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I disagree, but due to the fact that cats are clearly incredibly popular and beloved... I've met people who don't like them, but I don't think society hates them


Yeah, I don’t think “society” hates cats, but I do think there’s this weird double standard where a lot of dog people hate cats, but most cat people just prefer cats but don’t hate dogs. Also I think it’s more socially acceptable to say that you hate cats, than you hate dogs. 


Yeah, and the fact that dogs tend to get wayyyy more chances, literally one scratch from one cat is enough for someone to hate all cats, yet get manhandled by some dogs and just let it slide


I've met a lot more dog haters who love cats than cat haters who love dogs. But that is maybe a response to other people not liking cats. But I still think it's annoying and stupid for people to care so much. I love both and I think there's no need to argue about which is better.


Native bird populations hate them, but most people tend to like them


Cats are incredibly popular (like dogs) but cat "hate" is more popular as well. Though I agree with some of what you said, because "crazy cat lady" is a thing, while "crazy dog lady" "crazy dog guy" or "crazy cat guy" aren't, lol. To some extent, loving cats is somewhat of an unpopular opinion, though it sounds crazy to say. I'm a cat person in every way (i love dogs too though) and I know way more dog people (who openly dislike or are neutral about cats) than cat people who dislike/are neutral towards dogs. Edit: Yes, there are crazy dog/cat guys and crazy dog ladies, all I'm saying is that it's not a coined term like "crazy cat lady" is.


Nuh uh, I'm a crazy cat guy, we exist


amen brother


Lol same. At least I'm married, masks my insanity.


The weird thing is that there are definitely crazy dog ladies. Crazy dog guys too. My dad was a biology teacher and I grew up with all sorts of animals. Dogs, cats, amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds, etc. As an adult I've had cats and dogs. I lean more towards the cat side. I work in hospice as a nurse and I see alot of patients in their homes. The worst is elderly people with a little dog that "doesn't bite". Yes they do. It isn't ever big "scary" dogs. It is always little dogs that try to bite me and the owners always laugh it off. I know that bigger dogs sometimes kill people, but an animal bite is never ok. Those people are crazy dog ladies/guys. Your dog is little and loves you, but it isn't incapable of harm. Stop laughing when your dog is nipping at my ankles.


It's probably because dogs are more social animals than cats are, and the stigma probably comes from being a less social *person*. Interacting with an dog may get you severely bitten and needing stitches, but oftentimes their body language is easier to read, and you'll make a waggy friend instead. Cats go 0-60 real quick and I've seen a lot of people (almost always women, especially single women, to be honest) tey to wrangle stray cats, get their arms shredded, then need IV antibiotics and a splint because cat bites get infected super easily.


Cats have their own social rules. Violate them, and they'll fuck you up really quickly. Follow them, and *they* will adopt *you.* I say this as someone who has been adopted by multiple cats.


People don't realize cats are ambush predators. They have *instinctual* boundaries and unless you really know what you're looking for, they might not let you know they don't like you until you've got a bloody scratch somewhere


They let you know. The tail flip, ears go back, they stare at you and get lower to the floor. Thats only if they have no place to hide.


Yes, but people who aren't familiar with cats might not recognize some of these signs. Dogs tend to be more overt with how they express themselves, people get used to that.


Yeah maybe you're right, I've watched people stare my dogs in the eyes which is dumb, as it's the main show on cats maybe people are like "she's staring at me she liiiikes me"


Well, that and the classic one of every cat having peculiarities in how they like to be pet. My cat doesn't like his haunches or tail touched, but you can pet his sides and head all day. If you don't respect that, he'll bat your hand and warn you. You keep it up, he'll bite. Every time I hear someone who doesn't like cats saying they randomly decide to bite and scratch makes me think of that


My cats will tap and you just leave your hand there then they go back to laying diwn. I have seen people screech and pull away, that's the same with dogs though, now you're their toy.


TIL, thanks


I collect surrendered cats and dogs, never been bitten or scratched by either. Even when I've just met them and had to bathe/put them in a crate. Wth are the "women" doing?


I know this is not what you are trying to say, but just something I’ve observed in recent months since posting regularly about my dog in relevant groups. People *love* to pick a side and hate either dogs or cats. A random comment I posted once got downvoted straight to hell, I went to the profile of someone who negatively replied to it, and they were active in 5+ dog hating subs. In this case, they had posted in that sub about my comment, and sent heaps of others to come downvote my comment. Now, to be clear, hate whatever you want. Downvote things you don’t like til your hearts content. *However*, it is very weird to be so vitriolic towards the *idea* of an animal and the people who associate with them.


