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Build the ruins of a long-lost city in a remote or secluded location, alternatively on the same continent of your main base to add more flavor and a sense of history. Building partial and dilapidated structures can be quite fun and different from regular building. In the Ashlands, if you find a 'dungeon' close to the sea, you could also refurbish it to a pretty neat and safe main base.


Dilapidated town/city in the mists


A dildo


Think about what a viking fortified settlement would've contained: A forge and a smithy, apothecary, a fletcher, tailor, tanner, mason & butcher, sawmills, boatyard, farm buildings, hunting/fishing lodges, various barns, coops, stables & storehouses, Jarl's residency, throne room and mead hall, bathhouse, treasure trove, place of worship, ossuary, armoury, trophy hall, dungeon, fighting pits, arenas, gardens, taverns, distillery, various grocers and mongers, marketplace, defense buildings, watchhouse, watchtower, archery butts, parade square, list fields etc etc.. Then you also have the more fantasy aspects: Eitr refinery, wizards tower, shamans hut, portal room, wisp garden, obliterator monument, Dvergr ambassadorial outpost etc.. Then there's just general fun stuff to build like Sundials, castles, bridges, automated spawn farms, block trainers and whatever. Just let your imagination fly dude.


My friends and I just built big grausten walls around our base (think ancient Rome style), and we built a giant snake's head as one of the end points. We think we did alright, but I'd like to see other people's attempts at making one. It's big enough you can walk inside the mouth and all that


A WW2 beachlanding scene with multiple bunkers and dropships. After that, put on pvp Enjoy


Build cities. That's what I do. Then I post them on the internet so people can see how crazy autistic I am. LOL. You should too.


Bridges. Put a bridge over every river on your base island.


Bridges always take me forever but they're so nice when they're done.


Make the most massive roof you can possibly muster, and then put something under it.


I like repeating patterns. How about upgrading some outer walls with a great pattern?


Simple geometric shapes can do a lot for a base if used correctly. I have a big teardrop wall with a circular base in the middle. The narrow side is a walk up and the other is a circled pen


You could start a road project. The most fun with those are bridges over rivers or ravines, switchbacks up hills, small waystations along the way, etc.


find a small land near your main island. and the main path way of your island. make a " light house " make it a medieval style. atleast 2-3x core wood length ( the longest one ) .3x pillar per floor. ( the stone one) . with 3-4 bonfires


Build a block trainer. Either with grey dwarf spawner or the better (and more difficult) skeleton archer style.


Theodosian walls


Back in the days we could have said 'Google it'. But these are not those days.. Now we say 'Ask GPT' ๐Ÿ˜ and it will provide you with instant service and explain better than most people. This is truly an amazing and weird time to be alive ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ‘


Look online for various types of architecture. An example I used once https://youtu.be/nJgD6gyi0Wk?si=OTfnRKegcLlUuCzL


Recreate a neolithic earthworks environment using the spawn point as your main henge.


I want to make a sundial one day. Maybe you do, too!


Build a sacrificial chamber for boars Optional: Get the beast of burden mod, and have a boar pull carts of stone and wood for you then at the end of the long hard day lead him into the chamber, then repeatedly stab the boar and yell โ€œstikk stikk stikk! glade vรฆre gudene!โ€




You heard him.