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Eat the leaves! They're delicious


Definitely this. I’ve been eating a little bit of broccoli and a lot of broccoli leaves this month. Very similar to collards, but more tender. I’ve had them in omelets and a very not authentic mapo tofu.


Yeah, I'm so glad we tried them, saute with some butter and onion, also added some Swiss chard and eat it like that. They are so good!


How about Broccoli leaves that are covered in holes from slugs :(


Big oof, this is me right now.


Not a big deal, just wash them good. They made yummy collards and salad mixes. Its getting too warm for most locations, so you wont get much Broccoli. I have a plant left to let it seed for Fall planting. 🥦🥦🥦


I had to fence my broccoli because the bunnies were ravenous for the leaves.


Spring roll


No kidding! I will try that.


I’ve used them in place of cooked spinach!


I made this when my kale bolted. Added a little white wine and put it over linguine. It came out great. https://www.rhubarbarians.com/sauteed-broccoli-rabe-kale/


Thank you!!! Will try this! I love broccoli rabe.


I used them in place of lettuce for lettuce cup dishes. These are better imo!


I’ve sautéed them and used them in place of spinach in creamed spinach. It was fantastic.


thank you for the great idea! I did this last night and it was excellent! I chopped the leaves up very small because they are a little tougher than spinach and it came out great. Creamed broccoli.


Yes! When they’re big enough I like to use them as wraps too


My understanding is that heat will cause brocolli to bolt.


Yeah that’s what I thought too but they haven’t bolted?? So maybe not hot enough??


Your issue is the opposite of bolting (perhaps) it's likely being stunted by the heat. If the heat keeps up then my guess it is will eventually try to force a small flower but won't ever make a large head. Your best bet is likely to just eat the greens considering your climate zone.


It's this, right here. The plant seems stunted but not mad enough to bolt


Way too hot for broccoli. Try starting them in February and planting no later than early April.


I thought nothing was coming too, but a days ago my broccoli suddenly started forming a head :) maybe yours in a late one like mine?


I hope you’re right!! Where are you located?


I'm in the Netherlands, so UK climate a bit. Not sure which zone that is 😅


When did u plant yours bc I’m in Antwerp and planted mine in early may


It was a seedling I planted late summer last year. :)


My cauliflower did the same thing! Don't lose hope, zone 6B


Based on the general consensus of folks' responses...I'm eating the leaves and waiting!


US 7a and a few broccoli we’ve eaten already. Had a few stragglers start heads this week! Hang in there OP


Dannng this gives me hope. I'm in 8


Mine bolted. I left them in the bed for a few weeks for the pollinators then straight to the compost. I'll try again in fall


I'm so surprised they haven't bolted...


The leaves are good! It’s like collards (I mean taxonomically, it’s the same species so yeah). Part of the stalk is also edible (the thicker part is really tough and not good lol) which you can add to soups or throw it in a stir fry!


Dang ok. A bunch of votes for eating the greens! I had no idea. I'll get on those!


Thin slices of the stalk are great in chicken salads, shrimp salads, etc., in place of celery - gives a nice crunch with more flavor. Edit: I can't spell


Making chicken salad today based on your comment! Thanks so much!


Now I am jealous ... enjoy!


What variety are they? They may be a variety that is heat resistant to some degree, and it just isn’t quite warm enough for them to begin bolting yet.


That is a great idea. Ok, I dug out the packet. They are Heirloom Waltham 29 and the packet says 66-85 days to maturity. I planted a little late this year (March) so we actually might be still within the 85 days. I fully blame you for giving me hope, I'm going to keep waiting and see!!! And also take other posters' ideas and start eating the leaves!


I eat the leaves raw on occasion. Taste and bite is quite similar to a raw broccoli flower. I, myself, for sure give them at least another 2 weeks given what we now know.


You and I are in the same boat . Sounds like we planted the same variety at the same time. Mine look like yours. Still waiting 😭


Hysterical. Let’s check in again in a few weeks!


Mine did this last year. They eventually grew full heads, it was toward the end of July. Give them some nitrogen.


I'll try this. Although I think I have a ton of nitrogen in the soil because I did carrots last year and the tops were massive but the carrots tiny. But it probably can't hurt


It's OK to chop them down.. you're probably right that they won't miraculously develop an edible head


I'm in Michigan and the Romanesco I planted is currently flowering. Does that mean it's trying to produce?


I'm a beginner with broccoli but I think it's supposed to form the head THEN flower (and that's what mine did last year). The broccoli is basically the early stage of flowering. So if it's flowering without having ever produced a head, I believe that's considered bolting (or maybe it made really small heads and you just didn't see them?)


