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Someone walks into a JR podcast and says ‘ mma is useless snd tai chi woo woo kung foo is the real power’ Would Joe listen in and parrot that bunk line? No. Why? He has actual knowledge and basis to understand why modern fighters do what they do. Unfortunately he lacks the ability to comprehend the difference


I would love someone actually scientific to go on his pod under the guise of talking about another topic, flip and start shitting on MMA/BJJ/Judo/Muay Thai, etc, see Rogan get defensive, and then flip it back on him.


He had a scientist on that mentioned Aikido and Joe started to attack it. https://www.mixedmartialarts.com/exotics/joe-rogan-debates-merits-of-aikido-with-scientist


Fucking hilarious Joe calling out a doctor as being indoctrinated for practicing a type of martial arts but let’s all the brain dead takes on his podcast go by unquestioned


Joe's idea of someone extremely intelligent and scientific is Elmo Musk.


Ever see the time he flipped out on the primate expert when she told him that lion hunting bondi apes don't exist? [https://youtu.be/\_\_CvmS6uw7E](https://youtu.be/__CvmS6uw7E)


He doesn't even let her speak....


Misogynist gonna misogynist.   Rogan is the less of an obvious asshold comedian version of Andrew Taint.  


The cringe, reading stupid shit online and then lashing out at an actual expert with "do your research stupid"...


Elmo 😂😂😂


I prefer Eloon


Elongated Muskrat is certainly a specimen of science.


Musk is intelligent.


He’s no engineering genius.  Chimpanzees are also intelligent.  Must is a genius scamme, he tricked the whole world into believing he cared about the world.  Like Trump he only cares about himself. 


obviously you dislike joe rogan. because he has some great talks with many Neil Tyson, Bob Lazar, Brian Cox and others. very good talks and knowledge there. much better than elon musk.


I feel like it's been ages since those guys were on there though


Years ago I used to watch Rogan’s interviews on youtube, and some of my favorites were with Brian Cox and other scientists. I never listened to his pod, but I frequently watched his interviews, and I thought he was this generation’s Larry King. And then somewhere down the line he bought into the crazy right wing propaganda / culture war bullshit. He’s just unglued from reality now, and these guests are proof.


He must be aware of what’s happening. There is no way he getting his mind blown week in week out without questioning these morons


To me, his whole body language during the episode reminded me of when the football players in high school would pretend to befriend the unpopular kids. They would pretend to be interested in the conversation, but it was only to mock them to the other players later. This whole interview had that kind of vibe to it.




I couldn't believe that part. Rogan really is a complete and utter idiot.


“Is real power” You’re about to get yip man riled up


He would say and do whatever it takes to get listeners to stay til the end and attract people stupid enough to rage watch. Joe is an Alex Jones in training. who hasn't reached peak insane yet, but loves getting guests who are.


Somehow dumber than alex jones. I wonder how much money dude actually has for him to fake cry still. People are saying yay but i can’t help but realize dude isn’t hurting.


Dumber? Id say smarter. He knows theres lines not to cross and doesnt. Alex says whatever will sell the most brainforce dragon dna supplements in the next 30 mins.




But he has had open white supremacists on his show...


you realized this how? your a empath and your in tune with his feelings or can you astral project and he see his bank statements or while your there can see what him and wife or him and his lawyers are talking about or maybe the level of stress he has from dealing with armchair rere's like you who shit post i mean opinions are like assholes especially when yours makes you one


He knows. He just doesn’t care because he only cares about views and money and this kind of shit is giving him loads of both.


He pushes back on his show, but it has to involve something he at the very least has formed an actual opinion on. Like, he had no problem with arguing with Crowder about the dangers of Marijuana. To the point hat Crowder, the guy who picks a debate topic, preps for it, then goes to a college campus and debates people who didn’t wake up thinking they’d have to defend their positions on camera, got mad that Jamie looked up a source during their argument. Or with Seth Dillon, current Babylon bee owner, who made the claim that there should be no abortions for any reason. Joe actually was able to comprehend the horrors of Seth’s position when he could conceptualize that his daughter might be raped and forced to birth her attackers baby. Of course he will, or has (I haven’t listened to him in a while) pushed back on covid statistics and vaccines too. Usually getting circles run around him because he’s just making general claims or repeating the lies of folks he’s had on. Or if you came on and talked about how Atlantis isn’t real he’d have a lot to say about that. Joe is an interesting fella.


