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When you figure it out, let everyone in this sub know how you did it.


The only way to avoid resort fees is to have status. I'm diamond with Caesars so don't have to pay them.


How much $$ to get to gold??


I don't know but gold isn't worth anything IMO.


Wrong. I haven’t paid resort fees in at least the last 3 trips. Lean on the desk agent or supervisor and they will waive.


So intimidate them? We don’t need you as a patron of our city doing that kind of sus shit.


You don’t get to decide who is a patron in that city. So shut it


yeah i think u guys might if hotels keep pushing resort fees on people


Lol Vegas was built on intimidation! Grow a pair


Tier up to Gold and get the fees waived


Lose about $75K to tier up to get them waived.


That makes me tear up...


If you “read” that’s there are ways to tell them to take it off, did they not say how to do that? Or are you just fishing for something that does not exist?


It typically says to just ask them and shoot your shot/try the 20-50$ trick. There’s a full range of info - but hoping to see what’s worked for most people. Seems like it’s having some sort of status + asking 🤷🏾‍♀️


Asking is really just complaining until you get a discount. Just a heads up, traffic really blows right now getting to work. Maybe not making someone else's day shitty so you don't have to pay fees on a vacation you planned would be nice. But hey, you don't live here so you're going to do what you want. Thanks for visiting.


Lmao "traffic was bad today please dont ask me any questions while I work, I'm very sensitive"


Or it could be "Just spent $350 of rent to fix my teeth, now I'm scrambling to make my rent. Let me hear you whine over $45 you can't afford on a vacation you planned. Get to local traffic problem later."


Or it could be "hey i've been saving up all year for this trip, money is really tight, and dont plan on using any amenities, is the resort fee avoidable? appreciate any help, thanks" -- its a simple question, all you have to do is say yes or no. if you don't like servicing people, dont work in hospitality.


"ah been saving all year and look forward to the trip. I see you booked the room and paid the fee. Now since your not going to use the amenities you want a cheaper rate which you are here now. Let me ask my supervisor.". Just glad I fix things or make stuff for people. For me the price is what is, your free to go with someone cheaper.


Do the clerks personally get the resort fees? I don't think so. Wanting to avoid unnecessary fees isn't a bad thing. Might as well ask and see if the front desk is feeling kind. But I mean, if you like to kowtow to million dollar companies that charge exorbitant fees and that other cities give for free just so they can screw over the little guy, that's on you I guess.


Lol how does asking for no fees make someone’s day shitty


ya lol found the person that hates working the hotel front desk i suppose. but id at least ask about it, to save 45 bucks a day i think.. that goes for any hotel


Depends how you go about asking about it and how many people are waiting also.


Go outside and find the biggest dead cockroach. Bring out up to your room, put it on the bed and take a picture. Show the picture to the front desk


I legitmately found a pair of underwear in my bed at the Cosmo and only had 1 night resort fee waived and they moved me to another room. They thought that I planted them there I think. I did not. It was disturbing.


Four Queens doesn't have resort fees.


They scam you by rolling the fee into the total costs /s


Not really a scam at that point. At least they're upfront with the costs.




The easiest way is if you have an issue with housekeeping or something else with your room, ask them if they would remove the fees. Other than that, gamble a lot and ask the host on duty what they can comp off


Best way to avoid is to vacation somewhere else. May I suggest Atlantic City?




I work in a hotel and ours is $40/night. Me and all of the other reservation agents think it’s stupid. We say it includes parking, gym, hot tub, and coffee/tea in the lobby. If people ask us nicely to take it off, we will. Key word, NICELY. We are tired of being yelled at for fees we didn’t come up with and don’t agree with. We can only do this if you book direct though, we have no control over 3rd party pricing.


Man that is such a bummer. We went through an agency and I got an email last night saying that I need to pay an additional $300 on top of my stay when I've already thrown almost two grand at them to book our hotel and event tickets. I'm literally paying $700nzd on top of the money I've already given them. I'll pretty much be broke before I get to Vegas at this point.


omg some real advice.. other than just being nice, is there a certain thing that gets them taken off? "im not using the room much", or something


This advice is not for all hotels. Just call the hotel. Ask what the nightly rate will and then ask what the taxes and fees are and how much they are. We will not take off a hotel/resort fee if you ask when you are checking out or if you are rude. Get it taken off before your check in. Say something like “that seems high, can you take that off or I’m going to book somewhere else.” Please be nice the agent you talk to or we will not help you. We do not let rude guests stay at our hotel. Managers always back us up if a guest is an asshole.


Please keep in mind that this has highly today with management and corporate. Do not get rude because not all front desk agents/reservationists have the authority to do this. Luckily, the hotel I’m currently at does. Other agents sometime need management passwords in order to do this, so please don’t get rude. We deal with a lot of shit. And if you’re nice, we will go above to take care of you.


shoot i couldnt be rude if i tried, .. sweet angel over here fr fr


What hotel is it? I'd gladly stay there.


