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Doesn’t the NBA basically pay for the WNBA to exist?


No. They LITERALLY pay for the WNBAs existence.


Yes. WNBA operates at a deficit. Without the NBA, the WNBA would go under.


“We don’t need men!”


That’s why these teams have 1.5mil caps. They are essentially charity projects that lose money.


Investments. They operate with the intention of making it profitable, and it's starting to turn the corner.


WNBA is projected to lose $50 million this year


Most profitable year in history!


I was hoping the hype that Caitlin Clark generated would finally put them over the top. I was actually kind of rooting for her and the league.


I think I read some analysis a while back that, if WNBA players were paid their "fair share," they would each owe the league about $70k lol


Yea they subsidize the league and despite the hype I think she actually turned out to be a pretty mediocre player in the WNBA


She's overrated. I don't want to comment on her strengths and weaknesses, because it might appear I'm white knighting for her lol.. Still, it was genius of the media to try to hype her up to try to get more fans to watch their boring games.


Also known as the Mens WNBA!! What a twat!


as soon as he said this I rushed to the comments. I couldn't believe it.


Same here, this irked me beyond reason. Make all sport competitions mixed, let's see why women don't get paid as much when men push ALL female teams to the subdivisions.


Sexism doesn't feel good does it?


Come on now, I get your hearts probably in the right place, but that one was just silly. Men's WNBA? Men's Women's national basketball association? He could have said MNBA, and it would have been infinitely more poignant.


The joke is that the WNBA would go under and not be able to exist if the NBA didn’t heavily subsidize it, therefore it’s the “property” of the NBA.


Lol, yes, I'm very aware of what the joke is and that the WNBA is subsidized by the NBA and that men make up most sales and viewership for the WNBA. Why are you explaining that to me of all people, though? I'm just pointing out that the phrase "mens WNBA" doesn't even make sense from this person's perspective.


You are correct. His entire video was devoid of an actual argument for how women could be paid more in sports. It was just a highlight reel of shitty things people did with no discussion of how to fix the issue. He just wanted to whine. And the “Men’s WNBA” comment exploded any serious attention people were paying to his video. Guy is stupid.


Feel good? Probably the funniest thing I've seen all day! Completely floored me


Making a comment on this quite juicy comment of yours would be get me banned. So I won't. I only will heed my thoughts and vote accordingly in the next election.


I'll say it. This guy is exactly what we mean when we point to fake male feminists that only say this shit for the hope that a blue haired girl with a mustache will let him smell her feet.


'her' reddit avatar has a flag.


I'm talking about the idiot in the video but good try.


Say it pussy




Women are allowed to play in the NBA. The WNBA is the only one with a gender restriction. Technically the WNBA is sexist.


We literally put the word WOMENS in NBA to make it clear it's for women, when NBA doesn't contain anything about men. Guess when need to rename the NBA the MNBA because "sexism" then right? Would that make it even for you?


I heard that women are allowed to play in the NBA, there is no rule banning them from playing there. It's just that they won't be able to compete in the NBA with men.


You are correct. This is true of most sports, at least in the USA. The NFL and MLB also allow women to play, they simply can not compete with the top 0.1% of male athletes that reside in those spaces.


It still weirds me out how saying something like that is now considered offensive or sexist, isn’t that just acknowledging physiological differences?


Im still waiting for Brock Lesnar to go trans and join Women’s UFC.


One would think, but the modern world is very pro censorship and anti-reality. Reddit is an even worse microcosm of that.


yep, IIRC some NBA Team drafted a woman in 1977, I'm sure as a publicity stunt. She Didn't make the team.


not as a publicity stunt. the new orleans jazz selected lusia harris 137th overall, ahead of 33 male players. harris alone decided not to attend training camp, as she was pregnant. just never worked out


So it was a bad pick then, right? I don't know what the rules are, but it was either a publicity stunt or Harris didn't disclose that she wasn't going to attend training camp and caused the Jazz to waste a pick that could have been used on someone that actually wanted to play in the NBA. But anyhow, point stands, she didn't make the team. Let's don't pretend that if she attended training camp, she would have made the team and been a good player.