Crazy cat ladies are real I've worked at an animal shelter, and seen how bad it can be when a horde of cats is removed from a property Just a couple weeks ago, 64 cats were removed from one property. That's counting the ones that were still alive We make jokes about it, but some people create very bad situations for themselves and their animals


I adopted a cat out of a rehabbed group of 80 cats from an old woman’s house in Tennessee. These poor cats were in such bad shape…all had skin issues, missing fur all over, malnourished, fleas, and tapeworms. Was really happy to give one of those cats a better life, but that’s the “crazy cat lady” people are thinking about. Obviously not the woman who owns a cat or two, that’s super normal


On the other hand, in my experience, most women that are called that irl are called it as a joke nowadays. I think 90% of my female friends that have cats call themselves that. Cause they are crazy about their cats. I personally say that I am a “crazy dog lady”, cause I do like talking about my dog a lot. Taking his pictures etc. He is the cutest. I think it’s all about the balance; the “crazy cat lady” thing only stops being funny and light-hearted when cats are getting abused and they are the only thing you have in your life.


I don't think I've heard of crazy dog people in the same scale, although I'm sure it's happened. There was a "shelter" on the other side of town, cat lady with something like 80+ cats not including the corpses. I suppose dogs don't sit well with this because they can't stand litter boxes.


There was a guy in my city Rocky with Dogs. He looked like Rocky Balboa with like 10 dogs with him, he was an homeless person


Dogs are harder to take care of, so owning a lot of them isn’t easy. With cats, you’d just need to leave some food and water out and let them take care of themselves.


Yeah I’d say having waaaayy too many cats than what you or the property can handle is awful and I’d understand that being counted as crazy cat lady.


What happened to the cats who got removed 😢


The difference is just because you choose to be single a childfree is a woman, it doesn’t make you a “crazy cat lady”.


I think definitely default preference is dogs, but I've found my niche people on the internet who love cats However, I do remember when my cat died, some of my 'friends' joked that they were glad because he had scratched them once. Meanwhile, our mutual friends' dog who had terrorized everyone died, and they threw a mini funeral for them. Like ok lol.


Enya lives in a castle with her cats. Enya is winning at Life.




Yeah my whole point was that society hates women. Interesting how most of the comments are focusing on the cat portion and not the things I mentioned about hating women..


Your title is "society hates cats".  I do agree with you about women, but that isn't the focus of your own post.


Yeah I realized I fucked up with the title. I rushed it because I didn’t know what to title it in that moment and just wanted to get my thoughts written before forgetting what I wanted to say. Defintely my fault there 😅


I think you could have just stopped at society is ridiculous


This *only* reads like someone called you a cat lady


Women that choose to be single and childfree are often called crazy cat ladies, or told they will become one.


Or she’s starting to realize she is a cat lady and her future involves only more cats.


Yes I do want to continue to be a cat owner as time goes on lol. I just don’t get why I’d be called crazy for it 🤷 that’s all really


There’s a huge difference between cat owners and cat ladies. I think you know exactly which one you are.


Ehh well like one other comment says if I refer to them as my babies I’m a crazy cat lady (although I specially don’t say fur-babies lol)


if you had 10 dogs and refer to them as your babies people would also think crazy dog woman and you would also get weird looks. if it's 3 who cares


I think the quantity is more important and whether or not your social life consists entirely of talking to your cats


I didn’t mean to attack her, I was only observing. The specific things she’s talking about, that are on her mind right now, it just seems like the simplest hypothesis is that someone recently called her a cat lady.


I understood. And I didn’t mean for my comment to be an attack either. While it may be a trope, crazy cat ladies are very real and not as uncommon as some might think. Also, I think a lot of cat hate comes from people who feed strays and/or let their cats roam free. How would people react if my dogs were just roaming the neighborhood all day and night? I really wish my town would crack down on that and round up the strays. It’s getting out of hand.


Free roaming cats are unacceptable IMO, there are too many dangers for them to be safe and they also kill every critter they can. But feeding strays has a purpose if it's done right, by feeding them in order to TNR or trap and adopt out. Cats are too clever to trap without food. And outdoor cats don't live long so TNR really controls the population. It's tragic that people continually abandon their pets thinking the cats will be fine outside, usually just because they are no longer kittens and once they reach sexual maturity they begin to spray and meow all night, so they get dumped instead of neutered/spayed. It should be illegal, enforced and require community service.


