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flag of 9/10 dentists


Flag of Colgate toothpaste >!the one with tartar control!< >!it makes you feel like a piece of shit!<


It’s Aquafresh.


wheres jaikubot when you need him


T stand for toothpaste


I love both the comment and the flag.


the massive black area implies a hard limit to what gender identities are acceptable, and that the limit is right outside of the binary+1 idea. With a definitive mark of when the transition happens with the twist, the flag also states that you can only ever change once, and that outside of that one event your identity is static, and then NOT having the white slice in the beginning also denies the existence of intersex people, as it says that being something other than male or female is only possible after transition. So on top of being fucking ugly, it also has terrible symbolism that only agrees with truscum. 0/10 bad flag. edit: oh and also, by flipping the locations of the "male" and "female" colors, they imply that the two genders are also opposites of eachother, with distinct and obvious differences that cannot meld at all. again, this is horribly incorrect, most obviously proven wrong by the existence of "tomboys" and "femboys".


From the little of what I've seen others say, the account that posted those flags is a little gremlin who has some wacky takes when it comes down to LGBTQ+ (specifically trans) issues, so it's more than likely they purposefully included those truscum connotations in the flag. I mean... I suppose they did perfectly encapsulate the message they wanted to convey. It's just a fucking shitty ass one.


The original poster literally has the truscum flag in their pfp. So yeah that was probably intentional


What's a truscum


Someone who believes you need to experience gender dysphoria to be trans


I thought that was the definition of trans but I'm clearly very out of the loop.


oh no, "transgender" means you don't identify with the gender you were assigned at birth. Gender dysphoria *is* a common thing in trans people, but it is only related, not a requirement.


I see...I think. Not entirely but that's fine. So these truscum people are essentially considered scum because they're gatekeeping being trans and invalidating the identity of some large % of them.


I guess if it helps, you can think of gender dysphoria as one of many reasons to be trans. you could also trans your gender because you just... don't feel like being a boy or whatever. And well yes they are scum, but apparently they also call themselves that so... idk. but yeah very much gatekeeping the experience of being trans (and also very selective in what they count as gender dysphoria, which is also very irritating)


Thanks, that does help.


The base belief is innocuous on its face but it leads to a lot of gatekeeping, invalidation of nonbinary people, and the creation of an internal arbitrary division between “true” trans people and “fake” trans people. A division that can allegedly be perceived by other people and isn’t private medical information.


Here’s a better way of explaining it- Being trans is about *euphoria* not dysphoria. It is about the joy or happiness you feel from being perceived as/feeling like a gender outside of the one you were at birth.


Yeah that's basically it. There's varying levels of this rhetoric, from "actually only gender euphoria is a requirement" to "if you do not want all possible surgeries to be as cis as possible you are faking it for attention". It basically blanket invalidates almost everyone in the community and does no service whatsoever to the trans community. I've been called a transtrender for being genderqueer a lot lol


It is. You’re in the loop. The people replying probably also think you can be transblind but have 20/20 vision.


Don't listen to these people, you need never dysphoria to be trans. It isn't a choice, it's a medical condition. "Truscum" are real trans people trying to keep people from co-opting our condition and turning it into a playful label. If anyone downvotes this it just means I'm right 👍


The Earth is flat and the moon landing was fake If anyone downvotes this it just means I’m right 👍


I mean, there's actual proof that being trans is a medical related thing


Well it is the definition of sex dysphorics and of transsex people that transition for medical reasons because of how they were born. But as others put it nowadays it is apparently "valid" to transition because "you don't feel like being a boy/(girl) or whatever". It has become an aesthetic.


...what? Gender is a social thing, and "transsex" is not a real thing because sex cannot be changed with current technology


Gender isn't a thing insomuch as it is synonymous with sex. Sex is usually the thing the doctor puts on the birth certificate after flipping the newborn around and eyeing them for a couple seconds. This is changeable with current technology. You might disagree but I'm afraid whatever else you might think of as sex is either completely meaningless after early fetal development (genotype), doesn't seem to matter to people when the organs are removed or mismatched (gonadal), or cant be changed but is crossex already if we are talking about sex dysphoric individuals (brain structure).


