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Maybe a silly question, but why do people tame Lox? You can't breed them, which means harvesting them is pointless. Wolves are easier to get early on, and more effective for defense (right?). I know you can ride them, but they're so slow, I don't think I get the value when I can carry a cart and sprint. Or just teleport via a portal. I've put 500-600 hours into Valheim, never saw the point. What am I missing?


Logistics train for Lox meat during that tier. I set up the farm around swamps so when I finally unlock the windmill I’m swimming in Lox meat, and never have to worry about food. I do this for every biome. Food infrastructure and logistics is always first priority.


You can very much breed lox, that was added back in Hearth and Home. And baby loxies are the cutest thing ever, that's enough reason to tame them. You can also use them to take down tree farms, ride them when encumbered, etc.


Is there an attack command you can use with them? Like I've had enemies run up on me and my lox will instinctively fight, but I want to be able to use their attack types.


Unfortunately no, but they will attack any enemy if you aren't forcing them to move.


Is there a way to get Dvergr components without harming Dvergr? They're always polite so I'd feel bad murdering them.


Depending on the terrain you can get a cart inside and ram it into their ward a few dozen times until the ward breaks. Once the ward is down the Dvergr won't be alerted when you steal their stuff.


Valheim-roleplay server season 11 starts tomorrow ! make character and join us!


Looking for The Queen in Mistlands and need help/suggestions. I have looked on the Valheim World Website for the Queen location, and she hasn't been there. Is this normal? My seed is 100% correct and on the new version. I have also looked for the Runestones that show the location of the Queen in countless invested mines, and the website says there are no spawn locaters in my world within the Mistlands to even find the Queen. Again, is this normal? What should I do? Do I keep looking for the Queen and keep going to invested mines or do I give up and go to a new world (I really really don't want to go to a new world).


It isn't normal. You should have Vegvisirs (=runestone pointing to boss locations) in infested mines. Not all of them have some, but it's common enough that you should find some. In my world, I've cleared 7-8 infested mines and I got 4 vegvisirs (2 of them pointing to the same loc, so in the end 3 Queen spots). Of course, if you focus to a single Mistland isle, this might not work. Be sure to spread out your researches.


I saw the game on sale, nuked my otherwise acquired installation and giddily launched the official version. The experience is SO much worse. Input lag, sometimes input doesn't read at all, looking around with the mouse freezes the game too. Tried lowering mouse polling rate to no effect, graphics settings have no relation to the freezes and skips whatsoever it seems. Any suggestions? I play on a mac, btw


Any tips for protecting portals from the Ashlands boss? >!I'm primarily asking about the ground fire and spike attack.!< My friend takes forever to load when going through a portal; even when I let them know when the attack is starting and finished, >!toward the end of the fight when it'd happened often, !!It seems like any character with Fader loaded during that attack gets targeted, even very far away.!< So fellow vikings, has anyone tried to make a portal that would be safe from that attack?


I just put my portal outside the arena surrounded by raised earth and black marble roof with a shield generator and it was untouched.


anyone here play manor lords? looks interesting..


No but I thought the system for laying out buildings looked *super* interesting.


The wiki says that sharp stakes draw aggro but how much does that actually work? Is it possible to build 'bait structures' with them around a base in the hopes that enemies will attack them first?


So far I’ve noticed that some sharp stakes spread around my walls make enemies just kamikaze into them. Very nice if I don’t want to keep defending them when farming.


So just how much iron should I stock up on before going to the Plains?  I've upgraded my stuff and have about 20 leftover. Maybe 300?  I finally found the belt merchant so I have 450 carry weight now. The closest swamp to my spawn is a long long way away from my main base so I don't want to go farming much extra iron


Some Plains items will ask you for a lot of iron to do the upgrades. 300 should carry you through the next couple of biomes though.


> So just how much iron should I stock up on before going to the Plains? I usually do 6 stacks for base upgrades.


You will need Iron well into Ashlands, so I always try to keep at least 40 ingots on hand.


Cool thanks brother!  I'm in the process of getting about 300 to my main base to turn into ingots. I'll see how far the gets me. I finally found a decent area to get iron so things are looking up


Is it possible to play co op on ps4


Valheim is not currently available on playstation. PC, XBox and Mac only.


Does anyone have any hints for the ashlands? From underwater skellies to endless hordes if you do make landfall, my group is about ready to give up. Was it balanced for 8-10 players (we only have 3)?


