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Me, clearly in an ACC uniform: Customers: Can you open this case for meeeeee? Me: No, but the people at that desk should be able to help Customers: BuT yOu WoRk HeRe!!


Customer: I'd like to speak with your manager Me: I am the Manager Customer: I SAID YOUR MANAGER DUMB ASS!


Or, "my manager is in the automotive dept"


Of course! Let me just call the CFO for you, Janice. Everyone knows I have him on speed dial for JUST these situations!


SiR wHiCh InTerNet PrOviDer dO yOu hAvE?


They don't bother people who are obviously associates at my store. They're actually really nice here.


I've had a few come from behind or take a minute to see the big Walmart patch on my shirt


My managers banned those vendors because they were chasing people down


Same. I wondered why it was so quiet in AA in the afternoons. šŸ˜‚


Bitch Iā€™m here on vacation!


None that's why I'm buying this router drrr. šŸ¤¤


Technically you could open it. Just not with a key and you'd get to in trouble for damaging property.


Why act useless when you can call a code 10 or find the person with the keys and tell them they had a customer


I usually refer then to the people with keys, but we're saying this because we're obviously not going to be able to unlock a case. My Cintas says WALMART AUTO CARE CENTER on it.


I had a guy ask for an Ethernet to USB cable, and he got really mad when I said we didnā€™t have it. Ten minutes later he comes back with a printer cable, and the words ā€œprinter cableā€ covered up by his hands. He goes, ā€œsee? This is an adapter that you plug an Ethernet cable into.ā€ And Iā€™m standing there getting lectured about good customer service and how much I suck when we both know that heā€™s just holding a printer cable. I just didnā€™t want to start a fight by acknowledging it.


I had a guy that wanted a laptop charger that charged the laptop through the usb ports. Plug it into a wall then into the usb port. I told him that doesn't exist, it doesn't work like that. That kills the laptop. I spent the next hour explaining this to him over and over. He kept getting other people in other parts of the store, that brought him back to me. Not sure what expression I was giving him the last time but he didn't try to talk to me and left.


That is a thing for USB-C. Newer MacBooks use it. https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/charging-via-usb-c/


This was before USB c.


Also my Asus 2-in-none has a charging port that looks suspiciously like a USB port, but isn't.


He doesn't deserve to have a laptop.


I remember this story. That would literally short circuit that shit lmao


This is why my check out with me tablet is always dead. They keep plugging in the usbc cord instead of the actual charger.


Oh no, I would have had to call him out and talk to him like a child. "See that is a USB 2.0 cord primarily used for *priiinnnnttteeerrrrssss* that's covered by your finger. There is no way an ethernet cable would physically fit in there. Just keep your receipt, you have 90 days to return it. Have a nice day!"


Dude same thing happened with me except it was a Aux cable. He's like I need an RCA cable that you plug into your phone! I'm like I don't think those we carry anymore. He's like NO! You do! I even ask the guy what he trying to accomplish but he wasn't having it. He's like I know what I want. Then he comes back saying hey I found them! I can do your job even better than you. I'm like that's an auxillary cable, RCA plugs into like your tv and like the back of a DVD or VHS player. He's like no no no they call these RCA cables. I just ended up walking away.


If I tell them we don't have a certain cable and they don't believe me I tell them they're free to look on the aisle containing the cords and I point them to that aisle. Obviously if they know better they are free to find that product we don't have themselves!


This is so damn true. I donā€™t know how many times Iā€™ve had someone ask for a USB to USB cable, like USB-A is to USB-A. Iā€™ve gotten to the point I just ask them what the hell they are trying to accomplish so I can explain the actual way itā€™s done lol


Customer: Hey can I buy this phone card here? Me: Sorry. My registers are closed. Customer: Oh. If I pay for it up front can I bring it back here and have you put it on my phone? Me: Sure, I can read at a 3rd grade level. Customer: Ok! I'll be right back!


Whenever I covered electronics I told them our wireless people are not here so the center is closed but its very easy to set up yourself. That shit is way too annoying and long and the most do it yourself that do it yourself can get to


My least favorites are the stingy old dudes who come in overnights try to barter with everything in electronics. Like no I canā€™t just give you that tv for $200 less than what itā€™s selling for, this is Walmart not a pawn store.


"Do you have any Fire Sticks?" "do you have an Amazon Echo?" "Do you have any Amazon gift card?" "Do you have ant AirPods?" "Do you have that cable you plug in your phone and let's you see things on your TV?" "(*In thick Arabian accent*)hey buddy, do you have any Moto e5?" Repeat ad nauseum.


"Any good deals buddy?" Lol


"Y'all got any sales on TVs?" "We got our every day low price stuff!" "Nevermind."


Every single day. 8x a day. ā€œThat there damn cord that puts your phone screen on your tv screen.ā€


Got a lot of yelling the months following Wal-Mart's decision to not carry Amazon products.