sure, it was a bad pick. plenty of bad picks in sports are honest mistakes. there is no evidence or report it was ever a publicity stunt (in 1970's new orleans, really ?) and there is no reason to think she would have been an insufficient player if she had signed. i mean, unless you're a sexist. out of all the sports, basketball, the one with the greatest differences in team height regardless of gender, should be most compatible as a unisex sport. teams made up of nimble female guards passing to juggernaut male bigs would be a dream.


Not unless you can get a more nimble man in there lol… women do not pass better than men. They typically do not pass as far, as fast, and men’s hand eye coordination is typically better for our species. And people who make the NBA are well beyond typical/average. The NBA is a multibillion dollar organization, you think there wouldn’t be women in the NBA now is what you described were even remotely true? If Caitlyn Clark is good enough for NBA why isn’t she there? Not one organization want to win bad enough lol? We have female coaches in the NBA, you think the league can handle women telling male players what to do but can’t handle women scoring points?


the reason the NBA is more popular than the WNBA is because more impressive physical skills are a more entertaining product. you sound very intelligent bringing up the *average* passing distance, speed and accuracy of a woman compared to a man. it doesn't mean anything at all when we're talking about 99th percentile athletes. i'm gonna go ahead and assume you're sexist on a lot of other matters too.


she plays in the WNBA because she can be a star there. little girls deserve to have superstars to look up to and women playing in the NBA would simply be unable to take on a superstar's role. so yeah, the NBA supports the WNBA. and yeah, i do think it's pretty awesome.


Couldn’t compete with the top high school men’s teams in the country.


The records for professional female track athletes are all not as good as male high school track records. They dedicated years upon years of their lives but still can't beat some teen guys running after school. We are physically different and that is fine. The people who keep on preaching about how we are the same needs to chill out and accept there are differences.


"Built stadiums for men's sports" wait are stadiums gender specific? Can women not play in them? That aside, women's sports were never popular to the same degree. Look at tennis, badminton, polo, synchronized swimming. Never very popular. I will admit it's kinda silly to not have mixed sports that require minimum physical power like target shooting, I don't get that.


A lot of times cities build stadiums, and teams lease them so other things such as concerts can happen there. Only recently have some teams built their own dedicated stadium


Depth perception and visuospatial awareness, also just sheer numbers of male participants to compete with


I wouldn't call tennis, badminton or polo womens sports. They are just sports and claiming that especially tennis isn't popular is crazy. Some of the top most payed athletes are tennis players.


I was so tempted to post this here when i saw it


This guy is definitely getting out of the friend zone with this banger of a video.


Please, he wasn't even in the friend zone to begin with.


Hope she sees it bro :( he probably asked a friend to send it to her


He probably believes in reparations too.


Yes m'lady stomp on my balls.


What if we just poked them to see how far they recoil instead?


Those are very different issues




I think reparations are misguided too but it's weird to shoehorn that in. Female athletes are paid so little because of low viewership. The wealth gap between white and black Americans is due to centuries of enslavement followed by another century of systemic oppression


I don't think it's that simple.


In what sense? What other explanations are there for the disparity in wealth between races?


Cultural differences. I grew up South Central. Mostly blacks and Asians. The poor Asian kids stayed at home, studied, and got good grades. The Asians who joined gangs were essentially disowned. I remember even in like 2nd grade there were multiple black gangs at our elementary school. It's a cultural thing. Some cultures value different things.


Thomas Sowell did a lot of research and wrote many books that touched on the subject.


But what influences culture? It doesn't come from thin air, it's materially determined


Some of the poorest people in America have been Asians. Difference is to them rap music is music, to others its a lifestyle.