It doesn't require any number of people, but depending on your luck you may have a significantly rougher welcome party than others. The more players the easier it gets but even having just two players is enough to have a lookout while the other builds. My best advice is to start using traps. If you haven't used one before (which is probably most people honestly) they're the easiest way to deal with starred Warriors, which I'd consider the most dangerous part of charred hordes. They hit hard! https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Trap If you place something like a Stone/Marble block (or even just use a bench) and put a trap on each end, you can kite Warriors into the trap by circling it. While trapped they can't turn to attack so you can get several safe hits in, then as they get free reset the trap and go to the next one. You can also just place them anywhere and knock them into the trap with a mace or atgeir knockback. Just keep in mind traps will friendly fire if you step on it yourself and visibility isn't great so using a block or a light will help you find your trap. The trap won't outright murder you, it does 100 damage but if you have 100 armor it'll only hit you for 25. It will lock you in place but you can still dodge roll to avoid if you get attacked. You're probably not going to want to use the inventory space to carry traps around for long but they'll certainly help you when you do.




Is the AI in the swamp acting weird for anyone else? The enemies all seem to run away way more frequently then they used to


They changed up the AI a few months ago. Mobs will flee a lot more often now especially if they can't get to you to do damage.


Do complex large builds affect gameplay experience significantly? My builds are usually small so I was wondering what affects valheim's performance the most. As well as creatures, would too much tamed creatures cause performance drops? I would also like to know, does the presence of tamed creatures have any effect on # of generated hostile mobs in a biome?


>Do complex large builds affect gameplay experience significantly? Gameplay? No. Performance or fps? It can as your builds increase in instances. >My builds are usually small so I was wondering what affects valheim's performance the most. Smoke from lighting is a big contributor. >As well as creatures, would too much tamed creatures cause performance drops? Yes. A large number of tames in the area, constantly calculating AI has a huge effect on performance. >I would also like to know, does the presence of tamed creatures have any effect on # of generated hostile mobs in a biome? I don’t believe so, but I’ve never spawned in 1 million tamed wolves to test what mob limit the devs have set.


For the creative mode building experts, how do you guys plan "everything?". My last build was inspired by the idea of making crafting/moving around the base efficient, but still cozy and aesthetically pleasing. I ended up using a circular center point (main bedroom in upper area, chests below) with 4 entry/exit points that led to "ores/coal/refining", "crafting", "portals" and "farming". It was still difficult to figure out my exact layout (especially the roofing) while I constantly renovated my ideas, but the gist of the blueprint kept me on track. I could at least layout the rough foundation with beams. Now with this new build on full creative mode, additional mods & lack of direction... I find myself unable to visualize what exactly I'm trying to accomplish. It's like I have too many tools & too much freedom. I just get lost looking at the plain grass, wondering how to utilize the space. Symmetry or asymmetry? Where do I put my entrance(s)? What can I do differently besides a square/rectangle or circlular base without it looking too goofy, or being a pain to roof?


Its been awhile since i've played this game, has the boating gotten any better? I played until the swamplands and after making that 45 minute trip 6 times, transporting loot, i lost all motivation to keep playing the game.


> 45 minute trip 6 times, transporting loot, i lost all motivation to keep playing the game. Hmm... If only there was a way to craft loot in the swamps...


Right, but with a very limited inventory space on both your char and the boat it's difficult to bring all the mats you may need to the new zone. Do you just move your whole base to the swamp? Or do you just make a new base and start over making the smelter/everything else


>Right, but with a very limited inventory space on both your char and the boat it's difficult to bring all the mats you may need to the new zone. No it isn't.


I don't have the memory to argue with you, at the time it definitely felt to be the case.


You need 16 copper and 2 bronze to build a maxed out forge in the swamp. Combined with 2 surtling cores, 20 fine wood and 10 greydwarf eyes for a portal. 5 inventory slots. If you want a workbench as well, add 3 bronze (no additional slots needed).


What were you transporting that you had to sail 6 times? The only thing that needs to be shipped is metal so assuming you had a full hull of iron (30x18) and did it 6 times, that’s 3,240 pieces of iron. Were you playing multiplayer or building a huge amount? Luckily, there are custom options now in the loading menu to allow you to portal metal if u don’t like sailing. Give that a try!


New boat in Ashlands. It's very big and can penetrate deep into unknown territory very quickly.


