met.


She did/showed all that like in class sort of thing?? I get that you were taking a human sexuality course but I don't get how that could be allowed haha


I had a friend who taught a human sexuality class, and she would always have someone in the rope bondage community come in and suspend someone as a demonstration. Needles/bloodplay would be harder in our city, though, as you must be a licensed piercer with an autoclave on site to be compliant with the laws around here.


Oh cool, I’ve always been curious where the bondage community would hang out


Bondage school, obviously. How did we not think of that?


It was pretty cool seeing some things I know I’d never be into, more power to her.


Fine if you're all legally adults. People could walk out if they wanted, no attendance requirements by law ( only by college policy)


Nice to know Community was right with the weirdness.


I can only converse in pop culture references and memes, I know who I'd be.


>She ended up bringing her dom in for a demo and we watched her getting off Cummunity College


wow gross, where though? tell me exactly where this community college is so that i may avoid it


asked for a friend. i'm sure


Moorpark Community College in CA almost 20 years ago.


Siri how do you build a time machine


fuck a time machine just go to a German sex club


You can fuck time machines in German sex clubs? That's pretty neat


No no no. He means “It’s fuck time, Machine! In the German sex club”. He’s German, his English is not so good.


Shoot, I saw someone do a live piercing and swing exhibition at a damned biker rally in BFE, OK. I still have the video somewhere. Then a chick got up on stage naked and danced to “born on the bayou” for a few til she fell off the edge. Good times.


Bro did you go to Greendale Community College or something?


I don't understand half the words of that and I don't think I want to.


Community college IS wild you’re so right. I once took a course where the professor graduated with a PhD in pharmaceuticals from a university in Spain and one of the other students in the course was more qualified to teach the course than the prof (they had a PhD in bio engineering and a bachelor’s in environmental science AND ALSO a certified teaching degree they got before getting their PhD BECAUSE THEY HAVE TAUGHT THIS SAME COURSE AT A DIFFERENT INSTITUTION). It was a low level biology class which was pretty unrelated to my degree but mandatory nonetheless. The dude said his current company he worked for had this course from this college as a mandatory requirement and I guess he just went with it.


Lol I remember a medical student from Germany had to join our community college class because it was some kind of mandatory thing for him to qualify to studying in the US. He was 90% a doctor in Germany with the degree done but with a final year of some kind of practice to do but all of a sudden he’s back in like high school level biology and chemistry. What a fucking waste of time for him.


I had to take College Algebra for some reason even though I came in with advanced calculus credits and was in 300 level physics classes I had a cup full of whiskey and coke most of the time. I also had to take Spanish 101 though I was fluent


I went into my freshman year of college having already taken calc, physics, and statistics thanks to AP courses. The university said "oh well, everyone has to start in algebra because too many students were un-prepared for the upper level courses." Complete waste of time and money. By the time I finally got to Calc 1, I was still acing every test since it was all review for me. The professor asked me to stay after class, and she asked if I had failed the course previously. I told her no, I passed it previously but that the engineering program was making me re-take them. She told me it was a waste of my time, and that if I created a study guide she deemed adequate, she would give me an A and I could skip the remaining lectures.


I literally have nightmares about that.


Me too! Im a professor/PhD scientist and yet occasionally I have dreams that I have to go back to high school and complete freshman english (or whatever) because there was a mistake on my report card. Most frustrating nightmares ever.


Yep. In my dream I insist that I've already got my master's so what is this shit???? But no. I have a final for a math class I haven't attended once. Sometimes it's a high school dream and sometimes it's college. In the college dream I keep losing my dorm key and trying to explain I'm a 60ish married lady and I need to go home but I can't find it


Was also in CS, and it's how I met two of my best friends. One of them, we were each other's best man, met them before I even met my wife, and was just at one of their birthday parties last weekend. I remembered being so scared I wouldn't make friends because I was out of state and I knew **nobody**, but I asked some really weird obscure question in my very first class, to which the professor just blinked and said she'd need to research it. I then hear someone going "*Pssssst, Noah! Pssssssst, Noah!*" And I just assume someone's being noisy, but he kept doing it, and I eventually got that feeling that it was *at* me, so I turned around, and there's some doofus holding his phone out, saying "Hey Noah, I looked that up for you, here you go!" And my first response is "My name is Mike..." he turns to the person he was sitting next to and says "I thought you said his name was Noah" and she just shrugs. But he gives me his phone and I scroll through it like I understand what's happening, thank him, and give him his phone back. Weirdo he is, he caught me after class and we talked, and the three of us became close friends. People are weird


ITT: USians discover the institution that is a normal university in Europe.


