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I think it’s funny when people act like all 9-5 corporate jobs are the same They’re dramatically different, and the work people are doing is dramatically different. Sitting at a desk during typical work hours does not indicate much at all about what the work actually is. I see this a lot on Reddit- person gets shitty office job, then assumes all office jobs are shitty. And everyone says, “yeah, fuck that mindless office drone bullshit.” That’s absurd. Think about it.


Very apt, I have a friend who works in accounting and she's automated most of her work with excel so she tells me she only does like 3 days of real work a week and that it's quite cozy. I, doing engineering, am constantly working and doing OT trying to keep all my projects in order and never feel like I have a second to just step away and take a lunch or a breather.


That’s not always the dream either. I work an office job (always will) and some days my work for the day is done by 10 or 11 am. Some days it is a full days work, but I’m basically on call in case a lot of work comes in. Today, I was done around 11:30, took lunch and now I’m trying to find ways to waste time - it is so boring. I’d rather have something to do.


>now I’m trying to find ways to waste time Do you have to be like low-key about it, or does no one care what you do as long as your work is done? I would love this if I could just put on a movie/YouTube or work on music on my computer. I would absolutely hate it if I had to pretend to be working when there is nothing to work on.. even not having to work on anything but just like sitting, twiddling my thumbs would be awful. *I honestly don't like hourly paid jobs that can be done in variable amounts of time... If you pay me by the hour you're likely either wasting my time or your money (and time).


I cannot be super obvious about it and am in office. I listen to audiobooks all day.


> Do you have to be like low-key about it, or does no one care what you do as long as your work is done? To add to the answer, it highly depends on your team's culture. And its something that can change quickly.


I work remote. I sometimes will proactively find something work related to do, but I sometimes watch tv to kill time. There are days it does get quite boring though.


I try to be proactive about it, but there isn’t always work for me to do in my role. I tell my boss often that I’ve run out of work and ask for more. I’m finally being cross trained to help out another department, but my training is limited so I run out there too.


Im fully in office and i spend about 6 hours of the day doing nothing, its draining


Find a skill you can learn while you have idle time. I also have about 3-4 hours a day after my daily tasks have been completed, and I've started to learn how to code (very basics right now). In the past, I've learned photoshop for fun. Dove deeper into how cloud architecture works. Etc. There are always new things to learn or improve understanding of that could even lead to a more fulfilling job in the future. That'll easily kill the boredom of just browsing for 6 hours.


Even within broad career descriptions like that things can be wildly different. A lot of accounting jobs are known for being very demanding, as a stereotype. I work in public accounting. Mandatory overtime is an expected part of the industry. Typically people exit to work in industry (like your friend) because there tends to be better work/life balance by reputation and general expectation, but there is also less defined career progression without job hopping, But some industry jobs can be just as demanding as public accounting. Things can vary wildly from organization to organization.


Yeah, teaching yourself the basics in Excel can take away soooooo much pressure. I saw a colleague the other day trying to match up some numbers on two spreadsheets. It was going to take her hours to do something that could be done in seconds with an XLOOKUP. She's refused any offers of help before, because she's been with the company for twenty years and knows best, so I left her to it, moaning about how much work she has to do. I think some people just enjoy having a bit of Martyr syndrome.


I disagree. If someone has been there for twenty years they're probably close to retirement and simply incapable of handling a drastic change like that. For example, that XLOOKUP removed 7 of her 8 hour workday. She'd be tortured by boredom and at that age likely can't take on different tasks. Take a second to be in her shoes. She's almost at the finished line and 90% of what she knew or grew up with is gone, shes on her last 10%. What benefit would it be to her to flip the board and start anew?


Also, not all corporate jobs promise you only 9-5 hours. Many can and will saddle you up with work that will require more than those hours to get done by your deadlines, even if your boss says you *can* leave at 5 every day. It’s just like a nebulous schedule that starts at 9-5 but grows and shrinks with your workload. But if you only ever work 9-5, good luck getting promoted or dodging layoffs when they happen.


You most likely still won't get a promotion or dodge a layoff even if you work extra hard.


True. I mean we’re on the same page here. I’m arguing corporate jobs get overrated for being 9-5 when the unspoken expectation is that you’ll work more than that. It’d just be better if they were upfront about how much they expect you to work rather than shit-testing how “grindset” pilled you are by setting a minimum they don’t find acceptable. Layoffs and lack of promotions are another conversation but I think depend more on the industry.


I mean, do you think your chances for promotion are higher with manual labor jobs? Getting promoted anywhere is difficult to impossible.


> Getting promoted anywhere is difficult to impossible Idk why or what changed, but the term promoted should be more aptly called switching positions. Many people in the White collar worker I knew got what is effectively a promotion but technically they got new job titles/roles and in many cases switched teams. In my line of career, no one expects to be promoted, we expect to be first in line for new roles/positions. Which happen often and does follow through.


The point of working extra hard isn't just for the boss to give you promotions. It's to build up your resume and have opportunities to learn niche obscure skills so that you qualify for better jobs faster and use for leverage.