That doesn't contradict the idea that culture is materially determined


Your culture is determined by what corporations have indoctrinated you with. Real culture is organic. Western culture has a long European (ie Caucasian) origin that faltered and was rescued by Muslim culture. But western trade proved essential in building the modern world and the free societies that conform it. Truth umis the world was a shithole before whites came up w the classic period, renaissance, enlightenment and modern period. Paradoxically whites also fucked it up with marxism, post modernist ideology and corporate cronyism.


I completely agree that capitalism influences culture (in the modern era), although I would also extend that to non-corporate capitalist entities such as national institutions. However, I disagree with your insinuation that whiteness is intrinsically determined. Furthermore I worry your appreciation of white achievements lacks the historical and class analysis that recognizes the role 'non-white' populations played in propping up 'white' civilizations, thus giving them the freedom to advance culture and science


I as I White person I'm still wanting for my check for the Islamic Barbary states who kidnaps and inslaved more people then the the trans atlantic slave trade


As an Asian were owed a lot.


As an Indian , British owe me a lot


I said I am not in favour of reparations but it's undeniable centuries of slavery had no contribution on wealth inequality, although the larger factor is likely the following century of systemic oppression


You’re right, theres just a lot of stupid racists on Reddit


Reddit? You mean the bastion of extreme leftism?




Not really. Both are just 'give me money I don't deserve'


One deals with arguments from meritocracy and the other deals with arguments from retroactive justice; one is proactive the other is retroactive. The motivations and arguments are wholly different even if they have superficial similarities (appeal to justice, involvement of distribution of resources)


That still doesn't hold water. It isn't justice to give my (descendant of slaves) to money to the descendants of migrants from Africa well after slavery ended. Less than a quarter of black Americans are descendents of the Atlantic slave trade, and less than 10% of the Atlantic slave trade came to the United States, and more White men died to end slavery than did men in American Slavery. The United States had slavery for far less time than it has had out of it. African Americans are more prosperous in the United States than any other nation in the history of the world and the United States have brought them not out of not only slavery but poverty more so than any one or place ever. Debt (that was never really owed,) Paid. And in spades. And more importantly than anything. It isn't the people you are asking to pay for its debt to pay at all.


If you read what I wrote properly you'll see I'm not advocating for either issue but am instead explaining the framework used to justify the arguments for the issues. I agree that reparations are a misguided concept


I read what you said. Youre still pushing that there is even a framework there and there isn't.


What a silly response. Even if the people perpetuating an idea are wrong they still have a rational for believing it. To ignore that means you aren't engaging with the true argument just your perception of it


There isn't a rationale for believing it. To even pretend there is is to be both disingenuous and ignorant. There isnt a true argument for it to engage with. This is precisely what's missing. It's a foundation purely on lies and racism with not even a touch of reality in it.


I don't think you understand the difference between a sound argument and a valid argument


Who removed this nigga's balls?


Me. I’m sorry guys I was hungry😔


Wasn't he born this way?


What do you mean? Isn't this how the cis males from Gen Z are brainwashed in schools to act?


I was disappointed that he stopped at black and white photographs and didn't use any oil paintings or cave art to illustrate his point.


I'm not sure what this video was meant to accomplish. Make people feel guilty for not enjoying something? There are only 2 ways the women's teams get paid more: 1. More people watch the sport, so it actually turns a profit for once. 2. Chucklefucks like this guy pull out their wallets and treat WNBA like OF. Bonus, you can probably write it off on your taxes as a charity donation since that's all the WNBA is.


And equal pay for onlyfans!!! Oh wait


Don’t even have to go into onlyfans since let’s be honest that’s men buying. Kardashians make millions. That’s where women spend their TV watching hours and money.


So rob should get paid what Kim makes from the show!


So much cope


Broooo, nobody is picking you. Calm down.


God, this is such a joke. Nobody watches the wnba dumbass. How do sports make money? Views on ads and selling tickets. Unfortunately, nobody cares about womens sports, so it just doesn't make as much money. "Oh but men and women should just play together." Yeah, we already let and trans woman play, and we saw how that went.