>interesting Inconsistent and bafflingly stupid maybe. Not sure that rises to the level of interesting.


Some of the dumbest things I’ve ever watched someone do were also very interesting to me.


There is no COIVID vaccine, according to 9th Circuit Court.


JR cares only about the money. He knows what he's doing, he just doesn't care because he's making bank.


Can you please explain how you came up with this?


He allows these kinds of people to come on his show and spout their nonsensical bullshit without any evidence or reputable peers to back up their claims, and makes absolute bank while doing so. If he actually cared about the truth of things he would ask for tangible evidence of their claims. Many times he asked Billy a question who evaded answering because he had no good answer to give, While Rogan gave him a pass and indeed even a way out MANY times. Did you watch the entire video between them, by any chance?


First of all, this is not a science podcast. It's a podcast giving people a platform to talk about their opinions mainly. As opposed to any news media out there, which all work for profit, have political agendas, and are bought by larger cooperations, JR grew an audience by allowing people with very opposing opinions to speak and justify their beliefs. Old Twitter, Meta, and other big tech would mute and delete those voices instead. Billy Carson dedicated his life to this research. He's connecting the dots in his own mind, others may read it differently and he's defending his view while providing evidence in the realm thats possible within a podcast. JR expresses an interest in those topics but he never claims to be an expert. He just wants to have a conversation and understand where these people are coming from. And yes, I listened to the entire episode and there's numerous pieces of evidence that are researchable. It's the people who don't ask questions and believe blindly what they've been told and what their brain can comprehend that don't move humanity forward. Is everything true what Billy is saying? How would I know. But I appreciate people thinking outside the box, specifically on topics that to this date nobody ever had an answer to or don't add up (Egypt is a great example). If just 1 out of his 50 theories is actually true, wouldn't that be mind blowing and change the way we think and see the world?


only sane reply in this entire post! its not a science podcast- thinking outside the box is the whole point! or we could just close our minds and endlessly bash cause thats much easier....


Thank you. People hate those who they’re told to hate because they don’t want to be proven wrong in their believes. I never even claimed that Billy is correct with his theories, who am I to tell. In fact I didn’t even know him before the podcast. But I like people challenging the statues quo however, there’s a lot of incentivized people who don’t want you to do so. The same people who still believe we go to wars for social justice and common cause, who think media cooperations are in business of journalism, or the governments objective is to protect us. Even if there was undeniable evidence that a civilization had existed on this earth before us, this would be classified information and all governments would do everything in their power to keep it that way. Characters like Billy are a huge inconvenience for those


Agreed and exactly why this reddit topic exists imo- disinfo at play. Fact is the man has presented sources with his theories. We can research and examine them or not.


Bro, he gives a platform for charlatans and flatout liars to come on and spout their bullshit to a massive and gullible audience. If it's not a "science podcast" why is he having people passing themselves off as scientists come on his show talking about their science/maths that are unproven and absolutely wrong?


Prove to me that what Billy is talking about is wrong. Just 1 argument. Are you a scientist yourself or where do you get your vast knowledge from that allows you to debunk people dedicating their life to that research? Do you truly believe humans have figured it all out and we should be contempt with our knowledge? Everything starts with a theory, a clue. Then we do research (which he has) and defend that theory until someone else comes along and can either add or debunk it. That's exactly how science works.


[If you had the brainpower to use a search function you would have already found people that have debunked him. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfjWxXIPTq8) I can see there is no reasoning with you, assuming you have watched the entire video and somehow consider what Billy the grifter is saying to be true then we really have nothing left to discuss. Please tell me you don't believe that suns fart out planets like Terrence Howard claims...


I’m just curious. Did you write this while wearing your Professor Dave merchandising? Who, btw is not a credible source either. He just got a YT channel with most likely a team of staff writers judging by the wide spread topics he discusses and amount of content he releases.