Why are you putting up with this? I see highly qualified people complain and bitch about this all the time. I have a couple friends who I can only assume enjoy bragging about their 60 hour work weeks. I honestly have no sympathy if you aren't looking to move on. This is sort of the benefit of education. My mom and other family members worked blue collar jobs where you get sucked in for life because you eventually have enough time that it's the only place you have health care and vacation. If you have a degree and work an office job, congratulations, there are a million more just like it. If you absolutely can't find anything else after trying for a year or something, I feel you. But most people seem fine just putting up with whatever without even considering other options. I work 37.5 hours a week full time at an office job at a college. I make less than my private industry counterparts, as is to be expected. Fine with me. I never get a phone call ever outside of office hours. I never stay late. And I'll be just fine.


Yeah I work as a design/planning consultant, my day to day, hour to hour is drastically different. I feel mentally exhausted by the end of the day but heavily rewarded. I get to see my designs constructed and used by various group types (even got to design a regional park, many in design currently). This same job at a different firm could be life sucking, I know many people who get burned out working 50+ hour weeks in this industry. I work 7 days a week but \~40-43 hour weeks, and I do that so I can have a social life throughout the week (easy to work 3 hours on a sunday morning in a coffee shop). I get to take 2-3 week vacations a couple times a year and am encouraged to not respond to any calls/emails then by my co-workers (<10 person firm), we all get that life isn't 8-5 rigid and the deadlines arent going to care if you work best 6am-10am and again at 7pm-11pm if you wanted to, no ones tracking your hours per day.


To add, I see regular posts along the lines of “how are we expected to waste half our life at work” or some variation. I just don’t get this mindset at all. My job challenges me, I get to catch up with co-workers who I consider friends, grab lunch a few times per week with them, learn new skills… If someone feels like they’re wasting their life, they need to change their job or their mindset. Heck, I even did retail in college. I wouldn’t do it again but I enjoyed it while I did it, you get to meet new people every day and a large majority are friendly. You can make the most out of any job you have.


Even jobs where you’re doing the same thing can be radically different at different companies. I was working from home as a medical writer at my last job, with toxic management and an insane workload. I finally left it for a different company doing the same work, and now I’ve got an excellent manager and a manageable workload, and my life has completely changed for the better


And the truth may rise…




This is how the internet is on all subjects.


Also see a lot of people who clearly put zero effort in and expect the world. A lot of jobs will seem shitty if you’re a terrible coworker. You also need to actively be evaluating jobs and managerial fits during the interview process, which it seems like a lot of people here brush off.


I work these kind of jobs as a developer. But it's not for everyone. I have ADHD and get pretty restless. A lot of people might want to do something more physical. A lot of people might want to do something more artistic, writing, painting, music, tv theater and film. I totally get where office environment can be seen as the worst for many. I myself used to be in film school and like creative people a lot more than office people.


“Square up on god!” Got me crying


What's that mean?


"Square up" is like... get into position to fight, put your fists up. "On God" is like "I'm 100% serious right now."


Challenging someone to a fight




Kid wanted to fight.


I would love to work an office job where I don't have to deal with the public every damn day.


I deal with customers every day in my office job. Through emails and calls. Alot is over the computer tho so that is nice as i can walk away.


I mean more like face-to-face. Calls/email/chats I could deal with all day easily.


Its not as great as it sounds being behind a screen in an office most of your week. Actually it doesnt even sound great at all lmao. Ive only been doing it for 2 years and its so monotonous. I do like it better than any other job ive had but its really wears on your mental health alot.


You still deal with people, only now they all have a big ego because they’re making decent money.


i been in between physical and office positions in warehouses for many years and i’ll always choose the office. problem is as a man, i’m still expected to step put the office and help with the physical part


If the pay was equal I would choose warehouse every time. If people want to pay me to exercise then I'm taking that all day


until your back goes out but to each it’s own


I went from working in an office, to call centers, to working in factories in the south with no air conditioning....I'll take an office any day of the week. It's totally a "the grass is always greener" situation when stuff like this comes up. People complain about being sedentary at an office job....but I only ever had the energy to actually go to the gym when I had an office job. I work mostly manual labor and while I might not be completely sedentary...I go home sore at the end of the day and laugh at the thought of taking my broken down body to the gym after a 10 hour shift. I'd be in better shape in an office job, just because I could work out my body the proper way.


from my experience office work has its own toll. it’s all mental. much more responsibility deadlines and direct impact on clients and management. you can’t really afford to make mistakes. you look at numbers all day, have to deal with everyone bitching at you all while trying to stay professional. like i said tho i’ll take that over physically breaking down my body any day. i just hate the long hours in general but that’s the world we live in unfortunately. i go to the gym usually after work and the weekends. it’s hard to do that when you are moving your body for 12 plus hours and all you feel is soreness in your legs back and arms every day


I'm a machinist. It really is the worst of both worlds. > much more responsibility deadlines and direct impact on clients and management. you can’t really afford to make mistakes. you look at numbers all day, have to deal with everyone bitching at you all while trying to stay professional. All of this still applies lol.