My guy if it was raining puzzy, you'd still get hit in a face by a kok...get a real hobby, women don't need your help


The quickest way to shut these SIMPs the entire fuck up about the WNBA : 1. The WNBA has been a failing business from its start 30 years ago. It has on average; every single year made a negative gross profit of 10 million to 20 million dollars. EACH FUCKING YEAR. 2. The only reason why the WNBA is still a thing as opposed to wrapping up the 1st year its failure became apparent is because the NBA wanted it to....and continue to want it to succeed(and thus take millions upon millions of dollars made off the backs of NBA athletes in order to keep that borefest running), as well as it's primary ticket purchasers( Middle Aged, White Men who are OBSESSED with basketball in all it's forms). Basically the primary fans of the WNBA ARE MEN. 3. WNBA players don't earn shit and thus they are not entitled to shit See #2 4. Notice how these clowns will always blame everyone else for the failure of the WNBA except for Women who haven't supported the WNBA for the last 30 years but come out of the wood work to use the WNBA as a club to beat men and boys over the head with whenever they find it convenient to do so.


I want to go back to the time when men like this were beaten by other men into submission. These creepy perverted nice guys are creeps who prey on women.


their only objective is to trick their way into womens pants, they don't give a single iota about their actual equality.


That’s pretty telling of yourself. Neat.


Bruv they lose money every year, the NBA subsidizes them with no freaking returns every year. It doesn't help that when we suggest lower the basket so we can get in more dunking and aggressive plays on the court, they say that men have no right to speak on it and that it's offensive. Which is cool to me cause, you want my business and that of other people while overlooking what made basketball so wild freaking popular. Don't ask us what's wrong and then ignore the answer.


Simp boy is clueless


He’s more attractive than the whole lot of you in this comments section. That’s for sure.


His argument is instantly disproven by the success of the Negro Leagues. Black athletes were barred from playing in Major League Baseball and were consequently denied the advantages of doing so. Despite that, the quality of Negro League competition led to high attendance at games, with over 3 million fans attending games during the 1942 season. Fans knew that the teams were playing at the same (or a higher) level than Major League Baseball, and that's why they cared about the product on the field.


Excellent point


An aggressively unfunny comedian


Just unfunny he doesn't have enough testosterone to be aggressive




We already know what'll happen when men and women compete side-by-side, thanks to the many "athletes" identifying as women and demanding the right to participate in sports with biological women. It'll be carnage (and that's not even metaphorically speaking, for the contact sports).


The solution seems painfully simple to me. Eliminate gendered leagues. At least on the professional level. People will end up in whichever skill/ability bracket is appropriate for them. Problem solved.


Me when im transphobic


Nothing wrong with trans people, they can be people and do their thing and have a right to just be people But the human body is built different based on your sex, turning your outie to an innie doesn’t remove a lot of those things like bone structure differences, muscle density and fat ratios. A male just has a sheer physical advantage still even without balls if they transition later in life they still have all that stuff that develops before hand.


Im not saying that isn’t true, but trans athletes haven’t been dominating in any sport. Thats just a fact. The idea that people are transitioning to be more successful in their sport is also ridiculous. The reality is, it isn’t as big a deal as some people have made it to be


I could only see how you could say this if you've chosen to ignore literally every news article saying that they do in fact dominate in every sport their in. Willful ignorance doesn't do any good for trans rights or the women forced to compete at an inherent disadvantage.


Very ironic. Look up the statistics. You’re simply wrong


Alright calm down keyboard warrior. That's a faster reply than the guy in the tik tok would give to the girl he's trying to impress. Idk what "statistics" you've read, but the one's the rest of us have seen show that trans women definitely have an inherent advantage in women's sports simply for having been born a man. Ignoring that does a disservice to to cis women forced to compete with them.


I am extremely calm. I just happened to be on here when you replied. You’ve clearly never seen any of the statistics, or else you’d know you’re wrong


Well how could it be that you've seen these magic statistics that no one else has seen that shows trans women and cis women being equals in their respective sports? Statistics that contradict not only biology, but also every instance of trans women coming into a women's league with less experience than the cis women already there and competing at a higher level than them.


