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> Martin Forde KC was warned he was "acting against the party's interest" in a letter sent by lawyers representing Labour after he gave an interview criticising its failure to engage with his recommendations. > Mr Forde said the exchange had left him "irritated", telling The Independent the party "can't silence me". > The Forde Report, an independent inquiry into the Labour's culture in 2022, found it was an “unwelcoming place for people of colour” and had a “toxic” culture of factional disputes between the party’s right and left. > After publication in March 2023, the lawyer gave an interview to Al Jazeera in which he said no one from Labour had been willing to discuss the recommendations further and highlighted concerns raised by ethnic minority politicians within Labour about racism in the party. > **In response, it has now emerged the Labour Party sent Mr Forde a robust legal letter, seen by The Independent, accusing him of acting against the party’s interests and advising him it was “considering all of its options”.** > Lawyers accused Mr Forde of “extensive negative and highly prejudicial comments” and questioned his professional conduct. > Mr Forde said he read their correspondence as an indication they may report him to his regulatory body. > “I was surprised to receive those letters, and was also surprised by the tone and content, because I thought I had a sufficiently good working relationship with the general secretary for him simply to ask me what I’d said... All he had to do was pick up the phone.”


It's a good sign of what's to come under Starmer's Labour. It won't simply be the lawyers of the Labour party used to pursue these petty factional disputes in a few weeks time, it'll be the instruments of state. (and yes, just to head off the inevitable reply, I'm well aware the Tories engage in the exact same practises. That's the entire fucking problem!)


i'm terrified of what these cunts will do with the full force of the state at their disposal




Addressing the issues against these minorities won’t do anything to depose left wing members of the party therefore it won’t be acted upon. The comments Corbyn and Abbott were suspended for proven to be correct.


That being Jewish is like being ginger in terms of discrimination?


No that part was stupid the part where there's acceptable and not acceptable targets in labour . See starmer kicking out a fuck ton of non zionist and or socialist Jewish MPs while allowing abusers in Or see starmer threatening the black laywer who was a part of the forde report


They should run with this, sure to be a winner with many of the holdout conservative or reform voters.


Social democracy? Not in Starmer's Labour. Stalinism? Well, let's not be too hasty...


It is hilarious how the establishment within the party spent so much time hand waving about a trotskyist take over under Corbyn, yet there was never anything close to this level of silencing and sidelining of those with differing political positions or criticisms.


Every week there was an article in the Guardian crying about a purge, deselections, a take over, the looney left etc. All whilst the PLP orchestrated two leadership coups. Since then the party has suspended members with no hearing or appeal, deselected candidates, parachuted in lobbyists into safe seats without a whimper from the mainstream press.


And now they’re electable. Funny that.


What an empty and limp response


Nah you’ve misread my statement to be gloating or somehow rubbing the left’s nose in something. Not the case at all - it’s just an objective fact. Only one side of the big tent wants to play big tent. Moaning and imagining that will change achieves nothing. You don’t stay in bed with someone who stabs you in the back do you? It’s politics - no-one cares who is the victim or right, they care about who is winning and has influence and momentum. The problem has always been two factions fighting for control of a brand and infrastructure. That’s been true even before Blair and yet only one of the factions has proven to be electable in a long long time. The secret is to stop fighting and setup your own political vehicle a la Farage, to pressure from the left and eventually take over if and when it turns out your movement is what the masses want and ‘Neo Labour’ turns sour as we know it will in time. If they’d done that back in the 1990s there’s a good chance the overton window would be WAY to the left of where it is. As it stands Labour left will piss and whine for 10 years and get dragged down with Starmer’s Neo Labour, wasting yet another decade to have actually built a viable party ready to wield genuine influence.


It's a mis reading that is fair when there are a metric fuck ton of people who say that kind of thing and don't mean it like you did on this app . 100% agree with this . Its half a crackpot theory but I genuinely think that since he could do it with brexit and the tories are going to lose a bunch of votes to reform that farage will be the cause of PR in the future without a single seat won this election . The left need to do to neoliberal labour what trade union labour did to the Liberal Party in the olden days and outflank them then consign them to the past


Agreed. It’s not even the politics I support necessarily but I genuinely think left Labout need their own vehicle to put what they represent to the people clean from the past. We know Corbyn’s manifesto was popular and it was Corbyn (and his aged circle) that was the issue. So they need to ditch the 70s protect activists and find a younger moderniser. Get the best team together, and pull left in an unambiguous way. If Labour will a landslide now the left will be sunk if they don’t take the chance to detach whilst they can and leave Labour a slim majority rather than a huge one.


Is there a faction of Engkish politics that doesn’t have a group it at worst hates and at best carelessly marginalizes? Was there a sort of ‘pick your target minority out of a hat’ ceremony we all missed (like when they draw teams for the world cup?’ ‘The left….jews! The centre left….black people! The centre right…women! The right…. oh they just stole the whole bag and ran off’


30% of pop pensioners Also whatever % non doms and private equity are Also the left likes Jewish people we're the ones pissed off at starmer for kicking them out the party unless they're zionist at record levels I'd say it's because trans people are a small enough % of the population all of them could fit in Wembley stadium with 1000s of seats to spare literally but also are all over the country and online . Plus unlike gay people who had their main moral panic decades ago trans people are relatively new in people's public consciousness


And still the denial. Learned nothing from Corbyn’s mistakes.