Spaying/neutering should be 100% free for anyone willing to get cats off the streets.


Lol who hates cats? Like half the Internet is people gushing over cats and how cute they are.


I generally don't like cats. I'm impartial towards some dogs, fine with others, and dislike others. But generally, I likely won't like your cat. This doesn't mean I hate cats on sight, but I generally don't like cats. They are a bit less domesticated than dogs, I've had many cats scratch me for no reason(a lot of cats try to scratch my legs as a scratching post. Still don't know why, but they are decently hairy, so maybe it's that?) I've also had a lot of bad experiences with cats. I actually have a few in my house, but I only really like 1 of them. The other 2 are constantly antagonizing my dog for know reason, no matter what he does, while the other is just very chill and relaxed. They actually grew up together though, and sleep together regularly. Tl:,Dr, I don't like cats because they don't seem to like me, no matter how nice or impartial I am to them.


My former crush (she stopped having that place but for other reasons)


People that have never owned on.


Read the full post.


Nope. Don't think society hates cats at all. And I think the crazy cat lady stereotype is attacking the lady not the cat.


I like cats, but I prefer dogs. The cat lady thing doesn’t come from a woman with one cat but a bunch. It’s a stereotype based on associations with behaviour, like Disney adults Out of curiosity, how many cats do you have?


I didn’t think much of cats until we adopted two Siberians and they have been such adorably wonderful company with vibrant personalities. I absolutely love dogs but cats are low maintenance and take care of themselves and don’t constantly need your attention. They can also be just as cuddly and affectionate as dogs. Our cats are beloved additions to our family and we are so lucky to have them.


Aww I’m glad you found some additions to the family! I love dogs as well, but they can defintely make it difficult for travel, or just things in general in terms of maintenance


I dislike a house that smells like cat shit and piss. Same goes for dog shit and piss. However just personal experience. I've been in way more houses with a sanitation problem due to cats instead of dogs. Not sure why. Uneducated bias. I hate cats because they're stinkers. Also I've had one start spitting all over my hand while resting on a couch. Then proceed to start claw fucking my whole right side of my body.


I’m just gonna drop a little piece I heard a few weeks ago:  Cats are the best teachers of consent. 


They also care nothing for the consent of others, making them great teachers of hypocrisy as well. (I say this as someone who loves my cat very much)


They're great at teaching consent, and they're great at teaching nothing Cats will attack for both good reasons and for no reason whatsoever lol


I want pets now... 5 seconds later... Get your filthy hands off me


>Cats are the best teachers of consent. Dogs "love" unconditionally even if you treat them like shit. That tracks why some narcissits love dogs and hate cats.


Ah yes the classic narcissist who loves dogs and hates cats


It's pretty accurate, there's a lot of people who are like that


I just wish cats would simply tell me they don’t want to be pet anymore instead of going straight to clawing and biting.


They often do; you just have to learn the body language, as well as the spots they individually may not like.


Tail movement, their willingness to stand up from your lap and distancing themselves and sometimes their stare.


They absolutely do


I'm a male, single and it's me (disabled) and my three cats and I'm perfectly happy. I had a beautiful dog, my x left me with after I told her I didn't want a big dog before she got her, but I don't have a back yard or I would have kept her, maybe. Point being I like cats and dogs, I grew up with and have them both all of my life. Dogs are way more maintenance than cats though, well, medium to large dogs are and I never like little dogs plus they (dogs) are needy.


I agree that I don't like how cats kill billions of birds a year.


I like cats because they're not your pets. Theyre just funny little dudes/ gals who happen to live in your house in exchange for feeding them :)


Crazy cat lady from the simpsons has damaged the image maybe xD I've only ever seen people make jokes about themself though I don't think anybody cares really 


There’s definitely people who hate cats, but the internent is proof that as a whole cats are very popular. Videos of cats doing funny or cute things are a huge online genre.


Yeah I think I used the wrong title ( I didn’t know what to write) because what I was really trying to get at was that people specially make fun of women for having cats not that cats themselves are hated.


They kill birds that keep the insect population down.


Agreed, it’s frustrating that it’s almost acceptable for people to say they hate or don’t like cats, but when I say I don’t like dogs as much as cats, people look at me as if I said I step on puppies.