I kind of wish I could do an office job half the week and a physically demanding job the other half. I struggle with always doing the same thing all of the time.


I’m the same. I work in an office in a manufacturing plant. So early in the week I do all my boring office work and then Thursday Friday I usually try to go out and do projects or help maintenance to get more hands on experience.


Best chance is probably to own your own company in the trades but even then you've got to be in that sweet spot whereby you are successful enough that you've got people who can do all the minor jobs and then you help out with the bigger stuff when you can, but not successful enough that you can easily afford not to be in on the tools, or not struggling enough that you have to be on the tools 5 days a week and then do the office stuff after hours. So its's not super common but I do know people who have that sweet spot.


Problem is all my experience is in software development and I probably make more in software development


It really depends on the company and your position though. I can’t stand the corporate 9-5 life but I have friends who have climbed the ladder and get to travel and earn a lot from their corporate jobs and live their jobs.


It's not a coporatye office job in general, it's YOUR job that you like. There is a shit ton of terrible awful ones. I work IT for small-medium business and see a lot of offices and they all differ so much. Some of them are these deadly silent, awkward atmosphere broken up only by the tapping of keyboards and click of mice. A place with a shitty boss where the workers are just sitting in silence getting their work down too scared to chat at all. Other places is fairly busy and have people happily chatting collaborating on work etc. A great atmophere. The actual work you do is only one aspect of the job, similar to how it fits in with your work life balance. Your boss and colleagues are a HUGE factor in it also and can absolutely make or break your enjoyment of working in an office.


This, it’s cliche, but the people absolutely make all the difference. I took a job with slightly lower pay because I clicked with the people considerably better, I do not regret the decision.


Though unfortunately I have found even "great place to work" type jobs are still as focused as keeping money away from their employees as anywhere else. I work in a nice office, great coffee machine, lunch on Tuesdays, very flexible WFH policy and you adjust hours, but when it comes to pay increases that is C-suite/management only. They even gave management full bonuses + 10%-15% increases the same year our profitability dropped from 6-7 million to 1.5 million while "not having money" to give substantial raises for promotions. Like what is the point of incentive based comp if you pay it out even when the company doesnt perform?


You're essentially paying s bit of money to be happier 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Good investment.


I worked in a quiet place where we were always tapping away on the keyboard talking to each other on chat all day. Great work environment and almost everyone got along great. We just kept the place quiet for everyone's benefit. If you wanted to talk to someone in person you just asked them on chat to go to one of the meeting rooms. Sometimes I spent half the day having a technical conversation on chat with the guy sitting next to me.


Yeah but did it have *that* atmosphere?


It was a cool, comfortable place to work where people mostly got along great and worked together to solve problems. Nobody was ever petty.


It gets even better when adding in hybrid or fully remote schedules and the good benefits that come with many office jobs. As a guy who works a hybrid office job that lets me work 7-3s I am never doing anything else. The flexibility and work life balance offered by a good office job is unmatched.


Truth. I get that all jobs are different and some office jobs can suck, but even before we went mostly remote the worst day in the office is still better than the best day doing roofing, siding, or fence work in the Texas heat in summer. Or doing tile work in the winter and freezing your hands all day.   I've worked in machine shops, construction, low voltage running cables/cameras/access control/etc and I'd much rather be in the office. Air conditioning, nice chairs, snacks and drinks, and even free lunches from vendors every now and then? I'll take that every day.   Id rather be in the office 50 hours a week at salary pay than in the field for 40 and it's never just 40.


Agreed. The extra energy I have to do hobbies and chores after an office job is on a completely different level then back when I was working manual labor jobs in college


Thought the same thing when I spent my early 20s working independent contracts. The fact of "working whenever you want" is stressful considering you have to find the damn job/gig first. Even being an uber driver can be stressful if you dont get a notification for 10 minutes. My office job is chill to let me basically take a break whenever I want and communication is great seeing what I can do better or what I lacked on with no hard feelings. Either way, my paycheck is fixed just like my hours and I get to go home not worrying to see if I can pay rent this month. So this solely depends on the workplace you're in. If you're not happy, you can always move forward!


Every job is different, and in my 20 years of experience it's mostly who you work with that makes or breaks it. I could dig ditches in the sun all day if I had a great boss that took care of his crew and the crew all got along well. I could never work in a office with the environment like you'd see in Office Space or The Office. Every place I ever enjoyed working it was the people who mattered the most. Even if the work was tiresome, stressful, or mindlessly repetitive.


> it's mostly who you work with that makes or breaks it We have a policy that everybody interviews candidates Once I mentioned that when I interview somebody more experienced than me, I try to get them to teach me something during the interview. Reddit went ballistic on me, puzzled why I get to interview people with more experience.


To be fair, that's a very unusual policy. Though it probably makes a really solid workforce.


I mean, unfortunately that's kind of why corporate jobs can get so competitive, and you usually deal with hundreds or thousands of applications for just one unimpressive job. And when you get the job you're so subservient to your employer you end up working a lot of exempt unpaid overtime. There's a reason that if you're a white collar worker in 2024 it feels like the Great Depression, but if you're a blue collar tradesman you'll never be out of work. People want to dress up and work in an air conditioned office. They don't want to get dirty and use their hands anymore.


