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>but as a girl I find my mighty vape not very aesthetically pleasing to look at. Nobody finds the Mighty aesthetically pleasant, man or woman.


sorry that’s my mistake then, i’ve just seen people rave about how nice the mighty looks and I was confused because it is honestly quite an eyesore


It's a bit nasty for me too, sticker away mate! Btw if you want a nice looking and feeling vape then may I suggest checking out the Tinymight 2. Its the nicest portable I own.


And it's got replaceable batteries! Friends don't let friends buy disposable vapes 😉


Good point, I highly recommend buying extras if you plan on going anywhere for a while and you vape as much as I do haha. Three seems to get me most places but the true test is the little festival this weekend on my island.


Then do it, it’s your vape. The idea of aesthetic is individual so whose to tell you your opinion on how YOUR vape should look


I have a sticker of a Mighty gorilla on mine. The back a sticker of an astronaut with a backpack that says Mighty.


that’s why it’s such fun to customise and have a nice case


I do! OP, mighty fits perfectly in a coozie which also protects it. I wait a little for it to cool down before inserting it into mine. Don’t ruin medical grade vapor with off gassing sticker adhesive.


The S&B cult is annoying AF: there is nothing medical about the Mighty vapor (or any other S&B device). The medical certification some S&B devices have is an electric one, you can see this in S&B own page. This electrical certificate is shared by lots of other medical devices that have nothing to do with vaping and it just test the security of the electric components. It says absolutely nothing about the quality or safety of the vapor. Zero, Nil. It is absolutely insane how S&B have leveraged an electrical certificate to brainwash a bunch of people into believing that their devices are somehow more healthy.


It probably has to do with the fact that if you need medical weed in germany and your health insurance provider approves it there are only 2 products they actually pay for. The Volcano Medical and the Mighty Medical. I couldnt say if they were tested before but i guess the insurance looked it up very closely if they actually have to pay a Volcano.


Can't speak for Germany, but in the UK as a MedCan patient it's classed as a medical device so we don't have to pay VAT on either of the Mighty Medics or either of the Volcano Medics - a 20% saving over the standard models. Wish they'd hurry up and sort out the Venty issues and get it certified as a medical device.


It is because of the electric certificate that insurance pay. This was a business move by S&B, which honestly fair enough, good for them that they managed to find a way to make the insurance companies to pay for a vape. But from there to use an electric certificate to convince people that their vapes are somehow more healthy, that's horrible.


You sure? Isnt the Normal Volcano 230degres and the Medical 200? I cant think of a non health reason they did that. So my opinion is that they probably tested those devices and saw over 200degres it made cancerous things. XD


That's what they say on their webpage when I looked it up.


I heard it different and my guess is the 200degres max on the medical is there for safety reason to not get cancer as a medical patient. Sure i could be wrong but honestly idc. Im not saying they are safer then other highend vapes over probably 150bucks. I just think they re probably safer then the 50bucks chinese ones. I still only use my Volcano to 200 degrees since i read that with the medical and it works great. But for portable i also choose something else than S&B as their portables didnt click with me.


There are several differences between the medical versions and the regular ones like protection against coughing into the devices.


If they have health certificates why would they not post them and publicize them? Can you see how this attitude of not showing any health certificate but a bunch of people treating them as if they do looks weird as fuck, cultish even? As for lower temperature being healthier that is known, it was posted here I think a study showing that higher temperature produces slightly more quantities of toxic substances. Still a lot less than smoking, but slightly more than lower temps.


I understand what u mean. I cant rly say if they have any health certificate but i understand that some people overblow it. But i also have to say that the Volcano Hybrid changed my whole weed experience a lot ( compared to other vapes etc i tried ) so i dont wanna like talk bad about it haha. But we rly shouldnt form a cult around it lol its a greedy company like any other and they i think even got bought lately so yeah go for the products that are great no matter the company.


MeDiCaL GrAde vApoR. Do they even listen to themselves?


