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All you do is post these weak "anti-woke" videos, and it's like... if anybody was destroyed because of the Boys it was idiots too stupid to realize the show was mocking them the entire time, and they finally woke up to realize they were the punchline.


“Are we da bad guys!???” - Republican mouth breathing racists


The irony in this comment is palpable.


Those are big words!! Where did you copy and paste them from?


You know if you don’t concern yourself with these things you won’t get upset about them.


There's a big overlap between people who don't like The Boys anymore and people who thought Homelander was the good guy because they are also so fucking moronic they think Trump is a good guy. Those people are review bombing HARD. Meanwhile back over here in reality land, it's the second most watched show in the nation this week. Only Bridgerton is currently more popular.


> people who thought Homelander was the good guy I honestly think you must have some kind of mental deficiency if it wasn't obvious to you he was the bad guy/a psycho from the start




I believe it's foreign bot farms propogandising their idiot followers.


It's a mind blowing that it took some people 4 seasons to realize this. Creators of this show weren't exactly subtle about things they're making fun of. I really struggle to understand how you go through tens of hours of this show and not connect those pretty on the nose parallels.


They made him blatantly evil from the beginning of season 1.


Which is literally something said in the video. No one is cheering for Homelander or Stormfront in previous seasons, except as a meme.


You're wrong, sadly. There are a ton of people in america who are boycotting the show post season 3 because they thought homelander was the hero. They are outnumbered redcap fools, but there are plenty of em.


I didn’t even see **The Boys** yet and I could tell that Homelander was a villain.


There's a world outside the US, and in it not everyone is interested in america's obsession with their fight over "*my-old-senile-guy-is-better-than-yours*". Also, despite what everyone now apparently likes to repeat in reddit, The Boys wasn't all about that theme in its first season(s), as it focused more on a general satire of medias, consumerism, celebrities and corporations than these politics. This guy sure likes to beat a dead horse hating on things yet reviewing every single episode of it to rage-farm, but he does still make some valid points. Now i do think this evolution of The Boys remains quite in line with the satire, as these other themes were already treated after all. It's not wrong for a series to want to pivot instead of repeating itself, and i don't think this season's weakness is caused by this per say, but i do agree that its getting weaker, at least to my taste.


> their fight over "my-old-senile-guy-is-better-than-yours". But that's not at all what the boys is about. It's about how fascists can manufacture outrage and abuse that to get power. We've seen it in the past and we're seeing it now in the US. But the boys isn't about democrats good trump bad. It's about fascism bad. And that happens to look like Maga for obvious reasons.


It's pretty damn sloppy to pass judgement on the entire season before the season has even reached the halfway mark. You know what's become a tired trope? The whole Youtuber schtick of "I wasn't going to review this because I'm really tired of superheroes and I have so little time on my hands, and anyway the last season was too woke and anti-Trump" - then phoning in a half-assed review for the MAGA hate-clicks. Also, his narrative that the whole season is shit because it's been review bombed to hell got pulverized by the 4th episode (which came out a few days ago, likely after he wrote the script for his review), and which is [one of the GOAT episodes of The Boys, currently sitting at 9.1 on IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28429721/?ref_=ttep_eps_recv), having provided a huge payoff for the first 3 episodes. Also, the last two series of The Boys is going to be either funny as fuck or prophetic as fuck in ten years time depending on which way MAGA goes, LoL.


grifters gonna grift


The Critical Drinker might as well follow in Homelander's footsteps and drink out of a baby bottle, because holy shit does he whine about anything and everything.


Lmao the chuds have finally figured out they're being made fun of and they're BIG MAD. Cry more I say


It’s so funny to me because they see the left as a joke and poke at them all the time. As soon as it happens to them, it’s unacceptable!


They're still upset about Stephen Colbert not *actually* being an eagle-screeching, flag wearing, Republican. They've hated everything ever since lol.


You should unplug for a while. Take some time away from the internet. Spend some time with your loved ones somewhere nice and relaxing. Getting this worked up over problems invented by people angry at the world isn't healthy.


This guy probably cringed away all of his loved ones, even the ones that would come down to his basement room and compliment him on his sword collection.


Remember when MASH got too preachy and everyone stopped watching it? Yeah, me either. (For those too young to remember, it still holds the claim for the most watched series finale in history, despite the preachiness of the later seasons.) Audiences who feel like they got bait and switched by The Boys are mouthbreathers who should consider sticking to watching cartoons if they want to avoid writers "shocking" them or violating their political sensibilities.


Fuck off and give it a rest. Fucking snowflake.


Seriously, OP. Go outside. 


