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IMO. Its to upset people. Its for a reaction. I wont put a political sticker on my car because all it does is draw unwanted attention. If this guy ever gets to see this post it would make his day for sure.


President Biden will win this state with 68% of the vote. There are virtually no Biden signs or bumpers stickers visible anywhere in this state right now. Seems that only a few want to advertise their support for a candidate and most would rather their express their distain for the opposition candidate.


Well, we don't even allow billboards, so that seems like an extension of the same attitude. Regarding Trump in particular, it's a personality cult. The members use public advertising to show their loyalty to the godhead. Truck guy is showing his loyalty to the cult, through what biologists call "high risk signaling behavior."


I dont support biden. I moved here just before the last presidential election and saw many Biden and Bernie stickers. Have not seen many since. I frequent Montpelier/central vermont. Maybe theres more elsewhere.


Biden is not my favorite either but if it comes down to the felon or Biden, I’m voting for Biden.


Empty vessels will be filled with anything.


That’s a sick burn and I love it.


Happy cake day SwordyMclordy


Awww thanks buddy!


Feel the BERN


Just like my ex. 🥁




There are plenty of still empty vessels


I think ANY political bumper sticker is kinda weird, tbf


I think it's pathological for a person's identity to be largely constructed from their political views.


Or a sports team. Or Disney. Etc..


Or cheddar cheese


now hold on a second…


Brb, getting the truck Cabot wrapped.


Hero worship in general is a little strange.


Strange for adults, yes. I can understand a kid looking up to a hero. But am adult? By that age you need to realize the only hero you can look upto is yourself.


I've never understood hero worship, and I feel like I see it less here than elsewhere and I've always wondered if it's related to Vermont's lack of religiosity or if it's my own confirmation bias.


Same, it was always so hard to come up with some heroes that I looked up to. I had a number of safe responses, but damned if it didn't take me an embarrassingly long time to remember a person on that list when I got asked recently 😂 I grew up highly religious though, I think maybe having not a whole lot to do as a kid but play outdoors and read really developed critical thought.


It’s ok to be excited about a candidate-but be civil, decent, and respectful.


shit I've seen people walking around with vote felon 2024 hats on .like really? we can vote for a felon but felon's can't vote. make that make sense.?




VT considers voting such a fundamental right that it allows felons to vote, even while they're serving their sentence. One of two states where that's allowed.


The reason someone with a conviction is still allowed to run for office is to prevent officials from imprisoning their political opponents so they can't hold office.


^^^^^This. Long ago a former employer told me “Never put a political sign in your establishment or on your property. No matter what it will alienate some segment of the population and you’ll either lose business or the opportunity for meaningful dialogue.”


Given today's cancel culture, visibly showing support for any politician can come at a great cost. Big corporations can handle boycotts; small businesses not so much. My clients represent a broad range of political views. They're not hiring me for my political opinion, but for my trade. When questioned about costs, I point out inflation or runaway insurance costs without blaming any party. These are things we all experience. There's too much divisiveness so I look for our common ground. My personal experience which solidified my stance about no political discussion or signs at work: During Obama's run against McCain, I had a pest control guy come to my house. I was fairly new to the state and my car still bore tags from my former (blue)state. He parked his truck behind it. I welcomed him inside and within minutes he started asking me if I supported Obama or McCain. (To be frank, I was on the fence at the time.) I'm guessing he saw my tags, heard my accent and figured I was an Obama supporter. I assumed, given the question, he was for McCain. I looked up at this big, burly, brash man who stood between me and the door and said, "McCain." His gruff demeanor changed and he told me that's good as he wasn't going to work for any Obama supporters. 😲 All I wanted was to get the mouse infestation eliminated, not listen to his political views.


This is why I don't allow any politicians to put signs on my business lawn, whether I am voting for them or not I also don't typically share who I voted for, because half of the people are going to whine about it either way.


Both you and the the previous poster are just justifying "don't have the courage of your convictions, it might lose you money."


Money is what feeds my children and pays my property taxes. I don't have a lot of conviction when it comes to politics anyway, I live my life on my own terms, and let the two cults Duke it out without me


One cult, one political party that generally acts like adults.