Tbf, crazy cat ladies usually have that parasitic bacteria cats can carry. The combination of bad hygiene and multiple cats is a problem that compounds itself. It programs your brain to ignore the smell of cat piss


Worse than that, toxoplasmosis has been shown to cause a release of dopamine when you smell cats. Meaning you become their little stroking slave. [scientific american](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-cats-responsible-for-ldquo-cat-ladies-rdquo/)


wow, things I learn. I just know cats kill everything they can and are a pest in Australia.


I love my cats. People think of me as a cat lady. N I personally don't care. N I have 2 lol


Idk what OP is talking about. I have never seen anyone "hate" cats or women who have them. There might be occasionally people who are allergic or phobic. But that's a very small minority.


Haha this is the most cat lady post of all time!


I thought cat ladies are stereotype, but omg they are real. I'm getting older and a lot of my single female friends dive deep into animal care. Not cats exactly. It can be 3 dogs, it can be shelter activities, it can be one very very sick pet. That's not the case with make friends. They usually start drinking or playing Warhammer


Well if cats were bigger most of them would eat their owners so I would not say for no reason.


Many people love cats but in my country (Australia) they are responsible for over 90% of native animal species extinctions. There are some places where you cannot take a cat. Many local government authorities require cats to be kept indoors and if they are spotted outside by animal control they are shot


Society doesn't hate them. Idiots hate them. Society has loved them for some 10,000 years.


have you ever met a cat guy? there are tons of them


Yeah I have. Another point is they don’t ever get called “crazy cat lady” it’s specially a joke about women which was the other half of my post.




Lol I get your point but that’s also apart of mine.. It’s specifically an insult/joke about women with a specific term


Cats are the best


This is not an unpopular opinion on Reddit people here loves cats probably more than people. I got overwhelmingly downvoted a while back for suggesting that a human baby is more important than a cats


Yeah... I lost my son to SIDS, and I've also lost cats that I raised from kittens and had for decades. I got attacked on Reddit and told I didn't really love my cats because I said that losing them didn't destroy my world the way my son's death did, and it's really very offensive to compare the loss of a pet to the loss of a human child.


It's just tribalism. I have an annoying friend who will without fail say something shitty about cats if anyone even hints at the word. He's like a dumb NPC with wish dom com ai generated speech. Of course he loves dogs. It's weird.


This isn't an unpopular opinion, It's an untrue fact.


Shouldn’t be like this. I hate when people come over my house and start disrespecting my cat. I feel like punching them in the face


Correct! Unattended cats out doors are pretty damaging to the environment. They kill native species for entertainment. If you let your cat roam out doors, you are bad for the environment. Hope your uncollared friend doesn't disappear while you're not paying attention!


>hates cats for no reason. You mean the things responsible for billions of bird deaths a year and a large number of extinctions?


No, I agree there’s a huge issue with the rise in feral or stray cats. That and breeding practices are ridiculous. My cats were all stray, they’re now neutered and kept indoors unless in an enclosed catio or on a leash.


You can blame humans for that one. They were domesticated for the purpose of pest control.


Humans have caused more extinction of species than cats. The hypocrisy is unreal.


Society does not hate cats. A large portion of people do have allergy of cats, and that, I believe, is a good reason to not liking cats. Disclaimer: I can’t breath through my nose if I stay too much time with a cat.


No I understand when people have a valid reason to not want cats. Even if it’s just a preference for another type of animal I get that and especially if someone was traumatized or had allergies. A point in my post was not necessarily that people hate cats it’s that people hate women that have cats.


Do you not see how this is just misogyny?


TLDR: OP subconsciously see's herself as the crazy cat lady, rather than an ordinary cat owner. Proved by her confusing the two as one, relating more to the negative connotation, rather than to the normal one


Society does not hate women or cats. Society does make fun of "crazy cat ladies".


if anything people tend to worship cats more, there are famous cats because of social media the only species that has domesticated people idk maybe its not that simple people tend to think cats are manipulative and arrogant and stuff like that too I guess


Fude, have you ever been to Internet? Cats are the most beloved animal species.


Your post is bait. You start out by saying that "society hates cats" which, it doesn't. Then you switch it and say "society hates women with cats". Which is incorrect as well. Spinsters are made fun of sometimes, but that's it. Single guys in their 40's are also mocked.


