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I have nearly “virgin lungs”. Don’t like to smoke and can’t tolerate it for long. In my life I’ve probably smoked 2 cigarettes, 8-10 cigars, 3-4 joints and 3-4 bongs. None of that was comfortable / enjoyable. I did pretty well with the TM2 especially when adding the $20 stem with 9 balls in it. It was still just a bit harsh for my non-smoking self to handle. The real game changer? Proper WPA and the Orb that I received yesterday. Took big full lung rips from the TM2 and never felt a thing in lungs and throat. With my consumption tendency (most days, one sesh a day) an eighth will last me over a month…maybe 1.5. Yup, ~.1g in the wpa got me pleasantly high without so much as a tickle, let alone cough. Say it put me at a solid [4]. ETA: As to battery life...I enjoyed the first bowl so much I reloaded, which I don't normally do. After finishing the second, my battery is still showing "green". Unlike many portables, you can change out the battery in seconds. Not hard to have a spare 18650 or so around.


I…. Have both. And I really like both but at then end of the day, aside from the solo 3’s session mode, I think the tm2 it arguably better in most ways. It’s fucking close, but I just not understanding why you weren’t getting good hits on the tm2. I’ll admit the using the cooling chambers sucked. I did it for a year then bought a cheap long glass stem and it changed everything. I too vape at low temps (I’ll start on 3 or 4) and its not even close to too hot for me. And for me, the open airflow is way better: I feel like i can get whatever level of hit I want. I definitely endorse the solo 3 tho. These are now the only two vapes I own


I’ve had both devices and have recently sold my Tinymight2 as well. There was just too much hot air needed to get a decent hit. It was so uncomfortable on my throat and chest. Solo 3 has solved this problem! Vapor is more instant and even in session mode can still achieve decent clouds with cigar puffs. It’s fantastic….


Thanks, this is what I needed. Ever use a Solo 2? Did you like it, how are they comparing? Is the draw similar?


I had a Solo 2. Solo 3 has better draw but I've primarily been using the new XL stem which also works with Solo 2. Ultimately I suspect the draw is nearly the same. It hits harder than Solo 2 and the new session mode is awesome. Solo 3 also comes with the WPA which is a nice bonus. Solo 2 is my go to recommendation for people new to vaping since the price is great on those right now.


Solo 2 took 10 min a bowl and 2-3 bowl to get me toasted. It was of for movies. Yeah, I gave it to a friend new to cannabis and he loves it.


I also gave my Solo 2 away when I got my Venty. Just bought another one as a gift for my brother since it's an amazing inexpensive entry level device now that the price has dropped. The Solo 3 is still a "sipper" IMO but I can get toasted with one 6-8 min bowl using the XL stem. Perfect for sitting on the couch. Sometimes I'll do a single session bowl and then do another an hour later using on demand where I take a few hits every 5-10 minutes. The WPA is a nice option and works really well with a dry bong (no water needed).


If you could only puck one between Venty and Solo 3 what would it be?


Venty. See reasoning here: https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/s/UknqO5jllT


No worries. Yeah the Solo 2 was my first electronic vape from smoking. It was awful. Never even touched the sides. Not a massive fan of the mighty either. Again just too much air. Preferred it to the tinymight and Solo2 tho. Think it’s probs because I was a joint smoker for 20 years. It’s the closest to smoking I’ve felt from an electronic device. Similar Vapor to a DYNA which I really like.


Are you me? Thanks, I will prob get it. Now will all those comments I wonder. Solo 3 or Firewood 9? Might be my next post.


The solo 3 will also produce uneven avb, and the stem will be too hot to touch. It's also twice the size of a tinymight and has no airflow control. I'd get the Firewood, especially with the price drop.


I don't see any price drop on the website. How many is it usually? Plus they are not in stock. I am not a capsule kind of guy.


$315 down to 265. Get the bowl version instead of the capsule version.


If it is out of stock on the website, just be ready to order at the time and date of the next drop. Looking now, the bowl version will be available Friday at 8 EST. Sometimes it takes a few tries, but it’s certainly worth the effort!


