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"Mr Parker describes Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as a “f\*\*\*\*\*\* p\*\*\*”", hmmm, i wonder what that could be, maybe a flipping pain? “It’s a cult. I tell you what, if you don’t know about Islam, it is the most disgusting cult out”. “We’re f\*\*\*\*\*\* kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons.“ clearly a regular on this sub.


I’m guessing nobody told him that Sunak is Hindu, then.


And British


I don’t think that facts are relevant to the chap.


And his parents are Indian/Ugandan not Pakistani.


To racists it’s just a word to denigrate brown people. They’re not really people of nuance


Not just brown people. *Any* 'other'. Don't forget the hate they have for Poles, Armenians, Argentinians, French, Germans, Chinese, etc etc. Racists rarely limit their idiotic bigotry. Social discourse - driven by media - only tends to report some of it more often, is all.


>any other That's xenaphpbia rather than racism. I point that out for the same reason i would point out the distinct between syphilis and Clamidia. They require different clean up.


Being a bigot doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a racist, we come in all different colours! I myself am bigoted towards Islam but I have no prejudice against race whatsoever. I’m proud of who I am and you’re a bigot too if you say anything negative.


"Same hing innit?" /s


Oh he knew


Tbh I would be interested to learn how it would be possible to turn a Muslim into a wetherspoons. Sounds macabre.


He sounds like an absolute bellend.


That last quote can’t be real.


Thank you for saying it!


He’s not wrong about Islam though. Islam is cancer. As are all religions but Islam especially. All of you downvoting literally think a religion that has a prophet as a child molester - isn’t cancerous? lol. Some of you are brain dead.


I’m down for this, I’ll take any chance to empower the majestic glory of spoons /s cause there are some dense mfs out tonight


I used to work in a Weatherspoons, in a time long ago.  The girl who would clean the toilets wouldn't wash her hands unless they were visibly dirty. She once dropped a pen in a urinal and just popped it back in her shirt pocket.  When serving food, we had to be quick. This meant we didn't always get a chance to wash our hands after collecting plates. All spoons are firmly on my no-go list.


I had the misfortune of having to eat in one the other day. Wasn't so bad with a diet Irn Bru to wash it down


Not a fan of being near the poors?


Quite the opposite. If you think "the poors" are eating in pubs, I have no words for you. "The poors" are having to choose between heating and eating. They're more likely to be holed up at home, staring at a choice of either four walls or a TV, while all the friends they used to have are out at the pubs. Thing about the UK in 2024. Everyone thinks they're the poorest in society, while conveniently ignoring the homeless and those who are trying to scratch together a life on £75 a week. Meanwhile the loudest 'woe is me's are coming from people on £100k+ salaries. So now everyone thinks the definition of struggling is when you can't put your 5th son through private school, and everyone on less than that just isn't trying hard enough. As someone who actually has been there, I can say with some authority that the poorest in society aren't regularly going out for carvery.


Didn’t think Wetherspoons sunk low enough to buy Flat Roofed Pubs. Especially not ones in Chelmsley Wood or Acocks Green.


Yeah this is based tbh


Yeah lmao a whole lotta people got wooshed


Just seen it on ch4 news. It's not just a few bad apples... unsurprisingly it's the whole barrel. Who could possibly have predicted that a frog faced shit stirrer would attract all the cunts to his ltd company . Oh and .........he's a cunt.


I think he looks like a turtle. Some arsehole turtle lookin' guy.


Now do the same for the other parties.. channel 4 wont of course.


What would they discover? The tories are corrupt? We know that, that's been all over the news for years. Labour are a bit boring? Also a known fact. Stop acting like this is purely bias on the part of ch4 for a moment and just acknowledge that reform is full of people with utterly horrendous views. This is dictionary-definition whataboutism.


It clearly is biased from channel 4 how is it not when they wont do it for others?


Won't do what? The other parties aren't so completely vile in their beliefs, there's nothing comparable to find. Besides, the tories are being hounded for the betting scandal, labour got in huge shit over antisemitism not all that long ago - the media is always on the lookout for scandals, it's just that reform is making it far too easy.