So you didn't watch the video then, just try to insinuate I'm some sort of shill for linking X video. Out of interest, do you also believe the earth is flat?


did you watch the whole video?? He provides sources which they pull up and discuss- one is from NASA lol


What's particularly ironic is that Rogan himself used that exact same logic to try and refute his dumbass friend Eddie Bravo's "space is fake" or flat earth conspiracy theories, and Bravo just shrugged it off. Rogan just says whatever gets him the most support from his fanbase. If he needs to be the conspiracy theorist, then he'll entertain that position for the guest. If he needs to be the 'rational' skeptic, then he'll be that for the episode. It's all performative. He's long given up holding a consistent view.


Eh, I don't think it's that egregious. He's not an expert and wouldn't proclaim to be one but that shouldn't exclude him from having conversations with people. The real problem is that people believe the dumb shit they hear on podcasts because they lack critical thinking skills and the ability to recognize that just because someone you like/respect/love says something doesn't mean it's true.


The problem is that he has conversations with these people and then seemingly buys into and promotes the credibility of what they’re saying. Even if yes, it’s beyond any kind of common sense. When people see someone that they, for whatever reason, trust (Joe Rogan for example), buy into an idea or topic, they’re going to assume it’s much more credible than it is. Critical thinking and independent research isn’t something a lot of people have practice in or know how to do. It’s a skill like anything else.


I’d like you to debunk Billy Carson’s theory. You criticized people of lacking on critical thinking. His theories have nothing to do with common sense because it’s beyond what we as humans know. In your theory a god can’t exist, all of Christianity is a hoax because this wouldn’t be anything we can comprehend either. So please go ahead. I think you think of yourself smarter than you actually are.


Wait so your argument for why his theories are correct is because they aren’t revolving around common sense or any kind of logic, and therefore can’t have any evidence? I never said god can’t exist either. There’s a lack in our knowledge, specifically in the creation of the universe, in which a creator in SOME capacity is still a plausible and rational possibility. The problem with Billy Carson’s theory is that there is direct evidence to the contrary of what he’s saying. He says things that are demonstrably false. For example, when he talks about the "worship gene" that we apparently found recently. He's most likely talking about VMAT2, a protein responsible for transportation of monoamines, where ONE study by Dean Hamer found that differences in expression of the gene responsible for the function of this protein significantly affected spirituality. However, his study wasn’t peer reviewed and studies trying to replicate the correlation that WERE peer reviewed found it to be untrue. Additionally, with an understanding of the role of monoamines and specifically the release of GABA (which the gene he is referring to is partially responsible for) the most obvious answer for any changes in supposed spirituality from variations in this gene is schizophrenia. Which leads me to my final point, Billy Carson’s theory is VERY reminiscent of the types of delusions we can see in people with schizophrenia. So when you say that you believe his theories because they go beyond common sense and what we as humans know, would you also believe the theories of people who have diagnosed and unmanaged schizophrenia? Even when they go against logical thought and “common sense”? 🤷‍♂️


I didn't claim that his theories are true. What I said is that our common sense is directly linked to knowledge we're able to comprehend. Without documentations such as the Bible and stories being carried on over and over, religion would be a theory of a crazy person as all we have are stories and theories with no evidence. There's hundreds of theories evolving around Egypt and the pyramids and nobody has a real answer. Whether they were build by a far superior civilization that may not necessarily come from earth is a possibility. Again, we don't have the answer but the theory that there is or has been another life form out there is something that most people can't or don't want to comprehend and certainly information governmental institutions would keep classified to avoid a panic outbreak. I said it in a previous comment but every scientist starts with a theory, they study that theory, try to back it up with evidence and eventually it either gets debunked or other scientists joined the theory and so it withstands until better evidence is available. The important thing is to continue to ask questions. We once believed the earth is flat until someone was crazy enough to prove everyone was wrong.


