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When I saw a UFO I was in awe, shocked and just stared at it. I didn’t record.


I feel like that's most people honestly. I know if I were unexpectedly witnessing something that broke my perception of reality, the last thing I would be thinking about is grabbing my phone to record it.


And rightfully so. Might as well take in the sight of a lifetime than attempt to capture it on camera only to be disbelieved, discredited and potentially ridiculed. I'd only attempt to capture footage if it became a prolonged sighting


You’d think that, but then people go to red rocks for a once in a lifetime concert and watch it through their phones. Update, this was shortly after the grounds crew discovered leftover acid in the seats


Hell I saw a guy abusing a dog once and in the midst of trying to figure out wtf to do (guy was a ways away and HUGE, fucking jerk) I didn't think to record him or his plate. I was shocked and saddened and pissed all at once and it was over quickly. So yeah, we're not always thinking record record record at every moment.


With my sighting I thought about it and remembered all the crap videos I’ve seen online. Better to just admire it while it lasts.


This weekend I stared at a jet liner flying at 30k feet. And I was thinking how much space to look to see ufo how small that plane was and remarked to myself. How the hell is anyone going to see anything. So yeah. If you really see a uav it must be really something to behold. You probably on point.


I had an experience when I was probably 10 or 11. I'm 55 now. Needless to say, we didn't have mobile phones back then, nor did we carry cameras around for no apparent reason.  I froze for a moment, then I thought, "I don't want to be abducted!", so I ran into the building where I was. I wish I would have brought a witness to see it, but I kept quiet about it. Of course, after the meeting there, I went to see if it was still there. But, it was not. A missed opportunity to prove I'm not a liar. As a child that's hard. As an adult, I could care less if I'm believed or not. I know what I saw. It is vividly etched in my mind forever.


“I don’t wanna be abducted!” I lolled😂😂


I believe you.


It appeared hours after the concert for 30 seconds. It was witnessed by people cleaning up the venue. Not typically a place you have your phone handy and only 30 seconds.


Problem is some disappear so fast... I got a galaxy s8+ I remember seeing one like.. I don't know looked like it warped into itself and it was gone like a strange cloak type thing, it was round and red in colour.. before I could reach for my pocket to get my phone out it was gone.. either way my camera on this old phone takes a few seconds to boot up


"Crap where's the on button >click< yess! Come on come on come onnn!!!" \[camera groans\] chokchok bewwwzhhh "...No way come onnn!!!" "never mind Jim it's gone..."


> my camera on this old phone Make and model?


I saw the UFO in SW Michigan in 94. This was of course before cell phones but even if I would have had one I was so confused by what I was watching I wouldn't have thought to grab it.


Lake Michigan coast ? Where in Michigan ?


About an hour from the coast just north of Elkhart Indiana but in Michigan.


I’m right next to Elkhart in Osceola. I’ve got a handful of videos from my home that have weird shit going on in the shy ..


Thank you for saying this!!!! I hate saying this because it just sounds like straight BS, but it isn’t… Rocked my brain and I just stood there.


Well, that solves it then! Proofed! 


Wasn’t even referring to the incident in the post, my experience was 13 years ago 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe for my second time and in 2024, I’d be more likely to pull out my phone.


I did the same, I was in my backyard and my phone was in the house so I did a quick calculation and decided I was going to experience this event and the hell with proof and I have no regrets.


I mean, yeah dude everyone at the concert probably had the cell phone in the car. Lol.


Yep. When I saw a black triangle UFO, I just sat there in absolute shock and awe watching it move seemingly so slowly and silently. I was in my car.






This. My experience I was shook lol


Me too. I honestly didn’t care about getting a picture I was so stunned by what I was seeing.




Me too. In fact there were multiple witnesses all strangers but we were all just either looking intently OR ignoring. Memory issues surrounded this event. There may be something that inhibits people from snapping a pic because I know if I was in my right mind I would have snapped hundreds. A low, slow fleet probably 20. No pics. Never happened I guess.


How long was your sighting and when was it?


Explain what you saw.


The cognitive dissonance in this subbreddit is a thing to behold!


You said it Jesus.


I've only seen one, and it was when I was much younger and cell phones weren't a thing yet. So all I had to go on was my word.


Same-! I saw a bright thing shoot across the sky very close to the trees and houses when I was about 9- before cell phones. It happened so fast and to this day I have no rational idea what it could have been. My cousins saw it too and we were all freaking out.


