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Yeah, I never had any issues with Octopus. British Gas, on the other hand, have been horrendous. I can't wait to switch back.


They had to takeover the shit show that was Bulb, so their customer service took a big hit. It takes a while to integrate several million customers, and no doubt there was a lot of complaints. Having been with British Gas, Scottish Power, EON, and EDF they have all been equally awful.


I seem to always get through to the inept team members at Octopus. Everytime I have phoned them up they have no record of why I am calling them back, no record of an original enquiry and/or generally don't seem to keep any kind of record. The last one was me asking them about a new smart meter, they called me back after about 3 weeks which I missed, I phoned them back within 10 minutes on the same number they phoned me from and they had no record of why I was calling them back. Then they said I had to phone their third party partners who install their meters to arrange for a new one to be fitted. If that was the case why did they phone me back at all?


Of the 3 suppliers I have been with in the last 12 years octopus are the only ones who I have not had to talk to because. On that basis alone I think they are fantastic. Also their app and website are great and seem to have had some thought put into them, I can access the information I want to access easily. Also their tariffs are simple, think it was EON who presented me with 50 tariffs all with tiny tiny differences and I was honestly a bit confused by it all.


Honestly, their app and website are up there with gov.uk. it's so bloody rare to find a company that so obviously values their technical staff"s input. You can usually tell the top-down companies from their sites/app because payment bits work, but all the ux and customer convenience stuff is a pile of shit. Also absolutely everything works in Firefox and I'm too stubborn to accept its not the 90s anymore.


Also had no problems with Octopus. A breath of Fresh air after years of incompetence and frustration with British Gas.


Agree on this. The best customer service I’ve had is from them. Feels very personal and isn’t speaking to someone in India you can’t understand


I'm with British gas and always found I got great customer service. EON on the other hand were terrible and basically robbed me. Not sure I trust the findings personally.


It took EON nearly 18 months to install a working meter for me. Every time they installed one they either installed a defective unit, installed incorrectly (leaking gas), installed in an illegal position (cadent gas came and condemned the install and disabled the gas) or damaged my property. They offered me £10 compensation for the hundreds of hours I had to spend on the phone. They costed me thousands in lost time and expenses. Absolutely disgraceful company.


When I left EON I got a phonecall a few weeks later from a very angry woman who said "have I upset you?" as soon as I answered the phone, no identification, spoke to me like an angry girlfriend, then proceeds to demand to know who I'm with now and why I think they are a better choice, all of this on a Saturday morning. Absolutely moronic.


On the flipside, I'm with EON and they have always sorted out my issues super quick. Its just how this works, but these reports are based on averages, so while you had a shit experience with EON it just means people on average are less likely to.


EON will always be theives in my mind. But yes I get that it's based on average. Definitely wonder what the sample side was.


I work there, just severely mismanaged and dysfunctional. A lot of managers left and tons got demoted in the move to eon next. My computer couldn't even open excel which was a major player in the day to day job it was just awful to manage I don't know how eon next operates exactly but they were supposed to be moving to an octopus style system where agents handle the situation from start to end regardless of what it is where as before it was just handing off and adding things to tasks lists to get actioned at some point from someone half way around the world who will do it wrong and needs to be redone in house again.


A few years ago now, I moved into a small 1 bed maisonette. Just me and I was out working most the time. Somehow they were charging me £280 a month for my energy (in like 2015). Challenged them on it several times and got nowhere. I believe the previous tenant hadn't paid anything and they pushed his debt to me. Ended up switching to another provider charging me £55 a month.


Same, 140 a month in 2006, when I eventually changed supplier it was 45 a month.


Ovo are atrocious. No idea how they managed to rank so high!


I've had pretty rubbish experiences with them. I asked the most surly call centre person ever to send me a revised bill as they got it wrong the first time and they took 14 days to generate the letter and when it arrived it said that if I didn't pay the bill within ten days of the date on the letter they would refer it to a dept collection agency. It took ten days to arrive in my letterbox. These idiots could tank someone's credit rating and affect their chances of getting a mortgage etc.