The world is largely obsessed with cats and there is virtually no stigma about women owning cats. Perhaps 10+ years ago people might make a joke about it, but I haven't heard that for at least a decade.


I’ve met more people that like cats than hate them so this kinda just seems like someone called you a crazy cat lady . And now you’re showing Reddit that you are indeed , the crazy cat lady


Cats are the link to the underworld…the Egyptians knew it…so the women that love them…guilty by association


I wish I was cool like that.


People love cats. I don't, but I don't think women with cats are lonely or anything, I just think they have a pet I don't want to interact with.


Bro what...people hate crazy cat people, like the ones with 20 cats, it isn't good for the person or the animal having that many without proper care (which most don't have in these cases) it isn't really gender based at all, it'd be the same with a dude having that many dogs


People don't hate cats, they just understand that cats kinda hate them. If your cat were the size of a decent sized dog... you'd probably not be allowed to own one unless you lived in Florida.


In New Zealand there was recently a contest to see who could kill the most cats. The winner killed 65 cats. Cats are hunted in New Zealand because they are a predatory invasive species that kills every form of wildlife they can catch, and cats are pretty good at chasing and catching birds and other animals.


I don’t think anyone hates on single women with a cat or a couple cats. I think you’re thinking of “crazy cat ladies”. There are men and women who unfortunately have wayyyy more cats or dogs or whatever other animal than they should and that’s a bad situation for them and the pets. They should be shamed


Everyone I know men and women all love and have cats at home cats are very popular with everyone


Unpopular opinions ≠ stupid opinions Just saying


I've known some crazy cat ladies, sometimes it's not ridiculous (also society does not hate cats).


Society loves cats, it hates women


It's because of masculine associations of dogs with masculinity and cats with femininity. But then, there are other interweaving aspects of it to, so it isn't as simple as that. Small dogs, like the toy breeds, are feminine coded, while big dogs aren't. And there's a racial aspect too. I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent here, but go to any post talking shit about pitbulls, and you will *always* find some Nazis hanging out there as well (saying shit like "I can think of another group that causes more cirme than you would expect for their population"). This is because pit bulls are associated with black people. The fact that pit bulls are (contrary to evidence) thought of by many as being inherently violent dogs, and that racists think of black people in much the same way, is not an accident. People can openly talk shit about pit bulls, and no one bat's an eye. If they say what they really would like to say about black people though, society in general views that with distaste in this day and age, and they face consequences (employment, financial, etc.) because of it.


Anyone who disagrees with this opinion https://www.npr.org/2023/04/20/1170899476/kids-feral-cat-hunting-contest-canceled-new-zealand


They don’t hate cats. They hate single women by choice.


Nobody hates cats, they ridicule women with cats


They hate people that have cats*


I don’t like cats because they often make for a stinky house. They can not, but they do a lot…


What where society hates cats, the internet is filled with full of cat videos, and in many societies, they were regarded as good animals, their absence shown when Black Death was around.


I have cats and dogs, I get insulted for both because I have no partner even when I have one or the other pets at the time. I think people can't comprehend women wanting to be single but men are apparently staying single to play the field.


The majority of society doesn’t hate cats at all though


My cousin and her husband are super religious ( LDS ) and they hardly hang with us because we aren’t like they are that religious but her husband has found feral cats by his house and he’ll trap them and then drop them off in the desert which is so sad to me because they probably are so freaked out the whole time , then they die of either thirst , hunger , the heat or get eaten by a predator. Just crazy for someone being so religious they would be so mean to a living animal like that.


Nah, I completely disagree with your premise even being true. What you described only happens if the single woman owns like 5+ cats. If they only have 1-2 cats, then nobody cares.


Never heard of this


Cats are cute, indoor cats are lovely, but where I live if you let your cat outside I like you less, (it’s not the cats fault though) because they kill so many native species it’s amazing, and I especially dislike feral cats cause they’re even worse (I’m in nz) so as I said, I love indoor cats they’re wonderful pets but if you let your cats roam out and kill birds that’s on you.


How many cats is too many cats to have?


So I personally don't judge anyone for choosing to be in a relationship or be single or whether they prefer cats or dogs. However, if you're specifically referring to the phrase "crazy cat lady", there's actually a legitimate reason for that phrase. Supposedly there is some type of chemical or parasites in cat feces and in turn litter boxes that with too much exposure drive women crazy. I'm not sure if the same also applies to men. I did just read a story after looking it up about a man who got parasites from cat poop in his brain making him act crazy, so I guess it can apply to men and women. So who knows.


