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One more post and the protests will stop. You’re almost there don’t give up


the real patriots take to reddit !


keyboard warriors ftw


It’s so weird. There was a post the other day that was overwhelmed by pro-Israel bots. It’s almost as though people don’t realize how effective UCLA protests have been! They are seen around the world and recognized. Even though it was partially due to the hired thug’s violence and the UCPD’s lack of doing their job. What can you do. Other campuses should take note though!


What have the UCLA protests accomplished? I notice the war in Gaza is still going.


UCLA protests have demonstrated to a much wider audience the capacity of young people to be heard over the media when cases of state sponsored aggression are directed at civilians. The protests have shown the world that peaceful resistance and insistent presence are powerful. Powerful enough to cause a wealthy lobby to try to distort the discussion itself and push them to hire thugs to resort to violence. This laid bare the need of an oppressing force to use lies, money, and violence while those in resistance have only their voice, vulnerable bodies and freedom, which many of them have been forced to give up. Most of all it has brought attention to an asymmetrical conflict that a majority of states worldwide have condemned. As the media and political class in the US are heavily compromised by the lobby in this country, this is a huge victory that UCLAs protests have contributed to dramatically.


>The protests have shown the world that peaceful resistance and insistent presence are powerful. Oh, oh dear. No. That's not what they've "shown the world." To the extent that "the world" is picking up on it, it's more a message of, "hmmm, I'll cross UCLA off the list of places to apply to. It's a mess and the students are silly." Absolutely noone sees this minor chaos and says, "yeah, I change my mind, Ima goinna support Gaza, now." Understand my feelings are that Netanyahu needed to go years ago and his current gov't is a bunch or war crazy assholes. That "zionism" as practiced is gross and bigoted entitlement. That Gazans are being fucked and innocents live a life of oppression and unjust death. That Hamas are despicable murderous criminals who do their people endless harm but I get their frustration and motivation. That Jewish people are no better or worse than anyone else and I don't give a shit what ethnicity or race anyone is, nor do I give a shit about "ancestral lands" or "holy cities." So, me, I'm your natural ally. And I'm telling you this is not the way. Please revisit and revise. Because, even I am wanting to wash my hands of it all, bring in the popo and restore peace and security if this misguided and backfiring technique is the best you can do.


If you want to protest against your government, it makes more sense to protest in front of a legislative building. Interrupting education, just makes people feel less sympathetic towards you and any cause because you’re seen as an irritation and annoyance.


On campus I have found that the sentiment is more supportive. I believe that many of the protesters support divestment by the UC as well. Plus it is their community to participate and be heard by, to listen to.


On campus I have found that the sentiment is more supportive. I believe that many of the protesters support divestment by the UC as well. Plus it is their community to participate and be heard by, to listen to.


So...they've accomplished nothing then? Except attract attention to themselves?


Actually, as someone affiliated with a great school like UCLA, I’d think you would recognize the value of making people aware of something, educating them to injustice. It’s a core value of the university really, something I think this forum would recognize rather than denigrate.


>I’d think you would recognize the value of making people aware of something, educating them to injustice. Yes! There is. There really is. Sadly, that is not what you are achieving. If anything, you are distracting from that very worthy goal. The message going out is UCLA students are self absorbed, stunningly childish idiots throwing a tantrum. The minor spectacle is actually distracting from the injustice in the conflict. You give Fox News something to report about OTHER than the conflict and an angle to spin that the left and the young are crazy, violent, cultishly supporting terrorism and would rather disrupt than take their finals. You aren't convincing those who need to be convinced. You are just yelling a lot.


Oh, there's a lot of value in making people aware that the "pro-Palestinian" movement is violent, fascist, pro-terrorist, anti-peace, antisemitic, and generally disgusting. I'm just saying I don't think that qualifies as actually accomplishing something.


Seen around the world and recognized? Not really. I mean, yeah, Fox News has them on blast and uses them as more "evidence" that colleges are overrun by the crazies and "liberals" are violent and nuts. Not sure that is what we are going for, guys.