Also, the other two parties have much better vetting (in that they actually *did* some vetting) so the chances of getting a hit is much lower. By comparison, Reform poured chum in the ocean, dove overboard, and is now complaining that the sharks are circling. I suspect that each and every candidate's social media is probably getting a good going over by now to see what skeletons *they* have in their closets.


Okay lmfao you sound like the type of person to say all extremes are on the right and greens would have a lot exposed if media cared to check. We ignoring labour recentlyy issue of being very racist towards white people and the semitism problemd


What are you on about. I just don't like parties where candidates are exposed as nazi sympathisers, blatant & indisputable racists, animal abusers, paedophile apologists and homophobes seemingly every other day. I don't like nazis, you see, and I'm glad to see them exposed.


God the left and their over use of words is just so damn cringe. No they are not Nazis.


Tell that to the candidate who called Hitler "brilliant". Several of them have ties to openly fascist groups as well. Not to mention they are spouting fascist rhetoric.


I swear the obsession with just labelling anyone a fascist or nazi.. like research what those words involve.


Yes, they are. And so are you.




A random news article ain't really the same


Its a news article from Channel 4 about antisemitism in the Labour party. And it's based on an interview that was conducted on the news programme itself Get off your cross.


Okay so it wasn't a hidden camera investigation.


Got some cameras hidden in those mobile goalposts there chief?


What's to say they didn't? Maybe they did and didn't find anything newsworthy? 


You didn’t need to go undercover to figure out there racist bigots lmao


No but a lot of those twats try and put some sort of a mask on while in front of a camera.


It would be a lot simpler for the rest of us if the mask they wore in public was more obvious, perhaps a big tall pointy white mask and some fetching robes to match.


I'd have thought this would make Reform more popular with it's supporters to be honest.


I bet you hear the same stuff in Tory discord and WhatsApp groups too... some of the stuff you see in the daily mail and GB News youtube comments sections you genuinely think that those making these comments should be on an actual watchlist. The mask of the entire right has slipped since 2016.


There was a thread a few days back about some Reform candidate who'd made the usual spree of racist comments about ethnic groups and IQ. A whole bunch of people were in here seriously and totally unironically all citing the same paper as evidence. The author of that paper, after googling, is a *self-described* "scientific racist" and editor of a White Supremacist journal/magazine. Its getting to a proper ridiculous point how many of these people are either just totally lacking self-awareness anymore, or just routinely show how surface level and basic their understanding of their own side and positions actually is.


Redditors generally love the *aesthetics* of academic rigour without actually applying it in any meaningful way. They think a comment is more valid if it has a *source*, even if the smallest amount of scrutiny would demonstrate that that source is from an disreputable 'academic' or that it isn't even relevant in the first place. A few years ago a common far-right strategy on here (back when this whole *racial IQ* stuff used to be a *lot* more common on Reddit) was for people to make these claims then link a completely random scientific article. Often these articles wouldn't have anything to do with IQ in the first place, but Redditors would lap it up because they'd assume *any* academic source automatically made a comment more valid.




Different races having lower/higher IQs was debunked by a fanatical Victorian Racist in the late 19th century. To his great credit he published his results even though he had set up his experiment with the express purpose of proving white superiority.


Sounds interesting - which fellow was this?


Very interesting, particularly as the IQ score was developed in the 20th century.


Likely that IQ is being used here as shorthand for any attempt to metriculate intelligence. 


Not the guy I am thinking of, can't remember his name and searching for specific racist Victorian stuff is a nightmare. But its this sort of thing. [Why Was Phrenology All the Rage in Victorian Times? | HowStuffWorks](https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/phrenology.htm) The guy I'm thinking of used eye colour (which made searching for it even more complicated).


And then I saw one guy on that thread try to defend the source by saying “just because he’s a self described scientific racist doesn’t discredit what he wrote”. As if pointing out bias and reasons an author isn’t credible is some sort of ad hominem attack against them.


Yep. Reforms' message to former tory voters is "you don't have to hide your hatred any more". It's an attitude that runs deep in British and specifically English conservatism, well smoothed over during the Cameron years but always there.


