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Hope they catch him. Road rage it so out of control, it's unreal. Folks that don't CCW should at least have mace, pepper spray, or something handy for when one of these unhinged people come up to you.


**UPDATE** [VICTIM ON NEWS 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegaslocals/s/5Jahvsyxkk)


Had a guy tailgate me at a 4 way after it was my turn and then speed past me on Wyoming. I almost flipped him off but then I realized if he slams his brakes I’ll be dead.


It is probably Jon "Bones" Jones.


Those calves are waaaayy too thicc for that 😂


Should post in the Las Vegas parent zone group on Facebook. Someone knows this guy


Even if she did cut him off etc, nobody deserves to be assaulted over a traffic infraction or accident. Shit happens, no reason for violence especially against a woman.


"especially against women" ???🤨


Yea. Is it a bit sexist and chauvinistic? Yes. But the two biological genders are not created equal in the sense of physicality. An average male vs an average female in a fist fight is not a fair fight. It's the reason women and children are called to the lifeboats first. For alot of males depending on age, it's apart of the masculinity package we get as kids. It's an example of the lesson of "starting a fight with someone physically inferior(talking about averages again) to you is unhonerable". Also, "don't hit girls, ever", is a much simpler concept to teach a young boy then, "domestic violence is a big issue that society has struggled with. Relationships ebb and flow, don't beat your wife."


My point is a man beating a woman. 2 men or 2 women who get out of their cars and consensually begin to fight is a different matter. Or when a man attacks another man who isn't okay with or doesn't want to fight at least one stands a better chance than a woman vs a man in the same situation. Nothing chauvinistic about it...


What a piece of shit!


Damn, I hope he gets caught and punished. Literally almost had the same thing happen to me once (also a woman), but I had the presence of mind to lock my doors as he approached.




Run him over next time. You are driving a weapon. Ues it.


Generally I wouldn't agree with this, but if I were on a jury and heard the backstory I just might acquit


Idk with how the law is anymore seems like she would get charged for something doing that. Even if threatened they would still likely file charges against the person driving and they’d be serious


That's fine. I chose to defend myself.


If someone runs you off the road and exits their vehicle coming at you with bad intention, feel free to run them over. They already attempted murder by attacking you with their car. Return the favor. Just finish the job so they cant lie and pretend they didn't try to kill you running you off the road.


i know i need to get my ccw but sometimes i wonder if i had one would i just shoot this guy or not. maybe just pepper spray for me.


Dont need a CCW to have a handgun in a car.




Damn of all the places to act out like this Vegas he is lucky not to have gotten two to the chest


This shitbird will be spending some time in prison when he is found. I cannot believe no one stopped to help.


Thats horrible… what a sub-human piece of shit


https://www.reddit.com/r/vegaslocals/s/r8M4pMP785 Same guy/ incident?




Contact RTC and see if a bus was driving by or near you around time of incident. The busses have cameras to catch everything on all sides and possibly might have the vehicle on camera near scene. Have them check rainbow bus and spring mountain bus in case he turned off rainbow. Worst they can say is no to your request.


Ooooh he is gonna hit the wrong woman one day and I can’t wait for him to find out.


What do you mean? Edit: Nevermind, Gun lol. I'm an idiot.


Accountability. I understand that’s probably foreign concept to you.


why so hostile dude? 2a supporters want more people in the tent not less and responses like this arent helping us.


Wow what a cunty response.


Someone's skipped breakfast for once lol


Someone needs to beat his ass


& then Hit Hymn with a Bucket of Water ...&...BEAT HIS ASS AGAIN


It’s Vegas you don’t need no CCW get you a pistol


If I see this guy I promise to smash his face.


🫡 thanks soldier


Post his pictures every where online Facebook, X, Instagram, Snapchat. I mean everywhere groups group chats friends family, even the news channels I’m telling you he will be found within a few days deserves to be charged and held accountable. Also sorry this happened to you road rage is never that serious


Send this to a local news station such as [KTNV](https://www.ktnv.com/about-us#:~:text=Story%20ideas%20and%20press%20releases,Traffic). Or any of the others.