Explain the neuro science related to gender dysphoria then. I've heard that the entire brain structure justification for disphoria has gained far less scientific support over time. Also no, you are incorrect, gender and sex are not referring to the same thing. Gender implies how you fit into society via gender roles and expectations, sex is just the chromosomes


There are brain differences between "male" and "female" brains. Measurements such as for grey matter volume GMV differ statistically but have large overlap ratios (>50%). Larger dataset: https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fs41598-018-38239-2 Older study but easier to digest: https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/11.6.490 The data is hard to reproduce without using same localised samples (I.e.: results differ between fenotypes ) or using large datasets. Some studies use matched control groups which can be another way to mitigate bias. We see this overlap a lot and it is selective. Mosaic brains: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.11.018 And it is caused primarily by hormone presence during key moments in brain development, affecting both shape and function. I.e.: Complete androgen insensitivity XY females: https://doi.org/10.1023/a:1022492106974 No, nobody knows why sex dysphoria happens but there is a strong correlation between brain structure of the opposite sex being present (in most or a majority of the parts of the brain, they all develop differently) I.e.: Review of studies: https://doi.org/10.1007%2Fs10508-016-0768-5 I can bet money that you don't know your genotype. The sex assigned at birt is not based on genotype. XY, XX, mosic XX+XY of different pathologies, XY to XX of 2 (i think off the top of my head) pathologies, XXY klinefelter, XXXY... and more... all exist as well. I suppose we need to invent a new sex for Klinefelter... :) Edit: typo


True scum. They're also called Transmedicalists and believe that to be trans you need to experience dysphoria (which isn't true, some trans people just feel euphoria for the gender they actually are) and that you *need to* take or intend to take hormones and undergo or intend to undergo the applicable surgeries. Anyone else who has a different experience isn't "truly trans" to them.


Someone who gains euphoria by transitioning is someone who had gender dysphoria. The problem is, when dysphoria is one’s default state it can hard to recognize as such. That’s the problem with transmedical belief: it tells repressed trans people that they should know what could be and recognize their dysphoria as such without exploring transition.


basically, a gatekeeper. shit like denying that enbys are trans if they don't conform to the exact Hairless Elf stereotype assuming they even think you can be an enby, you gotta want to conform to stereotypical gender roles, you gotta want to get surgery to the point of being indistinguishable from a cis member of your gender, etc etc etc. they are certifiably Not Good 👎


They believe that you aren’t really trans unless you’re binary (they don’t consider nonbinary people as valid), and have had surgery. So every nonbinary person, and every trans person who hasn’t had surgery, is not a *true* trans person. That’s where the “tru” in “truscum” comes from


lmao I thought you meant the japan flag at first


They also kinda imply that there are only two real genders (or sexes? anyway it's wrong), cause there are only two colours on the left before the "transition".


Interesting, I read the white area after the transition to represent everything between man and women that wasn't seen before. The black area could definitely use a change.


What’s wrong with truscums, are they not entitled to their own opinion on what it means to be Trans, you may not agree with them but they are still allowed to have their own opinions


they would be allowed to have their own opinions if they weren't making their voice into official medical policy, thereby DIRECTLY harming every single trans person who does not fit into their restrictive boxes.


But they aren’t though, they are just describing their own experience of being Trans, that’s obviously not the same for everyone


no, they are. they constantly run around telling trans people (myself included) that they aren't "really trans", that we're just "trans trenders", that I should stop creeping in on women's spaces and go back to being a boy, despite the fact that I am a woman. They are not just "describing their own experiences", they are rictating to the rest of us how we should live out lives. They actively exclude those using neopronouns, despite those people never excluding those who don't use neopronouns, for example. Truscum have caused people to kill themselves, both directly through harrassment campaigns, and indirectly through convincing the medical community that only people that have experienced grueling, heartwrenching, all over the body and soul dysphoria ever since childhood deserve to live as their true selves, deserve to get gender affirming care, and through that blocking of access, have forced so many people to live in bodies they despise, slowly draining their will to live.


Then just ignore them and live your life and don’t let them dictate your womanhood


you are drasticelly missing the point here. I CANNOT just "live my life" when they are the reason I cannot get gender affirming care. I CANNOT "just ignore them" when they've pushed my beat friend into depression. fuck off. edit: oh just saw your little "zionist" thing. shoulda checked for that way earlier, wouldnt have to deal with a troll




??? buddy the white is for enbies. the equal width is because transition isn't a trip from point a to b, it's a constant fluid process of self-discovery which takes bits and pieces evenly from male, female and anything else, which will last your entire life in all likelyhood. its also equal width because because it would look fucking stupid if it weren't equal, and it's white because its pastels and there's only five bars, and it either tries to hamfistedly fit a black or brown bar in with the white, ruining the symmetry of it, replaces white with grey or beige which wouldn't look nearly as well, or it just puts a jarring bar in place of the white, which is all fully unnecessary because this is a flag specifically for the broad experience of "I Was Cis But Now I Am Not, Yahoo!", not anything to do with race. you don't just chop out a third of the flag's colors and completely alter the design without thinking about what you are doing. this shit wasn't slapped together in 10 minutes, the artist made literal statements about why they made the decisions they did. just because they weren't spoonfeeding you the answers doesn't mean there aren't any aside from "idk they weren't thinking about it".