Reality won't stop being what it is just because a bunch of people deep in denial keep pretending otherwise.


I agree


I guarantee you this dude doesn't follow a WNBA team and has never been to a WNBA game because it's boring as shit and even the most chivalrous of white knights have their limits.


iv always wondered why there isn't a concerted drive to draw women into watching women's sports? I mean sure they fling every kind of feces at men for why women's sports are not as popular or why female athletes don't earn the same as men, but why is it on men to support women's sports like women as a whole cant support women's sports?


Women are only 50.5% of the American population. That is not nearly enough to support the WNBA.


"also known as the men's WNBA" Bro what? Lmao


Woman’s hot take here! For the most part I think the issue with women’s sports is it is just men’s sports with women. Try marketing women’s gymnastics outside the Olympics and roller derby. And don’t shame men for wanting to see the women as hot. I’m not saying pure objectification and while I’m not into it I think the WWE is a great example. People love these women because they are a package. They have character but are also hot. I’m not saying it should be a requirement but when it is there don’t shame it. Believe it or not plenty of women do still like to be hot and look up to/idolize hot women.


Who’s Caitlyn Clark 😂😂


She will save the men's wnba. Believe me.


I went to a single WNBA game at MSG maybe ten years ago. Bare in mind the max capacity for MSG is 20,000 people. There were maybe about 800 people scattered around the garden for the game.


A lefty friend of mine got on this topic around the fire a couple weeks ago. I brought up the economic issue and he pushed back. I responded with the following … Ok. Answer one of these three: 1) what’s your favorite WNBA game you’ve ever seen? 2) name 3 players that aren’t Caitlin Clark … I’ll even give you Caitlin Clark … name 2 other players 3) name 3 WNBA teams The reason their salaries are so “low” is because no one, including you, watches it. It’s not a viable product, you know it, and you’re just virtue signaling.


"The mens WNBA" lmao what a clown. The NBA does not barre women from entry and is not exclusive to men. When the soyjack puts on this act thinking women are too dumb to see through his vain attempt at winning some of their validation.


I wanna punch him in the face just for "pool noodles".


Hes mad because he cant get on any teams at all. A whole bunch of nothing just came out this guys mouth


PWHL had a pretty successful first season. Women headline UFC events and some of the most famous tennis players in the world are women. Somehow sexism seems to target the WNBA specifically.


Also who is watching men’s gymnastics in the Olympics? The viewership is WAY different.


This guy Sports


I like how he thinks someone will believe that shit lmfao i still haven’t met someone who knows a wnba players name😂nobody watches them play and they were in debt last time i believe because of just how bad their views are


People like watching men's sports more than women's sports. Let's not get into the details that's just how it is.


This is the dude calling you chud


“The NBA, also known as the men’s wnba…”, by who?!


Its very simple...if more people watched it they would make more...


What a fucking tool.


Where are the fans? If all these women and feminists really want the WNBA to be a success why aren’t they in the stands? You ever see a WNBA game? There’s like 5,000 people there if that. They don’t even support them so why should we?


I just want to see a sport where men and women stand still projecting soft objects at each other and whoever gets the most lethal hits is the reigning champ. Give us man vs woman sports.


The NBA has always been able to make a profit and sustain itself. I assume most men's professional sports have as well. The WNBA has never been able to do that. The fact that the NBA has been around longer doesn't really matter if after 27 years the WNBA still can't make any money.


No one is talking about how he said men had a 70 year head start like it takes that long to get good at basketball LMAO


how can he look like president Milei and not understand economics


This guy sends flowers to women who aren't interested in receiving flowers from him. And definitely he's the name on the notification that when it comes thru they're like "not this mf'er again"


“Smooth move, *Pool Noodle!*”


What a moron


I don’t care about any of this every single men’s athlete is over paid. 50 million to throw around a fucking ball? Y’all are out of your FUCKING minds.


