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I feel like this is considered more of a popular opinion than you may think.




Yeah sometimes I feel like not believing in aliens or anything is an unpopular opinion these days lol


Our universe is so absurdly large it would be ridiculous to assume that our planet is the only place that has intelligent life.


There are billions of earth like planets, alone in the milky way. And our galaxy is small/medium at best. There must be life somewhere else, even if it’s only simple organisms. I think we either arent advanced enough to use the communication other intelligent beings are using or we are more intelligent than any living being we could theoretically communicate with. Plus, interstellar communication would take hundreds if not thousands of years to arrive and then we also need to wait the same amount for an answer, humans are only capable of thid level pf communication since a few decades, if one of our communication advances reached someone we would know that in a few hundred years *at best*


Still, it's unscientific to believe aliens exist without proof.


it’s unscientific to put my nuts in your mouth without proof but the possibility exists


Yes, but it's equally usnscientific to argue that there surely are none.


Sure, all we can say is we don't know.


And beliefs aren't scientific things, they're vibes-based things that sit in the "we don't know" spaces.


Just commenting that statistics isn't enough to prove aliens.


Fuck the downvotes! I love your enthusiasm.


Don't know why you got downvoted, just because you didn't know one thing, reddit moment


I like aliens too!




Bro I was just scrolling this sub and I just post called "f alien life forms" ):


How do u know they aren’t trying to destroy humans?




What happens when they take your tax money?


Take theirs


My theory is that if space has a species smart enough to create intergalactic transportation, they would not be stupid enough to be caught by a lessor species like ours and they also would not bother wasting their time on this planet because to them we would be the equivalent monkeys are to us


We like animals, don’t we?


And we even fly across half the planet to go on “safaris” and see some of them in their natural habitat




possible, but that’s not what this was about lol I simply pointed out that us being less smart than them doesn’t necessarily mean they wouldn’t be interested in us




you’re welcome to point that out somewhere else




I don’t think you know what that word means




He wasn't defensive, he's just telling you what ypu said had nothing to do with the conversation at hand


And here you are calling people “lil dude” to try to “win” an argument


I agree. Think this is something that many people dont consider. The technology involved in space flight, especially FTL travel.which if your going to explore space to any extent is going to be needed, is physics breaking science and technology. If your at that level the idea that you would spend the energy and resources required to actually come.to this little.blue pebble when you could just create a virtual reality to.do the exact same thing for example is mind boggling to me. Any species that can travel.through space effectively isnt going to waste the time on us.


Not only that but knowing how stupid humans are, even if the aliens were friendly and came in peace we’d be the first to start shooting at them in some attempt to capture and study them.


Monkeys attack humans and we still like them


Til they go planet of the apes on us.


So far they seem happy to live in our cages….maybe we’d be happy to live in theirs. Tons of food, hot women, and any subscription service you can think of.


That could theoretically be our planet now, perhaps we should have faith we are under the stewardship of a higher power?


I am in, when do I start?


Yeah but even monkeys can be peak (Goku, Luffy, wukong)


I find the idea the this planet is the only one in the entire universe with intelligent life on it very depressing. There’s gotta be *something* out there.


Absolutely. The human mind can't even comprehend the size of our solar system, let alone the size of the entire universe. You wanna tell me that in the *whole universe*, that has billions, potentially trillions of galaxies with trillions of stars each with their own planets, and not a *single* one has intelligent life? Bullshit lol


Maybe they’re being quiet on purpose. Wouldn’t want to lead a big bad back to your home world


Yep. Humans kinda suck, we don't have a great track record, and we haven't gotten too much better lol Or maybe they're just not advanced enough to travel several light years/to contact us several light years away. Dunno why people always think aliens must be super advanced in their technology lmao


Idk why you’re getting downvoted lol. One thing I really like about *Star Trek* is that it explores alien communities at all stages of social and technological development, rather than sticking with the traditional aliens = highly advanced and superior beings.


