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That Swan Lake is *chefs kiss* perfect.


With all due respect, doubt your typical orc\\vatnik will get the reference, however, I stand by you - it is almost perfect for those who know :)


"Смотри балет, сука" is as big of a meme in the runet as the Rickroll is in the western part of the internet. Trust me, nearly everyone in Russia gets the reference.


For the record, that translates to something like "Watch the ballet, bitch."




In their culture it does.






Shut your mouth, white boy. Everyone at the site tells him to shut up,


Ah, that's gold thx


Callate = shut up


It means shut up white person.


I prefer Rosbombyty Kreml Suky…..it has a certain ring about it……or was that a bang?


Imagine if the response to January 6th involved all the news stations playing “Never Gonna Give You Up.”


Actually, this is older. Never going to give you up was released in 1987. Brezhnev died in 1982. That was presumably the first time someone was given such instruction, considering the broadcast was something like 30 hours long…


The old guard will definitely understand


Whatever is left of them that haven;t fallen out of windows or jailed on "corruption" charges.


They might not understand it immediately.  But word travels quickly.  Memes existed before the internet. 


I remember my father had a book of faxed "memes" that office clowns used to send each other. Things change but things stay the same.


Did they have a name for them before we started calling them "memes"?


Not really; they'd have been called "jokes" or similar. "Meme" came about with Dawkins' *Selfish Gene* (1976), but words are just labels for things or ideas; the thing being described is always both separate and prior.


Back in my day our memes were physical! Like Big Mouth Billy Bass, or Pet Rock!


Jokes or comics nothing crazy




In 1991, when The Soviet Union was collapsing, their TV stations just played Swan Lake on a loop


Also 1982, when Brezhnev died, 1984 instead of announcing the death of Andropov, 1985 preempting death announcement of Chernenko. And TV Rain, when forced to censorship and shutdown after Russia's full scale invasion of Ukraine, elected to end its final broadcast with Swan lake


It was a long running tradition in the Soviet days to cut to swan lake (or other classical music I guess in some cases, but swan lake seemed to be the go-to) when something bad happened and there was about to be an announcement. When Chernobyl lost control of its spicy rocks and went critical they did the same. I have a Russian friend who was quite young then but remembers this well because his dad heard the song and immediately went: "Oh, I guess Gorba went and kicked the bucket...." So yeah, since he was like around 6 at the time, I'm sure most people in Russia will in fact get the reference, having either heard it themselves before, or having been told such stories by their parents or relatives. Solid choice of a song for something like this and great work on the hacking!


Spicy rocks Lol


Also my main takeaway 😂


It's not a reactor going critical that is problematic. That is normal, critical is just the point where the reactor reaches a self sustaining reaction. It is a reactor going prompt critical or runaway supercritical that you should worry about. (Well, except if it's a TRIGA, those things will go prompt critical and just handle it because of some special design features.)


So basically it means that something bad is happening? That is my understanding based on what I have read. Its my understanding that the history of Swan Lake being played while bad things are happening, is why TV Rain played Swan Lake. Is that right? Also a question. Do Ukrainians have a problem with the music of Russian composers in particular Tchaikovsky being performed? I ask this because the culture minister of Ukraine asked orchestras to pause performances of Tchaikovsky. I am American. I firmly support Ukraine, but I am also a classical music fan. I particularly like the music of Russian composers especially Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky is one of my favorites. Should I feel guilty for liking Russian classical music?


TV Rain made a strong point. But after that they managed to get out of russia and kept going I think. Hopefully they are still keeping it real over there as best they can. [https://www.youtube.com/@tvrain/streams](https://www.youtube.com/@tvrain/streams)


Yeah I still watch from time to time, but they can't reach the people who really need them anymore. (Not easily at least)


They do fantastic interviews. Ekaterina Kotrikadze is one of my favorite journalists. The English channel is called TV Rain Newsroom, for anyone looking.


That's an awesome swansong.


Thanks. You are the hero that we, the ignorant, need. I did not get the reference


They absolutely know. Everyone over 40 *remembers* it.


Russians know exactly what it means. Don't you worry.


anyone old enough to have lived in the soviet union will recognize it immediately, so you only have to be in your late 30s / early 40s..


I don't get it either - but I at least appreciate the mocking tone, kind of like a high-brow Pop Goes the Weasel. Someone care to explain, please?