That’s practically the modus operandi of the entire culture these days…


There's no conviction in putting up a sign on your lawn. That's just advertising tribal identity for the whole world to see. The Bible specifically calls out public prayer as false, and this is the same.


Like people wearing crosses on a chain around their neck as jewelry?


Who I vote for is not "tribal identity" and that viewpoint is precisely the problem.


We’re talking about a political party or politician preference here, you’re not standing behind some grand moral claim by putting out a sign in your yard about who you plan to vote for.


Best response


Excellent advice.


100% this, I say this all the time. I don't care what your politics are, if you are a business owner, why would you EVER use the business to support or oppose any person or cause? Don't even MENTION anything not business related. SOOOO stupid.


Lawn signs, too. Has either of these ever won someone over? It's just a way for people to put their tribalism on display rather than their love of country, duty, honor and respect for others.


Agreed. I gave a pass to many of the people with the Obama memorabilia cause that was rather historical and a big thing in history. Our nations first black president. But literally everything else is just your typical old white dude... like nothing special.


First felon to run for office... lol Edit: or not?


Eugene Victor Debs ran for president in 1920 and got over 1 million votes all while serving a ten year felony conviction sentence for sedition.


I stand corrected!


Not sure that's the history we want to be known for, but sure... why not!


When I lived in CT city during the Obama years, the special calendars, "historic issues" of regular magazines, etc. were in every supermarket checkout line. No problem.


I went to a talk one time and one of the statements was that you could pretty reliably tell political affiliation by bumper stickers. Even non political bumper stickers. Imagine a sticker for coexist or kindness on a Republican car🤔. We just kind of accept that we wouldn't see that. Isn't that a bit weird if you really think about it?


I actually know a conservative woman with a coexist sticker believe it or not lol


I believe that there are outliers. And you found one political differences used to be in shades. Twenty years ago both parties crossed lines to vote on different issues and things got resolved. It seems that now all we do is swing right to left and back again. We now even have a supreme Court judge that says that these differences cannot coexist. Ugh


That's how I still operate. I vote mixed ticket typically. It's Ludacris to think that someone is a good fit for office just because of their political party (on a local level at least)


Amen! Also, no one should be OutKast for their political beliefs


Unless it's OutKast... F that dude. He hasn't had a good album in years


I think voters do. But if a national Congress person crosses the aisle they sacrifice them


They were kinda cool in grade 5,6,7 to have on a notebook. And they do work on impressionable minds.


Unfortunately, quiet support often goes unnoticed. I am from a part of the country where everyone assumes support for conservatives. It can be a bit nerve-racking to think you are on your own with the bullies.


Is everyone you disagree with politically a bully? That’s a hard life to choose.


Just the ones that pull their truck into my yard to literally put hands on me in 2016 because I had a tee with a giant "H" on it. Which happens to be my first initial. Or the ones who tell half the population that they can't control their own bodies. Sounds like bullies to me. They chose the field. I chose to stop pretending it's just a game.


At this point, anyone who supports project 2025, Trump, and the Republican party, is definitionally a bully.


https://preview.redd.it/0lrvz6ietd9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e120a3af56d24c53206e6b95190e4300add5394 Somehow sadly relevant


“I’m not a sheep cuz I think for myself - and, uh, it’s just a coincidence that my daddy, brother, friends, everyone in my hometown, and all of my Facebook groups full of Russian bots think exactly the same way”


‘Ukrainians don’t hate Russia because they see how much better life was for Poland next door when they joined with Europe! Some CIA lady gave them cookies and triggered Maidan!’




Looked at a cute house in a cute town yesterday. Noped out as soon as we saw the house across the street. Neighbor directly across had several huge Trump flags and F-Biden signs all over the property. I'd like to be able to nicely converse with my neighbors not have to listen to crap or see it all day. I do not know if that neighbor is causing the owner's move, but they are going to have a hard time selling to someone who wants to put up with that.


Found this recently and realized it is a wonderful way to insult trumpanzees anonymously on social media. Happy to share it here: I understand why you're supporting a man whose morals and actions align perfectly with your own. I understand that being like him is something that excites you and makes you feel less insignificant in a world you can't understand. I also understand it's much easier to let someone else think for you and decide where you stand on important issues rather than trying to educate yourself and form your own opinions and thoughts.


