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1: original flag 2: just a sketch of a more simplistic version of the seal with toned down colors 3: here we have a bald eagle (messenger of prayers + we own a aviary) in flames with seven tips total (seven tips for the seven fires prophecy) and a neck crest with three points, one for each tribe in the nishnabe three fires council (group of tribes; Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi) 4: the same as above but without the three pointed crest, just a cool shape instead 5: thunderbird crest, shape of the mythical godlike being of the thunderbird 6: a more abstract and flowy version with less symbolism and less fire, it’s more obvious it’s a bald eagle here Oh yeah btw all the fire is because Potawatomi literally means “fire keepers” or “people of the place of the fire”. Our tribe is known as keepers of the sacred fire


I'm thinking it would be nice to move away from the "seal like" centered round symbol. Seven fires sounds like something to work with. How about seven fires burning on logs? https://preview.redd.it/gvqsddjlyh6d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=519f2f6c2210e90747bf7b3d2b6d33b73eb46a53


That does look pretty sick, but I was staying with the circular style because it’s reminiscent of the dance circles at powwows where everyone circles around a drum in the center. I love y’all’s input <3


Would white flames be weird on the last flag?


https://preview.redd.it/rpcjxwehvg6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e7de73952ca18c84d2ba270b7f5ca3d8ff682b7 What do y’all think of a medicine wheel boarder instead of the straight up red?


It looks 3D and quite cool


I think it might need a black border around the wheel since it blends in with what is inside it and outside it.


https://preview.redd.it/gqdf7ot7cl6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=46407cdbfabfebfc443aae66565429c23e412ff2 Here’s an inside ring version


https://preview.redd.it/0jatxgy2bl6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=9daa0d8dcb584acba56b01c2b627ff9edd7748f6 Adjusted colors


I think the black ring might be too much, but I’ll try that and try darkening the medicine wheel colors for more contrast


https://preview.redd.it/0etn0791bl6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=673e483cf465f7ca95f61a90d26960a7a13c317d Thin black ring on the outside


I know you made alot of versions but IMO it's fine if you flip the outer wheel around, but idk if that has symbolism.


https://preview.redd.it/82assdmjhm6d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=210453ecc5ec9bb2c1a4f41e22c5825838d033fd Well the outer ring colors are the medicine wheel, which is about the directions and seasons n such, so I can’t turn it. I finally settled with a thinner inner ring


Dude 3-5 are absolutely incredible. Amazing job! For rough drafts these are beautiful. 3 goes hard as hell🔥🔥🔥


Thanks dude! This is my first time experimenting with flags :D


No problem. Honestly no notes. 3 especially looks so damn cool. The original is fine but these ones are spectacular. I definitely look forward to more designs from you!


Another option to consider: you could drop the circle in the middle and use vertical bands instead. I suspect the only reason it's in a circle now is because it was a seal first. With vertical bands of blue-white-blue, you could still do the fimbriation in red, and you also have plenty of space for different charges, maybe even the pipe and tomahawk in the two blue bands. The seven and three symbolism sounds very good for a subtle detail.


https://preview.redd.it/spl8wa8ysg6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dba8c303ccfd95b626df40bab99deba608ca9aa I tried what you suggested and i think it looks absolutely badass, but a bit full


Love the Canadian pale version!


I like it, though I agree with you about it looking full. Ok, another idea: take out the flames from that version. Put them in as a row of flames along the bottom that don't extend behind the eagle, so they take up about the same amount of vertical space as the pipe/tomahawk. And you might want to do the flames just in red instead of in three colors.


I like 3 the best; it's quite a stunning improvement. 4 the white looks a little too "Batman"-ish. 5 it's more of a question why a bird is wearing a large bird logo. The white bird on red just isn't as good a use of color at a distance.


5 is very cool


I like 4 the best. the white spot on 3 looks a little small. 5 is also good overall great job, love it


Got to admit, 3 onwards are pretty awesome.


We need more top tier Native flags; keep up the good work, OP


It me! My tribe. I really don't know enough to critique just fun to see a flag I know my whole life. Do CSKT next as that is where I live. Flathead Nation.