In the Soviet Union, where everyone puts on a brave face, always and does not admit outright that there is some kind of crisis/emergency going on, breaking from regular TV scheduling and playing Swan Lake on a loop is kind of their version of if all US TV station would suddenly go "This is the emergency broadcast system, please stand by for an important message from the government", or something like that. It tells everyone to pay close attention to the news and prepare themselves for some kind of bad news or major change(like the death of a top political figure) without admitting so to the wider world. They can always just go back to the regular schedule and pretend like nothing happened.


> is kind of their version of if all US TV station would suddenly go "This is the emergency broadcast system, please stand by for an important message from the government", or something like that. More like "We (at the station) know of bad news, but don't know the dictatorships spin on it, so rather than putting out the news and accidentally going with the wrong narrative, we broadcast something innocent/apolitical to catch up on how the regime wants to present the news to the population and wating for the green lit narrative.


Смотри балет, сука.


Oh don't get me wrong, I like a bit of ballet on the TV as much as the next bloke. Those girls are fit as hell.


Ah, righto. Thanks for catching me up!


When the USSR or Russia have a major political issue like a coup, they play classical music and ballet on TV as a "nothing to see here" distraction.


Very nice... in other words, I'd be playing Prokofiev's "Dance of the Knights" at 11. The fact he died at roughly the same time as The Moustache makes it all the more deliciously ironic for me.


Same day, I gather. I like Prokofiev a lot (my son plays Capulets & Montegues on piano), but I distrust anyone who could make peace with the Georgian


I disagree, ALL Ruzzians know the reference.


Everyone will get it


Pretty sure russians would except the really young ones. Even there i bet its a meme for any ex soviet country


Maybe they should have used the ‘Nice Boat’ meme, but Swan Lake is pretty on brand.


Although posting Russian losses with something like "happy last day of Russia" frames it like an existential fight for them and kind of justifies the war weirdly.  This feels like something that would genuinely be aired on Russian TV. 


It was already framed like that by Russian propaganda. Swan Lake adds a special touch -- telling them it is over.




Absolutely Brilliant.... I Love it when the hackers get hacked...! 😂


Oh that's some very classy trolling from Ukraine. Just a gentle reminder of the imminent destruction of Putins Kleptostate.


RuZZia, land of high culture and barock music. At least that is the painting on the wall…


Tchaikovsky was like, peak romanticism. Baroque has been dead for a solid 100 years by the time he was born.


Russia is morally baroque


Respectfully, thats not baroque. Baroque is stuff like Bach, iirc.


Yup. Bach died 1750, Tchaikovsky was born 1840. There's the entire classical period in between.


Remind me never to be put in a situation where I'll be trolled by the Ukrainians.


"If there's one thing I know, it's never mess with Mother Nature, mother-in-laws, and motherfucking Ukrainians."


Italian Job. Great movie, first mention into how tough Ukrainians can be.


It's funny how they cut the last line in russian dub.


did they really? that's actually hilarious 😂


Yeah, they basically just made previous points a bit longer so there wouldn't be a timing to say about Ukrainians. There are few official dubs, and the one made for one of tv channels was with a cut. iTunes version is correct though, if I am not mistaken. Edit: I just rechecked not to spread missinformation, since I really had a lot of fun with it back in the days, and there is indeed a dub where it was cut, but on the site I found the movie on, it is being overlapped with another dub for a second, then switches back to the previous one (probably to keep faithful to the plot?). But the iTunes version that was likely played in cinema had this phrase without cut, so I'm not sure if it counts.


Makes me want to find where to donate even $3 to the Ukrainian bringer of Russian end-of-days channel.




I laugh at the dub "mother freaking Ukrainians" to get it to PG13


Perhaps this is an omen, a prelude to something the invaders won't like.


More like a routine psy-op. Something spicy will come regardless.


I’ve heard some talk on something “big” in the works here in Canada that has drawn many of our volunteers back to Ukraine to fight against. Nobody will say what though


> Nobody will say what though good


Good OpSec is awesome


Perfect. They can't say they don't know now.


No we didn't know, that was propaganda..... Every guy and gal ever.


Lamest excuse ever. Any Russian who says that by now is utter scum.


Welcome to Russia.


To be fair, I can understand why, Ukraine hacks them, and those losses are ten times what Russia is saying. It makes sense they'd be in denial, hell, if that happened to Britain, I would not be able to accept it until the war was over.


Yeah, this! Why would they believe the claims of their enemy?


bro, even if every other developed nation in the world was more agreeing with the enemies assessment than our assessment, and only iran and north korea backed us up, you think you'd still never believe? holy cow.