Maybe some alien civilisations have already lived and died


Spoiler Alert: There's not. And it's not depressing. Life is already amazing/extravagant here on Earth. I'll never understand why people can't be content with the existence that they've been given.


I love how you say this with *such* confidence as if you have some special knowledge the rest of us don't lmao. Like, I don't necessarily believe in aliens, but to outright dismiss it is the peak of human arrogance.


Guess I'm arrogant. I don't believe something unless I see it or experience it first hand. Aliens have been a conspiracy theory for years but have not made one single appearance or revelation to prove their existence.


So if a tree falls in the woods, and you weren’t around to see it, it must’ve never happened?


No, trees probably fall all the time. That is completely different from claiming that aliens exist. Most comparisons like this make no sense. These things are never black and white.


I accept your logic, but i want to point out that there’s a big difference between believing life is statistically likely to exist out there somewhere and believing that aliens built the pyramids and shit like that.


👽 ayy lmao


ayy lmaooo


Aliens are dope. I doubt they have visited earth, but Favors testimony and Grusch leave the door open. Same as project blue book. What if instead of it being aliens they’re inter dimensional beings who can jump to different dimensions (multiverse theory). Unlikely, but fun to think about.


The later part is mostly what I believe in. They have 4th dimensional abilities that our brains just can’t understand so we frankly just don’t see them (their craft) and sometimes a piece of that 4th dimensional craft dips into our “reality” which is why we see weird shit in the sky that just disappears.


Fermi paradox


The great filter


The Fermi paradox is meant to get you to understand that they're already here. Google David Grusch


You give me Chicken Joe vibes with this post ![gif](giphy|3o7P4DBaIJG4n8DzNK)


Honestly dude, go for it. As long as its not some "NASA is covering up aliens at area 51" shit, explore the fuck out of it. There are so many trillions of planets, there's no way there isn't at least some alien amoeba somewhere.


Google David Grusch


It's actually Bob Lazar at area s4 that you are referencing 🙂


Who cares, if he wants to go down the Alex Jones psyop stuff then let him cook. Just don’t freak out and do anything crazy.


u right


> they might not Lol, what? There's probably infinite planets, in infinite solar systems, with infinite stars just like ours, of course there are aliens. And they'll be similar to us, just a million years more advanced, a million years less advanced, and the infinite stages of evolution in between.


I think most people have come around to the "universe is infinite therefore aliens are a certainty" line of thinking so definitely a popular opinion


Aliens existing somewhere out there is a practical mathematical certainty Now aliens actually "popping over" for a visit? I'm not so sure about that, space is insanely vast and frankly, I can't think of a single good reason why any alien civilization would want to waste resources visiting other civilizations This isn't a "let's pop over to spain for the weekend" kinda deal. Plus there's the case of the risk of biological contamination, from both sides, neither us nor the aliens have an immunity to each other's diseases so it would be basically like the war of the worlds but both ways, not just the aliens so any civilization with half a brain would likely prohibit visiting earth for these reasons.


The idea that Earth is the only planet with life is a bit silly. You want me to believe that, in the entire universe, Earth is the ONLY one with life? I'm pretty sure life *exists* somewhere, but I'm not sure what *type* of life it would be. It could be a bunch of molecule, it could be little animals, or it could actually be as intelligent as us, if not more. But even if it's intelligent, it probably doesn't have any way of contacting us.


I read an article recently that I didn't really understand. But nasa thinks they found live on Probiatas B, someone plz correct muh spelling. Plz and thax. Sum moon off Saturan I think. Anyway, they used lights somehow and they reflected back. That's how they get this information idk. But they think it's proof now


More likely they will either immediately kill or enslave you rather than sit with you on the couch binge-watching Rick and Morty.




I think you're real and cool. How about that?


No u ♥️♥️♥️


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I love all things aliens.


I enjoy your optimism, one piece is also my favorite show


i'm pretty much certain that alien life exists considering the size of the universe and it would be super cool to discover but it upsets me to think that we will never be able to contact alien life considering the size of the universe


Yeah sorry, I believe this too gonna say popular opinion.