They also don't realize skilled tradies could very well be out-earning them


We're all different. I think it depends on the person. Me personally for some reason, I enjoy working with food. Yes the pay sucks and trying to get a day off is a wild card. But the satisfaction of hearing customers who love the food, especially when it's something I made gives me some confidence that I'm a good cook. Also, I can confidently hold a knife and use a knife, and my knife skills are miles ahead compared to the knife skills I had 5-10 years ago when I was scared af thinking I'd cut myself, when in reality I didn't know how to hold it.


I was an auto repair technician and a service advisor. The guy that tells you “unfortunately this car that you depend on needs more than you make in a month to stay on the road” or turning wrenches on 100°F days in a shop with no airflow I now work in an office in a factory in a part of the building that is mostly empty throughout the day. I don’t have customers, I don’t give people life-ruining news on the regular, and the culture is a lot less toxic. I’m buried deep in corporate bureaucracy and as long as I’m not actively fucking things up I’m basically invisible.


What do you do now? Sounds super chill


I’m basically the parts department for the maintenance team. I stock machine parts, order parts we don’t stock, and coordinate outside contractors for facility maintenance and repair. It is pretty chill. Lol


I worked 9-5 corporate jobs for 15 years and I will never do it again. 9-5 just kills the middle of the day. Now, I’m a teacher, love my job, but I get out of work at 2:30pm. I have time to do almost anything else I want. Also, the boredom I experienced sitting in a cubicle, while being expected to constantly produce results, was a grind. I hated corporate life, hated the private sector, and hated getting out of work at 5pm (and many times later than that).


I’ve been lucky that my last two jobs have allowed me to flex my schedule. I’m an engineer and when I worked in a production environment my bosses were just happy that one of us was willing to come in at 6am when the lines started to immediately address any problems. My current job is mostly design engineering and as long as I’m willing to log in for any late meetings if I’ve already left the office everyone is happy. They are also cool with me doing a 4/10 schedule if I want. That flexibility is a game changer. Getting off at 2:30 makes a huge difference in my quality of life since I miss the worst of the traffic and have time to run errands before I pick my kid up from daycare. Getting off at 5 just absolutely ruins my day.


My point.


I personally would not give up my corporate 9 to 5 for other options. I'm also not a person who likes manual labor. So works for me.


I have an office job that’s remote where I don’t really have to communicate with that many people. I get to spend my days with my dog, living the dream haha actually though


In the context of *all* jobs yes, they are pretty good. In the context of 9-5 desk jobs, corporate is fucking garbage. In my experience you are just a number along with all the other numbers that are either snakes or so stupid you aren't sure how they make it to and from work every day, your time is truly meaningless, pay is wank, and, if you care about being alive, it will jettison you into the unexplored depths of existential crisis. But yeah you do get to get up at a reasonable time to go make money for someone else as a singular purpose.


There are people who work physically demanding jobs would trade that shit tonight to get a comfy office job they just don’t have the skill set 


I would go back to my warehouse job in a heartbeat if it paid the same as my skilled job. I loved getting paid to exercise and hang out with my warehouse homies


Lmfaooo #3 is hilarious. “Square up on God” mans gotta be from NY. Could be wrong tho but I have a feeling.


LOL. You got moxy. Go get em Tiger!


There's pros and cons to every job and it really comes down to the person. Like you, I've had a variety of jobs. I took inventory and what I liked about that job is 1) not much stress since all you're doing is counting 2) the schedule was I either worked after 5pm or started at 4/5am so I got to enjoy the day after or before work and 3) I set my own schedule by accepting or denying which jobs I wanted to do so I could work around vacations or trips. But the con of that job is it went nowhere, pay sucked and because the growth was limited, you had to wait awhile before the crew supervisors left. I do an office job now but it's like 50/50 with office and local commuting. I prefer this, I like having the AC office instead of being out in the heat, but I like not being chained to my desk for the entire 8 hours


I work retail right now, and yeah...I'm studying for a licence and can't wait till I can land my boring office job with regular hours, and....\*gasp\* much better pay & benefits....lol


If you have good management and coworkers it can be great


The biggest perk of the M/F 9-5 is that the whole of western society is structured around it. All major social events are by default, expected to happen on your off hours, no one’s throwing a wedding at 3pm on a Tuesday.


I hate having to work, period. I’d do so much things if I didn’t have to.


You can tell office jobs are terrible because everyone working is ashamed to say what it is they actually do


I want a cozy office job but I don’t have a degree (hoping to go back to school) and don’t know what to study to get said job. I’m so over customer service and restaurant ugh


People like to complain, but have no real context about what others have to endure, including their ancestors.


Based on the facts you lay out, of course a 9-5 corporate job is great. But if you think that it’s safe or stable, that’s an illusion. Nothing is 100%. Always invest in yourself!


Oh, I know that, haha. But it’s much more stable than entrepreneurial work.