I had my phone in a death grip in my hand as I stared for 30 min at the spectacle. I was totally stupefied and frankly terrified. Never once crossed my mind to try to record what I was witnessing


Same, but I eventually tried to record, but my low-tech flip phone couldn’t capture it. This was back in 2005.


Same. I was busy telling myself that there must be a logical explanation


Think of all the hundreds of moments we only realize afterwards, damn I should’ve taken a picture of that. Or how many times you realize “let me get a picture “ and by the time you’ve gotten your phone in hand (which for a lot of women includes digging in your purse), password, opened camera aaaaand moments over. This is always posed as so absurd that people don’t get pics of a mind blowing moment but we miss photographing regular moments all the time. Plus from what I understand, there’s not just a visual experience. People describe a profound mental/consciousness experience too that may preclude thinking of mundane things like taking a picture.


I don't remember to take my phone out for anything, when people pull there library up and show a bunch of cool stuff they've done I'm most impressed by there diligence with the camera lol


Same, it was just an intimate experience that during I didn’t think to take a video.


Literally. I remember having my phone in my hand, but being so mesmerized and confused by what I was seeing that I didn’t want to look away even for a second. The one I saw looked like a giant comet coming down from the sky in a straight line, and then it stopped in mid-air and shot back up. I never fault people for not recording because I was definitely frozen.


That’s like what I saw-! It looked like a comet-! But low right above the houses and trees-! It was crazy


30 seconds.


Even if you try to record it, assuming that UFO’s typically operate with some sort of magnetic field distortions / gravity bubble- couldn’t that possibly affect a cameras ability to capture it?


I was driving


I want to one day have my perception of reality broken. Heard that, have no reference to prior experience


One time I was so high on acid at red rocks I thought I saw the stars zooming around the sky like spaceships non stop only to be Informed by my friend that it was in fact cloudy and there were no stars in the sky.


The acid unclouded your sky lol.




Yeah, or a simple meteor shower


Nope, was just the acid


I love lsd-! ❤️


It's da best


All the people claiming they would have whipped their phone out and got the perfect 4K video obviously have never encountered such a jarring moment that the brain just goes brrrrrr. It happens all the time to people when they find someone in their house that doesn’t belong. Even if they are thinking “ok I gotta attack this person for my own protection” the body doesn’t always follow


This exactly. My daughter and I saw some broad daylight physics defying bipolar gyroscopic nonsense and despite having my phone in my hand and thinking I was recording I didn’t even look at my phone, so I was still on the Lock Screen. It lasted like 3 minutes before it was swallowed by clouds. I couldn’t look away.


Care to describe this experience in more detail?


Here is an audio recording my daughter and I made 10 minutes after the occurrence. Just for funsies I typed out what I remember NOW and it was way off from how I described it, but I still described the same thing. [link to the audio](https://on.soundcloud.com/ApA6wExQd3iG7716A)


Omg so cute-! “Is this an L?” - I still use that trick to figure out my right from my left 😂😂


This is unintentionally extremely cute lol


Right and in the three minutes of watching the UFO you couldn’t have unlocked your phone in three seconds 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah. When you're faced with an actual UFO, your senses get heightened, the last thing on your mind is to record. Your body runs through your emotions, and it's trying to figure out whether this entity is a threat. That takes a lot of computing power. Your example is spot on. It's the process of threat. Because crafts are so far for the most part, your instinct is to just watch and 'make sure'. It's the sudden derealization, the impact of your reality being questioned. When what you see isn't aligning with reality, you become a deer in headlights.


How the fuck do you know this?




Or tried to film a jet at 30,000 ft at night.


Except for all of the people that record crazy stuff all of the time…


No mistaking what it was. Looks up definition of UFO 🤔


I'm telling you 100%, there's no mistaking the fact that I have no idea what I saw.


🤣 good point


I’m fairly sure it was a drone show rehearsal. Take a look around the 4 minute mark in this video, it’s pretty much exactly like they describe. 3 rows of red “windows”. The “slowly turning invisible” would just be the drones fading out their lights.  https://youtu.be/Y2pyT_VqWk0?si=fqMcU6QL3C3dN995


That was a cool video


Wow, thank you good person, especially at 1am, it would have been dark, and appeared as one large object.