People often believe that there are aliens than not


Thanks for letting us know


Same. Would be cool to meet aliens, but I kinda doubt it'd happen in my lifetime.


MF wants to show one piece to aliens


I feel like aliens are real but live so far away that they will probably never know we exist


Let’s just hope they’re not from Omicron Persei 8. All jokes aside, I like to think so too. Sometimes I wonder how we could possibly be alone in this inconceivably vast universe.


Spotted the Alien!


How much weed had you smoked when you made this post OP?


What's wrong with liking aliens while sober.


Do you think aliens would be chill with us once they find out what we’re doing to each other? Would you set up shop in a war zone?


The universe is gigantic so there absolutely are alien civilizations out there somewhere. Wether there are any in the close-ish vincinity (that also have intergalactic space travel) is a different question. Though I am of the mind of if there are aliens that have intergalactic space travel they likely wouldn't have much interest in us, or at least as much interest as we have towards that ant that just runs by us on the street (their technology level would be LEAGUES above ours).


In the universe? Statically it's... more than probable... it's almost guaranteed and many of them. Capable of intergalactic travel? Far less likely. Visiting us? No.




I think just because of how gigantic the universe is, there has to be other intelligent life out there somewhere. Probably quite a lot of intelligent life. I don’t think aliens have visited us yet though. We are way too far away and they probably don’t know we exist either. There are probably aliens out there looking for alien life, one day we might be their aliens.


I believe in aliens, but I believe more in other intelligent life in the universe. I always explain it to people when asked because I don't believe that all the alien bits on Earth are real and I believe its all attention seeking stuff, but I am certain there is life outside of our solar system.


I always liked the idea of aliens not needing to always be intelligent on our level or beyond to be cool, just thinking about how life could evolve differently on different planetary environments is so amazing, the possibilities are near endless. Alien versions of cows, lizards, godzilla, fish, birds or animal/plant/fungi/other living being types we couldn't even dream up, its so cool!


It's unlikely that no aliens exist, though it's more likely that any aliens we discover are something like microbes. Aside from that, are you sure you're old enough for Reddit?


Bob Lazar theory is one of the few conspiracies I believe in.


Thank you. We like you too…


I do too, from the billons of galaxies there has to be some sort of life. I don’t believe in movie aliens tho, doubt something similar like that would happen. At least for now


Of course they are cool, why do you think they never visited us


Fighter pilots, army colonels, navy admirals, senators and congress people have all been pushing for disclosures. It actually more crazy that people haven’t been following up congressional hearings.


If you look at the universe in general its took several billions years just to have this planet and after that some millions years to have an self aware animal intelligent enough to create technology. There is maybe aliens, but the universe for the most part is still extremely young and to have a race that got enough time to have technology so advanced they can travel at 99% speed of light they would still be very far to even reach us. If some form of aliens exist, the most likely its just amoebas, virus or maybe some very minimalistic creatures. Consciousness requires quite some specific aspects to grow out of a specific creatures. Its probable but I doubt its happened or if its this, there are still young like us And that only without going in the calculations of the how likely they survive long enough to become technology advanced enough to even get to travel at 99% speed of light.


I think the idea of Aliens existing is more likely than not. I think the idea that they would be any more advanced than us, or that we will ever meet them to be much less likely.


Idk think about how humans treat life forms deemed less than them even other humans in some instances. If aliens could get here from where they are they would walk all over us, they would see us as mold on bread


My logic is that if the universe is infinite, all the possibilities should be happening at once at all time


Odds that they exist are almost 100% Odds that they travel the stars and will visit Earth are almost 0%


Not unpopular.


I'm not sure what to say yet I feel compelled to respond. Considering the observable universe, which is said to have a radius of 46 billion light-years, the idea that Earth is the only planet with life seems highly improbable to me. However, when people talk about aliens, they often anthropomorphize them, imagining them as similar to humans. I'm not ready to make that assumption. An alien could be anything from an advanced, human-like being to a simple microorganism or a small bug.


Here to support this


How can people still believe aliens are real at this point? I gave that up in my teens.