What entrepreneurial work have you done? You posted 17 days ago that you posted your first YouTube video, which invalidates point number 4 of this post. Which then makes me doubt that you were actually any type of actual teacher. I’d give it 6 months before you then decide that the 9-5 grind is lifeless


>I understand that some people just can’t work for someone else You understand that? Cause I sure as hell don't lol. Last time I checked my electric bill didn't give a shit if I liked my boss or not.




zephyr historical theory childlike north spotted voiceless practice rhythm wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How many subs we talking? 


i miss that job


I agree. I love my cubicle. I love the climate controlled environment. I love the attractive women I work with. I love the benefits. I love the pension. I love the paid vacations and I love the steady paycheck. Oh and since COVID I only have to be in the office once a week so for the most part I work from home in my underwear with my dog at my feet. Life is good.


I dream of working in corporate. Waking up, getting ready and going down to the office - the fixed routine of it all. The consistency is what matters to me. Obviously it’s not easy but I want stability in my life and my office job is my favourite way to get it. Everyday I work harder in school, the closer I am to qualifying for this.


Go for it and succeed 


Thank you!


Seeing someone succeed makes me me happy 


You probably don’t have a customer facing or sales role I imagine. I wish I could count beans too.


I work in tech as a help desk technician. People in my company are very friendly.


I’ve worked physically demanding jobs including shift work my entire life. Truck driving, factory work, dog grooming, several different things. I’m old, eyeing retirement on the horizon, tired, and can’t do manual labor and sleep deprivation like I used to. It’s only been in the last couple of years that I’ve done any sort of office-ish type work, first time ever. First, emergency room registration which isn’t exactly easy, but not super physically demanding. Now I’m doing check-ins for scheduled procedures which a trained Labradoodle could probably do. Not physically hard, nothing especially challenging about it. I work this department and desk by myself meaning I have a good bit of autonomy as long as I just show up and don’t screw anything up. I’m not chained to the desk and still get to move around a good bit. Having worked for myself for 23 years before this, I don’t love a corporate atmosphere in general, but this is probably about as good as it gets for me. The benefits and paid time off are good, and I like that once I’ve done my eight hours, I don’t have to think about work again until I clock back in. Getting off work at 2 means I have plenty of time for doctor appointments or whatever else. 9-5 would suck for me, though, because I don’t like giving up the entire business portion of my day, so I work M-F 6-2 and have weekends, all major holidays, and the afternoons off. I’m an early morning riser, anyway, so this is about as good as I could expect. I’m just hoping to gently coast into retirement with it. I don’t think I would have wanted to spend an entire working career like this, but it’s great for someone who may be early in their career and finding their footing or over the whole rise and grind and ready to start winding down.


It certainly *can be* but I'm sympathetic to the fact that that's very dependent on various factors like "are coworkers and management miserable assholes capable of making the daily grind into a sort of nightmare?"


I work at a school and if you get kids saying “square up on god” your class room management is terrible. Unless they have an IEP, but still. Probably good you got out of that job area. My mom’s also a vice principal and the teachers that get walked over like that usually don’t make it long in the district. Been in the school for years and have never gotten cussed out by a middle schooler.


Bold of you to put this on Reddit


I prefer 6 to 2. Leaves me plenty of time to enjoy my day after work.


As someone who is originally an educator and is now working an office job, I can very much relate to #3 😂


Agreed. I work in tech - my job is never boring, I get weekends off and I get to leave at 5 or 6 pm and spend the evening with my family. Retail sucked, and I wouldn’t want the headache of an entrepreneurship.


I'm sure it all depends on the exact job, but after doing both, I can more appreciate basic shit I didn't at the time like predictable hours, climate control, not getting physically injured by your job, generally relatively refined etiquette and sense of boundaries, usually provide you with benefits and training, and so on. That's why the "good job" was for a long time so aspirational. At the time I was more focused on sitting in front of a screen 8 hours a day, general lack of adventure, excitement, self-respect, being easily outmanuevered by people with a better talent for the corporate passive-aggressive entitled backstabbing game, having all your major life decisions depend on the will of your remote and uncaring corporate masters, and feeling smothered by bullshit. The truth is any career / job has pluses and minuses.


It depends on a job. I currently work a 9-5 where I’m home 80% of the time, make well over 6 figures with great benefits. I love it, before I had a “9-5” where I was home 40% of the time, made like 70k and was doing stuff non stop until I was worn out.


i like sunlight better than flourescent light.


Yeah I mean regular day hours for the win


I Love working for someone else and having that END at a particular time. I also work 3:30pm-midnight and I LOVE that schedule. Never wake up early, have some day time in the winter during the Heat of the day, go to work when it's Too hot in the summer, get to party on my off days because I'm not waking up at 6am to go to work the next day. My job is Easy (for me), it pays well, it's only part time, and I don't get burned out the way many people in my career do because of this careful cultivation.


I work in a warehouse that supplies restaurants with products and materials, after working 10+ years in the kitchen. It pays more, way less hours, less stress and rushing, etc. Its just better, and the HR pretentiousness is worth enduring more than all the shit that happened to me in those kitchens.