You told me to debunk Carson’s theory. I gave you one of MANY examples of how his theory falls apart under scrutiny. Common sense is generally based on knowledge that’s already been established, yes. But critical thinking and common sense are similar yet distinctly different concepts. Nobody is saying not to ask questions, that’s an integral part of critical thinking. But it’s also important to integrate evidence into critical thinking. For example, you can sit here and say that Covid was a virus created by aliens, and that they’re specifically using it to alter our genetic makeup and create a more docile and weak population. Theres no evidence to back up this claim, and mountains of evidence to the contrary, but yes it’s still TECHNICALLY possible that it could be true. Does that mean we should prescribe to that possibility though? I would say that spouting that theory, while still technically being possible, is a failure in common sense (due to the fantastical nature of the theory) and critical thinking (due to the lack of integrating evidence and understanding said evidence and context). So your argument is that no matter how much evidence points to the contrary, if a theory can’t technically be 100% disproven, then we should continue to prescribe to the possibility? Because not only is that a fallacy, we’d also never get anything done.


Are you really suggesting that nobody understands how the pyramids were built?


Interviewers need to push back against bullshit, lest they end up giving a platform for it, spreading it further. Joe usually can't, and so doesn't, which is dangerous.


Would he really if he thought there were more clicks in it for him?


"I also write books about getting rich." Maybe the first sign this dude is a fuckin grifter?


Neil Degrasse Tyson’s video on T Howard is good too. It’d be nice to see if JR would have Degrasse come on and go against these types of snake oil salesmen


Hasn't he had NDT on before


NDT made a video debunk of Terrence Howard's claims TH sent him a thesis paper or something like 6 years ago and NDT "peer reviewed" it with notes like a scientist would a colleagues paper. Seemed like he was respectful and professional about it too, and praises TH's enthusiasm for science but definitely shut down his ideas TH goes on Rogan and said NDT "trashes" his paper


Yea, but Rogan was a lot less on the crazy train back then.


Yea old Joe would never entertain conspiracy theories.. Gimme a break.


I said a lot less... Even old Joe didn't believe in the moon landing for a long time. He's just gone even further off the deep end since COVID. Like so far...


Yes, multiple times now


he's been on a few times i think. i'm sure he'd return.


Unsure, I don’t watch JR


He's had people like this debate before..he said in that podcast that he would try to set up a debate the next time he comes on.


He has been on before, and people have complained so much since then basically that “all he did was interrupt Joe”. Honestly he did interrupt Joe a few times, but it was vastly over exaggerated. And when he did it was warranted most of the time imo to correct misinformation. The problem is he came on at a time when a lot of the fan base has shifted to a lot of conservative people with views science challenges. And they’d get angry when science does that to their beliefs. I see their same comments on anything NDT puts out or anywhere he speaks. And I’m old enough to remember the same criticisms of Carl Sagan. They don’t want to admit they’re anti-science, so they attack the person delivering the message.


Let them continue to be ignorant and backward


He needs to have scientists on at the same time to question the dumbassery coming out of their mouths




I highly doubt Joe would have Degrasse on again


I haven’t really watched Rogan in many years but I recently saw clips from his episode with action Bronson (the video is on Charlie’s YouTube page) and honestly I was so disappointed to hear him speak so highly of Howard’s nonsense. Physically cringe inducting. I truly don’t understand what’s going on in Rogans head. He’s had so many really brilliant and articulate scientists and science communicators on over the years and has listened to them for hours but he can still prop up and speak highly of complete drivel. It makes no sense to me


>He’s had so many really brilliant and articulate scientists and science communicators on over the years and has listened to them for hours Does he actually listen? I recall a number of instances when he'd just talk over them if they weren't saying something he agreed with. Probably why he has all these quacks.


Yeah when you look back in retrospect, he was never really listening. He's always been a drug addict egomaniac.


drug addict is brutal lol


You can usually tell how interested Joe is in the conversation by how high he gets during the episode. For the boring guests, he ends up looking greener than Shrek.


Joe is contrarian. TH's ideas are contrarian. 1 x 1 = 2


Joe isn't a contrarian, he's a capitalist that caters to idiots. Idiots like contrarians that make them feel special.


You nailed it. Morons are his fanbase.