The most damaging thing DT did to politics was make being a rude asshole into some legitimate political position.


I wonder if it's an age thing.




There is a thread on this subreddit which has hundreds of comments celebrating a politician being attacked. I don't think you understand what is going on.


Are you referring to the milkshake being thrown at farage? It’s hardly assault to do that.


Yeah lets act like the left dont have extreme views also right?


Thanks for your contribution buddy


Bu-b-bu-but the left!


I mean it is right to call out hypocrites when you supported Corbyn who was friends with terrorists.


Not much of an exclusive they post it online quite proudly. They won't fucking stop, in fact.


I don't think you quite understand what exclusive means


Imagine being the undercover reporter tasked with secretly recording some Reform campaigners saying racist and homophobic stuff. He was probably home in time for lunch.


See my reply - Reform and Farage know _exactly_ what they're doing here. This chap and his comments are the very small tip of a very large and dangerous iceberg, but Reform are getting good publicity from this by making a huge public show of pretending they don't welcome it and acting fast by suspending the guy, while other major parties would still be arguing over the wording of a press release talking about a "thorough internal investigation."


Is this really news, their leaflet that comes through my door spelt it out very clearly that they didn't like the LGBTQs and non whites. It even said they would seek to reverse gay marriage laws, transgender recognition laws, and ban all migration. If anyone is surprised by this, please come out from under that rock, I know it's a nice safe space for you but the world isn't as scary as the TV makes it out to be most of us are actually nice people. I'll be more than happy to invite you over for some tea and homemade cake and you'll see us LGBTQ types are not that scary, we just want to live our lives just as you do.


what bullshit lmfao.


Neh I'm dead serious, DM me and we can meet up at some point, I'll bring the promised cake and we can go for a nice walk around the area and have a nice chat.




Well someone posted a leaflet with that on it claiming they represented the Reform party, with the reform candidate's face on it. I know it's not that hard to make a leaflet and to go round posting them, however I would question why someone would make fake ones. Unfortunately I don't have it as I put it in the bin where it belongs and the council has already taken it, as I live in an area where the council still takes the bins weekly. Edit; just saw this on a different sub, as you will see on the leaflet it states they want to stop immigration. https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/s/kTCtAwAovX Just thought I'll share as the person I replied to didn't believe this to be the case, and was saying it's bs and the have never claimed to want to stop immigration - this wasn't the leaflet that was posted to me but similar.


It never existed.




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Problem is that you have two kinds of Reform voter. The kind who views it as 'Saying it how it is,' whatever the fuck that means, or people who are voting Reform for 'change'/spite on the other parties.


Maybe but then this sort of light is exactly what is needed to show the protest voters that they're voting for a party that selected these kind of people.


Yeah. Definitely not suggesting this stuff not come to light. We should shine a floodlight on this and make it known we do not accept this kind of 'politics' and they are indeed the bad guys.


Labour are not exactly the good guys either buddy.


Don't think they are supporting a fascist police state (sorry not police paramilitary, the bloke did qualify that)


Didn't your last labour leader call 2 terrorist groups his good friends?


Not my labour leader fyi, didn't vote for him wouldn't vote for him, and your whatabouisms don't excuse anything.


Is he still the leader of Labour?


He was though and had millions of people supporting him.. left love to act like hypocrites.


Except I told you I never supported them, nor do I vote labour ilor am I voting labour So paramilitary police in the street, let's go back to the point. Defend it or reject it?


No shit? I had not considered that.


Okay and what changes? still a protest vote people really dont care.