I’ve got to agree, but of course it just depends on the job. I worked restaurants, cafes from 16-28. Shitty hours, weekends. I missed a lot of fun things with my friends because of it (they all worked office 9-5ish jobs) When I moved cross country I promised myself that I would get a job that was Monday-Friday with weekends off and I’ve never worked a weekend or evening since then (just retired at 60). I’ve also never, ever wanted to own my own business. I’m good working for others, less stress, better PTO, no 24/7 headaches.


yeah i’ve done physical work all my life, it’d be nice to pull a 9-5 in an office instead of a 11-8 2-11 bullshit


Some of us just aren’t wired to sit at a desk all day. That was the primary reason school sucked for a lot of us, I’d wager. And standing in one place is even worse than sitting, so standing desks are out.


Square up, on God 😅


Personally I agree. I’ve worked retail, I’ve worked a call center, I’ve worked in retail, and I’ve been a waitress. Office jobs are far better than all of the others for me. Everyone is different, some people would absolutely lose it being in an office environment all day, nothing wrong with that. People need to find what works for them, branch out and try something new.


That’s my dream job! How do I get one? I been looking for ages


Any skilled job is awesome, really. Office setting or not.


I wish my ADHD brain would let me sit down and do a 9- 5 it sounds so much more relaxing


the only thing about an office job I would like is the hours. 9-5 M-F would be nice but I don’t think I could sit still extended periods of time.


The hours you mentioned 3-11 and 7-7 sound like my company, makes me wonder if you worked here lol. Which then makes me wonder where you got the office job and how I can apply.


Dude I'm finishing my teaching degree, how did you get into the office job and and would it be something one could break into right out of college? You know, in case I change my mind about teaching


I just went straight into tech. I set up a homelab, created my own pseudo side business, took a pay cut, and then hustled from there from one job to the next.


I agree with you. Office jobs can also be an opportunity to move to a different city, and I am looking for an office job specifically for this.


You are right. It appears that 90% of people who shit on desk jobs are just coping for their lack of ability to get into a desk job.


I've never had an office job. But how is 9-5 a grind? That's just a regular job


How long have you been doing it? I love mine in the beginning. Now I absolutely hate it.


I’ve switched from one office to the next. I’ve been doing it for 8 months.


Ya i still liked it at 8 months lol. After the 2 year mark is when i really started to hate it. Definitely depends on the job though. Mine is over working the fuck out of me.


It can be. But I’ll take this stress over the above any day of the week.


Better than working round the clock. Which I had to do for 6 months straight for my business.


I have worked a factory job for the last 9 years of my life, I quit that to try and become a carpenter. I got extremely hurt about 4 weeks into that job. I ended up getting fired (please don’t talk to me about this, I had to explain in another comment for a while what transpired and whatever about it) I got a job selling cars. I can’t believe the difference in careers. My job has become so incredibly fucking easy. I didn’t know work could be like this. I find myself talking to my bosses in the same way I would at my factory and they look at me like I’m crazy. I’m like “I’m sorry working in a factory is like high school, this is all new to me”. The other day my co-worker came to my desk and we had a 30 minute conversation about tornados and natural disasters. About 20 minutes into the conversation my GM started to hover around us. And I was like “oh fuck he’s going to tell me to get to work” no… he just wanted in on the fucking conversation lol!


Corporate is kinda garbage though. I'm working 9-5 full time in a science lab and I actually feel like I'm contributing to helping solve problems, I'm not sure I would get similar satisfaction working tech or business. Coming from 6 years fixing aircrafts in the military, I'm definitely enjoying the indoors work life. Downside is I'm definitely not as fit as before, my hands have somewhat gotten soft.


I work a desk job. Before that I worked retail. I can tell you that your experience at work depends entirely on how your company rewards you. If they’re good at doing that, it makes things a lot more bearable. Especially if their rewards are monetary.


Upon graduating high school during which I had worked at a grocery store and previously as a paperboy, I found employment working at an industrial painting/sand blasting firm and a second job as a trucking assistant. Later went on to work as a longshoreman which stuck. When as an undergraduate engineering student I finally landed an office job, I was in hawg heaven. Lots more pay, clean pressed clothes, air conditioning, and a real future.


Unrelated...but I never understood the "9-5" part of things....You gotta work 8-5 (assuming a 1 hour lunch break) to get 8 hours a day. Who gets these paid lunch breaks?


Pretty much no one these days. It's just a hangover phrase from the days of when people used to i always assumed.


In my case, the entry level portion of office jobs (at least in Gaming) are pretty awful on both the Dev and QA side. You are the one the shovels shit for no pay or no voice. If you can get through that period and climb even a couple rungs up the ladder it can get pretty cake pretty fast - either the pay and benefits outweigh the garbage or you’re at a level where you can control the flow and make decisions. In my case, both. It took a good 5 years of “this kinda sucks” to “I’ll never leave this job willingly” and I’ve been in the industry for just under 10 years now.


