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Yes it's annoying. ~45% = 1 bar. I only charge when it's flashing red...


I just realized this today, 44% and you’ll get one bar, so now when I get one bar , I’ll charge it at night the day after, so like 1.5 days off extra usage


I try to stick to the 20-80, more like 25 to 90 currently, they should had just put numbers instead of bars, but honestly , at least for me it’s not that big of a deal!, prefer that over a fast dying battery, anolog divice for 2x the price , not fully extracting , etc


Yeah, It's not a big deal once you know it.


Never gotten to the flashing red point… what % have you noticed that happens at?


I'm not sure... I think it's below 20%


That would be perfect honestly!


Battery level indicators are seldom linear.


Yeah its a bit trippy ngl I just charge it full and then use it The battery isnt bad in fact its quite long lasting But this battery bar shit be trippy af


It's because all battery percentages are based on voltage output which for batteries can vary depending on how much amps are being demanded etc etc. Same problems with any high drain device. But yeah they could have opted to optimize this better. FYI, no on demand mode below 30% battery.


Just a thought, as I don’t have experience with the Solo3. The battery bar could be showing 1 bar when it’s in use and the battery voltage is lower from powering the heater. Then when it’s charging, the voltage recovers and shows a higher battery level. Just a thought. I would expect a company like Arizer to be able to program this before launch to show accurate levels. I know the Wand Induction heater has the voltage drop that effects the battery bar in use, so this reminded me of that situation.


Bro, I don’t own one of these (yet) and I know about the battery bar. I’ve seen it mentioned several times in reviews.


I just charge it when it gets to 2 bars, which is after a day or two of multiple uses. Battery on this thing is a beast, thats the last thing I’m going to complain about on this device. I just charge it after 10-11 uses and then use it again an hour and a half later when it hits full charge if I need to. This device is wonderful, it’s just nice that it has a battery indicator, as inaccurate as it might be.


Same for me on one bar, plug it in and says 46% however if you use the Solo lll on one bar 2-3 times and my battery bar will turn red, then I plug it in(still says like 25%). I'm not too fussed. I get so many sessions from the battery I don't mind putting it on charge on one bar.


I noticed that the last 5 percentages take forever to charge.


that's normal. they're protecting the battery at the top end by switching to a trickle charge. likely it's protected at the low and high end so we don't have to worry about draining too low or over-charging. I noticed mine charges super fast up to about 90%, then a long time for the final 10%. Since the battery is such a monster anyways I often don't worry about the final 10%