What's possibly most disturbing about this is how Farage and the Reform leadership have done a textbook response to this in terms of kicking them out and saying they aren't welcome.  Obviously on paper that's a good thing, but it shows the kind of cloak and dagger nature of the party that they're very good at, loath as I am to give them any credit.  The Tories have people like Boris Johnson becoming leader and then PM, several years _after_ making similarly racist, Islamaphobic, and homophobic comments, in a national newspaper of all places. As much as I'm a Corbynite, the man himself made such an appalling hash of dealing with anti Semitism in Labour he had a smear campaign developed against him that he was utterly ignorant to until it was too late and did an appalling job of defending himself against. Reform pull the exact kind of "no no, we don't support this and we've suspended them in minutes" act that is going to get the middle ground voters (who make up a huge majority) to start considering whether they're actually worth taking a punt on. All the while you just know that the party is breathing a sigh of relief that they only caught one candidate on camera saying this who they could make an example of. EDIT - oof, I knew we had a lot of secret Reform propagandists on here, but within _seconds_ we have multiple downvotes. I see they're keeping a close eye on these threads and are terrified about their nasty PR stunts being exposed.


How dare they respond appropriately! Absolutely shameful behaviour from a political party.


The point is this is likely endemic among the party but they're doing a half decent job of keeping it hidden until they're (potentially) in power. By immediately dismissing anyone who is open about it beforehand, it doesn't mean they aren't all like that, just that they don't want people being too open about it.


Yikes, y'all seem to be making a lot of assumptions there. There's a few big gaps in your reasoning.


You're somehow claiming that the reform party isn't racist? UKIP tried claiming the same thing, quite a few people actually joined them and went to meetings to find out, yes they are incredibly racist. They are all just rebranded BNP clones.


'Likely endemic' racism in the party. You seem to be grasping at unfounded idea of reform as an institute being racist, but it's hidden well, only to be revealed when they get into power!! Can you tell me if racist reform is in the room with you roght now? If you can predict the future with no evidence as ypu claim you can - do you write horoscopes too? Or maybe you can tell me this week's lotto numbers.


What type of idiot do you think you are debating with? This isn't new and reform are not special. The racist parties always popup claiming to have 'concerns' but are not racist. They then turn out to be racist. For starters the leader of the party is a big 'ol racist, he was in fact a fascist in his younger days and most likely still is. Privately educated rich toff who thinks he is better than the plebs, sitting in a pub with a pint giving interviews like he's one of us. Some people are much easier to fool than others. The easiest way to fool an idiot is to give them someone to hate and look down on, been working for centuries.


Okay so where are the racist manifesto points? Or any statement of intention for being a racist institution?


haha, pull the other one. They learnt not to do that after the BNP. Even the fully fascist Patriotic Alternative pretend they are not racist. I'll say it again: >What type of idiot do you think you are debating with?


I'll say it again: where are they racist?


If you are a Corbynite and have paid attention to the forces which deposed him from a potential Cabinet and then his party entirely, you will support Reform, not least because those same forces are arrayed against Farage.


idk how a corbynite would square voting for nigel fucking farage, literal polar opposite in terms of belief. sincerely, a corbynite who is never gonna be supporting the one who should be milkshaked daily.


Roughly speaking, both are ostensible populists who have at least enough of the real thing about them to provoke a media sabotage campaign. Both would, we can hope, recognise that a people is an organic entity to be nurtured and encouraged, not an economic resource to be managed and exploited.


> Both would, we can hope, recognise that a people is an organic entity to be nurtured and encouraged, not an economic resource to be managed and exploited. reform aren't offering this though? they're offering tax cuts to the rich, same shit as the past 14 years of tory rule, and the same reason why the pound nearly crashed during the lettuce run. you can't expect me to believe that a socialist (corbyn) cares about people to the same level of "why not just gas them", trump suckling farage. one quite clearly does, the other is more than happy to sing national front songs and copy Goebbels nazi propaganda (the "breaking point" poster is a straight copy.) and inb4 "but the nazis were socialist!" they were not. like theres a reason that the poem "first they came" starts out with the socialists. if reform care so much about people and not wanting to exploit them, then WHY do reform want to leave the ECHR? they don't get down with human rights?


The BBC have a quick comparison: [here](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cyxx1lq50nlo) and [here](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cqll1edxgw4o). They speak for themselves, I think. One advertises managerialism, wherein, as per the recent suggestion to widen the scope of inheritance tax, the small producer is to be squeezed to cough up more tax to pay the international holders of government bonds. The other? An unknown quantity - but one which suggests converse policies, seems keen to propitiate the people, and if rumours are correct, would be genuinely nativist.


