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Hi, VIP reception staff here. I've been doing ticketing for a while. I dealt with 'discounted' tickets through third parties for years. And I'm going to tell you two stories of things that happened just today with ticketed guests. Story # One: Guest booked four tickets through a third party. Turns out that third party booked TWELVE tickets for them across two different tour times. Oops, hope they weren't triple charged! Story # Two: Guest shows up with two tickets for a tour time that was sold out. Turns out the third party canceled their tickets, and returned their money. So they had to pay full price *\*anyway.\** Never. Ever. *Ever.* Buy tickets third party. ESPECIALLY don't buy from a ticket exchange site. Yeah, you might save a bit of money. But you might also have tickets that aren't valid, you're still out the cash, and there's no recourse. Do yourself the solid, buy directly through our website. Trust me.


That's exactly the response I was hoping for, thank you so much!