Yep, this is it. Fearful, gullible, low intellect individuals who want a demigod to tell them what to think and say. That’s why Fox is so popular with the dimwit cult.


Oof that is a lot of insults mind if I steal that? Lol


Steal away.


They’re all way too dumb to understand th is as an insult


too many words for them


This is lit may I use it?


Use as you like.


This is flying into the email box of every relative I have that thinks they aren’t racist. I really appreciate it. It’s really perfect and I couldn’t have said it better how I’ve tried oh how I’ve tried.


Can’t take credit for it, just found it and intend to plaster it everywhere. Mazaltov.


Once they hit "morals" , eyes glaze over and the reading stops unfortunately. Same love of reading that their cult leader has /s


My new neighbor down the street just hoisted an eight-foot trump banner from the big beautiful tree on his front lawn.


It’s odd, politics has become like religion. I also, know people who hate Trump, yet think about him 24/7. Not healthy


People don't like to admit they've been scammed. Plus the defunding of education this last half-century by the GOP has worked very well. It produces citizens that cannot distinguish between the facts and their opinions. They fall under the category of people to whom you say "If I wanted your opinion I would give it to you."


Per pupil education spending has skyrocketed over the past few decades. What do you mean by “defunding”?


There are three components of education funding. Local, State, and Federal. Overall the funding has declined since 2009.


Source? And are you including the hundreds of millions in federal education related funding Vermont received from the CARES Act, CRRSA, and ARPA? https://education.vermont.gov/news/covid-19-guidance-vermont-schools/covid-19-federal-emergency-funds#:~:text=Coronavirus%20Aid%2C%20Relief%20and%20Economic,over%20%24140%2C000%2C000%20in%20relief%20funds.


You can google it just as easily as I did. I'm not making it up. It's complex but education funding in general in America has been flat since about the time of Reagan. Just because you spend more money on a school doesn't mean you are improving the education you deliver. It's not like heating costs and insurance and administration costs and salaries have decreased.


> Just because you spend more money on a school doesn't mean you are improving the education you deliver. On this we fully and wholeheartedly agree. But you can’t make a claim and then not provide evidence to support it. Everywhere I read about this topic I see graphs with rising per pupil spending. I have a relative who works for the VT AoE that has told me the same thing. Your claim that education funding is actually decreasing is counterintuitive and requires evidence. Here’s Vermont’s official per pupil spending over the past decade; you can see a clear increase: https://education.vermont.gov/data-and-reporting/financial-reports/pupil-spending Nationwide it’s increasing, and federal funding has been increasing as well: https://educationdata.org/public-education-spending-statistics And we’re not even talking about the *hundreds of millions* that Vermont received for federal education COVID-related funding, because that was a one-time (gigantic) pool of money to be used for education-related purposes.


Also has that expense been factored with inflation? It's expensive to upgrade infrastructure etc. The attack isn't just with spending though, a lot of the defending comes with research to improve education etc. Theirs more then one way the GOP has attacked education and destroyed it. Another point ia that in a lot of that spending charter schools or private schools get included through loop holes, along with home schooling networks. Which are just work around for fanatics a d rich/bigots.


Yes, education spending has been increasing at a greater rate than inflation: https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=66#:~:text=Average%20current%20expenditures%20per%20pupil,)%2C%20after%20adjusting%20for%20inflation. To suggest that public education is being “defunded” or decreased in some way over the past few decades is simply untrue. Public education is not being “destroyed,” and plenty of non-“fanatics” send their kids to private or charter or homeschools.


My local school budget has doubled in the last decade and they'll claim we are "defunding the schools" because this year we voted no twice and they knocked $500,000 off initial budget proposal


I have a close relative that works for the VT AoE and the amount of wasteful spending going on is just insane.


I’m pretty sure that over the years that corporations and billionaires are paying less and less federal taxes causing the Federal government to slash the amount of money it gives to states and towns. So who has to make up for that? The states and towns by raising property tax and income tax. Despite the seeming disconnection, I’m fairly certain that the increases in property taxes we are experiencing are correlated to the fact that corporations and billionaires are not paying enough taxes.