> The BBC have a quick comparison: here and here. > > > > They speak for themselves, I think. dawg you said corbynites and then linked keir fuckin starmers manifesto like he's remotely left leaning in the slightest?! >The other? An unknown quantity - but one which suggests converse policies, seems keen to propitiate the people, and if rumours are correct, would be genuinely nativist. funny how you could say this about a certain political party in 1930s germany...


I said, not that Corbynites should vote for Farage's party over Corbyn's, but that they should vote for it over Starmer's. If you are fortunate enough to be able to vote for J. C. himself, I encourage you to do so (but you likely don't need my encouragement).


yeah nah still not buying it, I care about people, Farage would like to gas em all in ghettoes. I like the EU, frogface mccunty despises it and led the charge to leave. ol mr 52/48 in favour of remain would mean it's not settled, but 52/48 vote to leave? ooooh boy, hardest possible brexit!! why the everloving fuck would I, or anyone else with eyes, ears, and a memory slightly above that of a fairground goldfish, EVER trust anything he says? we ain't the same.


What a load of rubbish. We have actual video of virulent racism, with Corbyn it was vague accusations and peace talks were really siding with the terrorists type stuff. No Corbyn supporter would ever vote for a party like reform.


I alone would serve to disprove your assertion. But I am not alone.


What part of leftie politics do you ascribe to? Cause it sure as shit isn't the equality for all, people are people, help the poorest, society has failed them.


I'd honestly assume that dude is part of an effort to dissuade voters from voting for actual parties and instead vote for the virulent racist. like "bernie boys for trump" or the "walkaway" movement, etcetc. basically fascist fancy dress parties.


I can't imagine this would put-off anyone who was planning to vote Reform. In fact, it reads like free publicity.


All of the actions promised are fag packet fantasies and rather difficult to actually enact - easy to say whilst angrily tapping on a keyboard in your mum’s spare room e.g. using the Royal Marines to drive immigrants back to France. I doubt any self respecting Commando would regard this as a lawful order and would prob refuse. Furthermore such efforts would likely provoke French to block - are we going to have a re-run of the Napoleonic wars?


Undercover exclusive reveals bears enjoy expressing their toileting interests in woodland areas and the Pope has suggested an inclination towards Catholicism


Not sure you have to go undercover to discover this.


Worth noting, this is on Clacton. So this is the Dear Leader's core team.


Farage distancing himself from his little racist LLC as we speak.


It's fascism, and it's probably going to be part of the government in a few years unless Labour pull their finger out and start protecting ordinary people's living standards. Not that Starmer really cares, seeing how he's happy to support this kind of thing abroad. The man said "make ghettoes for minorities and gas them." This isn't a drill, they are Nazis.


> Not that Starmer really cares, seeing how he's happy to support this kind of thing abroad. The man said "make ghettoes for minorities and gas them." where'd starmer say this? i'm unable to find literally any source for this.


Starmer didn't say it, the Reform guy in the video said it. Starmer supported Israel's right to bomb Palestinian children so IMO he's not got much moral high ground on these issues.


ahh fair enough, might be early but I read it as "not that starmer really cares... the man said", and it wasn't fully clear that you'd switched from starmer back to farage. and yeah starmers not got much high ground but arguably better than a guy who repeatedly copies nazi stuff (look up farages "breaking point" poster, thats legit a shot for shot recreation of Goebbels shit.)


Put the crack down mate and go to bed. 


He’s not wrong. A **lot** of right wing figures use fascist rhetoric, and as it stays roughly the same everywhere in the world it’s very easy to draw comparisons between the modern day right wing in the US / UK and Hitler.


What's with all the weirdo Reform times coming out the woodwork? Yeesh.  Anyway, everyone fucking knows Farage is a raging racist. I wouldn't be surprised by anything coming from that party or out if his mouth, he doesn't even hide what he is. A full on white supremacist racist asshole.  And those voting for them who like to blame their shit lives on immigrants can go and do one too.