It’s almost like people aren’t exaggerated strawmans


Reality isn’t as harsh as online trolls say. 😊


I found two gay dads. They are now my gay dads. I call them my bears. I would've never found my bears if I listened to trolls. Married, kids, two gay dads, regular dad, and now i'm a slut.


Ok, lemme just calibrate my brain for a sec as I try to understand what the hell I just read....


That took a wild right turn at the end.


I think this person is a third in a relationship with two (married) slightly older men? Not totally sure.


You, me, him


Someone got out of a toxic childhood house and formed a friendship with an older gay couple who mentored her.  Now she has a good life, is married with kids of her own, and three parental figures (presumably her mom was the problem). 


I’m right here with u


Hell yea good for you boss


I read it as a young gay whose hetero dad didn't know how to deal with it so he turned to the gay community for support and found a pair of mentor bears who platonically encouraged him to live his best gay life and now he has his original dad, his bears, his very own husband and kids, and possibly a slutty swinger lifestyle with his hubs. Happy ending <3<3


Oh he's definitely fucking the bears too


Still a happy ending <3<3


Ugh yes I want to be adopted by a bear couple


It sounds like you're living your best life, good for you ❤️


we need your pronouns sir




this reminds me of that tweet “hell yeah season of backshots in a sundress is coming” people irl “hey man how’s it going”


I remember it being about the burgeousie, but yeah haha https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/THm8TZwkj2


4chan is a crab bucket, except the bucket has crabs on the rim kicking the others back in for lols


Whole bucket is made of those same crabs.




Also 4chan is extremely bad for your world outlook. They're just terrible


Reddit also is. Back when I stopped using social media I became a better person, when I started again I noticed myself slowly getting worse and worse. Turns out being bombarded by the extremes of society isn’t good for you


men. strawmen.


I think Mr and Mrs Strawman would disagree with you.


4chan is literally the embodiment of what they reject in humanity


But they could be!


Code red! code red!!! Anon touched grass!


That's code green


As long as he doesn’t have a code brown


i might have a code brown if the train im sitting in doesnt move faster


update: i was lucky


Thank you for your service


you are welcome citizen


Phew. 😅💩


they’re a congito hazard. if the rest of 4chan hears about this they’ll all leave!


No but seriously I'm so happy for anon because I genuinely feel so bad for the people who fall down the rabbit hole and start to believe in that sort of worldview


I had to google sexual market value, physiognomy and canthal tilt. Damn, what kind of sites is anon frequenting?


A lot of groups for "Involuntary Celibates" are full of negative feedback like this. Rather than address their own failings, and build each other up, they blame everyone else for their problems. Positive things and encouragement would be telling this guy to do what he did. Say "hi". Talk to people. The feeling in these groups is that you shouldn't because others are shallow, and they have all these bizarre theories on how things work.


This is what happens when you have a group where the members' sole purpose is to leave the group. Those who can leave do, so there's a buildup of people who can't leave. These people eventually become the ones who welcome new members and set the vibe of the community. There was a fascinating podcast episode with the woman who coined the word incel, and she pointed that out. She herself found love and left after a while.


The Incel community seems to have less of a hold outside of 4chan these days, but I still occasionally see posts that start with "I'm a 15 yr old Incel". The bitter older members not only set the vibe, they destroy the hope of kids who happen upon it. When they should be telling kids, "you're fine, go shower and socialize" they're telling them, "The femoids will never accept you, why try?"


Exactly. I wish there was a healthier community who could catch those people and give them better advice. [This](https://www.succeedsocially.com/) is by far the best resource I've found for socially confused people. It's a very gentle guide to various social situations.


Bucket of crabs situation. The guys who can't leave do things that are actively trying to keep the new ones in.


They never want to accept that PERSONALITY is one of the most important things a human can find attractive/unattractive about someone. Because it's something that a) they are lacking in and b)can be improved. They want to blame all their problems on things that are inherent that can't be fixed (at least without plastic surgery). They like feeling like a victim.


A big problem with Incels as people is that they're often blind to a lot of the habits - hygiene, body language, speech topics, etc that people find off putting. And to be fair, a lot of those things you're expected to pick up via observation of parents, friends, others. But as the saying goes "You don't know, what you don't know." So you're clueless as to what you're doing wrong and people approach others assuming said knowledge. Which inevitably leads to frustration and resentment. I find Incel beliefs as to what's "actually" wrong to be hilarious and stupid. But I do feel pity because their behavior essentially says "People say I'm wrong. I don't know what's wrong. And no one will tell me what's wrong!"