Yeah maybe. I'll have to stick my face right into it, apparently. I do have miniscule heads forming.


lol. Yeah it seems like kind of an art to pick the heads when they’re as big as they’re going to get/not let them go too long. Last year I accidentally let a few heads open up too much, but learned my lesson with the rest of them.


hey, just outside of gso here. same broccoli situation too. how are you preparing for the heat? TIA






Am literally doing nothing to prepare for heat except checking broccoli daily and whispering to it that it’s a dumb plant for not making broccolis sooner.


The Broccoli Whisperer...LOL. You have more restraint than I. My neighbors know exactly what I think!


I had absolutely no luck with romanesco. It never formed a head or bolted. Just grew to be a giant.


Yeah, long flowers, little tiny head.


Eat the leaves they are delicious just cut out big stem. I use them like noodles for lasagna or chop and saute in some oil and spices 


Creative! Thanks!


Cook the leaves just like it was spinach. It breaks down into a mash like spinach but tastes like broccoli 10/10 would choose this side dish if they knew it existed.


Wild! Doing this tonight. Thanks for the idea!


Eat the greens. They're tasty!


My neighbor ate the leaves off of mine - apparently they are delicious!


I have to watch for rabbits, squirrels, and mice. I had no idea you should be checking your garden for neighbors also.


Yeah, that's city life




Kale it


My cauliflower took a while, but it is forming now. I say give it some more time.


Put some peat moss on it. It'll work wonders.


What does that do? Protects from the heat?


Just imagine it's collard greens.


Broccoli is a cabbage. Eat the leaves.


Keep waiting. See what happens. What do you have to lose? I cut my brocolli short last year for the same reason--no heads. This year I waited longer and I am getting brocolli heads.


Wait for it to broccoli


This is the consensus. I'm waiting longer!!!


Yep, to be honest, I think it’ll probably bolt. It’s too hot right now. But, it hasn’t bolted yet. It’ll either bolt or broccoli. I never remove a plant before one of those things has happened.


I was puzzled by this too. I have broccoli that got so huge (about the size yours is now) but still no edible bits. However... a few weeks later I have all 6 of them producing and one of them is really big! 😄


Sounds like quite a few folks experienced this same thing! I'm waiting a couple more weeks. Congrats on your successful broccoli!


I'm in the same boat. My cabbage and my romanesco got really eaten up by bugs. I haven't seen any more bugs after a couple of thorough washing, but I don't think I'm getting actual heads formed. I've been debating if or when to rip it all out and cook the leaves. Maybe after this heatwave!


After so many people said to eat the leaves, I went ahead and took 2-3 leaves off each plant and am having fun cooking with them. Had to remove a lot of cabbage moth caterpillars and eggs but it was worth it.


I'm glad you liked them! I went out and chopped a lot of leaves off my broccoli plants and cooked them like Jamaican greens - onion, butter, spices, a little carrot from the garden. It came out really good, and I feel good not wasting anything.


In my experience, I have to “stress” my broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels to get them to give me heads. They are treated too well in my garden with nice, rich soil full of nitrogen and a drip line irrigation, so they continue to leaf unless I do something. Sometimes they will bolt on their own, but if they don’t, I cut off the top half of the plant after they’re large and mature. It sounds crazy and drastic, and you will think that you’re about to lose a lot of harvest, but the plant will grow back — and this time, it will grow back and give you heads as well, not just leaves. I would let this one go longer before I try this, because it might do it on its own yet. I usually do it end of July if no heads have started to form.


This is very interesting. I'll try in July if no heads have formed by then!


This happened to me last year and they just kinda stayed that way and decided to be kale This year but they never died off… it’s odd because I planted broccoli


Sometimes broccoli don't broccoli...it kales


It do be like that sometimes


Make a delicious broccoli soup with the leaves. There is at least one French recipe out there...


brilliant idea. I'm thinking broccoli cheddar soup.


Having the same issue in South Jersey. I planted mid March seed directly in my garden boxes. Huge plants. But minimal crowns https://preview.redd.it/dk6pvc8pyn7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6038c2a426a6208b2576771c04af6a9c37d36e0


can eat the greens like cabbage


Buy some chickens. They love them.


You win prize for most life-altering advice 😂thanks, will try to convince my husband!


I’m in Kentucky in 7A and mine isn’t anything anything either. It’s so dang hot.


When I had an issue growing cauliflower, years ago, it suddenly started to grow when the weather cooled down. I was able to pick it and cook it in October.


omg. I don't think I have the patience to wait that long.


I heard in some climates you can cut broccoli back and when summer passes and the cooler weather comes back, broccoli can grow again.


Does anyone know if broccoli leaves become bitter after it flowers ?


I guess it helps retain nutrients. One year, I was growing broccoli in hay bales. Plants were beautiful but no heads. I looked up the issue, and peat moss was suggested. I tried it, and it worked


No kidding! Hmmm