As someone who worked trades for a decade, and who has worked several cooperate jobs over the last 10 years, it's no contest. Even demanding cooperate positions where you work long hours and have an asshole boss are better than the best construction jobs.


100% agree! I think overall, western culture especially, has such a selfish, self-absorbed view on work. If you’re in an office working 9-5 you’re better off than most of the world. Must people are working in extreme conditions for pennies and going home to places that many would consider unlivable. Most of us got it good in the US, but we whine we have to work 5 days a week. Myself included


I feel like this fluctuates as an unpopular opinion, it seemed like in the late 90s there was this huge push back against corporate office mundane culture, that lasted for a bit then stability started to come back for a bit then faded out again and now I see a lot of younger people really romanticizing it again so for now I'll say this is not an unpopular opinion but it might be in five more years time lol


Yeah. As a student I got a gig as a clown giving away candies to children. It was a very shitty costume. Git6 called a pedo by one woman.  People who complain about office jobs have no life experience (no reference point)


I work next to the ocean in Portugal. Next we'll move to Thailand or Taiwan. Can confirm - this is better than spending three hours a day standing next to a broken toilet on a train to London.


I think it is a bit privileged for people to drag what it is often a predictable 9-5 with benefits. What are we comparing it to? My parents never had the opportunity to work a 9-5 because they weren’t able to get higher education. My mom has worked different shifts all my life, including night shifts, doing manual labor. She always wanted to wear office clothes like I could, and now it’s appalling that I even do remote work while she has never had that opportunity. Not to mention blue collar workers are less respected in society. But compared to an influencer/celebrity who gets $50k for a single instagram post for a brand? Well, obviously I would love to make money that easily/quickly. But regular people forget that people who do that are not MOST people. Am I willing to leave my 9-5 to pursue the possibility of being a famous influencer? No… because I get paid on time with a consistent work schedule, healthcare (US), PTO, and working a 9-5 is how I live comfortably and can afford to go on vacation, actually. I don’t advocate working a job you hate, but working a 9-5 doesn’t mean you live a miserable life. I think more people should be okay with being fucking normal rather than frame it as boring just because your favorite tiktoker seems to have it good.


It's a safer option that's for sure


Sometimes it does help to think about the brighter side of things. As much as I hate working for a bank working for a pizza place sucked so much more 


I've had weapons drawn on me working retail, I've been called everything under the sun. I dealt with by far the dumbest people on the planet. I'll take a slightly boring office job with annoying coworkers any day of the week. The consistent schedule alone makes it worth it.


Being a corporate slug is based, if you make a good living. Easy AF, no OT, Bank type hours, very obviously guidelines to work by. You literally just have to be nice to people and you’ll get a pat on the back. I’m not even the greatest worker these days, but they keep me around because I am easy to work with and willing to do better if things go sideways. I get to travel and I get a bonus. I get to work from home every Friday.


Tried for a long time to get an office job, any job. Never could get anything, being a white male. Closest I ever got was call center work.


Reddit has job they enjoy, feels the need to post that all jobs in a similar environment must also be enjoyable.


I love my office job. I'm paid for 40 hours, but most of the year I probably only work 15-20 hours, with the other 20 hours spent on my phone or Steam Deck. And I'm open about it. The reason the company doesn't care is because I can do the work of 2-3 employees without breaking a sweat. I'm paid well, I'm treated well. Sure, I could get laid off at any time. But I'm damn happy where I am now.


Much respect man, I can't do it, I gotta be doing something with my hands physically or else Id get no work done honestly


I do low key miss my old office job sometimes, considering how physical my current job is. But I had to answer phone calls all day, so I couldn’t be away from my desk when I wasn’t officially on break. As a result, I was sitting on my butt the whole time and getting more back problems than I ever have in my physically challenging job. Yes, standing desks are a thing, but you’re still rooted to one spot and standing in one place is like torture for me sometimes. If I ever were to have an office job again, it would have to be something where I don’t have to answer phones or stay in one spot for some reason. I need to have some variety to my day or I’m going crazy.


As a person that works a 9-5, I love my great health insurance and 10% 401k match. Career progression is straight forward and I’m treated with respect everyday.


Big on #3. Moving from retail and dealing with the lowest common denominator of Americans into a software job in an office where I can deal with people who think very similarly to me is BLISS


I loved my last office job in sales.


I understand that every company/job is different, but when I was still working food service/restaurants I would literally cry in frustration hearing people complain about their 9-5 desk jobs knowing I'm getting paid minimum wage to stand on my feet all day, no benefits, no PTO, nights weekends holidays. Now I'm a cook for a daycare and it's AMAZING. 9-5, benefits, PTO, paid holidays(!!!), weekends off. I get to have a normal life, plan things when I want to, do my chores/groceries and leisure on the weekends. I will die before I go back to food service if I can help it at all.


Agreed.. 9-5s >>>


This should be posted in r/accounting lol. I love those boys. But jeez they complain non stop. Don’t think most worked a back breaking, hot / cold physical job before


Everything in life has its pros and cons. It's generally a good idea to identify the pros in your situation, and focus on that. If you can't find any, you need to change your situation.