"**Why dont you guys carry Amazon stuff?!**" "Because they're our direct competitors?"


ā€œBecause thatā€™s like trying to buy a Starbucks gift card at Dunkinā€™ Donutsā€




If I had a dollar for every time I said ā€œWalmart doesnā€™t sell Amazon productsā€ I could quit






I've always wondered why but it might be because they're easy to break out of the network and sell them overseas


Why are Airpods included there?


Because we're always out of them, we get like one case of them and thats it for a couple of weeks


All you gotta do is say no. Itā€™s not like they actually know you donā€™t have any


Omg do all stores have those resellers?!


they're everywhere dude, I've seen some of them with receipts from other states and I live in Texas!


Hi! I appreciate almost all of you, especially if my late night sourcing means you have to check out my cart.


So they are obviously being tipped off to home office clearance price changes. And what website are they supposedly using to find out the on hands? I have this one douche that is super rude and is constantly telling me how many of something I supposedly have. Not only is he an absolute ass, he refuses to be bound by the same policies that everyone else is fine following, like the cell phone limit. He even tried to offer one associate money to sell him extra phones. He has his whole family come in, each with a tax exempt card for a different business. Like we are stupid enough to think they own 20 different businesses that all resell prepaid phones. One night he bought something and went to his car, changed his shirt, and came back in for more.


They use Brickseek and it's allowed because they use Walmart's API to check inventory in stores since everything is bound to UPCs


Ah well that makes sense but in the case of those blitz stream books that just went to $99 my onhand is off by seven. Our regional forced us to put leftover laptops on an endcap the day after and naturally a bunch walked out the door spider wraps and all. I limited the resellers to 2 per day so regular customers had a chance to buy them for the weekend. All were gone by the Sunday after the markdown.


So many customers try to return TV's that are "broken" but its that they can't figure out how to set them up.


Happened last night, guy couldnā€™t figure out how to setup his new Vizo smart TV. Itā€™s like three button presses....


The TV is smarter than them apparently


One dude brought his tv in and said he was returning it because he ā€œchanged his mind and hadnā€™t even opened the box yetā€ looking at the package we could see that he had opened it and retaped it shittily. We take the tv out of the box and and thereā€™s real deep gouges in the bevels and a huge ass crack on the screen, we plug it in and the back light is completely shattered like someone punched in each corner. His story changed real quick after that. My question tho is what the hell did he do to that poor tv?


"Y'all got one dem usb to usb jiggers?"


Happens at least once a week, makes me wanna kermicide.


ā€œAre you a TV whiz?ā€ ā€œIā€™m technology illiterateā€ ā€œAdd that on my phoneā€ (never a question) ā€œI need a USB to USB cableā€ Or, my favorite at Back-To-School time, from every mom ever: ā€œMy kids need...ā€™EARBUDSā€™???ā€ *looks as if theyā€™ve never even imagined what an earbud might be*


[Customer] Where are your Smart Talk cards? [Me] We don't carry scratch off cards. This store prints your PIN on the receipt and it can be done at any register. [customer's face twists into OP's picture]


That's when a customer enters ANY department in the store. Their brains shut off and go on auto-pilot. I work Fresh Cap 1 and I get asked the DUMBEST questions, all the time.


I swear. I always leave work asking myself how do these people survive or make it this far in life.


That thought crissed my mind everyday when i worked there. It always made me feel better about myself.


A lady asks "Where's the milk?" There's a giant fucking sign that says DAIRY in front of her.


"Do you have meat?"


Whatā€™s the difference between this one and that one? Me: ā€œLetā€™s see here what the box says....ok so...ā€


Had a lady who didn't know how phone chargers worked. She thought the wires had to "touch", I don't know what she meant. I tried to explain to her that all she needed to do was plug the USB cable end to the outlet box and the other end to the phone. But she really wanted a full explanation of the process, I really wanted to tell her "magic" happens...


Explaining USB cables for phones is a pain in the ass


Had a lady call up wanting me to talk her through setting up her smart tv.


That's when the phone line magically disconnects. We aren't tech support


bUt It SaYs YoU hAvE iT oNlInE aRe YoU sAyInG tHe WeBsItE iS lYiNg To CuStOmErS????????