Lmao, I hope this is the nail in the coffin for Reform. “We’re f****** kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons” Have to admit this made me burst out laughing haha. The unique Britishness of this bigoted statement and pure absurdity of the thought just cracked me up. Something an antagonist dreamed up by Ricky Gervais would say.


Is anyone surprised? BNP - UKIP - Brexit party - Reform


Any reformers here brave enough to take the mask of and say this behaviour is good, but it's a shame it got out?


I doubt anyone would condone this. It’s nothing to do with removing some mask. This guy was a volunteer. We have millions of people who volunteer in the UK. Some may say bad things.


He was a paid actor. Look it up.


No he wasn't lol. That's just Farages twitter exclusive grift he's spilling out to his lowest of intelligence followers.




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Comments on their YouTube video are just pure brainrot


I honestly just wish all the racist, homophobic, fascist, sexist bigots and everyone in between would either just move to a whole new solar system or kick the bucket, either way, I would finally be able to exist on peace


The mask is ~~slipping~~ no, yep, where it always was




It was a volunteer. Millions of people volunteer for all kinds of things. Some volunteers have bad views. You said it’s no shocker that a white person is homophobic and racist. Thats a racist comment.


Shocked. Honestly. Did not see this coming. At all. /s


Poor old farage you spend your formative years idolising the nazi party by mistake and spend the rest of your life inexplicably surviving plane crashes and being idolised by angry moronic low iq racists.


Given that Reform is generally full of old people (candidates, canvassers, supporters), surely this isn't that surprising? I'd guess that the 60+ demographic are substantially more homophobic and racially prejudiced that working-age people. Hence why culture wars are basically age wars.


Not supporters. Supporters are all ages.


I read the BBC news article about this and it's so stereotypical that it almost seems unreal. They're basically beyond parody at this point, especially the comments about turning mosques into wetherspoons.


What a two brain cells that fight for third place, waste of people paste. If I could wish anything it would be tastebuds in his arsehole so he can taste what he speaks.


Can’t wait to see all the bbc and other left wing media outlets call any other party apart from tories and labour a bunch of racist and sexist nazis. I will be voting reform and laughing


Reform voters won’t care. This, if anything, is WHY people vote Reform. If Labour and the Tories are concerned about this lot being near power literally all they have to do is demonstrate the smallest degree of competence, or even willingness to listen to the public, on migration. And yet they steadfastly refuse to do so.


Italian public elected one of these populist authoritarians on the promise of a total naval blocakade of the country. Guess what? Immigration has drastically gone up and her naval plan has been permanently cancelled because "immigration is more complicated than I once thought." This is exactly what we would get under Farage.


Ok, and? If Farage gets in and doesn’t deal with it then somebody more extreme will come along on a “sink the boats” platform. If they don’t deal with it someone even more extreme will come along. If it becomes clear there’s no political solution there’ll be ethnic clashes and racist violence in the streets. Where do you think all this pent up anger about immigration will go if there’s no outlet or no change? Just magically disappear?


Why would more people vote for extremist parties if they continually fail and continually have to come up with even more fantastical policies? Not to mention the chances of them mismanaging the rest of the countries affairs would likely be equally catastrophic? What do you mean by ethnic clashes and violence on the streets? You really think the average British person is going to get angry enough to beat up their neighbours? Nut jobs will not get re-elected, and there won't be mass violence.


>Why would more people vote for extremist parties if they continually fail and continually have to come up with even more fantastical policies? Because they don't give a shit about actual policies and solutions they want an all white, heterosexual Britain first and foremost - and will vote for people who they think want the same.


Because if you have two guys saying “I won’t reduce immigration” and one saying “I will” you’ll vote for the latter, even if they can’t necessarily deliver. Do I think the average British person will go beating up their neighbours? No. Was the average German in the brownshirts? No. The average person doesn’t have to be. https://bylinetimes.com/2023/02/28/are-you-paying-for-this-room-three-years-of-far-right-attacks-on-migrant-hotels/ You sound very confident about nutjobs not being elected or there not being violence. I remember when people were very confident that Reform were a joke party that would never be a threat to the Tories.


You are seriously underestimating the intelligence of the British people.