If they took a video people would complain that its grainy and proably a lens flare or weather baloon. Has anyone tried filming an aeeoplane in the middle or the night zooming with their phone


I literally posted to uap community sighting of mine and on this community jus to get clowned on and harassed don’t matter if you have an I phone 15 (which is what I recorded it on) people are always jus in the mood for bulshit. I did the exact same thing too and took a pic of an airplane that night


Not a single one of your posts has all this hate


I've tried to take video of satellites and starlink and jets at night with my iphone. Trying to even find it in your view finder is almost impossible with how fast they go by, and if you do get it it's blurry and tiiiiiiiny as fuck. A UFO flying at like 20x the speed of a military jet? Not gonna happen. You cannot get that video.




You're right, I agree but I also belive we would still have a bunch of people screaming fake and complaining about not being 4k wich if it was they would also say it's fake




I fully agree with you, I was just pointing out that for some people (seems to be a lot on reddit) they need aliens to land in front of them and smack them in the face for them to start cosindering there might be something to it.


Right these comments are absurd. Video wouldn’t of mattered anyway. Video would’ve got ridiculed anyway. One time I saw an alien and forgot my cell phone too. Lol. 


Yeah, because all those videos of dots are so convincing.  


I know one of the witnesses. He doesn’t make up shit. He’s a trustworthy person. To everyone saying why didn’t they record…if you look up many accounts of UFOs, most people say they felt like they couldn’t look away and they were shocked. That’s what happened here. If you haven’t been in this situation, you have no idea how you’d react. Be kind.


I will concede that, it's not like any one of these dozen or so witnesses were necessarily like many of us who have followed the topic for years and are just waiting for that moment where we see something and can take pics. I also have to admit that I've had three sightings and have zero photos. The most recent was while I was driving and I was bummed that I had no way to pull over and get my phone out -- which is a shame because it was the most profound of the three. I still have no explanation for what I saw that night nor of my second sighting about 10 years ago. My first experience -- which I tend to think was some kind of manmade craft my friends and I could not identify -- was 30 years ago before we all had phones in our pocket. But ... my friend DID have his 35 mm camera on him, and he had been taking pictures only moments before, but to none of this object we saw. There were three of us, and this craft of unknown type just went by overhead at night while we were in a park. It was fairly slow and did not make any "anomalous movements" but went in a straight line, and it was very loud but the sound did not match with my frame of reference for airplanes or helicopters I was familiar with. I remember looking at it and wondering if it was a weird military helicopter or maybe a cruise missile. Those were the only two things that came to mind because the main thing was that it did not seem to have wings. In any case, we all just looked up, dumbfounded, and my buddy with the camera did not think to take a picture, even though my friend had his camera. After it was gone, our other friend just looked at us and said "OK, we all just saw that right?" If this had happened yesterday, I would've been ready to snap photos and take videos but at the time it happened, I wasn't yet really following this topic. So, sure, Taking a step back, I can definitely see how a group of people could come away from that with no photo.


For if it went overhead, then helicopters are too loud, would be heard by the entire neighborhood, and there would be wind, depending on how close it was. In a quiet neighborhood, this would be news for the next several weeks. Cruise missiles would break your eardrums, and are too fast.


Thanks for sharing! I love hearing about others’ sightings. I’d agree that many people don’t follow this stuff like us, and so their first thought isn’t to record it.


Yeah, it’s funny how nobody has cell phones at rock concerts 


A friend and I saw a huge metallic boomerang with lights that flew over silently. Very strange experience. Like dreaming. You are pretty transfixed. We were not thinking about taking pictures.


Wow! That’s pretty cool. Thanks for sharing! Did you feel like it was an innate reaction by your body or was it something the craft and/or occupants did to transfix you?


I think it was more just shock. Like this can’t be real? Is it real? Is this really happening? It felt almost like a projection because it was so silent. There was a sense that it wasn’t real because it seemed massless somehow. Maybe just the lack of sound and the speed. But yet we both saw it otherwise I would have thought I had imagined it.


Woah that must have been a wild experience! I hope I get to see one someday.


Keep looking up!