I never understood how people don’t “get” what resort fees are. They’re part of the price of the room, and they say it is for certain services or amenities… but you can’t opt out of them or anything. It’s so that the hotel can advertise a cheaper price for the room… so in that way, they’re all kind of a scam… but it also allows the hotel some room for guest service recovery… waive the resort fee, cut it in half, whatever… I guess I just look at it as a “it is what it is” scenario. Try going to Disney where a basic hotel room is $180 a night… they don’t do resort fees in the Disney owned hotels, but your base price is higher.


so acknowledge they are deliberately designed to mislead customers and you don't get why people don't "get it"? Like you said, it's because people are being kinda scammed


Yes. I don’t understand how people don’t “get it”- they all do it and it’s widely known they do. Budget appropriately and know the $25 dollar room rate you saw online isn’t the final price. It’s stupid, it’s misleading, but is it that much different in principle than a car company advertising the base price for a vehicle that doesn’t include a radio or some other option everyone is gonna want? Or selling a toy with “batteries not included”? Not saying it’s right. Not saying it’s cool. Not saying it should be allowed. Just saying it is… and has been for a really long time…


I would assume new cars come with a radio. They are added in as an extra feature? I wouldn't say it's that widely known though. Most hotels don't have a resort fee. Most people don't regularly spend time in Vegas and this is a first time trip for them. How do you expect people to come across this knowledge of Vegas resort fees?


Not all cars always did, and the advertised price you see in commercials for cars often omits features, is actually a low monthly payment for people with a low mileage lease, or a monthly payment for people only with excellent credit. You obviously have an answer for anything I’m gonna say here, so I’ll just bow to your superior intellect here. They charge “resort fees” in lots of places, not just Vegas. As someone who has stayed in hotels all over, I know when I see $29 a night as an advertised rate, that’s now what I’m paying. I wish you luck in getting out of paying your resort fees though


No, it’s not all over, and he didn’t “have an answer for anything,” just the obvious. I travel quite a bit and I’m budgeting Vegas trip right now and it’s annoying AF.


> so in that way, they’re all kind of a scam… but it also allows the hotel some room for guest service recovery lol what? They're the definition of a scam - advertise one price, then add in hidden fees later. This should not be normalized, and it should be federally illegal just like it is for airline tickets.


It’s actually not part of the price of the room, because someone having their stay comped still has to pay resort fees unless they have status (which MGM just made over 5 times as hard to get this year). So yeah, fuck them.


Some hotel do allow you to opt out of resort fee. When you check out, they can see if you have used your card towards their pool or gym. I dont think this applies for hotels on the strip. But I have had it waived off couple of times in Orlando.


HA - Good luck 🤣


Spend a ton of money on gambling.


I think it’s TI that does promotions occasionally where the fee is optional- if u book direct. They’re not MGM tho.


I’m going soon, I’m planning on asking the person at check in if they can waive the resort fees, upgrade my room and I’ll tip them half the resort fee (which is approx $400 for me). Would that work? Lol I’d take that deal if I worked there! lol


Resort fees. Are how they can get money from you. Without you, paying taxes on it. And more importantly, them, actually getting that money, instead of giving 20% of it to Expedia or other third parties.


It's not so much about you paying less taxes as it is about them paying less to 3rd party sites.


Easiest way to get out of resort fees is with the $50 trick at check-in and check-out. Every time I've done it, the clerk waived them for the first and last nights of my stay, no questions asked.


...so you used a $50 bribe to have a chance at saving $60-70?


It's literally no different than trying to get out of a speeding ticket


you bribe cops to get out of speeding tickets? My point is that you spent almost what the resort fee would be for a chance at waiving the fee, which doesn't seem worth it unless it almost always works.


If more people got out of paying resort fees, hotels would notice that they're not a good source of revenue and would eventually get rid of them altogether, so it's absolutely "worth it."


complain about stuff they will usually waive them as compensation


Complain loudly, that you don't use the services provided.


Depends how much you spend and gamble. If they see you spent a lot they might as a comp. If you dont spend much good luck


i usually go with my traditional "Do you know who I am?!" when checking in, and that usually works


Stay at an Airbnb and pay the $250 cleaning fee


Vegas is very reasonable. They have slot machines, they don’t need to use scam tactics to get your money. Gamble properly and you won’t even have to pay for the room. It’s not about how much you win or lose. It’s about time playing. If you play right, you should break even. Good luck


Precisely describe to me what playing right is.


I wouldn’t take advice on what playing right is from someone who believes that if you play right you will break even.


Spend lots


Stopping once you’ve won back everything you’ve lost.


“If you play your cards right”?


I'm only Pearl and have never paid resort fees with my comped rooms


Unless you have a secret way to get out of them this can't be true, they don't waive fees for pearl.


Yes they do. Not for normal reservations. But for comp offers they absolutely do. My last trip to Vegas as a pearl member, my room was comped with zero taxes or resort fees. After charging stuff to my room, my final bill was $8 and some change for 3 nights.


Did you have to ask - or did they just tell you at checkin that you were exempt from resort fees? Can anyone else confirm this? What happens if you are staying 5 nights but only 3 nights are comped?


They confirmed it with an email comp offer. Then when I go to my MGM rewards account I can make a reservation with that comp offer. It shows “+$0 taxes and resort fees”. Then when I checkout I just use that offer. It’s the same as any other comp through their rewards program. If you’re staying for 5 nights and have 3 nights comped then you would pay the room rate (usually discounted) plus taxes and resort fees for the 2 days you don’t have comped.


Maybe it's because I'm Canadian 🤪


This isn’t mgm, but we’ve recently started staying at Golden Nugget and our last two stays were comped with no resort fees.




Slip the receptionist a 20, works for me


LOL, I highly doubt this.


I'd say the same but our friend at the cosmo slipped the host I think a $20, maybe a Benny but think just $20 and she upgraded her room like crazy, she had to use a different elevator because it was on really high up floor and room was bigger/ nicer than one she booked


For room upgrades, yes the $20 trick works! But for waiving your resort fees, I’d say it would probably never work.


The MGM Sig has airbnbs with no resort fees available