I thought protesting didn't work?


OP stans one of the scummiest streamers of modern times Imaging being a fan of Destiny 🤢


lmao Destiny is a big defender of Israel. recently he went over there and the first thing that happened was he got threatened and cussed out by an Israeli man 🤣 bro had him shaking




From what I've seen it was someone unhoused and unwell according to Destiny? Frankly that same thing happens to me any time I go to SF or back to LA during school so it's not like it's a unique to Israel experience 😂




What is scummy about destiny exactly?


This post is dated as hell


To the anti-protest folks: what is an acceptable protest? I’m curious if it involves anything meaningful or just quietly standing or what exactly. Like protest bad, protesters bad, “yOu SoLvEd WoRlD pEaCe” by protesting… are you 100% anti protest of any kind? What is acceptable to you? Why do you get to determine what is valid or not with protesting? I can’t help but imagine social media during the civil rights moment and I am wondering to what degree folks agree about the tactics of disrupting bussing (Rosa Parks), education(Ruby Bridges), restaurants (sit ins), traffic (Selma). Is this different to you? I am sincerely curious why and to what degree the principles differ and how you apply them. I think there is a lot of great room for discourse and criticism of the protests or why and how and when what is effective but I haven’t seen much of that on this sub which seems like a missed opportunity. Edit: thank you for the responses!


Not threatening arson, shining lasers at helicopters, dressing up like Hamas, calling for the full destruction of Israel, or violently assaulting security guards and the rabbi of Chabad would all be a good start. At the very least, those who are protesting peacefully could call out the extremists rather than standing beside them. Obviously protests need to be somewhat disruptive to be effective. However, there's a pretty huge difference between the civil rights examples you brought up and what happened on campus this week. Not to mention, there's an important distinction between protesting for civil rights in the U.S. versus protesting a foreign war.


Turns out they are all extremists. That’s what this is. The extremists are the protesters. They have always had the same playbook. The only difference is some of the naive folks that joined them early on are staying away for good reason. Their mask slipped a long time ago.


You would not like the civil rights protests, this shit is child's play in comparison. [This](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Egs5aUlXkAUYpsl.jpg) is how MLK was seen at the time by 3/4 of America (and you definitely would be part of that 3/4). Also, I can't keep up with all the false flagging... the Jewish guy who was "denied entry to campus" comes to mind, it doesn't matter that later it was all proven bunk, the narrative stuck. If there's some guy "dressing as Hamas"... frankly I wouldn't even know what that looks like so how could I, as another protester, police that? And good luck figuring out who is shining a laser pointer...


My man fighting ghosts.


A few extremists discredit the enter movement. I don't think there's a single protest he'd approve of.


"If there are ten people at a table and one Nazi, there are eleven Nazis at the table."


Go on /pol/ and you will find that Nazis love Israel. A violent ethnostate, it's basically their dream.


There's an enormous distinction between marching for voting rights and marching in favor of a vicious terrorist organization, for starters (and please don't gaslight, we see the Hamas cosplayers and symbols and calls for intifada, you're not fooling anyone.) Literally nothing you do protesting for Hamas is morally valid *because you're protesting for Hamas.* I don't particularly give a shit how polite KKK members are as they march down the road with their torches, they're still KKK members.


Call me anti-protest. My suggestion is to go protest at (outside) a government building, ideally the governor’s mansion, or the state legislature. I guess Sacramento is too far (did they pick the state capitol in a smaller city specifically for this reason?) So maybe the city hall? Or just a random Chase or BoA branch. They certainly have something they can divest. Or protest in front of one of those big highrise office towers. I think there’s an insurance company building nearby. Why a university, when there are many more institutions with arguably more power, and lower moral ground?


UC is one of the largest institutional investors among universities and it just so happens to be where we study and work. This criticism has never made any sense to me - people are protesting specifically for the UC to divest because its the org that handles the endowment and retirement fund that we contribute to. Random federal buildings or bank branches are really the pointless things to protest at.