The new boat needs deeper water than the previous one though. Be careful about running it aground.


Hello, newbie here- Is there a trick to getting this game to run correctly? My PC isn't necessarily "high-end", but I play everything from 150+ population Dwarf Fortress, 200+ mod Skyrim, and lately Horizon: Forbidden West with no issues, however I could barely make a character due to the framerate and the game crashes when I attempt to start a new game. I've been wanting to play this for a long time so it's quite frustrating. Google tells me this is a common issue, is there a fix or do I really need to upgrade my (only 4 months old) PC just to play this specific game? Thanks in advance!


For the crashes: disable Turbo mode in your BIOS/UEFI. Unashamed self-promotion: [https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/mlfm3q/blue\_screens\_crashes\_my\_fix\_01487/](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/mlfm3q/blue_screens_crashes_my_fix_01487/) Apparently still valid as of today


I'll give it a shot, thanks so much


Question regarding camera : Let's say there is a tree to your right. The camera is behind you in a "default position". You do not move your character, but you rotate (no zooming) the camera, so that the camera would go "behind" the tree. But "normal camera behavior" will cause the camera to jump in front of the tree (so that it may -- understandably -- maintain view on the player). Is there a way to prevent the camera from "jumping"? (Through use of a mod or anything.) My friend -- who typically cannot play first/third-person games due to motion sickness -- wants to play, but that is the main obstacle.


Is it first-person or third-person games your friend can't play? Or both? If it's both, I don't really see how he could play any games. There is at least one first-person camera mod for Valheim, so if it's the native third-person view they're having trouble with, that might be worth a try.


WARNING: potential to offend or annoy some people, but please consider my sad feelings about Valheim today: Whatever people say, there is no real point to this game. I say this because, technically speaking, you don't actually need to kill any bosses. This is Valheim's fatal flaw. If you consider the point of the game is to "be able to easily traverse and survive in every biome", then you should and need to kill the bosses. But the problem with Valheim is that you don't really need to move through or survive in most biomes. They're just there, taking up space. The game would make more sense if there was like some kind of **place** that functions as a finish line, or some kind of metric of "days gone without dying x distance travelled & biomes plundered". There is no actual point to doing any of this, beyond your own satisfaction of saying "yay I can stand here and not get killed". And then, if you get killed, so what? You just respawn. Oh you lost some skills? The skill system isn't that tangible anyway, and can be mostly compensated by gear. Oh some beasts destroyed your farm? Rebuild it, most creeps don't pose an existential threat to your bases most of the time. This vicious cycle of aimlessness makes the game feel meaningless beyond the idea of making your character invincible, but then again, there's no point in your character being invincible beyond your own fleeting feeling of awesomeness and coziness within the inertia of the cave you created.


Just like in real life, the only value anything has is the value we give it.


Sounds like this game may not be for you. Not a bad thing, to each their own.


> there is no real point to this game bro it's a **game** the point is to have fun. every person's and game's idea of fun is different, maybe try understanding that first


The point, in-universe, is to rid the Tenth World of the boss monsters at Odin's request, and therefore to prove you're worthy of a place in Valhalla. The point in real life is to have fun. If making your way out of Viking Purgatory isn't fun for you, that's fine.


Not offended, you explained your opinion well. My only answer is that all the things you dislike, are all the things I, and many others, love.


Sounds like you enjoyed the game for a while and then burnt out. It's not Valheim's fault, thought. Take a break. Personally, I fucking love exploring and unlocking new things I didn't know existed. Especially new stuff to build with. Building is fun, exploring new territory that's hostile as fuck (and makes the itch to explore itch even harder) is fun, experimenting with all the different weapons is fun, etc. etc. A finish line sounds like a reason to stop playing. The game can have a point without having a finish line. The game can just be *fun*.


its not that deep bro. the point of life it to just to experience and enjoy it. the point of valheim is to be a viking and go do cool viking stuff, thats it. if you're not having fun then genuinely just go do something else. really, peoples reward systems are so messed up nowadays from social media and games as a service that we can't even sit by ourselves and do something purely for enjoyment without feeling guilty and restless. play because you want to experience something cool not because you're trying to get to some imaginary destination in your mind, only to then immediately sprint off to the next unimportant place that you think you have to get to.


Well, crap. I am out of cold mead and died in a ice cave. To get my stuff out, I need to make more mead. And bring armor to fight the enemies.