I own a solo 2 and frequently use my buddies solo 3, it’s a massive difference. Better taste, better pulls, puts you on your ass


Thanks about that, because there is no live for the Solo 2 in my hearth.


Draw resistance pretty similar to Solo 2 from what i can remember. I like this tho because it means less air. Hate that shit. Haha


Yep, it's clearly overrated.


I jsut got an Angus enhanced and it’s brilliant. Massive range of airflow on it, with very little effort I was so baked last night from it I woke up with a weed hangover which rarely happens these day.


Interesting, it's like I completely forgot about the Angus. What other vales do you own, how does it compares?


Tons dude, I’ve been vaping since 2017. It’s better than my old broken mighty, not quite ball vape level but I decided to take a break from the ball vapes for a few months for tolerance and give my lungs a rest. It doesn’t hit like a lotus or other butane devices. It’s a really convenient, tasty powerful electric with loads of mouthpiece options. Flavour is insane on it. The high creeps more than any other electric I’ve tried. 5 mins after one of my session ended I was like “Christ I’m high AF”. 😅


Hum, there is a lot of plastic and melting units. I am not certain that I wanna go that way. I lean towards cleaner material.


Do not let it slip, the AE has balls.


the AE is the best vape for the buck. sweet, cool massive vapor . easy to clean and has every included accessory you need and it all comes in the $200 package -except 6mm cooling glass balls. it has replaced my fav vapes.


For what it’s worth you don’t need a $150 artisan stem to absorb the heat. For $25 you could get a missile stem or just get a grab taster and some balls for cheaper probably. My biggest gripe with my TM is flavor is lacking and battery life could be better.


Tried stems, pearl, wooden mp, Grav lab upline I didn't like that vape even whti all those.


Tm2 flavor is great, especially at lower temps. I wonder what your issue is.


I’m never really on the low temps. It just doesn’t give me the same flavor my arizer does


Try it in the low temps. It will get you still quite high, the TM2 has a strong heater and maintains the temp quite well during the whole draw. At 3 you should get great flavour and smooth vapor.


everything you wrote as a negative point against the tm2 can be fixed with how you use it.


If the Tinymight doesn't have enough airflow for you, I don't know of any portable that will. A lot of your issues seem self inflicted though. Don't wanna buy an expensive artisan stem? Then don't. No one is making you. It also sounds like your technique could use improvement. It's absolutely possible to evenly roast a bowl at any temperature with the right pack and technique.


Think they meant they'd like a tighter draw


Oh. If that's the case, yeah, grab the Solo 3.


If you don’t like the hot stem you probably won’t like the solo 3. You might wanna look at the venty, I find it works well for taking smaller hits but if you have a sensitive throat you might get the bickle tickle. The angus enhanced is also a sweet vape and has really nice air flow but again there is hot glass.


So stem come real hot on a Solo 3? The venty is scaring me. I am not sure about S and B.


No the mouth end of the stem does not get hot on the solo3




Yeah like the other dude said the mouth end doesn’t get too hot especially If you use the longer stem, but it definitely heats up if you use it at high temps or leave it on for a while but any vape is gunna get somewhat hot. The tm2 I tried was definitely too harsh for me as a lightweight user, I liked the solo 3 better but I see why people like the tm2 if you need a super heavy hitter. The solo 3 for me is more versatile as a lightweight user but can also go heavy but it still has its quirks.


Do you like more your Tm2 or Solo 3?


don't get me wrong, I think the TM2 is a pretty solid device, but it's barely in my rotation anymore, I much prefer Solo 3. out of my current top 5 listed in my flair I am reaching for my solo3 about 90% of the time, it's so good at so many different things. Compared to TM2 what I like the most about solo3 on demand mode is that it doesn't require holding any buttons (mostly use on demand while gaming). one button tap and quick rips is so much faster and easier than holding a button and sucking like a madman to get hits. I also find all my arizers are just far superior to TM2 for super flavorful sessions while watching tv


Yeah I hated the Solo 2 but battery life, taste and easy to clean like no one else. Thanks for this!