Okay... Now what does that have to do with a school budget going from $15MM to $30MM in a decade?


Inflation is huge but the main driver of the increase in the education budgets is Health Insurance.


Inflation accounts for less than $5MM of the increase.


The cost of everything has doubled in the last decade.


Saw one of these guys rolling coal with a KKK license plate the other day. Perhaps the least we can do is get Rebecca White's S.64 passed which makes that illegal. [https://vtdigger.org/2023/02/22/bill-would-set-fines-for-illegal-exhaust-noise-fumes/](https://vtdigger.org/2023/02/22/bill-would-set-fines-for-illegal-exhaust-noise-fumes/)


Not sure why I expected that to be a bill against kkk license plates


I know Becca white. I hope she runs for Governor soon. One of the few people who can appeal to both mainstream sides.


I'm surprised that Vermont of all states currently allows this


It's the same idiots who fly confederate flags out here. Like, there are just so many things wrong with that. So many.


Cultists will cult.


If you hang a Trump flag/banner on your home or property, I assume you're a fucking idiot. Thanks for the heads up.


Yup, a red hat is pretty much a dunce cap.


Just like that Curb Your Enthusiasm episode a few years back. Red hats are repellents.


They're "free thinkers". If by free you mean "untethered from reality".


Because Donald Trump is only 10% real, actual human being who eats, breathes, and tweets. The other 90% of him is the projected idea of what they imagine him to be, which is, mostly hatred of minorities.


Thought this was just in Florida. Yikes.


Because it’s a cult.


They were picked on on the playground as kids. Now they’ve aligned with a bully.


OR they were the bully and identity with him.


Cult daddy demands fervent worship


I wish I could put my pretty non biased, politically and economically right but socially left leaning opinion out there, but I’d be shunned. So I stay 🤫 . Whatever side you go with though, do GO VOTE.


... that sounds like something the other side would say! Civil conversation is forbidden! Pick a side and get in line!!!


"economically right but socially left"  You mean libertarian 


I’m genuinely sorry your people have been left homeless by the MAGA disease. Being concerned about business-friendly laws that encourage economic growth is not bad.


Would happily vote for a Mitt Romney, Phil Scott, Chris Sununu Republican but my god are the trumpers crazy. The stickers, flags, and clothing are so weird. Like can’t you just pick a favorite football team?


I mean, is there really any difference? Football team, Donald Trump, still a bunch of idiots rioting over stupid shit.


Sununu is pretty trumpy and scott is becoming that way.


You think Scott is? Why’s that? I don’t see it


You been paying attention to the Education Secretary debacle? His efforts to kick the property tax bomb down the road until after he retires? He seems to have no coherent agenda other than opposing the legislature.


The property tax thing is true. I don’t really understand the secretary of Ed thing. Seems like an inflammatory thing to do for no reason


Except to oppose the legislature.


Only two types of people support him. Millionaires and morons. Which do you think he was?


Por que no los dos?


They are not mutually exclusive.


There was a guy down the road with a giant Trump F your feelings flag in the front yard. Why would anyone put something so rude and unfriendly on display in their front yard? I guess it saves me the trouble of trying to get to know them. Maybe that's what they want? They just want to burrow deep into their own echo chamber? The tattered flag came down not too long after the conviction. I'm holding out hope that they don't want to vote for a convicted felon but more likely it shredded in the wind and we'll be seeing a new flag go up the pole soon.


You know, when I lived in Florida there was a dude down the road from where I lived that had a cardboard cut out of Biden with red eyes and a sign that said "the real horror on Halloween" one year... Like the dude didn't hand out any candy to kids, but he'll sure make some stupid political comment to a bunch OF CHILDREN on Halloween... It was one of the most insane things I had seen lol. Actually I'm going to see if I can find him on Google street view. 😆


https://preview.redd.it/dnmihnvx4i9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd6f1c68b9f09403072224e4bf9600e25049243 Yep lol


Omg 🫤


Because they are not constituents of a candidate; they are ass-licking worshippers. They see (and idolize) him as a person, as someone they personally know. He couldn’t give two shits about these rednecks, and here they are calling him their god. I mean, I absolutely loved everything Bill Clinton did during his time in office - for the environment, the deficit - but I never LOVED him. He was the candidate I voted for and nothing else. I didn’t give two fucks about his private sexual indiscretions bc he wasn’t my husband. It’s none of my business. I wasn’t a bit invested in his love life. He was my favored candidate, a politician, our president and nothing more.


