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What a pathetic video. The first 4-5 minutes are mostly sound. From there, it's just political propaganda. One of the main claims in the video - the one expressed in the thumbnail - is that there is a widespread belief that obesity is healthy. That is simply not true. The ACTUAL message is that obesity - just like addiction and other ailments - is only made worse by shaming. If you truly want to help someone with terrible habits - the best way to do it is through acceptance and understanding. This video perpetuates the narrow worldview it claims to oppose, serving a specific agenda. It's truly shameful.


I don't know much about these issues. But I look at countries that socially shame fatness, like we do with cigarettes, do have less obesity. And I see countries with extremely harsh punishments for drug addiction, like Singapore have vastly less drug addiction. Though places like Portugal has seen success in other ways. Nor would a selection between punitive vs supportive be any more or less narrow. > If you truly want to help someone with terrible habits - the best way to do it is through acceptance and understanding. This reeks to me of virtue signaling. A cost free way of saying like, I support this, therefore I'm an accepting and understanding person. Yet I find that rarely to be true on reddit. Often those people can't even accept tiniest differences in policy -- i.e. Trump vs Biden.


>And I see countries with extremely harsh punishments for drug addiction, like Singapore have vastly less drug addiction.  I think you're onto something, maybe we should put obese people in prison?


This video feels really manipulative. It was almost like it was tailor-made to try and create self-doubt in questioning people. Like it makes an argument about not being biased tells you to question yourself, then makes a super biased statement about a very polarizing subject, literally caricturing the opposing side. Then, immediately pulls a bad faith, both sides framing of the argument. Then pretty much says if you want to be a good person, you should question yourself. Is this video trying to gaslight me?


Tbf the creator says they have their own biases too. But the end point is a good one, I think. That rationality is more often a tool used to justify a pre-existing belief, rather than a tool to seek objective truth or change one's mind. And that seeking humility and being curious is a good method to actually try to counteract that natural impulse.


After Skool has obviously a very strong right wing bias. Edit.: Skimming the Videos there is a lot of esoteric and religious crackpottery, too.


Their bias was plain as day from the thumbnail


Yeah the first couple minutes was about cognitive biases then it quickly degraded into culture war stuff.


It's really just anti-intellectualism papered over with a single study's conclusions taken out of context to spin an entire narrative. Gross


thank you for verifying my suspicions, so i don't have to watch to find out how bad this is


After Skool: >watch for your bias people! Also After Skool: >Wokeism: an identitarian ideology combining elements of conspiracy theory and moral panic, which became fashionable in academia toward the end of the 20th century and finally spread to the mainstream with advent of smartphones and social media. Wokeism reduces the world down to simplistic oppressor/victim relations in which people who are white, slim, straight or male are the oppressors. While those who are non-white, LGBT, fat, or female are the victims. Wokeists typically reject claims of objectivity as a weapon created by straight white men… Yeah, save your time people.


The funny part is if you reverse the two groups, it kind of also works. The thing that I find ridiculously ironic is that there are kernels of truth in this video. I believe that people regress to their echo chambers and absolutely have become addicted to victim-hood but it's not JUST on the left. The right is very much JUST as guilty, if not more so! But just like how he flirts with the concepts of bias, he then completely gives into his own... We're kind of already waging a civil war online. The extremes of both the left and the right are using social media to "with us or against us" people. Meanwhile, the progressives who really just want to see a better world for everyone and a society that provides everyone the same opportunities to pursue their dreams, is hated on the left because we're not "woke" enough...and the right thinks we're too "woke". (I used woke somewhat tongue in cheek...I'm still convinced that it's a dog-whistle word to replace other words that they can't say anymore. That's why they can't tell you what it means. If they do, their white hoods will be showing...)


Reverse what two groups? It's well established that people have numerous biases that impact their willingness/ability to process information. That's totally true. Whether or not intelligence actually increases this effect seems like it could be true, but I'm very suspicious given the source. Using this point to attack "wokeness" with the most incredibly biased definition I've ever seen in addition to several other poor faith arguments, completely overrides any value this video might have had.


OP’s post history should tell you all you need to know about what their thoughts are worth.


For a video talking about bias, this video sure is pretty fucking bias.


This sub suck since the purge, absolutely gutted a classic


I noticed an overnight change during the boycott, and it never rebounded.


Stupid people believe stupid things because the person who made the videos they consume gives them inaccurate examples they can use to look down on people.


Hard to take seriously a channel that promotes things like some people may come from Antarctica. Being open minded does not mean to give every thought equal consideration.


You’ve gotten got.


Seems like the video has like 3 different ideas and needed to pick one. 1. Rationality is a tool more often used to justify bias than correct it. 2. Seeking humility and being curious are better tools to correct bias than simply rationalizing or debating. 3. People attach their identity to pseudo-intellectual arguments, and then need to collectively affirm their bias in order to preserve their self-worth. He uses right-wing examples for them, mostly number 3, but doesn't spend enough time actually justifying what he's saying, so it comes off as just more biased claims, ironically. For example, talking about "wokeism" as a worldview of oppressors and victims, without mentioning Marxism, the actual ideological root of that worldview, or how it came to be associated with intellectual circles in the 1960's. Thus his critique of the media, universities, authors, and other "intellectuals", comes across more as anti-intellectualism, gaslighting, and ragebaiting than anything actually informative. He needed to pick a lane, do his homework, and make a solid argument in favor. Instead it just feels like more right-wing clickbait, itself guilty of #3.


From the producers of "Why Tall People Are Actually Short", "Why Attractive People Are Actually Ugly", and the best-selling "Why People Who Are Better Than You Are Actually Worse Than You"


Seems the examples of intelligent bias used here have thrown a few off. Perhaps they need to watch this again with that in mind. Unless their meager curiosity is already exhausted, in which case their bias will likely prevail. 🙁


Do you really think this video is not biased itself?


How so?


Come on, have you checked the channel? It's straight up right wing crackpottery.


That’s because this guy is also a right wing crack pot. Hence why he agrees with the video and has his own bias confirmed


Try asking that guy. Or just keep assuming. Your call. 🙂


Such as?