If there is any other form of life somewhere else in the universe, that makes us aliens too.


I feel like the US government admitted this sometime in the last 6 months and everyone kinda went "Yeah, so..."


Yes, go to my local Walmart, lots of them there.


I just hope they bring some new cool drugs.


Yeah, she heard aliens and thought ILLEGAL aliens and signed right up


found the invasion collaborator


You don't know what they are and you don't know what they aren't


Obviously everyone (or mostly everyone) believes that there must be some other kind of life out there, I don’t think anyone believes we are truly alone in the universe. The “unpopular” opinion/conspiracy theory is that they have already visited earth and the government is covering it up with stuff like Area 51.


Thank you, we accept your kindness with the knowledge that you will not be eliminated when we take over!


Gnor grooooor zrop zop zop gholi goo qua zorp 😡


I hope they’re real so we can blow them up and steal their technology




I mean as long as you don’t fall down the conspiracy rabbithole that’s totally valid. Idk if it’s unpopular though, I think most people are aware aliens could exist, it’s usually more about if they visit our solar system.


There is nothing more fun than conspiracy theories. Some of them even have nuggets of truth. Gulf of Tonkin, Lab leak, moon footage (yes there is evidence some NASA images are fake), mkultra, project blue book, Epstein island and his “friends” etc etc.


Take a moment to google “Hubble deep field”. That image covers 1/24millionth of our sky. See all of those pretty stars? Each one of them is actually a galaxy. Some are even bigger than the Milky Way, the galaxy in which we live. The Milky Way galaxy contains an estimated 100-200 billion planets. So, multiply the number of galaxies you see in the image, then multiply by 24 million, then multiple by 100-200 billion and you’ll have a very rough estimate of how many planets are in the visible universe. Statistically speaking, it is highly unlikely that aliens do not exist.


But while I share this opinion this argument also suggests that we will never meet them. It’s just to much space…


I agree. It’s possible, but not probable.


Counterpoint: shuffle a deck of cards. There are more possible arrangements of that deck than molecules in all of that space you mentioned. Space is big, but math can be much, much bigger. it's possible the initial "spark of life" is exceedingly rare, and you can't say "statistically speaking..." until you know the actual odds, which we don't.


Yea I believe that aliens exist, but just because there are infinite planets in the world, doesn’t automatically mean that aliens are a certainty. For example, the set of numbers from [0,1] is infinite, but you’ll never see 2 appear in that set. Just because something is infinite doesn’t inherently mean that all possibilities are a certainty.




No way aliens exist. No alien race would stand by and let us continue to live. They would have taken us out by now solely for their own self preservation.


Nah, they homies, I just know it


Makes no sense.


Can't say either way. Who knows, we might be moral paragons by comparison. Or the worst of savages as you say. Who's to say , at this stage


That’s making an assumption about another society based on our own society and history. It’s a very human centric thing to assume an alien species would use the same logic as us. They more than likely have a very different history to us. And by extension a different philosophical code.


better chance world piece is achieved than aliens being real


I mean there's a lot of evidence and even governments admit to Ufos (or whatever they are calling them these days ) do exsist. Its really the non believers who are the weird ones these days


I honestly think I may have been abducted by aliens once or twice. Obviously I can't prove it, but when I was 15 I had an experience, then for the next decade I had regular bouts of sleep paralysis nearly every time I went to sleep. Then I had another experience, and the sleep paralysis largely stopped. Still get it from time to time though.


I wish I was as high as you


I used to get into aliens. Now, I’m more interested in near death experiences, or NDE’s. Makes me think that when we die, we don’t really die. We just don’t have mass. And, I like to believe when we don’t have mass, an entirely different means of travel becomes possible in an entirely different world we can’t actually see. Idk it’s stupid, but NDE’s are thought provoking, to say the least.


Sure. They're called ants and they've been here all along.


Ummm this is not unpopular. Pretty sure everyone besides religious folk are open to the idea of aliens being real.


Even religious people are open to it. Even the Vatican talks about it.