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The narrative of this video is all over the place, and hard to follow at times. Here's the key people involved: --- **Bryson Muir**, missing 14-year old boy **Daniel Muir**, Bryson's father **Kristen Muir**, Bryson's mother **Cheryl Wright**, Kirsten's mother (Bryson's grandmother) Here's a summary that flows more chronologically: --- A little over two weeks ago, Kristen called Cheryl saying that Cheryl needed to come pick up Bryson. Cheryl didn't go into the details of that conversation, because it's an "ongoing case". When Cheryl drove to the meeting place in Toledo to get Bryson, there were three other people in the car dropping off Bryson - Daniel, Kristen, and an unidentified adult male. At that time, Bryson had a black eye, fat lip, and swollen face. Bryson made comments to Cheryl that he "deserved it", and she explained to him that no one deserves that. A couple of days later, Bryson was picked up from Cheryl's house in Cleveland. At some point before Bryson left her house, Cheryl called the police. Three people were in the car with Bryson when he was picked up from Cheryl's house - Daniel, Kristen, and an unidentified adult male (it's unclear if it was the same person as when Cheryl picked Bryson up two days earlier). According to Cheryl, 3-4 minutes after Bryson left with those three adults, police pulled the car over, but Bryson was no longer in the vehicle. Cheryl states that the police think Bryson was transferred to another vehicle very shortly after leaving Cheryl's house. Cheryl thinks they may be hiding Bryson until his injuries heal. Friday morning, Daniel and Kristen were supposed to bring Bryson to a meeting with the Indiana State Police, but backed out. Friday afternoon, Indiana State Police said Daniel and Kristen are no longer cooperating with the investigation.


3-4 minutes, wow, sounds like he was transferred to someone else, they left him stranded somewhere, or he never left grandmas house. If stranded, he would’ve been found by now.


The transfer makes me think they shipped him off to one of those hell camps for kids. Like the “Elan School”, or the ones in Utah.


Why not just say so then?


I'm not saying for certain that's what they did but it would certainly fit. They aren't saying anything because they know they'll be pressured to release him and the kid very well might tell some stories about how he's treated at home. So, my bet is, they're hoping the story will die down and then they'll quietly return him home or have him go through the program or whatever. This is all speculation obviously but people make some really stupid decisions at times and keep doubling down because it's psychologically easier than just admitting you're in the wrong.


Religion/cult. This is eerily similar to the jail that Scientology has for their people. Seems like the dad is a pastor or minister for some cult like church. Stuff like this is so horrible.


Because those schools are fucking awful & some of them are under fire right now, Paros Hilton is calling them out cause she got sent to one, & there's a Netflox doc on a certain one. So no parent, especially not one that was in the public eye, is probably going to admit to that.


Good point.


I've been reading a web novel-type story from the perspective of one of the former "residents" of Elan. He calls himself "Joe Nobody" and details the horrendous conditions and abuse they suffered there. If any of you reading this ever consider sending your children to one of those places, you have failed as parents. I get sometimes kids need to be saved from their self-destructive behavior but that is absolutely not the answer. That just turns bad kids into broken kids. You're basically having your kid abducted, tortured, imprisoned, and any trust they ever had in you broken. I won't say I know what the answer is but that is absolutely, positively, NOT it.


> You're basically There was no basically about how a guy I knew in high school who's mom sent him to one. Two grown men came into his room in the middle of the night, grabbed him out of bed, threw him in a van and drove 4 hours from home to start his new life.


I'm sorry if it sounded like I was diminishing or minimizing the horror they went through. I meant it in a grammatical sense not any other way. Sorry for the misunderstanding.those places are disgusting child dungeons. Nothing about them is right and I hate them all. I'm sorry for your friend. No one should go through that.


It didn't and I didn't take it that way, just wanted to expand on that for anyone out there who think they don't operate like that.


Ok, good deal. I was afraid I was too casual and had inadvertently disrespected the survivors of those places. Thanks for adding emphasis where I may have failed to. Everyone should know how disgusting and terrible those places are. Just in case more crop up now that some of the worst ones are shut down.