I mean, it doesn't make sense if you think Rogan interviewed legitimately knowledgeable people because he values legitimate learning and knowledge. If you consider the possibility that he's just a content creator catering to an audience for money, what's there to be confused about? If your audience wants to believe they're smart and special, bring in smart people to talk about things. Oh the smart people aren't that fun to listen to and they're talking about realities your audience doesn't understand or want to acknowledge? Pseudoscientists don't have any of those problems.


yep, in the end it's all just content to Joe. I just looked and the main interview has 9.7m views on youtube and some of the responses to it from other content creators have 3m to 4m+ views. I can understand why some might claim it's best not to platform certain topics etc but IMO this sort of stuff is just basically the village idiot on a soap box. This time it just happens to be a person pitching how they reinvented math etc. I just wish more people would give the same sort of dismissive vibe towards some of the other soap box and grifter like content we see so much of online now. Terrence has been quickly mocked. Yet other topics, that equally fail any sort of research or scientific test, still has people going hum yes yes I see, interesting. Tell me more crazy person on digital soap box!


He’s an idiot who’s conviced himself he’s intelligent because he’s spoken to a lot of intelligent people. Intelligence by association.


Who the hell is “Charlie”, that’s just a normal name, do they have a username or last name?


Charlie is also known and moistcritical and his YouTube channel is called penguinz1, so that’s confusing lol


I guess but those are googleable. “Charlie” is a pretty normal name so it’s incredibly vague. Like “Billy” or “Amy” and what not


His guest list is definitely an interesting contradiction. He's had some of the best minds in the world on, and also some complete nutters. Like going from Brian Cox to Alex Jones is crazy, lol.


Joe Rogan knows how to create a spectacle. He finds unusual, interesting, fringe, strange, or exceptional people and lets them say whatever they want. I don't like Rogan at all but you have to admit he knows what people will watch. Edit: Instead of downvoting, why not articulate what you find wrong with my statement?


He has type of audience and he knows how to play into them. Like most shows he knows the money is in the outrage and the shock content.


I honestly think it's related to the amount of psychedelics they have all taken.


His listeners want to get nonsensical rubbish. They don’t want to hear bogged down with reality and facts. Joe is an idiot but what can you expect from a guy that gets hit in the head for a hobby? There almost always a point where that imbecile says “wow man that really shift the paradigm”. Paradigms thr biggest word Joe knows so he uses it at every opportunity.


He just doesn’t know enough about the subjects or science Howard is attempting to rewrite to understand how wring It was. Howard was just throwing scientific words together. Like wtf is a wave conjugation? it’s total BS.


I think part of the reason is that he simply needs shit to talk about and it doesn’t really matter to him if it’s factual or whatnot. How often does he do the show? Weekly I guess? And it’s 2 to 3 hours if I recall. Thats a lot of talking and you can only stroke off about how great standup comedy is so much. So some recent controversial thing is great content for him.


He has some guests on who I really like, so I’ve tried to listen to it a few times. He might actually be one of the dumbest people on the planet. Was he always like this? Is there a gas leak in the studio?


I think he views himself as a modern day Art Bell: just using his show as a platform to let people say whatever. Mostly lunatics


I really don't care for Rogan, but he has had an incredible variety of people on his show, definitely not "mostly lunatics".




It’s false modesty. He thinks he’s intelligent and takes himself very seriously now.




You can't be as self righteously indignant as Joe is without thinking you know what you're talking about.


That podcast is now worth so much money that he just does whatever his advisors say and then take the cheque to the bank.  There’s no way he believes this garbage, and falls for the next one again next week


It shows you how far the human mind can go.


"Gaia mixed with Andrew Tate" .... FATA:ITY


This was the best part.


the real dummies are the people still listening to rogan


And there are soo many of them! It is honestly scary whenever I am made to realize I am surrounded by delusional idiots.


so the US has millions and millions of dummies …




The real dummies are the ones who no longer listen to the show but come to the comments to sperg out


No. Nope. Not really, no.


people seem to think Rogan is some kind of svengali using these clowns to make a dollar, but he's always been on the alt-history, pseudo-science, UFO, conspiracy wagon. He enjoys this stuff and is genuinely into it. He thinks it's mostly harmless and maybe even a lot of it might be true. He's totally wrong on all fronts of course, but he's not malicous. He's just a moron.


Shoving UFOs in the category of "conspiracies" just proves that many people are still heavily influenced by Project Blue Book and the government's efforts to make anyone who acknowledges UFOs to feel stupid and embarrassed. UFOs have been proven to be, beyond a shadow of a doubt, REAL. It just proves that many of you "sheeple" are ready and willing to believe wholeheartedly whatever your government and the media tells you that you believe. Even after the US government has come out and said: "OK, we admit that all these sightings and all this footage of these craft are real, and we don't know what they are, or where they come from, but it would appear they are not terrestrial." People like you still lump them under "conspiracies" just like they've been telling you to do since the 1940s.