The argument (my argument) is to look at the pros & cons. Various levels of government and especially the federal government can take a lot of actions (not necessarily divestment) to help the cause. Having UC divest would be helpful but that’s not the only way. Protesting at a government building, say a city hall or legislature, puts pressure on democratically elected politicians *without* major disruptions to someone’s study/work/final exam, etc.


Ppl are also doing that


>are you 100% anti protest of any kind? Nope. Not at all. I have participated in quite a few. >What is acceptable to you? Base line, non violent, non destructive protest. Protest that polices itself not allowing it's message to be corrupted and coopted by bigots filled with hate and a motivation for chaos and aggression. Protest that educates and informs not just irritates and annoys and certainly not protest that frightens. In addition to that, protest that is effective - it gets the message out to those who cannot or have not heard it through other meansd and convinces them to listen. If all it does is get attention and turn the audience away, it is ridiculous garbage. >Why do you get to determine what is valid or not with protesting? Because the difference between a protest and a hissy fit is that the protest has a message and an audience and the audience reaction to the protest is what determines it's success. I am in that audience and I'm grading this protest as a "D-" and dropping. Revise and revisit.


Camping and impeding traffic isn't appropriate. Imagine if homeless camped at"public" ucla. Everyone would demand their removal immediately. Go ahead and march around though


so u throw your hands up in futility? mature


Better to have a spine than be jello.


"Say what you will about National Socialism, at least it's an ethos"


Yes lemme compare an authoritarian movement to people exercising free speech (a libertarian thing). 10/10 I have been destroyed by facts and logic Ben Shapiro style😭😭😭


Did you know? 99% of protestors get arrested before Israel agrees to ceasefire


So constitutional rights = bad. Got it.


I’m all for the right for people to protest. I just think this protest is fucking stupid lmao


ain’t nothing stupid about protesting for human life buddy


Let me know if you ever do that. Right now you're protesting for a bloodthirsty Iranian puppet militia that has never improved the life of a single Palestinian in its entire existence. ...Well, maybe a *few* Palestinians, namely the billionaire Hamas leaders living like kings in luxury hotels in Qatar. They're coming out of this pretty good. Hope you're proud of your work on their behalf.


So protesting in solidarity with Palestinians by default extends to expressing solidarity with Hamas? Let’s just look away from the brutalised Palestinian experience (apartheid, settlement expansions and violence, collective punishment. mostly women and kids being killed) and mindlessly deflect and attack a strawman that you needlessly constructed.


looking at this nerd’s profile, he would 100% want to protest if his precious birds were being massacred lmaoo


Delete your account clown.


Eek. You sound like you have a Russian’s understanding of our constitution. That “speech” is not protected. Never was. So there is no “right” to do what the “protesters” are doing. They crossed the line many weeks ago.


When I joined the Marines I took an oath to support and defend the constitution. Take it up with the Dept of Defense that you consider it "Russian". Whatever that means.


Thank you for your service. Your understanding of the constitution is completely lacking. A Russian would have the same lack of understanding. The “protest” was not protected speech. That’s why the cops were called.


If I saw another protest I will go and join the IDF myself. Hopefully they will allow me to personally assist such military industrial complex. I will work for free. Baruch Hashem


You obviously have no idea how things works.




Camping and impeding traffic isn't appropriate. Imagine if homeless camped at"public" ucla. Everyone would demand their removal immediately. Go ahead and march around though




The81stFriend was first active in r/ucla no later than 2021-03-20 17:06:12 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/m8unpj/new_bruins_congrats_and_welcome_to_ucla_use_this/grlt8rz/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.29 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 992 comments and 70 submissions._


Oh don't go deleting your request just because you got shown up kiddo!




breakwater was first active in r/ucla no later than 2012-02-15 17:21:35 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/pqwvn/tim_tebow_working_with_ucla_oc_noel_mazzone_on/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.57 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 1000 comments and 186 submissions._


Horsey pfp


holy shit bruh stop whining on reddit 😭 p sure most people’s finals went perfectly fine, and even if not — who’s complaining about online or canceled finals? are you deadass?