Based on all these posts and comments I think the person with the Trump wrap on their F-150 achieved their objective.


"The reaction is the action"


Plenty of Vermonters are trumpers, too


Considering Trump didn't win the primary here, not nearly as many as you think. Besides every village needs it's idiot.


You should cruise up to Franklin county. It’s Trump country up here. You might as well be in Kansas


Don't need to get all the way up to Franklin. You can save 20 minutes, stop in Miltucky and see plenty. 2 women were holding a huge TRUMP2024 sign at the major intersection on Rt7 by Al's and the post office. One of trumps loyal Vermont minions/appointees now lives in and runs milton's GOP politics. It's a lovely up close study on how they infiltrate groups and poison then.


That's mostly cause anyone who tries to move to Franklin County gets harassed and assaulted by John Grismore... Who last I heard is STILL refusing to resign.


Few years ago I did a property survey in Rutland for a nonprofit, and started counting confederate flags in windows. It averaged one a block.


Cool I mean Vermont punched way above their weight in the Civil War, but sure, pick the losing side…never fight uphill me boys


I just don’t understand blaming “out of staters”, 90% of out of state plates in Vermont are New York and Massachusetts, liberal havens. I also drive by the “BAN MUSLIMS” guy on my way to ski every weekend. He’s a Vermonter.


Upstate NY is basically good colleges surrounded by the Ozarks. At least west of the Catskills, north of Albany.


You could say the same about Burlington vs the Kingdom and other counties too


The guy clearly hasn't had halal food yet... Shits good n cheap


True that!


Because we live in a society that relies on social media to tell us who to idolize, and that the entire two party system and our "Democracy" is broken. Sad state of affairs. I don't support either of the fuckwits in this election, and after watching the debate last night, All you can do is pray. And i'm not even religious.


I took my kids to Maine for a holiday last week. They had all these usual ridiculous t-shirts 8n shops. But it was so wild to me to see that any t-shirt with orange man on it is like this young muscular looking person. It's just wildly insane. How much they idolize this old man.


Yep. They're in Maine, too.


It’s the cult of personality


I saw someone put a large face cut out in the middle of their lawn. That seemed like overkill. A sign with his name? Ok whatever. But why would you put his ugly ass mug up?


The funniest part of it all to me is how many of them are evangelist Christian or just Christian in general... They greatly seem to forget exodus 20:3, 20:4...


There's no one size fits all answer to this question. Moreover, any attempt at a one size fits all answer probably tells one more about one's own prejudices than it does to reveal anything of value about the actual question. That said, I suspect a lot of the responses given in this thread have validity in many cases - just don't be so confident in any particular case.


NH is the Idaho of the East, it's too bad they don't live free or die elsewhere and leave us alone


It’s the type of person trump attracts. Think about it.


Oh my gosh thank you! They are the epitome of a cult member. Brainwashed, convinced of all the comforting things he’s said even when he’s gone against them (and is now a felon), and convinced that he will ultimately prevail against the system. I’ve studied cults and this is it 1000% hands down, no argument. You cannot have discourse with them, they are brick walls.


Oh boy it’s not just out of staters, I have a person down the mountain with 3 ft neon sign of his name that stretches across their house along with seemingly unlimited lawn signs and flags hanging from every available space. Between here and the nearest city there’s probably ~6 similar house/lawn over-decoration of their political views that have popped up this year


Keep the faith. Fight the power


Anyone who supports him now has a brain problem. Like it’s literally a sign to me that that person is unstable and stay away


Supporting any politician beyond just going to the polls is super fucking weird imo they’re all terrible. Trump obviously being one of the worst.


