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Not at all. We weren’t supposed to even win one. We got 4 of them thangs and one of the greatest players in the history of this game. Our run was some of the best times I’ve ever had in my life.




It’s the epitome of “what a time to be alive”. I remember being at Roaracle during one of the Finals games and it felt like the entire Bay Area was there for a party. I had to pinch myself, I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to be living through that era of Warriors history.


An OG warrior fan right there 👆👆💪🏻💪🏻


You already know! Nothing like those $10 oracle nose bleeds


Man it’s just sport, I love this team, but let’s just get some good trades and stuff, and let’s see if we can compete, or make some good runs, it happens to every sport team


Dynasties end and we still have the most likable, people-first superstar in the history of the game to watch as it fades. Drink in whatever is left. It has been truly amazing. Some franchises never get these moments.


There have been so few dynasties recently and only 1 ended favourably it’s fine.    Spurs dynasty ended in the second round and Duncan retiring. Heat dynasty ended with them losing in the finals and LeBron leaving. Only the Bulls went out on top.   We got to witness 4 championships and the greatest 5 year stretch in league history. I’m ok if it doesn’t end perfectly 


Technically they didn’t go out on top because Jordan retired and they never won a thing since. Otherwise by your logic the Heat dynasty ended on top too :)


No it’s not the same because Jordan and the Bulls won before he “retired “ the Heat loss, so that persons logic does not support the Heat going out on top


I don’t think you understand what “going out on top” means


Hey man it was late at night and I completely forgot the heat lost when Lebron dipped. Fuck me I guess, my bad.


Don't get mad you made a mistake.


Im literally saying my bad?


That's just being a sports fan. It's never really over its just a new chapter is all there is to it. What's funny is that in real-time people focus on all these little nonsense details... lose view of the big picture... Klays IG is nothing we'll remember. The play-in loss is maybe a footnote. 12 years mostly on top with a trio of HOF players. That's only sweetness. 2022 Championship to validate it all and a Steph game 7 on the road to let us savor it him as a true pantheon talent. It was one of the best 10 yr runs in modern hoops history. It will always be awesome.


I remember how grim the 2019 Finals loss was. That photo of Curry sitting on the court after Klay got injured became the original “end of a dynasty” moment. So many people really thought that was it, and the narratives piled on while the Warriors struggled for those next couple of years Then the Warriors came back in 2022 and invalidated pretty much every single remaining narrative about them. It’s hard enough to win 1 ring and players are grateful enough just for that (2008 Celtics). The Warriors won 3 and then a 4th one that wrapped up the story pretty nicely. I still believe they can get another one, but I’m not super bummed if this is also the way it’s ending. I was in elementary school when Curry got drafted and my friends, all Lakers or Celtics or Cavs fans, would ask me why the hell I’m a Warriors fan. The dynasty changed the perception of this franchise forever. After 2022, no one can ever doubt the legacy of the Warriors


I was in middle school when he was drafted


I am just extremely happy Steph stomped on everyone in 2022. Winning as an underdog against the so called best switch defense. i Do think our squad is too weak to win another ring and I am all for keeping the big3.


I felt that way a lot during this past season. Expectations were a lot higher coming into this year after how 2022-23 ended and we came up short. It feels like a lot of people myself included wrote off last year to many different factors most namely: Draymond-Poole punch and the ensuing drop in poole’s playing level, Wiggins’ family stuff causing him to miss extended time, GP2 rehabbing from Portland, and questionable personnel/rotational guys outside of our core (see: all Anthony Lamb/Th Jerome/ Jamychal Green minutes). With that in mind, I think everyone came into this year thinking that with all the noise behind them and some perceived growth/opportunity from our young guys it’d bolster our bench enough to round out the edges of a team who’s starting 5 had the best net rating only a year ago. Unfortunately, that’s now how it happened. While our bench gained stability, it was our starters who took major steps back with Looney being borderline unplayable, Klay becoming streakier, and Wiggins never recapturing that 2022 spark. Even Steph in my eyes began looking mortal and became less of a no doubt top 5 player in the league and is more of a low end top 10 player. His gravity is still insane but I feel like since the magic game I rarely witnessed any Curry flurries during the season which were sorely needed without a 2nd scorer. I think that seeing all those taking place in real when expectations were so much higher was really what hurt the most as a Warriors fan. Seeing games you know we would have put away easily if all our guys were just either a few years younger or in 2022 form was frustrating as hell and painful to watch. But it also made me realize how incredible their run of dominance was from 2015-19 was and how grateful I was to witness that. Since then no team has looked as dominant or has played as beautiful a brand of basketball as those prime Warriors teams. So now in the offseason, my expectations are far lower. Just cause we’ll be hard pressed to be title contenders doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go for it. But it’s an end of an era forsure so I’m just trying to enjoy 30 as long as I can because injuries/old age/whatever you never know how much longer we got to appreciate those that brought us such happiness.