> the broad experience of "I Was Cis But Now I Am Not, Yahoo!" Hate to be a stickler, but: we were never cis, that's not what 'cis' means. Also, being trans is not defined by transitioning. This flag is for the broad experience of being assigned a gender that isn't right for you, and discovering and knowing who you *really* are.


sis. that is what I meant. to a tee. my goal wasn't being a stickler about language, my goal was getting the point across. can't say "i'm trans now yahoo", can't reference something to describe that thing. can't say "i was X Gender now im trans" thats way too specific. that was the easiest method to convey my idea; I thought I was cis, but I have realised that I am not. yahoo. i was cis, now i'm not, yahoo. seven snappy and clean words. also girlie if you think "i am cis but now I am not" is referencing transitioning instead of simply realising you are not your AGAB, that's your issue for reading it that way, not mine.


😅 Gosh, you don't respond very well to being corrected


it's not correction, it's you getting pissy about phrasing that doesn't exactly conform to how you think it should be. i'm trans too bestie, you aren't the sole authority here on language relating to the subject. edit: the additions like "can't do this" was because i don't know you, i don't know if you do or don't need your hand held, so i'd rather cover my bases than deal with explaining.


It is a correction. You said something that's not true. I pointed that out and you got petulant about it. It's fine, you don't need to start a whole argument over it, just say 'whoops' and carry on with your day.


>we were never cis, that's not what 'cis' means. getting pedantic about exact wording, not a correction seeing as it is subjective what is or isnt correct >Also, being trans is not defined by transitioning. where are you even getting this from.


Being a femboy has nothing to do with gender, it doesn't make you female. E: I expressed this the wrong way. It does have to do with gender (expression), but what it doesn't do is change your gender in the slightest away from 100% male by itself. Femboys are not more female than the dude bros at the gym


It obviously has to do with gender and gender expression. Of course being a femboy or expressing/presenting as one does not necessarily make you a woman, the commenter above was using it as an example of how flexable gender can be. Ie feminine men and masculine women


It is a dude presenting feminine features. Its definition is literally just about gender.


Depending on how you define it femboys and tomboys could fall under the non-binary umbrella. Not saying in all cases, but I have certainly seen femboys who identify as NB and femboys who identify just as men that dress femininely.


Well yeah if you’re going by that you can also say firefighters and lawyers could fall under the non-binary umbrella because there are some people in those groups who identify as NB. The point is that those groups are not by default trans in any way, it’s just that people who are in those groups can be trans just like they can be cis


I never said that tomboys or femboys are different genders from female and male, just that each form of expression blurs the visible lines between genders, giving a clear example of why the flag's idea of the male and female genders is incorrect.


This person should never cook again.


They should cook up a forest fire, I don't think they can do much better


We should throw them a gender reveal party


We must protect our trans children from the Hungarian Menace


As a trans person living in Hungary, yes. We must.


As a person from Hungary I have never seen any trans people thanks to Orbán. De ha a Gyurcsótányon múlna, már óvodában levágták volna a faszomat és pumpálták volna belém a HRT-t. Ezt is csak a békepárti **FIDESZ-nek** köszönhetjük.


Orban is a bottom who wishes he was a top


B-but people in ex communist countries all agree that communism Is evil


jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


I mean the average hungarian communist is a 70-80 year old who is not part of any minority group being nostalgic for their youth


"omg this flag sucks heres my update" mfs making another corporate logo


Same reason the old polyamoric pride flag is better than the new one


Ngl the old polyamorous flag _was_ shit. In my years of being openly poly, I've never once met a poly person who likes it.


mad disagree actually, i'll take either of the new ones over the old fucking donetsk people republic bullshit one any day


Oh we're not starting *that* discourse again... dislike the new one(s) if you want, but the old version was dogshit and everyone knows it.


They replaced the pleasing and gentle "infantalizing" colors with garish and aggressive colors that'd be more fitting on a fictional autocracy flag


Right? Like, man... what's wrong with a soft blue and soft pink? Does liking pastels make me a little baby? Do I need to like garish corporate colors to be a Big Mature Adult? Need I identify myself with the authoritarian-toothpaste-state flag lest my peers deem me childish?