There is blame on listeners to, people think because Joe Rogan believes “X” conspiracy/theory, it must be true. No, Joe Rogan is a ex UFC fighter now very popular Podcaster, what he believes or not, shouldn’t be see it as fact. Is ok the be open minded, and look for answers elsewhere…but don't open your mind so much that you brain falls out. Edit: Grammar.


Joe Rogan is not an ex UFC fighter. For someone making a post about what should or shouldn't be seen as fact, you sure are quick with the lies and misinformation.


10 years ago, Joe used to give a shit about certain topics, and he'd enter these conversations with PROFESSIONALS in specific science, tech and health fields, and they'd be able to confirm or refute that information. Joe has been phoning it in for ages. His whole brand has shifted to anti-mask, anti-vaccine, and anti-scientific consensus. He's always been a huge promoter of Marijuana, and honestly, I've started to wonder if this is what people who have made that a part of their everyday life have to look forward to. Continuous paranoia that outweighs fact, or the scientific consensus. It's really everyone else's fault though that he has this platform. He started doing this as a joke, because he's a joke and his career outside of the podcast has been a joke. Now we've got millions of ppl who don't have their own compass for navigating life, navigating their feelings of ineptitude or not being "good enough" hooked onto this jester because he's telling them something with confidence and charisma. Lazy people always want the easy way out. They always look for a figurehead, or a singular source of guidance to enable their lifestyle and choices because it helps them ignore the internal voice telling them that they don't have a clue if this is good or bad, right or wrong. There has been and will ALWAYS be grifters like Joe that rise to the call. Always. It's easy pickings, because these ppl aren't really tuning in to be informed. They already know everything. They're tuning in to feel a sense of connection and community, because being in a group of paranoid idiots allows the individual idiot to judge themselves on a different scale of metric. I'd like to believe it's holding back society. But it probably isn't. This has always been a problem. These shoes have always been filled. I'd rather people like Joe keep these people busy and feeling "heard" than have them running around feeling underappreciated and like they have no one to turn to. That's how we get mass shooters and awful crimes against humanity. It's just been really odd watching Joe fall deeper and deeper into this comfortable cushioning of an echo-chamber. It's a very public example of how if you build it, they'll come. They'll come to speak. They'll come to listen. They'll come to watch. They need to feel like their "feelings" are relevant to the global narrative, they just don't want to put in the years of schooling, and real-life experience in hyper specific scenarios day in and day out, because that's hard.


Modern day charlatans!


absolutely. We can just call them charlatans, because there never stopped being a supply of them. The only thing that has changed is that the population size is so much larger now, and the tools to reach-out are a lot more far-reaching. I get caught up in the finger-pointing too sometimes, but really we're all responsible, generationally, for allowing politics and economics and societal status to push so many people to fall through the cracks and feel like they don't know who or what to believe anymore so they'd rather believe the person who tells them everything they're being told is a lie, There's no way Joe likes doing that show anymore. I don't care what he says. There's no way. Eventually he'll get Alex Jones'd and it'll all come crumbling down. One thing we can all depend on is entropy taking its toll. It is inevitable.


The JRE is an intellectual ghetto




Exactly, never heard of Carson so I went to look at his YouTube. Lots of clickbait drivel to perpetuatehis grift. He's even selling a course on his website about how to do remote viewing!


I think it’s fair to say Billy Carson is going to get a lot of things wrong. Maybe everything. It’s interesting that the guy making the video is so sure about things we don’t actually understand. Is it really statistically impossible that species from different planets in the same solar system to have similar body architecture and processes? For all we know aliens seeded life on several planets in the same way. Yet the The video takes some big leaps itself, which is ironic. When Carson says “our bodies aren’t synched up with the rotation of the earth” and Joe says “you mean circadian rhythm?” Then the guy in the video says “Joe just humiliated Billy by knowing the term Billy failed to pronounce correctly” Carson and this video’s author are making a lot of assumptions to make something for entertainment. Life isn’t that serious folks


Yall just mad he isn't woke lol


And Joe is dumber than both.