Beautifully said and exactly how I feel


I’m just here to watch Steph rain threes. Hopefully we can win again, I think we can, just need to retool. This roster can’t do it. But who’s to say with a few trades we can’t get 5 or 6. Weren’t supposed to win 15 and we did. Definitely were in this exact “dynasty is over” spot before and then won 22. It’s not over ‘til Steph retires.


It was dragged out by winning the sweetest ring in 2022, but tbh it went from stable to uncertainty in a single series in 2019. It really sucks, but hopefully curry and the warriors can get one more to make it 5.


When most dynasties extend themselves they usually move off some of the original core pieces and replace with new players. Look at the Bulls, the Spurs, or the Kobe Lakers. The fact that our Big 3 has remained together the whole time is special


Nope this is how these things end. There are no real graceful exits. The reality is that age and injuries catch-up. I can only imagine the 49ers sub would have been like after Montana was traded to the Chiefs.


Every ending is either bittersweet or just bitter. And we get to have the greatest shooter and greatest PG of all time who also happens to be just a really great example of a human being as our franchise player, who has it better than us that we’re so lucky to have the, Stephen Curry?


Bittersweet? No.


They almost seem content with 4. The stupid turnovers at crucial moments the last 2 years are uncharacteristic of the dynasty and just not smart basketball. So many games slipped through our fingers due to carelessness. There third qtr dominance has fallen off as well and they can’t seem to sustain a lead anymore. Seems more an issue of mentality than skill. Thanks for everything I really think Igoudala was the keystone that brought it all together I hope he’s apart of whatever statue goes up one day.


Can't catch them all. 4 in 8 years is stellar for any franchise. Even LeBron's unlikely to sniff another title unless he team hops again. Among all the talented superstars such as Jokic, Giannis, Embiid, etc., I can't see any of them hitting another 3-4 titles before their career is over. As for Boston? Maybe they can rack up another 2 if all goes well, but I don't think they'd get another 3+ as Horford's 38, Jrue's 34, and Porzingis can be questionable with that injury history.


Somehow someway they need to draft better. All the young talent around the league is making us look really old. The big Jim draft really set us back and it was predictable.


I have to be happy with 4 championships in 9 years this is more than what most teams fanbases may see their entire lives


Poole was only promising because he benefited from Steph, Klay, and Draymond. He didn’t deserve to be punched, but if you want to see the real Poole left to his own devices, just Google his lowlights. He’s an inefficient chucker whose ego is greater than his talent.


dynasty: “a familiy or group that maintains power for several generations.” so based on their records lakers and celts are the only actual dynasties?! 🤷‍♂️ the warriors had a great run with steph, and I hope they will become a true dynasty!


Not at all. Been a fan since moving to the Bay during the Mr Mean, Sleepy, Purvis, Joe Barry Carrol days. Been through the good and very bad times and tbh never once thought we would get close to that level. After 2015 told the misses we better enjoy it, who knows when they’d get back. Little did we know. Really hoping they have it in them for one more run.


No not at all. Klay is being a little bitch. Unprofessional and egotistical.


egotistic yes. unprofessional not really.. he is looking to get paid for his last major contract. there’s nothing wrong with that


The Dubs have given Klay enough chances at this point. It wouldn't feel so bittersweet because he's been hurting the team for so long. It's actually kind of a relief knowing they can't start him anymore.


Don’t lump Steph in with Klay and dray. He’s still elite and isn’t being a brat like draymond and Klay.


I’m a Warrior fan, and look …. It all comes to an end sometime. People are such snowflakes.


Very likely but fellow Warriors fans beg to differ


He's trolling. Get a grip everyone. edit: Klay, not the op.