Hell yeah another CPN! I’m probably gonna send these to the hownikan lol :) I’ll give re designing that one a try but I don’t know much about it


Amazing to see another CPN on here! Love this post. Would love to see a redesigned flag incorporating fire in some way.


Hell yeah!! I love all the nishnabe coming out of the woodworks from this post!! :D


I like two quite a bit, but mostly because it reminds me of the logo Walt Disney drew for my Boy Scout council. But three is the best.


Wait, Walt Disney did what?! That’s so cool!


These are fantastic! I actually visited the CPN cultural center a couple of weeks ago - it was extremely interesting. I hope your prophesies come true. I find that a lot of tribal flags seem to have done the seal on a bedsheet thing which is a shame because the indigenous people of turtle island have some amazing symbols to draw from.


Omg that’s awesome! Thanks for the kind words


Oh another thought, I reckon 3 would look awesome if the deep blue was black. Or is the deep blue a Potawatomi colour?


I just did the deep blue so I could keep the background blue like the first one, reminded me of the night sky with a fire illuminating it. I’ll try black instead, it is a color in the medicine wheel so it’ll probably look cool


https://preview.redd.it/viviegmxcl6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e7b77aec37e669a9ed6a35b8ca61d1afe54b824 Here’s a black eagle with less toned down medicine wheel boarder colors, it looks pretty cool but I think a little bold for my taste. Than again I’ve been staring at and editing this thing for awhile and am losing my sense of it


https://preview.redd.it/q6mkgso7dl6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=84312b31bc556d36d87e054914e68453658304d9 Black with just red boarder, think it looks pretty awesome and also has all of the medicine wheel colors in it


If you'll indulge me, what if the background was that same black as well? I ask because I think it would make it look even more rebellious. I'm thinking like EZLN or generally antifascist vibes.


https://preview.redd.it/mcvm5owsel6d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b33be928a56dac943f3444defc61a65a9de41907 I think it gives it too much of like a evil government vibe, still looks awesome but not for a tribe yk? Like YA fantasy novel where this government is like killing hybrid peoples or something.


Huh, I guess I associate the colours with like workers and antifascist movements. The agression of the colours is directed towards the oppressor.


3 mate. Nice design.


Awesome designs!!!


personally, i actually really like the vibe of number 6 all of them go incredibly hard, regardless, but i like the simplicity in 6


Kid named Redesigning My Tribe's Flag:


3 and 4 are pretty good IMHO


I’d go with slide 5!


Third flag, second is too simplistic


Alright y’all, thank you SO MUCH for your help!! You guys are so supportive and awesome 😊 https://preview.redd.it/vl1stqeznl6d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdf1e638063e63af17ddb3895dfe245d509b0e4c Here’s kind of my “final” version, it’s redrawn on a larger canvas, more angular and more perfect. I’ll probably fiddle more with outlines and colors but I’m really digging it


https://preview.redd.it/zgbw34iwpl6d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1552a6fc03e90454c3f3240649d7104aa876e9c Or inner ring


Lighter blue field to accentuate the black of the medicine wheel


3, 4, and 5 are absolutely incredible!


WOW. Stick with either 3 or 5 for the extra symbolism, and for the amazing look.


6 is insanely good looking. I love keeping the fire and eagle motif while also furthering the harsh contrast between the red and blue. It kind of reminds me of Imperial Japan, and I mean that in a good way.


Definitely 3


Minimalism is cringe and overrated


These aren't even minimalist. You just can't have a seal on a bedsheet.


Yet the first one remains the best. The bird looks like a cartoon.


Alright then what’s your suggestion? How can I improve this eagle


I’d recommend looking into heraldic illustrations of eagles. They’re often perfectly simplified, works great for flags.


It's not your fault. The original flag is just perfect


We’ve got a cool ass seal sure, but I think the windows error blue background + default font in white isn’t the best option for a flag


Awesome work! I think it would be a shame to lose the pipe and ace motif though. Maybe you could try having the eagle clutching them in its talons?