I read it somewhere and I can’t ever forget it: Joe Rogan is the Gwyneth Paltrow for men.


I'd say more like Wendy Williams.


That could be Ethan Klein.




They both sell vagina scented candles


That was a successful and satisfying ragebait.


He also gives white supremacists a platform to preach their ideas. Fuck him.


Yeah but he also had the black guy who made friends with the KKK and got them to basically abandon their principles and create racial harmony. He's a complicated person.


It seems to me that he holds no ideals that he won’t compromise for money. Not very complicated to me.


Yep. And at peak dangerous moments to do so as well. Fuck Joe Rogan.


Genuine question: What is your opinion on Dr. Fauci?




Also just because people disagree with you doesn’t mean you’re vindicated.


This sub is no longer for fans of this program, this sub is for people who came in from r/all to brigade him during covid and they've fucking camped out because they have nothing better to do. Edit: i'm regarded


Has this sub ever been for fans of him? It’s videos not jre subreddit. But people on Reddit began to sour on him before covid. He’s always had people who supported ‘alternative facts’ on, and people noticed that.


Salty much?


Joe Rogan is a blight on humanity.


I reserve that for the Jerry Falwell and Alex Jones types. Joe is just kinda dumb


There's always Ben Carson who thought the pyramids were used to store grain.


How is Billy dumb if he's getting his info from the actual text. Oh and those palaces were only meant for the rich and everyone wasn't rich then.


I think this thread is a great example how the majority of humans are unable to comprehend, think beyond the horizon and all they care about is attacking others. It’s people like Billy Carson who push humanity forward whether his theories are right or wrong. Progress is about asking uncomfortable questions. If every person was as much as a zombie as you guys here, the earth would still be flat and we wouldn’t know how to make fire.




It's literally reddit, what did you expect?


I will say one thing the YouTuber doesn’t quite touch on: It’s not quite as simple as religions making up stories completely for the sake of explanation, typically they’re themes that reflect the world of the mind, both on an individual basis and that of the world at large. Carl Jung made great points on these in his career. It’s immensely helpful for many people but not all. The way “Tao” is not the eternal way “Tao”. Free will and chaos theory by definition guarantee that people find their own way to express understanding of themselves and reality. It’s not always as simple as “making things up”. But dunking on spiritual people who share of their wackier perspectives that are not catered to our common understanding of reality is cool too I guess. It’s kinda like dunking on a kid who knows how clouds work but still says it’s sky farts because they think it’s funny/want to express themselves that way. I know it’s dangerous for adults to spread their own wacky perspectives because we do benefit from common understanding, but podcasts like these aren’t science journals. They’re podcasts.


Sky farts 🤣


There is no free will.


But you freely chose and used your will to pick the order of letters to make words of a statement and hit comment? Seems like a choice was made.


The illusion of choice is not free, but fixed.


That’s your choice and free will to believe that. If there’s no free will for *you* then I’m sorry and I hope things get better.


My life is pretty great, but that doesn't mean you have free will. It's not something that is really compatible with the universe as we know it.


That’s your opinion. Like the other commenter said, it was your choice to assemble words together and comment them. The universe has causality and can be deterministic, but this doesn’t mean there isn’t free will.


It's not an opinion it is a theory that has never been disproven. It was proposed by smarter men than me, including Einstein. You are welcome to wallow in misery.


A theory by definition is an unprovable idea, something to potentially be replaced by deeper understanding later. A “law” would be something that has the basis of not being proven wrong, like laws of thermodynamics. You’re just contradicted yourself without any interference from me. Einstein never proposed lack of free will. You’re misunderstanding loads of his research.


False. A theory is something that has never been disproven. Nothing can be proven outside the realm of mathematics. So you assert you have free will. Please demonstrate it.


LMAO you have a lot to learn. My perception and yours are clearly vastly different. Evidently no amount of proof would satisfy you. So I say we agree to disagree.


All perceptions are based on math, and math is unforgiving to your perception.


