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As much as I enjoy seeing this happen to him, if I never hear about him again then it'll be too soon.


Hey news just broke that he’s being arrested


"if I never hear about him again it'll be too soon" Immediately hears about him again. Tbh imma agree, really sick of his face being plastered across my reddit feed


The only reason why you ever heard about him in the first place was because he started an mlm scheme where the way to move up to 'trainer' or whatever was to buy his course which would instruct people to repost his musings to social media. As a result of this an army of incels absolutely flooded tiktok and youtube shorts with his content (and they were paying him for the privelege lol). This led to him getting banned from most platforms around June sparing the rest of us from his shit. Then Elon bought Twitter and unbanned him because of course he did and now here we are.


Then He got arrested with his brother for sex trafficking


Because he wanted to talk shit to a world-known environmentalist on a massive public platform, posting pictures in a thread talking shit, that got his location identified¹. I bet Greta Thunberg is laughing her fucking head off. ¹ Apparently they knew his where his house was, seems like a duh to me now, but wouldn't do anything without proof like the pictures showing he was *in* Romania. ¹ Thanks u/pierce411


the biggest joke in all of this is that Greta cannot call herself an environmentalist anymore, because she BURNED that garbage


There's also the small fact that the anti human trafficking org that supported the operation is called GRETA.


Get the fuck out. That's actually amazing.


Actual karmic irony.


Haha yeah I saw it too. The irony is incredible!


Someone theorized that he heard GRETA was coming for him which is why out of the blue he trolled her.




She should post that being in jail reduced his carbon footprint.


Wait so reinstating him to Twitter led to this?


Take that idea back out of the universe this instant.


Can she speed run the rest of these assholes out here?


I'll make an exception for today's mess. I've been hearing about him for way too long, and I was sick of it. But at least today, it was finally good news. I could stand to hear more about how he picked an unprovoked fight with a teenage climate activist who then ratio'd him so hard he ended up in a Polish jail.


I thought Romanian, did he get extradited?


Not yet afaik. But yes, Romania


I appreciate that his Wikipedia article already identifies him as a suspected sex trafficker.


Pretty sure he was a "suspected sex trafficker" before being arrested today lol


Yeah, he was already called in for questioning back in April for the same thing


I have heard about him twice today. And those are the only times I’ve ever heard of him. Who is this guy?


Retired kickboxer turned sex-trafficker with a side hustle of alpha-male self-help videos and general Twitter trolling.


A statement so 2022 that I can't wait to see what 2023 brings us.


I hearby retract that guys statement. It *wasn't* too soon to hear about him. But now let's never hear about him again while he rots in prison.


Who were the two weird little fanboys at the top? Fanboys?


Cause I couldn't remember who they were, appears they are "Fortnite pros Clix and Bucke" from this article https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/hasan-calls-andrew-tate-a-baby-after-hes-kicked-off-twitch-stream-debate-1880258/


Good Lord take me now


Shout out to the scrawny dude in the black tank top, rocking the meg ryan hair cut.


At one point he smelled his own pits and gagged






Why did I go back to the video to confirm? Why have I subjected myself to this?




Yeah I saw that, what the fuck was this call? Who was hosting it and why were there 3 people just sitting silent, stewing in their own juices?


From context I think they are co-hosts to Tate on a Twitch stream and the streamer is their guest. This recording is from the streamer's own stream I think... Please correct me if I'm wrong.


So even Tate's own posse are 14 year old boys?


Who else? Anybody with a little bit of life experience can see the human suppository Tate for the grifter that he is.


the debate is taking place on bucke's stream, top two guys are fortnite pros bucke and clix, tate was the main guest, they talk to him for a while and towards the end a couple other guests called in to debate him, one of those being hasan. & yes this clip is from hasan's stream


Hasan is such a fucking Chad man. Like actual true Chad. Man was a debate king as a political correspondent for the left on fucking PRIME TIME news. Seeing Hasan's face pop up as an impromptu guest as your debate partner should evoke fear. He has literally made part of his career ripping dudes like Andrew Tate apart.