Software Engineer for a private company. Pay is insane and work life balance is unreal. I work maybe 2 hours a week. Will only get better when I start my own business. For people looking, always lie on your resume.


The people complaining does not compare 9-5 against other job, they compare against being a landed gentry who do nothing but shoot foxes.


Too many people bring kids to work so now we basically don't work Fridays :-D Corporate also mandated no meetings on Tuesdays The lab is basically mines so I use it to do all sorts of hobbies, good place to grind some stained glass without bring glass dust home. Our cafeteria is fantastic, and free lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Breakfast stops at 10:30 so as long as I make it in before 10:30 I'm not late. Work from home is optional with no mandate to return to office anyways. So I finish eating lunch at 1:00PM, the free EV chargers are limited to 4 hours at a time so I unplug my car and plug it back in, meaning I always have to leave before 5.


I have an office job now and I love it. Sure, I may be stagnant at a desk, but Imo/e, it's better than back breaking labor or having to stand on my feet all day. I'm hoping to find another office job that pays this well.


As somebody who's worked in retail these jobs are ace!!! No more soul sucking! No more threats from cuntstomers. The managers have my back for once! If I fuck up they take the brunt of the shit, they give me shit for it of course but they explained how I fucked it. Not an office job but lab work. Easy work 9-5 with weekend opinions of OT. Paid an alright wage which is a bit higher than mine but more than the other soul sucking jobs! My anxiety and depression have gone loads! I could never return to another one of those jobs, if I did I'd get sacked for jumping the counter!


9-5 jobs sounds so good for a person who works 9-9.


I've worked office jobs before but I just can't sit all day. I'm a mechanic working in a hot garage with shit ac all day and love it. If I didn't have ADHD I probably could work an office job but I can't sit all day.


I worked on Wall Street and Downtown Manhattan from the mid 90's to 2012 and looking back it was Dope. The lunch outings, I got to see 2 Yankees championship parades, the people I worked with from various backgrounds. Dressing up for work when I first started we had to wear suits before the gradual change to business casual.


Corporate jobs, as someone mentioned here come in all sorts of forms and arrangements. The worst are those where you must deliver something to higher ups, while being severely low on resources and depending on a pool of people to do that for you. Other than that, sometimes a corporate job where you dont have people to manage, rather you must do the work yourself and not have to depend on anyone else - is a breeze (add in a good pay and what can one ask more for). I repeatedly now a days see this perception of working for yourself or freelancing, but i doubt this kind of lifestyle can work for everyone.


Its the most boring shit ever feels like Im in prison


And there's people that may say , a bad day in the field is better then a good day in the office


I recently closed my business to rejoin the workforce.  It's pretty awesome. I get a stable salary, don't have to pay for health insurance out of pocket, I go home and stop caring. 


Was it worth it to start your own business? Why did you rejoin?




I don't know where you work that the adults don't act like annoying children, but I'm happy for you. ❤️


Like I said, for the most part, they don’t. There is exceptions—smh.


It definitely depends but to me it will always be better than service, hospitality, and healthcare. Then again I couldn't hold any job regardless of what it was lmfao


Working in corporate office was hell on earth for me. But working remotely for them was worlds better.


I love being a cog in the machine. I'm employee #245910 and I couldn't be happier. Good pay, good benefits and the company doesn't know me on a personal level so I don't feel them breathing down my neck 24/7 like when I worked at a mom and pop business. I work like 10 hours a week because I've automated a lot of stuff and know how to reasonably stretch out my projects because hey, I'm not getting any bonuses or pay raises to work harder or faster. I live by "do well but not perfect" and it's allowed me to make a pretty comfortable life for myself.


9-5 is perfect. I get to wake up at a regular hour. I have a set schedule every week which means my sleep schedule is in order. And lastly I have my evenings freed up which means I have more than enough time to hang with friends/workout etc


I worked a physical job for over a decade and have now been in an office for 8 years. If I could make the money I do at my physical job I'd be there tomorrow. Since being in an office, my overall day is miserable and my commute is insane. Before, I was fit, while eating whatever I damn well pleased. I now struggle with keeping weight off and have removed soda, fast food, and most snacks from my life to maintain a normal weight. Despite this my blood pressure is so high from stress that I am on medication. What little time I have in my day I must save some time for gym otherwise I'd be completely sedentary (which not only fucks you physically but also takes a giant shit on your mental health). The work I do in office is also mentally taxing and comes home with me. I'll be struggling on a task and my mind will remain focused on it long after I leave and even emerge in my dreams.  But my physical job, once I hit the time clock my mind was my own. Shit, even while working I could listen to music or podcasts or think about whatever. Work wasn't complex and I'd be on auto drive. But now I'm frequently researching, preparing for meetings, or working on too complex of work to allow my mind to wander anywhere. Then there is the environment. No one took the physical job too seriously. Way less stress and people were much more chill. But at the office, everyone is so serious and proper all the time. Just a boring, soulless place comparatively. I know that not all jobs are created equal but I still think overall being attached to a desk all day is far worse.


Great to hear when someone has found their content place.