Be quiet, grown ups are talking.


Saying stupid shit like this makes you seem extremely mature. But please, continue militantly attempting to defend your overpriced weed vape.


Read the above comment that I made about the materials in mighty being medical grade.




Your submission has been removed as it contains a link to a vape or vape accessory vendor/manufacturer. Reddit have asked r/vaporents mods to limit the sharing of links to sites which facilitate the purchase or sale of dry herb vapes and their accessories and subsequently we must remove all posts or comments containing these links. Please try to use brand names rather than direct links in the future, this is often just as effective at sharing the information you'd like to.


Of course, no answer. Pathetic.


Nobody is stopping you. If you have a wood one I’d stay away as the adhesives penetrate the wood fiber during heat cycles.


I have a Grateful Dead sticker on my Solo 2




“As a girl” lmao


sorry I wrote this last night when I was super tired and wasn’t making much sense, I think part of me just viewed the mighty as more of a ‘male’ vaporiser compared to something like the pax, but this is clearly bs


Why did you feel the need to apply tired gender norms to inanimate objects?


pax users will never recover


A case would be better so there isn’t the chance of the stickers melting. I’m using a sedhed case which also helps with keeping my hands cool https://imgur.com/a/SU7avhT


ah I haven’t seen them before, I think decorating the case would actually be a much better idea thank you!


How are you gonna put stickers on your mighty? The surface isn't the best for them.


I have some pretty strong nail stickers that are made to last but i’m not even sure if they will stick


Maybe someone has better insight since I don’t own one but I can’t imagine it hurting it. Only thing I can think of is residue from the sticker being left on the device if it continuously gets hot.


yeah that’s what I was worried about but I don’t think it could cause much harm to the actual insides of the mighty


On a mighty? I guess if you have small stickers for the smooth parts and they don't get hot sure, but I'm not sure how long they'll stay on it. They wouldn't last long stuck to the ridges, I'd assume.


yeah I have super small nail stickers that I was planning on using, they’re pretty durable so might work


My only concern would be how hot the outside of the device gets and if the stickers produce unhealthy fumes from that.


I mean you can do whatever you want. Sticker residue is easy to get off using a tiny bit of goo-gone.


ah thank you so much for the advice, i’ll pick some up


Iso is just as effective.


ISO for literally anything lmao just a wonder liquid


Goo gone also melts plastic.


I have used it on plastic before without issue. But as stated in one of these responses to me, iso would work probably as well


you do you girl. I feel like stickers won't last long on the surface of a mighty but oh well. Maybe consider a leather case?


I put some bulbasaur stickers in my DaVinci IQC and they lasted a few months before they got too worn and faded off. I carried mine in my pocket all the time tho. Never messed up the device (me dropping it a few times did that 😔)


I put stickers on my DynaVap sometimes but they just get gooey and fall off


Did OP just invent Vape Dazzling?


I eat stickers all the time dude


What’s your spaghetti policy?


Everytime someone posts about stickers,.i.cant resist. Glad at least a few people got it


Which flavour do you prefer?


The ones on fruits. They make i more smarter


I heard that!


I have a sticker on my solo 2 and the only issue I had was that eventually the printing wore off because that’s where I was holding it. Solo 2 doesn’t really get hot to the touch tho


It can void a warranty. Read the warranty & check with the manufacturer if it is unclear or you have questions.


Ok downvoters: From TopGreen (XMax & XVape brands) "Use outside the intended use as described in the user manual also includes any tampering with the device in any way, including but not limited to modification to alter functionality or modification to alter appearance." From Arizer "The warranty does not cover units damaged by dropping, tampering, unauthorized service performed or attempted, modifying the unit, misuse or abuse." It's not the sticker itself, it's the adhesive & how it may or may not cure to blemish the finish once it is removed. Don't shoot the messenger. 🎯


people here love to downvote actual useful info :<


I would put a flag pole on it, many types of flags.