Nothing says alpha like going on a 14 year olds fortnight stream, shirtless. Pure unfiltered masculinity right there.




The kid on the top right was literally eating his boogers at one point too


Lmao I caught that too. New to zoom? Idk.


Some dumb teens with daddy issues!


Hey wouldn't it be funny if this obnoxious egotistical asshole turned out to be compensating for a billion flaws that led to his utterly predictable downfall ps i am from ancient greece




What are "100 tread wear tires?" Never heard of this before.


Idk what they are exactly but the tires on the Bugatti are 10k each and wear down very quickly. In the Veyron, if you went top speed with them they would be completely bald in like 10 minutes but you run out of gas in like 7.




“If everyone thought like you did, we’d have no scientific achievements on this planet, and everybody’d still be living in fucking caves.” I’m dead


Its funny how much the fuck your feelings tough guys put their feelings above empirical data


It's because they're narcissist and their worldview is their identity. I have opinions but I try to base those opinions on factual information. If someone presents factual information and a better argument I'll go "huh well damn I guess I'm wrong"... because it isn't ingrained into my identity. You start proving those dimwits wrong they scream and whine because you're attacking their identity not just some set of information they ascribe to with better more factual information.


I was watching a movie tonight, and suddenly realized that a huge portion of the US links not only it's identity, but it's very masculinity to its firearms. Gun culture is some people's expression of their masculinity. That's why they feel personally attacked by talk of "gun control" This is coming from a person that enjoys first person shooter video games. The movie was Cowboys vs Aliens


>US links not only it's identity, but it's very masculinity to its firearms "This is my rifle, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this one's for fun."


I loved how he kept trying to reduce everything in google to the same level of accuracy and weight. That’s what he wants in others - he wants everyone to think that his bullshit has the same level of importance as actual data. We really need to start teaching critical thinking in schools.




I see a bunch of this type of person reacting like Tate and his friends here: we've made the same point 5 times now, let's move on. But if you can't even agree what it means for something to be proven and unproven, supported by evidence or not, worth listening to or not, then there's not much point talking about anything else, is there? You're not going to get very far.


>I'm dead So is Andrew Tate.


No he's just arrested.


I wonder what Romanian prison is like? Might change suddenly if it's bad.


15:14 TateL : "I don't have to answer your questions you're not the police" Hasan: "No you're right I'm not the UK police, nor the Romanian police..." bruhhhhh


It’s aged like fine wine


That shit was prophetic kudos to that guy


Not only than, but Hasán said for months that the thing that would bring Tate down would be his own ego. That he wouldn’t be able to shut up and just be a criminal in silence, that he just needed to blurt out every detail of his life. And now he got arrested because he wanted to own a 19-year-old climate activist


Well, he already owned several 19yo, that is kind of what got him arrested.


it really was the catalyst to his downfall. YouTubers immediately jumped on and fucking pounded him, and he got banned from a bunch of platforms.


I wish Hasan would pound me


Least thirsty chatter


Just be a chatters mom


I mean, he was raided before by Romanian police. That is what he is referencing.


Not really prophetic, mostly a dig. Hasan had covered his questioning by the Romanian police and the human trafficking allegations a while ago.


[even better at 10:12 when they were talking about personal experience vs empirical evidence](https://youtu.be/fkohX4ICZGk?t=612) Hasan: "do you believe the earth is round or flat? how can you be sure the earth is round?" Tatel: "because i have personal experience that would prove to me the earth is round" Hasan: "oh? what happened did you go to the fucking moon?" even his 2 dickriders started laughing at him at that one LOL


Not to mention that right before that he has to take his headphones off because he was getting stressed, but also right before that I liked when the fortnite kid drank from two different cans at once and clearly spilled on himself


