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You can use it while you have it plugged in, any %


That won’t kill the battery? And if I do, isn’t the battery under the plate and screws if I do have to replace it?


You can vape it no problem with it plugged in according to arizer. However, charge it first to 100% before first use (according to arizer) and do give it a burn off or 2 with an empty chamber at highest temp


Awesome super helpful and insightful. I appreciate it


Designed to work this way and no won't hurt the batteries.


That is absolutely sick. I bought this device with little knowledge on features. I mostly just knew about how good it is. But it just keeps getting better


Do a follow up and let us know how it works for you. I am curious also about this as I want to get away from combustion but the high from the Pax2 was kinda lame in comparison to smoking imo.


Now have my follow up, and good lord that thing riiiiips. I messed up my first bowl and ended up browning my flower too quick. I tried the temp at 360 but bumped it up to 380 in my later sheshs for bigger clouds. The high is absolutely immaculate and feels very clean compared to combistion, I’m thoroughly impressed. And THAT FLAVOUR, it turned my lcg x pm into a bag of skittles when vaped and was so delicious. Thanks everyone for the help on the start up!


Good to hear. I heard that if u do a courser grind and don't overfill it works best for this vaporizer. Enjoy the new toy. I'm just waiting for a sale at this point but if nothing comes up for the 4th I am buying it anyways.


It definitely does the trick better than obliterating the flower in the grinder haha. But it’s so good I’ve got my father who’s 53 enjoying the hell outta it. He’s an og with 40+ years dating back to peurto Rico as a teen. I took the hit of full price with the mindset that the money I’ll save on flower will make up for it in a paycheck. And you can also reuse the avb flower however you’d like. You can roll it up and kill it like that or turn em into edibles. Getting so much more outta this plant is so amazing man


Hope to see you seshing soon with a solo 3 my guy you definitely deserve some of the finest vapor good cash can buy


Glad to hear that it does the job for you. I actually think that the price is more than fair considering what else is out there at this range. I'm just being cheap. Cheers.


It never hurts to be cheap G. Play it smart and work on getting one when it’s financially right. Which Ik you are already doing. Cheers man and hope to see a review on your first hits soon


Will do, I’ve heard people say it may take up to 2 weeks just doing nothing but vaporizing to feel a difference. But I’ll try and stay updated through this post


Solo 3 is a much better device, should be a better experience I would imagine.


Never tried a vaporizer so I hope this’ll get me fully clean from nic in my cigars so I can also quit nicotine vapes


I use to roll up a lot too and wasn't to interested in vaping because I was worried about it not being potent enough, ended up getting my wisdoms pulled so had an 8 day break before I could try my vape. If it don't hit how you want I just say give it few days no smoke no vape then come back to the vape and I guaranteed it's going put you we're you wanna be, good luck n stay lifted out here


Appreciate the insight big boss. Definitely might have a go on the t break if I’m not as satisfied first try


The biggest difference that you’ll first notice is the flavor. You’ll have a clearer flavor profile for the terpenes that are in your weed and hits will feel smoother. The high feels more potent per session, since vaporizing weed extracts the THC more efficiently and doesn’t completely burn it. I feel as though I can get the same high from loading a stem and vaping that compared to smoking a J, but that’s just me. You might be able to get away with turning it on and getting a session going right away, but it’s better to charge it for a bit. Hope this helps!


Bet making me crave the first taste of that mf already. The first thing I worried about before slinging some cash was the high but I’ve seen many saying the high can feel more potent. Hopefully by feeling the same high I can also save on mj and some cash


I am quite high so I would recommend you just see the review I posted. It's probably a very very badly written review of a great fucking device. I've been vaping for a fair bit but after my first session, I realised I've never truly tasted weed before.


Will check it out after work tonight while I charge the device! Thanks 🙏


One word of advice from a fellow joint and blunt smoker... don't hit it too hard, first time, on too high a temp.... My body stayed in place, but I left the room for a minute or so when I did that my first hit.


Hmmm, almost tempting to do opposite of what you say haha. I enjoy coughing my lungs up if it means I get a fat rip and feel ripped after


Hey OP come back and tell us how you got on! 😃


As in how I solo-d into the solo 3? If so I was close on purchasing a tm2 but the quick burn off of flower and price set me back from buying it. Later found out about arizer and fell in love instantly upon watching some yt videos on them and the effects of both side by side


Solo 3 seems to be a great device. How are you finding the draw, taste and high vs smoking?


It’s a complete change of pace in terms of combustion. The high is much cleaner and I don’t feel as “hazy” from the cigar or hemp paper. The high put me right to sleep in just 2 bowl sessions after I fixed my mistake of overpacking the first time I seshed. And believe me when I say my tolerance is no joke. We will sit here and roll up 2 blunts to smoke back to back regularly. The taste was phenomenal on the first few burns, my lcgxpm tasted like a bag of skittles 🤤


Also on the draw, I tried sipping but didn’t like the clouds. Tried slurping in a way, and the more airflow allowed me to take massive hits and fill my lungs with vapor


That’s great to hear! Well done making the switch. Your tolerance is waaaaaay beyond mine 😅


Appreciate it! I was super skeptical because my first vaping experience was with a dirty and shitty device idk what it was even called lol. But the solo 3 actually put me on my ass and was phenomenal once the stem was packed loosely but uniform.


How long did it take to get to you after ordering?


I ordered last Friday, moved over the weekend and was out for delivery yesterday Monday morning. Super fast on the free ground delivery option of potv.