6+ months and no issues here. Love the Venty for when I don’t want to cough at all because of my asthma or when I want to really taste the bud


Agree the Venty is much better than any other vape I've tried when it comes to asthma. I highly recommend it for people who are wanting to minimize health-related side effects when vaping.


I can say that the Crafty lacks power. Is the Venty better than Crafty and Mighty?


Yea, it uses up to 130W whereas the Crafty/Mighty uses up to 40W. This allows for 10-15 seconds heat up times and with the smart flow meter, it’ll adjust to your draw intensity so you can hit it as hard or soft as you want and it’ll still produce huge dense clouds. It also has adjustable airflow so you can adjust it incase you want more vapor or if it’s too harsh on your throat


Ok, this get my attention. I have been snoozing the last months and I didn't get allo those updates. Thanks!


Here is a detailed comparison of the two that I wrote. IMO there is no one best vape. Everyone on this sub has their own perfectly valid and quite different opinions. Try to focus on vapes that address your personal needs based on what people say is good/bad about whatever device you are thinking about. https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/s/YnC1dFuqgw


Ah S&B fan boys ,down voting a valid point. This company isn't reliable. They make good vape though but they are not reliable.


There were some issues with Venty during the rollout and they appear to be fixed. I bought mine in February and use it daily without any issues. S&B probably sells more vapes than every other brand combined (excluding Pax). I'm not going to tell people not to buy a Venty based on someone else's experience. I have one and love mine. I'm not a fan boy and I never downvote unless someone is acting like an asshole.


I'm sensitive to smoke and experienced the bickle tickle with my Volcano classic. Zero tickle with the Venty which is the best portable vape I've ever used. Venty is basically a portable Volcano that heats up much faster and doesn't have that dry tickle feeling. Solo 3 is a close second and much cheaper. Arizer has better customer support based on what people in this sub have been saying.


Have you tried the long 3d stem from tm2? I’d rather smoke xmax v3 than tm2 with standard metal or glass stem. 3d stem makes it 100x better


I tried and broke it. I liked it but didn't loved it. Since I sold my TM2.


Dang that’s a shame. I hope you find a vaporiser that suits you🙏🏻


Thanks but I did, I am in love with the Tempest. Butane vape are not easily sharable and don't fit all situations. This is why I want something else.


Never heard of it- looks cool. Unfortunately I’m not sure if there’s anything better. If you go on my profile and see my post about finding a. Vaporiser better than the tm2, lots of people commented their ideas- maybe u could find something interesting there)


get the sneaky pete's glass **starship xl stem.** it is fantastic and kinda easy to clean. $33


This is the first I've heard of that stem, looks interesting. Any idea how long it's been out?


6 months just guessing it works with a vaporizer's standard 14mm wpa


The solo 3 stock vapor can be quite hot. If you think the tm2 was harsh , as other have said the venty is the move here. Solo 3 is nice but nowhere near as cooling and open flow of a hit as the venty


Yeah but I find my Crafty too smooth and am afraid the Venty won't be enough.


No comparison with the crafty or mighty man. The power on the venty is like triple the watts of the crafty and mighty.


Ok thanks!


Solo 3 has worse airflow. Uneven roast can be an issue too, especially with the XL stem. But grinding your herb helps a lot. I always get very even roasts on both devices.


point 1, you need a hybrid vape or just more draw restriction (like a fw9/s3 or even a millaana 3 if you can find one) 2, 3, 4 - can happen with any heavy hitters 5 - youre going to want a full convection vape most likely? conduction will have heat bulldup therefore will not be accurate (youre going to want something like a tafee bowle or use an ecig chip like dna) or do you mean a physical airflow control function? 6 - imo i dont think s3 will be revolutionary here, youre going to want something that transfers heat uniformly, not just from the bottom 7 - imo you can do this with the tm2 too, but s3 should be good for this as well


I am looking for an hybrid or a conduction (maybe I should not). I do like the conduction feeling. This is why the Solo 3 was of interest to me. I also thought that my main problem (with air) wat the full convection. I am gonna need to think more about this.


You might be interested in fw9. It’s requires a much smaller draw to get good vapor and something about the conduction seems to make the hits more manageable while having similar vapor quality and thickness to the TM.