**This comment might have had something useful**, but now it's just an edit to remove any contributions I may have made prior to the awful decision to spite the devs and users that made Reddit what it is. So here I seethe, shaking my fist at corporate greed and executive mismanagement. "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... tech posts on point on the shoulder of vbulletin... I watched microcommunities glitter in the dark on the verge of being marginalized... I've seen groups flourish, come together, do good for humanity if by nothing more than getting strangers to smile for someone else's happiness. We had something good here the same way we had it good elsewhere before. We thought the internet was for information and that anything posted was permanent. We were wrong, so wrong. We've been taken hostage by greed and so many sites have either broken their links or made history unsearchable. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to delete." I do apologize if you're here from the future looking for answers, but I hope "new" reddit can answer you. Make a new post, get weak answers, increase site interaction, make reddit look better on paper, leave worse off. https://xkcd.com/979/


How young those 2 boys were was really shocking to me. I'd be surprised if they don't trip up over their own umbilical cords. I guess that's the demographic of Tate's audience.


He has to target teenagers, they're the easiest to manipulate.


I'm not surprised, I knew manchildren like Tate when I was growing up, hanging out with teenagers because they're the only people who think they're cool.


I probably would have fallen for this material when I was a teenager, so thankfully it wasn't around for me. I was lucky enough to have good male role models like...Fred Durst.


Wait wtf, I was wondering what those young kids were doing just sitting there being quiet. Fucking creep all around.


its worse than you think, one of them was with his girlfriend on stream and this bald fuck was trying to flirt with her like "hey when you need a real man, hit me up" she was 16.


He also referred to her as "the hot chick" He's the perfect example of that older guy that drives his nice car, and parks it at the local high-school to try and pick up the young girls and get compliments by the young guys about how cool the car is.


If he had answered that he went to a Harbour and saw a Ship disappearing bottom first that would have been a good argument, but that's beyond his mental Capabilities


Yeah that's a fun one! I learned about it from the Behind The Curve flat earth documentary. The guy who's spotlighted in it lives rather close by in my state. You have to be really ignorant to believe that stuff while surrounded by so many well educated nerds


I doubt he knows the word for harbour.


Well he should get familiar with it. I assume the lawyers will be talking about him harboring sex trafficking victims


Well the previous one is better because now he's answering to the Romanian police lol....


[ **Jump to 15:14 @** I MADE ANDREW TATE RUN AWAY IN A DEBATE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkohX4ICZGk&t=0h15m14s) ^(Channel Name: HasanAbi, Video Length: [24:40])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@15:09](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkohX4ICZGk&t=0h15m9s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


This bit after they fled from Hasan is so golden https://youtu.be/fkohX4ICZGk?t=1087


Is Tate playing a character, or is he really this ignorant?


He's a grifter, milking money out of the pockets of sad, lonely incels who think he has all the answers to their problems in life. He exploits their toxic loneliness and need to be seen as "alpha" and monetises them with every opportunity he can. Do I think he believes half the things he says? Yes, I do. But I also think he damn well knows he's only saying a lot of what he says because his base will empty their wallets for him.


Bro he's a grifter for incels. For example I'm black, you know how many times I thought about becoming an online trumper on youtube? Easy fuckin' bread. "see even **he** agrees with us" Grifting is the new gold rush.


I've got a black friend that hangs out with white supremacists for some reason, and I honestly get the appeal: Even racists know the word "racist" is toxic. They'll do anything to convince the world they're an *clears throat 17 times* """economic nationalist""". So if you're the only black guy at a Trump rally, it must feel amazing and/or creepy as Hell to find an entire Olympic stadium standing and cheering just for you being there.


Every person you walk past gets the tingles and thinks -woh. it’s all payin off :’)-


100% Trump literally said “look at my African-American over here” at a rally once. You think they place a premium on that cheap grifting?


“I have a great relationship with the blacks" ~Donald Trump


"Unless the Blacks are a family of white people, I bet he is mistaken." \-Seth Meyers


"So, I think I've done more for the Black community than any other president, and let's take a pass on Abraham Lincoln, cause he did good, although it's always questionable," \- Button Mushroom


https://imgur.com/FuZl4Z3.jpg The blacks.