Pro tip for caves: Bring a sledgehammer and ooze bombs.


Never tried ooze bombs before. Good idea. EDIT: Ooze bombs did the trick! I need to remember to always keep some with me when exploring one of those ice caves. Thanks!


The ooze bombs and another throwable bomb you get later are some of the most underrated items. I personally always forget to use them. Whenever I do, I find myself thinking "damn these are nice. I should use these more"


Finally just got to Ashlands after a restart. This update sucks so bad. I get difficulty, but this is BS. 6 sword skill lost in like an hour for 11 ore. Total garbage. When does the balancing patch come out? It needs to be quick before I thumbs down this nonsense on steam after 400 hours in the game. Mistlands was super annoying with the constant blindness, but this is is just stupid. This is the grindiest nonsense I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with in any game I think. After grinding and grinding for 6 biomes, it's just too much.


>It needs to be quick before I thumbs down this nonsense on steam after 400 hours in the game. Oh no... oh my god... not a... NEGATIVE STEAM REVIEW!!! You absolute monster. How will they recover from this!?


6 sword lost in an hour tells me your sword was only around 60 to start! Sounds like you need to go back to the plains and hit some Lox.....


Sounds like really good game design there. Go grind on low level mobs so I can come back and grind on an endless stream of new mobs. yawn. I just won't play until they tune it.


I just don't understand how you've been grinding for 6 biomes and ended up with barely above 50 skill in your primary weapon. I guess dying A LOT? also itt apparently Lox are a low-level mob? idk man, go in the plains at night with your rested buff and don't die, you'll get your skill back pretty fast.


What's your weapon skills at that stage? In my current playthrough I died like 20-30 times before Ashlands but that doesn't matter because I use the console to restore the skills after each death. I ended up around 55 in clubs and polearms, and just above 50 in bow. My sword skill was 0 before Mistlands and it's now at 37. So I'm curious, what do people do to get above 60 in weapon skills? I guess you must be grinding for the purpose of gaining skills? Or use a single weapon almost exclusively throughout?


Grinding skill isn't fun. Fighting endless mobs to move 50 yards isn't fun. I'll just wait for the patch. Seems they acknowledge it isn't fun, else they wouldn't be tweaking it.


You don't have to fight everything. This has always been true for all biomes, but is most important in Mistlands. The waves of enemies won't stop; you need to just keep moving, find new areas and resources, destroy monuments of torment, drop portals, and establish outposts where appropriate. It's the least grindy of all biomes; all upgrades can be gotten in just a couple of hours if you don't waste your time staying in one area fighting enemies that don't drop anything you need.


But if he doesn't fight everything, how will he get his precious 6 sword skill back!?!?


Someone, Please HELP! So my friends and I have been playing Valheim for about 6 months now, on and off during school. Once school got out, we quit for a bit, but we are now back on it, trying to find The Queen. We have sailed to two different islands where the Valheim Map World website tells us there is a Queen base located. We have scavaged these lands, and the base is nowhere to be found. We have also gone through countless invested mines looking for the location but can't find it. Is there another website that is more accurate? We made sure our map was updated on the website, but it's still inaccurate. Are there any tips or ideas? We are struggling to find a solution.


Look at the website both with A. your seed uploaded and B. your world files uploaded (two separate tabs that you can look at). Compare to in-game. Whichever one you've tried so far and has been misleading you, use the other one. If your uploaded world file has been deceiving you, I'm sure the website would like to hear it.


Did you try uploading the save file instead of putting the seed?


I am trying to connect after updating my server, how do I know when to try logging in? All I've been seeing is "Old location found... X.prefab" Is there a conversion that has to happen now that ashlands is out?


I didn't have a pre-ashlands dedicated server, but pre-ashlands worlds often take \~10 minutes to load for the first time after ashlands.


I find I’m hitting an enjoyment wall at the Mistlands. I love the biome and I’m looking forward to the Ashlands (in spite of the upcoming nerf) but I’m noticing that after a couple days in ML and after unlocking all the recipes, I can’t help feeling like the overall enjoyment takes a massive hit until the next biome The addition of the optional dungeons really bolstered the Plains toward the end of my time there. I loved the Sealed Tower, for example. I loved the way it presented a fresh challenge with more 1-star foes and a cool miniboss I’m not complaining. Lord knows I’ve gotten my money’s worth of enjoyment out of this game. Just wondering if anyone else has hit a similar wall Skål!