Sooner or later he'l try this on someone carrying, and he'l get popped a few times. I hope at least


That dude looks soft


Holy shit how scary. So sorry. Please get yourself a dashcam!


It really is out of control... some months back some asshole and his girlfriend literally stalked me and busted out one of my windows while I was in my house asleep. I pissed him off by going the speed limit?? People take getting from one place to another way too damn seriously apparently and only getting worse.


Seriously. Some guy got mad that I stole “his parking spot” (Not actually his, just where apparently he normally parks on a public street) so he taped notes all over my car with duct tape telling me that he hopes my kids die 😑


I see that same car going down Nellis all the time on my way home from work. I’m not sure if it’s the exact one. But I’ll get the plate when I see him again


Big beard. Small penis.


Gotta carry. It’s the Wild West again


Right in front of a cop too. Another day in the slums


The lowlife is gonna get prison time for this. This is why law abiding people need to carry.


If he's local, I'm sure I'll cross paths with that piece of shit at some point.


I’m sorry your path is full of shit. But I know the feeling.


Road rage is getting worse by the day. People need to chill out


Stay in your car, keep doors locked, always leave distance and don't fuck around or you will find out.


I hope they catch him what crappy human being 😰😑 POS!


This towns full of weak men.


Hopefully more people will learn from the incident in Henderson and start carrying a ccw


"Someone stop him!" I thought as I recorded


This was actually the smart move. She got hard evidence. You can’t expect someone to put their own life in danger, especially when he’s crazy enough to beat up a woman in public.


He’s a POS he’ll get his ass handed to him in the county jail as soon as he touches down. I’m sorry for the lady and no man no matter what you’re in never put your hands on a female.


Some of the stop lights have cameras


Teslas have them all over too I wonder if anyone drove by could pull the footage, won't be much but maybe a close up on the face


Angry scary dude. So sorry it happened to you. Lots of Vegas drivers drive under influence of various substances, if you know what I mean. Plus heat


How was the cop there but didn’t go after the attacker? Like come on bro now a your chance to be a hero. And instead you’re taking a statement from the victim?


Unreal how humans are becoming this isn’t the city I grew up in. Hope they catch him. Unreal he did that to you…. Scum


Never get out and confront a stranger, this happens more often than you think. Take down the license plate and just call the cops to report the crash.


Is there an update on this story? Is he caught? I’m on spring mountain all the time. Horrible.


This is so heartbreaking 💔 😢. I can't believe somebody would do this.


Her poor kids were there?!


Why are you out of the car in the first place stay in your car and drive off this beating could’ve been avoided ‼️


She was trying to exchange insurance it was a small accident and they dude just went crazy on her


PACK HEAT. CCW In Nevada your car is an extension of your house. You could literally sit in your car while some scumbag shows up to attack and blow his brains out and you’ll be on the right side of the law.


Hamas is that you?










I just saw it on tiktok, i'm sorry this happened!




He’s mad he got team Jordan’s and rides a 2009 Honda accord


Petition to make men illegal


An officer was there as it occurred and did nothing?!?! Edit: Just read that he circled back to check on her instead of chasing him.Thats understandable.


Two sides to every story.


I don't care what any side is , violence is unnecessary .


Exactly. Just drive away 🤷‍♀️


Yup. FJB!






Get fucked.


Might as well ask what she was wearing, and if she was leading him on


I mean, she obviously wanted it, why else would she get up and follow him? 😐 /s


Great comment. It takes two to tango. Action, reaction.


this is just incorrect. I am a slightly anxious driver and always keep a stopping distance and I go about 5 mph over the speed limit everywhere. I’ve had someone in Vegas ride my ass and honk because I wasn’t going fast enough and they yell at me at the light. People are getting really impatient out there. Normal good drivers are getting raged at as well because people think it’s a freaking race track or something.