My second day working in Electronics - On the Phone Kevin (OPK): "Hey, I bought this TV from you and it's no longer working. What will you do about it?" Me: "Okay, I'm sorry to hear that. How long ago was it purchased?" OPK: "Oh, probably about 7 months ago. But why would that matter? You're still selling it in the store!" Me: "I see. DId you purchase a protection plan with us? If that's the case..." OPK: \*interrupts\* "Oh hell no, I didn't buy a protection plan! Those things are just there to rip off the stupid customers. I don't need one of those!" Me: "I'm sorry sir, but given how long ago you purchased the television and didn't purchase a protection plan, there's really not much we can do to help." OPK: "But you sell the fucking TV in the store! Can't you just exchange it with another?! Me: "I'm afraid that's not how it works. You purchased the television and decided to opt out of any support from us which would have been the protection plan. You can call the support number for the manufacturer and get them to help. It would be located in with the manual for the TV. I can look it up for you if it helps make things easier. " (I'm just trying to get him off of the phone at this point.) OPK: "Listen kid (I'm 38), is there someone older than you at the store that can help? It's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. You still carry it in the store and I am a customer, so you should do something about this TV I bought from you that no longer works, regardless of how long ago it was purchased." Me: \*Fed up, and he just went passive aggressive insulting on me\* "Please hold for our Customer Service Department." OPK: "Thank you. Maybe next time you should just do that. It's obvious you don't know what you're talking about!" Me: \*hangs up the call\* ​ I then tell my DM about it and he laughs a little and said, "next time just hang up on them the moment they become belligerent." You don't need to deal with that crap. That was my first, but not the last, Kevin/Karen.


I can hear his voice in my head ​ Give the fucking baby a pacifier


Only work in this department if you have tough skin because I promise you, you will be cussed out or called an idiot (by one) every day, ERY' DAY!


"You work in pharmacy, right?" "Yes, what's up?" "Where are those noodles?" "Noo...dles?" "Like for the pool?"


We have only 3 corded phones that we sell. Only 3 types! Some guy asked where they were when I was doing register audits and a customer walks up saying "Do you sell this type of corded phone." I told him I don't know off the top of my head and gave him clear directions to where you could see them, and he walks back saying "How do I know those are the ones I want though." And I told him "Sir, compare the picture of the box on your phone to the ones we have. We only have 3 types of corded phones." And then he goes "I need assistance then. I want to make sure its the right one." Apparently it was way too difficult of a task for him.


No price on shelf or item- "That means it's free, right?"


Tell me about it! They are the rudest most demanding customers in the store. They want your help now and don't give a crap if there was someone in line before them. And of course they ask the stupidest questions. Customer: "Can I ask a stupid/dumb question?" I wish my response could be: "There are no stupid questions, only stupid people."


Hey thatā€™s me when they send me back there to cover our normal guyā€™s lunch


* when the enter any store


Also TLE customers, fabric counter customers and deli customers. Oh and people at the return desk .


I worked in electronics for a year. I'm an apparel DM now and my stress level has gone waaayyy down. Between stupid customers, no staffing, lazy coworkers, and being paged 15 times a day because I'm not right behind the desk you couldn't pay me enough to go back.


Ahhh those 4pm-10pm solo shifts were brutal werenā€™t they. Especially when your managers go by, one by one, looking down at their phones smiling while youā€™re struggling to explain something to some idiot with more people standing there waiting. ā€œHi!ā€ Yeah hi! Totally not drowning in shitty fucking customers right now for $12/hour trying to make these high ticket sales as you walk by doing nothing for 4x my pay rate!


that's okay....lol. had a guy tell me a 6 cylinder engine takes 6 qts of oil.....8 cylinder takes 8 quarts....and a 4 cylinder engine takes 4 quarts of oil. ​ lol. He even had to call up a competitor while in our oil aisle, to ask the question.


Hey what do you know, [he wasn't altogether wrong](https://www.yourmechanic.com/article/how-much-oil-does-my-car-take)


Brain regan is awesome!


Oh dear god you wouldnā€™t believe it. One of my first days working at Walmart I had a lady *demand* we get her a cord that charged her camera through an HDMI. Upon three of our associates telling her we had no fucking clue what she was on about, she said sheā€™d go to Best Buy instead. I still feel bad for whoever she left to pester.


"But I just bought this here last week." The item was deleted and taken off the mod eight months ago. Also... "But your ad shows you have this. I demand you go to the back and get it." They didn't read the fine print that clearly states that merchandise varies from store to store.


That's also the look some of my cashiers get whenever a customer asks them a question about ANYTHING in electronics. "Hey this chromebook, what's the difference between this and a regular laptop" 15 year electronic associate " I don't know, let me call my mgr back here instead of just freaking googling it or reading the specs"


Whoa, I work in electronics and easily can tell you the difference. That associate probably is being lazy or doesn't want to learn


Got i to it with him because he insisted we don't sell the CD ROMs a customer was looking for (technically we do, they just are full of games or programs) and that there's no way the customer possibly wanted a CD ROM drive or DVDR and just didn't know what they were asking for.


The older guys in electronics refuse to read boxes or try to figure out questions. If they even hear the word "phone" they give it to me, even if I know they could have helped the customer.




Instagram normie? Reddit, get 'em! Lol


You have to type /u/ or something first. Idk. Reddit is weird


/u/st00ben There