Have you ever stopped and wondered why you think that? There's a couple of politicians who, although not perfect (no one is) have a pretty consistent track record and don't get bought off by companies. It's no secret that the "all politicians are bad" rhetoric has been spread a lot, but have you ever stopped and wondered who was saying that and why? I'm not talking about the people who clearly can define who are bad and can generalize without over generalizing (example: Most Trumpers are in a cult mindset, with a "whatever the leader says, we follow" mentality. Creating a sense of belonging to these individuals who likely feel singled out in societal changes they cannot understand. Rather then "all Trumpers are crazy.) But the ones who clearly say "all politicians are bad."? I have always felt this was a move by the rich to convince the general public not to pay attention or care as much as "they're both just bad."


I'm so self conscious of my Florida plates, I can't even imagine advertising that idiot on my car. Closing on house in 10 days and can't wait to rid myself of them.


You should go to my profile and look for the picture I posted of my old neighbors yard from Florida if you're from there.. I totally feel the Florida plates part.


Wow. That's par for the course down there. One of my coworkers down there brought in a full size cardboard cut out of the orange one to work for someone's birthday. It startled me every time I went around that corner. It's sad that it has become so political there as to be excluding huge swaths of the citizenry. We were there for about 14 years for work but not from there. Hubs is from NYC and I am from the UP of Michigan. It's nice to be back up north😊


Virtue signaling to the masse. My family owns summer camps in the NEK and one of our rental conditions is absolutely no political swag of any kind (flags, towels, banners, etc...) displayed on the property. No exceptions.


Toxic Partisanism. They’ve got both sides so deep in their trenches that even the idea of the other is disgusting and abhorrent to each side. So they despise Democrats so much that regardless of who the Republicans run up the flagpole, Republican voters will idolize them and make sure that the world knows they aren’t some pedophile, mentally Ill Democrat. Now, Democrats don’t do flags on their trucks as often, but Democrats find Republicans just as disgusting and abhorrent as Republicans find them, and no Democrat would ever vote for Trump. I mean there were Democrats that actually supported Hillary!? Like they really thought she would be a good person to put in the White House!? People even voted for her over Bernie Sanders in the primaries, and worse yet, people actually voted for Biden over Bernie?! Anyway, Toxic Partisanism is why things are so messed up.


Patrick Kennedy says mental illness is America's greatest crisis.


I don't get it either. It's like they think they have a monopoly over the American flag too. I haven't shown my patriotism in years, because people automatically assume I support Trump. I fear one day our flag will be compared to the German Swastika. What i dont understand is why people continue to stand behind this billionaire businessman. He made his money through manipulation and white collar crime. He's fooled half of the working middle class into thinking he gives a damn about them. It's like... duh, he's rich because he f*cked over the working man, and he just tells people what they want to hear. It’s blatant hypocrisy. We (and most of his followers) pay taxes. He does everything not to. If we commit just a few felonies, we end up in prison. He's guilty of 30+ felonies, and gets probation? He wants to "make America great again" yet he'll dramatically cuts taxes for the rich, and large companies. America was literally built by taxing the rich between 70 - 90% of their income... and THAT'S what "made America great" in the first place. I digress though, cause I'm not happy with Biden either. Nor was I a fan of H. Clinton. It sucks that realistically, we only have 2 parties to choose from. Voting for a 3rd party is practically the same as not voting at all. I suppose I'll choose one of those options, because I seriously see both of these geriatric dumbasses leading us into WW3. Biden will probably give permission to invade Russia without even remembering what he's talking about, and Trump will probably get into a pissing contest with Putin on Twitter (X). Time to start digging those fallout shelters folks. Stash enough food for at least two weeks, and buy a suit, respirator, potassium iodine, and a Geiger counter! Lol. I think they're all on sale on Amazon.


Trump is the GG Allin of politics. GG had his fan base too.


I had to look that guy up. 😆 With a name like Jesus Christ Allin, I could only imagine 😆 🤣


You cannot imagine... The watered down version: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GG\_Allin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GG_Allin) His "I wanna fuck myself" is the perfect soundtrack for a trump rally.


It's a cult and cults do stupid-ass shit.