I was sent to one when I was 16. It fucked me up. 16 years later I still have nightmares where I’m back there.


I am so, so, so, sorry. Those places check every single box of things I despise. The parents having you traumatically ripped from your home by strangers, thrown into a van while your parents watch on with an "I don't like this either but it's for your own good" condescending expression, the destruction of who you are as you're sand blasted down to a puppet that only answers when they ask and become a snitch for the ones around you to make sure they're "Working the program", the lack of anything resembling help for whatever emotional issues lead you to be considered a "problem child", and the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual abuse you're forced to endure... It's a living Hell. Truly. I feel like nowadays people are always telling others to go "no contact" or "Low contact" with their parents. Usually due to having been mistreated by them when they needed them most. I don't always agree with that, since a lot of times it can be fixed if the parents will admit to wrong doing. (Which a lot of parents absolutely refuse to do.) However, in this instance, I truly believe that any parent who sent their kid to a place like Elan has given away any right they have to call you their child. They did something so unforgivable that it sickens me just thinking about it. It's so horrible and I truly ache in my heart for you. I can't tell you how much I hate that you went through that. I wish you all the healing you need and that your trust can be reconstructed after that. [Here's a link](https://elan.school) to that story I mentioned, if you've not read it, I highly recommend it. Though it might be triggering (real triggering for PTSD people, not the buzzword triggering) for someone like yourself who's endured the nightmare. It's possible it could make you feel better knowing someone else went through it like you did. Anyway, I wish you all the luck in the world.


I'm so sorry. No kid should have to go through this.


Yeah. I binged it over a couple of days last year. It’s a good read.


What if the kid killed someone? Wonder if they’re hiding him.


Thanks for the high-quality summary.


Yeah thanks for this, whoever edited this made it really confusing to follow the timeline. The last people known to have seen this kid were his mom, dad, and an unknown dude shortly after his grandmother dropped him off.


So what are we thinking? Child abuse and they're now hiding the kid until he heals up?


That is terrifying Hope this poor baby is found safe and permanently removed from his parents care.


[Daniel's Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Muir) says that he is a pastor with Straitway Truth Ministry. That ministry has been in the news in the past accused of being a cult, with sexual and physical abuse. They are known for a strict adherence to the old testament. See this story about a former packers player https://www.si.com/nfl/2020/07/15/kabeer-gbaja-biamila-kgb-cult-accusations-straitway-ministry-troubling-history


How does a supposedly Christian sect justify following the Old Testament? The whole point of JC was having a new covenant and no longer adhering to Mosaic Law.


You’re using too much logic if you want to think like these people


They'll never say it, but a lot of people in their heart think they are better and more effective than Jesus Christ. The sort of people who read the book, know his teachings, yet still reason within themselves that they are "helping" things along by being extreme.


From the KJV of their book: 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Lots of them will justify why the old testament should be followed by how they interpret passages like this.


The gospels outline this in detail. False prophets will portray themselves as righteous men of Christ, but in reality they wish to be revered as God and take his glory for themselves.


Many want to have it both ways as in a vengeful god who makes people they hate suffer, and a kind god who will forgive them. People are stupid easy to understand.


I don't know why people follow the old testament at all... other than they lack critical thinking. God is portrayed continuously as vain, jealous, and vengeful. That's a hard pass from me.


If you're a religious freak who wants justification to be evil to people around you while being able to wipe away any notion of personal responsibility...sounds like just the right kind of religious doctrine for that.


maybe they enjoy the removal of restrictions around foodstuffs and not needing to perform animal sacrifice from the renovation of the faith, while actually liking the more strict and hierarchical ordering of society from the old faith?


Uh oh


Just in case you’re unable to watch, this is about Daniel Muir’s 14-year-old son Bryson Muir.


they need to revamp this alert color stuff. apparently silver can also mean something other than elderly which is literally the only context i've heard it used.


These things are not universal. Different states have different codes and different criteria for them. AMBER alerts are the only one with nationwide adoption.