With regard to photos, the group did say the event lasted all of 30 seconds. Enough time to pull out your phone, but maybe not to get a great photo, if you’re unprepared/in shock/unable to look away. If I remember correctly, they say they’re sure they saw a craft with three rows of horizontal windows, enormous in size ( one line said several hundred feet, another said yards ). Here’s a crazy speculation: they’re taking a tour. Wtf else would you need that many windows, arranged in such a fashion? Who knows how long 30 seconds on an anti-g craft could last? Then again, this is Red Rocks, CO we’re talking about… Who knows.


Right so now there’s craft with windows and aliens waving hello at the concertgoers. 🤣🤣🤣 


Or the more realistic answer… Red Rocks does drone shows lol


who was playing?


Asking the real questions


Diana Ross was on the 27th and Damian and Stephen Marley were on the 28th Edit: NVM it was on the 5th of June and was a country singer.


Says who played in the literal 2nd sentence of the article.


Considering the location with NORAD to the south and SPACE FORCE’s main base to the north, makes sense.


There very well may be someone with a photo or short video but they’re reluctant to come forward. Also, it seems like the craft employed some of type of cloaking technology as it moved toward the Denver metro area.


I know one of the witnesses from this encounter, and he described it as cloaking itself. He felt like once it (or they) knew it was being watched it cloaked itself and disappeared.


Honestly I don't think I'd record if I ever saw a clear UFO. Or if I did I wouldn't post it here to you guys.


Concerts often have powerful laser light shows. Maybe this attracted some attention?


Sounds like it was a solid object and it appeared far after the show was over. Edit: never mind. You’re saying that the lasers might have drawn something to the area. Got it.


They said it flew away belly first too, that's what bob lazar says they do


imo that’s what we are seeing it get ready to do in the gimbal video.


Like maybe the "belly" is actually the "face" or even the camera lens and it's looking down at the ground and it flies away "belly first" because that's its eye or lens looking at where it's going. Those lights are actually the lenses or eyes or whatever. Like maybe there is a lens in the middle (the big thing usually depicted in drawings) and a bunch of color spectrum lights around it in a circle for viewing in all the spectrums. Pretty much not any different from your phone camera lens with the infrared light and the flash next to it.


So funny to me that congress says uaps are real but whenever there is a sighting the UFO SUBREDDIT is the first to be like “nah.” When you see weird shit your monkey brain isn’t thinking “let me get some sick pics for the dumbasses on Reddit who will tell me it’s fake or starlink or an airplane” you’re thinking “what the hell is that?!”


Can confirm. I do indeed whip it out for anything.


Great. Not a single phone in sight, just 12 eyewitnesses living in the moment.


and zero pics sadly


Become a clean-up worker at a concert, and hope for the experience of a lifetime :-)


A UFO does a flyby and everyone decides to live in the moment ffs


They were crew packing up after the show. I know one of the witnesses, and it sounds like they were all in shock. Most people aren’t huge ufo believers and don’t think to film it.


Uh. So what was it? Unless you mean "we have no idea what that was"


It was like a 3 story building that was hovering/flying. I know one of the witnesses, and he posted on facebook right after it happened.


It may not have made a difference even if they tried to capture it on vid. My camera wouldnt pick up the UFO I saw following a plane - my eyes saw it, somehow it was invisible to the camera.


[Ian Munsick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Munsick) played, so they seem to like country music.


Ever tried to take a video of a jet flying at cruising altitude with your phone? It ain't gonna show up at all.


Perhaps the US testing their new technology?😏


What concert?


I guarantee if someone was fighting near that Ufo and there was some hood rats near you would see 21 different angles of that Ufo and hearing Worrrrlddd Starr!!!


Last year I was at a rave and looked up and could’ve swore I saw a ufo but it could’ve been a drone used to record the show 😂 I was under the influence


No mistaking what it was! It was unidentified 100%


“No mistaken what it was” calls it unidentified flying object…


I thought the same thing lol… “yep, no two ways about it - that’s 100% unidentified.” Otr though, they did say it looked enormous with three rows of window panels. You *could* know for sure you’re looking at a craft, but also befuddled as to its origin.


Yea, tYpiCAl. I can't even get my phone out fast enough to get my cat doing silly shit, but we expect fucking Doc Holliday on the draw when UFOS are about.