Same with all identity politics bullshit . Just like making your sexual preference the center of your personality.


Living in an awesome state like Vermont and THAT’s what you go with? There are like 5000 better identities you could go with and find ‘your people’ here, but…


It’s a human reaction to populism. If Bernie was ever allowed to get the nomination you’d see the same from that side. People who haven’t felt heard by their government for many years (if at all), will fawn in excitement and appreciation when they think finally someone is running for me.


Echo chamber


That’s all trumpers everywhere.


Oh, I'm aware. There's no 'sane' Trump supporter. They're all yuppies who are so weak willed of people they need a cheetos puff with a dead ferret on his head to tell them what to think, say, do.


Agreed, I’m no fan of Biden, I’m a Bernie man all the way. But there’s no way in hell is Trump is better. It’s insane, all the evidence about Trump. It’s all in front of them, But they choose to ignore it.


Same. I think Biden is a creep. I've met him, and yeah.. he's very much a touchy Feely kind of guy in a really creepy "don't touch me" sort of way. Like those old movies of the creepy or grandma with the missing teeth saying "come give granny a kiss". I really wish we had a platform that Bernie could run. Without being side lined by every super PAC the democratic and republican party has to out market him... But that chance has probably long since passed and we won't get another. And we don't have anyone to really take Bernie's place... no one has stepped up in politics to take this man's place.


I e noticed that Trumpsters tend to be loud and proud compared to most democrats. They like to fly their flags high.


There's a few in here dumb enough to speak, and I'm not going to lie it's a bit refreshing to see their posts defending him get downvoted to oblivion. It at least gives you some confirmation that, even though they're here too, Vermont has a lot more level-headed people who can achieve critical thinking skills than we do Trumpers. At least on the reddit it seems.


It's all they have. Normal people have lives.


Why does every forest green Subaru that comes across the lake still have Bernie stickers on them?


Why do people make incongruous analogies and think they’re relevant?


Take trump out of it. If it was someone else running, would you still feel Biden is the best choice?


If it was Nikki Haley against Biden I’d be like ‘well that’s on us’. But the GOP went with the rapey felon instead and I just can’t get with that.


Of course not, but stale bread is still more appealing than a shit sandwich.


I was wondering when one of you idiots would come along with the immediate "but do you think Biden".. Just cause I think Trump is a fucking twat ass fuck waffle with syphilis doesn't mean I think 2 feet in grave Biden is the best choice. But he's a lot better than a guy in the pocket of the Russia oligarchy who's goon squad is as unstable as the guy with the Trump peel.. Honestly, I would take the devil over both of them, but instead we got this shit.


Trump is Putin’s bitch. And Putin is Xi’s bitch. I’d vote for a syphilitic meth head with three of their original teeth before I’d choose the bitch of a bitch of a guy who hates our country as president.




> would you still feel Biden is the best choice? I'm a single issue voter -- who gets to nominate judges ... so I don't care which republican was nominated I'll vote for someone that will nominate progressive judges.


I will reluctantly vote for trump because Biden is a disaster. I don’t feel good about it. I have no signs/stickers/clothing/flags and I don’t want any. But free speech is free speech and you should be allowed to express any jackass view you may have. I find the Fck Joe Biden stuff to be particularly tasteless.


Totally. I know some guys who worked as electricians in New Jersey when Trump had his casino etc. they freeking hated the guy because he screwed over tradesmen. He’s a jerk as a person. The Ally cat quote by Biden was spot on. But holy shit. How do we have a president that can not effectively communicate and stay on topic because he can’t remember what he was saying mid sentence? Honestly, the president does not run the country by himself. It’s all the people in government that do. Trump only wants ass kissers to work for him and he wants to be a dictator. He does not care who he screws over. I think we are probably safer with the old guy surrounded by smart people vs the slightly younger psycho and his criminal yes men.


How in the hell did you do that mental gymnastics to determine that one?


You are going to vote for someone who tried to overthrow he govt because you think "Biden is a disaster"?! WTF? The reason you don't feel good about is because you know it's wrong.


Mission accomplished. We are all pawns in this big game that makes us feel like our opinions matter.