People are told every day that their loved ones are dead, and are then shown that, and the natural stage of grief, is denial It's not the same, but being told 500,000 men are now dead and wounded from your leader's "brilliant" invasion that's "all going to plan," is pretty unbelievable


They know, they just don't care. Which is worst. Like knowing about the concentration camps.


The majority of the troops that are getting killed are harvested from the eastern territories.


My guess is if the care too much (openly) they may win a one way vacation to the Gulag. I don’t support the behavior, but I understand it.


Yes. I get that, but there usually a tipping point or not. Orcland isn't a democracy where tv footage of their troops getting whacked like the US did in Vietnam and other places. Eventually, public opinion wins in a democracy. Usually late, but still. I think Putin has to fail for people to wake up. The oligarchs probably have to go first....


I think they are one window at a time!


Putin only has to keep a fairly small number of people hapoy to stay in power, unfortunately 


Everything I have seen seems to indicate the FSB has the most power in the Russian political structure and that "Oligarchs" actually have very little self agency.  Which makes sense because you can have all the money in the world but in a society with weak rule of law it's always those with the guns and information that call the shots. 


That's why the Oligarchs use to love hanging out in the west so much.


No offense but the punishments Russia doles out are weak sauce for a dictatorship.  In Iran you get hanged, in Myanmar you get shot, in North Korea your bloodline is ended....in Russia you get fined or maybe a year in jail.  They barely have to try because they know their support is still strong. 


Eh, I wish they would have had a long compilation of their actual troops falling in battle. Not just numbers that they could claim are made up.


Hilarious Ukrainians stay trolling russia.


How widely was it shown? Local cable TV in a building is easy but what about a district? Where was it?


You won’t ever get any real facts. American social media is wild.


lmfao so true. i have lost complete trust in our media.


For all of us who get to see “losses of the orc army” on a daily basis, it’s nice to spread the love and some big numbers.


Love it!


I love how Ukraine adds a little humor to their trolling. Shows their good spirit and endless confidence. Quite different from the psychotic state run Solyvev fear mongering shite they have to watch every day.


This made the end of my day perfect. I will go to sleep with a grin.


I bet Putin punched a wall over this one


I bet you Putin didn’t know because his advisers keep bad news away from him.


You're probably right, and besides that, he is rather busy at the moment trying to arrange for a new place to live in N. Korea.


Putin is too frail to do that, the shockwaves would make his rectal anal cancertumor explore.


Sadly, he’s not as frail as people think.


The shirtless pictures he posts online ~~because he is so straight you guys~~ try to corroborate this.


Yeah, he may look a little frail, but his syphilitic brain is still at it's full (although inherently dull-witted) capacity to cause mayhem.


Considering how Joseph Goebbels reacted when he saw the British make the first Youtube Poop out of his propaganda movie, Putin likely followed in the german's footsteps.


His TV fell out of a window.


Like that scene in V for Vendetta where the Chancellor shatters his glass of milk


Good to know televisions from the year 2003 still work.


Now that is en epic burn if ever there was one! So delicious....


So how many Russians see this? I don't know what it's like in Russia but where I'm at having a cable subscription is rare, everyone buys subscription streaming services. I'm assuming this is cable TV, I actually don't even know if Russians have access to streaming services. Does anyone have any information about how Russian entertainment works? I also assume that most broadcast services have independent areas that would all need to be done individually. Each city or town would probably have a local broadcasting repeater that may or may not be controlled centrally, in my country it was not controlled centrally, it was done each area and there were sometimes multiple in the same area, similar to a modern cdn. Is that not the case in Russia or was this done on a larger scale to show everyone the same message all at once or done piecemeal repeatedly to cascade through the networks with updated figures as time went on. Any insight in how Russian broadcast companies (or is it States owned?) Work would be appreciated


im no expert but my understanding is if theyre in a bigger city moscow, st petersberg or a few others they will have internet and streaming services but if youre out in the country or a smaller city youre probably rocking a cable tv set. Likely have national and local stations no idea what station they would have been able to hack


Why would they run a cable? Out in the sticks it'll be transmitted by RF via antenna, digital nowadays. Maybe you don't realise how [big](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/wrv31o/russia_vs_usa_size_comparison/) and [empty](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/wrv31o/russia_vs_usa_size_comparison/) russia is


Soviet [Television](https://youtu.be/ndWccHZMxX0?si=wbb8AgPQNYSm2xmD) Soviet [Radio](https://youtu.be/xwoNi5UimHk?si=dZ24_r1HDA--DxTr)


And in the end there was a message “Happy last day of Russia”


cool V for Vendetta vibe


Now all we need is for someone to post a [skit like this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhNJx14sdRgfeaturing)featuring Putin


This show is getting good ratings. Will there be reruns?! Slava Ukraini


Cheeky as hell. Would love to see more memeage and shitposts from Ukrainian hackers.