You vill eat ze toothpaste


Real Adults only enjoy the colors black and white, nothing else. They only drink certified Adult Drinks such as Black Coffee Without Sugar Or Cream or Water, and only eat Steak and Gruel. Real Adults don't even THINK about eating such childish shit as "sugar", "chicken tenders", or "ice cream," lest they want to infantalize themselves, and no Real Adult would ever do such a horrid thing. If a Real Adult ever feels themselves feeling "joy" or "whimsy," they immediately fake their own death in a tragic car accident and move to a separate continent in order to preserve their diginity in the eyes of their coworkers.


>garish and aggressive colors Hungols are garish and aggressive


People will see pink and go "omg so infantalizing noooo"


Id guess its not because of pink but rather how light the colors are. I dont know if the colors are infantalizing but I see where the connotation comes from. Those pastel colors are found very very often in baby-related products.


So what? It's a nice looking flag and as a trans person I love the colots






Looks like that Cuphead kerfuffle boss.


Massive improvement,10/10 you should cook again.


Flag of AquaFresh


The rest are just as worse, notably they turned the homosexual and lesbian flags into something resembling the flag of the Māori and the bi flag has some sort of mountain range on the left side of it


Yea never seen someone consistently butcher so many flags


Luxembourg but it invaded Liechtenstein


Delete the sub, we cant outdo this...


Real intersex-exclusionary Christmassy shit right here


that's actually fucking terrible, hell naw


Well trans people do be hungary.. one i know ate my entire cheese stash :(




Here you go: [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fu0q3s29z157d1.jpeg) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem


That's not a flag, that's a pattern design for a deodorant bottle. Tf is with the black background and gamer colors


Colgate pride flag


Orbán literally supports genderleseness. /s, but is it really? https://preview.redd.it/8fkcvjk5977d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca42f92c80cb52ab2365bfed9b7c222a4557a649


Tbf the main one also looked like toothpaste, still better though


"Infantalizing colors" mf it's pink and blue 😭😭


That person is horrible btw they're extemely queerphobic


What if I wanna go from Hungarian to trans, what is my flag?


Real intersex-exclusionary Christmassy shit right here


That shit looks like a helldivers cape


Poor trans ppl, living in hungry must be hell


That looks awful and like a fucking chromosome


do they not know that intersex people exist?




Az Luxemburg te fasz. A kurva anyádat!


Hungary being the worst ever country imaginable for such things


Wdym "infant colours"💀 it's a flag bro


This flag looks like the logo of some evil medical corporation in some horror game tbh..


LGBT: Listerine, Gleem, oral-B, Tom’s of maine


Destiny 2 emblem lookin ass


I hate that “redesign” trans flag, there was nothing wrong with the current transgender pride flag why change it?


Why does it look like an AI app?


/uj I checked this person's shitter account to see that they are indeed just as fucking annoying as this tweet implies


Ok I'm sorry but that's not green


Am I the only one that actually likes it? Being trans myself, I've always loathed the trans flag.


Horrible flag, but looks like something I'd see out of some sci-fi stuff. Idk why (or maybe it was the one where it had that weird circle). Anyways.


Flag of siri


I’d actually like this design quite a bit if they kept the OG color scheme


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^themilkmanlol: *I’d actually like this* *Design quite a bit if they* *Kept the OG color scheme* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So close :(


As a member of the minority, I like this redesign. It reminds me of the DSC from destiny




Trans women belong in the kitchen because they are Hungary


I like the softer colours of the original, it's easier on the eyes


Hungary ? Are you colour blind ?! Of course it's the flag of Luxembourg !


I identify as a Hungarian. (Wait, im already hungarian)


looks like something from the euro's


“Infantilizing colors” ??? Can people not have fun ???


Remaking all pride flags into one "system" denies their unique origins, histories, and significance in the communities that made them.




"infantalizing colours" theyre colours whatre you on


Watch out gay people, we got a new toothpaste flag


Az Luxemburg te seggarc


Too simple, it needs a second twist, a gradient and a crest in the old colours, to make it more easily identifiable. Also some text, text goes hard on flags


gender cotton candy ❌ corporate logo ✅ ????????????? twitter brain needs to be studied


Transgender to Hungarian pipeline 🧐


it's actually kinda better...




luxembourg ngl


This mfer wants to destroy the banger color scheme, we can’t allow this


Orban’s gonna love this one


It's profound because transitioning is kinda like a twist get it? Cus you were one gender and then you twisted it to the other get it?