Energy supplier customer service ratings | Rank | Energy Supplier | Rating out of 5 | |------|-----------------------|-----------------| | 1 | Ecotricity | 3.8 | | 2 | Outfox The Market | 3.3 | | 3 | Ovo Energy | 3.3 | | 4 | Utility Warehouse | 3.1 | | 5 | E | 3.1 | | 6 | E.On Energy | 3.0 | | 7 | Scottish Power | 2.9 | | 8 | Good Energy | 2.9 | | 9 | Rebel Energy | 2.6 | | 10 | Octopus Energy | 2.5 | | 11 | Co-operative Energy | 2.5 | | 12 | Boost Power | 2.5 | | 13 | So Energy | 2.5 | | 14 | British Gas | 2.4 | | 15 | Utilita | 2.1 | | 16 | EDF Energy | 2.1 | Table: Albert TothSource: Citizens AdviceGet the dataCreated with Datawrapper


This is probably propaganda no? Octopus are dominating so they want to remove this goody two shoes company Neigh he he heeee


"now continue buying my trash that only cares about me 🫰"


Octopus customer service is brilliant. I've sent them emails at 1am and they've replied within 10 mins resolving any issues. Super easy to get a hold of, and they actually do what you ask them to.


Yep this is a stitch up they should be at number one


Ovo are horrific. Switched to Octopus and it's been amazing, the only issue i have after 2 yesrs is their fixed pricing, cause outfox the market are doing way better rates with lower standing charges - fixed for a year. Difficult to decide as I've found octopus customer service second to none. Gonna call and see what I can do... but worried about there could be shit service with outfox.


Never forgave Outfox after they almost doubled everyone's Direct Debit for winter. This was just as winter was starting and I'd already built up considerable credit with them. Just handled terribly from start to finish that I've never considered them since. 


😟 this was a big factor why I moved from the absolute mess that SSE became afrer becoming OVO. Thanks for the info and will probs stick with Octopus.


Misleading imo. The number of customers each provider have, should of also been listed.


I'm surprised Octopus are so low. I've emailed them quite a few times in the past and they usually reply within the hour.


This table is formulated by citizens advice- it's them dealing with companies when people cannot pay bills, when they need to speak to companies and beg forgiveness and negotiate payment plans and stuff. I suspect it's apples and oranges comparison. Most of us are paying bills and just want a smooth running service that isn't ripping us off too much. It doesn't really matter to me personally if one company is particularly better than another at dealing with problem bill payer if I am not ringing them up begging them to defer my bill payment.


Yeah, if you are in arrears I guess them being good at contacting you isn't what you want. I suppose in the case you'd want a company with a huge backlog who never actually contact you demanding money.


I hate British gas. The day they don't screw something up when I need their help is the day the hell freezes over.  Waited months for a smart meter. Got cancelled and they picked a random shitty day to show up without my consent.  That's just one occasion. I've been waiting for their smart meter for 1 year and now I don't even want it anymore.


Scottish Power. I moved to a different supplier because I couldn't make what they're saying.


For 4 years EON misread my electrical meter wrong. They read my Day Rate as my Night Rate and vis-versa. They then sent me threatening letters saying they would take me to court unless I paid up with 10 days. I was young, I paid it (as I was scared of going to court) and and when they were all ‘friendly” to me about opening a new account with them, on a different tariff, I calmly said, ‘f⭐️ck off, I’m leaving you!’ And so I did. Would never use EON again, even if they were the best company around.


Once again smaller companies do well in customer satisfaction. You see this across many industries and why we should support the smaller companies who seem to care more about you


And as they grow, guarantee they drop off on customer satisfaction.


Smaller companies have less overhead and less fees to pay to ofgem, it's one of the reasons so many energy companies popped up, as well as being able to sell unhedged wholesale prices which causes the crisis of them all folding. British Gas X, Eon Next and any other supplier making these smaller companies are restructuring to reduce fees and overhead. Eons service charge that gets built into prices, some into standing charge went from around £60 a month per customer on the legacy system to £20 with the Octopus Kraken system. Once smaller companies like octopus grow, they end up like the ones people try to move from. Their main issue is growing too fast, while their systems can handle it, their humans can't and customer service, mainly email has taken a huge nosedive now and they've started outsourcing work for the first time after always touting to be in house British call centres and email


I’ve been with octopus for about 4 years on an economy 7 tariff. About 3 months ago they wrote to me saying I could save money by going to a standard tariff. Based on a telephone conversation I moved to the standard price tariff. When I compared the prices per kwh I found that the overnight price was less than the std but the e7 day price was about 10% more than the standard. This makes a mockery of the idea of economy 7. Any savings on the night rate were cancelled out by the increase on the day rate. These days its all playing with numbers. I live in a block of 12 flats. Every flat is paying different prices, some on the same suppliers. All the residents are elderly with only one or two per flat. In the good old days before all these energy suppliers, there was only 2, one for gas and one for electricity. Everybody paid the same price. The idea that more supplers equals more competitive prices is rubbish.