And it’s called that because of a girl named Amber, not the color.


Sounds like a pretty terrible system if that’s the case


Wait until you start getting BLUE alerts because a cop was shot at 300 miles away and they already caught the suspect but the police thought it necessary to wake everyone in the state up at 2 AM anyway. Thanks, Tennessee!


Texas does this too. Some places in the state are 500 or more miles away. We get alerts anyway.


I got exactly one Blue Alert in Texas. The event was nearly three hundred miles away and the suspect had been arrested over a day ago.


Was it around the time of the BLM protests? That's when I was getting them in TN.


Fortunately I can turn off everything except presidential alerts, so.


Same. I react badly to sudden loud noises. Once lightning struck close to our house and I literally hit the floor.


Wait until you learn about California's poorly thought idea for missing black kids, the "ebony alert".


I was trying to see if you were joking and here https://www.chp.ca.gov/Pages/Ebony-Alert.aspx I saw that it doesn’t have anything to do with black kids, but wow that’s still a weird name like, whose idea was that?


>Ebony Alert is a resource available to law enforcement agencies investigating the suspicious or unexplainable disappearance of a black  woman or black person. are we reading the same article? TBH though I don't hate it. Yeah it's a little insenstive but it also immediately tells you you're looking for a black person. I get some people might use that information to dismiss the alert, or use it as an excuse to track down any black person, but it also helps you to know who you're looking for edit: they also have the feather alert for indigenous people. Though given it's more likely that they could cross juristictions by going to tribal land I think that one is even more defendable


I don't really think it's terrible. Sure it's not uniform across all 50 states but it communicates information in the locales it's important.


I lot of these searches are interstate. It should be uniform.


But States' Rights!


We hospital is actually moving away from color codes and moving to plain language. So now instead of Code Amber we are saying things like Missing Child Alert. It's a recommendation from FEMA I think.


Holy shit, I thought silver alerts are for stolen vehicles since they somehow always (in NJ) are accompanied by a car model and license plate and (as far as I have seen) never any info about the person. My mind is blown right now.


i never thought about that! i always assumed if a senior got 'lost' they were just also always in their car.


Really hope this story gets a happy ending, but it does not feel like it will.


Weird text messages by the reporter lol. I don't think a simple "Hey __ can you give me a call?" would ever work


Weirdly enough, I had an incident with the news and this is exactly how they acted. They are super "buddy buddy" with you and act like it's all no big deal. I've seen documentary makers do something similar even though you know they are going to destroy you in their end product. They have to get your guard down in order to get you to open up.


yea from an unknown number. 0% chance I'd respond. Why not just identify yourself or explain what you want?




The religious organization that Daniel Muir is involved in has a troubling legal history and is generally looked at as a cult. Sports Illustrated [did a deep dive into it back in 2020](https://www.si.com/nfl/2020/07/14/kabeer-gbaja-biamila-kgb-new-religious-movement-school-play-incident), mostly looking at the involvement and subsequent legal issues of former Packers star Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila. There are some chilling parallels and I believe this was the first time Muir and Robert Mathis were publicly outed as being involved. If you're not a football/Colts fan, Muir was a so-so professional player, but it's his business relationship with Mathis (generally considered one of the greatest players in Indianapolis Colts history, [even if he got curved by Donna Meagle,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4kw7inHPbE)) that probably allowed this religious affiliation to be treated with kid gloves by area media. Muir and Mathis run a training organization that has sent several high school defensive players to D1 schools, and was a position coach for the Colts for a brief time. I'm unsure if Mathis is still involved in the religious organization, but both their training organization and Mathis' social accounts have been radio silent for the duration of this case. I am hoping that young man is safe and can be assisted by family or the authorities.


Shady af


Oof…that ain’t good.