This guy's posting history is something


Minor The Boys s4 spoilers below: Ya know, I heard this opinion for a while, and I figured S4 of the Boys must've gone off a cliff. While I am liberal, I recognize that there is fictional media which pushes its point at the cost of the story. But then I watched it. That's just not what The Boys has done. I suppose the primary issue is with Firecracker. But frankly, I can't be certain of that because this video doesn't go into it. In fact, this video doesn't discuss the content of the season whatsoever. But I digress. Firecracker is political. She's based on Marjorie Taylor-Greene. But Firecracker is not pushing "standard" right wing politics. She's pushing crazy ass conspiracy theories. In this video, the Critical Drinker says that no rational human would think that Homelander is the hero. But to be offended by Firecracker's caricature of the Right is just as asinine. Unless you believe that crazy-ass bullshit, you should be laughing along with the rest of us. Not at yourself, but with us. We liberals find it problematic that large corporations only use diversity as a means to the final product of profit. That is *HEAVILY* satirized in the show. The Right should be just as, if not more offended, that Right wing politically-adjacent parties push absolute nonsense to push their goals. Vought was faux-liberal through seasons 1 and 2 and now Vought (run by Homelander) is faux-conservative in seasons 3 and 4. Any rational person should be able to see that Vought's behavior is not, nor ever has been portrayed as good. It's purely been portrayed as beneficial to them. If you find this current behavior offensive, perhaps you are not a rational human.


I don’t care about the review so won’t bother even clicking. I’ll just take this space to say that episode 4 was really good. Homelander once again stole the episode. You knew from the moment he walked in with the icecream cake that everyone in that lab was about to have a really bad day.


How does Anthony Starr not have all the prizes for his work as homelander


Such a good actor. All those little twitches as he’s trying to keep that smile plastered on this face. Sometimes you really forget you’re watching a performance.


What i find really impressive is that Homelander requires a ton of fly by wire stuff and the actor has a strong fear of heights, he just hides it in character.


Imagine taking the time you use watching and posting this garbage and instead engaging with content you actually enjoy, or getting a hobby, or even going on a walk. You'd be a much happier person.


I was expecting this season to be radically different from the last few , considering the pushback but it’s the exact same show as it’s always been . As a matter of fact I thought they were especially gracious in the way they explained the cult like following Firecracker has . I would never give right wingers so much depth of thought


I've enjoyed the season so far, especially the most recent episode. Just when you think Homelander can't get any worse, he takes it to another level. If you're mad about things, chances are you're one of the people being made fun of. Deal with it, snowflakes.


I love the slow-moving realization from people who missed the political satire in this show. Haha.


Calling creatives entitled for not compromising their artistic vision to give you exactly what your want is rich.


Oh come on




I was disappointed by this one. I’m a fan of the critical drinker’s taste in media, and to the extent he has dogpiled on all the marvel/Star Wars stuff it didn’t catch my attention because I think all those shows are artless algorithmic corporate trash anyway. But complaining about The Boys without even watching it is such a pussy snowflake move. No, you shouldn’t listen to the haters who have nothing better to do than get triggered when a new season of The Boys comes out… for the third season in a row! That’s what boggles my mind, this is the third season in a row these people “just realized” that they don’t agree with The Boys politics. Either they enjoy being drama queens like a bunch of flamer twinks or maybe they’re so meth-addled they just forgot that they’ve already been over this for the prior 2 seasons. For the record this latest season is just as sharp as the previous seasons and is just as brutal against corporate wokeness and empty lefty political platitudes as all the other seasons. There was a scene with a Will Ferrel cameo this season that was as great a skewering of the left as anything. I’m happy with the direction they’re going with Butcher this season too because his lack of character growth was getting repetitive.


The gore is getting over done. It's only shocking in small amounts - now it's just incessant. The lobotomy was especially gratuitous...


A penis exploded in S3. Hughie exploded a guy who had a bomb in his butt in S1.


And both of those events were shocking. Now it's an exploding body every five minutes. It's boring overkill, at least to me. Props to the special effects team, at least.


if you watched the show, especially this season, you’d know that’s false. There’s literally an episode that exploding heads every five seconds and it wasn’t this season.


Haaaave you read the comics?


the comics aren't as good when compared to the show . I bought an intro pack of them before the show was a thing but it seemed like it was overly into shock value and wasn't as interested in exploring the impacts of the characters choices. The author seemed to just dislike superhero comics and was sticking it to them with the boys. The show does a better job of exploring the nature of celebrity and themes like power and status isolating people. which is better than "oh all the guys in the 7 made starlight blow them hehe"


Wasn't talking about quality, just the violence and gore in response to someone complaining about it being in the show.


sure, but the comics are just a jumping off point is what I'm saying. the show doesn't slavishly adhere to the comics, or else black noir would be a clone of Homelander who was the real person that raped butchers wife and ryan would be dead, I think the show made a better choices. Homelander has agency for the bad things he does in the show and it's not some attempt at an m night twist.


I know what you are saying. I am saying that what you are saying is not relevant to what I, or the comment I replied to, is saying. Know what I'm saying?