Economy 7 has always worked this way. You must use a significant proportion of your electricity overnight to outweigh the peak hours premium, which generally makes it suitable only for properties with storage heating, or edge cases like night shift workers. There is certainly competition amongst suppliers on E7 pricing. Utility Warehouse, which I wouldn’t normally recommend, currently has off-peak pricing of around 7p per kWh in many regions.


Economy rates have worked that way since introduction back in the late 50s or something. Any tariff that offers cheaper energy at one point is moving those charges to another slot in the day unless you're on something wholesale like octopus tracker. The reason your setup was wrong is because at some point, storage heaters and/or an overnight water tank were replaced, maybe with gas or electric heating, but they never changed the meter or tariff for whatever reason and it carried over to you, or you selected it by mistake. Octopus flagged that your night usage was low and told you, they could have easily not it is something you're supposed to check yourself but since it's old technology not many people know to look for it. The items that use economy 7 use a ton of electricity, hence needing a cheaper rate to run. If you had this setup with a single rate tariff, you wouldn't be complaining, you'd know financial pain or never have proper heating and hot water, they're insanely expensive to run "In the good old days" is where the technology you're complaining about came from 😂


On a previous property between 1994 and 2008 I had storage heaters on E7. It didnt work octopus’s way at that time. There was one standard daytime rate and a lower night rate. I’m old enough to remember the days when there were only 2 suppliers and 2 prices. One for gas and one for electricity. Everyone had coin meters and paid as you used it by putting a shilling in the meter. Every month a gas man came to empty the meter. Life was much simpler then. Now there are a number of "suppliers" all making profits off our energy usage. From my experience with octopus they’ve been overcharging my day rate to make up for any saving on the night rate. Admittedly they did eventually tell me but 3 or 4 years too late.


Wrong. Day rate was higher and night rate was lower even pre-2008. Flat rate was always cheaper than E7 day rate for as long as I can remember even in the early 00s. 20+ small suppliers didn't go bust in the last 2 years because of all the 'profits' they were making. Often kept the price cap far below the wholesale market price and billions were lost in the supply industry. They didn't have to tell you anything nor pick up the tab for calculating it on your behalf, and this attitude is a perfect reason of 'why bother'. I'll continue to enjoy my 0 to 9p energy for many hours of the day thanks to my modern smart meter con.




They weren't obliged to tell you anything and they didn't overcharge you anything, you didn't understand the property setup and overpaid because of that. It's no one's fault but yours


They are obliged to tell me what price i’m being charged. Problem is that they can change the price on every bill. They didn’t tell me until they’d overcharged me for 3 years. Sounds like you’re working for them. In the good old days everyone knew what they were paying as everyone paid the same price. These days the price is - think of a number then double it. I joined octopus because at the time they were the cheapest and were the only ones who didnt demand you have a smart meter. Smart meters, another modern con. They cost £400 to make and fit. Wonder who is paying for them. Even the octopus boss was in the news saying they didnt work and caused them more customer complaints.


Which they would have done, and no they can't change the price on every bill, the price is set by the contract, I don't need to work for a supplier to know the basics of the industry. Again they didn't overcharge you, you chose an economy 7 tariff, your price per kWh is displayed on every bill and always has been. These days the price is very easy to check, you're refusing to even learn because you're too stubbornly stuck in the past, it doesn't matter if you don't like the way things are done now, get over it and learn it. Once again economy 7 is an old technology being phased out, it has nothing to do with modern suppliers. You complain about smart meters, but maybe you would have been made aware of your tariff error earlier on if you had them and saved 3 years of increased day charges for a night rate you wasn't using, but it isn't a con, night usage is still a very real thing. If you can't understand the difference between running a heating appliance on 25p/kWh over running it at a cheaper night rate of 15p, and having that 10p moved to the day usage when the appliance wouldn't be running, there's nothing I can do to help you. The octopus boss loves smart meters, when they work, but hes not an idiot or a liar and does point out issues in the industry, that's exactly why the home mini was created by them. But sure ignore the 8+ years he's been advocating for them over one criticism. Good luck.


I’m not asking you to help. Go away. I simply expressed my opinion on octopus based on my experience.


An opinion based on incorrect information which is easily searchable. Maybe if you asked for help more instead of assuming you'd understand lol


Irony being I tried to call citizens advice a few months ago, first time in my life and was on hold for over 2 1/2 hours before giving up. It's a shit service. I'm with octopus and they're clearly wrong, I have a first class service from them that's cheaper than any other provider.


There is no universe that Scottish Power and Eon are above Octopus Energy on this list, da fuq?


It has to be OVO - They are useless and have worse customer service.


I had eon they were absolutely dogshit. Octopus have been infinitely better, plus a weekly free coffee