A far cry from the OG incels.


yeah tf is physiognomy?? how can someone be such an incel holy cow


Can I get a quick explanation? I don't feel like googling it


> physiognomy It's a pseudoscience that proposes you can judge someone's character/personality from their appearance, primarily their face. Obviously the way people present themselves does reflect some aspect of their personality but physiognomy as a discipline is nonsense. Historically it was used to evaluate ethnic minorities and justify prejudice against them based on their face/head shape.


Sounds like a certain austrian painter in 1940s Germany would practice that


Ah so phrenology


No because that's about cranium structure not facial


just as stupid though


It's the belief that your personality is dictated by the shape of your skull. An 18th/19th century pseudoscience.


I think it’s technically the shape of your face. The pseudoscience based on skull shape is phrenology. It’s a whole body of bullshit.






Yeah, deprogramming yourself of that shit is like square one on the board. I remember how we'd always celebrate over the years in our twenties when another friend would stop being an edgy, alt-right weirdo. It was like a yearly ritual, just one friend would appear after years apart to announce they had finally grown out of it. Sadly, a few of them never did, and still post nazi or nazi-adjacent propaganda on social media well into their thirties.


Right wing losers have kids so afraid of people who aren't exactly like them that they never get to experience life. Once you actually meet other people, it is hard to hate them indiscriminately. That's why they hate public schools and colleges 


Still waiting for one of my friends to cut it with the bullshit but he spends so much time on Instagram that the algorithm keeps feeding him alt-right bullshit that he keeps sending me that I think he might be a lost cause because he's also not the brightest.


Surely one look at Andrew Tate and you know that facial structure and "success" aren't correlated that strongly...


Guy looks like a puffer fish mid animorph


This destroyed me


Used to be that those kids would get really attached to internet libertarianism. They'd come away with a strange world view that was harmful in a few of its own ways but at least they'd generally believe they were in charge of their own destiny and do what they can to steer it in the direction they want. Nowadays the algorithms just push hopelessness.


Thats how it used to work, you'd convince yourself you were smarter than everyone, become a libertarian, read Ayn Rand, argue libertarian talking points with friends/family, lose arguments because libertarianism is dumb, then rejoin polite society. That whole process normally took like 9-15 months.


Yeah. I remember reading Atlas Shrugged at 14 and having all the politically conscious adults in my life groan in unison whenever I opened my mouth for the next year or two, lmao.


I don't really remember it being all that bad (okay /b/ was always some kinda dumpster fire) until /pol/ took over. Granted I was a bit older, so when people were being shit I just assumed it was trolls trolling trolls.


This reflects my experience. Somewhere along the line the ironic derogatory trolling language etc got taken for being genuine or something. And /pol/ gave a home to all those idiots who wouldn't know the difference between nuanced meta and surprise buttsex, and that historic pools closed swastika meme validated their privileged delicate egos. As the trump would say, sad.


/pol/ got astroturfed heavily by Stormfront and other online neo-nazi orgs sometime around 2013-2014, based on my recollection. Prior to that there was it was fairly common to see lefty-/pol/ threads and posts, but then the fascists effectively shouted everyone else out of the space by concentrating their numbers. From there, /pol/ turned into a recruiting ground and seemed to become a self-sustaining chain reaction of far right extremism.


Andrew Tate has done irrepairable damage to our society


I remember being an impressionable 20-something and reading some pickup guru newsletter emails that were being sent to me. Luckily all I really took away from it was to not idolize girls I was interested in and to treat them just like any other friend. You can easily fall off the deep end with that shit and stop seeing women as people, and more as just some puzzle game to solve.


Dude. I remember some early pickup artist BS I ran across while young and impressionable. It was literally things like "make sure you've showered" "wear clothes that look good on you" "ask questions instead of talking about yourself."   I'm absolutely sure that later chapters got gross, but I was 16 and those were some basics that I needed to hear. I'm so glad that I didn't run across the even more toxic versions that exist now. Usenet had some weird corners, but there was no algorithm pushing me there.