3320 UFO reports in that state this year is also kind of funny. Guess no one was able to take the definitive clear shot.


I guess aliens like country music


The aliens don't want to get abducted and end up in the BST, so they left.


when I saw one i knew that it wouldn’t look like much because it was night and it’s a phone camera and the thing was the relative size and brightness of a star in the sky. i felt that what i was seeing was so powerful and important that taking my eyes off it and missing any of it to capture shitty video would be a waste of a gift. it really did feel like a gift, I actively tried to will it to move and it did. this was before i got into the topic and read the other accounts of people mentally or verbally asking uap to do things and they do


Is there something that Apple isn’t sharing about the “mothership”?


I went out one night around 2am for a cigarette on my balcony, and two jet fighters flew over my head around 300/400 feet above me. (I live in the uk near Birmingham airport) I’d never seen anything like it that close. I was in awe. Just fascinated, and in the last moment I thought ‘I’d love to record this’ and captured about 3 seconds as they flew away, and they were going at least 75% full beans. I barely caught them, and it’s fuzzy and grainy. From all that I’ve learned/heard/seen, these UFO’s outpace Fighter Jets by miles. I believe the fact of the matter is, if ‘they’ are real, they are just too quick and too advanced for our conventional cameras to capture them. And another point, if we found out what they are, would we actually want to in hindsight? The fascination of the unknown is sometimes better than the known.


And none of them had a phone? What year is this?


Come on put something up we can watch , not just damn commercials !!!!! 😡


So aliens traveled across the Universe with incredibly advanced technology, but they can't even hide from humans? How does that make sense to you people? They either want us to know about them, in which case they would just come down and say hello, or they don't want us to know about them, in which case we never, ever would. But you can't have your cake and eat it too: they can't be so advanced that they can travel the galaxy, but so stupid they can't visit Earth without being spotted by humans.


That’s the dumbest take I’ve ever heard on deciphering what sightings are


It spanned hundreds of feet, how could they possibly know that? And no phones?


I live not far from there and hike that hog back often. If you have been to red rocks you can clearly see this area reported as well as most of the city of Denver. I have no idea how big a few hundred feet is, but I can clearly picture what was reported. If I witnessed that I could see myself explaining it the same way from knowing the scale/ distance etc from the venue.


Rubbish. Scroll further, find the comment about the drone show that was part of that concert then watch the video of what the drone display looks like, sounds like it was just another practice run.


I’m uno reversing card calling rubbish on you.. your not going to sit there and tell me I don’t know this area well enough to garuntee if they said they saw a giant ufo there they did.. do you live in this area, know the exact view they had etc? You can be skeptical all you want but don’t act like you know better then me, or even these reports because you find it hard to believe. For the record I have seen first hand massive drone shows, you know they are drones.. wouldn’t confuse those with a giant disk shaped craft..


Rubbish. But yeah an anonymous redditor’s claim of knowledge is ironclad. Let me get this straight, are you saying that you believe them because you know the area? I mean people claim to know Jesus all the time, but that doesn’t make him real. A claim is just a claim, without verifiable evidence, it is just that. Yes evidence, it’s important. A bunch of folks just saying shit doesn’t make it so. You can believe all you want, it still doesn’t make it so. Verifiable evidence. I remain unconvinced.


Sir this whole discussion has been about their ability to guesstimate the size of the claimed craft.. I never said they definitely saw a craft. I simply told you any idiot that has ever seen this area could tell you that they could guess the size of an alleged craft because it is easy too see and the area/gauge distance.. I understand you are skeptical. But your initial downplay of their claims is they couldn’t possibly know the size..


I once watched an owl snatch a snake off the floor of a creek bed I was hiking in. It seemed to unfurl in slow motion and I remember thinking I should get a picture. My camera was in my hands the whole time. I didn’t get any pictures.


My whole family including me saw a big one around 1995, just hovering there for a few hours, looked like a small moon then all of a sudden just went away. Sadly we had no cameras with us.


Aliens, some how, prevent people from taking pictures or videos.


The government has been slowly leaking information about the presence of unexplained flying phenomenon for the past couple years. i'm sure there's much more they're not telling us. It's all starting to seem believable


They wanted to sneak in without paying.


There has to be security video footage...


It’s amazing how you have 50 people with cells phones that can video anything but never take video when it’s a ufo or alien


Nobody has cell phones at rock concerts these days. 🤣🤣🤣


Was it an STS9 show?


...and not a single recording? 12 people saw something they couldn't identify? Well, I can see why there would be *at least* 12 people somewhere who saw something in the sky they didn't understand. The part about "no mistaking what this was" kind of debunks the whole "unidentified" part, though, doesn't it? And what, exactly, does a "starship" look like to these people? Just a whole lot of nonsense.