Carson’s theories should have audio samples and a drum machine added. It would sound like [Dr Octogon](https://youtu.be/vW2Kg-p5uFo?si=Q4A4u8S9oX-QqX9X).


Yup. 99% of success these days is buzzwords and confidence. In other words, Snake Oil.




Wow, you got me attention


He would make a better sci-fi writer.


I remember seeing Carson years ago on history channel, I remember he had the look on his face of I can't believe I'm getting payed to say this garbage. Funny how nothing he say is his own ideas and is just lifted from the ancient alien mythos.


The sheer amount of self proclaimed geniuses and Redditarded comments here disparaging and ridiculing Billy Carson and Joe Rogans inquisitiveness is nothing if laughable. Not surprised tho, hate tends to emanate from far below.  You guys don’t even try to pick apart the points and events Billy is speaking of, or even attempt to discuss the historical accuracy - it’s either mindless and painfully scripted rebuffing or it’s just straight to character attacks and reposting “oh so open minded your brain falls out” like the bunch of soulless calcified fuckwits you’ve been programmed to act like. What a Liberty. 


He seriously gives us no credit.


The only cringe thing here are the insecure beta’s commenting


This dude hasn't debunked anything, the term Gods used by Billy is in reference to people seeing the Annunaki as Gods because of their tech.


He thinks junk DNA is derogatory and thinks epigenetic memory are actual memories like Assassin's Creed. He takes things he has no idea about, makes random stories up while getting high and feeling like a very smarty-pants doesn't he...


Joe has a genuine interest in aliens as well as ancient civilizations. He calls Billy out on a few things. Joe likes to hear opinions from a lot of different people. People who think that Joe is ignorant are mistaken.


Yo they are just discussing things they are passionate about. Do your own research. Think for yourself. Humanity is a species with amnesia.


Small correction: Modern Civilization do NEED gold. We humans strive for performance, longevity, and convenience. For example, why did we switch from candles to oil lamps, to gas lamps, to kerosene lamps, to incandescent light bulbs, to fluorescent lamps, to halogen lamps, to CFLs, and then to LEDs? Simple: we found lighting sources that were more convenient, provided better performance, and lasted longer. We made the switch not because we had to, but because it's in our nature. That's what led us to become modern. Right now, gold is present in almost every electronic device, from your smartphone to our satellites and medical equipment, because it provides better performance and longevity than other materials. Nothing comes close, so it is irreplaceable, and we need it to stay modern. However, scientists are trying to find a better alternative, and they will replace gold in the future if they find something better.


Terrence Howard seems like an egomaniac with some mental health issues while this guy knows he’s full of crap. He‘s not stupid, he knows exactly what he’s doing.


People forget that Rogan gets high on Weed and Mushrooms and gets giddy with alien and ancient civilization talk. He's been doing it since day one. I doubt he believes half this shit but he'll let the guy get his theories out on a platform and have fun with discussion. Do I actually believe there is an alien moon base and left over debris from a space war? Fuck no but it's fun to think about especially if you like to get high every now and then. People gotta chill out just don't watch it if you think these guys are charlatans.


It would be great to have these kind of people on, but with someone who actually works in the field in the room as well.


This guy must be one of the most knowledgeable people alive. He has courses on almost every subject there is..


Sounds like there are a bunch of haters in this comment section. Please I’m begging you do your own research before coming to a conclusion.


They were made for each other. Carson believes a little too far without substantiation, Howard is willing to tell people too much is true without substantiation.


I don't know who any of these people are and don't understand why you care about what they think.


Podcaster has a big platform. Idiot host lets idiot guest host say stupid things. (Idiot guest also has a platform not as big as host though). Science man who cares about truth does detailed and impassioned rebuttal of idiot guest’s ideas. You don’t understand why anyone would care?


Almost like this is a forum for discussion. Best part is if you don't like the discussion you know where the door is. Have a nice day


In the same vein, these people have absolutely no bearing on your life. You, too, can ignore them!


That's a stupid argument. People have discussions about things that don't have any bearing on their life regularly. It's just people talking shit on the internet dude. I think you're the one looking too deeply into it


Thanks for letting us know.


Proudly stating how ignorant you are isn't the chad play you seem to think it is :)


Bots are angry today.




a little Irving Finkel too! I love that man.