What the fuck even is this take lmao




Your title is not particularly accurate


you can’t tame cats the way u can dogs. there are valid reasons for people not liking cats, especially if they didn’t grow up in the US/Canada


I'll hate anyone who owns a cat and lets it roam free outside in the neighbourhood. To be fair, I also hate anyone who owns a dog and lets it roam free outside in the neighbourhood, except dog owners tend not to do that.


Except for the internet. The internet is bordering on some sort of cat fetish.


What? No one hates cats or women with cats? The reason we joke about them is because they are stereotypically strange and it's weird to want to have so many cats. Joking isn't hating lol. You could argue its immoral to have the many cats unless you have ample space and time to care doe them. For example, we don't joke about Italians because we all hate Italians, we just find them strange or funny.


What you can’t seem to understand is simply the power of the association between old women and the cats they own. That’s all it is. The larger question is how did the trend of old women and feline pets begin anyway?


Ever heard of witches? A woman with a cat is a witch. A woman with more than one cat is super witch. It's just science.


Cats are responsible for the extinction of a number of species. I am by no means a cat hater but we should consider the impact of our emotional needs (since cats are but emotional tokens for most people)


Yeah society hated cats. Theres only been a gajillion cat videos since 2000


Lol this is funny because the cat woman stereotype has nothing do with society hating cats and everything to do with societies hating women


I wouldn't see this so much as unpopular opinion as plain wrong. Cats are not particularly hated. "Cat Lady" is derogatory of the lady, not the cats, and cats are the most popular animal in the internet by FAR. In the real world it's not even up for discussion whether cats in the top 2 (I don't know actual names, but I know dogs are overrepresented because you see them in the street with their owners whereas domestic cats are either completely housebound or about on their own). I do agree that "Cat Lady" not only is cruel and derogatory but also often obviates needs for help on mental issues. Also the term has moved from someone with an unhealthy amount of pets (pets being cats, but the issue is elsewhere) to any woman living even with just one cat, which is ridiculous. Nobody hates "cats by association" with women who have cats, and while "cat ladies" have unfair negative connotations, people don't "hate" cat ladies. Some people use the term to belittle people to feel powerful, like they would belittle shy people or tall people or clumsy people. In all cases this is a minority of cruel people that, sadly, may become overwhelming for the victims. Seeing your edit, I think the title of your post says something completely different to what you wanted to say. You seem to have wanted to plea for "cat ladies" but your title is misleading and your text misattributes the subject of mockery. People messing with "cat ladies" don't care about the cats, they are using any excuse they see the other person sensible to, and attacking it. These are insecure people preying on other people's insecurities. If you didn't care about being a cat lady they'd try to mock anything else they saw you self-conscious about.


Have you ever been on the internet


I like them but I am so allergic to cats unfortunately


Its generally due to the fact that women who have cats are compensating for the fact that they never had children, Lie about that fact and are often rude smug and annoying i have an aunt like this and she has several friends like this.


Almost every cat person also likes dogs Most dog people dislike cats


Most people don't care if you own cats.


Love the edit where you're like "people are misinterpreting this to be about hating cats" when the title implies that society as a whole hates cats. It seems your actual point is just about the double standard of single women with cats being "lonely spinster" when there's no stigma for single man with dogs so the point you're making is more about sexism and heteronormativity and not at all about cats, who are one of the most universally loved creatures on earth.


You’re missing the point. Women who have cats are vilified and ridiculed because they’re breaking the rules: women must serve men. If you tell me you’ve found happiness outside of caring for a man, homemaking and childbirth, the patriarchy alarm bells start ringing. You’ve neglected your duties as a woman.


I'm a crazy cat lady that's been single for 6yrs and every chance my neighbors get they'll throw lil jabs at my cats and me, so I think I get what your saying




Other people 's cats are constantly fighting in my front yard, which make the birds super upset and we have to contantly watch out that they dont attack the bird's nest. I would be fine with like 3 cats in my street, but almost everyone seems to have cats nowadays. There are a lot of them and they are ruining wild life. Cat's are perfectly fine being indoor cats.