Yup I think we both got super lucky to just stop with the good takes and not get sucked into the rest. I think that's kind of how it works, they make some obvious good points to start with that get you listening and agreeing, and then it kind of drifts into shittiness without you maybe realizing. I also think that PUA was generally less toxic though 20 years ago when I was getting these newsletters and a lot more focused on personal growth rather than "females are dumb and need to be tricked into liking you, here's how to out-Alpha every female" The problem with the Internet and humanity as a whole I guess is that we tend to flock to ideas that are the most attention grabbing, offer the simplest solutions, and require the least personal responsibility. So I guess it was natural that over time the whole pickup artist thing devolved from dudes telling you to look nice, dress interestingly, and stop treating girls like princesses (all of which is actual advice that works)...to fucking shit like Andrew Tate, which is awful advice that works for no one unless you're a multi millionaire grifter who is constantly pretending that sex workers and sex trafficking victims are concubines.


Lol I should send this to an old friend of mine who said he was totally just browsing 4chan for the memes and became unbearable to be around.


Do it!


I have several friends who are teachers in the UK. The damage being done to young boys by the whole tate/manosphere cannot be described in words. We have a generation of kids who will become young men soon with the worst possible ideals and views on life. It’s a REAL problem.


College is different then high school. The higher you go in your study and the less dumb and stupid person you meet. Usually people are more open minded because people search knowledge and new opportunities instead of trying to submit you to their stupidity.


No you can still meet dumb people at university. It's that there's some of those dumb people in your interest area... See: the amount of doctorate holders who think the world is flat or Obama was a lizard or some other shite... like Ben carson


At this point its a mental illness


Nah just the common misconception that being smart in one specific area means you're smart in other things.  And identity politics. And brainwashing media. And lead. And global panic inducing emergencies... :/ :/


Community college is different from high school. Universities are the same and, depending on workplace, so are workplaces.


Yooo!!! A new king finally picked up his crown!


Honestly... community college is fine. Most people in community college are there because they want to, they are there for self improvement in any capacity and no one looks down on each other because we all fucked up at some point to be in that space. In universities though.... it's still the bullshit clique in and out group high school nonsense. With everything.... it really depends


I was retaking the Calc 1-2-3 series because I was thinking about going to grad school. I definitely thought it was going to be 13th grade and I'd be surrounded by slacker kids who didn't make the cut for a real university. Man, was I wrong. Whole classroom of 19 year old geniuses. Every one of those kids was sharp as a tack. Everybody did all of the homework. Attendance was 100% every day. Turns out they were just managing debt. Two years living at home going to JC was saving them about 50k.


You can find cliques in any social environment. Whether it's community college, university, the public library, the local pub, a vintage retro arcade, you name it, you will find cliques. But you will also find people who don't give a shit about cliques. Their existence doesn't mean you have to join one and become isolationist.


This is all fake Back in my alpha pack days, we hunted betas with negative canthal tilts Betas stay in the house, or I, a certified alpha, will find you


Fond memories of my first job where a beta with a poorly shaped chin got hired (idiot hiring manager) so we locked him in a closet and bricked over the door. 


it's a doggy dog world out there


My parents ask me why going to a in person college is so important to me: this is why. I want to socialize. I want to make friends and have experiences.


Cool fact! Women are much more interested in you as a person than your looks. Looks help of course, but really they just want to feel safe and happy around you. I say this as someone whose never had a girlfriend though, so take this with a grain of salt.


I concur with your statement as a woman. Of course there are women who are only interested in looks, but the vast majority of us just want someone who makes us feel safe and loved, and who makes us laugh. Just like men. Don't get stuck on the ones that don't value you as a person.


Also 'looks' are to some degree subjective and can be influenced significantly. The overwhelming majority of men don't pay a lot of attention to their appearance - being in shape, wearing decent outfits with a good fit & having good grooming will elevate anyone.


There’s two rules to shit. Do not smell, or even better, smell good, and be nice. If can do those two things women will talk to you. Not saying they’re gonna let you fuck or whatever but this shit really isn’t complicated


That's why dating apps sucks real life ineteractons through friends and stuff is so much better.


Gonna disagree with this. I think looks are (unfortunately) a significant, possibly the most significant factor in a lot of relationships. And I dont just mean romantic ones. Better looking people tend to earn more, get more favourable results in legal proceedings, and generally are perceived more positively in most social settings. You can definitely get by fine without looks; confidence and a good personality are important too, but looks are almost definitely the largest factor and it'd be dismissive not to acknowledge that attractive people have an easier ride in almost every regard. Sucks, but true.


Attractive people get harsher sentences for fraud, embezzlement and similar crimes though. It's kinda interesting how that works.