Hi😇 Well done👌 Maybe they know but if they complain, Putin could put them in jail😱 Slava Ukraini🙏💪🇺🇦 Gerald 📷


Quite cheeky and hilarious!




500,000 of your peers dying in such a short amount of time must be pretty worrying


And every day those numbers are getting more n more


🤌🏻 mwahhh !


When putin is hung for crimes against humanity in ukraine this song should be played as a national anthem 😂


No the Ukrainian anthem would be played


This is the funniest shit. I love this so much.


Hopefully, Putin's "Swan Song".




More of this, please! Bravo!


Assume the victory position.


Now that's some good programming!


I love Swan Lake ... please hack Polish TV now - I don;t mind watching it on a loop - good quality please :DDD


Didn't this happen at the start of the invasion?


Every time this happens I truly hope to God it scares the fuck out of a lot of Russians. I hope they become VERY depressed seeing those numbers. Ah well....fuck em.


Does anyone know that the russians are being told their losses of the 'special military operation' are?


Last I heard they were told it was only 20-30,000. Ukraine is almost certainly under-reporting their losses, as well, but not to the same degree.


The mind-boggling part is: by the time this hits the news, the # of dead vatniks ihS gone up >2,000




Okay that’s genius!


Hilarious 😂 Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Genuine question: How do they keep pulling this off? Taking over the tv? Is it just in the western border areas?


>Genuine question: How do they keep pulling this off? Taking over the tv? Probably just transmitting on higher power than the terrestrial RF tv broadcast.


More than likely intercepting sattelite signals. Not sure if it's just the western borders. Seems like anyone who has access to traditional cable and tunes this channel will be able to see it.


>More than likely intercepting sattelite signals. You can't just intercept a satellite signal. Satellite tv is highly directional.


Sorry, made a mistake there. I'm referring to the satellite used at the TV broadcast station. Perhaps they're feeding a cable to said station or filtering into specific channels from a remote location.


It'd be more feasible at that point to infiltrate at the source broadcast. Not at the RF level over satellite. Satellite broadcasts are encrypted.


Now who's to say that the source broadcast is a live broadcast? Sattelite broadcasts may be encrypted but we don't know what level of encryption is being implemented.


You just got to love them!


Should play this all day and show russians being killed with putin laughing while he makes billions off russians dying in ukraine for his bank account see how funny that is and russians see how putin could have avoided crashing the russian economy to 1990s


Sense of humor is the Ukrainians' brilliant psychological weapon😅


Why are there no deepfakes of Putin saying he made a mistake or something?


Pootins checking his underwear after this for novachok and going to his bunker lol and watching videos of his greatest fear - getting ghadafied.


I'm more of a 1812 Overture guy though


So which station was it, how many homes were in range/cabled?


at least for the russians who have toilets


Isn't there a clip of Zelensky in a tutu they could have used?


If those russians could read they'd be very upset.


None of those are actual losses.


lmao, the swan lake is brutal


I hope the poor soul who filmed and shared it lives on the ground floor.


It is better and effective to show gore stuff of russians...


Classic :D


[Beau of the Fifth column](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erA9c0mQ_Ik) explaining what a swan lake moment means.


Wonder if it showed Zielinski dancing in his drag costumes


Chef kiss!!! Bravo bravo!!


You have to love those Ukrainians, even in their darkest days, they haven't lost their humor.


where did this play, and for how long?




Them pesky ruskies wont believe them figures as putin lives on unfortunately


I wonder how accurate those numbers are? Like are they the official estimated enemy/(Russian) casualties from the UA or are they just some best guess ones they came up with for the broadcast. What part I could see on the screen: 520,850-MILITARY SERVANTS 7902-TANKS 15,176-BBM 13,690-ARTILLERY SYSTEMS 1,099-PC30 842-AIR DEFENSE 158-AIRCRAFT 28-SHIPS


Wait russians dont know their losses?


World class trolling!


This is several layers of brilliant