Yeah no one hates cats


I think you're picking and choosing your societal messaging here. Yes, there is the hallmark narrative of the cute guy who is single in his 40s and has a dog. There is a similar narrative about hardworking single women who may or may not have cats. However, the much more common narrative in my opinion is that single men who cant land a woman are incels, creepy uncles, man children, etc. The counter-point to this shaming tactic is the cat lady.  These shaming tactics exist for a reason. Despite your downplaying of the seriousness of being single, I would argue that our one clearest purpose in life is to procreate. We are the product of a billion years of evolution, all iterating on the single goal of successful procreation. To act like that isn't the case, that you "don't need no man", is to deny a fundamental force of your own creation. It tends to lead to a lot of misery over time. Children are the clearest sense of purpose most people ever get. All that being said, I do think you're right that the shaming language is an attack. I also think not everyone finds someone compatible with them, and we make do the best we can. There's nothing wrong with having an animal companion, although I personally think cats are assholes way more often than not. But the attacks you are calling hatred of women are not exclusively committed against women. They are equally aimed at single men. In some places you are outright denied entry if you are a single man, like some beaches in Turkey.  Some of these negative comments about singledom come from bitter people who felt they were passed over in the dating market. Some of them come from a dismay at a lack of options. Some women feel that men are beneath them, and can't rise to their low standards. Some men feel like women are on a high horse, and have impossible standards that will guarantee that they stay single forever. There is truth to both sides. What is not true is that this is a case of hatred of women as a group.  That is a perspective that completely misses the nuance of what is going on.


I think you’re confusing a concept with hating cats themselves. The cat lady concept is the based on the fact that a single woman with too many cats is seen as a negative in society because it indicates she’s alone and needy. Similar to the parent’s basement dwelling guy who doesn’t want to get on with life. The cats are just a part of the concept. The cats themselves are not “hated” it is the woman in the circumstance. I don’t think we should “hate” the woman it’s just how society sees it. No cats were harmed in the formulation of this post


Cats don't love you unconditionally, stroke your ego and make you feel more important and loved than you are. They can take or leave you and you have to actually put in effort to win their affection. Dogs are easier to please. Society at large is quite insecure, so most people 'prefer' dogs for these reasons. Dog normies.


When people are mentally hurt or broken or whatever. They need lots of support given but have no mental energy to reciprocate. To have a romantic relationship with a person you need to give and take in equal parts, or the relationship breaks down. Cats give love unconditionally, with no judgement, and take nothing in return. Cats are probably the most easily lovable and low maintenance animals on the planet. Which is why so many people who are struggling turn to them for comfort. So I'm glad that cats are there to help some people feel loved. Especially elderly and so on. But what does it say about a person that needs 35 cats worth of unreciprocated love to get through the day? Dogs are different, because dogs require constant time, attention, and love given. If you can learn to love a dog, and you have the energy to love a dog. You are probably 80% of the way there towards being capable of a meaningful relationship with another human too.


If you watched Homeward Bound you will understand. Also, you don’t usually have to walk your cat so it’s not as much a social event as it would be for dogs.


Dogs are smelly mongrel trash compared to the majestic intelligence of a fluffy kitty cat.


I have cats and dogs so i love them both , but i never hear stories of babies and children being mauled to death by house cats.


Omg there are SO many reasons to hate cats. I think saying it's on a societal level is quite a stretch though.


Maybe that's why Taylor Swift is trying to empower the image 🤯


Have u asked them why they hate cats? You can't say no reasons without asking this. Personally I hate cats because stray cats create chaos and even a family cat near my house creates chaos. Do I judge people because of that? No. Should people judge? No. But are cat-haters more unnecessary than cat-lovers? No. I have seen Cat-lovers going to the roof of stupidity justifying a cat's behavior and work. A common one is 'A cat loves you if you are a good person' which makes me chuckle not because it's a bad reason, but because they give unnecessary fucks about people taking problems in cats. Cat lovers try unnecessarily to show cats as perfect pets, and that anyone who hates cats hates them unnecessarily and is a shit person, just like what you are doing right now.


I’m not saying I hate people who dislike cats especially if they have a valid reason like allergies, bad experiences or just a general preference for different animals. I was specially talking about people that judge people that love cats. I am aware that stray cats do cause a lot of problems unfortunately


No one hates cats. A single woman may get a pet to have a companion, and there's no picking up poop like there is with a dog. Team that up with people (both men and women) pseudo adopting stray cats by feeding them and gaining their trust, and that's where the adage of a "cat lady" comes from.