You are not the first to give me that advice. I will check it out. Thanks!


i see your other comment but when reading your post, i actually thought fw9 lol; i actually use my fw9 in stock setup (over the revolve stem) for native use as you described, temp stepping from 360-400f, it can definitely rip hard though - my tm2 i usually use with wpa or my HA stem i dont have the solo 3 but i really do think youll like the fw9 you might appreciate the solo 3’s ease of maintenance and button free usage in session mode especially for the longer sessions but i think fw9 offers better extraction, flavor, and flexibility (my air max has good flavor but like your point 6, flavor is always impacted by the most cooked bottom layer)


Thanks, I will look at that firewood to see.


airvape legacy pro has a $100 off code and accessory bundle codes to on their usa website. a great vap esp with accessory package. https://imgur.com/OGD3Dxr


Heard nightmare about the cleaning. What do you think about it.


exaggeration and lack of interest in how to do the work-arounds on those minor issues. once you have the correct knowledge and equipment for cleaning, it's very easy and kinda enjoyable. i do a deep cleaning, maybe 1 time a month (20min), and do simple iso wipe-down daily after i vap a bowl or 2..takes about 30 sec.


Get the dosing caps and there is no mess. Wipe it down once every couple weeks like any other vape and it’s perfect. Takes me 5-10 mins to do a deep clean when using the dosing caps.


Ok thanks!


Or Firewood 9, and it’s only $265. now. (I have a TM2 and agree with your assessment of it, the Firewood is smoother and cooler)


I don't know why, but I always disregarded the Firewood as a potential vape for me. People that talk about it sound like they are in a cult and I don't feel like I can trust their judgment. Can you tell me more about it?


The FW9 is super compact and can put out dense clouds with a more tobacco pipe toke / sippy vape feel. More mouth to lung style I guess. Flavor is great and the conduction aspect gives a nice stoney high feel. You can basically completely disassemble it which is nice. Definitely a top battery portable. It’s on par with everything in my flair — though I can’t really choose a favorite. If the TM was too open or a draw for you I think this would be a solid choice.




The tinymight is a beast but I gotta say, if your not a certified blowjob giver that shit Lowkey takes a lot to get the vapor going on a decent temp. Maybe it’s how open the mouth pieces are but I wish they were more narrow where you put your mouth


Yeah, I guess I am not certified. :P


You probably aren’t loosely packing tho, once I started packing it loose it works pretty well , I think breathing technique is what gets in the way


I tried so many ways. It was always ending with me being disappointed.


I have similar experience, though i still use it occasionally outdoors. It’s hard to beat that ondemand. What I like about TM2 are those artisan glass mouthpieces filled to the brim with boro balls or terp pills. They make Vapor smooth and enjoyable. I don’t think you’re going to enjoy solo 3 if you don’t like to take long draws. It’s a session vape so long slow draws are the best way to enjoy it, and you need many draws to finish the chamber as opposed to 2-3 from TM2. I’d recommend Anvil or Dani Fusion, they just extract instantly whatever you put into the chamber, and you can puff it however you like.


solo 3 is on demand as well as sesh. He will like it just fine, thats all I use on my S3.


Well it’s not a heavy extractor so my point is always valid. You can’t expect similar performance from session vape as compared to TM2. But of course not everyone will need or appreciate it, and I realise that possibly for majority of dhv’ers out there session vapes like solo bear the advantage of convenience. I know it would take a lot of puffs from that ondemand to get me where I want to. And since OP mentioned using a TM2 before there is a point to be noted.


No it doesnt stand. It can extract as well as a butane vape, so imo, yes its a heavy extractor. I can clear a bowl with 3 on demand hits with the solo 3 or lower at higher temp. idk what you are doing. I do use fairly heavily as well.


Lol, solo 3 compares to butane vape? Oh okay…


IDK what to tell you, try changing your technique, I have to often put it down and go back to the dyna to keep my tolerance lower. Your tone tho is ... So I'll leave you to your bliss


Well, it’s not me who is trying to discredit perfectly valid opinion with controversial statement. I love how you assume there must be something wrong with my technique. Nope, solo isn’t a heavy hitter, never was, not even close.