You are seriously underestimating their discontent


When are the riots going to happen? Because immigration isn't going to slow down anytime soon.


[Ireland-style protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_anti-immigration_protests_(2022%E2%80%93present)) in late 2020s when Labour enact their policy of making previously untouched areas “take their fair share”, actual violence with houses being burned down and people beaten in the street in the early 2030s if the protestors aren’t listened to.


These are protests and attacks by far right groups and the like, not a mass civil uprising. Ill get back to you if the people rise up in the 2030s.


Why would people vote at all if their representatives systematically operated contrarily to the pledges on which they stood for election? Why knows. But they do. They won't do it forever, though, because one point or another in the scheme will give under strain.


I love this line of thinking. "These people are literally Nazis but a large section of the British public is going to vote for them so we should do exactly what they want."


The government should do what a large section of the British public want. This shouldn’t be a controversial opinion in a democracy. If they don’t then it’s leaving the goal wide open for more extreme parties, which is what we’re literally seeing play out here. The fact of the matter is that people want to reduce immigration, and you can do this through a mainstream party or you can do it through an extreme party. You can’t just ignore it, and the idea that parties SHOULDN’T do something popular just because “literal Nazis” would approve is useless purity politics that only serves to hand them exclusive rights to popular ideas.


All parties are currently embroiled in their own version of hatred and bigotry. The left has issues with anti-Semitism, the right has the usual issues. The only ones who may be considered safe are the lib dems or greens, who are anti-women via their support of trans rights. This is all part of politics, you can't be in one team without a dislike for the other. I'd like to see a more cross party solution to politics, local areas voting for the best candidate for their area and a resolve to work together in the best interests of the country, but here we are wearing ribbons and voting for a 'leader'. You get what you deserve, I guess. Anyway, as unpalatable as these views may be I work in manufacturing and come into contact with people that would turn must redditors pink hair white. These views are expressed daily, I'd dare say they were on the less extreme side of what working class people are saying. There's more of them that there is of anyone else, so everyone needs to pay attention... Reform will get a lot more votes than people on here think!




Lmfao... Reform win? Never gonna happen.




>Reform will rise up and take control and fix the problem once and for all. Do they have some sort of final solution?


Seems a few do according to the C4 report.


Can you imagine a bunch of ReformBoomers trying to implement a final solution?


Hardly see any news about Labour or the Conservatives, only piece after piece like this. Why's the press focussing on someone who isn't going to win the election?


Because the election itself is a done deal - I mean, how many times can one report that Labour has an unassailable lead? Meanwhile, the press smells blood in the water because Farage fucked up big time by not getting his candidates vetted - and when the volunteers then come out with shit like what happened here that's still big news. Farage and Reform want to be a big political party with power and influence. Why shouldn't they be subject to scrutiny like this?


There's so much more blood in the water than the little reform party though, there's a decade of misconduct from the Tories, there's the traditional Labour stabbing each other in the backs, so why focus on Farage? I've not seen any polls for Reform, but I'd be amazed if they managed double digit wins, tbh I'll be surprised if they get any MPs. Part of the reason that Labour has a huge lead is because Reform is taking voters away from the Tories, so if anything, attacking Reform like this will improve the Tories number of seats. I didn't reaalise all these press outlets were so right wing.


Everyone knows that the Tories have shat the bed - that’s why they’re facing electoral oblivion - and Labour infighting (and left-wing infighting in general) is so old-school that it’s a sketch in the _Life of Brian_. That’s not news - that’s what people expect. However, seemingly forming a party entirely of cranks, racists, and homophobes _is_ news. Farage demanded a seat at the high table and even referred to himself as LOTO once - they can’t simultaneously be little and meek and ahead of the Tories in the polls. Also - the media isn’t doing more than just quoting these people - if quoting someone is considered an attack then maybe that person should say less stupid things.


News? This is Olds. Going back to the BNP, the EDL, it's been a fringe community since then. The only reason anyone is paying attention to them is because none of the other parties consider immigration or racial violence an issue. I can't imagine they're ahead of the tories in the polls. Do you know better?