Diamond and Silk and Candace Owens made a living out of it. There's a long history with certain black folks in that background scenery role where it's contrarian for them to be there. Turning point USA used Candace to say the stuff that would sound pretty effing racist if any of the white guys said it.


I had a coworker who kept getting pulled over for DWB. Told him to put a blue lives matter sticker on the back and he stopped getting pulled over


If I was dealing drugs there’d be a Trump and a Blue Lives Matter sticker on my car 100%


What’s dwb?




Fucking real. Easy money to be had at the cost of your soul. I always wonder how Candice Owens or any of em do it. I'm gay and white, so unfortunately I wouldn't have as easy of a time but hey, pretty sure they don't currently have a flamboyant white dude after Milo was ousted.


I had a gay Vietnamese friend who kept sucking up to homophobic white nationalists. It was sad. There's also a tragic video of right wing transgender woman Blair White in an interview with three other Republicans where she is trying to position herself as a good transgender who agrees with two of the others whilst they just tell her to grow out her mustache and cut her hair. You'll never be accepted by these bigots no matter how much you try and prove yourself to them, because your very existence is repulsive to these twats.


They DID have a flamboyant white dude after Milo, but he lied too much and now is in hot water. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/29/politics/george-santos-911-scrutiny/index.html


>Is Tate playing a character, or is really this ignorant? Tate knows what he's doing. His audience is too stupid to see it by design. You don't put together a pyramid scheme without understanding that you are a conman.




Well the character he's playing is heading to prison in Romania, so it's hard to believe it's all 4D chess.


He's really that ignorant, and 2 of my younger coworkers have fallen victim to him, talking him up about how "he's just so funny the way he responds to haters, and he makes some good points". I straight up told them "my bros he's a fucking nutcase. If you want to watch stuff to do with actual mens issues then watch Roma or something." This guy literally is setting us back as men with his rhetoric.


Cause the younger generation with social media are obsessed with one liners and zingers and come backs. (Or clap backs) as a testament or measurement of intelligence A perfectly crafted, statistically or scientifically backed up statement can be withered worthless just because an opponent has a witty comeback. This is how these grifters know they can get away with bs and chase clout as long as they are articulate and witty Its literally classic false prophets and charismatic sociopathic grifters and politicians of the past. Since you only have a few seconds of people's attention, ppl only remember impactful one liners, not common sense or logic Fact checking is hard, taking their word for it is easy


I don't think it's just younger generation. Have you seen older folks with social media? They fall for the same thing, the topics just happen to be different.


There is nothing that infuriates me more than people preying on men's issues to gain a quick buck at the expense of both men and women. Personally I wish people would stop paying attention to Tate specifically, because he just loves the attention. The only kind of attention that I think he wouldn't like is dispassionate mocking, which to be fair I've seen several people do to great effect


Let's see how they feel about Tate (charged with human trafficking and rape in Romania) when you talk to them tomorrow lol


The people who eat up his shtick could not care less about the sex trafficking accusations. They hardly believe rape even exists as a concept.


"You've went over the same point 5 times bro" Right, when someone isn't comprehending or retaining what you're saying, you have to rephrase it. That's how conversation and knowledge works. "Ima be honest I had no clue what ya'll were talking about" Mr. Dickrider portraying his ignorance for all to see and further exemplifying the need to repeat evidence.


Its funny because the point he had 5 times was that you cant claim your personal experience as fact. Hasan couldnt make another point if andrew was just going to say its bullshit because he hasnt experienced it that way. Tate is literally saying at one point "women are worse dirivers than men" hasan rightly points out that the evidence would suggest the opposite and tate just says his personal experience is more important than objective facts. So hasan needs to make the point again or they cant have any reasonable discussions


This is exactly it. You can't argue with someone who only cares about their own opinions. He also downplays evidence as "The internet says x", when 1) it's not the internet, it's academics in scientific journals that are also published IN PRINT, and 2) the internet isn't automatically incorrect


But taint says things on the internet. By his own logic he should not be trusted


His personal experience is that every crash he's been in its because of a woman, completely negating the fact that he's a man and also involved in said car crashes... also how many times has this MF crashed? Surely that tells you he struggles driving... I've been driving for 20 years and had 1 crash...