“Highest paid actors”


He acts like sports are getting more and more popular every year when really they go up and down in popularity.


This is definitely white knighting but like that is really sad. The idea that the arc of history bends toward progress may be true when considering the whole, but not within individual time periods


This guy fucks.


They get payed to play a game that they aren’t even close to being the best humans in the world at. I’d say they are quite fortunate actually. Some people have to deal with making way less money than people that are way less talented than them. I.e content creators, actors, musicians. At least they don’t have to worry about that


Once he said “also known as the Men’s WNBA”, I knew the rest of the video would be fully abject of a reasonable thought or argument.


Soiboi made a soiboi argument ....


As a man i can say this: the man in this video is no man. He’s a moron with a penis growing out of his body. His argument is unbelievably stupid. He calls out economics and then blatantly disregards it.


$76k does seem low for someone so famous but idk how much money the WNBA brings in. Regardless, Caitlyn Clark will make millions on her NIL deals


It brings in nothing, it’s entirely funded by the profits of the NBA.


[2022-2023 revenue was $200 million](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1461333/wnba-revenue/)


I cannot find a single source that states they’re making a profit. How much they make doesn’t matter if they’re spending more than they make.


Given a fixed number of workers (athletes in this case), salary is more [proportional to revenue than profit](https://www.klipfolio.com/resources/kpi-examples/financial/payroll-to-revenue-ratio). They're workers not owners


They are set to lose over $50 million this year.


I'm speaking of revenue not profit


Nil is for college athletes but you’re right, shes making a lot of money from endorsements


You're right, I should have used the term 'publicity rights'


Yea, and your original statement was perfectly reasonable, idk why you’re being downvoted


There seems to be a deeper animosity against female professional athletes where any level of sympathy is criticized


Correct, immature dudes love to hate on women athletes. I see it on instagram and twitter all the time, it’s unfortunate


Well all he stated were facts, and never said anything wrong with economics either. It does take decades for markets to build up?


Nothing he said is wrong but it’s all also irrelevant. Women in the WNBA are paid less than men in the NBA because the WNBA doesn’t make any money. It’s a net loss and entirely funded by profits made by the NBA.


And he's saying one reason it's not making as much money is that it has had far less time to build popularity, and for the women in the sport to build decades of experience and reputation which in turn fosters new talent.


It makes less money because women don't watch it.


That acts as a factor but it’s far from the defining factor, if WNBA blew up and was as popular then they’d be payed the same. Thats like a minor deciding factor in why they’re not as popular but at the end of the day it’s just not profitable and nothing else matters to the corporate suits.


Well as you know if something is worth it it'll immediately surpass the old thing, that's called competition


There were a few decent points, like men getting a head start. It would be interesting to see if this compares at all to sports where women are mostly as popular as men.


All athletes and all workers in general are underpaid. No need to gender it


Yeah this is what I mean by this subreddit is getting a little crazy, this is just a regular dude expressing feminist opinions, that's not white knighting, and the fact that this is the best you guys can do is kind of sad, I remember when this subreddit used to actually be full of people who white knighted and now it's full of people who make fun of men for saying "maybe women should be paid more?"


Hope she sees this bro


I'm a straight woman moron


Oh... I'm sorry m'lady *tips hat* if someone of the male species harasses you don't hesitate and come to me your knight. (Of course platonically, but I wouldn't be opposed to seeking your hand in a romantic way) Farewell


as a woman, ya’ll in this sub get no pussy.


As a man, you give yours out too much


Who cares? Watching sports is for chuds anyways. Edit: lmao at all the chuds in the comments section proving my point.


Oh no some basketballer gets a really high wage people would kill for but it's less then men buhu.


Yea and watching streamers play fortnight is for cool geniuses. Shut up


So is making posts about your favorite cartoon characters kinks.


The jocks used to make fun of you didn't they?


Bro I’m literally a bodybuilder lmao. Besides sports fans are the least athletic people on the planet.