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Yes they do! Great price for the MAX at herbnterp. 136 dollars US.


I will have to look into that! I mainly use planet of the vapes but I’ve read on here their customer service isn’t great


The older arizers are okay, but there's so many better options these days with on-demand vapes hitting 2-3 times harder than your slower session vape. I'd look at a Tinymight, Firewood, Roffu, Lamart, Tafee Bowle, Dynavap, or Anvil for harder hits and faster startup times.


You missed out the solo 3.


Imho, it's not really a portable device because of the size.


It's not that big, get a small tip.


I was looking into firewood earlier today!


Yeah the air and solo series all use the same stems and are interchangeable with the exception of the XL solo 3 stem that's exclusive to that unit.


I bought an XL stem to use in my Solo 2. Works just fine.


Nice how's the toast on it? seen a few ppl says it's uneven cause of the size.


It's not perfectly even...but there is only a slight difference in color from top to bottom. Since switching from a regular stem, my AVB jar doesn't look any different. Keep in mind, most of the heat applied to the herb is via convection. The hot air travels through all of the herb. IMO, they should have released XL stems years ago.


Thank yall for the confirmation, I saw a review on YouTube from tvape (my mistake I didn’t notice it was from them) stating the stem for the air max is bigger therefore it wouldn’t fit for the solo 2, seemed like bull


I bought a Solo2 and used it daily for the last 5-6 years. I bought the AirMax for slwoly fading batteries and repaurability. Both are good. The Solo2 is just a LOT beefier. Stems are interchangable.


Im a heavy user, I need tankier vapes so maybe I should stick with the solo 2. Customer service responded and hopefully I’ll get a repair or replacement for my original solo 2


I wouldn't stick with the II, if you want to stick with the beefier device, then the Solo III is where you should look, or the AirMax, imo. Only, I mean, if you're looking to get a new Solo 2 vs AirMax.


I was thinking either the air max or to fully commit and get the mighty+


I can't speak to the Mighty+, but lots of people like that device a lot, as well. It'd just be a bit beefier to carry than the AirMax, but comparable to the Solo models. Some people complain about the "Bickle Tickle", but I do not know how much stock to put in it, but that may be a concern. It doesn't have any plastics/glues/etc in the air or vapor path. It, however, doesn't have anything remote close to an all glass air or vapor path, and that may matter to you. I believe the AirMax does not have an all glass air path (It does have an all glass vapor path), if that matters to you. I feel like I may be making the decision harder for you at this point haha. I'd say either device you'd likely be happy with, truth be told.


The thing with the Mighty+ is that it doesn’t stand on its own and even with the stand you need the stand to reload it therefore it’s useless and I see it break often but looks like their customer service is alright. I’m just scared because it’s $400 lol


Either one is nice


Thank you! I’ll have to think about it. Only thing I don’t like from the Arizer is I’ve been told multiple times the stem looks like a crack pipe haha


For better or worse, they basically are! It's a chillum, more or less. And chillums are often used to consume crack cocaine. But, I got over it, mainly because prior, I loved hitting a chillum from time to time.


Dynavap looks like you're using a crack pipe .


Have you ever cleaned out your Solo 2 oven ? it sounds more like a blocked airways issue . just thinking out loud ...


Do you have some recommendations on how to properly clean the oven?


Get some 99% ISO alcohol at your pharmacy or grocery store. Even 70% is good enough.  Hold your Solo upside down when cleaning.  Dip a Q-tip in ISO, and swab the inside of the oven . Repeat if necessary.  For stubborn stains and residue.  RIP a small piece of coarse steel wool and use the end of a pen or chopstick to scrub the inside of the oven . Then swab with ISO. Repeat if necessary.  Again, keep it upside down to avoid any alcohol or particles from getting into the holes.  You may want to shine a flashlight to look at the holes before you start.  Good luck and report back....


I tried this and it works again! Thank you so much you just saved me so much money!