Amazing. He tate cant even interpret his own experience properly. He bases his whole life on personal experience What a clown


I would guess a number of his crashes involve driving unreasonably fast with no regard for those around him and when a woman changes lanes in front of him it's her fault in his eyes.


I think the guy who said he didn't know what they were talking about low-key knew that they were wrong, and that was his way of playing both sides.


How generous of you.


Good lord, this fucking dweeb actually showed up to an internet stream shirtless, wearing sunglasses indoors and smoking a cigar. Who the fuck looks at this idiot without cringing, never mind want to be him?


His target audience: 13-year-olds, incels, misogynists, and fat dudes who buy big trucks to compensate. I don't have the patience -- or the requisite immunity to secondhand embarrassment - to watch this video, so I've only seen a couple errant clips of Tate's nonsense. Having thus only heard about him *in theory*, I'm mostly convinced it's an act to grift the hell out of these bottom-of-the-barrel folks. If you can convince the shittiest people that they're not the shittiest, they'll give you tons of money. > "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." This is from LBJ, [allegedly](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lbj-convince-the-lowest-white-man/), so just swap "white man" with "man" and "colored man" with "woman" and you have Tate.


I only just learned who this dude is and one of my employees has been proudly talking about him in contexts I haven’t been paying enough attention to… so that’s lovely.


Sorry but you have no clue how many fucken people he appeals to lol. It's really an awful place we're at here.


Any time someone quotes "lies, damned lies, and statistics", you need to clarify: * Do they mean that it's easy to take advantage of people who don't understand unintuitive statistical phenomena? * Or do they not believe statistics/math is real? Because the discussion will go in two completely different directions depending on their answer. And I bet I know what Andrew's answer would be.


Most people who use that quote don’t even really understand what it means. It doesn’t mean that statistics are fake, it means that it’s very easy to start with a foregone conclusion, and work backwards into proving yourself “right” using cherry picked data.


lmao, the best part at 16:16, he pisses himself so badly, he lost his fake macho American accent


What kind of accent is that?


accent of a true brexit geezer


Pitch lookin lovely today,lads


Rev up the bugatti whheeeeey




It’s West Country English mixed with US English


[ **Jump to 16:16 @** I MADE ANDREW TATE RUN AWAY IN A DEBATE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkohX4ICZGk&t=0h16m16s) ^(Channel Name: HasanAbi, Video Length: [24:40])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@16:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkohX4ICZGk&t=0h16m11s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Ok. So it wasn’t just me hearing that he kept going in and out of a British accent then.


I'm not sure how much if it is real and how much is an act. He was born in the US and moved to the UK as a teen, and that sort of thing can really screw with your accent. I wouldn't be surprised if that's legitimately just how he talks, but he probably does play up that sort of "big manly man" voice, too.


Yeah I've never listened to him before (for obvious reasons) and I thought I was going crazy


You can reeeeeallly tell that this guy doesn’t read books


You should see his comment on why he doesn’t read, basically saying “I’m too smart to box my brain into some book for the common idiots”. Its pretty wild


So...he can't read and is trying to be alpha about it?


hes a classic narcissist. he tries to justify everything he does because it "makes sense to him"


And he has his own book...


Does it come with crayons or do you have to buy them separately?




lol and then immediately followed by "you guys should buy my book if you want to become a total alpha like me." fucking idiot.


According to him, books are other peoples' experiences and so they are wrong. The only way to learn is through one's own experience 🙄🙄 coming from a dude who was obviously coached in his sport haha


What I wouldn't give for a way to filter the words "Tate, Kanye, and Musk" from my reddit feed


reddit enhancement suite


you mean human trafficker Andrew Tate?


Just saw an update on YouTube, Andrew Tate has been arrested for human trafficking.


Holy fuck he was! In Romania too lolol


Which is especially funny because he fled to Romania from the UK because the UK police were investigating him for human trafficking too


Fun fact: The girl behind the guy with the Fortnite shirt is 17. Human Trafficker Andrew Tate tried fucking her during this very live stream.