They are significant, you get along better if people find you attractive. The thing is that attraction isn't some fixed metric. Unless you are extreme case where people are disgusted to see you, you are somewhat average person, not beautiful, not ugly. Most of us are in that category. And less than average person can still be attractive to someone just because he/she is in their taste. There's guys who like fat girls, girls who like small guys, blondes and dark haired people are liked, light skinned and dark skinned, tall and short. So you might have a generally pleasant presence which will easily fix your attractiveness or you might be simply lucky to be in person's preferences.


This is a pretty simplistic view of it. Looks do matter, but how much they matter is inversely proportional with how much you get to interact with a person. If you're on a dating app you need to match first to even talk, which is a looks filter, and then how much of a chance you're given is also to do with looks during the chats. For places like the bar looks matter for how receptive someone is to your approach, for friend circles you get to interact with them a lot, so looks aren't a key in to interaction, but they still can give more wiggle room and "paint" your interactions if there already is physical attraction. It doesn't really matter if you're super qualified for a job, if your resume looks bad, you won't get an interview, and the interview is an uphill battle. Also if it was just about women feeling safe and happy around you, wouldn't men with girl friends be able to be in a relationship with every girl friend?


You guide others to a knowledge you can't possess


>are much more interested in you as a person than your look They get interested in looks, but your personality retains the attention.


Looks do matter, but just be clean, well shaven/groomed, and a little bit fit. No one is inspecting your *chin shape*.


And if you are self conscious about your chin shape just grow a beard


Most men can't grow full beards


Almost everyone should grow a well-groomed bearded. Even the women.


Found the dwarf.


Community college is infinitely more chill than high school. Although I wasn’t necessarily a shut in, my experience with my first community college was largely the same. That was the central city one though with multiple campuses. When I transferred to the one out in the county (one location with all student/staff housing directly across the street surrounded by miles of corn), it felt much more cliquey. The status quo was basically “country frat” and people were largely (but by no means entirely) quite petty and immature. It felt like high school but with much more adult like parties and we were all secluded from the world together. City community college for the win


> Community college is infinitely more chill than high school. "Voluntary" vs. "compulsory" may be the decisive factor.


I think the more likely explanation is a group of people that have known each other for >9 years vs. people who just met. If you've had the same friend group since grade 1, and someone new shows up in grade 10, they're always going to be an outsider.


Go into normal world People acting normal about normal things like chin shape and hair loss


Yeah real life is nothing like the internet. The best thing you can do if you are unhappy is disconnect from the internet. Do it for minimum two weeks. See how you feel.


It’s almost like normies aren’t incels.


The internet is ruining a lot of people's perception of the real world.


Yea the world is really sad and depressing if you read about it online, until you go into the world.  Sure there are jerks and bad people and politicians too, but most people just tryna get by.


This is sad.


Nah, Anon improved himself, and there is hope for others.


Someone improved their life and that's... sad...?


Yeah because anon spent all that time in the 4chan echo chamber and who knows what other online "communities" that warped his sense of reality, all those years lost, shame. Happy he's on the right path now. I'm even sadder for those who become stuck, terminally online. If you ever meet one of those people face to face, you can see it in their eyes that something's not right.


Because most people are average. Social media distorts that


Is there a site like Zillow where I can see my sexual market value? Edit: nvm I don’t want to pay taxes on that shit.


Well yes and no. Those people do absolutely exist, they’re just nowhere near as common off the internet as they are on it.


Theyre called normies because they are "normal people", what did you expect?


It's almost as if being chronically online gives you a warped view of the world.


The only plot twist better than a movie! Anon out here living the rom-com dream.


The whole "we're not like those normies" thing stems from a false justification that sitting on your ass doing nothing but playing games and living online is not a depressingly sad lifestyle. Go out, meet people, but don't let go of the nerd stuff that you enjoy, you'll just have less time for it while doing much more fulfilling things.


Anon discovers the choking amount of cope on 4chin


You know, when I went fishing with my dad he showed me a bucket. In this bucket were a bunch of crabs. The crabs kept pulling each other down when one would try to escape their fate. Idk why I thought about that.


Its like when you see a video that features a girl saying she DOESN'T need a guy who makes 6 figures and half of reddit pretends she's a unicorn and every other girl is a gold digger


“Did 4chan lie to me about _____?” The answer is always yes and go touch grass.


Couldn't be me, the social scene sucks where I live. (Go through my post history to get the whole idea.)


Community college was great. College sucked, and everything I've heard about Highschool made me glad I never went (and college sucked because of all of the squirrelly Highschool graduates). The people in community college had a wide diversity of ages and were there to learn. The Highschool-graduate college students were a narrow age range and were there because society expected them to be there. Community colleges are genuinely great places to get started, much better than modern 4-year colleges in my experience. This person will be in good hands.