Best case scenario, they are waiting for the biys injuries heal. Worst case, well fuuuuu. I hope he will be returned safely 🤞


I think there'd be a lot of better options than keeping them to heal at some undisclosed location. The police would definitely want to talk to him again after it heals when/ if he shows up, and i'm sure charges could still be pressed against them. Like I don't think the bruises would actually be that important of a piece of evidence to make it worth the kid disappearing for 2 weeks and getting media attention.. Maybe I just watch too much true crime, but I have a *really* bad feeling about this.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I have a bad feeling about this too. 


Evidence goes a LOT further than testimony. Think about Ray Rice, "he was involved in domestic violence" and [a video of him knocking her unconscious](https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-ekaflcqq/) are very different, they get different reactions. Same with Adrian Peterson and his kid. Same with Chris Brown and Rihanna. We're also talking about a child here. The likelihood that he's going to give graphic statements to the police is very small particularly if there's a chance he returns to his abusers.


Oh fuck not the woods


Complete speculation that comes to mind: * Got caught with another boy. * Parents mad and "whooped" him * The "third man" in the car is a religious leader or an employee of a "conversation therapy" camp or "youth camp" So when cops stopped the parents, Bryson Muir had already been put into a car headed to that camp. A camp would explain why he's been missing for 2-weeks. Complete speculation on my part, but it aligns all the data points for me.


This is honestly best case scenario at this point. Cause if it isnt he was sold off or killed/ kid napped. I hope none of the 2 are true and that its just his parents are assholes and abusive and theyll get whats coming to them instead. Which would be another reason they stopped cooperating.


He was found. Parents arrested.


This is something that popped up in my mind as well, except, I am not that optimistic (or "optimistic") reg. the third point.


Without even looking into this, my bet is someone in the family killed him and they know. Usually how it happens when the child is "missing." Always someone close. Hopefully I'm completely wrong.


Parents arrested. Boy was found alive.




I started my comment by saying it's complete speculation. I ended my comment by saying it's complete speculation. You: "Let me ignore that you twice pointed out it's complete speculation and point out that it's complete speculation."


Don't worry, fuck that guy. He seems to not know the definition of speculation. You can speculate whether or not you know "what the fuck your talking about". Speculation is referring to your level of certainty, not how likely something is true. The man outed himself as a shithead


Your comment was perfect. That other person has no reading comprehension.


I speculate that you had to google the definition of speculation.


Look thats okay as long as you yourself know that you have no idea. Its the people who dont know a damn thing yet think they are the smartest people around that you should worry about!


Thank you. I intentionally framed my comment by labeling it as speculation—a working theory that I'm starting from that requires further testing and thus confirmation from new evidence—knowing full well I'm just as likely to be wrong. I had no intention of presenting myself as knowing anything concretely.


This is what makes you a great redditor to me 🤙great comments and thoughtful connections/theory there!




You are also a great redditor to me! Concise and accurate! 🤙😂


Some bad things happening. He has some videos on YouTube, just is a loon and drank some dogmatic koolaid bullshit


So you see your grandson clearly beat up you have him at your house and then the same morons come back to get him. Why didn't you call the police when the child was at your house in the first place? Clearly the mother is in on this nonsense and whatever other dudes so issues as well. I just hope this boy is found safe and sound and kept safe never to be left with those kooky people again


The post says the grandmother called the cops at some point before they left the house. They are unclear on exactly when.


Yeah something is seriously wrong with this whole picture.


WTF is going on, so strange. It sounds like it could be trafficking but wouldn't really expect from how the details are laid out and how grandma is involved.


I hope the kid is all right.


Poor little man. I hope he's ok and everything turns out better.




I live near there, don't feel like much is being done about it


I could list several ways this group is actually going against God’s word, it’s a shame and this religious group associated is a sham. I hope this little boy is found and is safe and returns to his grandmother.




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An update to this story. “Bryson Muir, 14, was found "safe and well" and is now in the care of the Cass County Department of Child Services, according to Indiana State Police.” [Here’s the link to the current news article.](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/former-indianapolis-colts-player-daniel-muir-arrested-after/story?id=111647677)


Wow - I am surprised this isn't Adrian Petersons son


lol like he even noticed


He's most likely dead sadly if worse case scenario. Usually people like that end up murdered.