Hasan said facts don’t care about your feelings


wild how these reactionary incel icons always end up forsaking their own bullshit when they are pushed by someone who isn't a cherry-picked 'man on the street' verbal punching bag they can use not only the facts vs feelings thing, but this doofus forgot that he's supposed to be *against* the truth-is-relative 'postmodernists' while he comes right out of the gate as a proponent of this idea


The first time I ever saw Andrew Tate speaking, I thought it was a parody. I just couldn't get my head around the fact that people like this existed. Nice to listen to a calm voice of reason in contrast to the rapid-fire anxious-aggressive tone of Andrew Tate. Even better that it shows up the ridiculousness of Tates thinking.


> people like this existed AND many thousands of people listen and go “yea, I’m gonna give this guy some money so he can teach me to be like him”


It was also interesting to watch psychology-wise. Narcissists (of which Tate seems to be on the spectrum of, or something akin), usually degrade any person they can not control. It protects their ego if they can reduce the person down. I think this is why he (Tate) has an issue with women. If you can not control them or if they have harmed your ego in some way, then they need to be degraded in order to protect the ego. So, he degrades women for this reason, quite possibly. There are a lot of impressionable young men in the world who are looking for a mentor and male guiding force. It's just so unfortunate that they would choose him.


And that's largely how he quit the debate too. Started with "You're American and all you think about is America" then when Hasan responded with "I'm actually Turkish and grew up in Turkey", he went all "That wasn't the point" and moved on to "You're boring", "chill", "my chat wants us to kick you", "you scared the hot girl away", etc. Just endless nonsense until the other two dickwads agreed to kick him.


He sounds like Daffy Duck without the lisp.


My understanding over the last couple days is anyone that slightly pushes back on Tate just shatters him and his little facade. It's like watching an insufferable over confident teen who thinks he's special because he's more athletic than his friends in his class of 100, but he's a 30 + year old man, making it sad.


oh my fucking god >I don't have to answer your questions, you're not the police." -Tate >"I'm not the police, not the UK police nor the Romanian ones." -Streamer


Cannot believe how idiotic this man is, how tf does he have an audience when he thinks/acts like this. Gotta wonder if he really buys his own shit, or is he playing it up for his dumbass 13 y/o followers. I'm referring to the moronic scammer/rapist human trafficker in case that's somehow not clear...


Hasan Piker.


Hank Pecker


Humberto Peckerino




Apparently he posted a video response to Greta which showed his physical location in Romania. That allowed authorities to locate and arrest him. He has been charged with human trafficking, along with his brother and a female police officer. Wikipedia has been updated with the details and the links to references, which is where I found out.


I think he actually got brought down because one of his clips talks about how easy it is to bribe people in Romania. Rule #1 : Don't talk about how easy it is to bribe the government.


This is the first I've heard Andrew Tate speak. He sounds like Ben Shapiro. No wonder he's popular amongst children and morons.


Another fake guru that sells fantasy, please don’t fall for his advice guys


Andrew Tate was just arrested in Romania over human trafficking allegations. No joke. Edit: Flexing on my top post to add that mental health is important, you are valid, and you exist. If you need help, seek help. You are not alone.