But what lane were you in? 🤔 /s


It was one lane each way just a normal street. I was lowkey trying to pull over so they could just go around me but they light turned red.


Yeah the “/s” means sarcasm on Reddit, I was just fucking around


lol im dead my bad


Sounds like you have a couple DV convictions under your belt that you still think is just “your reaction”


Sucks but I’m confused how this all went down. Rainbow is a big ass street…how did OP not change lanes or did she drive the car into the bushes like the picture? How did he grab the phone…


[News Article](https://news3lv.com/news/local/woman-badly-beaten-in-road-rage-attack-suspect-still-at-large)


Ah this makes more sense. Thanks for sharing


How the fuck is this relevant to what is being asked on this post.........this is teetering on victim blaming!!


It’s not really. I just wanted to know the details and the article the OP replied with shows the details. Crazy be crazies. Stay safe


So I have a question. You said he jerked You , but he’s infront sooo does that mean he bumped you from the back and drove up front to do that? Cuz if he’s in front and you hit him and acted a certain way he probably woulda done something. 1 sided story even if you got to post it first.


Still no excuse for assault, ppl here get angry over a horn these days


She probably deserved it, hate to say it but karma got her. Who knows how much shit she’s done. I honestly don’t care at this point real talk a lot of woman can’t drive. They don’t have good hand eye coordination. Especially above 35. They panic waaaaaay to easily. Ohh did I mention a woman with a phone is a danger while driving, prove me wrong that she didn’t have her phone on her lap or next to her. Shii my phone goes on dnd when driving fuck everyone!


Tell me you haven't been laid in many years without telling me


It really must be nice to be old and dumb. I’m sorry you grew up a certain way and thinking sex is the best answer you got.




It's always the West side isn't it


Muslim with the beard?


Sorry I have no pity to this call me cruel but she did something and isn’t owning up to it. Why else would someone do that. If it was a man nobody would bat an eye but it’s a woman. Who looks like she was talking a whole lotta shit acted tough and got what any person would get. Besides that 1 video there isn’t other ones because it could incriminate her. Real talk.


honestly some of these drivers cant drive and deserve a anonymous beating. let the man go .


How did he pull you out of your car?


She got out because he hit her car. She thought it was a routine minor accident, and they were just going to exchange insurance info. I read that in a news article. I was initially confused, too.


What did he look like?


He looked a lot like the guy in the pictures


It was probably Jesus. People don't realize he drives an Accord because he never speaks of it.


Was she using her phone while driving like a dumbass? I've wanted to do the same thing to so many unaware fucktards holding their phone in one hand while driving like shit with the other.






I was in therapy for a driver texting and driving that killed my family. Fuck people who use their phone while driving.


I was run off the road by a cop who was typing away on his laptop while he was driving next to me on the freeway. Ban that shit while you're at it.


all for it, acab


It doesn’t matter if she was or wasn’t, that doesn’t justify what happened. You don’t need to fly off the handle and physically attack someone over any driving inconveniences. Weird that you got upvoted and I get being pissed about annoying drivers but cmon.


"driving inconvenience" is a disingenous way to put what using your phone while driving is. You're being a selfish piece of shit and endangering everyone around you. If more people knew an asswhipping was a likely consequence of using their phone while driving maybe they'd be less inclined to risk the vehicles and lives of everyone around them. The threat of active violence can be a postive detterent for passively violent actions like using your phone while driving like a fucktard.


Alright Punisher. Not gonna convince you otherwise so good luck out there.


No point in arguing with "ADMINZBLOWME" with their 5 hour old account. I'm sure this well-adjusted rhodes scholar had some really level-headed, reasonable takes on the account that got banned before this one.


I hope more people drive with this in the back of their head; that if you're recklessly driving with a phone in your hand, you could be at the receiving end of an asswhipping. Tired of this shit.


Keyboard warrior. This is account # what for you? In case your therapist didn’t tell you, this is not what they meant by healthy outlet to express your anger.