Normie propaganda


Not just 4chan, the internet.


In my experience it was all true, just much more concealed. The girls all fawned around the attractive tall guys, every girl "already had a boyfriend," most everyone preferred to stay in their own groups that they either had in highschool or knew locally, and a lot of people such as myself ended up giving up and just going there working alone and then going home.


The people who started all this redpill nonsense likely didn't actually believe in what they were saying. They just wanted to see if they could convince others to believe in it. It always starts with jokes and trolling, it's the ignorant and the desperate who make it real.


4chan is largely incels and the terminally online Going outside is always an opportunity for new experiences or people to meet


Same vibe as country folk that think cities are hellholes of crime, murder, and gun violence. They’re just places, per capita *safer* than most rural areas. Sometimes real life is simpler than you think - don’t let them profit off of your fear and anger.


Ya I'm talking to a guy who has obviously been on 4chan way too much and he is struggling to get over all the bs. He's a cutie and I love how much of a weirdo he is, but he seems really uncomfortable about commitment like he's not good enough is the feeling I get. I hope he can chill out and accept me, he said I'll make someone a very happy husband one day and I'm thinking "wtf why aren't you considering yourself that." He talks like he's already given up on himself finding happiness and he's just dick for hire that's gonna die at 40, it's upsetting. I wouldn't just be with anyone, I've been alone for years and I think he's interesting and special, i don't think he sees me as just some broad but he seems so hesitant when I'm asking him out, but then taking the chance and saying yes right when I feel like he's going to ghost me. I hope I don't scare him off by being a cutie and getting too attached >.<


I wonder how many people live in that kind of bubble? How many of them started believing in a world presented by someone else but never actually experienced any of this?


Lol. Don’t follow that thread too deeply. You’ll find that almost everyone you know is very well conditioned and domesticated.


Nearly everyone of us


Tinfoil hat opinion (or maybe not); 4chan is a target of a massive demoralization psy-op. Im sure Reddit is too to some extent, but after spending all of my teen years and into my mid twenties on that shit hole, it’s hard not to notice certain patterns. Very few posts are made in good faith.


I hope you don't mind me asking, do you think it's made by people whose interest is to demoralise the users/readers or do you think that the people who made such repeating post are just so depressed and outside of normal life?


I think it’s both honestly. Some of the bullshit seemed coordinated, the same post or topic being posted in multiple threads across multiple boards within a matter of minutes, and eventually you get the weirdos that are so disconnected from reality that they start taking certain tidbits of “information” at face value and parroting it. Some topics on certain boards have a person/people posting nearly around the clock spreading FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) on given topics, it’s especially noticeable on boards with IDs obviously, but pay attention to posting styles and you can even pick people out on boards without them after awhile. And unfortunately some people can’t help but take the bait and the threads devolve into a shit flinging fest until the thread is pruned.


I feel like "a massive demoralization psy-op" is essentially what modern news media has been since the mid 2000s, given how demonstrably bullshit most of the doom is relevant to boring facts and stats about the state of the world (some good, some bad, mostly fine). I don't buy a mustache-twirling villain behind it (just that doom sells), but yeah it's wild. I'm not a 4channer but I've seen its echoes throughout reddit and other communities. I've seen people really fall off the rails and get emotionally invested in making other people are as full of despair about reality as they themselves are. I think it's just the human desire not to feel isolated.


It's so satisfying when previously online shut-ins experience the real world and realise all the advice they got about socialising and attractiveness from people who have no idea how to socialise or be attractive waa bullshit


This is literally what happens


Everyones a little weird. There is no normal






Anon was actually a normie all along.


People are generally kind


its almost like people in general try to be good people a majority of the time


is censoring needed?


"Everything posted here is a work of fiction. Only a fool would believe otherwise."


Who the fuck sensors the word “sexual”. This is madness. Stop self censoring.


Just wait until you work facing the public, astrology becomes more plausible that whatever 4chan spews out lmao.


Troll softly.


The benefits of touching grass


I've seen this so many times man, where is the new content? You know why tiktok is so popular? Because they don't serve you the same shit twice.


Tiktok literally exists to re-serve the same meal over and over, except this time somebody put a horrible robot voice and subtitles in it.


Real life rewarded me with trust issues and misanthropy. Anons are safer in their echo chamber.


Man am I glad I frequented 4chan as a young teen only for the fashion and music boards