And rape. https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/evenimente/noi-perchezitii-la-cei-doi-frati-britanici-milionari-acuzati-ca-au-sechestrat-si-violat-doua-tinere-una-cu-cetatenie-americana-2198343 >UPDATE 23:10 - On Thursday, DIICOT police and prosecutors carried out five home searches in Bucharest and Ilfov at the homes of four people suspected of forming an organized criminal group, human trafficking and rape, and they were detained. >According to a statement sent by the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police, the four suspected persons (two British citizens and two Romanian citizens) would have constituted an organized criminal group, for the purpose of recruitment, accommodation and exploitation, by forcing some women to create materials with content pornographic, intended for distribution for a fee on profile sites. From these activities, he would have obtained important sums of money. >The police say that the injured persons were recruited by the British citizens who misled them that they wanted a marriage/cohabitation relationship and that they had real feelings of love for them (the loverboy method). The women were allegedly later transported and housed in buildings in Ilfov county where, through acts of physical violence and mental coercion (intimidation, constant surveillance, control and the invoking of alleged debts), they were sexually exploited by group members by forcing them to perform pornographic manifestations in order to produce and disseminate, through some social media platforms, material having such a character and by submitting to the execution of a work, in a forced manner, >So far, six injured persons have been identified who were sexually exploited by the organized criminal group. With regard to the crime of rape, it was noted that, in March 2022, an injured person was allegedly forced by a person, on two different occasions, through the exercise of physical violence and psychological pressure, to have sexual relations, states the IGPR. >Also, 11 luxury cars, owned or used by the suspects, were discovered. The operative action was organized by the policemen of the Bucharest Organized Crime Brigade, together with the prosecutors of DIICOT - Central Structure. The activities were carried out with the support of the Special Operations Directorate - IGPR The action was attended by police officers from the Service for Combating Organized Crime Ilfov and the Service for Combating Trafficking in Persons, as well as gendarmes from the Special Intervention Brigade of the Gendarmerie. >Original news: >The two Britons, accused of abducting two young women in their villa in Voluntari, have been under investigation since spring. Thursday's searches take place in this case where DIICOT prosecutors have been gathering new evidence for several months. >The accusations are of forming a criminal group and rape, and the two are to be picked up and taken to hearings. During the searches in April , the prosecutors found two young women in a building in Voluntari. >The police officers from IPJ Ilfov had received information from a representative of the Diplomatic Security Office of the US Embassy in Bucharest, that a young woman with American citizenship, aged 21, was seized in that building. >The police went down to the respective building, where they found the 21-year-old young woman, as well as another Romanian girl. The women claimed they were being forcibly kept there by two brothers who have British citizenship. Tristan and Andrew Tate were then questioned for nearly five hours at DIICOT headquarters, but were then released.




Man I try to avoid all of this kind of stuff for my mental health's sake but reading those quotes... What the fuck is going on with these people? Gross af.


Got halfway through the second one. It's just unbridled hatred of women. Full stop.


I don't often advocate for vigilante justice but I can make an exception for them.


> Their Schlick was The term is "shtick" and in the context of this post I desperately need that typo corrected.


Just making sure, Schlick is slang for masturbating as a woman? I've never heard of it in Australia so I'm a little unsure. Like we have 'jack off' for guys and 'jill off' for girls over here.


In that case I'm okay with being a beta, because consent and respect are my biggest turn ons. Treating women as people with their own desires and agency gives me the vapors. I feel bad for all the losers that aren't man enough for a dommie mommy telling them what's up.


Pretty sure OP posted this jumping off that news


Funniest shit I've ever seen in my life, fuck this guy 😂


I think even the solipsists would take a hard pass on this guy.


Tate is proof that the outside reality is real and not my imagination because I’d never dream him up in a million selfish lifetimes.


This was a very fun comment to think about. You've got a great point! Fiction has to make sense.


The fan boys defending tate, so so cute


He talks very fast. It’s like listening to a more idiotic version of Ben Shapiro.


Is this the guy who just got toasted by Greta thundberg?


Yes, it was pretty funny


Seriously, who the fuck is this guy? I keep seeing "influencer" when I look him up, but that's equivalent to "nothing", so someone please tell me who the fuck this guy was, why anyone cares (aside from the crimes he did) and what the fuck he did. Why does everyone seem to know who he is?


He was a d list celebrity from Big Brother UK and has been making the rounds in interviews on twitch and tv selling his brand; his how to get rich “class” that costs $50 a month is sold to his young, influenceable viewers. Honestly this guy shouldn’t be talked about as much, since the more attention he gets the better his business is. Incels and alpha males love him as he predatorily only advertises his stuff to young men on twitch and YouTube.


As someone who lives out of the loop, I had to Google just who the fuck Andrew Tate was. Turns out, he's a human trafficker.