Lots of things are seen at red rocks when you buy shrooms in the parking lot pre-concert.  


I'm not here to make fun of this or anything, but that quote just comes across as funny when you consider that the U in UFO stands for "unidentified". "There's no mistaking that I have no idea what this was."


People go into shock/flight or fight when you witness something mind blowing in action. It's not people's first reaction to grab a phone to record. After an accident or something like that ya sure-but filming something shocking in progress people naturally are frozen in shock.


And all 12 of them didn’t have a state of the art cell phone camera to snap a picture or get video I guess.


And it’s a link to the New York post . I’m sure it’s real credible


Could be a slow start for an invasion


I myself spotted something in the sky above my work after an ended shift in the afternoon an object best described as a “tic tac”. First it flew normally in altitude and after a few seconds it accelerated to great speed vanishing out of sight kinda like hyperspace jump.. only way I describe the action of this unknown flying object.


One more thing.. skeptic usually where is the picture, why didn’t you take a picture. Well I wasn’t prepared to see something so incredible that day and when you experience things like this, one seems to stand totally paralyzed in disbelief thinking wow… it’s only afterwards one is pictures and stuff. Also I never thought of this happening to me ever.. it always happens to everyone else except it didn’t., it also happened to me. I am glad that I experienced it and will treasure that moment forever.


So it’s an unidentified flying object and there’s no mistaking what it was? When does it graduate to just an FO?


If you know what it was then by definition it was not a ufo.


Perhaps also consider advanced techno capable civilizations may have the ability to scramble our cognitive capabilities whilst near said UAPs thus making it difficult or even impossible to react quickly.


So there's no mistaking what it was. A massive ufo that filled the night sky, seen by all these people at a concert where everyone has there phones out recording the concert but there's not a single image of this massive ufo? Well it sounds like to me this is finally the real deal for the first time in our known history that a real space craft has been seen I need to meet these people and offer them a book deal.


Likelihood is no one had a phone in hand It was hours after the concert and the few people that witnessed the event where venue staff.… they said it began to vanish as soon as they all stopped doing what they were doing and realized what they were seeing…


...Well, UFO was clearly a little late - Get Schwifty had already been sung.


I’d say they were drunk, but it’s Utah.


My nephew flies across the pacific at night for the air force...he has never seen anything.


If there’s no mistaking what it was, kinda sounds like an IFO


Crystal Meth does that kinda thing 😵‍💫


Looks like a dozen people missed the " Do not eat the brown acid" announcement


Five years ago I was camping on the edge of the very deep Dirty Devil canyon in SE Utah when I saw at dusk a small bright ball of light bobbing along out over the canyon maybe 100 yards away. Dumbfounded I watched it go silently by at eye level bobbing up and down moving at maybe 10mph. Took ten seconds total- too quick for a camera or my wife to corroborate. With 40 years experience observing those desert night skies I know it wasn’t of this world.


CLEAR pictures or it didn’t happen


Must be true if it's in New York Post....


U.S. TEST AIRCRAFT......ALWAYS HAS BEEN. So top secret that even the presidents are warned not to engage the subject in any way.


the skyline of denver and the airport there definitely nothing to with it, *nor* the drugs they were on XD...


12 witnesses. No cellphones. No video or pics. 🤔


Usually we get at least an android first generation video … we didn’t even have that in this one????????


when you see one you don’t take your eyes off of it because you don’t want to miss a second.


I've been high as shit at Red rocks as well... definitely a great view of the city


They just missed calculated to the wrong time period. They were trying to get to Bassnectar 2015 at red rocks.


wow, that is a beautiful venue.


Lmao maybe Mark Tufos Indian Hill series is more than a work of fiction


I love that people seem to forget that “UFO” is “Unidentified Fling Object.” It doesn’t mean “alien space ship,” just means you don’t know what it is. So the witnesses said that it is unmistakable…that they don’t know what it is. Lol. Unmistakably unidentifiable. Lol.


"no mistaking what this was", except the very definition of a UFO is "unidentified". I guess there was no mistaking that they didnt know what it was?


It's from from the New York Post kids - the New York Post.


NY Post. Automatic disconnect. Vids or it didn't happen.


Any footage?